How Many Ml In A Shot? Find Out Everything You Need to Know

You’ve never thought to measure before, but now the question’s stuck in your head: how many ml in a shot is there? We find that out today! Dive into our article below to know how many ml is in a shot – and how it can differ.

How Many Ml In A Shot? Find Out Everything You Need to Know
How Many Ml In A Shot Find Out Everything You Need to Know

What is a Shot?

A shot is a measurement of alcohol. A shot is typically served cold, typically consumed quickly, and typically served neat. A shot of liquor can be consumed on its own, or mixed with other drinks, like lemon juice or a lemon drop, among syrups, other liquors, or juices.

Just be careful – too many shots can get you drunk!

How Many Ml In A Shot?

It’s pretty straightforward. In one shot glass, there’s around 44 ml or 1.5 ounces.

However, this measurement still varies. How much liquor you put in depends on the type and size of shot glass you use, the type of shot, and the country the shot comes from. So, to clear up all the confusion, we’ve compiled a list of the glass types, shot types, and factors that affect a single shot below:

Standard Shot Glass

In a standard shot glass, a single shot is 1.5 ounces. This is the norm for most people!

Tall Shot Glass

A tall shot glass isn’t just taller, it’s also narrower. You may know these shot glasses as shooters. They can hold more alcoholic beverages than your usual shot glass, so a single glass may have around 2 ounces in a shot.

Rounded Glass

A rounded shot glass features curved sides. As a drinking glass, it’s more popular in Europe than anywhere else! While a small glass, it can fit a half of a shot to a double shot.

Fluted Glass

At the base of the glass, glass blowers incorporate some fluting that earns this type of shot glass its name. Flute glasses are small glasses with this fluting, and can hold anywhere from half a shot to a double shot.

Pony Glass

A pony shot glass is a small glass that’s typically used for mixing drinks in a larger glass. As a result, they hold a lesser amount of alcohol and only holds one ounce in a a shot.

Cheater Shot Glass

Watching your alcohol consumption? Or maybe you’re a barista looking out for a patron. This cheater glass makes sure the drinker only consumes around an ounce of alcohol, while the shot glass itself gives the illusion of a normal shot glass.

You can get your own cheater shot glass here.


A jigger is a measuring tool for liquor, which is in an hourglass shape. One end of the jigger can measure 1.5 ounces, while the other end can measure a double shot or 3 ounces. It depends on the style and type of jigger the bartender has!

Want your own? Get a jigger here!

Whiskey Glasses

For whiskey glasses, the standard pour is around 44 ml. How much alcohol depends on the kind of pour you want. If you want a double or twice the amount of alcohol, it’s 88 ml, and 59 ml for an on the rocks or neat pour.

Types of Shots

How Many Ml In A Shot? Find Out Everything You Need to Know 1
Types of Shots

Single Shot

One shot is precisely 1.5 ounces or 1.5 fluid ounce, or 44 ml. You can easily finish a shot in one gulp! However, there are some countries that dictate that a single shot is one fluid ounce only, while some states vary it from 33 to 44 ml.

Double Shot

It’s pretty easy to tell whether you have a single or double shot. While three ounces would make sense as a double shot count, it can be anything at two ounces or more. Measuring a double shot precisely isn’t anywhere in the books!

Half Shot

Half a shot should be around 22 milliliters, or half the standard shot you would expect from bartenders.

Measuring Out Your Shot

Don’t have a jigger? Don’t worry. You can measure a shot without it! Maybe you don’t have a shot glass either – but you can have the right measure without a shot glass, too. We have some tips and tricks for you below:

Using Four Counts

Want to free-pour your shot? Free-pour any alcohol with the four-count method. Simply count from one to four as you pour your glass – you’ll end with just the correct amount. Try free-pouring at your next cocktail party!

Using Medicine Cups

Use the measuring lines in your medicine cup! You’ll find that most medicine cups work well as a way to fill up your shot glass slowly and accurately.

Using Measuring Spoons

Got measuring spoons lying around? How much alcohol you need can be measured with measuring spoons! Take one for the fluid ounce you need and measure out how many tablespoons you need for your shot. No bar spoon needed!

Using Measuring Cups

Like with medicine cups, you can use any old measuring cup you have in your kitchen to measure liquor accurately! Look for the lines once again and measure accordingly.

Using Measuring Shot Glasses

Have a jigger at home? Or maybe you’ve got one of those measuring shot glass graduated in smaller units. These tools can help in measuring out any mixed drink or liquor you’ve got, from Baileys Irish Cream to a vodka shot.

Factors That Affect The Size of Your Shot

There are some factors to consider when looking into how many ounces or how many ml you’ve got in a shot glass. In fact, how many ml in a shot glass can vary from country to country! Take a look below:

Glass Style and Size

Of course, the size of your shot glasses will affect how many ounces or ml there will be in a shot. If you don’t measure a shot out beforehand and free-pour, you might find yourself either with a larger or smaller amount of alcohol in your shot glasses!


Believe it or not, what the country fluid ounces/milliliters dictates a shot to be is different! For example, Australia, Japan, and India measures their shot glasses by exactly one fluid ounce. Meanwhile, Russia has 1.7 fluid ounces, while the UK only has 25 ml.

Some of them favor a pint glass, stemmed flute glasses, and pony glasses, too! So, the options for shot glasses and sizes vary.

How Many Ounces In A Shot?

In a shot, you can expect around 1.5 fluid ounces.

Why Do We Call Drinks Shots?

Why do we call small amounts of liquor “shots” anyway? It’s been around since time immemorial, and there are many rumors going around about its origins. One popular one involves the fact that a .45 gun cost 12 cents, the same as a glass of whiskey. If a patron was low on cash, he would exchange his gun for a “shot” of whiskey.

However, this remains a rumor! The first recorded use of “shot” comes from the 1630s, in an autobiography by a Reverend Oliver Heywood. In 15th century England, a shot also meant “a charge to be paid” when paying a bill at the bar.

If you want to read more, you can find out the meaning of cocktails here.

How Many Shots Will Get You Drunk?

How Many Ml In A Shot
How Many Ml In A Shot

How many shots can get you inebriated? If one shot is at 1.5 fluid ounces, how many of these can you take before you become intoxicated?

Well, it’s easy to figure out – but it also depends on a number of factors. The factors include your genetic predisposition, medical condition, whether or not you’re drinking on an empty stomach, using other substances, and what kind of alcohol you’re drinking.

On average, drinking at a moderate pace will have you drunk in 30 to 35 minutes.

In general, due to hormones and genes, women are more predisposed to react to alcohol. Your genetic makeup, however, can dictate how much tolerance you have to alcohol. Whether or not you’re on any kind of drug can also dictate how you react to alcohol. Drugs and alcohol interaction can be uncomfortable, with several side effects.

A full belly will also help in tolerating alcohol better. If you’re going out to drink, make sure to eat at least an hour before consuming any alcohol! An empty stomach will emphasize all side effects, symptoms, and the feelings of a hangover.

Generally, the more you consume liquor, the longer it will take to sober up. It also depends on how you pace yourself and the above factors we mentioned as well! If you want to sober up, we advise eating food, drinking water, and, if you’re still drinking, pacing yourself to one shot per hour.

Hangover symptoms take a while to wear off, so you have to be sure to patient with yourself!

The Verdict: How Many Ml In A Shot?

So, finally: how many ml is in a shot? Well, most places will have it at 1.5 fluid ounces or 44 ml. However, you can expect it to be around a fluid ounce or 1.7 fluid ounces in some countries. You also have to remember that for most bars, they will have different shot glasses that can affect the amount of alcohol you get!


How many ml makes a shot?

Normally, around 44 ml makes a shot. However, it can vary from country to country, and from bar to bar! The type of shot glass used will also affect the amount of alcohol you get. A single shot, country to country, will vary. There will be some places that have shot sizes twice the size of your normal shot!

How many ml in a shot in the UK?

The types of shot glasses used in the UK will vary, but generally, the UK will only have 25 ml.

Is 50ml a full shot?

A full shot would be around 44 to 50 ml.

How many shots are there in a bottle of whiskey?

How much alcohol you get would be measured by bottle, ml, fl, oz. In one bottle of whiskey, there would be around 16 shots in a bottle.

Shucked Oysters: What You Need to Know

Shucking is the process of delicately opening up shells to reveal the fresh oyster meat inside. Shucked oysters are oysters that have gone through this process!

What Are Shucked Oysters?
What Are Shucked Oysters

However, we know you have more questions about this seafood. So, let’s get into the entire process of shucking and cooking oysters in this article!

How to Shuck Oysters

01 Choose Your Tool

You can use different tools to shuck food like oysters. Ideally, you should use an oyster knife, but you can also use a table knife or a flat-head screwdriver.

02 Prepare Your Workspace

Fill a bowl with ice water and submerge the oysters in them. Fill the second bowl with crushed ice and salt – this is where your fresh shucked oysters will go. The kitchen towel will hold the fresh shucked oysters.

03 Hold, Twist, and Pry

Hold the oyster knife into the hinge of the oyster. Once the knife tip is in place and wedged in between the oyster, twist and rotate to pop the shell. Pry and rotate the knife to fully separate the top shell from the bottom. Sever the muscle and free the oyster from the bottom shell.

How to Cook Oysters

Shucked Oysters: What You Need to Know 2
Cook Oysters

With fresh oysters shucked daily, there are a lot of recipes you can try. We discuss some of these recipes below:

Broiled Oysters

Melt butter, olive oil, and breadcrumbs over medium heat. Stir in oyster liquid. Place fresh shucked oysters in a baking sheet with rock salt and spoon breadcrumb mixture over each oyster. Broil on medium heat for five to six minutes until the color quality is golden brown.

Fried Oysters

Gather some paper towels on a plate and let the oysters dry. In a medium-sized bowl, beat eggs and let oysters rest in it for ten minutes. Combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, pepper, and salt in another medium bowl. Dip each oyster into the egg mixture and flour mixture and fry in oil until golden brown. Congrats, you’ve got fried oysters!

Oyster Stew

Make this seafood stew easily! Simply drain oysters – but reserve the freshly harvested oyster liquid. Melt butter on medium heat and add garlic and spices. Add milk, parsley, and oyster liquid. Add sweet, quality oysters until everything is cooked!


Are shucked oysters still alive?

Yes, shucked oysters are still alive.

How long after an oyster is shucked can you eat it?

It’s best to eat a shucked oyster fresh or immediately after being shucked. However, upon receiving shucked oysters, the freshness can last ten to fourteen days.

Can you eat shucked oysters raw?

If the oysters are shucked daily by yourself, yes, you can eat them raw as you’re assured of their freshness. If you’re eating fresh pre-shucked oysters, you may be more susceptible to certain ailments. Be careful with canned oysters!

Does Cornstarch Go Bad? Everything You Need to Know About Spoiled Cornstarch

Wondering if your cornstarch has gone bad? We answer everything you need to know about cornstarch and more in this article!

Does Cornstarch Go Bad?
Does Cornstarch Go Bad

If you’ve had corn starch in your pantry for a while now, you may be wondering: does cornstarch go bad? You don’t want expired corn starch in your meals, and if you’re a huge fan of cornstarch, you don’t want it spoiling the taste of your food.

Now, you’re filled with all these questions: how long does cornstarch last? Can it go bad? What happens to your old cornstarch?

You’re in luck, however: corn starch actually doesn’t go bad naturally! It has an indefinite shelf life – unless certain circumstances happen. Read on to find out everything you need to know if your cornstarch has gone bad, and what to do to store it properly.

What is Corn Starch?

Corn starch is a kitchen staple typically used as a thickening agent for most sauces, soups, and gravies. It’s a fine white material with a powdery texture and neutral flavor! It’s made from the endosperm of corn kernels, and is naturally gluten-free.

Does Cornstarch Go Bad?

Cornstarch has an indefinite shelf life. However, there are certain circumstances where cornstarch can go bad. For example, pantry bugs inside the cornstarch container can make it go bad, along with moisture exposure. Unlike baking powder and baking soda, it also doesn’t lose potency with time.

How to Tell if Cornstarch Has Gone Bad

Does Cornstarch Go Bad? Everything You Need to Know About Spoiled Cornstarch 3
Cornstarch 1

Worried that your cornstarch has gone bad? Despite its long life, cornstarch can go bad under specific circumstances. Here’s how to tell if your cornstarch package has gone bad over time:

01 Mold Has Formed

Mold, like all food, is pretty easy to spot with cornstarch. Look out for gray or green mold forming anywhere in your cornstarch container. Moldy food can have mycotoxins, which can cause diseases in the person consuming them. Don’t go about cooking with moldy cornstarch!

To avoid mold from happening again, make sure your cornstarch is stored properly and away from moisture.

02 Bugs Have Appeared

Bugs anywhere near your food is not a good sign. While small, these bugs are typically dark brown or black in color, so it will appear emphasized in the white color of the cornstarch. These bugs can bring harmful bacteria to your cornstarch, and may leave larvae and eggs.

To be sure your foods won’t be spoiled and your health won’t be in danger, throw away bug-infested cornstarch once you notice bugs in them!

03 It May Have a Bad Smell

If the signs of cornstarch going bad can’t be seen with the eyes, go for the smell. If you’ve stored cornstarch for a long time with the rest of your food in your pantry, give it a sniff test.

Pure cornstarch will have a corn’s smell. Spoiled cornstarch, meanwhile, will have a strong, unpleasant scent. Despite the very long shelf life of cornstarch, there’s still a possibility it might have gone bad. So go ahead, smell your cornstarch to make sure!

04 There’s a Sour Taste

At this point, your cornstarch may have checked out on everything. It has no mold, bugs, or a bad smell. However, if you want to be completely sure your cornstarch is okay to use for cooking food or adding to a sauce recipe, taste it.

Pour at least a fourth of a tablespoon of cornstarch and put it into your mouth. If the cornstarch powder tastes sour, it’s a sign that you should throw the cornstarch out – and not incorporate it into any food recipe.

05 The Cornstarch Is Lumpy

Lumpy cornstarch doesn’t mean you throw it to the trash bin right away. It is a sign that moisture has gone into your cornstarch to make it lumpy in the first place! Mold may start to form soon.

The easiest – and quickest – solution to this is to cook the cornstarch right away into your foods. Don’t leave it hanging around for the powder to form mold and make it go bad.

How to Store Cornstarch Properly

Now that you’ve identified how to tell if cornstarch has gone bad, let’s talk about how you can avoid this predicament in the first place. For one thing, you have to think about proper long-term storage.

If you want the cornstarch shelf life to stick around for as long as possible, proper storage is a must. Here’s how you can do just that:

01 Go For Airtight Jars

An airtight container for your cornstarch is your new best friend. You want to keep it away from all possible moisture – whether its warm water or cold water. It also keeps pantry bugs, strong odors, and insects at bay!

02 Look for a Cool, Dark Place

Exposing your jar to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures is never a good idea. The shelf life of cornstarch may shorten then! Instead, look for a cool, dark place in your pantry where you can store your cornstarch inside.

03 Keep Moisture Away From Cornstarch As Much As Possible

Don’t leave your cornstarch exposed to room temperature for too long, and don’t let any kind of hot water or cold water to come into contact with your cornstarch. Once you get your cornstarch wet, you’re exposing it to mold and shortening the shelf life of cornstarch itself.

Can You Freeze Cornstarch?

Now you know how to corn starch is stored properly, but is there another way that you can extend its shelf life? For example, can you freeze corn starch to make it last longer?

Yes, you can store your corn starch by freezing it. However, it’s not recommended to store cornstarch in this manner. Instead of having a good thickening agent at your disposal, when you store cornstarch in your freezer, it will make whatever sauces or gravies you make spongy.

The same goes for anything you do make with corn starch. When heated, the starch molecules bond and expand. When frozen, the thickening agent loses its touch once thawed.

If you want something with thickening power for your cooking recipes that you can freeze, go for flour instead. Mix some flour with butter to create a roux that can thicken your soups and any sauce you have in your cookbook. There are a few catches to substituting cornstarch with flour, but it works fine for most foods!

How Can You Eat Cornstarch?

Cornstarch can be eaten in small quantities and in moderation. However, you shouldn’t consume it raw! You can be exposed to digestive disorder symptoms such as gas and bloating. It may also cause harmful side effects if the raw cornstarch has bacteria in it.

It’s best eaten when mixed with other food, typically as a thickener. With that, let’s move on to the uses of cornstarch below:

Uses of Cornstarch

  1. Use It as A Thickening Agent
    For most recipes, cornstarch is used as a thickening agent. How this happens is actually quite cool science: starch molecules bond and expand like little sponges. Cornstarch has a lot of hydrogen molecules that bond with water. These hydrogen molecules expand in volume especially when it simmers.To use it for foods like sauce, soups, and gravies, you can add a tablespoon of cornstarch powder per cup of the sauce, soup, or gravy. Add some water to make a slurry and then a paste.By this time, the food you’re making should have hot, simmering liquid already. Add the cornstarch to the foods and bring to a boil until all starchy taste has melted away. Be careful about the time that you cook your food – you don’t want it to thin out again!
  2. Try It as An Egg Substitute
    As cornstarch can thicken pretty much anything effectively, it’s also a good substitute for a lot of foods, including eggs! When you mix the powder with water, the result is an eggy, viscous substance. Two tablespoons of cornstarch per three tablespoons of liquid will get you an eggy result.So, if you ever find yourself lacking eggs for baking or cooking, you can use a cornstarch mixture instead.
  3. It’s a Cost-Effective Remedy for Your Skin
    With cornstarch, you can whiten your skin, help it retain moisture, or use it for your skin allergies. You would need a mixture of milk, egg white, honey, and brown sugar for some of these remedies, but they’re all ingredients that can be found in your pantry!Overall, cornstarch can help you improve your skin’s health. Give it a go today!
  4. It’s Natural Starch for Your Clothes
    You don’t have to keep buying spray starch or send your clothes off to the cleaners every week. Make your homemade starch at home with cornstarch! Just mix cold water, cornstarch, and essential oils in a spray bottle and get to spraying. It’s a modified starch spray you can have in no time at all.
  5. It Can Be Used as Dry Shampoo
    Mix a quarter of baking soda and a quarter of cornstarch in a big mixing bowl. Transfer to a large shaker and you’ve got yourself some good dry shampoo! It will absorb all the dirt, oil, and grease you need gone from your scalp.
  6. Remedy Sunburn Pain
    Got some painful sunburned spots? Cornstarch can remedy those for you. Dab a cornstarch and water paste on the spots and it’ll be quite a comfort!
  7. Make Baked Goods
    Cornstarch is a good ingredient for baking, as it provides more structure for your baked goods. Again, it should be turned into a slurry before adding it to your baked goods.
  8. Create Crispy Coatings
    Aside from baking, frying is also great with cornstarch! You can use it to coat anything you might be frying, and it also absorbs less oil along the way. Coat the dish lightly before putting it into the frying pan.

Substitutes for Cornstarch

01 All-Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is the white wheat flour we all use for a variety of baked goods! However, you should be careful as it causes sudden spikes in your blood sugar level. Don’t use too much when substituting it for cornstarch when you thicken sauces!

If you have diabetes or any underlying conditions that could be worsened by using all-purpose flour in your foods, use the rest of the substitutes we included in this list instead.

02 Rice Flour

This substitute comes from finely milled rice. It’s used in a variety of dishes, including rice cakes, noodles, and other pastries. It’s also a great cornstarch substitute! Its thickening power is half of that of cornstarch. For the best results, you have to go ahead and take two tablespoons of rice flour for every tablespoon of cornstarch that you use.

03 Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot is another ingredient you can use to thicken any recipe! If you want to keep the shine and color of your food, arrowroot is a good ingredient to have in a container. It’s white, fine, and is flavorless.

To activate the thickening powers of arrowroot, however, you have to cook it over low heat. High temperatures can weaken and diminish

To substitute for cornstarch, you have to double the quantities. If you take a spoonful of cornstarch from the container, you have to take two spoonfuls of arrowroot powder.

04 Potato Starch

This starch is typically used for gluten-free baking, or as a thickener for different recipes. As a result, it’s a pretty good substitute for cornstarch! You can substitute it with a 1:1 ratio, so one tablespoon of cornstarch is equal a tablespoon of potatoes’ starch as well.

05 Tapioca Starch

If you’re looking for another starch for gluten-free baking, tapioca is the one to choose! It’s also good for creating crispy textures, thickening stews and sauces, and even pie fillings.

Does Cornstarch Lose Effectiveness Over Time?

Unlike other products, cornstarch won’t lose its effectiveness over time. You can use it with the same power as before no matter how long of a time has passed! Keep it safe from moisture in your container and it will have the same power over time.

How Long Does Cornstarch Last?

How long does cornstarch last? As long as you keep your cornstarch in an airtight container in a dark place by the kitchen cabinet, corn starch will last for a long time! If you don’t have moisture coming into the container your corn starch is in, your cornstarch will last long beyond its best-by date.

Is Corn Syrup, Corn Starch, and Corn Flour Gluten-Free?

Yes, any products made from corn is naturally gluten-free! That includes corn syrup and corn flour, too. If you’re planning to go on a gluten-free diet or if you have gluten sensitivity, you can definitely buy cornstarch and keep it as one of your staples.

Is Cornstarch Bad For You?

Bad cornstarch isn’t exactly a thing! Keeping yourself to small servings of cornstarch is not a bad thing, but large servings won’t do you any good. They have a lot of carbohydrates, and not a lot of nutrients.


How can you tell if cornstarch is bad?

There are a few signs to tell if cornstarch has gone bad. Mold, the appearance of bugs, a sour taste, a bad smell, and a lumpy appearance can show if cornstarch isn’t stored properly. Once you’ve seen these signs, it’s best to throw the cornstarch out and get a new one!

Can I use cornstarch past the expiration date?

If your cornstarch appears to be okay, then yes, you can use it past its expiration date. The expiration date of cornstarch indicates that it has a pretty extended shelf life. However, you have to be careful in storing cornstarch.
Even if has a pretty long expiration date, cornstarch can go bad if not stored properly.

Can I use 2-year-old cornstarch?

Yes, as cornstarch has a long shelf life. However, if you start seeing signs that cornstarch has gone bad, it may be time to throw it out and buy a new one for your baked goods!

How long does cornstarch last?

How long does cornstarch last? Well, it depends if you the cornstarch was stored properly in the first place. Don’t let moisture get in your container, and you’re good to go. The answer to “how long does cornstarch last?” is quite a long time if you store it properly!

Substitute For Grapeseed Oil: Top 9 Healthy Alternatives

Find out the best substitute for grapeseed oil, their health benefits, what they are used for, and all the important details to help you make the right choice.

Substitute For Grapeseed Oil: Top 9 Healthy Alternatives
substitute for grapeseed oil

There are some recipes in our family that require using grapeseed oil. However, it can be hard to find in stores. But the good news is you can get a substitute for grapeseed oil, depending on what you need it for. If I need it for cooking, any neutral oil like canola or vegetable oil will do so that my dish retains the prominent flavor. Sometimes I tend to switch oils for better health so I go for an oil that’s high in polyunsaturated fats, like sunflower or corn oil. 

Check out this list of the best substitutes for grapeseed oil.

What Is Grapeseed Oil?

A byproduct of manufacturing wine is grapeseed oil. Grape seeds are left over after pressing grapes to make wine. These discarded grape seeds are used to make grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is used as a natural skincare. Additionally, it is promoted as a healthy substitute for vegetable oil. With a hint of nuttiness, grapeseed oil has an overall neutral flavor with a clean taste and can be used for all sorts of cooking.

Is Grapeseed Oil Good For You?

Nutritional Info About Grapeseed Oil
Nutritional Info About Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed cooking oil has a high content of polyunsaturated fats which is mostly omega-6 fatty acids. While too much of this can cause health problems according to some studies, there’s yet to be any conclusive evidence. Grapeseed oil also contains Vitamin E which is an antioxidant that protects us from harmful radicals. 

There is some debate over the health benefits of grapeseed oil, particularly because of the way the oil is prepared. Chemical solvents like hexane are used to produce grapeseed oil that is sold commercially. Hexane is categorized as a neurotoxin and an air contaminant. It is yet to be found what impact ingesting these solvents in trace doses has on people. During processing, grapeseed oil may also be heated to extremely high temperatures, which could cause the oil to oxidize and spoil.

Cold-pressed or expeller-pressed grapeseed oil is produced without heat or chemical solvents. Instead of solvent-produced oil, this is a better option. 

Although the high smoke point of 420°F (216°C) of grapeseed oil makes it a good choice for baking, cooking, and adding to salads, the high content of polyunsaturated fats reacts with oxygen in high heat and can spoil the oil and release free radicals that can damage your cells. That’s why it’s not recommended to use grapeseed oil for frying. 

Note: The smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which the oil starts to break down. Heating it above its smoke point will destroy the flavor, and the nutrients, and release harmful free radicals. 

Substitute For Grapeseed Oil: Top 9 Healthy Alternatives

ProsConsBest For
Vegetable OilNeutral flavor
Hydrogenated form is not good for the heartAll types of cooking and baking
Avocado OilSlightly nutty flavor
Multiple health benefits
Flavor is not neutralBaking, salad dressings
Almond OilMild nutty flavor
Multiple health benefits
Flavor is not neutral
Needs pairing with complementary flavors
Canola OilLight flavorGrilling, baking, salad dressing
Peanut OilHealth benefitsHigh in saturated fatsStir-frying
Sunflower OilHighly versatile
Full of nutrients
Can spoil fastFrying, stir-frying, deep-frying,
roasting, sautéing, and baking
Corn OilAffordable
Deep frying
Safflower OilNo flavorMay be allergic for someFrying, salad dressings
Olive OilFull of health benefitsAll types are not suitable for all dishesLight olive oil for cooking and baking
Extra virgin olive oil for dips, soups,

01 Vegetable Oil

Typically, canola, coconut, corn, cottonseed, olive, palm, palm kernel, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils are blended to make vegetable oil so you can use any of these as substitutes for vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is an excellent substitute for grape seed oil and a great ingredient for baking because it has a neutral taste and a smoke point of about 400°F (204°C). Vegetable oil contains significant amounts of polyunsaturated fats, one of the good fats that are necessary for a balanced diet and can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. However, beware of hydrogenated vegetable oil in packaged foods as these contain trans fats that can cause heart diseases.

02 Avocado Oil

With a high 520°F (271°C) smoking point, avocado oil is ideal for high-temperature cooking and has a subtle nutty flavor that won’t overpower other flavors, making avocado oil the right replacement for grapeseed oil. As a base for salad dressings, it tastes exceptionally well and is also excellent for baking recipes. The health advantages of avocado oil are similar to those of grape seed oil. It’s loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats like oleic acid and omega-9, which helps lower cholesterol and enhance heart health. It’s also a wonderful source of vitamin E which is great for your skin. 

03 Almond Oil

Almond oil is an excellent grapeseed oil alternative when it comes to baking. It has a mild nutty flavor that goes well with many baked goods. It has the same smoke point as grape seed oil, which is around 420°F (215°C). Although it has a moderate flavor, almond oil is not quite as neutral as grape seed oil, so you should combine it with other flavors that go well. Almond oil is loaded with healthy ingredients, much like grape seed oil. It has a lot of beneficial polyunsaturated fats, is low in saturated fat, and is a wonderful source of vitamin C.

04 Canola Oil

Canola oil substitute grapeseed oil is a great choice for cooking. Due to their close similarities, canola oil is the ideal alternative to grapeseed oil. Rapeseed is the source of canola oil, which is light in color and flavor. It is a good source of  omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats that are healthy for your heart according to the American Heart Association. With a smoke point of 400°F (204°C), it can be used for a variety of cooking methods, including grilling, baking, and dressing salads. So, if you are wondering can I substitute grapeseed oil for canola oil, you absolutely can!

05 Peanut Oil

The smoke point of this high-heat oil is roughly 450°F(232°C), making it a popular oil for stir-frying Asian cuisine. Plus, its slightly nutty flavor and sweet taste add to the earthiness of the dish and makes it flavorful without being overpowering. If you’ve run out of peanut oil, use one of the 10 best oils you can use as peanut oil subs

Peanut oil is also rich in monounsaturated fats that can help regulate your cholesterol level and vitamin E that’s essential for maintaining skin health. So, both in terms of cooking oil replacement and health benefits, it can stand in place of grapeseed oil in your cooking. However, peanut oil has a high content of saturated fats, so use it in moderation. 

06 Sunflower Oil

When it comes to frying, this is the standard oil, and for good reason. Sunflower oil is perfect for frying, stir-frying, deep-frying, roasting, sautéing, and baking due to its extremely high smoke point of 450°F(232°C) and mild nutty taste. There are various types of sunflower oil, some of which are healthier than others. High oleic sunflower oils, or mono- and polyunsaturated fat-rich sunflower oils, can raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. Just remember that sunflower oil can spoil quickly and it’s best to refrigerate it. If you’re thinking does oil go bad, you might be surprised!

07 Corn Oil

The oil that is produced from the germ of the maize plant is called corn oil, and it is relatively inexpensive. The healthiest substitute is organic, cold-pressed corn oil since it contains mono- and polyunsaturated fats that support healthy cholesterol levels. Corn oil would be a perfect grapeseed oil alternative for deep frying due to its health advantages and smoke point of 410°F(210°C). 

08 Safflower Oil

Safflower oil is flavorless and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, much like sunflower oil. It has a high burn point of about 510°F(265°C), which makes it suitable for frying, and it doesn’t harden when chilled, which makes it perfect for salad dressing. However, if you’re allergic to safflower, it’s better to avoid using safflower oil

09 Olive Oil

Can you substitute grapeseed oil for olive oil is a common question. You can but you need to know the types of olive oils. Extra virgin olive oil is made from the first press of olives, has a higher content of antioxidants, is more acidic in taste, and has a green tinge. Virgin or light olive oil is produced from the second press and has a lighter flavor. It is yellow or champagne in color.

Extra-virgin olive oil has a smoke point of around 325°F (163°C) and works well as a finishing oil for dips, salads, soups, bread, and salad dressings or emulsifying component when making homemade mayonnaise. Light olive oil, on the other hand, has a light, smooth, and subtle taste, with a higher smoke point of about 465°F (163°C), making it good for baking and cooking.

Olive oil is high in monounsaturated or healthy fats, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke

Note: Coconut oil is not part of this list as it’s high in saturated fats that are not heart-healthy.

Canola Oil Vs Grapeseed Oil

In the grapeseed oil vs canola oil debate, both cooking oils are good for your heart. Their high unsaturated fat content encourages healthy cholesterol levels. High quantities of important omega fatty acids are also present in both oils. However, the canola vs grapeseed oil discussion cannot ignore that canola oil offers more health advantages than grape seed oil since it contains more omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E while having lower levels of saturated fat.


What Is The Best Substitute For Grapeseed Oil In Baking

As a grapeseed oil substitute for baking, use light olive oil, vegetable oil, avocado oil, or sunflower oil. 

Can I Use Grapeseed Oil Instead Of Olive Oil?

Can you use grapeseed oil instead of olive oil can be an option for baking. Grapeseed oil in place of olive oil won’t have the same flavor.

Can You Substitute Olive Oil For Grapeseed Oil?

In most recipes, light olive oil works well as a grapeseed oil substitute. On the other hand, because extra virgin olive oil has a lower smoke point and a stronger flavor, it is not a great replacement.

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free?

Could cornstarch be gluten-free? We answer that question and more in our article below. Read on!

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free?
Is Cornstarch Gluten Free

Are you aiming to go gluten-free? Or maybe you have been for a while, and now you’re looking for confirmation whether cornstarch itself is gluten-free.

Well, we’ve got good news for you. Cornstarch is gluten-free, much like other product variations that come from corn. Let’s dive into more detail about cornstarch and gluten-free diets below!

You may also like: Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List 

What is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch or cornflour is a common ingredient sourced from the endosperm of corn kernels. You might be familiar with it as a white, powdery substance as a staple in your pantry! It’s typically used as a thickening agent for different marinades, sauces, and soups.

Cornstarch breaks down much easily than your usual wheat flour, so it’s a good thickening agent. Mix it into any recipe and it’ll

However, aside from being used in cooking, it’s also a household and industrial staple. It can freshen your carpet, remove stains, and clean fabrics!

What Do We Mean By Gluten-Free?

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free? 4
Gluten Free

Gluten-free refers to any food or diet that doesn’t contain gluten.

Gluten is a protein naturally found in many grains, like wheat, barley, and rye. Some oats may also contain gluten. Food can maintain their shape through the use of gluten, acting as the sticky glue that keeps food together.

Gluten has several health benefits, but it’s also for health reasons that people go gluten-free. For example, there are people with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder where the lining of the small intestine gets damaged from gluten intake. There are also those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating.

Another autoimmune disorder, gluten ataxia, can affect nerve tissues and muscles. There’s also a chance you may have a wheat allergy, which leads to a complication with gluten.

Due to these disorders, you may need to start a gluten-free diet. Corn starch, as a general staple, may be one of your concerns.

Is Cornstarch Gluten-Free?

Cornstarch is naturally gluten-free! If you’re looking to start a gluten-free diet, you don’t need to worry about corn starch.

How to Make Sure Cornstarch is Gluten-Free?

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free? 5

Pure cornstarch is 100% gluten-free! Corn and its variants are usually gluten-free. However, how can you make sure that it is gluten-free when you purchase it?

You should check the label and see if it has the appropriate certification. If it’s certified gluten-free, it’s been confirmed to only have fewer than 20 parts per million of gluten. It also means it’s been tested by a third party, so it’s confirmed and certified to meet gluten-free requirements.

There are some organizations, like the Gluten Intolerance Group, that takes certification a bit further. With them, the number has to be fewer than 10 parts per million of gluten!

Besides this, you can verify the ingredients list and see if it includes only corn or cornstarch.

No matter what you do, there’s a high chance of cross-contamination with any product. To make sure your recipes for cooking doesn’t include cornstarch at all, it’s best to go ahead and verify!

What Can You Substitute Cornstarch With?

Still not convinced? If your cornstarch isn’t certified gluten-free or if you have other doubts about it, we understand. Here’s a list of substitutes you may be interested in below:

Rice flour

Rice flour or rice powder is made from finely ground rice. With its powdery texture, rice flour is typically used in gluten-free baking recipes or as dusting powder. As gluten-free flour, it’s safe for celiacs. This gluten-free grain is also digested quite easily and is hypoallergenic, too!

Arrowroot starch

Arrowroot powder is made from the Maranta arundinacea or arrowroot plant. Gluten-free, vegan, paleo-friendly, and easy to digest, this gluten-free substitute truly has it all. It can be used as a substitute for most thickening agents in jellies and fruit fillings! If your sauce also needs a glossy finish, arrowroot powder is the one for you.

However, it does have a drawback. It has a noticeable, distinct flavor when mixed in a sauce or with other ingredients in a mixing bowl. It can be used for cooking and baking as well!

Potato starch or Potato flour

Extracted from potatoes, potato starch has a neutral flavor and is a good gluten-free flour alternative. You can use it for cooking soups and gravies, but it’s also great for baking muffins and bread!

Tapioca starch

Tapioca starch is made from the cassava plant, and is one of the best gluten-free thickening agents you can find! When the extracted hot liquid evaporates, the extra-fine white powder that’s left is the tapioca starch. It can be used for cooking and baking.

Flaxseed gel

A tablespoon of ground flax seeds and and four tablespoons of water will create a substitute for at least two tablespoons of cornstarch. The consistency will be gritty instead of smooth, but it does the job!

Aside from being cornstarch substitute, flaxseed gel is also known for its nutritional and skin benefits. Use it for cooking and baked goods whenever you like.

Xanthan gum

Xanthan gum is a type of vegetable gum made with fermenting sugar and some bacteria. This vegetable gum comes in a form of a gel, which can be dried and turned into a powder. It’s advised to only use a small amount of xanthan gum as thickener, however, as it can cause digestive issues.

Guar gum

Guar gum is another type of vegetable gum made of guar beans. It’s a good thickener, is much cheaper, and can be built up to a consistency you’d like.

Why Go Gluten-Free?

There are many benefits to a gluten-free diet. We have some examples below:

Helps in Digestion

If you have digestive problems, a gluten-free diet can help you out. Symptoms such as bloating, constipation, and fatigue can be relieved. If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, research has found that a gluten-free diet can help in major ways.

Relieves Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is difficult to deal with. If you’ve been dealing with inflammation for several weeks and months, it may be time to try a gluten-free diet. Markers of inflammation is greatly reduced with going gluten-free, including antibody levels and gut damage.

Promotes Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight for the summer? A gluten-free diet can help. Incorporate gluten-free recipes into your daily eating habits and feel the benefits!

High-calorie, processed foods typically contain gluten, like cakes, pastries, and snacks. Gluten-free food such as whole, unprocessed vegetables and fruits are eaten instead. Here, you can maintain a moderate weight with a healthier diet.

What Can I Eat in a Gluten-Free Diet?

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free? 6
Gluten Free Diet

You can definitely eat most fruits and vegetables. You can also consume unprocessed beans and meat, along with eggs and low-fat non-dairy products.

It’s advised to avoid wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and oats. Baked goods should be vetted before being consumed – especially bread. They must use gluten-free flours first and foremost. Make sure you eat food that are labelled naturally gluten-free, or are free from gluten cross-contamination. Shared equipment can do that to cornstarch!

How is Cornstarch Made?

Cornstarch itself is made from corn. You remove the protein, oil components, fiber from the corn kernel, leaving only the endosperm in the middle. It is then processed and refined into a white powder. Cornstarch provides fiber, protein, and other nutrients.

Cornstarch is gluten-free, so if the recipe calls for cornstarch, you can be safe!

Are There Gluten-Free Cornstarch Brands?

Yes, there are! Hodgson Mill, Hearth Club, and Rumford are some examples of gluten-free cornstarch brands you can enjoy. Make sure that if you choose a gluten-free cornstarch brand, make sure they’re not in the same factory that does wheat products.

Steer clear of those — they may be contaminated and have the same effect as eating gluten!

Chocolate Cornstarch Pudding Recipe

Looking for a non-baking recipe you can make with cornstarch? We have one for you:

You will need white sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, cornstarch, salt, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and cold water.

Step 1:

Stir sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in milk and water. If you want to go dairy-free, you can use milk substitutes like soy or oat milk. Let it boil until it thickens enough. Most sauces will be thick enough to cover the back of the spoon.

Step 2:

Remove the saucepan from the heat and mix in butter and vanilla. Let it cool or refrigerate it until ready to serve.


Can celiacs eat cornflour?

Yes, cornflour is gluten-free like cornstarch and is safe to eat for most celiacs.

Can celiacs eat starch?

Celiacs can definitely eat gluten-free starch! Celiac sufferers should just avoid products such as wheat starch.

Is cornstarch gluten free?

Yes, cornstarch is naturally gluten-free. You can go look into gluten-free cornstarch brands like Hodgson Mill to have your soups thickened or to incorporate cornstarch into most recipes.

What can I use to thicken instead of cornstarch?

If you’re looking to thicken sauces and soups, flour is your best friend. However, if you want a powerful thickener that’s also gluten-free, there are some gluten-free thickening agents out there for you! Look into tapioca starch, potato starch, and arrowroot powder as a start.

Can You Freeze Orange Juice?

Need to freeze your orange juice? We know quite a few ways to do it. This is the article for orange juice lovers everywhere!

Can You Freeze Orange Juice?
Can You Freeze Orange Juice

You’ve wondered it time and time again — can you freeze orange juice? The answer is yes, definitely! You can freeze orange juice any time, anywhere, and the only question you have to ask is how to do it.

Freezing orange juice is a straightforward task. Let’s dive into the intricacies of how you can freeze orange juice below:

Can You Freeze Orange Juice?

While yes, you can freeze orange juice, you may be wondering if you can freeze different types. We cover everything you need to know below:

Store-Bought Orange Juice

Yes, you can freeze store-bought orange juice. Commercialized orange juice is pasteurized, filtered, and has preservatives such as sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. With its longer shelf life and the way it is processed, you can definitely freeze store-bought orange juice at home.

Homemade Orange Juice

Homemade juice is a little trickier. Yes, you can freeze freshly squeezed orange juice, but it won’t last as long as store-bought orange juice does. Fresh orange juice may spoil quicker, so keep this in mind before you freeze fresh orange juice at home.

Orange Juice Concentrate

Yes, you can also freeze orange juice concentrate! However, once you thaw frozen orange juice from orange juice concentrate, you can’t exactly refreeze it back again. Thawed orange juice remains as thawed orange juice.

Orange Juice With Pulp

Yes, you can freeze orange juice with pulp! However, pulpy orange juice, once thawed, will have a different taste and texture than when you originally bought it. To avoid this kind of flaw, you can strain your orange juice first before freezing it again.

However, if this step is too much of a hassle and you’d prefer to go without it, that’s perfectly fine as well!

So, can you freeze orange juice? Yes, and no. There are certain caveats to certain situations, so just remember those before completely committing to freezing orange juice.

The Pros of Freezing Orange Juice

Can You Freeze Orange Juice? 7
Orange Juice

01 You Can Access More Health Benefits with Frozen Orange Juice

Did you know that ultra-frozen orange juice is actually the healthiest way to drink it? When scientists analyzed the cell structures of frozen orange juices, they had an increased bioaccessibility to carotenoids. Yes, it’s not just vitamin C that orange juice offers as a benefit!

Carotenoids are great for visual acuity benefits and their antioxidant properties. So, when you drink frozen juice more than fresh juice, you have more access to these benefits!

So, drink up once juice freezes. You never know how many nutrients you’re actually getting once you freeze orange juice at home!

02 Your Frozen Orange Juice Will Last Longer

Got too much orange juice at a sale, and don’t know what to do with it? Or maybe you can’t be bothered to finish a whole carton.

If you’re running out of storage space in your fridge and want to make your orange juice last longer, freezing orange juice is the right answer! Not only will it last for a long while — you’ll also save on storage in your fridge.

03 You Can Make Different Recipes from Frozen Orange Juice

Who doesn’t love a good smoothie or mocktail every now and then? When you freeze orange juice, you open yourself up to new possibilities! We’ve added some recipes you can definitely benefit from below if you like.

The Cons of Freezing Orange Juice

01 Some Manual Labor is Involved

Just like there are pros to everything, there are cons, too. When you freeze orange juice, you have to go through some work. For example, you have to transfer the extra orange juice from its original carton to plastic containers, a glass bottle, mason jar, or ice trays.

If you’re not the type to like going about the kitchen with busywork, this may be a con for you!

02 Texture and Taste May Be Affected

We’ve mentioned it before, but the taste and texture of your orange juice will be affected — especially the pulpy ones. There’ll be a grainy texture, for example, and the taste may vary. If you don’t like the change that happens when you put your orange juice to freeze in the refrigerator overnight, then freezing orange juice may not be for you.

How Long Can You Freeze Orange Juice?

Can you freeze orange juice? Yes. But how long can you freeze orange juice? Would it go bad?

The answer to the latter question is yes, up to a certain timeframe. You can freeze orange juice until these times:

  • For unopened orange juice, you can store it up to a year, and six months once opened
  • For freshly squeezed orange juice, you can store it up to four months
  • For frozen orange juice concentrate, you can store it up to a year

If you let your orange juice go past these timeframes, you may have spoiled juice in your hands.

How to Freeze Orange Juice

Now, there are different ways that you can freeze orange juice at home. Let’s start on the following methods:

In Freezer-Safe Containers

You don’t want to let your orange juice freeze in its cardboard carton. If it does freeze there, there’s a high chance it will expand and the carton itself will burst.

Instead, a freezer-safe plastic container or freezer-safe glass containers are ideal. For a plastic container, we recommend getting the Soup Freezer Container with Twist Top Lids. It’s airtight, microwave-safe, and BPA-free!

If you prefer a glass freezer-safe container, the GlassWell 18-Piece Food Containers will keep your orange juice at their optimal shelf life. They’re also BPA-free and made with recyclable glass!

In Ice Cube Trays

Tired of your regular ice cubes? It’s time to try frozen orange juice cubes instead! Simply pour juice in ice cube trays.

You can divide your orange juice into small portions and small cubes. You can definitely use these ice cubes to add to smoothies or in your regular, unfrozen orange juice to make the taste more vibrant.

Okay, it’s time to make ice cubes — how exactly do we do it?

To make the perfect frozen orange juice cubes, we recommend having fun with it! You could go for a standard ice cube tray like Rubbermaid’s. If you have a lot of store-bought orange juice to make into frozen cubes, the ARTLEO 55 Mini-Nugget Tray may be more ideal.

However, if you want different shapes and sizes, there are other ice cube trays to suit you! The ICEDIVER ice cube trays transform your ice cubes into circles, while this KooMall ice cube tray makes sure you make a statement rose piece with your ice, too. You don’t have to make just OJ cubes — they can be in whatever shape you like.

After you pour juice in ice cube trays and they have frozen, you can add it to your orange juice or use them to flavor water.

In Freezer Bags

Do you prefer to keep your freezing – and your head space – quite simple? If you’re not in the head space to deal with too much about you orange juice, it’s okay. So, no need to complicate things. Buy a freezer bag or two instead.

Seal the bag tightly before putting it in the freezer.

We recommend these Ziploc Freezer Bags for all the leftover juice you might have. It’s easy to use and is designed to keep your leftover orange juice from freezer burn. Store orange juice in these freezer-safe containers — they’re safe to use in the microwave, too!

In Mason Jars

Orange juice stored in a mason jar is stylish and convenient! Use the Paksh Novelty Mason Jars to freeze and defrost orange juice. Leave at least one inch of empty space when pouring orange juice into the container before freezing it.

How to Thaw Orange Juice

Can You Freeze Orange Juice? 8
How to Thaw Orange Juice

Can you freeze orange juice? Yup. But how can you thaw frozen orange juice? We have two methods for your successfully frozen orange juice below:

With a Refrigerator

One of the easiest and most common ways to defrost your orange juice — and other juices, while you’re at it — is leaving it in the fridge to defrost overnight. Just remove the container from the freezer and place it in the fridge then!

With a Microwave

If you dislike waiting to defrost and drink your orange juice, you can use the microwave, too. Just make sure your chosen containers are microwave-safe, whether you’re using freezer bags, orange ice cubes, or mason jars! Hit the defrost setting and drink when you wish.

Thawed juice lasts for two to three days, so make sure to consume it before then. You can also get store-bought orange juice once more to freeze after it’s all been consumed.

Frozen Orange Juice Recipes

It’s great to buy orange juice just to drink it straight from the carton, but there are also some recipes you can make with it! We have two below:

Making an Orange Julius

What You Need:

  • Frozen orange juice concentrate
  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla
  • Ice cubes

Step 1: Combine the Ingredients Together

Combine the orange juice concentrate, milk, sugar, and vanilla into a blender. Use the high speed while blending until it’s all smooth.

Step 2: Add Ice Cubes

After you’ve finished pouring orange juice concentrate, milk, sugar, and vanilla and blending them together, you can add ice cubes. You can also add frozen orange juice cubes if you prefer! Blend it together.

Step 3: Serve Immediately

It’s perfect for a refreshing afternoon drink! Serve it with your favorite snacks or baked goods.

Making an Orange Smoothie

What You Need:

  • Frozen orange juice
  • Frozen mango
  • Medium banana
  • Almond milk
  • Vanilla extract
  • Ice cubes

Step 1: Blend Ingredients Together

Blend the frozen orange juice, mango, banana, almond milk, and vanilla extract together. Use high speed until everything is smooth.

Step 2: Add Ice Cubes

Add ice cubes and blend again until smooth. If you’d like, you can orange juice ice cubes instead to sharpen the orange flavor!

Step 3: Serve Immediately

Serve with chopped up banana slices on top. It’s the perfect drink for a hot day!

So, the answer to “Can you freeze orange juice?” is a definite yes, and we have recipes, guides, and tips for you, too!


Is orange juice good frozen?

Yes, orange juice is good frozen! It can last longer, and you can use it for different recipes as well.

How do I make frozen orange juice?

Making frozen orange juice is quite straightforward! You simply have to choose a specific container — like an ice cube tray or freezer bag — and pop it into the freezer. Wait for several hours, and you have frozen orange juice in your hands!

Is frozen orange juice better than bottled?

Not necessarily! Frozen orange juice is just as good as a bottled one. You can use each for different recipes, but the nutritional content and taste stays the same.

Smokers: Electric VS Propane – Which Is Better?

Need to know which smoker reigns supreme? Find out more about electric and propane smokers in our article today. Read on!

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better?
Electric VS Propane

You’ve looked at all the options possible in the realm of smoking meat, but now you’re at a crossroads: should you choose propane or an electric smoker?

We get it. There are multiple benefits and downfalls to each, so let’s dissect each one by one to help you in your decision. In our article below, we guide you through every detail you need to know about propane smokers, electric smokers, their pros and cons, and more!

What is a Propane Smoker?

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 9
Propane Smoker

A propane smoker is an outdoor cooking device you can use to smoke food, also known as a gas smoker. Unlike a traditional charcoal smoker, propane smokers use propane or natural gas as a source of heat. Charcoal briquettes aren’t to be found here!

Propane smokers tend to have a cast-iron or stainless steel construction, and come with a wide variety of features.

What is an Electric Smoker?

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 10
Electric Smoker

An electric smoker also smokes food and can be used outdoors, but instead of having either propane or charcoal as its heating source, the heat comes from hot electric rods. Just like propane smokers, electric smokers can have a cast-iron or stainless steel construction, and come with a variety of features.

Propane Smoker: The Pros and Cons

Electric SmokersPropane Smokers
Uses hot electric rodsUses propane or natural gas
Needs a power outletPortable and can be used anywhere
Has a lower temperature rangeCan sear in high heat
Has a variety of featuresHas limited features
No smoke ringsSmoke rings are possible

Okay, let’s begin the propane smoker VS electric smoker debate by diving into each one’s pros and cons. Are you ready? Let’s start with the propane smoker:

Propane VS Electric Smoker: Propane Smoker Pros

  1. Portability wins

No power outlet? No problem. You can place a propane smoker just about anywhere in your home, unlike electric smokers that need power to run. If you also invest in portable gas smokers, you can bring it along to road trips as well!

  1. Simple to use

Propane smokers are quite straightforward with how they run. Unlike electric smokers, you don’t have to scramble too much for parts or check manuals on how a digital electric smoker can be up and running again. Repairs aren’t a hassle, and if you’re the impatient type when it comes to your appliances, a propane smoker is the one for you.

Plus, being simple to use is much easier on anyone wanting to smoke meat! Whether you’re a beginner or a pro at smoking, food shouldn’t be too hard to come by with whatever unit you use. An electric unit can be more complicated in comparison to one with a propane tank.

  1. achieve more with your smoked meat

You can definitely sear your meats and achieve a smoke ring easily with a propane smoker! Electric smokers tend to have a lower temperature range, so it’s not as easy to be flexible. With a higher temperature range, however, you can achieve more with your smoked meat — and that’s exactly what a gas smoker can achieve.

Propane VS Electric Smoker: Propane Smoker Cons

  1. limited features

One thing about electric smokers is that they come with a lot of features, such as Bluetooth connectivity, LED displays, and food thermometers. You don’t get the same treatment with gas smokers. They’re straightforward, yes — and they come as they are.

  1. requires a lot of maintenance

During the smoking process, any smoker will tell you that gas smokers tend to run hot. You have to be on the lookout for the temperature control and make sure it stays at a steady temperature. Due to the low heat that any electric smoker usually has, you don’t have to baby-sit electric units as much!

Maintenance is a must to regulate temperature and have the best meat smoked for a gas smoker. If you’re the type to want to “set and forget” like you would with an electric smoker, a propane smoker may not be for you.

  1. not reliable

Bad weather conditions? That’s usually a bad sign for a gas smoker. Gas smokers don’t come well-insulated, so rain, wind, and cold will directly affect your cooking time. Unless you somehow have the space to take your quality smokers indoors, an electric model may be better off for you.

Electric Smoker: The Pros and Cons

Now, it’s time to go through the same process: the propane vs electric smokers debate, now focusing on the electric smoker’s pros and cons!

Propane VS Electric Smoker: Electric Smoker Pros

  1. They’re Beginner-Friendly

If you’re only beginning to smoke your food, or if you really just want to smoke one time for delicious food, you want something that has ease of use.

With hot electric rods as the heat source for your smoking unit, between electric and propane smokers, the electric ones are a lot easier to handle.

You can automatically set everything to your desired temperature and how long you want everything to smoke for. While you’re there, you can learn some basic techniques on the heating element of smoking and how the smoking process works.

You don’t need to go through the entire process of lighting charcoal or controlling airflow. You can just customize your settings and let the electric smoker do the work!

  1. They’re Relatively Cheap

Who wouldn’t say no to more affordability? The truth is, in comparison to any gas smoker or pellet grill, electric smokers are one of the most affordable units you can get out there. In the long run, for the quality that they give, electric smokers are cheap — and good for their value!

With the price and running cost, electric and gas smokers are around the same price, but there are more features and convenience that electric smokers offer.

  1. They’re Great for Cold-Smoking

Looking for versatility? Electric smokers are your best friend. Unlike gas smokers, which you have to modify for cold-smoking, all you have to do with an electric smoker is buy an attachment to do so. For this, we recommend something like the Smoke Daddy Hot or Cold Generator.

Now, you can cold-smoke everything from meats to cheese!

Propane VS Electric Smoker: Electric Smoker Cons

  1. There’s No Smoke Ring

There are lots of people out there in search of a good smoke ring. It’s the pink coloration you usually find after smoking your meat. If you’re looking for a smoke ring, cut it open just below the surface to find one!

However, using an electric smoker will not have the heat high enough to be able to make a smoke ring happen. The chemicals just won’t burn at a high enough temperature range for it to appear!

A smoke ring doesn’t affect the taste of the meat at all, so if you’re good on letting a smoke ring go, then this isn’t much of a con.

  1. You Can’t Bring It Around

Limited portability is one thing you must accept with electric smokers. They require power to work, so if you invest in an electric smoker, you won’t be able to take it on a camping trip. The same goes for where you want to put it in your home. You have to have an electrical outlet nearby at the very least!

This can be turned into a pro, too, however — that as long as you have power, you can smoke your meat. Even if there’s bad weather outside, there’s no stopping you from smoking indoors!

  1. No Searing

Apart from not having a much better smoke ring, you won’t be able to sear your meats either. This can be an issue for those who want versatility and space for their smoked meat to sear properly, so think about it before you fully invest into an electric model!

Top 3 Best Propane Smokers

01 Camp Chef Smoke Vault Vertical Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 11
716SQFiS82S. AC SY879


  • Comes with two cooking grids and a jerky rack
  • With three adjustable damper valves
  • Has a readable door thermometer
  • With a temperature range of 50 to 550 degrees Celsius
  • With a snap, match-less ignition

Why We Love It:

Simply arrange the meats you need to smoke – this Camp Chef unit has enough cooking capacity for everything you may need. This item was built to last with heavy-gauge stainless steel. It comes with a wood chip tray for your wood chips and a water pan to get that extra smoky flavor we all love.

Control the internal temperatures according to your liking with three damper valves, readable door thermometer, and heat-control dials! Everything is built for your convenience. Get one of the vertical models here today.

02 Masterbuilt Propane Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 12


  • With temperature sensor controls that maintains the desired temperature
  • With an auto shut-off feature
  • Has a tank level fuel gauge
  • With four chrome-coated smoking racks

Why We Love It:

Looking to enhance your experience in smoking? Look no further with the Masterbuilt Propane Smoker. You don’t have to monitor or adjust the temperature as much — all you have to do is set the thermostat control to maintain your custom temperature! You have more than enough space for all your smoked food with 961 inches of cooking capacity, too.

Worried about your cooking chamber while you’re gone? Cast it away. The Masterbuilt Propane Smoker was built with an auto shut-off feature if the flame gets extinguished in your cooking space.

03 Cuisinart Vertical Propane Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 12


  • Interior cooking space offers 5.45 square feet
  • With four steel shelves
  • Has a built-in thermometer, adjustable gas supply, and smoke control
  • With seal-tight twist lock technology for the door handles
  • With a porcelain-enameled steel tray for wood chips and water

Why We Love It:

Still not sold on using propane or natural gas as your heat source? The Cuisinart Vertical Propane Smoker will change your mind. It’s easy to use, and can smoke everything from meat to vegetables! You have the utmost control over the temperature and smoke with an adjustable gas supply, easy-to-read thermometer, and rear vents.

Everything stays safe and tightly sealed with a twist of a handle. Plus, it’s versatile and convenient — it can rival many electric smokers out there! The removable stainless steel racks can accommodate whole birds and large meat cuts. A porcelain enamel steel tray holds all the wood chips and water that you’ll use, too.

Top 3 Best Electric Smokers

01 Masterbuilt Analog Electric Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 14


  • Comes with a built-in temperature gauge for better temperature control
  • Has an analog dial to make monitoring more convenient
  • With a wood chip tray for easy slide-out removal
  • Has three chrome-coated racks

Why We Love It:

This 30-inch analog electric smoker has the electric element down to a science. Everything you do with the Masterbuilt Analog Electric Smoker is easy and convenient, from controlling the temperature to cleaning up!

Smoke wood perfectly with your food with the built-in temperature gauge and analog dial, which makes monitoring the temperature a breeze to do. You can fit just about anything with this analog smoker with over 536 square inches of cooking space!

Plus, the front access grease tray catches all food drippings, along with the easy slide-out wood chip tray. Clean-up will be easy to do, too!

02 Pit Boss Grills Electric Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 15
614Tw8BArGL. AC SX679


  • With integrated analog controls
  • Comes with four porcelain-coated racks
  • With an external access front and tray
  • With an analog meat probe included

Why We Love It:

The Pit Boss Grills Electric Smoker doesn’t skimp out on the accessories you need to make smoking a success! With four porcelain-coated racks, you have more than enough space to smoke your chosen meats and vegetables. An analog meat probe is included, too, so you can experience the best smoking possible.

Aside from these features, the Pit Boss Grills Electric Smoker also comes with an external access front and tray for wood chips to make everything easier.

03 Charbroil Electric Smoker

Smokers: Electric VS Propane - Which Is Better? 16
81I3ZHlmnSL. AC SX679


  • Comes with an insulated, double-walled construction
  • Has an advanced control panel with blue LED display
  • With a removable food thermometer
  • Comes with a glass door with a stainless steel finish

Why We Love It:

Looking for the ideal appliance to smoke your meats? For outdoor smoking, grilling, and cooking, go for the Charbroil Electric Smoker. The electric heating element and ample space allows you to cook and smoke as much meat and vegetables as you like! The insulated, double-walled construction keeps everything safe, too.

With an advanced control panel and blue LED display, you have everything you need at your fingertips to customize the smoking experience. Plus, the glass door is there to allow you to have a peek inside of your smoked meats! The stainless steel locking latch makes sure your fuel usage doesn’t go to waste.

Sit back, relax, and let the smoking do its magic. Get the Charboil Smoker today!

Propane VS Electric Smoker: Which Is Better?

Our verdict? If you’re looking to get the most out of the heating elements and prioritize portability and taste, we definitely recommend going for a gas model. A propane smoker does affect how your meat will taste in the long run, and if you want delicious food above anything else, a gas smoker is the one for you.

However, if you like convenience, more features, and cooking things low and slow, an electric smoker is best for you. You won’t get a sear or smoke rings with an electric smoker, but if it grants you enough convenience and that’s your priority, go for an electric smoker!

All in all, both propane and electric smokers are good investments. In the propane vs electric smoker debate, both of them have their own pros and cons. It’s up to you if you want to invest in propane tanks or go the electric route!

What About Grilling?

Want to smoke and grill at the same time? Buy an offset gas smoker for the best results. We recommend the Heavy-Duty Dyna-Glo Signature Series for this! It’s a gas grill and smoker all in one unit. It’s durable, safe, and quite easy to use as well.

What About Charcoal Smokers?

Charcoal smokers are also good alternatives if you don’t prefer gas and electric smokers. The heating element comes from charcoal this time instead of propane, natural gas, or electricity! We recommend going for the Weber Smokey Mountain Charcoal Smoker, which has all the features you need for the best smoked food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do propane smokers work well?

Yes, propane smokers work well! In fact, between electric and gas smokers, they might work better for you in the long run.

What type of smoker is best for home use?

If you’re only going to smoke at home, we recommend an electric smoker. Electric models are known for their convenience and features. However, if you’d like to learn more about smoking and are more hands-on, a gas smoker instead of an electric one may be right for you.

What is a better smoker: electric, propane, or charcoal?

The better smoker between electric, propane, and charcoal smokers depends on your priorities! Go for one with a propane tank if you need taste and portability to reign, and go for an electric smoker for convenience. A charcoal smoker is great if you’re only starting out and need to smoke on indirect heat.

Do I have to invest in propane tanks?

Yes, you do! If you’re going for a propane gas burner, the heating element will have to come from an external propane tank and its gas line.

Futo Maki: This Is How You Should Roll!

Learn what futo maki is, what ingredients and filings are used in futo maki, and how to make this classic Japanese sushi roll the right way for the best taste.

Futo Maki: This Is How You Should Roll!
futo maki

When speaking about sushi, those of us who are not from Japan tend to think of California rolls or tempura rolls, or sushi made with smoked salmon or tuna. But did you know that there’s something from the sushi family that’s a bit different?

Introducing futomaki sushi – a thick sushi roll that is very popular in Japan. Futomaki definition literally means fat roll. These futomaki sushi rolls are typically made with nori (seaweed paper), sushi rice, and various fillings. The futomaki sushi roll is usually large in size and can be cut into six to eight pieces. It is often eaten during the Japanese New Year and on special occasions. 

Futo maki: A Closer Look

Futo Maki: This Is How You Should Roll!
Characteristics Of Futomaki Rolls

Sushi in Japan generally refers to the traditional “nigiri sushi” type or classic sushi roll, which consists of raw fish on top of a rice pillow. However, when we use the term “sushi roll,” we often mean futomaki, a fat, rolled sushi with various colorful fillings. 

In the Osaka region, the phrase “Maki Sushi” is frequently used. Sushi rolls are referred to as nori maki in the Tokyo area. Based on the size of the rolls, it is further split into Futomaki, Chumaki, and Hosomaki.

The size of futomaki sushi roll sets it apart from other varieties of sushi. Not only is it the size of a burrito but also the futomaki style sushi rolls have at least three or more items inside. Let’s take a quick look at the main traits of a futomaki roll.

  • Thickness – Futomaki rolls are 5-6 centimeters or 2 to 2.5 inches thick in diameter
  • Fillings – Futomaki fillings have various vegetables as their stuffing as well as cooked fish like freshwater eel (unagi) or saltwater eel (anago) and sakura denbu or dried cod flakes
  • Ingredients – Futomaki ingredients consist of a mix of both dried and fresh ingredients that are commonly stored in a Japanese household
  • Preparation – Futomaki is made by hand and can be made ahead of time

Futomaki, Norimaki, Chumaki, And Hosomaki

FutomakiOne type of maki with vegetables, fish, meat, etc inside and
thick and larger in size
NorimakiMaki made with a nori or seaweed wrap outside
ChumakiMaki that is smaller than futomaki but larger
than hosomaki and contains 3 to 4 ingredients
HosomakiOne type of maki with one ingredient – salmon or ahi tuna –
and small in size

What Is In Futomaki Roll?

Futo Maki: This Is How You Should Roll! 17
Futomaki Roll

The futomaki fillings may be vegetarian and include pieces of raw fish or even meat. It depends on the family traditions but some of the more common futomaki roll stuffing include cucumber, boiled spinach, shiitake mushrooms, and tamagoyaki or rolled omelet. 

Some special ingredients like kanpyo or seasoned gourd strips deserve a mention. The material for kanpyo is dried calabash shavings. A variety of gourd is the calabash. The standard filling for futomaki (thick rolls) sushi rolls is kanpyo. Typically, soy sauce, sugar, and mirin are used to cook and flavor it.

Other components include koyadofu (freeze-dry tofu), shiso leaves, pickled ginger, carrots, salmon, tuna, kamaboko fish cakes (or imitation crab), and Mitsuba. With its fresh taste, the mitsuba is a Japanese herb that helps to balance the overall sushi futomaki. It’s readily available in Japanese grocery stores.

The number of such fillings can go up from three to five or even ten! The trick is not the number of futomaki roll ingredients but how well you can balance the taste and the texture without having an overpowering effect from any single one. 

Another trick is to use a sharp knife so that the vibrant fillings in the futomaki should be seen in all their glory when it is cut.

Futomaki Recipe

In this post, I’m going to share a futomaki recipe with you – one that uses fish. The futomaki ingredients are divided into five parts – sushi rice, futomaki fillings, seasoned shiitake and kanpyo, wrapping the sushi rolls, and for garnish. Let’s find out how to make futomaki sushi rolls!

Maki Sushi With Vegetables And Unagi

Ingredients For Sushi Rice:

  • 540 milliliter or 3 cups of rice cooker cups of short-grained Japanese rice or sushi rice
  • 540 milliliter or 3 cups of water for soaking
  • ⅓ cup unseasoned rice vinegar or any of the 6 things you can substitute for rice vinegar
  • A 2-inch by 2-inch piece of kombu or dried kelp
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar 
  • 1½ teaspoon Kosher salt or ½ teaspoon table salt

Note: If you are using bottled sushi vinegar, skip both the salt and sugar.

Ingredients For Seasoned Shiitake And Kanpyo:

  • 1 cup of water for soaking
  • 8 dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 0.4 ounce of kanpyo or dried gourd strips
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt or half the amount of table salt
  • 1 tablespoon each of soy sauce, mirin, and sugar

Ingredients For Futomaki Fillings:

  • Prepared seasoned shiitake and kanpyo as described above
  • 1.4 ounces of sakura denbu (seasoned cod fish flakes)
  • Tamagoyaki or Japanese rolled omelet
  • 1 broiled fillet of freshwater eel or unagi
  • 1 cucumber
  • A handful of mitsuba or spinach

Ingredients For Wrapping Sushi Rolls:

  • 4 sheets of nori
  • ¼ cup of water for finger dipping
  • 2 teaspoons unseasoned rice vinegar for finger dipping

Ingredients For Garnish (optional)

  • Gari (pickled ginger)

Step-By-Step Directions

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly, then drain off any excess water to make sushi rice. Place the rice and cool water with the kombu on top in a rice cooker and soak for 20-30 minutes before cooking as per the rice cooker’s instructions. 
  2. To make the sushi vinegar, add salt, sugar, and unseasoned rice vinegar in a small saucepan and boil over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved
  3. Spread the prepared sushi rice evenly on the sushi oke to help it cool more quickly. Over the rice, pour the hot sushi vinegar. Mix the ingredients gently with a rice paddle. By cooling the rice with a hair dryer, you can keep it from getting mushy.
  4. To prepare the seasoned shiitake and kanpyo, soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water for 15 minutes
  5. Bring a small pot of water to boil. Rinse the kanpyo, rub it with some salt, and rinse again. Drain the kanpyo and boil in the water for 3 minutes. Next, take them out and put them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process and squeeze off as much water as possible. 
  6. Remove and discard the stem when the shiitake mushrooms are tender and soft. Pass the shiitake liquid through a fine sieve to remove tiny unwanted pieces. If this liquid is not a cup or 140 milliliters, add more water to make it so. 
  7. Add the kanpyo, mushrooms, shiitake liquid, mirin, sugar, and soy sauce into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Check if the soy sauce has gone bad. When it starts boiling, lower the flame to medium and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. 
  8. Thinly slice the shiitake mushrooms and squeeze out excess liquid. Drain the kanpyo and cut it into 8-inch strips. You can make them ahead and store them in the fridge for two days. 
  9. Make the tamagoyaki and cut it into thin and long strips. You can also make it ahead and refrigerate it. 
  10. When you buy unagi, it is usually already cooked or grilled. Reheating in the oven is all that is required. For three minutes, preheat your oven to 550°F (290°C) to broil. Put aluminum foil on the baking sheet to line it. Place the unagi on top of the aluminum foil after applying oil. Place the baking sheet on the center shelf of the oven, then broil for 5 to 7 minutes without flipping. Cut into four long strips.
  11. If you’re using spinach or mitsuba, tie the stems together so they remain in place when you’re boiling them. Into a pot of boiling water, add a teaspoon of salt to blanch the spinach or mitsuba without overcooking them. Then put it in an ice bath and squeeze out excess water.
  12. Prepare the cucumber by removing the ends and cutting it into length-wise quarters and removing the seeds. 
  13. Take the sakura denbu out from the packaging and set it aside in a bowl. 
  14. Prepare the finger dipping liquid or Tezu by combining ¼ cup of water and 2 teaspoons of rice vinegar. 
  15. Now comes the part where you will learn how to roll futomaki sushi roll. Put the bamboo sushi mat on a countertop or flat surface. Put a sheet of nori with the shiny side down on the sushi mat. Make four equal divisions of the sushi rice. After wetting your fingers with the Tezu, put a quarter of the sushi rice on the nori sheet and lay evenly on the sushi mat using your fingers. 
  16. Put a gap of half an inch toward the top part of the nori sheet that is farthest away from you. This is important so that you don’t fill it to the edge with sushi rice which may come out when you roll the futomaki. 
  17. Put the cucumber at the bottom of the nori sheet and place easy-to-hold ingredients toward the front part of the nori like the sakura denbu and mushrooms. Start rolling the nori sheet over the filling tightly and firmly with a bamboo mat from the bottom end of the sushi rice up to the top end of the sushi rice. When rolling, hold the ingredients between your fingertips.
  18. When rolling a bamboo mat, grip the top with one hand and the rolled bamboo mat with the other. Pull them together to tighten the roll. Lift the bamboo mat, then go on rolling. Stretch the bamboo mat tightly over the roll. Make four rolls. 
  19. With a sharp knife, cut each crispy futomaki into half and slice each half into three pieces and garnish with pickled ginger.

Pro Tip: Wet your knife between making each cut to ensure the futomaki cuts smoothly.

For a futomaki vegetarian option, simply skip the eel or any kind of cooked seafood or meat. 

If you want to make an easy futomaki California roll aka maki sushi, refer to this video for its recipe.

If you love making Japanese cuisine as I do, you should learn how to make the best kani sushi at home.


What Is Futomaki Roll Made Of?

Futomaki roll is made of sushi rice, nori seaweed sheet, vegetables, and fish or meat. 

How To Eat Futomaki?

As the futomaki is larger in size than the usual sushi rolls, you need a plate or tray to catch the ingredients when you take a bite. It’s not a bite-size sushi so you will need to take a couple of bites off the futomaki. You will also need a large sauce tray to dip your futomaki into sauce.

Starbucks Blenders: Are They The Right Choice For You?

Find out the Starbucks blenders are used to make blended beverages, which is right for you, and compare them with other blenders to make the right choice.

Starbucks Blenders: Are They The Right Choice For You? 18
Starbucks Blenders Are They The Right Choice For You

‘Tis the season for Starbucks pumpkin spice, peppermint mocha frappuccino, or any other blended beverages that come in different flavors this time of year. It’s time to indulge and I, for one, am a regular fan of these seasonal beverages.

I’ve often wondered what blender does Starbucks use to get the smooth and velvety frappuccinos and if it would be worth it for me to get it for use at home. So I went about doing my research as usual and here’s what I found out.

Which Is The Starbucks Blender Of Choice?

Which Is The Starbucks Blender Of Choice?
Starbucks Blenders Benefits

To end all your speculations here’s the answer to what blender Starbucks uses to produce one after another beverage blended to perfection. The Quiet One Vitamix Blender is the typical blender used at Starbucks. Starbucks uses this Vitamix blender for a wide range of reasons.


To maintain a decent coffee shop atmosphere where customers can converse and enjoy their coffee without annoying burring sounds, Starbucks needs their commercial blenders to be as quiet as possible. This blender was made specifically to be very quiet with a special air management system for noise reduction. Although it’s a strong blender, other blenders of a similar size are usually considerably noisy. It features a sound shield to assist in muting some of the sound and vibrations produced by the motor. As a result, this product is 4X quieter than comparable blenders. 


The 3-peak output horsepower engine effortlessly combines many servings of smoothies, frappés, and frozen drinks while swiftly pulverizing the ingredients. The motor can cut through anything. Many of Starbucks’ blended drinks contain a lot of ice and other frozen components. They require a flexible blender that can easily and consistently shred through components like ice with minimal hassle. 


Starbucks baristas move quickly since there is a steady stream of customers waiting impatiently for their beverages, thus their blenders must be able to keep up with the flow of customers’ orders. This blender can blend everything in one go without any need for re-blending and has been made for quick and active use, right down to the no-drip, smooth-pour spout.


Another reason is the blender’s programmable settings, like the automatic shut-off feature, ensure further efficiency. Thanks to the 6 program buttons and 34 optimum parameters included with this blender, Starbucks can produce drinks with higher consistency, flexibility, and efficiency. This product can even handle special recipes without any hiccups. 


Starbucks needs a blender that won’t need to be fixed, replaced, or even meticulously maintained, given how frequently they use them. This blender is made to withstand years of continuous commercial use. It features a durable blade too. 

Easy Maintenance

The blender is easy to clean with its removable parts and is also simple to maintain. The plastic sound shield is easily removable as there are no screws involved, making maintenance effortless. Both the container and lid can be washed in the dishwasher, or you can let them clean themselves by blending a drop of dish soap with warm water for 35 seconds.

Key Features:

  • 48-ounce capacity
  • Advanced dampening technology for noise reduction by 18 decibels
  • Magnetically designed floating sound enclosure for easy removal and cleaning
  • 6 program buttons and 34 optimum parameters for professional quality drinks
  • The one-piece circuit board and keypad sealing for more reliability
  • 3 horse-power motor for faster blending and more efficient operation
  • 3-year warranty

Should You Get The Vitamix Blender That Starbucks Uses?

Should You Get The Vitamix Blender That Starbucks Uses?
Reasons You May Not Consider Getting A Starbucks Blender 1

First off, the blender that Starbucks uses is one of the commercial blenders, not meant for domestic use. While Starbucks is a commercial enterprise, the Vitamix blender is perfect for them because it is made to withstand years of continuous commercial use. Unless you want to get one for your coffee shop, you’re better off without it. 

Other reasons that you should not consider getting a Vitamix blender for home use are:

Cost-Benefit Analysis

When you do a cost-benefit analysis, it doesn’t make sense to pay more for a blender when you can get other cheaper blenders that will do the job just as well. The Starbucks blenders cost a pretty penny – close to $2k. You can get some of the best blenders under $200. For domestic use, you don’t blend up hundreds of drinks every day and it will be hard for you to justify the high price tag of the Starbucks blender.

Noise Reduction

Although we have mentioned that the Vitamix blenders used in Starbucks are specially designed to reduce noise, there have been reports where users said there are blenders that make less noise. If you want to find one of these, the 10 best quiet blenders review may be up your alley. 

Ease Of Operation

This blender has a lot of power, but at first, it might be too much for you to handle or know what to do with! This blender’s pre-programmed blends are designed to deliver consistent drinks. Those baristas at Starbucks just add the ingredients in the appropriate amounts, hit a button, and watch it blend! Unlike homemade blends, where you would want more control over the blending process, this is different. There will probably be a small learning curve to use this blender to its maximum ability.

Other Vitamix Blenders

Starbucks Blenders: Are They The Right Choice For You? 19
71wssMGaaZL. AC SX300 SY300 QL70 FMwebp

There are other Vitamix blenders you can get for your home instead of a commercial blender. For starters, the Vitamix Professional Series 750 blender is priced much lower than the one Starbucks uses. 


  • 5 pre-programmed settings to heat, chop, blend, emulsify and grind
  • 6-foot cord for ease of movement
  • Variable speed control and Pulse function
  • Kitchen-friendly design with a 64-ounce capacity
  • Laser-cut hardened stainless steel blades for rough and tough ingredient handling
  • High-speed, fast-action blades for heating colder ingredients fast


  • Makes puree, frozen desserts, smoothies, and hot soup, nut butter, baby food recipes with its pre-programmed functions
  • The Pulse function enables you to make chunky and thick vegetable soups and salsas
  • Creating different textures with variable speeds and more control
  • Perfect capacity for serving the whole family
  • Low-profile design can be stored comfortably
  • Quick 30- to 60-second self-cleaning that saves time
  • Cold ingredients become hot within 6 minutes with friction heating


  • It can be noisy

Check the price at Amazon.

Instant Ace Plus Blender Review

Instant Ace Blender Plus review may make you change your mind about getting one of the blenders used at Starbucks. Because if you’re looking for instant pot blenders that cook and blend virtually everything, then the Instant Pot Ace Blender is all that you need. From nut milk, margaritas, dips, baby foods, and frozen treats to hot soups, the instant pot ace blender doubles up as a 24/7 chef. 


  • 25,000 RPM 10-speed powerful bender for tasty and healthy smoothies
  • Fully customizable cooking temperature for more control 
  • Smart Program for cleaning jar and blades in under 60 seconds
  • Crushed Ice Program for making professional-standard margaritas and blended beverages with crushed ice
  • Instant pot blender for uniform cooking with a heating element and soup function
  • 4 hot-blending programs and 4 cold-blending one-touch programs
  • 54-ounce capacity


  • Hot and cold functions for making both hot food and cold drinks
  • More versatile as it allows you to make milkshakes, pizza dough, cake batter, puddings, and more
  • Cooking hot soups doesn’t depend on blade friction but on the proper heating element for uniform cooking
  • Keeps food warm automatically for 2 hours after making a hot blend
  • Easy to use with a simple LED display and touchscreen interface for changing settings and monitoring the temperature of your meals. 
  • Accessories like a cleaning brush are included for a thorough cleaning, measuring cups for proper ingredient measurement, and for making nut milk like soy milk


  • The bottom of the blade section of the instant pot ace blender cannot be removed and may lead to mold formation
  • Cannot knead the dough
  • Not dishwasher-safe

Check the price at Amazon

Ninja Mega Kitchen System 

Starbucks Blenders: Are They The Right Choice For You? 20
61p8X7+n0rL. AC SX679

This is another alternative blender that you can use at home for convenience and quick meal prep. The extra large size pitcher, a food processor bowl, and the on-the-go Nutri Ninja Cups are specially designed to give high-performance blending, processing, and vitamin and nutrient extracting processes.


  • 2 horse-power motor for fast and powerful blending
  • A 72-ounce pitcher that crushes ice to snow in seconds
  • Even chopping with an 8-cup food processor
  • Four 16-ounce on-the-go Nutri Ninja cups with lids for carrying everywhere
  • Dishwasher-safe and BPA-free plastic parts


  • Makes 2 pounds of dough in 30 seconds
  • Powerful motor for fast and efficient blending and processing
  • Extra large pitcher and food processor to make meal prep easier
  • Maximum vitamin and nutrient extraction with Nutri Ninja cups
  • Easy to clean


  • Ninja Mega Kitchen System soup recipes are the only thing you can’t make in this blender as it doesn’t support blending hot ingredients as per the information shared on their website

Check the price on Amazon.

Ninja Foodi Blender Vs Instant Pot Blender

If you compare Ninja Foodi blender with the Instant Pot Blender, you will notice some similarities and differences. The Ninja Foodi Power Blender And Processor is a powerful blender using 1400 watts to crush ice and other ingredients very fast. The 3-in-1 product crushes, processes, and makes dough. You can make 1½ pounds of dough in just 45 seconds. With smartTorque technology, there is no need to stop, shake, or stir tough ingredients. The 72-ounce pitcher capacity helps make food and beverages for the whole family a matter of pressing buttons. 6 preset Auto-IQ programs to make a one-touch dough, smoothies, and chopping a breeze. The stacked blade design delivers superior chopping performance. Thanks to the variable speed control, you can have ingredients as smooth or as chunky as you want. Cleaning up this blender is simple as the attachments are dishwasher-safe and you also get a cleaning brush if you want to handwash the gadget. The Ninja Foodi blender can do all chopping, crushing, and kneading activities with ease. 

The Instant Pot Ace Nova Cooking Blender is powered by a 1000-watt motor to quickly prepare soups, smoothies, nut butter, oat milk, soy milk, baby foods, and more and bring out all the nutrients for a healthy meal. Its hot blending feature is intuitive and keeps food warm for up to two hours. With the dough-kneading function, you can prepare bread, cakes, and pies at home. The 56-ounce blender takes only a minute to clean with its Smart cleaning program that removes almost all the food residue from the pitcher and the blades. 

Although the Instant Pot Blender costs less than the Ninja Foodi Power blender, it offers both cold and hot functions and therefore, more versatility. The capacity of the pitcher is smaller, making it less suitable to prep meals for a family or to entertain a large group of people quickly. The Ninja Foodi blender is larger and more powerful and it saves time as there is no need to stall it. Although it offers fewer preset programs, it depends on what you want to use your blender most often for to choose one over the other.

Ninja Foodi and Instant Pot Blenders Comparison Table

Ninja Foodi BlenderInstant Pot Blender
Amps1400 watts100 watts
Hot and Cold FunctionsNoYes
Customizable cooking temperatureNoYes
Dough making functionYesYes
Number of preset programs612
Easy to cleanYesYes



How To Clean Cloudy Ninja Blender?

Mix water and baking soda to make a paste. It should be thin enough to spread but not too thin to adhere to the interior without dripping. The paste should be evenly coated inside. After letting it sit for about 20 minutes, scrub the container with a scrub pad. To remove all the baking soda, repeatedly rinse the paste.

How Many Amps Does A Blender Use?

A Vitamix blender uses 12 Amps while a Ninja professional blender uses 12.5 Amps.

Coffee Machine In Starbucks: What Espresso Machine Does Starbucks Use?

Find out which coffee machine in Starbucks is used to pull one after another perfect espresso shots to satisfy their customers and keep them coming back. 

Coffee Machine In Starbucks: What Espresso Machine Does Starbucks Use? 21
Coffee Machine In Starbucks

Whether I’m going to work or chilling on the weekend, there’s rarely a single day that I don’t stop at Starbucks for coffee. There’s nothing not to love about Starbucks coffee as it’s served quickly, fresh, and full of flavor and that oh-so-wonderful aroma. And countless times, I tried to emulate the Starbucks coffee taste at home even using their coffee beans but alas! Each time I tried, there was something not quite right. Then it finally occurred to me that the espresso machine used at Starbucks must be the trick to making the coffee taste so good.

So I tried to find out what espresso machine does Starbucks use and if I could get my hands on one. Here’s what I found out.

History Of What Kind Of Espresso Machine Does Starbucks Use

Starbucks always didn’t use the fully automatic espresso machine that they use today. In the beginning, they used standard espresso machines to cater to their customers’ caffeine cravings. Here’s a brief history of what kind of espresso machine they started with and why they have upgraded to the Mastrena II today. 

Back in the 1990s, Starbucks used a different machine – the Linea by La Marzocco. If you want to use these machines to their full potential, you need to be an expert because they’re just like regular espresso machines with regular portafilters. In other words, you need some skills to pull that perfect espresso shot. 

When Starbucks became the powerful coffee company it is today, it switched to using super-automatic machines. The old espresso machines needed to be watched a bit, but super-automatics only need you to set the settings and push a button.

They got a Mastrena from Thermoplan AG, which was made for them in 2008. This Swiss coffee machine, the Mastrena CS2, was super-automatic. It had a huge hopper on top that could hold a lot of beans. The CS2 also had a built in burr grinder that could grind coffee beans faster than you would need for home use. The unit had a steam wand attached to it.

The Mastrena CS2 has been around for a while, but a new model called the Mastrena II is slowly taking its place.

What Coffee Maker Does Starbucks Use Now?

Coffee Machine In Starbucks: What Espresso Machine Does Starbucks Use? 22

The Mastrena High Yield Espresso machine that Starbucks uses is made by a Swiss company, Thermoplan AG. Thermoplan actually created the espresso machine expressly for Starbucks. Because of this, it will be difficult to locate them elsewhere.

A fully automatic coffee maker with a high yield, the Mastrena High Yield Espresso Machine can quickly serve customers. There are other benefits of this beast of a machine that makes it an integral part of Starbucks.


The Mastrena High Yield Espresso Machine has a unique design that makes it shorter than standard commercial coffee makers so baristas can make eye contact with clients and develop personal relationships with their clients as they prepare their drinks. In the service industry, it’s very important to establish one-to-one relationships with customers; eye contact is one of the main ways of doing so. 

Since the Mastrena espresso machine used at Starbucks was explicitly designed for the coffee chain, it has a built in coffee grinder that makes possible rapid production of coffee and also makes it hassle-free for the barista. The barista only needs to place the coffee beans in one end of the machine’s bean to cup system and receive the drink in the other. 


How Starbucks makes coffee directly relates to its efficiency and customer satisfaction. The Starbucks automatic coffee machine has contributed to the chain’s high customer satisfaction rate as it can churn out espressos faster – 240 shots per hour – and maintain consistent quality. Not only has it sped up the process of making drinks but the automatic commercial coffee machines Starbucks also create the perfect water-to-coffee ratio to make the best espresso shots. 

The computerized menu system of Starbucks espresso machines remembers the exact process of making espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes, making them an indispensable part of the coffee experience at America’s favorite coffee shop. 


With the latest model of the espresso machine used in Starbucks, overall operations costs are reduced as it requires very little training to get a new barista onboard. No hefty training expenses are involved when the machine can grind coffee beans and channel them to produce an excellent cup of espresso at the touch of a button. 

Easy Maintenance

Another advantage is the ease with which the Mastrena espresso machine can be disassembled. This makes cleanup simple for whoever is in charge. Being able to easily disassemble this machine is useful for maintenance in addition to cleaning. It takes a huge load off the café manager’s shoulders. 


The Mastrena II is equipped with artificial intelligence or AI and is fitted for the future. It’s connected to the central office and collects information such as customer preferences, when the machine is supposed to get routine maintenance, the likelihood of the machine breaking down, and even updating recipes digitally.

In the Internet of Things age, Starbucks has been smart to upgrade its espresso machines and utilize them in more ways than just pulling espresso shots. 

 1: Benefits of The Coffee Machine In Starbucks

1. Barista-Friendly Design

2. Efficiency

3. Cost-Saving

4. Easy Maintenance

5. Fitted For The Future

Coffee Machine In Starbucks: What Espresso Machine Does Starbucks Use? 23
Benefits of The Coffee Machine In Starbucks

Can You Get A Starbucks Coffee Machine In Store?

Unfortunately, you can’t get the latest Mastrena II coffee machine in Starbucks stores or anywhere as Starbucks inked an exclusive deal with Thermoplan. That means it’s not open for public purchase. Also, it wouldn’t make sense to use one of these machines at home when you can buy one after reading reviews of the top 10 best bean to cup coffee machines

Moreover, there’s nothing all that special about this espresso machine except that it’s Swiss-made. Well, there is another thing special about it. Everything’s computerized and calibrated so with just one push of a button, you can get a fresh cup without any fuss. 

Another point that doesn’t make it a sensible choice to own the same espresso machine that Starbucks uses (even if you could!) is its price. Do you know how much the Mastrena espresso machine cost? It costs between $15k to $28k. I think it’s not worth it for home users to invest so much in an espresso machine. Even for small and medium businesses, it’s not feasible as it would take a long time to get back the return on investment. 

But if you’re bent on getting one, try looking for an older espresso machine from Starbucks. It still costs a lot and you can do better by buying a new espresso machine for much less. 

Other Coffee Machines Used In Starbucks

Apart from the Mastrena II, Starbucks uses other brewing equipment like the Clover brewing system. In this method, one cup is brewed at a time by using both the French press and the vacuum system to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid coffee. Starbucks acquired the manufacturing company of the Clover brewing system – Coffee Equipment Company – in 2008. That’s why these brewing machines are not sold commercially. 

Another espresso machine used is the Verismo Brewer. This light coffee machine uses espresso pods to brew espressos and lattes. In just 15 seconds, it can brew 10 ounces of coffee using high-pressure extraction for full flavor and aroma. 

What Kind Of Espresso Does Starbucks Use?

1Starbucks Classic Dark Espresso Roast
2Starbucks Decaf Espresso Blend
3Starbucks Light Roast Blonde Espresso

It’s not only the espresso machine that Starbucks uses that makes a difference in their coffee beverages. What type of espresso does Starbucks use also has an impact on the outcome of the Starbucks drink.

Starbucks house blend coffee and other types of Starbucks coffee beans used for brewing coffee are what make them stand head and shoulders above any other coffee shop.

Starbucks Classic Dark Espresso Roast, Starbucks Decaf Espresso Blend, and Starbucks Light Roast Blonde Espresso are the three main types of espresso used in Starbucks. Starbucks Signature Espresso Roast is used for making most espresso shots that carry a robust flavor with caramel notes. 

Unless you ask for the Starbucks Light Roast Blonde Espresso or a certain recipe calls for it, it’s not usually used. It has a smooth texture and citrus notes with a sweet undertone and goes well with plant-based milk and honey, for example, ice blonde vanilla latte and other Starbucks keto drinks


What Espresso Does Starbucks Use?

To answer what kind of coffee does Starbucks use, we need to look at the coffee beans they use and the roast. A blend of coffee beans from Asia/Pacific and Latin America is used to make an espresso dark roast that’s deep with rich notes of caramelized sugar and molasses.

Which Coffee Machines Use Starbucks Pods?

Creatista Uno Nespresso, Breville Nespresso Expert, Breville Vertuo Coffee And Espresso Machine, Breville Espresso Essenza Mini Original Espresso Machine, and Nespresso Lattissima Pro use Starbucks pods.