Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know

Fun fact: turbinado sugar comes from the Spanish word turbina, meaning the centrifugal process of making sugar. Another fun fact? The brown sugar in your local supermarket aisles or coffee shops labeled raw sugar is turbinado sugar.

These brown crystals are irregular and thicker than normal sugar crystals, and they’re just what you need to step up your baking game.

Curious? Let’s take a deeper dive.

What is Turbinado Sugar?

Turbinado sugar is a form of brown sugar sourced from sugar cane juice. It undergoes the initial stages of processing similar to other sugars, except the processing is cut around the time where you’re supposed to remove all of a sugar’s molasses.

So, turbinado sugar retains some of the natural molasses, making its crystals look light to pale brown and have a larger surface area than other sugars. It’s also moister and more flavorful than regular sugar, making it perfect for your baking needs.

So, now that you’re more familiar with this type of brown sugar, let’s discuss its health and nutritional factors. After that, we’ll also see where we can buy turbinado sugar and talk about alternatives or substitutes.

Turbinado Sugar
Turbinado Sugar

Benefits of Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado sugar is a less refined version of white sugar and brown sugar.

It’s not exactly raw sugar, as some people may call it. It still undergoes processing that actually helps prevent contamination and removes the dirt and other things raw sugar may possess. However, compared to brown sugar and standard table sugar, it undergoes less processing.

Less processing means it still retains some antioxidants from the molasses left in it. So, you may receive little benefit from turbinado’s antioxidants, but don’t expect too much since it’s just a tiny amount. Of course, the tiny amount is still more than what brown or white sugar can give.

Technically, the benefits of turbinado sugar sway more on the ways you can use it for baking rather than the ways it can help your health. Remember, sugar is always still sugar, no matter its form.

When using turbinado sugar for baked goods, you can rely on it to add a crunch to your creations. It gives your dishes a nice texture since it doesn’t fully dissolve in the thin batters of cookies, muffins, and bread.

Of course, make sure your thin batters don’t need smooth outcomes. Otherwise, creating things like mousse or whipped cream will have a totally different outcome than the intended ones. Likewise, don’t expect turbinado to caramelize as well as other brown sugars.

That aside, turbinado also benefits your baking needs if you want a richer flavor. For example, if you’re baking a cake, you can use turbinado. You don’t have to worry about the not dissolving part – in thick batters, turbinado sugar dissolves just fine.

Turbinado Sugar Uses
Turbinado Sugar Benefits

How to Use Turbinado Sugar

You can use turbinado sugar to substitute both white and brown sugar. Likewise, you can use it in recipes that call for richer flavors, darker colors, or better textures.

Baking Using Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado has a low level of moisture, which makes it perfect for cakes and other baked goods. It’s also a great substitute for white sugar if you want to decrease the sweetness or add more texture.

You can use turbinado in dark chocolate recipes because the added flavor of caramelized sugar enhances the flavor of the chocolate. Similarly, you can use it as an alternative to brown or white sugar in fruit pies because its texture makes it easier to mix into your pie dough.

Cooking Using Turbinado Sugar

If you’ve never tried cooking with turbinado before, it might be time for an experiment. Find a recipe and use turbinado in place of regular or brown sugar. It should be used in a recipe that includes butter because the butter will melt the flecks of caramelized sugar into syrup.

As mentioned before, you can use turbinado in recipes to add flavor and texture. While it’s not typically used as the sole sweetener, you can substitute it for white sugar in recipes that call for equal amounts.

Other things you can use turbinado sugar on includes cereals, muffins, scones, baked sweet potatoes, barbeque marinate, candied nuts, baked fruits, beverages, and as a body scrub or facial exfoliant.

Turbinado Sugar Uses
Turbinado Sugar Uses

Where to Buy Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado sugar is widely available in local supermarkets. But if you’re looking for turbinado sugar recommendations online, here are our top picks:

1. Sugar Lab Turbinado Sugar Cubes

Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know 1


Sugar Lab’s version would be convenient for you if you love sugar cubes! It’s all-natural, vegan, non-GMO, and high quality, and it’s best used for teas, coffee, milk, chocolate, cocktails, and other beverages.

Of course, it comes in convenient 12-pack to-go boxes, so you can just take one with you wherever you need to go. If you’re someone who’s conscious of your sugar intake and the type of sugar that you consume, you can carry this around so you can manually add turbinado to your drinks.

2. Inauca Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know 2


Inauca’s Turbinado Sugar will work well for you if you need something Kosher. It’s from Colombia, and you can buy it in convenient 2-pound resealable packages. So, if you like the convenience of not needing to transfer your condiments in a jar or if you don’t have space for jars, try Inauca. It’s not cubed sugar this time, so you can easily use this sugar for baking.

3. Sugar in the Raw Natural Cane Sugar

Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know 3


If you’re always on the go and would love nothing more than to just grab a packet of sugar, tear it off, and use it, Sugar in the Raw’s Turbinado might be for you. It comes in 100 5-gram packets, so you can take it anywhere or use it anytime without worrying about where to store it.

4. Batey Natural Sugar Turbinado

Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know 4


If you want natural cane sugar but are against the sugar factories in the US, you can opt for Batey’s Turbinado, which comes from Colombia. It comes in 2-pound packs that you’ll need to transfer in containers, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re using turbinado to bake.

5. Wholesome Sweeteners Turbinado

Turbinado Sugar: Everything You Need to Know 5


Wholesome Sweeteners’ unrefined golden sugar crystals are under a Climate-Friendly Pledge, so they were made sustainably to prevent harming nature. They come in 1.5-pound packs, and they’re perfect if you’re using them on baked products, beverages, or as sprinkles.

Substitutes for Turbinado Sugar

Just like how you can substitute brown or white and other sugars, you can substitute other sugars for turbinado. Turbinado sugar alternatives include agave nectar, brown rice syrup, date sugar, and honey.

Agave Nectar

When using agave nectar to substitute turbinado sugar, use an equivalent amount of agave in place of turbinado. Also, note that agave syrup dissolves faster than turbinado, so you can also use it as a turbinado alternative if you’re baking a recipe that needs quick-dissolving sugar.

Brown Rice Syrup

Brown rice syrup works as an equal substitute to turbinado sugar, too. The difference is that brown rice syrup has lower calories and carbohydrates, so you’ll like this alternative if you appreciate the lowered stats.

Date Sugar

Date sugar or date syrup also substitutes turbinado equally. Date sugar looks similar to brown sugar but doesn’t taste like brown sugar because it lacks molasses. However, it can pass as an alternative to turbinado due to its natural sweetness and nice texture.


You can easily find honey everywhere, but make sure you’re buying natural honey and not honey-flavored syrup. When substituting honey for turbinado, you can use the same amount but remember that since honey is liquid, you’ll need to reduce your recipe’s liquid by three tablespoons.

Turbinado Sugar Substitutes
Turbinado Sugar Substitutes

How to Store Turbinado Sugar

You can’t just store turbinado sugar anywhere, especially if you bought a big pack of it. So, when storing turbinado sugar, remember that you need to put it in an airtight container unless it comes in a resealable pack or separate packets or sachets.

If you store turbinado in a container that isn’t airtight, it’ll end up absorbing the moisture in your environment, and that will clump and harden the crystals. It’s just like any other sugar in that way, so store it with care unless you’re okay with using hardened sugar cane crystals.

Moreover, store turbinado at room temperature or lower so it doesn’t melt. It’s not really a problem if it naturally melts – you can still use it for baking or cooking. However, if it melts due to contact with direct heat, it’ll harden once it cools down.


Is turbinado sugar healthy?

Sugar is okay in moderation. Turbinado sugar is still sugar, so we can’t exactly say it’s healthy. However, it is a slightly better alternative than standard white or brown sugar. It doesn’t go through extensive processing like regular sugar, and it contains about 70 calories per tablespoon compared to white sugar’s 97 calories.

What does turbinado sugar taste like?

Turbinado sugar has a subtle caramel flavor with hints of molasses.

What is the difference between turbinado sugar and regular sugar?

Turbinado is made from sugar cane’s first pressing, therefore keeping more of the plant’s natural flavors and color. Its crystals are typically darker in color, coarser, and larger in grain size compared to processed regular or brown sugar.

Is there a difference between turbinado sugar and cane sugar?

Any sugar made from sugar cane is cane sugar. So, turbinado is a form of cane sugar. There are other forms of cane sugar as well, such as white sugar, whole cane sugar, raw sugar, and others.

Is turbinado sugar vegan?

Since turbinado sugar isn’t as refined as white or brown sugar, it doesn’t come in contact with bone char and is said to be vegan.

Is turbinado sugar good for diabetes?

Turbinado has the same nutritional value as regular sugar, so it’s not good for diabetic patients. You can consume it in moderate amounts, but don’t think of it as a healthier, more suitable substitute for regular sugar.

Where can I buy turbinado sugar?

Turbinado sugar is packaged and labeled as raw sugar in local supermarkets. However, if you want to shop online, see our suggested products above.

Final Thoughts

Turbinado sugar comes from sugar cane but isn’t as refined as regular sugar, and it’s perfect for baking goods that need nice textures. So, if you want to switch up your sugar and up your baking game, why not try turbinado sugar?

BioLite FirePit Review: The Best FirePit You Could Hope to Grill On!

If you love firepits just as much as we do, you probably went from firepit to firepit trying to find the best one. We tested so many brands we actually lost count, and just when we thought all firepits were the same, we found BioLite.

So far, we think BioLite FirePit is the best fire pit you could hope to grill on, and we’ll tell you why in our BioLite FirePit review.

A Detailed BioLite FirePit Review

If you’re in a rush, here’s what you need to know about the BioLite FirePit: it’s smokeless compared to other fire pits, wood and charcoal compatible, foldable, rechargeable, beginner-friendly, multifunctional, and very durable.

And compared to the portable fire pits we’ve tested, BioLite stands out as the most feature-packed, value-for-money fire pit in the market. We’ll give you a detailed run-down of our observations after showing you a quick summary of BioLite’s specs, pros, and cons.

Quick Facts

BioLite FirePit Review: The Best FirePit You Could Hope to Grill On! 6

  • Weight: 20 pounds
  • Dimensions: 22.99 x 14.88 x 15.24 inches
  • Batteries: 10,400 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion


  • Produces less smoke than other fire pits
  • Compatible with wood and charcoal
  • Usable as a grill, smoker, or heat source
  • Has a mobile app for fire intensity control
  • Offers four fan speeds
  • Sturdy and easy to assemble
  • Has folding legs and handles for convenience
  • Fits four pieces of firewood simultaneously


  • Eventually rusts with repeated moisture exposure
  • Hard to find replacement parts


Now that you have an idea of what to expect from the BioLite FirePit, let’s discuss its features in more detail. As we mentioned before, we just can’t get enough of how much we love BioLite.


Among all other portable fire pits in the market, the BioLite FirePit is the only one we can tolerate when it comes to smoke output. Of course, it’s not entirely smoke-free – how can you burn anything and expect no smoke to come out? – but it does produce significantly less smoke than all the others.

BioLite’s built-in air jets improve combustion, which circulates air and eliminates most of the smoke before it even comes out. So, when we tested the BioLite fire pit, we were met with an enjoyable and almost completely smokeless experience.


With the BioLite campfire, you can go from spark to fire within 30 seconds. Moreover, you’re guaranteed longer-lasting fire compared to other fire pits – your fire can basically last for almost 24 hours when used at the lowest setting with four blocks of wood.


BioLite FirePit is multifunctional enough to not only give you a campfire and grill fire but also a charging station. You can charge your phone using BioLite’s 10,4000 mAh battery pack when you’re not using the fire pit.


BioLite may be fancy, but assembling it isn’t complicated. BioLite comes in a solar carry cover so you can easily carry and store it, and when you’re ready to use it, just slide the folding legs out and add the other attachments like the wood, charcoal, or grill grate if you’re using them.

BioLite FirePit Review


Compared to other fire pits for sale, we believe BioLite is the safest we’ve encountered. Its design prevents accidental fires or accidental burning, so even the newest and most inexperienced users can safely handle this fire pit.


Contrary to other portable fire pits with covered bodies, BioLite doesn’t shy away from showing you what’s happening as your wood or charcoal burns. Besides having warmth, staring at the pretty fire scenery was the reason to light campfires, wasn’t it?

And of course, it’s still a plus if you’re using BioLite as a charcoal grill and get to watch the fire as your food cooks. BioLite fire pit offers a 360-degree view, so everyone can enjoy watching the fire burn through the fire pit’s X-ray mesh body.

High Capacity

As mentioned earlier, you can place up to four pieces of cordwood or standard firewood logs. Similarly, you can expect the BioLite fire pit’s burn time to reach around 24 hours if you’re on the lowest setting and 3 hours on the highest. And when it comes to cooking, its included grill grate allows a decent amount of food to be grilled.


If you use the BioLite FirePit correctly and maintain it between uses, you can ensure it survives periods of unused, long journeys and heavy usage. It also helps that it has a solar cover to protect it and help you move it around.

Total Control

A total control feature is the best thing a fire pit can offer, and with BioLite, you can control your fire using their free BioLite Energy App. You’ll never have to worry about manually regulating your fire, having charred food or quickly-burnt wood, or having a too-tiny fire. Through the BioLite app, you can choose between 4 fan speeds to control your fire’s intensity.

BioLite FirePit Features

Why We Love BioLite Firepit

The features we listed above are why we love the BioLite fire pit. We have yet to see portable fire pits that offer the same things BioLite does, especially for the smokeless feature and the nice scenery.

One flaw about it, though, is that BioLite’s body tends to rust easily when exposed to moisture. The manufacturers have fixed that using an enamel coating, but we’d still like to caution against exposing the BioLite fire pit to moisture.

Using the BioLite Portable Fire Pit

As mentioned before, both firepit enthusiasts and beginners can easily use the BioLite FirePit. If you’re already familiar with the BioLite CampStove, it should be even easier for you to use BioLite’s Fire Pit: they function similarly.

On the other hand, if you’re confused about using BioLite Portable Firepit for the first time, read on to see how to assemble, light, and pack up the fire pit.

How to Assemble the BioLite FirePit

  • Attach the fire pit’s large handle to its body’s airflow side and the small handle to the opposite side.
  • Then, use screws to keep the handles in place.
  • Next, stretch out the foldable legs to a locked position.
  • Once done, secure the airflow pack and the fuel rack.
  • You may also add the grill grate if you’re planning to grill.

How to Use the BioLite FirePit

  • Place the fuel rack in a low position.
  • Then, place bits of wood and kindling on the fuel rack.
  • Light the base kindling with a firestarter.
  • Turn the fan on to the first or second setting.
  • Once a coal bed develops, you can add larger pieces of wood or charcoal.
  • Leave gaps when placing the kindling for a smoke-free fire.
  • Adjust the fan speed as needed.
BioLite FirePit Review: The Best FirePit You Could Hope to Grill On! 7

How to Pack the BioLite FirePit

  • Allow the fire to burn down completely.
  • Don’t throw water into the pit’s chamber or throw the fire out.
  • Turn the fan on to the highest setting if you want to speed the burning process.
  • Carefully open the ash door to remove leftover embers and ashes.
  • Then, allow the fire pit to cool down for five minutes.
  • Turn off the fan by pressing down the button for three seconds.
  • Next, brush off the remaining ashes out the ash door, and wipe the firepit.
  • Once done, fold the legs by pressing on its button.
  • Finally, pack the fire pit into its solar carry cover.

If you want a more in-depth demonstration of how to use BioLite’s fire pit, check out this video:

FirePit Maintenance: How to Keep Your BioLite in Perfect Shape

Of course, even the best portable fire pits won’t last long if you don’t know how to maintain them, so let’s learn the things you need to do to maintain a BioLite FirePit and extend its lifespan.

  • Keep it clean – If you’re using your FirePit as a Hibachi-style grill, clean it after every use. A wire brush will get rid of all the burnt bits stuck to the grill, and a good grill cleaner will cut through the grease.
  • Keep it dry – As mentioned before, BioLite’s fire pit is prone to rust and needs to be kept dry and spiffy. If you plan on leaving it in your backyard, covered it with a tarp or other waterproof material.
  • Keep it ash-free – Always brush the leftover ashes down the ash door after every use. Doing this not only maintains your fire pit but also helps avoid having stale ash in the pit, which can make your next batch smell and taste nasty.
BioLite FirePit FAQs


Which fire pit is the best?

The BioLite FirePit is one of the best and most convenient because it barely produces any smoke. Moreover, it gives you better heat control through its BioLite Energy App.

Why are fire pits so expensive?

Quality fire pits are more expensive than brandless pits because they’re made from sturdier materials or possess customized designs and features.

Do smokeless fire pits work?

Smokeless fire pits work. They produce less smoke so you don’t have to suffer from having watery eyes or breathing issues by smelling the smoke. They work just as well as regular fire pits, too – it’s just that they have air jets that circulate and eliminate the smoke.

How should I light a BioLite FirePit?

We tackled that in our short guide above.

Is the BioLite FirePit worth it?

You may be hesitant to buy BioLite’s fire pit due to its price, but we believe it’s worth its cost. If you’re a campfire or grilling enthusiast, we encourage you to invest in a long-lasting, smokeless, wonderfully-designed fire pit like the BioLite FirePit.

Can you use the BioLite FirePit on a deck?

The BioLite FirePit is designed for outdoor use. If you want to use it on your wooden deck, you’ll need to find some sort of stand and a protective mat.

How does BioLite FirePit work?

The BioLite FirePit operates on battery and flame technology, so it doesn’t need any gas or moving parts. You can change the height of the flames depending on how large you want them to be. When you’re done using it, you just fold up the firepit and put it away in your bag or place it on its stand.

The BioLite FirePit also comes with a small battery-powered fan, which helps keep the pit going by blowing air into the fire. It runs for about 12 hours before needing a recharge, and a full recharge only takes two hours.

Final Thoughts

For us, the BioLite FirePit is the best fire pit you could ever hope to grill on. It features so many things that other portable fire pits can’t give, including its smokelessness, wonderful view, and multifunctional usage.

Of course, deciding whether you like BioLite’s fire pit or not is still up to you. So, we hope our BioLite FirePit review helped you decide!

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling

Whether you’re new to grilling or looking for better grills, you’re probably wondering: is a Dyna Glo Grill the answer to fast and reliable grilling? See for yourself by reading our Dyna Glo Grill reviews!

Quick Guide to Dyna Glo Grills

Dyna Glo boasts more than a hundred years of existence, so you’re bound to hear about it. They specialize in grills and smokers of different functions and sizes, offering five natural gas grills, 13 propane gas grills, 12 charcoal grill options, and 26 smokers.

Each model targets different customers to answer their grilling needs and ensure enjoyable grilling sessions. For example, some grills cater to those with small spaces while others suit bigger parties.

Additionally, their different grill models can solve problems like the need for bigger cooking space, an option to simultaneously cook multiple types of meat, a durable design, and an easier cooking option.

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews

Popular Features of Dyna Glo Grills

To get to know Dyna Glo grills better and see if they can cater to your grilling needs, let’s review some of their popular features. Note that we’re not the only ones gushing about these features – plenty of other Dyna Glo users love them, too!

Versatile Cooking Capacity

If you love charcoal grills, you’ve likely experienced some annoying problems like running out of fuel quicker than you can cook your meat or using up so much charcoal just to grill. 

And if you feel hopeless and think there’s no solution to this, think again. Dyna Glo solves this issue by designing their charcoal grills with a patented smoke-reducing technology, which allows you to grill more food with less charcoal. 

Moreover, their grills always feature cast-iron grates that maximize cooking space so that you can cook everything just right. Some of their models have two side tables, too, which lets you store food or utensils while you’re cooking or eating.

Variable Sizes

As mentioned before, Dyna Glo grills don’t follow one size: they come in different sizes. So, if you have a small backyard, you can opt for their Vertical Offset Charcoal Grill or Smart Spacer Living Gas Grill.

And if you have plenty of space, feel free to choose any of their other models.

Large Grilling Area

You don’t have to worry about running out of space – Dyna Glo grills feature large cooking areas, so you don’t have to cook your meat in batches. Models like the DGN576DNC-D Premium Grill cater to large groups with a grilling area of 816 square inches, while models like Dual Zone Charcoal Grill boast removable walls to enhance your grilling spot.

Two Grill Types

Some people stick to a propane gas grill, while others prefer a charcoal grill. Dyna Glo manufactures both types, so you can easily choose between their grill models.

best dyna glo grills

Top Dyna-Glo Grills

Now that you understand a little more about why Dyna Glo Grills are popular, it’s time to explore their five best charcoal and gas grills.

We hope reading our Dyno Glo Grill reviews helps you decide if one of them could work as the best grill for you!

Before we continue, here are some quick specifications about the products we’ll talk about in our Dyna Glo Grill review:



Dimensions (inches)


Grilling Area (sq. inch)

Dyna Glo Signature Series Vertical Charcoal Smoker & Grill 45.5 x 24.9 x 58.8 124.3 pounds 1382
Dyna Glo Charcoal Offset Smoker 20.2 x 34.52 x 47.03 57 pounds 784
Dyna Glo Dual Fuel Grill 68.45 x 45.63 x 28.67 48 pounds 952
Dyna Glo Smart 3-Burner LP Gas Grill 22.82 x 49.14 x 45.05 76 pounds 507
Dyna-Glo DGE Series Propane Grill 22.62 x 50.7 x 46.8 96 pounds 646

1. Vertical Charcoal Smoker & Grill

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling 8


With Vertical Charcoal Smoker and Grill, you can get the best of three worlds: a griller, a smoker, and the ability to cook for and entertain different family members’ taste buds.

It features five racks and several hooks so you can grill veggies, patties, steak, chicken pieces, and sausages simultaneously. And if you ever get bored of grilling and want a smokier taste for your meal, you can use this griller as a smoker instead.

Best of all, you can easily clean Dyna Glo’s Vertical Charcoal Grill after each use. It has a cool-touch handle so you can take food out with ease and an ashtray that can effortlessly be removed.

It also comes with a temperature gauge to help you get your ideal heat level right.


  • You can easily clean it.
  • You can cook a large amount of food in one go.
  • You can take out trays faster through its cool-touch handles.
  • You can relax while it guarantees even heat distribution through its vertical design.
  • You can use its offset charcoal container as a grill for a small amount of meat.


  • You can’t adjust its racks.
  • You can’t close its door as well as you should.

2. Charcoal Offset Smoker

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling 9

It’s technically a smoker instead of a charcoal or propane gas grill, but we need to tell you about this model. It’s pretty similar to Dyna’s vertical smoker and griller, except it has six adjustable shelf racks and a door that can close better than the other model.

Its 784 square inches of smoking space lets you cook up to 100 pounds of food, and its adjustable grill grates allow you to cook your meals exactly how you want them. Likewise, its smoker box beside the grilling area ensures that your meal is not overpowered with smokiness.

Along with that, its combination of adjustable smokestack and side tamper is marvelous at spreading even heat. They also significantly stimulate the airflow so that the ingredients inside don’t dampen.

Best of all, Dyna’s Vertical Smoker has a temperature gauge clearly labeled numbers. It’s easy to read and automatically alters the smoker’s dial to maintain the correct temperature inside the container.

However, its metal door is relatively thin, so it easily lets heat escape back into the air. To prevent this, place as much charcoal needed first instead of stacking up as you keep grilling. You can also attach a gasket material on the sides of the door to trap more heat.


  • You can adjust its grill plates.
  • You can cook different meat sizes in one go.
  • You can have a smoker at a budget-friendly price.
  • You can have perfect smoke consistency in your meals.
  • You can enjoy even heat distribution with its vertical design.


  • You may find it hard to maintain its temperature.

3. Dual Fuel Grill

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling 10

If you’re looking for a classic yet stylish and durable grill, try Dyna Glo’s Dual Fuel Grill. It features a modern matte black finish, various dials and handles, and a design that’s built to last.

Moreover, it comes with 952 square inches of grilling area and stainless steel burners that give 24000 BTUs of even heat distribution. So, you can cook plenty and rest assured that everything will cook evenly.

And if that wasn’t enough, Dyna Glo’s dual charcoal or gas grill also comes with a crank and quick-start ignite button alongside temperature control settings. The crank allows you to modify your charcoal box’s height, and when used with the buttons and settings, you’re granted ultimate temperature control.

Best of all, this dual grill has storage space for towels and utensils while you’re grilling, which you can easily fold and unfold as needed. It also features a drip pan so you can quickly clean up and porcelain-enameled cast-iron cooking grates to retain your meal’s juices better.


  • You can easily clean it.
  • You can use charcoal or gas.
  • You can guarantee juicier meals.
  • You can cook a large batch of food.
  • You can adjust its temperature settings.
  • You can store utensils and towels on its side.


  • You may find it hard to assemble.

4. Smart Space Living LP Gas Grill

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling 11

Dyna Glo’s Liquid Propane Gas Grill is heaven-sent to anyone with a small backyard. It boasts a convenient size of 22.82 x 49.14 x 45.05 inches, 507 square inches of total cooking space, and a porcelain-enameled layer on its cooking grates.

Moreover, Dyna’s liquid propane gas grill features three dials to adjust its heat levels and a gauge to help you observe its temperature. It also has collapsible side tables for your utensils and towels.

However, note that some Dyna Glo grill reviews of this model complained about the material on the grates coming off after a few years. To avoid this, you’ll need to take good care of the grill and clean it often.

Then again, even without cleaning it often, it’ll last in good condition for three years or so.


  • You can enjoy a decent cooking area.
  • You can adjust its temperatures.
  • You can fold its side trays to make it even more compact.
  • You can use its collapsible side tables for towels and utensils.


  • You may find that it feels flimsy.
  • You may end up with chipped-off parts if you don’t care for them properly.

5. DGE Series Propane Gas Grill

Dyna Glo Grill Reviews: The Answer to Fast & Reliable Grilling 12

DGE Series Propane Gas Grill works best for people who can’t be bothered to deal with a traditional charcoal grill. It’s modern, durable, and bulky yet easily movable.

It features primarily stainless steel material, heat tents, and cooking grates with a touch of iron core for ultimate heat retention. It also has two side trays for plates and other things, and its burner doors can easily be removed with the help of ergonomic handles.

Moreover, Dyna’s DGE Propane Gas Grill has 646 square inches of cooking space, so it’s enough to satisfy a group. Dyna Glo says this propane gas grill can cook 24 hamburgers at once, but be warned that they meant small hamburgers and not the big ones – it can only hold 18 large burgers.

DGE Propane Gas Grill weighs 96 pounds, too, but conveniently has wheels for easy mobility.


  • You can ensure its cooking grates retain heat well.
  • You can use its automated settings to suit your needs.
  • You can enjoy easy mobility and quick cleaning sessions.
  • You can combine its primary and secondary cooking area for a bigger grilling space.


  • You can’t fit 24 large hamburgers.
  • You may find that DGE LP Gas Grills are slower than other Dyna Glo grills.

Dyna Glo Grill FAQs


How do I remove the charcoal?

The best way to remove the charcoal is to let it burn to ash completely and then slide out the ash collection tray from below. All Dyna Glo ash collectors have an ergonomic handle, so you can easily access them without burning your hands or getting dirt all over you.

Can I use wood chips in my Dyna Glo Grill?

If you want a smoky flavor and smell on your food, throw in some wood chips. And for better results, let the chips soak in water for about an hour or so before doing this.

Which is better: Nexgrill or Dyna Glo?

Although Dyna Glo and Nexgrill have been close competitors, their strategies for impressing customers have differed. While Nexgrill focuses more on design and contemporary features, Dyna Glo sticks to the basic functionalities at a moderate price.

However, both essentially provide the average customer with similar features, so it’s up to you to decide which features suit you better.

How to clean Dyna Glo Grills?

Let the cooking grates burn for a few minutes before cleaning them. This “burn-off” method helps ease the gunk and makes the entire process faster. Once done, use a grill brush to clean the leftover dirt.

And for the other grill parts, use soapy water and a sponge to clean them, and then rinse them off with hot water to get rid of any bacteria. Of course, remember to have the grill cool down before cleaning the rest of the parts.

Bottom Line

We think that given their features and offerings, Dyno Glo Grills are one of the best gas grills in the market, and they’re the answer to fast and reliable grilling. However, the final decision is still up to you: do any of their products suit your needs?

So, if you need a grill so you can cook different meat types, Dyna’s Vertical Grill & Smoker or Offset Smoker will make life easy for you. Meanwhile, you can opt for the Dual Fuel Grill if you need more versatility.

On the other hand, if you lack backyard space, the Smart Living model will work well for you. And if you’re tired of charcoal grills and simply want something convenient, DGE Propane Gas Grill is your best bet.

Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon?

If you want food items to last long, one solution is to freeze them. So, if you have plenty of smoked salmon and you want to extend its shelf life, can you freeze smoked salmon, too? 

Just like most of everything else, you can freeze smoked salmon. However, you’ll need to consider a couple of factors to properly freeze it, including whether you smoked the salmon yourself or bought it from the grocery store and if your salmon has herbs in it.

To help you out, we’ll discuss how you can freeze and defrost smoked salmon and the things you need to consider when freezing cooked fish. We’ll also tackle some common questions regarding freezing smoked salmon, including how to tell if your salmon has gone bad.

You may also like: Sockeye Salmon vs Atlantic Salmon: Key Differences and the Superior Salmon!

What Is Smoked Salmon?

Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon? 13
Smoked Salmon

As you can guess by its name, smoked salmon is salmon that has been treated with smoke from particular firewood. Usually, alder or beech, or maple wood is used to smoke salmon to give it the smokey flavor or to preserve it better.

But before being smoked, there are a few other steps to follow to get smoked salmon.

How Salmon Gets Smoked: A Step-by-Step Process

Let’s look at the process of smoking salmon – from being caught right to its finished form.

  1. Immediately after fresh salmon have been caught, they’re cleaned and their organs are removed before being frozen right on the fishing boat.
  2. Next, they are taken to a smoking workshop where the salmon is thawed for 15 hours with 36°F (2°C) cold water. Thawing the salmon in cold water prevents any bacteria to form in the fish.
  3. Now comes the part where the head, tail, and bone are removed and fish fillets are made.
  4. The scales, fins, rest of the bones, and extra fat are removed in this step of the process.
  5. When the fish fillets are clean, they are sprinkled with spices and salt and marinated for an hour and a half. The marination time ensures that the salt doesn’t penetrate more than 1% inside the fish meat.
  6. After marination, the salmon meat is washed in cold water. At this stage, maple syrup is applied to the surface of the fish to minimize the fish smell.
  7. A thorough rinse is given to the fillets to wash away excess salt.
  8. The salmon is now dried and ready to be sent to the smoking room.
  9. In the smoking oven, the salmon fillets are placed in the chamber and treated to smoke for 16 hours.
  10. After the fire is put out, low-temperature smoking is carried on for at least 24 hours.
  11. Smoked salmon is then vacuum-packed and frozen at-31°F (-35 °C) within an hour to prevent any contamination.

Types of Smoked Salmon

It’s good to know the types of salmon you can buy from the store. But before we get into it, let’s talk a bit about smoked salmon versus cured salmon.

Simply put, cured salmon is salmon that has not been smoked. Therefore, you won’t get an earthy, smokey flavor from it.

Types of cured salmon include lox and gravlax. Lox has the same texture as smoked salmon but lacks the smokiness. Plus, it will taste saltier too.

Gravlax is cured but with plenty of other ingredients besides only salt. Herbs, sugar, spices, and even some aromatic spirits are used to cure gravlax.

Coming back to the types of smoked salmon. There are only two types – hot-smoked salmon and cold-smoked salmon.

The temperature difference in the smoke makes it either hot-smoked or cold-smoked salmon.

When salmon is hot-smoked, the temperature of the smoking chamber is a minimum of 145°F (63°C). The hot smoking duration is at least 30 minutes.

For cold smoking salmon, the temperature is between 50°F – 90°F (10°C and 32°C) and the smoking time is between 20 and 24 hours.

There’s a difference between how hot-smoked and cold-smoked salmon tastes.

It’s easier to break hot-smoked salmon and it tastes better. Cold-smoked salmon tastes lighter and has a smooth texture.

Health Benefits of Smoked Salmon

If you’re not eating smoked salmon, it might be time to add this healthy food into your diet. Smoked Salmon contains many nutrients and vitamins that will boost the quality of life for both yourself as well as those around ya!

Health Benefits of Smoked Salmon
Health Benefits of Smoked Salmon

Source: WebMD

If You Can Freeze Most Food, Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon?

As mentioned before, you can freeze smoked salmon. However, you’ll need to factor in a few things like whether you’re freezing home-smoked salmon or a store-bought one, an opened pack or a sealed pack, and whether or not the salmon contains other ingredients.

Additionally, you’ll need to ensure that the smoked salmon freezes nicely. For example, smoked salmon with plenty of fat content won’t do well to freezing, and the same will happen to salmon with watery ingredients like cream.

Lastly, you’ll need to consider how you’ll pack the salmon, too, and where you’ll store it.

can you freeze smoked salmon

When Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon?

You can freeze smoked salmon whenever you need it frozen, but you need to make sure that your salmon has pure and even colors and is free from greasy spots or oil deposits in its package.

Homogenous colors in salmon ensure the quality and freshness of your fish. Meanwhile, greasy spots in a store-bought smoked salmon mean it wasn’t packed properly.

Besides these, you’ll need to know how your salmon was smoked so you can effectively freeze it. Cold smoked salmon and hot smoked salmon can be frozen in their original packaging, while manually sliced salmon can be frozen in a different container.

Things to Consider Before Freezing Smoked Salmon

Homemade vs. Store-Bought Smoked Salmon

If you bought smoked salmon in your local grocery store, you could get away with freezing it straight through its packaging. Of course, it has to have been unopened. Otherwise, store-bought but unsealed smoked salmon will need to be transferred to a different container before you can freeze them.

Meanwhile, if you bought salmon that’s vacuum-packed, ensure that you freeze it as soon as possible. Vacuum-sealed smoked salmon is often stored and transported frozen, so you’ll need to freeze it, too, to ensure it keeps its freshness and flavor.

On the other hand, if you cooked salmon yourself, you’ll need to observe some packaging dos and don’ts. For one, you’ll need to ensure you store the salmon in an airtight container to retain its freshness even when frozen. You’ll also need to divide it into different portions to make the thawing process easier for you.

Salmon Smoking Method

To know if freezing smoked salmon is your best option, you need to consider how the salmon was smoked, too. Is your fish hot smoked or cold smoked?

If you have salmon cooked using the cold smoke method, you’ll actually need to keep your fish frozen until you’re ready to eat it. Cold smoked fish is cooked but still looks raw and wet, so it perishes easily. Hence, it’s best to freeze cold-smoked salmon until consumption.

Meanwhile, if you have hot smoked salmon, you can rest assured it’ll last longer than cold smoked salmon, even without freezing. This is because it was cooked in high heat, which basically killed all of the salmon’s bacteria. Of course, you can still go for a frozen smoked salmon if you want.

hot smoked salmon

Salmon Slicing Method

There’s an exception to freezing smoked fish, and it depends on whether your salmon was manually sliced or mechanically sliced. You can freeze manually sliced salmon, but it’s not recommended to freeze machine sliced smoked salmon.

Mechanically sliced salmon are usually processed while frozen, so you can’t guarantee its quality and that it’ll still retain its flavor once you freeze it again. Meanwhile, manually sliced salmon wouldn’t be cut while frozen, so it’s alright to freeze it and expect it to retain its flavor.

Expiry Date

If your salmon is about to expire, freezing it isn’t likely going to extend its shelf life. A smoked salmon’s expiry date guarantees the length a salmon can last before going rancid and losing its flavors, so it’s best to only freeze salmon far from its expiration date.

Keep in mind that generally, you can expect smoked fish to last two weeks in the fridge. So, you can decide to freeze it after a week in the fridge to lengthen its shelf life.

Seal Status

Salmon is known for its delicious buttery fats, but too much of it and improper sealing can ruin your freezing experience. Fats oxidize fast when exposed to air, so improper sealing can ruin your smoked salmon’s flavor even if it’s been frozen.

So, if your store-bought or homemade smoked salmon isn’t properly sealed, transfer it to a different container. And when you’re sealing your smoked salmon, keep as much air out as possible and ensure it’s tightly closed to keep the air out. For best results, you can use a vacuum sealer.

Packaging Plan

If you have a big batch of smoked salmon to freeze, consider dividing them into smaller portions. This will greatly help you when you’re thawing your fish – it’s better to thaw small portions that you’ll eat for the day than thaw a big portion and then refreeze the amount you won’t eat.

cold smoked salmon

Other Ingredients

Smoked salmon will stay fresh and retain its flavor if you freeze it right, but its accompanying ingredients may not do the same. Let’s discuss common ingredients in salmon dishes and see if they affect your freezing process.

Fats and Creams

As mentioned earlier, fats and creams don’t do well when frozen – they separate into two layers when you freeze them. So, it’s best not to freeze smoked salmon with watery or fatty additives. You can always add creams or sauces to your salmon once you thaw it and prepare it for consumption.

Crunchy Vegetables

If your smoked fish’s crunchy vegetable ingredients are already cooked, freezing them should be alright. However, if you freeze them while they’re fresh, don’t expect them to retain their texture once thawed.

Additionally, expect some of the vegetables’ water content to get into your smoked salmon and alter its taste and texture, especially if you don’t defrost it properly.


Try not to add herbs to your smoked fish before freezing it. Herbs hold up well when frozen, but it’s still best to add them to your salmon when you’re about to eat it instead. That way, you’ll enjoy fresh and flavorful herbs with your salmon.

how to freeze smoked salmon

How to Properly Freeze Smoked Salmon

If you simply toss your smoked salmon in the freezer, don’t expect it to retain its flavor and texture unless it was frozen in its original and unsealed packaging. To properly freeze smoked salmon, you need to:

  1. Slice the salmon before freezing, if you have big chunks of smoked salmon. This will make thawing easier for you and eliminate the need to thaw, refreeze, and rethaw.
  2. Use parchment paper to separate salmon slices if you have multiple pieces. You can also use separate plastic wraps, but parchment paper is more economical and convenient.
  3. Use two layers of parchment paper or cling wrap for each portion of salmon, and then place the portions in a freeze paper or an airtight container. This guarantees a nice seal to help your smoked salmon keep its flavor.
  4. You may also use freezer bags to tightly seal the salmon. Alternatively, you can opt for airtight containers that aren’t too big or too small for your salmon portions.
  5. However, if you’re lucky enough to have a vacuum sealer, you can just vacuum seal your smoked salmon and be done with the freezing preparation process.
  6. Once you’re done packing your smoked salmon portions, don’t forget to add the date outside your container or bag. It should help you note if the fish is still good or not and keep track of how long it’s been in your freezer.

How to Thaw Frozen Smoked Salmon

So, you have a thawed smoked salmon. Next, comes a subsequent problem: how do you thaw smoked salmon? Can you just take it out of the fridge, place it on the counter, and eat it once the ice is off?

You can’t just remove frozen smoked salmon from the freezer and place it straight into the counter. Remember, it’s been frozen. So, when defrosting smoked salmon, you’ll need to follow a little process to ensure the salmon’s flavor and texture aren’t ruined.

how to thaw frozen salmon

Slowly Defrosting Smoked Salmon

As mentioned earlier, you can’t just rush things when thawing smoked salmon from the freezer. Doing so will result in a ruined texture and flavor. And if you leave your fish at room temperature on the counter for too long, your salmon might end up contaminated with bacteria, too.

So, here’s how you can slowly and properly defrost smoked salmon:

  1. Move the frozen salmon out of the freezer and into the fridge.
  2. Place a bag or cup of baking soda inside your fridge to absorb the salmon’s fishy smell.
  3. Take the salmon out after 20+ hours and at around 20 minutes before its preparation.

Remember to never thaw at room temperature because it’ll increase the chances of bacterial contamination and ruin your food’s texture and flavor. And if you can’t wait for a day to defrost smoked salmon, you may also try a faster method, which uses water.

Defrosting Smoked Salmon with Water

Since the first method takes quite a lot of time, you can choose an alternative method instead, which uses cold water to thaw smoked salmon. To do this, you’ll need to:

  1. Take your desired salmon portions and seal them in a bag.
  2. You don’t need to do the first step if they’re already in a bag.
  3. Run the fish under cold water for a few minutes.
  4. Submerge the frozen salmon in a bag or bowl of cold water.
  5. Wait for three to four hours for the salmon to thaw.

It might be tempting to use hot or warm water, but do your best not to. Using warm water on frozen fish destroys its texture and increases its chance of bacterial contamination.

salmon sandwich

How to Tell If Smoked Salmon is Bad

So, what’s the next step after thawing your frozen salmon? You might answer that cooking is the next step, but that’s not the case. Once you’ve defrosted your salmon, it’s time to check if it’s still good, just to be sure.

To tell if smoked salmon has gone bad:

  • Check its smell. A rancid or sour fishy odor means your salmon went bad.
  • Visually inspect your thawed salmon. If it looks dull and white, it’s bad.
  • If you notice a white mucous layer on your fish, mold started to grow there.

And in case you still have questions about freezing smoked salmon, we prepared a handy list of FAQs for you.


How long does smoked salmon last in the fridge?

According to FDA, smoked salmon can last for two weeks in the fridge. Of course, other factors like how you store the salmon in your fridge can change this estimate.

How long can you freeze smoked salmon?

Smoked fish can retain its best quality in the freezer for two months if you properly freeze it. After this, its flavor will start diminishing, but it can continue staying in your freezer for up to three to four months. However, by the third and fourth months, your smoked salmon’s smokiness will start degrading.

Does smoked salmon freeze well?

Smoked salmon does alright in the freezer as long as you ensure you properly pack it.

Can you refreeze smoked salmon?

You can refreeze smoked salmon, but we don’t recommend it. With the exception of buying frozen salmon and then defrosting and smoking it, it’s not really advisable to refreeze smoked salmon. Refreezing will degrade the fish’s quality.

Can you freeze smoked salmon after opening?

If you opened a pack of smoked salmon and decided you wanted to freeze it, you can do so. Just make sure you transfer it to a different container and follow the proper steps to freeze it.

Can you freeze cooked salmon?

You can freeze cooked salmon as long as you package it properly.

How long does smoked salmon last after defrosting?

Smoked salmon lasts for three to four days in the fridge after defrosting it. 

Can you freeze smoked salmon slices?

You can freeze smoked salmon slices, but make sure to remove as much air as possible from its container. Remember, exposure to oxygen will change the fish’s flavor.

Can you freeze lox or cured salmon? 

You can freeze lox by following the steps for freezing smoked salmon. Once frozen, lox can last for up to three months without losing its quality.

What’s the difference between lox and smoked salmon?

They’re both cooked salmon, but smoked salmon is salmon smoked as a cooking method, while lox is salmon that’s brined but not smoked.

Can you freeze hot or cold smoked salmon?

You can freeze hot smoked salmon and cold smoked salmon. However, know that cold-smoked salmon’s texture may change, while hot smoked salmon’s texture can retain its texture.

What’s the difference between cold and hot smoked salmon?

Cold smoked salmon is cooked at a lower temperature than hot smoked salmon. The former also features a smooth and silky texture, while the latter has a flaky and baked texture.

Bottom Line

So, can you freeze smoked salmon? Definitely – as long as you do it right. We hope our handy FAQs sheet and detailed guide on how to freeze smoked salmon and thaw properly helped you out!

And if you’re wondering if you can freeze other foods, browse our blog posts for answers. From freezing deli cuts to olive oil, we’ve got you covered.

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Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon?
Can You Freeze Smoked Salmon

Vitamix 5200 VS 5300: Which One Should You Get?

It’s time to join the Vitamix blender bandwagon, and you’re considering either Vitamix 5200 or Vitamix 5300. Here’s where the trouble comes in: what’s the difference between Vitamix 5200 and 5300? Are they essentially the same with just slight modifications?

Vitamix 5200 and Vitamix 5300 come from Vitamix’s C-series. C-series blenders feature several control options and a classic body in different sizes. After the Vitamix 5200 blender gained fame, Vitamix created a reconditioned version: Vitamix 5300. So, the main difference between 5200 and 5300 lies in their size, base functions, and motor power.

If you’re wondering if Vitamix 5200 suits you better than Vitamix 5300 or vice versa, keep reading to see our detailed comparison of Vitamix 5200 VS 5300.

We’ll start by introducing you to each of these blenders’ features before comparing them with each other. After that, we hope you can decide if you like Vitamix 5200 or Vitamix 5300 better than the other.

Remember, Vitamix 5300 is simply a modified version of the already-stable and famous 5200 model, so they’re almost the same except for some slight differences meant to suit particular needs better.

Vitamix 5200 – The OG

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The actual OG of the C-series is Vitamix 5000. But as Vitamix 5000 succeeded, Vitamix came out with a better, simpler, and upgraded model: the 5200 blender version.

Vitamix then introduced the public to Vitamix 5200, and everyone loved it. Soon enough, Vitamix discontinued its 5000 version, and its 5200 version has technically become C-series’ OG.

Vitamix 5200 is well-known for its affordability, excellent blending power and restraint balance, and wondrously versatile performance. It also has easy-to-use functions and durable body parts, making it perfect for both amateur and professional users.


Vitamix 5200 is on the bulkier side at almost 11 pounds, but its 2-horsepower motor makes up for it. It also boasts a 6-foot-long cord, a 64-ounce BPA-free plastic container, and a 7-year full warranty.

  • Container size: 64-ounce Container
  • Weight: 10.56 Pounds
  • Vitamix 5200 Accessory: Specialized Tamper
  • Container Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Material of blades – Hardened Stainless Steel
  • Warranty: 7-Year Full Warranty
  • Cord Length: 6 Feet
  • Vitamix 5200 Power or Wattage: 1380 Watts or 2 Horsepower
  • User Manual: Included


The Vitamix 5200 blender is built to last, featuring a heavy-duty design.

  • The 5200 model blends with a powerful motor that ensures ideal speeds for every blending session.
  • The 5200 model has hardened stainless steel blades that blend frozen, tough, and complex ingredients, including entire fruits.
  • The 5200 model provides you with a BPA-free container to ensure a healthy and safe-blending.
  • The 5200 model self-cleans, saving you time and energy.
  • The 5200 model features a built-in cooling fan and a thermal cooling system that prevents overheating during a blending session. Vitamix 5200 automatically shuts off if it detects a significant temperature rise.

Features and Functions

Using the Vitamix 5200 blender couldn’t be easier. Its beginner-level functions produce professional-level outcomes, and these functions include:

Manual Switch

Vitamix 5200 has manual switches to power the blender or use a high or variable feature. Of course, the on and off switch allows you to turn the blender on or off. Meanwhile, the high or variable control lets you give a chunky texture to your recipes.

Variable Speed Dial

Vitamix 5200’s variable speed control dial has ten speeds that can either chop, grind, or fully liquefy your ingredients. However, the best thing about the 5200 model’s dial function is that you can rotate the dial anytime. This means that you can switch speeds even during your blending session, allowing you to easily adjust the speed of the blades and get your desired texture.

Large Container

Vitamix 5200 pairs a 64-ounce tank to its blender. With such a large capacity, you can quickly and conveniently blend large batches of your favorite fruits, favorite smoothies, or anything else.

Hot Soup Maker

Vitamix 5200’s powerful blades can reach such high speeds that they can create friction heat, bringing cold ingredients to steaming hot temperatures in around six minutes.

Self-Cleaning Function

This function makes cleaning the blender super easy. All you have to do is pour warm water and a drop of dish soap inside the container. Then, let the machine blend at its highest speed for about a minute.

Vitamix 5300 – The Upgrade

[amazon box=”B01688AFFC”]

As you may have already noticed, Vitamix loves upgrading its most popular products. Since Vitamix 5200 showed great success, they decided to upgrade and recondition it into the Vitamix 5300 blender. Vitamix 5300 costs more than $500, but if you purchase it, you’ll find yourself surprised at finding a high-performance blender at such a bargain price.


Compared to Vitamix 5200, Vitamix 5300 is heavier and slightly more powerful. It weighs 11.95 pounds and boasts a slightly higher horsepower at 2.2. It also comes with sturdier, aircraft-grade stainless steel blades and a quieter motor.

  • Container Size: 64-Ounce Container
  • Weight: 11.95 Pounds
  • Vitamix 5300 Accessory: Classic Tamper
  • Container Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Blade Material: Aircraft-Grade Stainless Steel Blades
  • Warranty: 5-Year Full Warranty (For Refurbished) and 7-Year Warranty (For New)
  • Cord Length: 6 Feet
  • Vitamix 5300 Power or Wattage: 1640 Watts or 2.2 Horsepower
  • User Manual:  Included


Vitamix 5300 shares similar properties with Vitamix 5200.

  • The 5300 model features a high-performance and powerful motor to guarantee ideal speeds for your blending session.
  • The 5300 model also contains hardened stainless steel blades to blend even the hardest ingredients masterfully.
  • The 5300 model comes with a BPA-free container to ensure safe blending.
  • The 5300 model can clean itself just as well as the Vitamax 5200 blender.
  • The 5300 model has a radial cooling fan and a thermal protection system. Radial cooling fans and thermal protection systems work hand in hand to extend your blender’s lifespan and prevent it from overheating.

Features and Functions

Similar to Vitamix 5200, the updated Vitamix 5300 features a simple design with easy-to-use functions. Here’s a rundown:

Manual Switch

Vitamix 5300 has one manual switch to power the blender and another one for the pulse feature. Of course, the power switch lets you turn the blender on or off. Meanwhile, Vitamix 5300’s speed dial pulse function lets you produce a chunky consistency or a coarse texture.

Variable Speed Control Dial

Likewise, Vitamix 5300 has a speed control dial with ten variable speeds. You can also rotate the dial anytime while you’re blending to easily adjust the speed of the blades and get your desired texture.

Large Container

Vitamix 5300’s 64-ounce tank allows you to blend large batches of your wanted capacity seamlessly. You can expect it to skillfully mix frozen fruits, whole fruits, and many others.

Hot Soup Creation

Vitamix 5300’s powerful blades can reach a very high speed to create frictional heat. This heat can turn your cold ingredients into steaming hot soup in around six minutes.

Self-Clean Mode

Vitamix 5300 can also self-clean within a minute. To allow your blender to self-clean, mix warm water with a drop of dish soap and turn on the blender at high speed.

Vitamix 5200 VS 5300

Vitamix Blender 5200 VS 5300: The Differences

You’re probably noticing that Vitamix 5200 and Vitamix 5300 blenders barely differ from each other. So, what exactly differentiates the 5200 model from the 5300 model?

In terms of overall quality, both Vitamix blenders are similar. They’re both powerful and provide high performance while being low maintenance.

They’re almost physically similar, too, with the exception of the 5200 model featuring a slim and tall look while the 5300 model is a little flatter and wider. Moreover, Vitamix 5200 comes in three colors but Vitamix 5300 comes in only one.

You’ll need to inspect their performance to see their differences adequately. For example, at a glance, you’ll easily know that the 5200 model has a lower horsepower than the 5300 model. However, you’ll only notice the difference in their noise levels when using the blenders.

The Differences in the Models

Let’s take a closer look at Vitamix 5200 VS 5300 in detail and see which blender suits your needs better.

Container Size:

Vitamix 5200 and 5300 differ in their container sizes. Although both blenders possess a container capacity of 64 ounces, the Vitamix 5200 blender has a more upright container, while the 5300 model has a more flattened, wide container.

  • Vitamix 5200 Length: 20.50 inches
  • Vitamix 5300 Length: 17.25 inches

Storage Space

If you prefer a wide blending area, Vitamix 5300 will suit you best. It’ll also come in handy if you have a restricted cabinet space or a limited storage capacity on your shelves. However, if you prefer a sleeker design and aren’t troubled by limited space, you can benefit from Vitamix 5200.

Then again, note that the 5300 version may be easier to stash and store.

Base Functions

While the 5300 version comes with the pulse setting, the 5200 model has a high and variable setting. Both blenders essentially function the same but work on different instructions.

With the high or variable speed setting in the 5200 model, you have to periodically turn the blender on and off to get a chunky texture.

However, for easier usage, Vitamix updated the 5300 model and replaced the variable setting with the pulse function. And as for speed, both blenders have the same 10-speed knob to suit your blending needs.

Color Options

Vitamix 5200 comes in more color options than Vitamix 5300. The 5200 version is available in black, red, and white colors on Amazon, while the 5300 model is only available in black.

Vitamix 5200’s availability of a wide range of color options to choose from gives you the liberty to choose a blender that matches well with the interior of your kitchen.


If you compare Vitamix 5200 and 5300, the latter weighs around a pound more than the former. If you prefer a lighter blender, it’s best to go for the 5200 version. However, if a slightly heavier blender doesn’t bother you, Vitamix 5300 might suit you.

Motor Base

Both blenders boast a powerful motor. But if you look at the numbers, the 5300 blender model is marginally ahead of the race with an extra 0.2 HP.

Vitamix 5200 VS 5300 Horsepower

  • Vitamix 5200: 2 HP
  • Vitamix 5300: 2.2 HP

This difference in peak horsepower can seem rather indistinct., but it plays a very important role. See, with the 0.2 boost in horsepower in the 5300 model, the blender functions more quietly.

So, while you’re blending ingredients in the 5300 model, it will produce less noise than the 5200 model.

Then again, in terms of performance, we’d like to quote Vitamix as they say, “We don’t aim to have the highest horsepower. You don’t need more horses; you need trained ones.”

So, either machine works fine to give you efficient power for a supreme blend.

Vitamix 5200 VS 5300 Wattage

With the difference in HP, Vitamix 5300 has slightly more wattage than 5200. To specify:

  • Vitamix 5200 watts: 1380
  • Vitamix 5300 watts: 1640

A higher wattage in a blender equates to higher blending power, so if you’re basing your blender-buying decision on blending strength, you may want to opt for Vitamix 5300 instead of the 5200 version.

Vitamix 5200 and 5300’s Blender Blades

Both models come with hardened stainless steel blades. The only difference is in their sizes.

The 5200 models have 3-inch blades, whereas the 5300 models have 4-inch blades. This difference in blade sizes doesn’t have a life-changing difference other than the extended cutting area for Vitamix 5300’s larger blades.

Blender Noise Levels

As stated above, the Vitamix 5300 works quieter than the 5200 model.

In high-speed settings, both the machines are loud enough to let your whole household know you’re whipping up something. But in the low-speed settings, you can hear the difference in decibels between the two.

Price Points

Since the 5300 model is an upgraded version, it costs more. However, you can get the 5300 model at a substantially lower price point if you buy the refurbished version on Amazon.

Refurbished versions are as good as the new ones, and they come with a 5-year warranty. They’re also amazon tested, so you don’t have to worry about their quality.

Rundown: Vitamix 5200 VS 5300

Both Vitamix 5200 and 5300 are low-maintenance, self-cleaning, yet high-performing blenders, so choosing between the 5200 and 5300 models will depend on your preferences.

Vitamix 5200 VS 5300 demo

Our Recommendation

If you’re interested in a quieter blender, pick Vitamix 5300. You’ll have to note it’s more expensive than Vitamix 5200 since it’s essentially an upgraded version, but it’s quite worth the money. So, if you want Vitamix 5300 but are under a tight budget, we recommend getting Vitamix 5300 refurbished.

On the other hand, if you’d like a more affordable blender and don’t mind needing a bigger storage area, opt for Vitamix 5200. It can blend just as well as Vitamix 5300, just with a less wide blending space.

Then again, since both Vitamix blenders work just fine to deliver you with a satisfactory blending performance, we’d like to hear from you. Between Vitamix 5200 & Vitamix 5300, which one would you buy?

Everything You Need to Know About Demerara Sugar

demerara sugar

They say having too much sugar can be bad for anyone, but many of our dishes require sugar, especially if you’re baking. Luckily, there’s a way around this: the use of sugar alternatives like demerara sugar.

Demerara sugar is used to make desserts like brownies, pie crusts, whipped cream toppings, and more. It’s a healthy sugar substitute, so you can use it as an alternative sweetener for coffee or tea, too.

Keep reading to learn more about the rich history and health benefits of this delicious sweetener!

History of Demerara Sugar

Demerara sugar comes from sugarcane juice. It’s unrefined, meaning it hasn’t been processed to remove impurities like molasses or glucose syrup. This type of sugar is popular in desserts because it has a rich, dark color, and an intense caramel flavor.

The name “Demerara” comes from the city in Guyana where it was first produced on a large scale in 1790. At first, this type of cane sugar was grown on plantations throughout the Caribbean. But by 1820, most sugar production shifted to Brazil, which now produces 75% of the world’s Demerara sugar.

But why is Demerara sugar important? The answer is its rich history.

What is Demerara Sugar?

Demerara sugar is a type of raw or brown sugar; it is large-grained and slightly sticky with hints of caramel flavor. It has larger crystals due to being spun in the production process rather than being heavily processed like the standard white table sugar, which results in smaller grains.

Moreover, demarara sugar has a golden brown color due to the presence of natural molasses. It can either be completely unrefined or slightly refined with the leftover molasses from brown sugar.

It also boasts a richer flavor that enhances the taste of any dish. And despite being richer than the standard white sugar, it’s also said to be healthier.

Health Benefits of Demerara Sugar

demerara sugar

Let’s discuss some health-based benefits of demerara sugar:

Minimally Processed

Demerara sugar is processed minimally compared to most regular sugars. And according to many researchers, raw sugars retain most of their vitamins and minerals, so they’re healthier than processed sugar.

Packed with Vitamins and Minerals

Demerara sugar has natural molasses containing Vitamins B3 and B5, calcium, iron, and many other vitamins and minerals. It also certain nutrients that help in processing the sugar and also contains less sucrose. So, you’re more likely to prevent Vitamin B depletion by consuming this sugar instead of regular sugar.

Supplies Energy

All types of sugar are known to have carbohydrates, and demerara sugar is no different. Carbohydrates are an essential element to boost our energy, and demerara sugar has enough of them to keep you going throughout the day.

Helps Maintain Metabolism

Demerara sugar can aid in boosting your metabolism when used in place of regular sugars. Moreover, it doesn’t affect the metabolization of calcium compared to white sugar.

Nourishes the Skin

Demerara supports skin nourishment through its glycolic acid content, which is great for keeping your skin moisturized. However, you don’t need to consume it to boost your skin’s radiance. You can use it as an exfoliator and watch your skin glow as the sugar wipes out most of your accumulated dead skin cells.

Demarara Sugar vs. Other Sugar Types

Out of all the sugar types available in the market, Demerara sugar is one of the most unique. Demerara sugar is made from pure cane sugar. Its distinctive features include a light golden brown color and a slightly sweet taste. It’s also known for its large crystals, which perfectly tops desserts.

Compared to other sugars, Demerara sugar contains more minerals like potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Moreover, it has a lower glycemic index, which means it doesn’t cause as much of a spike in blood sugar levels as other sugars do. This makes Demarara sugar a good choice for people who are trying to manage their blood sugar levels.

Demerara sugar is also a good source of fiber, which helps regulate digestion. Additionally, the antioxidants in Demerara sugar may aid in protecting you against cell damage and help reduce the risk of some diseases.

So, if you’re looking for a unique sugar with a variety of health benefits, Demarara sugar is a great choice. Try using it in your coffee, tea, or favorite recipes. You might love the sweet taste and its health benefits.

Everything You Need to Know About Demerara Sugar 14

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that demerara sugar may be a completely new term to many, so we prepared and answered some common questions regarding this sugar.

Is brown sugar and demerara sugar the same?

Demerara sugar and brown sugar are not the same. Demerara sugar is a type of brown sugar made from reduced and crystallized sugar cane juice. Meanwhile, regular brown sugar comes from pure white sugar with molasses added back for flavor.

Both brown sugar and demerara sugar can have the same flavor profiles and perform the same way, but demerara sugar can have less of the molasses flavor.

What is the difference between demerara sugar and turbinado sugar?

While demerara and turbinado sugar are almost the same, there are two basic differences between them. Demerara sugar comes in large grains that are sticky to the touch, while turbinado sugar comes in slightly finer crystals and is less sticky.

Moreover, demerara sugar has a slight toffee-like flavor, and turbinado sugar has a more caramel-like flavor. However, both demerara and turbinado sugar are good substitutes for regular white sugar.

Which demerara sugar cubes are the best?

Finding the right demerara sugar cubes can be a hassle, given all the choices on the market today. Our top two choices would be:

01. Gilway Demerara Sugar Cubes

02. Rolan Rough Cut Demerara Sugar Cubes

How do I make demerara sugar syrup?

To make demerara sugar syrup, simply get 1 cup of demerara sugar and 1 cup of water. Then, boil the ingredients in a saucepan and keep stirring until the sugar completely dissolves. Let it cool in the pan before transferring it to an airtight container.

Note that you need to keep it in a chilled place to make it last longer. If you seal demerara syrup properly and place it on the fridge, it can last for six months.

Is demerara sugar good for diabetes?

While demerara sugar is said to be healthier than white sugar, it is still sugar. Diabetic patients are always advised to not consume sugar, and we believe demerara sugar should not be an exception.

How many calories does demerara sugar have?

In 1 teaspoon (4 g) of demerara sugar, there are about 16 calories. This is the same number of calories that 1 teaspoon of white sugar has. So, demerara sugar cannot help in controlling your calorie intake.

What are the substitutes for demerara sugar?

Demerara sugar can sometimes be hard to find in the market. Try not to worry when this happens and look for substitutes or alternatives instead.

The best substitute for demerara sugar is turbinado sugar, but other substitutes include light brown sugar, granulated sugar, or sanding sugar. Light brown sugar can be used in the same amount as demerara sugar since they both have the subtle flavor of molasses.

Meanwhile, you can use granulated sugar by using a pinch of it in recipes. However, note that it does have a delicate texture, so there will be little differences in flavor.

Lastly, sanding sugars work as great substitutes when you need to sprinkle it on top of baked goods.

How do I use demerara sugar?

Demerara sugar can be used in coffee or tea as a sweetener. Unlike regular sugar, it gives your hot beverages a little toffee-like flavor.

Moreover, since it has a crunchy texture, it’s great for sprinkling on desserts, fruits, or cereal. You can also use it as a topping for baked goods like biscuits, cookies, or cakes to give it a crunchy texture.

Can I use demerara sugar for baking?

You can use demerara sugar for baking. In fact, it’s mostly used for baking recipes. Many people use it as a topping on biscuits or cakes and for crumbles.

Where can I buy demerara sugar?

It can be found in department stores. If not, you can always find it on Amazon.

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Final Thoughts

Demerara sugar is a healthier alternative than regular white sugar. It has a lot of benefits, and its toffee flavor is a great match for baked goods and hot beverages. However, you may find it difficult to purchase due to its lack of availability in grocery stores, so refer to our listed demerara alternatives when that happens.

Also, note that while demerara sugar offers more benefits than regular sugar, it’s still best to not overconsume any type of sugar. Remember, too much of a good thing can be bad, no matter how healthy it is.