Japanese Sushi Knife: Guide To The Types Of Sushi Knives

A guide to Japanese sushi knife and the styles they come in along with their features and uses so that you can choose the best sushi knife. 

Japanese Sushi Knife: Guide To The Types Of Sushi Knives

The Japanese sushi knife has been around for centuries, and its popularity is only increasing.  Today, these knives are used by sushi chefs all over the world. 

Japanese sushi and sashimi knives are designed specifically for slicing fish, vegetables, and other seafood. 

The blades of these knives are usually long and thin with a pointed tip. This allows for precise slicing with less effort.

If you’re considering getting a sushi knife, it’s important to know what to look for. 

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Japanese sushi knives.

Japanese Sushi Knife: A Brief History

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The Japanese sushi knife has a long and interesting history.

The techniques used by Japanese knife makers to fashion these knives date back more than a thousand years

Japanese handcrafting techniques for swords can be traced to the 14th century when swordsmiths made knives and samurai swords. 

In the 1850s, Japan opened up to trading with other parts of the world and it is during these times that the swordsmiths made more knives and fewer swords or katana. 

After the end of the Second World War, everyone was banned from carrying samurai swords, and thus, the transition to designing sushi knives was complete.

But even today, the sushi knife has the design of the samurai sword at its core – sleek, sharp, and precise.

In Japan, Seki City has been renowned for bladesmithing for 800 years. 

From this region, one of the top blacksmithing families that produce world-class sushi knives is Fujiwara Kanefusa.

Another famous brand from the same area is Sakai Takayuki which belongs to a family of blacksmiths that have been in practice for hundreds of years. 

A second-generation swordsmith from this region is Takeshi Saji with the “Traditional Master Craftsman” certificate under his belt. 

Basic Terms Used For Japanese Sushi And Sashimi Knives

Before we delve further into the topic of sushi knives, we should discuss some basic terms used for knives for better understanding. 


A blade is a thick piece of steel that can’t cut through ingredients unless its edge has been sharpened to do the job of cutting and chopping. 


The bevel is the ground angle and the shape of the blade’s edge. 

A double-bevel or double-edged knife has angles on both sides, usually in a 50:50 ratio, giving the blade edge a V shape

The ratio means that if one side of the blade edge has been ground at 11 degrees, the other side has also been honed at 11 degrees, bringing the total to 22 degrees. 

Single-bevel or single-edged knives have a single angle on one side. 

They have an asymmetrical edge that is ground to a thinner thickness with ratios of 70:30, 60:40, and 90:10.

Using the single-bevel knife takes special skills that the user needs to learn before using. 

Basic Terms Used For Japanese Sushi And Sashimi Knives

Knife Grinds

The different ways of creating the knife’s edge to perform different kinds of cuts and slices are known as knife grinds. 


The part of the steel blade which extends to the handle of the sushi knife. 

A full tang knife runs down the entire length of the knife while a half tang does not. 


Traditional Japanese handles include the Wa-Handle. 

They typically feel lighter overall and balance the blade forward as there is less steel inside the handle.

What Are The Main Parts Of A Sushi Knife?

What Are The Main Parts Of A Sushi Knife?

The main parts of the sushi knife are:

  1. Handle
  2. Kireha or cutting edge
  3. Kissaki or tip
  4. Mune or the spine
  5. Ago (the chin or heel)

The sushi knife’s cutting edge, which actually does the cutting, is like the basic sections of a kitchen knife. 

Sushi knives are single-beveled, meaning that only one side of the blade is completely sharpened and the other has a slightly concave edge to facilitate cutting food.

The cutting edge of a blade is on the right side for a right-handed person and on the other side for a left-handed person.

While the spine of the blade is where you rest your index finger for a better hold, the tip, or kissaki, is the sharp, pointy portion of the sushi knife. 

The area closest to the handle and the thickest section of the blade is called the chin or heel. 

When cutting tough items, the chin or heel prevents any damage. 

With the wooden handle, you can control the knife movements easily as it gives you a good grip. 

Chef’s Knife: How Is It Different From Traditional Japanese Sushi Knife?

Chef’s Knife: How Is It Different From Traditional Japanese Sushi Knife?

The regular chef’s knife you have at home is different in a few aspects from the traditional Japanese sushi knife. 


The bevel or the angle of the blade’s edge is the key distinction between traditional Japanese sushi knives and blades in the chef’s knives used in the West. 

The bevel in the chef’s knife is sharpened at an angle on both sides in a 50:50 ratio, creating a V shape, and therefore, called a double-edged knife.

This can be used by both right- and left-handed users.

In a Japanese sushi knife, the blade is sharpened at an angle on only one side, creating a chisel-like shape. 

The ratios, as mentioned earlier, are 70:30, 60:40, and 90:10.

The sushi knife is usually honed on the right side, making it perfect for right-handed users. 

For left-handed users who need one that has been sharpened on the left side, they need to order a special one like this

💡Japanese sushi knives are single beveled, but chef’s knives made in the West are double beveled. 

Shape Of The Blade

The shape of the blade is another point of difference. 

While the typical Japanese sushi knife has a straight blade, the chef’s knife in the Western style is usually curved along the blade.

Angle Of The Bevel

The Western chef’s knife has the bevel at an angle between 20 to 30 degrees

The higher the angle, the better it is to chop or cut thick vegetables and meat. 

On the other hand, the bevel angle is quite low in the sushi knife – a maximum of 5 degrees. 

When slicing delicate fish, shellfish, meat, and vegetables, this creates an extremely fine or sharp edge.

Sharpness Of The Cutting Edge

Japanese sushi knife that is single-beveled is extremely sharp. 

This is because only one side needs to be sharpened, making it simpler to cut an angle much smaller and sharper. 

This makes it possible to slice, dice, and cut precisely—a necessary skill in Japanese cuisine, especially when making sushi.

Additionally, a single bevel knife enables the cook to create long, uninterrupted cuts that resemble wafers, which is crucial when preparing several Japanese veggies (for example: peeling daikon). 

Whereas, the chef’s knife doesn’t have a very sharp cutting edge. 

That’s because it is used for cutting tougher meat and vegetables like pumpkin. 

Use Case

The use of a chef’s knife is to cut through tough ingredients like bones and meat. 

But the sushi knife is meant to use for more delicate slicing of fish, meat, and vegetables. 

Using a sushi knife to cut through dense ingredients will not only ruin the blade of the knife but will also spoil the structural integrity of the meat or fish and spoil their texture. 

Types Of Sushi Knives

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There are different types of sushi knives depending on the specific purpose for which they are used. 

Sushi knife types depend on the blade length, blade material, and handle material. 

There are two broad categories of sushi knives with different styles under each.

One is the traditional Japanese knife that is sharpened on one side of the blade.

The second one refers to the Western-style sushi knife that is sharpened on both sides of the blade and has a Japanese influence in the design. 

This influence can be seen in the angle of the blade. 

Instead of the typical chef’s knife that has a 50:50 ratio to give the blade a V shape, the ratios are such to give the blade an asymmetrical shape – 70:30, 60:40, or 90:10. 

The following are traditional Japanese sushi knives:

  • Yanagiba (AKA Shobu)
  • Usuba
  • Kamagata Usuba
  • Deba
  • Fugubiki
  • Takobiki
  • Kiritsuke

Yanagiba (AKA Shobu)

The Japanese word for Yanagiba is “willow leaf blade.” 

With its origins in the Kansai region, it is a typical sushi knife made in Japan that is between 210 and 360 millimeters (8 5/16 – 14 3/16 inches) long. 

This knife is commonly referred to as the “Shobu” by people from the Kansai region since it means “iris leaf.” 

Due to its resemblance to the Japanese iris plant, which has spear-shaped leaves, this name was given.


  • A thin and long blade with a pointed tip is required to get thin slices for boneless fish filets. 
  • Single-beveled on the right side with a concave edge on the left side so that the food does not stick to the blade but falls off smoothly. 
  • The unique shape of the blade can cut through the delicate skin of fish without spoiling the texture. 
  • Either D-shaped handles or Wa-handles that are oval or octagonal. 


Yanagiba knife uses include making clean slices of raw fish for sushi and sashimi dishes as well as for making fish filets.

The proper techniques required to make the most of using the Yanagiba knife are the following:

  • Usuzukuri

This technique translates to “fine cuts.” It is used by sushi chefs for cutting raw fish into incredibly thin pieces

By slicing the fish in this way, cooks can highlight how translucent white fish is and accentuate its springy feel.

  • Hirazukuri

To create long, thin slices of fish, chefs pull-cut perpendicularly across the body of the fish. 

Chefs prepare fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, in this manner.

  • Sogizukuri

Pull-cutting in the direction of the fish’s skin or scales at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. Slices produced using this method are both long and thick. 

Sushi is more enticing and satisfying to eat when the salmon is cut in this manner.


With a thin blade and a sharp cutting edge, the Usuba is a rectangular knife with a straight edge that hails from the Kanto.

It’s ideal for chefs who want to glide through slicing jobs easily and precisely.


  • A long, flat, straight-edged blade comes into contact with the cutting surface, it is perfect for cutting nori sheets and veggies.
  • The thin blade makes it easy to maneuver the knife, making it ideal for fileting fish, chopping components, and cutting veggies with precision into smaller pieces. 

Sushi chefs can put pressure on the ingredients without damaging the food structure. 

  • A Wa-handle that’s light and is either oval, octagonal, or D-shaped. 
  • The sharp blade is perfect for making crosscuts on fish, slicing vegetables, and chopping through small bones without breaking them.


The Usuba knife is also referred to as the vegetable knife as it can make delicate and precise cuts

Thanks to the thin blade, the vegetables can be sliced thinly without ruining the texture. 

The Usuba knife has the bonus advantage of enabling you to make decorations with vegetables for outstanding food presentations. 

You need to have total concentration when using the very special Usuba knife. 

Only after handling many other types of Japanese sushi knives will you be able to handle this one comfortably. 

Kamagata Usuba

Unlike the Usuba that originated in Kanto, the Kamagata Usuba has its origins in Osaka. 


It’s a traditional Japanese knife featuring a pointed tip to make delicate cutting an easier and more precise job.


The Kamagata Usuba is used to make thin sheets of vegetables. 


A strong Sushi knife with a thick spine, a cutting edge, and a pointed tip is called a “deba.” 

It has a single bevel, or one side of the blade is ground totally flat. 

The thickness of the spine makes it more resistant to wear and less likely to sustain injury when slicing through dense flesh.


  • The blade is sharp, tough, and between 5-9 millimeters (3/16 – 5/16 inches) thick, giving you the perfect balance and good control when handling tough cuts like chopping off fish heads.
  • The long blade is wide at the chin or heel and narrows down as it nears the cutting edge. 
  • A sharp tip makes it easy to cut through bones and fibrous tissue.
  • A 180-millimeter-long (7 1/16 inches) blade is recommended by sushi chefs. 
  • The high carbon steel blades in the Deba ensure the durability of this knife. 
  • The Wa-handle could be octagonal, oval, or D-shaped. 


The Deba knife is the best type of knife to use for handling whole fish. 

It is used by chefs to filet fish, behead fish, and cut through bones. 

Some chefs use its weight to cut through birds’ flesh and small bones.

However, it’s not recommended to use the Deba knife to cut through the tough bones as that would break or chip the blade and weaken it.

The tough heel helps to remove the head and tail of the fish easily without damaging the blade. 

The tip of the Deba can be used to feel the bones of the fish before making the cut to get filets. 

Since the middle part of the blade is thick, it’s ideal to chop through tough meat without damaging it, making it more long-lasting. 

You can easily remove the skin of the fish too with the Deba. 


Deriving from blowfish or fugu in Japanese, the Fugubiki is another traditional knife used for slicing fish. 


Similar to the Yanagi, it is, however, not recommended to use the Fugubiki for the same purpose as the Yanagi. 

The Fugubiki is a specialty knife and it’s lighter, thinner, and shorter than the Yanagi. 


Slicing specifically blowfish as the custom in Japan is to serve this fish on a painted plate with extremely thin fish slices so that you can see the design of the plate through them. 


Originating in the Tokyo region of Kanto, the Takobiki is a close cousin of the Yanagi.

It derives its name from the octopus, “tako”. 


The special features of the Takobiki include a blunt tip with a thin body and a balanced weight. 


You can use the Takobiki to make straight-cut sashimi slices easily with its thin body. 

With its balanced weight and blunt tip, it’s easier to work with the Takobiki on tough ingredients like the octopus. 


Kiritsuke is a mix of Yanagiba and Usuba.

Translated into English, Kiritsuke means to “slit open” in Japanese. 

You can get the Kiritsuke knife measuring between 240 and 330 millimeters (9 7/16 – 13 inches). Experts suggest you get one that’s 270 millimeters (10 5/8 inches) long.

Borrowing features from the Yanagiba and Usuba, the Kiritsuke can be used to make fish filets or make thin vegetable slices. 

Kiritsuke is the ultimate symbol of expertise and seniority as the knife can be used only by head chefs in typical Japanese restaurants. 


  • The blade features a clip-point tip and a sword-like look. 

Sushi chefs can make precise cuts with its straight-edge blade, especially for fileting fish.

  • With a flat heel, it is easier to use the push-cut technique. 
  • With an angled tip, making clean and straight slices is possible, especially when it comes to fileting fish or cutting through bones.
  • A sharp and sturdy single bevel cutting edge. 
  • The spine of the knife has a flat area that extends up to the curved tip.
  • The Wa-handle is either D-shaped, octagonal, or oval. 


A multipurpose and versatile knife, the Kiritsuke is great for cutting, slicing, and fileting. 

What’s more, you can also use it to debone poultry and chop vegetables. 

However, massive training is needed before you can make the optimum use of this knife and use the angle of the blade and the handle in ways that suit your purpose. 

The Kiritsuke knife is also used both as sushi and a sashimi knife. 

Styles Of Traditional Japanese Sushi KnivesFeaturesPurpose
YanagibaThin, long, pointed blade
Concave edge
D-shaped or Wa-handles
Clean slices of raw fish for sushi and sashimi
UsubaLong, flat, straight-edged blade
Precise cutting of vegetables and nori sheets
Fish fileting
Kamagata UsubaPointed tipMaking thin sheets of vegetables
DebaSharp, tough, long, and thick blade for durability
Handles whole fish by cutting through small bones and for chopping fish head and tail
FugubikiLighter, thinner, and shorter than YanagiMaking very thin slices of blowfish to
be able to see the design of the plate on which it’s served
TakobikiThin body with a blunt tip and balanced weightFor making straight-cut sashimi
KiritsukeStraight-edged blade with flat heel
Angled tip
Cutting, slicing, fileting
Deboning poultry

The Main Western-style Chef’s Knives

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  • Gyuto
  • Sujihiki
  • Yo-Deba
  • Santoku
  • Nakiri


The Japanese equivalent of the traditional Western chef’s knife is called a Gyuto

It is a real multi-purpose knife that is suitable for chopping through meats, seafood, vegetables, and fruits. 


A pointed tip for precise cutting and working in small spaces. 

The heel or chin of the Gyuto is flatter to make cutting, mincing, or chopping with the rocking technique more comfortable. 

In this technique, the knife is moved in a back-and-forth motion from the tip to the heel to mince, chop, or cut. 

It’s also tall enough to chop with a tapping motion on the middle or tip of the blade

The thinner and lighter blade tends to balance toward the tip.


A multi-purpose knife used for chopping meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. 

It can also be used for mincing and dicing.

You can do both a pull-cut and a push-cut with ease with the Gyuto. 


The Sujihiki is a slicer with a long and narrow blade with which you can cut meat or fish with just one drawing motion from the heel to the tip. 


A long and thin blade for slicing meat and fish with one stroke. 

Blade with an acute edge angle for making it easier to cut with the knife.

The sharp edge, angle, and cutting technique contribute to slicing with minimum damage to the cells and surface of the ingredients. 


The Sujihiki is great for skinning and fileting fish, removing sinew and fat from meat, and making thin slices of boneless fish and meat

The sharp edge and angle of the blade preserve the texture and flavor of the ingredients.


The Yo-Deba is one of the western style knives that are heavy-duty butcher knife types to get through all your meat-cutting needs.


Heavier with a tougher cutting edge for tough use and durability. 


The Yo-Deba is used for cutting through semi-frozen foods, fish, shrimps, lobsters, and chicken with bones. 

However, it’s not advised to use this knife for cutting frozen foods. 


Santoku means “three virtues” and it can handle fish, meat, and vegetables with ease.


With a lightweight blade, the Santoku knife is of medium size and features a spine that curves toward the tip and a cutting edge that is slightly curved or straight.


Great for chopping, dicing, and slicing meat, fish, and vegetables. 


The Nakiri has a thin blade and is double-beveled, perfect for chopping and cutting light ingredients like vegetables. 


A thin, straight, and lightweight blade for slicing vegetables with precision.

The blade is taller than a Gyuto to make more clearance space for the knuckles above the cutting board.


Precision cutting, chopping, and mincing vegetables and fruits.

Not recommended for cutting bones and other tough ingredients.

The Nakiri is a good choice for push- or pull-cutting and tap chopping.  

Western-Style Chef’s KnivesFeaturesPurpose
GyutoThin and light with a sharp, pointed blade
with a relatively flat heel or chin
Cutting meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables for
Western cuisine
Rock chopping or mincing
Both pull-cut and push-cut
SujihikiLong and narrow blade with acute angleFileting and skinning fish
Trimming fat and sinew from meat
Making fine slices of boneless fish or meat
Yo-DebaHeavy and tougher cutting edgeCutting through semi-frozen food and bones
SantokuMedium-sized with a lightweight blade, a straight or
slightly curved edge with the spine curving toward the tip
Chopping, slicing, and dicing meat, fish, and
NakiriDouble-beveled edge with a thin, straight and tall blade
Slicing, mincing, cutting vegetables and fruits with precision

✍️Note: Sushi chefs generally use three types of sushi knives – Yanagiba, Deba, and Usuba.

Sujihiki Vs Yanagi

Sujihiki Vs Yanagi

The Yanagiba is revered by some of the top chefs in the world, particularly those who specialize in meat and fish. 

When used with discipline and competence, it is a tool that is tremendously sharp and articulate. 

It’s possible that you already have at least one in your toolkit if you work as a professional at a sushi restaurant. 

However, Sujihiki would be a better option if you’re a home or amateur chef looking for something simpler to handle, sharpen, and utilize to make straight cuts

A Sujihiki is what you need if the majority of your work includes cutting ham, prime rib, or turkey.

Is There Any Difference Between Sushi Knife And Sashimi Knife?

Is There Any Difference Between Sushi Knife And Sashimi Knife?

Before we go into the differences between sushi and sashimi knives, let’s get to know what’s sashimi.

Sashimi is raw fish, seafood, or meat consumed with soy sauce. The fish or seafood is usually in paper-thin slices. Sashimi is presented by itself without any other ingredient. And that’s where the main difference lies between sushi and sashimi. 

Sushi is made with rice mixed with salt, sugar, and vinegar. Then it’s either rolled with nori sheets with fillings of raw or cooked fish or vegetables inside or shaped into rice balls and topped with cooked or raw seafood or vegetables along with some wasabi

Sashimi can be cut into a number of different forms, such as flat slices, thin strips, rectangles, cubes, or diagonal slices.

Now. let’s get back to the main topic – is there any difference between sushi and sashimi knives?

Sushi and sashimi are two alternative methods for preparing raw fish

To preserve the integrity of the item when preparing sushi, you must use precise cutting techniques. 

Since it may be used to cut vegetables, fish, and sushi rolls, a sushi knife is more functional.

Sashimi knives, however, serve a more narrowly defined function

The sashimi knife uses its thin blade to make paper-thin slices of raw fish that are presented on a platter. 

Sashimi knives are therefore best used for slicing raw fish. 

Because sashimi knives have thinner blades, sashimi chefs find it easy cutting raw fish without sacrificing the texture’s quality.

Types Of Steel Used In Sushi And Sashimi Knives

Three types of steel are used to manufacture Japanese and western style knives.

The materials vary in terms of durability, maintenance, and price.

Carbon Steel

This kind of steel has the sharpest edge possible but needs the most upkeep and is susceptible to rust. 

Therefore, if you get a sushi knife made of high carbon steel, you will need to sharpen it more frequently than a knife made of another type of steel and you will need to be very careful to keep the blade thoroughly cleaned and dry.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel has the benefit of not rusting but on the flip side, it doesn’t have the sharpness of carbon steel or composite steel. 

This brings us to the last type of steel used for making sushi knives. 

Composite Steel

Composite steel has the benefits of stainless steel in that it doesn’t rust easily and therefore, doesn’t need high maintenance. 

It has the advantage of being sharper than stainless steel sushi and sashimi knives. 

One possible downside is the price of composite steel knives – it’s higher than both carbon and stainless steel knives. 

Best Sushi Knives For Value Seekers

Best sushi knives for beginners who are looking for one within a low-end budget include: 

Masahiro Stainless Steel Yanagiba 240-millimeter 

This Masahiro Yanagiba is a perfect combination of affordability and good quality. 

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  • Rust-resistant – made from original stainless steel by Masahiro, it’s a low-maintenance knife as it is resistant to rust. 
  • Sharp – the stainless steel blade is extremely sharp for making precise cuts. 
  • Water-resistant and durable – a combination of compressed laminated wood and resin makes the handle resistant to water, thereby making it durable and anti-slip. 

Tojiro DP Gyuto 8.2-Inch

This knife has a core made of cobalt alloy steel that’s covered by outer layers of chromium stainless steel.

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  • Durability – Made with alloy steel in the core and VG-10 high-quality outer steel for durability. 
  • Sharp – VG-10 steel makes the cutting edge very sharp. 
  • Good value for money – perfect entry-level Japanese knife under $100.
  • Ergonomic – the handle is made from reinforced laminated material and fits well.

Best Sushi Knife Names For Experiencers

For those who can afford to spend a little more and get better at making sushi and sashimi, they can choose the following.

Yoshihiro 8.25 Inch Damascus Gyuto

This Yoshihiro sushi knife, like all others of the same brand name, is made in Seki City, Japan. 

As Seki is the city that has made sushi knives for centuries, it’s naturally a mark of high quality when your sushi knife is made there.  

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  • Durable – made from high-end VG-10 Japanese steel for added strength and durability.
  • Stronger – with 1% carbon content, this high-carbon knife has stronger steel. 
  • Sharp – the stronger steel enables the blade to be sharpened to get a finer edge.
  • Rust-resistant – 15% Chromium content makes it rust-resistant. 
  • Ergonomic – Octagonal handcrafted lightweight and ergonomic handle.

Sakai Takayuki 17-Layer Damascus VG-10

This knife is a beauty to look at and functions superbly with its sharp and durable blade. 

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  • For both right and left-handed users – The double-beveled knife can be used ambidextrously.
  • Sharp – extremely sharp blade that’s slanted like a Japanese sword for delicate cuts.
  • Durable – VG-10 stainless steel to make the knife long-lasting. 
  • Great looks – hammered pattern on 17-layered Damascus steel and mahogany handle that’s water-resistant.

Yoshihiro Inox Honyaki Stain Resistant Steel Wa Gyuto

Top-class knife with supreme versatility, check Amazon for the price of this Honyaki knife.

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  • Aesthetics – beautifully handcrafted and mirror-finish polish.
  • Strong and durable – INOX Aus-10 steel that is forged at temperatures reaching thousands of degrees and then cooled down for strength and durability. 
  • Multipurpose – can be used for slicing, dicing, and chopping. 

Sakai Takayuki Ginryu Dragon Premium Honyaki Japanese Chef’s Yanagiba(Sashimi) 270mm

A razor-sharp and efficient sushi knife for those who are aspiring to be a sushi chef.

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  • Extremely sharp blade – made from top-quality Swedish stainless steel.
  • Exceptional rust resistance – made from a special stainless steel alloy with a low amount of impurities to prevent the formation of rust. 
  • Hard edge with excellent retention – the Honyaki process produces a very hard edge that retains sharpness. 

Sushi Knives For Big Spenders

For professional chefs or those who want only the best money can buy, check out the following sushi knives.

Yoshihiro Kasumi Knife Shitan 3-Piece Set

Yoshihiro is one of the top sushi knife brands and this knife set has three different knives to suit all your chopping and cutting needs.

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  • Versatile – the Yanagi, Usuba, and Deba knives in the set can be used for all cutting and slicing purposes.
  • Sharp – Shiroko high-carbon white steel core ensures superior sharpness and retention. 
  • Superior craftsmanship – handcrafted rosewood handle with rosewood bolster. 
  • Durable – Outer layer of forged softer iron ensures durability. 

Japanese Chef’s Knife ARITSUGU Blue Steel Honyaki Yanagi

This 14.17-inch knife is not for the faint-hearted! 
Check price on Amazon.


  • Superior construction – made from stainless steel, Blue steel, and ceramics for durability. 
  • Personalization – you can have your name carved on the blade. 
  • Extreme sharpness – the alloy steel is hard and gives a sharp cutting edge for making extraordinary sushi and sashimi.

Benefits Of A Good Sushi Knife

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You need to invest a bit in a good quality sushi knife to get the full benefits of using one. 

  1. For the finest results, use good quality sushi knives to slice your fish and veggies. 
  2. They work to ensure that your contents are distributed and proportioned properly so that your sushi maintains its structural integrity.
  3. High-carbon stainless steel is used to make a high-quality sashimi knife, which is extremely robust and have razor-sharp blades.
  4. High-quality sushi knives have been ergonomically constructed to allow for prolonged use.
  5. Sushi knives with a variety of blade types, weights, and sizes will suit your demands more effectively.

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t use a cheap alternative. 

The cheaper alternatives that are touted on online marketplaces may end up getting you more frustrated instead of motivating you to make sushi and sashimi at home. 

A cheaper knife will not be durable and its blade will be more susceptible to breaking. 

In the long run, you end up buying more of these cheaper knives and spending more unnecessarily when you could be using better quality and pricier knives from the start. 

Besides, cheaper sushi knives are not made from top-quality materials and won’t be razor-sharp – a must-have quality for sushi chefs.

Only sharp blades can help you cut slices of fish and vegetables with precision and ensure that your sushi is intact.

Handles of cheap sushi knives are not well-crafted and might easily slip, creating hazards in the kitchen. 

Last but not least, using cheaper knives will leave your sushi looking messy with uneven cuts. 

This won’t make you look good as a chef, nor will it make the sushi look appetizing. 

How To Choose The Best Sushi Knife

How To Choose The Best Sushi Knife

Look for these factors when choosing the best sushi knife. 

After all, you don’t want to keep changing from one knife to the next, so it’s better to be patient and choose a high-quality knife rather than regret it later. 


First, you need to decide what you’re going to do with a Japanese sushi knife. 

For example, if you want to use it to cut through small bones or chop off the head and tail of a whole fish, then Deba should be your choice. 

If you are looking for super-thin slices of raw fish and vegetables for sushi or sashimi, Yanagiba is your best bet. 


As discussed earlier, choose high-quality materials with which the sushi or sashimi knife has been made. 

Otherwise, you will have to compromise on the quality of cuts, the appearance of the final dish, the durability of the blade and handle, safety when operating in the kitchen, and saving money in the long run. 

Choose knives made of carbon steel as this is a popular material for making traditional Japanese knives. 

Due to their high purity content, knives made from this material are sharper although they are not rust-proof. 


The handle of Japanese knives is made from wood. 

Before you buy a sushi or sashimi knife, check out the handle. 

Feel it in your grip and see how comfortably your hand fits in the handle.

The handle should have an ergonomic design to prevent the hand from slipping.

If the handle is D-shaped, it’s likely to be handled more comfortably when used for a long time period. 

Also, look for signs of whether the handle is full tang or partial tang. 

A full tang knife handle with the steel blade running across the full length gives you more balance and won’t tire out your wrists. 

Such a handle also increases the weight of the knife.

A partial tang or a rat-tail tang tapers down toward the end of the handle and is covered by the wooden handle.

These knives that have a partial tang are less expensive and weigh less. 

If you buy a knife with a partial tang, its lightweight feature will cause you less stress. 

However, knives with a partial tang will not be as durable as full tang ones. 

Moreover, you can’t use a half tang knife for cutting through tough materials like pumpkin or melon. 

Before you buy a sushi knife, check if the blade can be seen between the end of the visible part of the steel blade and the part where the wooden handle begins. 

If you can see it, don’t buy it as it shows it’s not been secured properly and the blade will come off the handle.


The blade is the most important part of the sushi knife as it is THE part that cuts the food.

Choose a sushi knife made from high-grade materials – preferably high carbon stainless steel – so that you know you have the best blade at your disposal that won’t give away while you’re working. 

Moreover, the material will keep the blade durable, and resistant to rust, stains, and corrosion while maintaining its sharpness.  

Check the sharpness of the blade to ensure you get exactly the cuts you want. 

While you check the blade construction, check its length as well. 

With a length ranging from 9 to 10.5 inches, Yanagiba knives are often substantially longer than other sushi blades. 

The length of other sushi knives, like Nakiri or Santoku knife, is often between 6 and 7 inches.

Thinking about the type of sushi you want to eat and selecting the right length for the task are the keys to getting the best sushi knife for your needs.

How To Sharpen Sushi Knives

How To Sharpen Sushi Knives

It’s normal for sushi chefs to keep the tool of their trade sharpened on a regular basis.

It’s widely believed that cleaning and sharpening the knife every day and letting it rest overnight improves the taste of food. 

Sushi chefs like to hone the blade of their knives before it gets too blunt. 

This keeps the knife sharp and saves them from spending a lot of time getting back the desired sharpness. 

If you recall, traditional Japanese-style sushi knives are sharpened on one side of the blade or single-beveled. 

On the other hand, western style knives are sharpened on both sides of the blade or are double-beveled.

This difference also creates different ways to sharpen sushi knives.

Prepping The Whetstone

Whether you’re sharpening a single – or double-edged knife, preparing the whetstone is essential. 

Here’s how to do it. 

Soak the whetstone and stone fixers in water for 10 minutes or until you don’t see any more air bubbles before sharpening your knife on it. 

Using the stone fixer, level down the sides of the whetstone and sand the top of it to make it flat.

On a damp towel, place the whetstone with the narrow end pointing away from you. 

The towel will help the whetstone stay in place when sharpening the sushi or sashimi knife. 

Speaking of whetstones, there are three main types that you need to know about.

Each type of whetstone is used for varying levels of damage on the blade. 

  1. Arato

It’s a coarse grit stone to fix damaged edges and create new ones. 

The average grit of the Arato varies between 400 and 600 and can go either above 600 or below 400. 

  1. Nakato 

For creating a sharper edge and for slight repairs, the Nakato whetstone is used as it has a medium grit between an average of 1000 to 1200.

  1. Shiage

The Shiage is a fine-grit stone used for polishing or finishing.

It has an average grit of 6000 to 8000. 

If you’re a home chef and wondering which whetstone is best for you, choose a combination stone with Nakato on one side and Shiage on the other. 

Note: You leave tiny scratches on the metal’s surface while sharpening with medium-grade grit (Nakato). 

Moving to the finer grit (Shiage) polishes out those dings to produce a polished, sharp edge.

In order to polish along the same lines and in the same direction as you did when you formed them with the more abrasive stone in the previous stage, it is crucial to maintain a constant angle of the knife to the stone during the entire sharpening process.

How To Hold The Sushi Knife When Sharpening

Your thumb should be on the flat section of the knife’s blade, your index finger should be on the spine, and the remaining three fingers should be wrapped around the blade.

Hold it comfortably, but not in a way that would be similar to cutting with it. 

Although it can range from 45 to 80 degrees, the angle between the knife and the stone should be between 60 and 70 degrees. 

Maintain a constant angle for the best results. 

How To Sharpen Single-Edged Knives

You should know how to sharpen traditional Japanese knives that are single-beveled to prevent the blade from getting damaged, bent, or rusted.

Follow the steps below to sharpen a single-edged sushi knife. 

  1. Put two or three fingers of your left hand, starting at the tip, near the edge of the knife while holding the knife against the front of the stone closest to your body.
  2. When you push the knife down the stone, apply equal pressure to the blade edge where your fingers are because here is where the sharpening is taking place.
  3. Place the knife along the length of the whetstone and push. 

When you move the knife forward and back to the beginning position once more, let go of the pressure on your fingertips. 

Before moving on to the next portion of the blade, repeat this action one more time. 

This is particularly true for the Yanagiba due to its more delicate and thin blade.

Finish off the current part of the blade with no more than 5 or 6 strokes.

  1. As you proceed down the blade, be sure to maintain the same angle of the knife to the stone and the blade edge to the stone.
  2. Look out for the burr forming along the edge of the blade as you start to sharpen it. 
  3. Once the burr shows along the whole length of the cutting edge, put the blade on its reverse side flat on the far side of the whetstone and perpendicular to it. 
  4. Put your left hand’s middle and index finger against the edge of the blade while softly pressing your thumb against the spine.
  5. By applying gentle pressure on your fingers, pull the blade toward yourself. 
  6. Proceed to the next section of the blade until burr forms on the entire length. 
  7. Remove the burr with a clean cloth to finish off the sharpening process. 

✍️Note: Sprinkle water on the stone as necessary to lubricate it, but leave the sludge that accumulates because it helps the sharpening process.

How To Sharpen Double-Edged Knives

Western style Japanese knives like Nakiri or Gyuto are double-edged and need to be sharpened differently.

Consult the manufacturer’s guide to find out the angles of the front and back edges of the blade. 

If you can’t do that, here’s how you can find out the angles:

  1. Put the blade’s face flat against the whetstone. 
  2. Put your fingers half on the whetstone and half on the edge of the blade. 
  3. Raise the knife slowly to feel the flat touch of the bevel on the stone. 

You want to sharpen this side at this angle.

  1. Repeat the above step for the other side of the blade. 
  2. Continue to sharpen both edges of the blade in the same way as you would sharpen a single-bevel knife.

Care And Maintenance Tips

Care And Maintenance Tips
  1. Do not cut frozen food or tough bones with a sushi knife as it will dull and damage the blade. 
  2. If you are using your sushi knife to cut ingredients that are acidic like lemons, sushi (with vinegar), or apples, make sure to wash and wipe the knife often.
  3. Never use a sharpening steel to sharpen your sushi knife. Always use a whetstone or a water stone as suggested by the manufacturer. 
  4. Always handwash your sushi knife after each use with soapy water and give a final rinse with hot water. 
  5. Use tissue paper or a towel to dry your sushi knife especially if your knife is made of carbon steel. This material is prone to rust and leaving water droplets will cause the blade to rust. 
  6. Never try to roast the knife over a fire to dry it quickly as this would affect the sharpness of the blade. 
  7. If you do notice discoloration due to rust on the sushi knife blade, wet the knife and place it on a chopping board. Sprinkle with a powder cleanser to cover the area of rust evenly. Take a cork and put it in water. Use the wet cork to rub the area of rust while making sure the blade doesn’t move from its place. 
  8. Never wash your sushi knife in a dishwasher. 
  9. Before putting it away, add a thin layer of any plant-based oil with tissue paper, wrap your sushi knife in a newspaper, put it in a case, and store it in a separate space either on a rack or in the drawer. The newspaper contains some oil as well and will prevent any rust from forming. 
  10. As the blades are more delicate in traditional Japanese knives, apply caution when using them as direct contact with bones, stones, or any hard material can damage the blade. 
  11. Avoid twisting the blade when you are removing the knife from the raw fish to prevent the blade from bending and losing its shape. 
  12. For sterilizing the knife, always use hot water, never an open fire. 


What Is A Japanese Sushi Knife Called?

“Wa-bocho” is the term that refers to traditional style Japanese sushi and sashimi knives. 

What Kind Of A Knife Is Best For Cutting Sushi?

Yanagiba is the best knife for cutting sushi. 

What Is Special About A Sushi Knife?

Their single-beveled edge, the flat part of the blade that prevents the food from sticking to the blade, the multifaceted blade that can cut vegetables, fish, and roll, a D-shaped handle for comfort, and the tang or part of the blade that can either run the full length or partial length of the knife. 

What Kind Of Knife Is Used For Sashimi?

For sashimi, you need a knife with a long and narrow blade like a Yanagiba.

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market?

Need a santoku knife? We’ve rounded up the best ones for you in this list. Read on!

The Best Santoku Knife: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market?

You may be one of the new home cooks venturing into the world of knives, or maybe you’re just curious as to what a santoku knife is.

Whatever the case, we’ve been on a quest for the best santoku knife, and we’re here to show the results of our find!

Jump into the list of the best santoku knives with us below:

What Are Santoku Knives?

A santoku knife is a Japanese-style knife whose name directly refers to the “three virtues” or functionalities: cutting, slicing, and chopping. Santoku knives can be distinguished with their curved ends, high-carbon stainless steel blade, and thin widths.

You can also distinguish this knife with their Granton edge. Granton edges are serrated indentations that can be found along the blade length.

The Difference Between a Chef’s Knife and a Santoku Knife

If you’re a beginner to discerning knives in the kitchen, it’s understandable that you may be confused about these two! We compare and contrast their similarities and differences below:

Santoku Knives

Santoku knives are Japanese-style knives with a concave blade designed to facilitate rocking the blade back and forth through food. In Japan, they are often used for vegetable preparation, but they can also be used for meat, fish, or poultry.

Chef Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 11

A chef’s knife is typically longer and thinner than a Santoku knife. It may have a smaller tip than other knives and it usually has a curved spine that makes it easier to mince and dice ingredients. A chef’s knife is primarily used for chopping vegetables, slicing meat, and mincing herbs.

The Top Ten Best Santoku Knives

01 Mercer Culinary Genesis Forged Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 12


  • Made of high-carbon stainless Japanese steel
  • With a taper ground edge
  • Comes with an ergonomic handle with non-slip grip
  • Not dishwasher-safe, so it must be handled carefully during hand-washing

Is It For You?

The Mercer Culinary Genesis Forged Knife is a finely crafted knife for cutting, chopping, and slicing meats and vegetables. The high-carbon German steel features precision construction with long-lasting sharpness.

It has a taper-ground edge that promises quality cuts. Plus, the ergonomic handle and non-grip slips makes sure you’re comfortable in using the knife for long periods of time. Whatever the case, you’ll have a breeze in the kitchen with this knife!

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02 Babish High-Carbon German Steel Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 13


  • Made of high-carbon steel
  • Has a sharp point due to being tempered, ground, and polished
  • With a full-tang handle
  • Comes with a Granton edge
  • Has a hollow blade edge

Is It For You?

The Babish High-Carbon German Steel Santoku Knife is one of the perfect picks for your kitchen needs! The high-carbon alloy steel is tempered, ground, and polished for maximum sharpness and precision.

The blade isn’t just sharp and precise. It’s also a hollow edge Santoku knife with Granton edges for less drag and stuck food. Slice, dice, and mince all day with its comfortable grip, too!

If you’re looking for the Santoku knife that can perform well and stay durable, the Babish High-Carbon Steel Santoku Knife may be the one for you.

03 Henckels Classic Razor Sharp Blade – Hollow-Edge Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 14


  • Is a stainless steel santoku knife
  • Has a satin finish
  • Comes with full-tang handle material
  • Polished with a hollow sharp blade edge

Is It For You?

The Henckles Classic Razor Sharp Blade is a high-quality knife anyone would want in their kitchen. It’s been honed to be of perfect sharpness, and the fine-polished hollow edge makes it great for extra thin cuts.

Prepare meat, fish, and vegetables with this santoku knife. You won’t tire of it, either. It has a triple riveted handle that makes sure you’re comfortable all throughout your usage.

Into aesthetics? The satin finish makes it look more of a quality blade — and it’s already a great knife!

Check out the Henckles Classic Razor Sharp Blade Santoku Knife. It may be the one for you.

04 Mitsumoto Sakari Japanese Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 15


  • Traditionally hand-forged for 45 days, making it stand out from other kitchen knives
  • Made with three layers of high carbon steel, with cold nitrogen treatment and precision quenching
  • With a solid rosewood handle, ergonomically designed for your comfort
  • Comes with sandalwood gift box packaging

Is It For You?

The Mitsumoto Sakari Japanese Santoku Knife astounds us all. After all, this could be the best of the best of Japanese knives.

Many Santoku knives don’t have the same features the Mitsumoto Sakari has. We start off with the three layers of laminated carbon steel that not only resists stains but corrosions and rust as well.

With the precise, forty-five day forging process, the resulting forged knives are stronger, thinner, and more durable. While the thin blade itself is reliable, the ergonomics of the handle is also something to praise.

The handle material is made of rosewood. The design is intended for the user to keep a good grip and maintain a reliable balance during usage. Plus, it comes with sandalwood gift box packaging, which makes it the perfect gift — either to yourself or a loved one!

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05 DALSTRONG Santoku Knife Forged with Carbon German Steel

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 16


  • Santoku blades and handle material are made of carbon German steel
  • Is National Sanitation Foundation certified
  • Comes with a handle impervious to heat and water
  • Comes with a hand-sharpened blade and pointed tip
  • Comes with a hand-polished spine and stone-polished blade

Is It For You?

In the Vanquish series, the DALSTRONG Santoku knife takes precision to the next level. The tall blade is tapered and stone-polished to 16-18 degree sharpness. When you slice, chop, dice, and mince, there’s little to no resistance — and its design can prevent food from getting stuck to the knife!

A good Santoku knife, however, is more than its blade. Beyond the precise, high-carbon steel, the polished spine gives you comfort through the grip. This knife is rust and corrosion-resistant, and is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation.

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06 MOSFiATA Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 17


  • Blade is made of high-quality stainless steel
  • Blade resists rust, corrosion, and discoloration
  • Hand-polished to create an ultra-sharp edge at 14 to 16 degrees per side
  • With a solid Micarta handle and a triple rivet design
  • Comes with a sharpener and finger guard

Is It For You?

Want one of the premium Santoku knives? Look into the MOSFiATA Santoku knife! It’s a high-quality 7-inch Santoku knife for a reasonable price. It can do all the dicing, slicing, and cutting tasks with ease.

The Japanese steel is a thinner blade and made of high-quality stainless steel. There will be no rust, corrosion, and discoloration on the blade, either! This super sharp knife is great for professional kitchens, but home cooks will benefit from it as well.

We know it can get tiring to prep your food, but MOSFiATA answers that trouble quite easily. The sturdy handle provides a secure, comfortable grip with a triple-rivet design. You’re even safer and more secure with your purchase as MOSFiATA provides a finger guard and knife sharpener.

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07 WÜSTHOF Classic IKON 7-inch Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 18


  • Made of high-carbon stainless steel
  • Made with Precision Edge Technology that yields a 20% sharper blade
  • Blade is thinner at a 10-degree cutting edge and rounded curve
  • Has hollow edges with evenly spaced vertical indentations for the food

Is It For You?

If you want a knife that has a history of professionalism and quality, go for the WÜSTHOF Classic IKON 7-inch Santoku Knife. This hollow-edge santoku knife comes with quality stainless steel, Precision Edge Technology, and 10-degree cutting edge.

It’s super sharp and comes with a rounded curve for all your mincing, dicing, and chopping needs! The hollow edges are there to stop the food from sticking to the blade, saving you time and energy while prepping food.

The forged blade will last you long, and the handle itself is comfortable to use. The double bolster gives it an amazing design and gives you balance during usage. It’s ergonomic and resists fading and discoloration, too!

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08 Mac Knife Superior Paring Knife and Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 19


  • Has a high-carbon 2-millimeter blade
  • Is rust-resistant, durable, and with a razor-sharp edge
  • With a pakka wood handle
  • Made in Japan

Is It For You?

Looking for high quality santoku and paring knives for your kitchen? The Mac Knife can be the best option for you!

The two-millimeter blade is thin enough for fine slices, dices, and minces. Due to the high-carbon material, the blade is exceptionally sharp that will endure general wear and tear. Another perk? It’s rust-resistant, too!

More than the blade itself, however, the pakka wood handle makes sure that you can rely on this product for years to come. It’s strong and comfortable enough to grip properly through all your slicing needs.

Get the Mac Knife here and see the wonder for yourself. The only drawback for this santoku knife is that it’s not dishwasher-safe! You have to carefully hand-wash it after every use.

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09 Yoshiniro Inox Ice-Hardened 7-Inch Santoku Knife

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 20


  • Increased carbon content in the blade, leading to higher edge retention
  • Has a handcrafted, full-tang, Western-style handle
  • Is versatile and stain-resistant
  • Ice-hardened for increased refinement

Is It For You?

If you need a guaranteed durable knife, the Yoshiniro Inox is the one for you. Besides having high carbon content in its steel blade, it’s also ice-hardened for increased refinement and resiliency. As a result, it has a higher edge retention, too!

You can use this santoku knife for a variety of purposes. It’s stain-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about possible discoloration in the future. Plus, you know you can count on it to last for years — not only is the handle made of pakka wood, it’s also handcrafted, with a full-tang, Western-style handle.

Look no further for the a handy, trusty knife!

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10 Sabatier Forged Santoku Knife with Self-Sharpening Sheath

The Best Santoku Knives: Which Is the Best Santoku Knife On The Market? 21


  • High-quality blade that promises durability and sharpness
  • Comes with hand-crafted stamped blade edges
  • Full-tang handles for maximum comfort and grip
  • Comes with a self-sharpening Edgekeeper sleeve

Is It For You?

Worried about dull blades? That won’t happen with the Sabatier Forged Santoku Knife! Its major perk is that it comes with a self-sharpening Edgekeeper sleeve, so it keeps your knives as sharp as they can — even with regular use.

The high-quality blade is sure of its durability. And you won’t have to endure long prepping times, either — you can feel the comfort with the triple-riveted handles as you use them.

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The Great Santoku Knives: A Buying Guide

Okay, you’ve got all the knives you can choose from in this article. But the question becomes what you should look for in the first place.

Don’t worry. We’ll guide you through what you should look for in a Santoku knife below:

  1. Cutting Angle

You want a Santoku knife to live up to its three virtues: chopping, slicing, and dicing. As a result, if you’re looking for quality knives, you should look into the Santoku blades.

You want your Santoku knife to produce paper-thin slices and fine minces. So, you have to look for a thin blade with the right cutting angle. The cutting angle should be less than 20 degrees — anything over 20 degrees means that the cutting edge is too thick and won’t yield the same results.

As a general rule of thumb, look for a cutting-edge blade within 15 to 20 degrees. If you can, try to find a stainless steel santoku knife with a cutting angle of less than 15 degrees. You’ll be surprised at how much it makes a difference!

  1. Handle and Blade Material

Strong steel is a must with Santoku knives. You want something durable, sturdy, and able to withstand general wear and tear.

High-carbon and stainless steel blades are a must. If you can find some, go for forged blades as well. The forging process makes the flat cutting edge and blade itself much sturdier.

We don’t recommend ceramic blades. If you do go for a ceramic blade, make sure your cutting board is either wood or plastic to accommodate the brittle quality of ceramic knives.

A blade is nothing without the handle, so make sure the handle material is top-notch as well. Look for something full-tang — where the blade runs down the handle! It’s more durable that way.

Triple-riveted handles are also good recommendations for ease of usage. A wooden handle and pinch grip will also go a long way.

  1. Size

As much as possible, you want a tall blade length. It keeps your slices even and yields thinner results. The longer the blade is, the better, but take into account your own comfort and general usage as well when choosing a knife.

  1. Edges

A Granton, hollow edge or having indentations along you Santoku knife is a must. It prevents food from being stuck to the blade itself, so you don’t have to waste time sliding pieces of vegetables and fruit off your knife. It saves time, so you’re more efficient in your prepping and cooking!

Where to Use Your Santoku Knives

Fruit and Vegetables

A santoku knife is best for dicing, mincing, and chopping vegetables and fruits. You want knife to slice cleanly without crushing the vegetables. Plus, it should be easier to control for finer cuts.


While santoku knives aren’t the most ideal pick for meats, your santoku knife should still perform well against most of them! Cutting meat should be quite easy with santoku knives.

It should cut through skin, the actual meat, and joints. If you, like most home cooks, still don’t have a complete collection of knives for meats, a santoku knife should do well when picked up for the task.


A good santoku knife should be able to accomplish filleting, skinning, and trimming fish. It should get through the skin, spine, and bone.

Additional Accessories After Buying a Santoku Knife

  1. A Cutting Board

After all, you do need somewhere to chop your food on! The tricky part is choosing the best cutting board possible for your expensive knives.

Cutting boards should have some give to them so the knives can press into it quite easily. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid glass, bamboo, marble, and steel cutting boards.

However, end-grain wood boards and plastic can be your best bets. We highly recommend this John Boos Block cherry-wood cutting board! It’s hand-crafted, reversible, and safe for fine cutlery.

  1. Knife Sharpener

As much as we hate it to happen, our knives do dull over time. It’s best to have a kitchen knife sharpener for most chef’s knives! No matter how sharp a knife is, even if it’s a hollow edge Santoku knife, it can and will dull over time.

Have you found that your knife performed badly compared to before? It’s time to bring out the knife sharpener. For the best results, we recommend Chef’sChoice Trizor XV EdgeSelect Professional Electric Knife Sharpener.

This sharpener can transform your knives into the sharpest, 15-degree edges along the blade length. It’s easy to use, versatile, and with 100% diamond abrasives to sharpen the most out of the blade length of your knives.

If an electric sharpener isn’t the one you want to use, you can also go for a whetstone set. This knife sharpening set we found comes with a bundle of three double-sided grit sharpening stones. The non-slip bamboo base holds everything securely as you sharpen your knives along their blade length!

  1. Knife Block

Got all the knives you need, or starting a new knife collection? It’s time to invest in a knife block. You need to save up on the drawer and countertop space, and it’s safer to have all your knives in one place.

We recommend getting this Cook N Home Knife Block. It’s made of durable acacia wood, with over 20 slots to fit in all the knives in your kitchen.

It can hold everything up to nine inches deep! There’s a variety of widths, too, so you can put everything from a meat cleaver to a chef’s knife. If you have them, you can also choose to put in kitchen scissors and sharpening tools.

This knife block doesn’t just perform its function, but it also looks good on your kitchen countertop!


Are Santoku Knives Good Knives?

Santoku knives are definitely good knives. They can be used for slicing, chopping, and cutting vegetables, fruits, and meats. They’re quite easy to maneuver, are functional, and are versatile knives!

Which Knife Is The Best: Santoku or Chef’s?

Santoku knives and chef’s knives both have different functions, so they’re best for different purposes. Use a Santoku knife for high-precision cuts, mincing, dicing, and thin slices. Use chef knives for disjointing meats and complex cutting instead.

Can You Use a Santoku Knife for Everything?

You practically can! Santoku knives excel at versatility. However, it’s best if you can use different knives for different functions. A multipurpose knife, paring knife, chef’s knife and other knives may work best for what you need

15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives!

This post contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. But it never influences our product selection process.

Despite it being a tougher cut of meat, there is just something about brisket that makes us go frenzy. We all have our own “best” version of it too.

Some follow their grandma’s secret recipe while others like to experiment with many different styles. Nothethless, this slow-cooked deliciousness is just what we all need to cheer up right now. 

You know what’s the worst part is about making a juicy brisket? The carving! 

Oh boy not all of us have the hand or skill of a culinary artist. It always gets wonky; one piece is thicker than the other or you find the pieces more shredded than clean cut. 

If you happen to find yourself in a situation like that, chances are your brisket knife is too small or too dull. Or worse, you don’t have a brisket knife at all!

In this article, we have gathered our all time favourite brisket knives that even a clumsy beginner cook can use. We have options for all kinds of chefs. Here we don’t discriminate!

In a Hurry? Here’s Our Top Picks…

Victorinox Cutlery Fibrox Pro Slicing Knife

Victorinox Fibrox Pro Granton Slicing Knife

  • High-carbon European stainless steel
  • 12” blade with 5.4” handle
  • Non-slip patented fibrox pro handle
  • Granton blade for minimized friction
  • National Sanitary Foundation (NSF) approved

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Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge Slicer

Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge Slicer

  • Santroprence and polypropylene handle
  • Textured finger points
  • Hand wash knives 
  • Highest quality Japanese steel
  • One-piece high carbon
  • Stain-resistant blade.

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DALSTRONG Slicing Carving Knife

Dalstrong Slicing Carving Knife – Gladiator Series

  • Imported high-carbon German steel
  • Triple riveted for extra durability
  • 14°-16° angle hand polished edge
  • Ultra-premium G-10 handle
  • 56+ rockwell hardness
  • Full tang for extra strength
  • Ergonomic handle with sheath

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Cutluxe Slicing Carving Knife

Cutluxe Slicing Carving Knife

  • German high carbon stainless steel
  • Tempered to 56+ Rockwell
  • Full tang ergonomic design 
  • Laminated pakkawood handle
  • Granton blade edge
  • Hand-honed sharpened at 14-16° per side
  • Rust/Corrosion resistant

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Kessaku Slicing Carving Knife

Kessaku Slicing Carving Knife – Samurai Series

  • High-carbon stainless steel blade
  • Pakkawood mirror-polished handle
  • 2X sharper that average knives
  • Sharpened at 16° angle per side
  • Full tang and hand crafted
  • Ample knuckle clearance

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15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 22

Dalstrong Butcher’s Breaking Cimitar Knife -“The Reaper”

  • Forged thyssenkrupp high-carbon German steel 
  • Satin finish hand-sharpened blade
  • Black pakkawood handle
  • Full tang with engraved rivet
  • Lifetime warranty

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Hammer Stahl Carving Knife

Hammer Stahl 14” Carving Knife

  • Individually boxed with magnetic latches
  • Forged German stainless steel
  • 55-57 rockwell hardness
  • Holds in edge, easy to resharpen
  • Durable resin-infused pakkawood handle
  • Quad-tang handle

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Ergo Chef Prodigy Slicing knife

Ergo Chef Prodigy Series 12″ Slicing Knife

  • High carbon stainless steel
  • Razor sharp tempered blade
  • Ergonomic design non-slip handle
  • NSF tested
  • Ideal for larger brisket and roasts

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DALSTRONG Slicing & Carving Knife

Dalstrong 12” Slicing & Carving Knife

  • Precision forged high carbon German Steel
  • 58 rockwell hardness
  • Sharpened to 16°-18° angle
  • Black, non-reflective titanium-nitride coating
  • Tapered design for hardness
  • Added chromium for stain resistance
  • Full tang construction

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15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 23

Kai Brisket Pro Kitchen Knives

  • Ideal for trimming and slicing larger meat
  • Imported Japanese AUS6M stainless steel blade
  • Hand-sharpened at 16° double-bevel blade
  • Riveted POM handle
  • Full-tang construction

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15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 24

Cook N Home 11″ Granton Edge Slicing Knife

  • Granton edge with rounded tip
  • 16.5” of total length
  • Multipurpose knife
  • German engineered stainless steel
  • Ergonomic handle shape
  • Dishwasher safe

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TUO Slicing Knife

TUO Slicing Knife – Fiery Phoenix Series

  • Narrow long blade
  • Polished African Pakkawood handle
  • Ergonomic gentle curve
  • Full-tang construction
  • 3-step Honbazuke method sharpening 
  • Honed at 18° per side
  • Lifetime guarantee

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MAIRICO Stainless Steel Carving Knife

Mairico Ultra Sharp Premium Carving Knife

  • Premium stainless steel 
  • Ergonomic, well balanced body
  • Versatile functions
  • Lightweight with only 1.3 lbs
  • Comes with a storage case

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15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 25

SEDGE Slicing Carving Knife

  • Japanese AUS-10V high-carbon steel
  • Full tang with Damascus hammered finish
  • Three-step Honbazuke method
  • Military-grade G10 handle
  • 62+ rockwell edge retention
  • Hand-polished blade 
  • Comes with a gift box

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FINDKING Slicing Carving Knife

Findking 12” Slicing Carving Knife

  • Rosewood octagon handle
  • 3 layer clad steel
  • Durability with edge retention
  • Hand-polished 16° v-shaped edge
  • Comes in a beautiful packaging

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Top 15 Best Knives for Slicing Brisket Reviews

01. Victorinox Fibrox Pro Granton Slicing Knife

Victorinox Cutlery Fibrox Pro Slicing Knife

Victorinox 47645

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Our Top Pick


  • Blade material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Victorinox
  • Color: Black
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17.38 x 1.75 x 0.75 inches
  • Construction Type: Stamped

There are many great knives available in the market and many will be. But nothing beats a classic, trustworthy option like Victorinox Fibrox Pro. The thing we most love about this slicing knife is how easy it is to use. 

The whole body of this knife is designed in an ergonomic shape. The handle is comfortable with anti-slip grip and a clever shape. If you feel uncomfortable to hold a knife for longer, this is a great option so it does not cause hand fatigue. 

Victorinox has always been a place culinary enthusiasts go to for quality products. It might not be the most affordable one but it surely is an investment piece. You buy one Victorinox knife and it will serve you decades.

The blade is the most important part of any knife. This one is made from high-carbon European stainless-steel which makes it super durable and rust resistant. 

The 12” shape blade comes with a rounded tip that is very useful for meat separation. the lightweight body maximizes cutting performance so you can use it for both firm and soft meats. 

The Granton blade prevents food from sticking to the steel. The cleanup of this slicing knife is also super simple. 

You can hand wash them or put them in the dishwasher. This is a versatile carving knife that helps you cut thinner and uniformed slices  very quickly.

This Victorinox carving knife is NSF approved and comes with a lifetime guarantee. So if you are looking for a commitment piece, there is no better one to try.

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife is a trusted favourite among many of your favourite celebrity chefs and food vloggers. This is just what you would imagine a high-quality brisket knife is like. 

It is comfortable, easy to use and has superior weight balance. It is also ideal for both professionals and mature cooks. This knife is expensive for a reason!


  • Ideal for both homecooks and professionals
  • Lightweight
  • Ergonomic shape
  • Long, straight blade
  • Razor sharp
  • Prevents friction and sticking
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Durable and strong
  • Lifetime guarantee


  • Expensive

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02. Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge Slicer

Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge Slicer

Mercer Culinary M13914

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Extra Long Blade


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Mercer Culinary
  • Blade Length: 14”
  • Color: Roast Slicer
  • Handle Material: Santoprene
  • Blade Edge: Plain

If you enjoy larger briskets, using a small carving knife just seems silly. Holding something like Mercer Millennia Granton Edge slicer automatically changes the whole game. 

This brisket knife is 14” long, making it an essential in any chef’s arsenal. Mercer is known for making professional grade culinary products for a durable run. 

To achieve that, they have used Japanese steel to make Mercer brisket knives. Japanese steel is different from ordinary stainless steel. 

They are much better at retaining the edge. So you get a sturdier knife that won’t break or chip. 

As japanese steel has a higher carbon content, they are easy to sharpen as well. The stronger your blade is, the thinner you can make the edge. This Mercer Culinary Brisket knife has a razor-sharp edge. 

The whole construction is made out of one-piece high-carbon, which is another distinctive feature of Japanese style knives. It is rust, corrosion and stain-resistant so it always looks brand new. 

Let’s talk about the handle for a second. Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge slicer cones with an ergonomic handle. 

The material of the handle is a mixture between polypropylene and santoprene. Together they provide longevity and comfort. 

The textured finger points are great for slip resistance. This means you get a better grip which you need to handle a larger brisket. The last thing you want is accidently cutting off a huge chunk of meat in the middle of fine carving. 

On top of all these, Mercer brisket knife is NSF certified which means you get the assurance of safety, quality and performance. 

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife comes with an extra long, sharp blade that is perfect for larger meat pieces. This is a more affordable version of Victorinox Brisket knife. If you want a reasonably priced carving knife, this is the one to go to.


  • Strong and durable material
  • Ergonomic handle provide comfort
  • Easy edge maintenance
  • Rust-resistance
  • Easy to hold
  • slip-resistance
  • NSF certified
  • Great value for money


  • Not dishwasher friendly

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03. Dalstrong Slicing Carving Knife – Gladiator Series

DALSTRONG Slicing Carving Knife

Dalstrong Gs-12-slicer

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  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8 x 0.07 x 2 inches
  • Construction Type: Forged

The Gladiator series in itself is an all time classic in the culinary world. Dalstrong created this series with precision forged blades made from a single piece of imported material. They use high-carbon ThyssenKrupp German steel.

This Dalstrong Gladiator Brisket carving knife is wear and stain resistance. It has a 56+ rockwell hardness level which means this knife is not losing its edge anytime soon.

One key thing we often overlook about kitchen knives is the angle it has been sharpened in. The angle determines whether you will be able to make a very thin, straight cut or not. 

This one’s hand-sharpened at 14-16 degrees per side to help you achieve the smallest and sharpest edge possible. You won’t have to put too much pressure to slice your brisket. Even for larger turkey, it’s very efficient. 

Dalstrong is known for their well-thought-out designing. This one has a beautiful ambidextrous handle in an ergonomic shape. This means you do not get hand fatigue. 

Dalstrong Gladiator carving knife has a G-10 Garolite handle which is a non-porous fiberglass material. The reason why it’s special is due to its adaptive nature. 

It can handle both heat and moisture pretty easily. So you get a life-long durability.

This well-engineered knife is ideal for both professional and home chefs. Used by many restaurant culinary chefs, Dalstrong Gladiator Brisket knife is a must-have. 

It’s a heavy-duty knife with a BPA-free protective sheath. So you can carry or store it nicely. 

Why We Recommend This: 

Just like all Dalstrong knives, this one is also very focused on the engineering of the blade and handle. It’s an exceptional knife that performs amazingly while looking top-notch.


  • Extra durable construction
  • Strong and flexible blade
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Great value for money
  • Sturdy handle design
  • Well-made sheath
  • Well-balanced
  • High edge-retention


  • The blade is not razor-sharp

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04. Cutluxe Slicing Carving Knife

Cutluxe Slicing Carving Knife


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High Durability


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Cutluxe
  • Color: Black
  • Handle Material: Pakkawood
  • Blade Edge: Plain

Made to be more of a slicing knife than a carving one, Cutluxe is a premium option for anyone who wants to take an oversized turkey or roast. 

This knife is tempered very precisely to have a razor-sharp edge. This well-engineered knife cuts through meat like butter. You will be surprised to see how effortless it truly is. 

Made from high-grade German stainless steel, this knife is not a budget option in any way. You get a lifetime warranty along with the rockwell hardness level of 56+. 

This makes it a bit more expensive than the average option. But hey, good things do cost a bit more. 

The design of this Cutluxe carving knife is full tang. This means it is built using one piece of metal that extends from the tip to all the way to the end of the handle. This provides better balance and strength to overall construction. 

The handle itself is made out of pakkawood which is a very comfortable material. It is triple-riveted for a secure grip. 

The wood is laminated and polished so you do not get any water damage. This is perfect for all the neat freaks who are afraid of wood handles benign unhygienic. 

The blade is granton so meat pieces do not stick to it. It has minimum friction and a ‘zero-balance’ experience. 

The edge of this brisket slicing carving knife is sharpened at 14°-16° per side. Not only does this create an extremely fine edge, but also provide a peak performance with minimal effort. This is super sharp, so be careful with it. 

Why We Recommend This: 

The size of the blade, the design of the handle and it’s sharpness makes it a great choice for large roasts of turkey and chicken. It’s great for poultry.


  • Full tang knife
  • Durable and strong
  • Ergonomic handle design
  • Laminated pakkawood
  • Superb balance
  • Hand polished for ultra-sharpness
  • Great value for money


  • Not dishwasher safe
  • Small handle

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05. Kessaku Slicing Carving Knife – Samurai Series

Kessaku Slicing Carving Knife

Kessaku 8541906717

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Classic Eastern Style


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Kessaku
  • Color: Silver
  • Handle Material: Pakkawood
  • Blade Edge: Plain

If you are looking for a japanese hand-crafted knife, there are only a few options as good as Kessaku. 

This Samurai series slicing carving knife looks and feels quality. If you showcase this set in your kitchen, people are definitely going to ask you about it. That’s how eye catching this series is!

But let’s talk about the brisket knife from this line. It has a full tang with hand crafted construction. The minute you hold it in your hand, you will feel how helfty and solid it is. 

Almost all brisket knives come with hollow-out design to prevent friction. But they do not look as elegant as Kessaku Samurai Slicing knives. It has a unique etched pattern that blends with the overall design. 

Japan is known for their craftsmanship so we are not going to talk too much about it. But this one has pure high-carbon stainless steel, which is a premium material and very rare. Pure high-carbon is stronger and more resistant to heat, temperature and rust. 

The Pakkawood handle of Kessaku brisket knife is mirror polished on the outside. This gives to a very distinctive sheen that looks very timeless. The polish also works as a protective layer. 

Why We Recommend This: 

Kessaku brisket knife looks high-end like with the fraction of the price! It has great balance between the balde and the handle and is razor-sharp. If you want to explore the world of Japanese culinary, this knife can be a great place to start.


  • Gorgeous design
  • Comfortable wood handle
  • Super sharp blade
  • Full-tang construction
  • Han-crafted
  • Premium look
  • Great packaging


  • Need regular maintenance and sharpening

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06. Dalstrong Cimitar Butcher’s Knife -“The Reaper”

15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 22

Dalstrong GS-10inch-butcher

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Best for Sectioning


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Color: Black and Silver
  • Handle Material: Pakkawood
  • Blade Edge: Plain

We know, butcher’s knife and brisket knife are not the same thing. But what if we told you you can have both in one? Dalstrong Cimitar “The Reaper” Butcher’s knife is a masterfully designed knife that’s ideal for both raw and cooked meat. 

The tip of this knife has a curve which is great for sectioning and portioning any meat piece. This 12” knife can tackle anything. It’s ideal for moose, deer, elk, beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish and what not. 

This scalpel-like curved blade edge is great at cutting meat in a smooth, single motion. To help you achieve that, Dalstrong provides a G10 garolite handle. 

This handle is ergonomic with mosaic and engraving, making it really gorgeous to look at. The triple riveted design and full tang construction provides a great balance with center of gravity right in the middle. This means you can use this knife very effortlessly. 

This kit includes:

  • 12” Gladiator Series Butcher & Breaking Knife
  • PerfectFit Dalstrong Sheath
  • Neatly Packed with Dalstrong’s Renowned Packaging
  • Dalstrong Support

Dalstrong Cinitar Butcher’s knife has a rockwell hardness level of 56+. This means it does not break or rust under heavy-usage. 

The blades are hand-polished to have a satin finish. This not only looks good but also improves resistance.

Why We Recommend This: 

Great for both raw and cooked meat. You can use this knife for sectioning and portioning any meat pieces. The super sharp blade is just perfect for cutting in a smooth, single motion!


  • Great for nose to tail sectioning.
  • Super sharp blade
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Durable and sturdy
  • High edge retention
  • Great value for money


  • The handle is a bit slippery with wet hands

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07. Hammer Stahl 14” Carving Knife

Hammer Stahl Carving Knife

Hammer Stahl COMINHKPR114033

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Detailed Craftsmanship


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Hammer Stahl
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 2 x 1.5 x 21.5 inches
  • Construction Type: Forged
  • Item Weight: 0.75 Pounds

First things first, this knife is absolutely beautiful. With its pakkawood handle and granton blade, you will notice the details of amazing craftsmanship. 

Hammer Stahl brisket carving knife is a premium quality cutlery as it’s made from German Steel. The high-carbon stainless steel blade is forged and tempered to give you a superior edge and longevity.

Due to its extensive process of making, it has a 55-57 rockwell hardness level. Each blade is measured and cut by laser. 

Each of the blades gets sharpened at 20° bevel angle. This is the best angler to cut your brisket very thinly. 

As we have mentioned earlier, the handle is simply gorgeous. It is also super thoughtfully designed to provide ultimate comfort. So you can use it for a longer period of time without getting hand fatigue. 

Each pakkawood handle is infused with phenolic resin. It adds grip and shine to the outsider wood surface. The quad-tang is great for exceptional balance. 

Hammer Stahl carving knife comes in a beautiful balck box which is great for gifting. The box is foam-lined with magnetic latches. So it’s a perfect storage for your brisket knife. 

The thing about cutlery is, everyone loves them. So you can give it to your cooking enthusiast friend or even to a beginner. Hammer Stahl carving knife is a functional gift that will last a lifetime.

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife is known for its detailed craftsmanship. You can easily hold it and use it as it has been engineered to make the experience very convenient for you. 

The handle design is beautiful and ergonomic. Overall you will thoroughly enjoy it.


  • Easy to hold
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Beautifully designed
  • Super sharp edge
  • Comes in a magnetic box
  • Great value for money


  • Does not come in a small size

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08. Ergo Chef Prodigy Series 12″ Slicing Knife

Ergo Chef Prodigy Slicing knife

Ergo Chef 2012

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Best for Homecooks


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Ergo Chef
  • Color: Silver
  • Blade Edge: Plain
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17.5 x 9 x 1.5 inches

Ergo Chef is a family brand with immense popularity especially in the United States. Their designs are very practical and manageable for regular homecooks. This Prodigy series slicing knife is built to provide comfort while maximizing performance. 

Made from high-carbon stainless steel, this knife is super strong and durable. It does not get rust or corrosion so you do not need a lot of maintenance. 

We particularly like the size of the Ergo Chef brisket knife. This one is 12” long with a thin body. So you can basically use it for all types of meat. It is ideal for large birthday cakes as well. 

The blade is tempered and built to be razor sharp. The edge does not lose its shape very easily. So if you are a clumsy cook like us, this is a great option.

Ergo Chef always brings quality and affordability together. This knife is super budget-friendly considering the material and engineering of the handle. 

The handle is full-tang which means it has excellent balance. The balance is important for any knife if you want to make a clean, precise cut with it. 

The hollow ground oval pockets in the blade are not just for decoration. This prevents the meat pieces from sticking to the blade. 

It creates minimal friction and has better motion. Beginner cooks and carvers will find this knife very easy to use. 

The thin and narrow shape is great for larger meat pieces like beef brisket, roasts, turkey, prime rib, ham and all types of BBQs. Overall, we think this is all a homecook needs to get a satisfying bisket experience.

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife is just great for any novice or beginner carver. If you always tend to cut thick, uneven slices of meat, this one will do the hard work for you. You will be able to go as thin as you want.


  • Super-sharp blade
  • Very easy to use
  • Garet value for money
  • Comfortable and solid handle
  • Durable and sturdy


  • Does not come with a protective storage box/sheath

Check the Latest Price for Ergo Chef Prodigy Series 12″ Slicing Knife

09. Dalstrong 12” Slicing & Carving Knife – Shadow Black Series

DALSTRONG Slicing & Carving Knife


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Sleek, Modern Look


  • Color: Black
  • Handle Type: Military grade G10 handle
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Material: Titanium Nitride Coated German HC Steel
  • Blade Material: Alloy Steel
  • Blade Edge: Plain

The Shadow Black series is a classic one by Dalstrong. It is made with sharp cutting-edge technology and high-craftsmanship to provide you the most effective, unique and reliable carving knife. 

One thing is doubtless, this knife is so far the most eye-catching one on our list. You would be lying if you say, this knife does not entice you! Just look at it’s sleek balck body with angle cut design. It’s super modern. 

This Ruthlessly sharp knife is made by experts to have its signature geometric look with amazing edge retention. 

The blade is made with an intense heat-treatment followed by a deep-freeze nitrogen cooling process. This whole thing enhances the strength of this brisket knife. On top of it, it has a deep-balck titanium coating to protect it from heat and water damage. 

The handle of this knife is also super balck. It has a tapered bolter that ensures a comfortable pinch grip. 

The angular G10 resin body is made to handle even the busiest kitchen. So you can be sure to get something that is super durable and strong. 

The Shadow Black Brisket knife is 12” long which is perfect for larger meat pieces like Turkey, roasts, pork, and beef. The handle is made to be anti-slippery so that when you are handling the large smoked brisket, it’s not going anywhere. No more accidental miscut!

The high-carbon ThyssenKrupp German premium steel has 58+ rockwell hardness. The blade is also hand-sharpened at 16°-18° per side. 

You can use it for both household cooking and in a professional environment. We know a lot of chefs who swear by this knife. 

The renowned customer care service and after-purchase support of Dalstrong is just another reason to invest in their creations. 

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife looks like it costs hundreds of bucks while being pretty affordable. Dalstrong always makes reliable, sturdy knives and this one ticks all the boxes. This is a great gift item for any culinary enthusiasts in your life.


  • Super sharp edge
  • Easy to clean
  • Great value for money
  • Sturdy and durable
  • Gorgeous black finish
  • Premium materials
  • Great as a gift


  • Not the most comfortable brisket knife

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10. Kai Brisket Pro Kitchen Knives

15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 23

Kai HT7074

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Best for Professionals


  • Blade Material: Alloy Steel
  • Brand: Kai
  • Color: Slicing/Brisket -12 Inch
  • Blade Edge: Slicing Knife
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17 x 0.88 x 1.63 inches

The brand Kai was born in Seki city which is Japan’s most famous knife-making capital. They have been making premium quality knives for over a century now!

In the east, Kai is a reliable place that both skilled professional and homecooks go to for high-quality cutlery and kitchen accessories. This one is their Brisket Pro kitchen knife, created specifically for large roasts and turkey. 

One thing you will immediately notice about this knife is how it has a rounded tip. That’s because you get better control and maneuverability when a carving knife has a sharp tip. Talk about attention to details!

Made from imported Japanese AUS6M steel, this knife is super durable and solid. It is of course hand-sharpened at a 16° angle in a double-bevel blade. 

Maybe it’s just us, but a hammered finish looks so much better than a smooth one. There is something organic and classic about it. Kai Brisket Pro kitchen knife has a thin hammered finish that not only looks cool but also reduces knife drag. 

The riveted pom handle along with it’s full tang construction makes it very comfortable to hold and use. The full-tang adds better balance as well. 

Kai Bristet Pro 12” kitchen knife is ideal for trimming and slicing larger roasts, ribs, turkey and BBQs. The long blade makes it very fun to use as you feel like a pro. It is also NSF certified to be used in commercial kitchens by skilled professionals. 

Why We Recommend This:

This NSF certified knife is perfect for commercial use. Pro chefs love using this knife in their kitchen. 

This doesn’t mean homecooks can’t use it. The super sharp blade with ti’s rounded tip makes it easy to maneuver and use regardless of your skill level.


  • Super sharp double-bevel blade
  • Hammered finish
  • Riveted POM handle
  • Full-tang construction
  • NSF certified
  • Ideal for commercial use
  • Great value for money
  • Corrosion and wear resistant


  • The blade is not super thin

Check the Latest Price for Kai Brisket Pro Kitchen Knives

11. Cook N Home 11″ Granton Edge Slicing Knife

15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 24

Cook N Home 02500

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Best Value


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Cook N Home
  • Color: Green
  • Blade Edge: Hollow
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 16.5 x 1.25 x 0.8 inches

If you are looking for a knife that can be used for a variety of different things and still be in a reasonable price range, this Cook N Home slicing knife is perfect.

This 11” Granton Edge knife is made out of stainless steel. The whole blade is German engineered so you get a great balance and flexibility. 

The long sharp blade cans lice through effortlessly. It is ideal for meat, brat, vegetables, fruits and so much more.

The handle of this knife is particularly great. For such a long knife, you need something that will feel solid in your hand. 

This one has a textured grip with ergonomic shape. This means there is no way it can slip off even when your hand is wet.  

One thing that needed to be mentioned is, despite it being a dishwasher safe, we suggest handwashing. This is because the blade is stainless steel. 

So if you sock it in the water for a long time, it can get damaged. On the other hand, due to the stainless-steel body, you get excellent flexibility. 

The Granton edge prevents food from ticking to the blade. It’s excellent for precise carving. For a large turkey or pork roast, Cook N Home slicing knife is an excellent option.

Why We Recommend This:

This is a superb knife within reasonable price. You can use it for multiple different types of meat, poultry and even fish. This particularly works excellently on fish to make very thin cuts.


  • Horizontal, self-basting rotation.
  • Easily fits two whole chicken at the same time.
  • Gives a beautiful charred golden exterior to the food.
  • Manual heat setting gives precise heating options.
  • Visible glass door with rotisserie accessories.
  • Specialized heating for quick cooking.


  • Gets really hot so you need to be careful if you are cooking for a longer period of time.

Check the Latest Price for Cook N Home 11″ Granton Edge Slicing Knife

12. TUO Slicing Knife – Fiery Phoenix Series

TUO Slicing Knife

TUO TC0713

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Most Versatile


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Stainless Steel
  • Brand: TUO
  • Color: Fiery
  • Handle Material: Pakkawood
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17.24 x 1.54 x 0.09 inches

TUO Fiery Phoenix Slicing knife comes in many different sizes and colors. We particularly like their 12” brisket carving knife because it’s a great size for a wide variety of items. 

Awarded as ‘world’s best kitchen knives’, Fiery Phoenix is a very popular series by TUO. This knife has an exceptional narrow blade that can be used for deboning, preparing, fileting, skinning, trimming and butterflying. So you can tell this is not just another brisket knife. 

This versatile knife is ideal for carving larger roasts, turkey, ham and even fruits and veggies like watermelon or pumpkin. Basically, anything large that needs to be precisely cut and  shaped, this knife is ideal for that job. 

The handle of the Fiery Phoenix carving knife is absolutely gorgeous with its warm polished pakkawood  and gentle carve for comfort. The wood is sourced from Africa. The ergonomic full-tang design adds balance and weight to it. 

TUO brisket knife has a hand-sharpened edge using the traditional 3-step Honbazuke method. Each side is sharpened at a precise 118° angle. This creates an extremely sharp blade that can cut through basically anything. It’s extremely efficient and functional for a busy kitchen. 

As the blade is meant to be super sharp, you can tackle firm meat pieces as well as soft, delicate options like prosciutto or salmon. Overall, we think Fiery Phoenix 12” is a great brisket knife for both professionals and homecooks. 

Why We Recommend This: 

TUO carving knife has a super sharp edge which is great for professional use. The extremely versatile blade can be used for many different types of meat as well as vegetables and fruits.


  • Great value for money
  • Comfortable handle design
  • Ergonomic
  • Easy to hold
  • Razor sharp edge
  • Full-tang for proper balance
  • Waterproof wood handle


  • Needs to be maintained regularly

Check the Latest Price for TUO Slicing Knife – Fiery Phoenix Series

13. Mairico Ultra Sharp Premium Carving Knife

MAIRICO Stainless Steel Carving Knife

MAIRICO 8541906658

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Best Lightweight


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: MAIRICO
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17.9 x 5.1 x 1.8 inches

This long, ultra-sharp carving knife is a favorite among seasoned chefs and rightfully so. With its lightweight construction and well balanced body, you can use it for many different types of meats without getting hand fatigue. 

Most larger knives come with an average sized handle which can feel a bit unformattable as you can’t use the blade to its full potential. This one has a long handle that makes the blade very easy to maneuver.

The blade is made out of premium steel with a stainless layer on top. This makes the knife rust-resistant so ideal for a busy kitchen. The length of the blade is very popular and desirable as you can use it for a wide range of different things. It’s super versatile for both meat and veggies. 

The ergonomic design of the handle along with its secure grip provide maximum control while cutting through large briskets with it. You also get a full refund policy provided by Mairico because they truly believe in their creation. 

Why We Recommend This: 

This is one of the most lightweight brisket knives on our list. It’s easy to hold and use for a long period of time without hand cramps. The blade length is also super convenient for beginner cooks.


  • Ultra sharp blade
  • Ergonomic design
  • Versatile function
  • Durable and solid
  • Rust and corrosion resistant


  • Quite expensive

Check the Latest Price for Mairico Ultra Sharp Premium Carving Knife

14. SEDGE Slicing Carving Knife – SD-H Series

15 Best Brisket Knife Reviews: Everything You Should Know about Carving Knives! 25

SEDGE 8541907499

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Best for Gifting


  • Blade Material: Japanese Damascus AUS-10V Steel
  • Handle Material: Ergonomic G10 Handle with Classic 3-Metal Mosaic Rivet
  • Total Length: 350 mm
  • Handle Length: 140 mm
  • Blade Length: 203 mm (8 inch)
  • Blade Width: 35 mm
  • Blade Thickness: 2.5 mm

While researching and trying each of these knives on our list, we were looking for a perfect option for gifting. Knife is a very personal and valuable gift for any culinary passionate. So you don’t want them to give you a side-eye while opening your present to find a very cheap knife. 

The packaging of the knife is just as important as the quality when it comes to gifting. This is why we had to pick Sedge slicing carving knives for it’s gorgeous red look. 

This knife comes with a materfully elegant rose pattern along with a hammered finish on the blade. This damascus pattern not only adds visual interest to an otherwise plain blade, but also functions as a friction-minimizer.

Don’t think this brisket knife is all about its outer beauty. The blade is made out of Japanese Aus-10V damascus high-carbon steel, with 66 layers of stainless steel. This combination makes it super rust-resistant and durable. 

SEDGE uses vacuum heat treatment and nitrogen cooling techniques to make this blade as strong as possible. As a result it has reached a maximum of 66+ rockwell hardness level. 

The handle of this Sedge SD-H series brisket knife is made with a Military grade G10 handle. This handle is highly impervious to heat, moisture and cold. The ergonomic shape is very comfortable to hold as well!

On top of all these, this knife is totally hand-polished with full tang. You can tell how well-engineered this thing is just by taking one look at it!

Why We Recommend This: 

This is just a beautifully made luxe looking knife that is perfect for gifting. The red handle and packaging with rose pattern make it look like a work of art. Any culinary lover would jump at the thought of owning this knife.


  • Life-long durability
  • Resistant to reat, cold and moisture
  • Ergonomic handle design
  • Agile and comfortable
  • Non-slip grip
  • Superior balance
  • Great value for money


  • The handle can feel bulky

Check the Latest Price for SEDGE Slicing Carving Knife

15. Findking 12” Slicing Carving Knife – Dynasty series

FINDKING Slicing Carving Knife


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Premium Quality


  • Blade Material: Alloy Steel
  • Color: Black
  • Handle Material: African Rosewood
  • Size: 12” 
  • Package Dimensions: 19 x 2.5 x 1.5 inches

We think the Findking Dynasty Series slicing knife is a very underrated brisket knife mainly because it’s a Chinese knife manufacturing company. We have this stigma against Chinese products cause we think they don’t last. 

Think again, because historically Chinese knives and swords have been globally popular since the Tang Dynasty! See how Findking found the name of this series?

The Dynasty series is all about quality and rich craftsmanship. They use alloy steel which is a much resistant and improved version of standard steel.  Alloy steel makes this knife a super rust-resistant and corrosion-free choice. 

Findking slicing brisket knife has a clad dimple, which means you get minimal friction. Your meat pieces do not stick to each other when you’re carving it. 

Apart from its amazing functionality, the Dynasty series carving knife is a beauty to look at. It is designed to have this traditional Chinese knives look, to show the world the beauty of eastern cutlery. 

It has a very well-engineered body that provides perfect blade balance. You can easily balance it on your finger to test its quality craftsmanship. The weight distribution makes it an efficient and quick knife for turkey nights!

The handle is crafted from African rosewood, which looks superb. This is the type of knife you need to have in your kitchen and bring out in front of the guests to show off.

Why We Recommend This: 

This knife is super sharp with a classic eastern look. The overall construction is thoughtfully done with very high quality craftsmanship.


  • Beautiful construction
  • Traditional eastern design
  • No friction
  • Razor sharp
  • Durable and sturdy
  • Perfect balance
  • Great value for money
  • Comes in a great quality box


  • Needs regular maintenance
  • Not dishwasher safe

Check the Latest Price for Findking 12” Slicing Carving Knife – Dynasty series

Buying Guide: What to Look for in a Brisket Knife

Even though we think knife shopping is so simple and easy, we often feel disappointed after using our brand-new knife for a few weeks. This is because people do not know what to look for to find the best of the best in the crowd. 

When you are looking for a brisket knife, you must factor in these following features:

Types of Brisket Knives:

Stamped Knives:  

Stamped knives are a type of knife that’s built using a large, single sheet of stainless steel. Imagine a cookie cutter, or a punch machine, that’s exactly how this knife is made. 

A machine comes and presses on the large sheet of stainless steel. Then a knifelike shape gets cut in which a handle is later added. 

Stamped knife is not a very durable and effective option to purchase. They are usually very inexpensive and “does the job” for a while. If you are looking for a long term investment piece, this is not the type for you.

Forged Knives:

A forged knife is made from a single bar of steel. The bar is then heated and pounded over and over. This not only helps to give the balr a shape, but also causes the carbon and alloy molecules to merge together under extreme pressure. 

This creates a very durable, solid and high-strength knife. Forged knives can last a lifetime if you take proper care of it. 

In olden times, forged knives were made using a lager hammer. Nowadays, we use specialized machines for it. Dalstrong Slicing Carving Knife – Gladiator Series is a very popular forged knife choice for many.

German vs Japanese Steel:

While knife shopping, you probably will notice the emergence of two very prominent types of steel, one is the German style and the other is Japanese style.

While most of us think a steel blade is a steel blade, the process of creating the blade varies a lot. 

German blades are quite thick and dense thus heavier than average steel knives. They are very durable as you can use them everyday in your busy kitchen. 

They are made to be super resistant to heat and water. So you can use them for a long time without extensive maintenance. 

One of the most popular German steel knives is the Cutluxe Slicing Carving Knife.

Japanese steel knives on the other hand are much more dainty, delicate and carefully crafted knives that are meant to be ideal for very fine, precise work. They are often very lightweight and sharp. 

So you can carve your brisket as thin as you want. Most culinary professionals enjoy using Japanese steel. 

One downside of Japanese steel knives is it’s high-maintenance nature. As they are made to be very premium, you need to take care of them on a regular basis. But passionate culinary lovers are willing to put that extra effort. 

Kai Brisket Pro Kitchen Knives is a great Japanese steel brisket knife ideal for professionals.   


The length of your knife is a very practical element behind its peak performance. If you happen to struggle with making an even cut in your brisket, chances are your knife is a bit too small.

Try going for an 11”-12” knife. We know it’s intimidating to use such a big knife for carving, but trust us. Carving and slicing is much easier when the blade covers the whole brisket and still has a few inches left on the tip.

Try the Mercer Culinary Millennia Granton Edge Slicer for example. You will notice the efficiency instantly.


Most novice cooks do not bother to focus on this feature. But every professional chef first checks whether the knife is full-tang or not.

Full-tang is not a necessity in your brisket knife. In fact, there are some great knives like Hammer Stahl 14” Carving Knife that are not full-tang.

What full tang essentially does is, it makes the knife more balanced and comfortable. As they are made using a  single sheet of metal from tip to the handle, they have a better center of gravity. 

The Kessaku Slicing Carving Knife proves why spending a few extra bucks on a full-tang knife is so worth it.


Always check whether the handle is ergonomic or not. We all are guilty of choosing a knife based on how good the handle looks and completely eliminating the practicality of it. 

Some people enjoy a short grip handle whereas others love a longer handle option. Make sure to check the material of the handle. 

Wood is always the best option as they have a natural warmth and grip to them. They are also more sustainable than plastic ones.

SEDGE Slicing Carving Knife is a very good choice that comes with a well-engineered ergonomic shape that won’t cause handle fatigue or pain.

Care & Maintenance of Your Brisket Knife 

What is the point of spending so much money on a knife only to use it mindlessly and run the integrity of it? Culinary artists and lovers take their knives very seriously. 

It is said that the knife is the paintbrush of a cook. And what do artists do to their brushes? They take good care of it!

If you do not take proper care of your brisket knife, it can lose its sharpness very fast. Here are some easy things we all should do to keep our brisket knives looking shiny and new!

  • Do not use the dishwater! We can not stress this enough. Even if your knife says it’s dishwasher-safe, you should handwash them.you do not need that kind of intense heat and water pressure to clean a knife.
  • Always use mild dish soap and warm water to clean your brisket knife. Then rinse and dry them using a soft towel. 
  • It is not necessary to soak your knives in water. Knives do not require deep cleansing. Using harsh detergent or water can potentially cause rust. 
  • Brisket knives are not for bones, dried food or hard food items. They are more of an artistic cutlery, ideal for only carving and slicing.
  • Store your knife in their respective boxes or in a sheath. Avoid putting them in glass blocks. Magnetic knife holders like this HM Magnets one are great as they do not damage the delicate edge of your brisket knife.
  • To fix your blunt knife, use a professional sharpening stone or a sharpening rod like the Chefast Honing Steel is a quick way to straighten up your knife edge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. Can a Bread Knife Cut a Brisket?

You can try but not sure how successful that would be. For a brisket, you need a knife that is super sharp with a really thin edge. Long blade is very much preferable as it allows more control.

Bread knives are often serrated which can be troublesome if you’re trying to get some fine cut in your brisket. We understand why you might think it will work; the brisket looks like a loaf of bread and all that. But that’s not a very effective option.

02. Can I Use a Brisket Knife to Cut Vegetables? 

You most definitely can! In fact, it is much easier to cut larger vegetables and fruits with a brisket knife than with a chef’s knife. Brisket knives have long blades that are often double the size of any standard kitchen knives.

Imagine how easy it would be to cut a full watermelon or pumpkin with a knife like that!

03. Do I Need a Brisket Slicing Knife?

That totally depends on how often you like to enjoy roasts, BBQs or brisket at home. If you are someone who loves these items and enjoys making them on a regular basis, you need to own a good quality brisket knife. It will make your life so much easier.

Even for occasional cooks who only make larger roasts and turkey on thanksgiving and christmas, owning a solid brisket knife will allow you to show off your skills in front of a room full of guests. Now who doesn’t want that!

04. Are Japanese Knives Better than German Knives?

This depends solely on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a knife that would be super durable and strong, German knives are the best, hands down!

But if you are more interested in craftsmanship and razor-sharpness, Japanese knives are for you. Japanese knives are lighter and thinner than regular knives. 

They are quite flexible which makes fine-cutting very easy. They are also excellent for carving meats.

To End

We hope you have found something that will make your life easier and better. From making the brisket to cutting it, the whole process is super enjoyable and wholesome for many of us. 

So you need a good companion that will honor your lengthy effort to make some delicious, juicy meat for the family!

So which brisket knife did you pick from our pile?

Let us know in the comments!

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021!

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One of the best experiences in life is to have a well-cut, hearty meal with your family at the dinner table. Most people do not think too much about the knives they are using for cooking.

If you are about to say, boning knives are for butchers only, then my friend you haven’t explored a wonderful part of the culinary world. 

It doesn’t take much to learn how to use a boning knife but with learning comes so many options for you to explore. Investing in a good boning knife is mandatory whether you are a home cook, a butcher, or a professional chef. 

So for you, we have gathered our top 14 picks of the best honing knives out there. Our list is very diverse with different price ranges and purposes. 

Before we dive deep into it, let’s figure out what a boning knife really is. 

What is a Boning Knife? 

If you are not familiar with boning knives, the reason probably is, it’s a specialty knife. Boning knife is designed for de-boning and reshaping meat and fishes. Usually, they are found in professional kitchens and butcher shops. 

Boning knives have different construction and look than your average kitchen knives. It is around 5-8 inches in size and has a narrower, sharper blade. 

The blade is oftentimes very flexible to let you glide it effortlessly in between bones. Whether you are a professional chef or a cooking enthusiast, having a boning knife can improve your kitchen skills tremendously. 

This is why we have gathered our top 14 list of the best boning knife out there. But before we get into the review, let’s have a quick overview of our cherry-picked options. 

Best Boning Knives — An Overview

Dalstrong Shogun Series 8 Flexible Boning Knife

Dalstrong Shogun Series 8″ Flexible Boning Knife

  • 67-Layer Damascus sharpened Blade. 
  • Ancient 3-step Honbazuke method 
  • AUS-10V Japanese super steel core
  • Hand-crafted for the butcher, fishmonger, pitmaster, or any culinary professionals

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 30

Wüsthof Classic Curved Boning Knife

  • Precision-forged with a full tang.
  • High carbon stainless steel.
  • Triple-riveted handle.

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Dalstrong- Curved Boning Knife

Dalstrong- Curved Boning Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series

  • High carbon ThyssenKrupp German steel at 58 Rockwell  
  • Fiber-resin military-grade G10 handle
  • Beautiful hand-polished satin finish blade.

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Dalstrong - Gladiator Series - Boning Knife

Dalstrong – Gladiator Series – Boning Knife

  • High carbon German ThyssenKrupp steel at 56+ Rockwell
  • Military-grade G10 garolite handle 
  • Suitable for professional use

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Global Boning Knife

Global 6.25″ Boning Knife

  • Lightweight, precisely balanced knife.
  • The edge retains razor sharpness exceptionally well.
  • Stainless-steel handle molded for comfort.

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Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

  • Damascus-clad blade with VG-MAX steel.
  • Easily fillet fish using a razor-sharp blade.
  • D-Shaped handle, secure grip for excellent control.

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 31

Shun Premier Gokujo Boning Fillet Knife

  • Double-bevel flat-ground blade
  • VG-Max Cutting Core for maximum edge retention.
  • Hand-sharpened 16-degree cutting angle 

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 32

Henckels Classic Boning Knife

  • High-quality German stainless steel
  • Professional, satin-finished blade.
  • Ergonomic, traditional triple-rivet handle.

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 33

KYOKU Daimyo Series – Boning Knife

  • VG-10 Japanese Damascus steel cutting core.
  • The tapered bolster gives a perfect balance/
  • 8-12° double side using the traditional 3-step Honbazuke method.
  • Nitrogen cooled for ultimate hardness.

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Wüsthof Boning Knife

Wüsthof 4603 Boning Knife

  • Comfortable and highly-durable. 
  • Razor sharp blade with a traditional look and feel.
  • Ergonomic shape.

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14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 34

Dalstrong – Boning Knife – 6″ – Omega Series

  • Scalpel like sharpness at a staggering 8-12°degree angle per side. 
  • Incredible Edge Retention at 63+ Rockwell. 
  • 67-Layered Damascus sharpened under the ancient 3-step Honbazuke method.
  • A perfect ‘zero-balance’ knife.

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Zwilling J.A Henckels Professional Boning Knife

Zwilling J.A Henckels Professional Boning Knife

  • Special formula high carbon no-stain steel.
  • Ice-hardened friodur blade.
  • 57 Rockwell hardness, excellent edge retention

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Global GF-31 Boning Knife

Global GF-31 Boning Knife

  •  Blade made of high-tech molybdenum/vanadium stainless steel.
  •  Handle molded for comfort, dimpled for safe grip. 
  •  Lifetime warranty against defects and breakage

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Wüsthof Gourmet 6 Inch Boning Knife

Wüsthof Gourmet 6 Inch Boning Knife

  • Laser-cut stamped from one piece of specially tempered high-carbon stainless steel.
  • Specially developed synthetic handle.
  • Full-tang handle.
  • Resists corrosion and dulling

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Our Reviews of the
Best 14 Boning Knives

01. Dalstrong Shogun Series 8″ Flexible Boning Knife

Dalstrong Shogun Series 8 Flexible Boning Knife

Dalstrong SS_Boning

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Top Pick!


  • Blade Material: AUS-10V Japanese Super Steel
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Handle Material: G10 military-grade
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Size: 8”
  • Item Weight: 1 pounds

This boning knife by Dalstrong has a staggering 8-12° angle per side using the traditional 3-step Honbazuke method

Even though it is slightly longer than a typical boning knife, the length almost feels like an extension of the arm. It cuts long, single slices of meat like butter and reduces wrist and hand fatigue for those longer high-volume preparations. 

Ultra-sharp AUS 10V Japanese super steel blade provides extraordinary performance. The moment you hold it in your hand, you will feel the weight and quality. 

This is not your average boning knife. Designed to be ideal for butchers, fishmonger, pitmaster, or any culinary professionals, this knife has a 62+ Rockwell hardness level and edge retention

It has 67 layers of premium high-carbon stainless steel that provide durability, strength, and long term stain resistance. 

The handle is hand-polished with ergonomic shape. The military-grade G10 handle provides lifelong durability. All Dulstrong knives have these signature features. 

Did we mention it is highly impervious to temperature change? This Dalstrong Shogun Series 8” flexible boning knife is heat, cold, and moisture resistant.

The intricate copper mosaic enhances the beauty of this knife along with its distinctive engraves end cap. Dalstrong is famous for its beautifully designed knives with great customer care service.

Why I Recommend:  

The Damascus cladding is stunning. This knife has the quality to last forever for a residential kitchen if it is well cared for. It’s sharp and the right size for many cutting tasks.


  • German Steel and military-grade materials.
  • Super sharp blade.
  • Comfortable handle.
  • Mosaic adornment on the handle
  • Comes in a nice packaging.
  • Giftable
  • Great value for money.


  • Not very flexible

Check the Latest Price for Dalstrong Shogun Series 8″ Flexible Boning Knife

02. Wüsthof Classic Curved Boning Knife

14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 30

Wusthof 4610-7/16

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Best Overall


  • Blade material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Wüsthof
  • Color: Black, Stainless Steel
  • Blade Ddge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Dimensions: 11.22 x 1.3 x 0.51 inches

Wüsthof Classic boning knife is made using precision forging, an effective knife making technique for durable construction. 

To make a knife like this, they use a specially trained craftsman who heats up the metal and pounds it into shape. This makes the knife highly balanced and sturdy.

Wüsthof Classic boning knife comes with a triple-riveted handle that provides excellent grip while chopping or cutting. 

Made in Solingen, Germany, you know this knife is made to last. It is made with high, carbon stainless steel, a lightweight yet durable material. 

The 58 Rockwell hardness level tells you everything you need to know about its premium durability. You can toss it in the dishwasher without any worry of scratches or damage. 

Even though it is on the pricier side, it’s a great investment for any passionate homecook, chef, or butcher.

Why I Recommend:  

This knife provides great performance for everyday meat rep and increases efficiency with its fine, sharp blade and compact size. With easy functionality and solid form, this is a great investment piece.


  • Easy to use.
  • Ergonomic handle and shape.
  • A highly balanced blade and handle give comfort.
  • Great value for money.
  • The curved point makes it more versatile.
  • The semi-stiff blade is ideal for beginners.
  • Does not require constant sharpening.
  • Holds the edge with exceptional balance.


  • The size might be too small if you are used to larger boning knives.

Check the Latest Price for Wüsthof Classic Curved Boning Knife

03. DALSTRONG- Curved Boning Knife – Shadow Black Series

Dalstrong- Curved Boning Knife


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Best Value


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Premium Steel
  • Color: Matte Shadow Black
  • Handle Material: G10 Military Grade
  • Length: 6”
  • Blade Angle: 16-18°
  • Coating: Titanium-nitride

Dalstrong Curved Boning Knife comes in a menacing sleek design with a unique sense of style. The moment you will hold this knife you will be able to feel the exceptional craftsmanship. 

This boning knife has a really sharp scalpel-like edge that is hand-finished by expert bladesmiths to 15° per side. They used the traditional Honbazuke method to achieve that. 

The blade has a titanium nitride non-reflective coating. This not only improves the looks of the knife but also makes it robust and corrosion-resistant. 

Crafted from a single piece of steel, this cutting-edge boning knife is flexible and durable for years of use. 

The fiber-resin military-grade G10 handle of the Dalstrong boning knife is hand-polished and is slightly textured to provide anti-slip properties. The shape is ergonomic to provide maximum comfort. 

The blade itself is high-carbon German steel with added vacuum heat treatment at 58+ Rockwell hardness. This means you get really good edge retention. 

It has added chromium for stain resistance. You can use this knife for decades without a single scratch on it. 

The tall blade height gives excellent maneuvering and knuckle clearance for super fast chopping. As it has a non-stick coating, you can clean it really easily.  

Why I Recommend it:

Professional quality boning knife with a modern, sleek look to it. It doesn’t matter which level of knife skills you have. With a good knife like this, you will be able to cut through meat like butter.


  • Easy to hold.
  • Ergonomic blade and handle.
  • Durable and sturdy.
  • Solid metal construction, built to last.
  • Professional boning knife.
  • Precise, thin cuts.
  • Lightweight and razor-sharp blade.
  • Great value for money.
  • Money-back guarantee and lifetime warranty.


  • The blade needs regular sharpening to hold its shape.

Check the Latest Price for DALSTRONG- Curved Boning Knife

04. DALSTRONG – Gladiator Series – Boning Knife

Dalstrong - Gladiator Series - Boning Knife


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Editors Pick


  • Blade Material: High Carbon German Steel
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Handle Material: G10 Garolite
  • Blade Edge: Boning/ Fillet
  • Item Size: 6”
  • Item Weight: 6.5 ounces

Dalstrong calls their Gladiator Series “Battle Ready Cutlery” for their imported premium quality high-carbon ThyssenKrupp German steel and precision-forged blade.

This knife is hand-sharpened at a 14-16° angle that gives it the signature ultra-thin slicing and dicing ability with minimal effort. 

Dalstrong Gladiator Boning knife is a high-performance kitchen knife that will help you do de-boning, filleting, skinning, trimming, and butterflying with utmost efficiency and satisfaction. 

The narrow blade of this knife is shaped to glide along the contours of the bones effortlessly.

It comes with a beautifully designed ergonomic and ambidextrous handle that is constructed out of G10 garolite

Garolite is an incredibly strong military-grade inert non-porous fiberglass like material. 

The handle is highly impervious to both heat and moisture which means you can use this knife with minimal maintenance. 

To keep your fingers safe from this knife, it comes with knuckle protection and a sturdy handle that won’t slip or budge no matter what.

Why I Recommend:  

This knife has just enough flex on the tip to maneuver in and around bones and joints, and just the right amount of stiffness to cut through membranes. The quality and sharpness of the blade is absolutely amazing and the construction of the handle is quality workmanship.


  • Ultra-sharp, wear-resistant blade.
  • Tapered design for hardness and flexibility.
  • Added chromium for stain resistance.
  • Polished spine for a comfortable pinch grip.
  • Engraved Dalstrong center rivet.
  • Ergonomic handle shape.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Giftable design and packaging.
  • Great value for money.


  • Not very suitable for filleting.

Check the Latest Price for DALSTRONG – Gladiator Series – Boning Knife

05. Global 6.25″ Boning Knife

Global Boning Knife

Global G-21

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Authentic Japanese Style


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Global
  • Color: Silver
  • Handle Material: Stainless Steel
  • Item Dimension: 0.24 inches

This is a really unique and unconventional looking boning knife. The best thing about the Global boning knife is its full stainless steel construction and the lightweight feature. 

Global Knives is a Japanese brand that provides alternatives and better options to traditional European style cutleries. This all-steel knife is just a small example of their creativity. 

Made from hard molybdenum/vanadium stainless steel, the blades are extremely sharp and can be quite dangerous if you are not careful with it. This is not a knife for a casual cook. 

If you are used to using European style boning knives, you would notice the edges of this knife have a more acute angle. This allows you to make extra thin slices. Perfect for trimming fat or making precise cuts. 

This is a high maintenance knife. You won’t get the performance from any other knives but for that, you need to take extra care.

This is not a knife you use randomly and throw in the dishwasher. The blade requires regular sharpening and care but the result is quite rewarding. 

If you are concerned that the handle will slip as it’s stainless steel, no need to worry. The handle is molded to fit into the palm of your hand. The dimpled style is added for a safe grip and a distinct look. 

Global also focuses a lot on the balance of their knives. To achieve the right balance, they inject a precise amount of sand into the hollow handles. To ensure that the balance is continuous, the sand flows inside when you move the blade. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

This is a really awesome boning knife that has little to no cons. It glides through tendons and cartilage and can be turned mid-cut. Not suitable for beginners though.


  • Easy to hold.
  • Balanced body.
  • Sharp and stays sharp for a long time after use.
  • A great gift.
  • Ideal for de-boning or filleting a fish faster.
  • Flexible blade.
  • Worth the money.


  • Comes in a box without a sheath.

Check the Latest Price for Global 6.25″ Boning Knife

06. Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun DM0743

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Best for Fish


  • Blade Material: Damascus-clad VG-MAX steel
  • Brand: Shun
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Handle Material: PakkaWood
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Size: 6”
  • Item Weight: 7 ounces

“Shun” or “shoon” is a concept that is very close to the heart of Japanese culture. In Japan this word means something that is —at the peak of its perfection.

Shun cutlery is globally known for its timeless beauty and premium quality. This boning knife by Shun is created following ancient Japanese methods and traditions. Totally handcrafted, each Shun knife takes at least 100 steps to complete. 

Shun uses heat treatment to make the blade finder grained and much stronger in structure than any other boning knives. 

With precise heat treatment, they are able to achieve the finer, thinner blade without losing the strength or integrity of it. 

This Shun boning knife comes with a traditional Japanese Pakkawood D-shaped handle. It has a slight ridge on the right side which fits perfectly into your palm with a secure grip. Pakkawood has been used for centuries to make waterproof and sturdy handles. 

The narrow curved blade is perfect for making sushi. The Damascus stainless steel blade is extremely razor-sharp and requires no physical effort whatsoever. 

The authentic VG max steel of this blade provides excellent edge retention without losing the thinness of the knife. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

If you are looking for a very sharp knife that can fillet a fish effortlessly, this is the one to look into. It is incredibly sharp and thin. Perfect for making sushi, trimming tenderloins, cutting rib roasts into rib-eye.


  • Extremely sharp blade.
  • Traditional Japanese style boning knife with authentic crafting method.
  • Great value for money.
  • Modern, premium materials.
  • The D-shaped handle feels great to hold.
  • Luxurious and handcrafted to perfection.
  • Durable knife with a lifelong warranty.


  • As it’s a Japanese style knife, it might take a while to get used to the shape.
  • Not very flexible.

Check the Latest Price for Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

07. Shun Premier Gokujo Boning Fillet Knife

14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 31

Shun 6-Inch

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Best for Poultry & Meat


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Shun
  • Color: Silver
  • Handle Material: Pakkawood
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet

Shun Premier Gokujo boning knife is a symbol of the ancient handcrafted culture that has become obsolete due to the mass production of everything. 

Shun is dedicated to bringing this well-loved tradition back to everybody’s life. They want to make Japanese knives a household staple again. 

This boning and fillet knife is made by using old heat treatment —an invisible yet essential step of Japanese knife making. 

In heat treatment, the metal is heated and cooled down over and over again to change its microstructure. This makes the metal resistant to force, temperature change, and rust.

As the blade is finer-grained, Shun makes their boning knife extra thin and sharp. This provides an excellent shelf life with a longer-lasting edge. 

Premier Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife are perfect for removing bones and creating paper-thin slices. It features a double-bevel flat ground. 

The blade is hand-sharpened at a 16° cutting angle on each side. The hammered Tsuchine finish looks like it has come out of a storybook. This texture also helps release food when cutting. 

The blade has 64 layers of stainless steel and a Walnut Pakkawood handle to fit both right and left hand. Talk about attention to detail!

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

You can do precise work with this Shun knife. This is particularly great for carving meat. The length ensures that you can reach what you need to. As the tip is honed, it’s perfect for the hard to reach areas.


  • Extremely sharp.
  • Stylish and functional.
  • Well crafted blade.
  • Authentic Japanese craftsmanship.
  • Great investment piece.


  • Needs regular maintenance.

Check the Latest Price for Shun Premier Gokujo Boning Fillet Knife

08. KYOKU Daimyo Series – Boning Knife

14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 33

KYOKU 8541905931

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Best Balanced


  • Blade Material: Japanese VG10 Core, 67-Layers Damascus Blade
  • Brand: KYOKU
  • Color: Silver
  • Warranty: Life-time 
  • Blade Length: 7 Inches
  • Item Dimensions: 12 x 1.35 x 1 inches

Kyoku Daimyo Boning Knife is made out of VG10 Japanese super steel, with an HRC of 58-60. Japanese steel is renowned for its stability and century-old steel cutting technology. 

Added cobalt creates highly effective edge retention and proper balance. 

This 7” boning knife or “Honesuki” is the most overall best choice for meat preparation. As the blade is flexible, you can bend it around bones to cut your desired piece. 

Whether you like deboning, preparing, fileting, skinning, trimming, and butterflying, this knife will become your favorite go-to option for easy and efficient meat cutting. 

The handle of the knife is constructed with military-grade wood. It has gone through many special treatments to make it extremely resilient to heat and moisture. No matter where you live, this will survive generations. 

In the end, it doesn’t matter if the knife is super durable if it’s dull and dead. This knife, however. Is ruthlessly sharp and has a scalpel-like edge

The blade is polished by experienced artisans and has a mirror-like finish. The knife is sharpened at 8-12° double side using the traditional 3-step Honbazuke method. 

Kyoku Damascus Boning knife is cooled down with nitrogen to give ultimate hardness without making it fragile. You also get a lifetime warranty with a free of charge return policy! 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

This is a beautiful boning knife. The Damascus blade has just the right amount of flex. The balance of the knife is amazing and undoubtedly, the best feature.


  • Full tang with engraved rivet and mosaic pin.
  • Superior sharpness.
  • Included knuckle guards.
  • Ergonomic handle.
  • Well balanced design.
  • Japanese steel and construction.
  • Lifetime warranty.


  • Not very flexible.

Check the Latest Price for KYOKU Daimyo Series – Boning Knife

09. DALSTRONG – Boning Knife – 6″ – Omega Series

14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 34

Dalstrong Inc.

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Best for Professionals


  • Blade Material: Alloy Steel
  • Brand: Dalstrong
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Handle Material: G10 woven fiberglass
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Size: 6”
  • Item Weight: 1.41 pounds

The Omega Series 6” boning and fillet knife is an essential tool every chef should have in their kitchen. It’s the perfect shape and size for deboning, filleting, skinning, trimming, and butterflying. 

The narrow blade of this knife is shaped to effortlessly slice flesh ways with maximum flexibility.

The blade has a “LiquidMetal ” pattern that reduces drag. This also gives the knife a distinctive look.

The blade itself is made out of ultra-premium American forged hyper steel with an added vacuum treatment. The tapered bolster provides the best balance which makes chopping really effortless. 

The knife is rust/ corrosion resistant with a hand-polished spine. The full tang gives it maximum robustness as well. 

The edge retention of this knife is superb with 63+ Rockwell. The tempering is cryogenic which increases the steel’s crystalline structure and hardness. 

Let’s talk about the handle of the Omega 6” boning knife. It has a military-grade G10 handle with an ergonomic shape and a non-slip grip. 

The exterior of the handle is heat, cold, and moisture resistant.

 Dalstrong is renowned for its well-designed handles. This one has superior hand control, comfort, and agility than anything else you have tried before. 

The engraved end cap and oversized intricate copper mosaic give it a unique look and beauty. It’s very aesthetically pleasing to have in the kitchen. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

If you are someone who cuts meat on a regular basis, this can be a nifty option for you. It has a thin, sharp blade that can do fine cutting and trimming.


  • Ergonomic handle.
  • Easy to hold.
  • Super razor-sharp blade.
  • Quality craftsmanship.
  • Durable blade and handle.
  • Great value for money.


  • The blade is too thin on the top which causes calluses easily.

Check the Latest Price for DALSTRONG – Boning Knife – 6″ – Omega Series

10. Zwilling J.A Henckels Professional Boning Knife

Zwilling J.A Henckels Professional Boning Knife

Henckels 31024-143

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Best Reviews


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: HENCKELS
  • Color: Black/Stainless Steel
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Dimensions: 16.5 x 2.75 x 1.5 inches

Manufactured in Germany, this High carbon stainless steel boning knife is one of the best options for professional and at-home work. 

This Sigma forge knife is forged from a single piece of solid steel. This means the strength and resistance of the blade are phenomenal. 

To make it sturdy, they used the ice-hardened method. This fridour blade stays sharper and stays the same way for a long time. If you are someone who does not enjoy sharpening their knife, this can be a handy option. 

The precision-honed blade has superior resilience and cuts meat at a natural curved angle. This means the blade simply glides through the meat. 

The ergonomic polymer three-rivet handle feels good on hand. It is perfectly bonded to the full tang for durability and maneuverability. 

Boasting a 57 Rockwell hardness, this knife has excellent edge retention. The steel is stain, corrosion, and heat resistant as well. 

No knife is good unless it has a well-balanced body. The sturdy bolster gives J Henckels boning knife just the right balance and an ideal 15° cutting angle

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

This boning knife is the highest rated at American Test Kitchen and for good reasons. It is super flexible which means you can debone poultry, and meat both before and after cooking. 

The thin blade and exquisite edge stay the same for a long time without much maintenance.


  • Fully visible tang provides proper balance.
  • Non-staining and non-rusting stainless steel.
  • Ergonomic shape.
  • Super flexible.
  • Durable, smooth, and comfortable handle.
  • Dishwasher safe.
  • Full warranty.


  • As it is really flexible, unless you are skilled, getting cuts is more likely to happen.

Check the Latest Price for Zwilling J.A Henckels Professional Boning Knife

11. Global GF-31 Boning Knife

Global GF-31 Boning Knife

Global GF-31

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Best Heavyweight Option


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Global
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Item Dimensions: 14.5 x 3.5 x 0.8 inches
  • Item Weight: 0.66 Pounds

This is another great option from Global if you want to debone an entire rack of ribs without forcing the blade on it. 

The knife is made from a single piece of high-quality CROMOVA 18 stainless steel. This knife has a very pointy tip with a narrow blade. This makes it great at going around the bones for precise cutting. 

With this heavy-duty knife, you can debone and skin any cuts of beef easily to make spare ribs for your family or the barbecue party with buddies. 

The ergonomic handle with a dimpled pattern makes it comfortable to hold with a no-slip grip. You can use it for repetitive slicing as the knife is filled with sand for perfect balance. 

This is a great knife that is designed to be high-tech from top to bottom. Just like other Global Knives, this one is also handcrafted in Japan by experts. 

This Heavyweight line is made for chefs who prefer heavy-duty cutlery. A certain amount of weight gives a better hold and feel. 

Heavy knives feel premium and chop smoothly due to the weight of its own body. 

So if you prefer heavyweight knives, this 6-1/4  inch boning knife will help you cut poultry and meat through joints like marshmallows. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

If you’re looking for a solid, heavy knife for ribs and other larger portions of meat, this is the best choice for you. Its bodyweight helps to force the blade to cut seamlessly.


  • Best at handling larger chunks of meat.
  • Easy to handle.
  • Well designed.
  • Heavyweight and sturdy.
  • Durable construction.
  • Great value for money.


  • None! This knife does exactly what it says.

Check the Latest Price for Global GF-31 Boning Knife

12. Wüsthof Gourmet 6 Inch Boning Knife

Wüsthof Gourmet 6 Inch Boning Knife

Wusthof 4607-7

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Super Flexible


  • Blade Material: High Carbon Stainless Steel
  • Brand: Wüsthof
  • Color: Black
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Dimensions: 11 x 1 x 1 inches

This 6” Wüsthof Gourmet boning knife with a synthetic handle provides excellent durability and value to your kitchen. 

The blade is made out of high carbon stainless steel that resists corrosion and dulling. This German-made kitchen slice comes with a lifetime warranty as well.

The full-tang handle is made out of synthetic polypropylene that resists fading, discoloration, heat, and force. 

Wüsthof is a family-owned seven-generation-long company that first started in Solingen, Germany around 200 years ago! 

They are a reliable and trustworthy brand that has proven its worth over time. 

This Gourmet Wüsthof boning knife has a long narrow curved blade. This enables it to move cleanly along the bones for clean, fine cuts. As it is quite flexible as well, you can use it to cut around smaller bones too. 

This Gourmet Wüsthof line along with the boning knife is laser-crafted and built to create a sustainable future. Their motto is to make such durable products that people need to purchase once in their lifetime. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

If you need a flexible long knife to move along the bone and fatty parts of a large cut of meat, then this is the one for you. The flexibility in the blade makes this a superior choice to debone and butcher larger cuts. A must for your collection.


  • Thin bladed, flexible knife.
  • Easy to hold.
  • High quality, durable materials.
  • Quality craftsmanship.
  • Full tang, ergonomic handle.
  • Razor-sharp and easy to sharpen.


  • The blade is too flexible for heavy cartilage.

Check the Latest Price for Wüsthof Gourmet 6 Inch Boning Knife

13. Wüsthof 4603 Boning Knife

Wüsthof Boning Knife

Wusthof 4603

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Best for Versatility


  • Blade Material: Carbon Steel
  • Brand: Wüsthof 
  • Color: Stainless Steel
  • Handle Material: Polyoxymethylene
  • Blade Edge: Boning
  • Item Size: 6”
  • Item Weight: 4.9 ounces

With this Wüsthof 4603 boning knife, you get a flexible design that can be used for a variety of things. 

The long, narrow, and curved blade of this boning knife is perfect to maneuver around bones to make the best clean cut of pork, beef, and chicken. 

The handle of this boning knife is made out of POM aka polyoxymethylene

POM has a tighter molecular structure than other handle materials. This makes it resist fading and discoloration. You can use this knife for years and it will still look brand new.

Every Wüsthof knife takes a lot of extensive processes to create. This one is no different. It is forged in a 40-step process that starts with a single blank of high carbon stainless steel. 

This boning knife is a full tang that is triple-riveted to the handle. This means you get maximum precision-level control. 

It also comes with a full bolster and finger guard for the most optimal and comfortable grip. 

The blade has been tempered to 58 degrees on the Rockwell Scale.

Wüsthof precision edge technology (PEtec) makes this blade 20% sharper with double edge retention. This means you don’t have to constantly resharpen it before each use. 

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

This knife has the ideal dimensions for just about any task you might assign it to. It can even be used for chopping vegetables. Due to the stainless steel, it doesn’t rust, stain, or gets dull.


  • Razor-sharp blade with edge retention.
  • Perfect for skinning fishes easily.
  • Well shaped with a good weight.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Well crafted blade, durably built.
  • Takes minimal effort to resharpen.


  • Does not come with a sheath.

Check the Latest Price for Wüsthof 4603 Boning Knife


14 Best Boning Knives to Buy in 2021! 32


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Best for Beginners


  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Brand: HENCKELS
  • Color: Black/Stainless Steel
  • Blade Edge: Boning/Fillet
  • Item Dimensions: 13 x 3.75 x 1 inches

The Henckels Classic 5.5” Boning Knife gives a precision-cut with its fine-edge blade. 

This longlasting knife is made in Spain from high-quality German stainless steel. As the construction of the blade is fully forged, you get a seamless transition from blade to handle. 

As the blade and handle are one piece, it will survive years and years of abuse. You can use this boning knife with minimal maintenance and it will still perform better than average knives.

The blade has a satin finish that gives it a professional and sleek look. This makes it easier to clean too. 

The ergonomic and traditional shape of the triple-rivet handle provides a great balance between the knife and the blade. This makes cutting and chopping relatively easy. 

This knife is also dishwasher safe which means it’s scratch and corrosion-resistant. You get a high-quality experience with exceptional value.

Why I Recommend This Knife: 

The blade is flexible enough to blend when you need it yet stiff enough to be able to cut through cartilage and smaller bones with minimal effort.


  • High quality German stainless steel provides excellent strength.
  • Easy to hold.
  • Solid, sharp, and flexible blade.
  • Durable construction.
  • Giftable choice.
  • Great value for money.


  • Does not hold up well for heavy usage.

Check the Latest Price for HENCKELS CLASSIC Boning Knife

Buying Guide

If you are someone who isn’t familiar with boning knives, chances are you are quite lost to choose one for you.

Boning knives are not the same as your regular kitchen knives. They have a different shape and purpose in the kitchen. As the primary use of a boning knife is to cut meat and fish in any way you want, the knife needs to have certain features to be labeled as a good boning knife. 

Types of Boning Knives:

There are many different types of boning knives depending on the blade or handle. However, the two most common types are: stiff and flexible. 


A stiff boning knife is used to cut wider portions of thicker meat chunks. They usually have a broader blade and are used by butchers. These kinds of boning knives are not very common as you need a certain skill set to use one of those properly. 


A flexible or semi-flexible boning knife is the most common type. They are used to cut difficult shapes. 

Wüsthof Gourmet Flexible Boning Knife is one of the best out there. 

As the blade can move any way you want, you can cut around the bones as well. Flexible boning knives are better for fish fillets or ribs. They are ideal for skinny as well.

Blade Type:

Boning knives also have different blade types, usually two main ones: straight and curved. 


A straight boning knife is ideal for thicker and larger chunks of meat, especially beef and pork. If you want to separate meat from the bone and trim away excess fat, using a straight knife is more efficient. 

It can also be really good at sculpting and fine slicing. An authentic Japanese choice would be the Global 6.25″ Boning Knife.


The curved boning knives are predominantly Japanese style knives that are often smaller and more flexible than European knives. They are the best at de-boning and really fine, paper-thin slices. Usually, sushi chefs use these kinds of knives. 

Our best value choice is  Dalstrong- Curved Boning Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series 

Handle Design:

This is very important. Having a badly made handle can cause serious accidents. Imagine what would happen if the knife slips from your hand? 

Usually, some popular materials for handles are plastic, polypropylene, rubber, and wood. All of these are excellent if done right. 

The shape of the handle is totally your preference. Some people like thicker handles and some like thinner ones. A safe choice would be to pick an ergonomic shape that fits like a glove in your palms.

Look for boning knives with full tang and triple rivets features. These are the most durable types of handles.  Something like  Dalstrong – Gladiator Series – Boning Knife is great for that.

Size & Weight: 

Most people prefer lightweight boning knives as they are easy to maneuver. You get excellent flexibility while cutting fish or meat with a knife like this. 

Usually, stainless steel knives are the lightest. Carbon steel blades come in a close second.  Lightweight knives come in all different sizes and shapes. 

But if you like a good weight for your knives, you can go for heavier options. Heavy knives are usually longer to create the best balance. Check out Global GF-31 Heavyweight Boning Knife for a solid option. 

Warranty :

As most boning knives are quite expensive and an investment piece, you would want to get the most out of your money. Look for knives with a lifetime warranty.

For example, Dalstrong – Gladiator Series Boning Knife comes with a lifetime warranty to provide ultimate customer satisfaction.

Some even give free replacement options in case your package gets damaged in the process.


Boning knives usually come with a case or stealth for easy storage. Some even go as far as to give sharpening steel with it. As boning knives are not used every day, you need a good case to store it properly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. What is a boning knife used for?

A boning knife is a type of kitchen knife that has been used for centuries in meat preparation.

A good quality boning knife comes with a sharp edge and narrow, thin blade. You can use boning knives to remove bones from fish, poultry, and meat. 

Stiff boning knives are great at de-boning larger meats like pork and beef. You can use them for trimming, shaping, sizing your favorite meat pieces including ribs. They can be used for skinny as well. 

02. Is a boning knife the same as a fillet knife?

Fillet knives and boning knives have a lot of similarities but they have their specific user as well. 

Appearance is a big difference as fillet knives are thinner, sharper, and more flexible than any other kitchen knives. They are specifically used for fish. 

Boning knives, on the other hand, are more versatile and easy to use. They are ideal for fish, meat, and poultry. You can use a boning knife for both smaller and larger portions of meat and fish. This makes them a better and more practical choice for everyday kitchens. 

03. Can a boning knife cut through bones?

Even though the name might suggest otherwise, a boning knife is not used to cut through bones.  They are quite delicate pieces of equipment.

Boning knives are for fine-tuning your meat pieces according to your desire. However, there are some boning knives that can easily cut through fish bones and cartilage. You can use stiff boiling knives for scraping larger bones.

04.How should I hold a boning knife?

Using a boning knife is a bit different from other European kitchen knives. You need to use your three fingers to wrap around the handle. 

Pinch the blade with your thumb and index finger for a good grip. Then place your index finger on top of the blade.

Now make a slight angle and let the knife slip around the bone. Then slightly turn it around to separate the meat from the bones. Using a boning knife is very intuitive and simple. Just keep your knife at an angle and the sharpness will do the rest for you.

If you are a beginner, check out Henckels Classic Boning Knife as it is the easiest to learn.

05. How do I sharpen a boning knife?

As boning knives are quite flexible, sharpening them can be a bit challenging at first. 

Before you start, check the angle your knife has been pre-sharpened by the brand. Most brands sharpen their boning knife at around 15-22° angle. 

It’s not advised to use a sharpening rod for boning knives as they need more precise attention. Use sharpening stones, preferably ceramic to maintain the quality of it.

Today’s Takeaway

After spending countless hours researching and comparing, we have come up with these 14 boning knife options that won’t disappoint you. 

So there you go, with our top 14 well-curated list, you can easily find something that fits your needs. 

Having a boning knife is not mandatory but it adds a lot of different scopes and potential to any kitchen. 

If you are too intimidated by them, keep in mind the process is really fun to do. It is a great way to improve your culinary skills while enjoying some delicious morsels along the way!

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Table of Contents

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12 Best Fillet Knife Reviews: For the Perfect Fillet!

Be it steaks or fish, we all have our own preferences when it comes to devouring them.

And that brings up the topic of getting the perfect cut for fillets. After all, you do not want a fillet that is rough on the edges; or one that has a weird shape. 

Of course, you can use a meat slicer to get that ideal fillet you want. But, are meat slicers everyone’s cup of tea? 

The best fillet knife is a gem to have around the kitchen and everyone has been praising it! 

But, how do you know which is the right one for you?

To ease your confusion and help you choose the proper one, our fillet knife reviews talk about the features of the top 12 in the market. In the end, there is a buying guide and FAQ section to make your buying process simpler.

Keep scrolling to make your pick! 

To know more about this, check out our best honing steel for knives 

What is the Best Fillet Knife?

In case you are wondering, fillet knives are specifically used to get the meat by removing skin and bones. While they are mostly used for descaling and deboning fishes, they are widely used for meat cuts as well.

The reason these knives are particularly suited for fillets is because of their flexibility. They come with angled blades and even if the entirety of it is not curved, the tip always is!

Moreover, they are very thin so that you can easily glide through the fish and meat without much resistance. 

Ergo, any fillet knife that has these qualities will be termed as the best fillet knife and those are the ones we talk about today! 

At a Glance

Dalstrong Fillet Knife

Dalstrong Fillet Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series

An impressive black-coated fillet knife that provides comfort and has striking angles for best performance.

  • Blade length: 6 inches
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

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Yousunlong Fillet Knife

Yousunlong Fillet Knife

Made with black ebony wood, this fillet knife provides the best control while cutting your fillets.

  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

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Wusthof Classic IKON 7 Fillet Knife

Wusthof Classic IKON 7″ Fillet Knife w/Sheath

A lightweight and slim fillet knife that gives superior balance and ultimate strength when cutting meat and big fishes.

  • Blade length: 7 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Blade angle: 15 degrees

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Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

An unbelievably sharp fillet knife that provides the best safety for hands.

  • Blade length: 8.5 inches
  • Dimensions: 13 x 4 x 1 inches
  • Weight: 4.9 ounces

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12 Best Fillet Knife Reviews: For the Perfect Fillet! 40

Chroma Type 301 Designed by F.A. Porsche

Much like the Porsche car, this one has a unique design that makes it stand out from the

  • Blade length: 7 and ¾ inches
  • Dimensions: 13.75 x 2 x 1.75 inches

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Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife

Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife

A sleek, sporty, and flexible fillet knife that provides the best angles for cleaning fishes.

  • Blade length: 9 inches
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

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Shun Classic 7-in. Flexible Fillet Knife

Shun Classic 7-in. Flexible Fillet Knife

A traditional looking fillet knife that is sharp at the tip to cut meat to perfection.

  • Blade length: 7 inches
  • Dimensions: 12 x 0.75 x 1.5 inches
  • Weight: 0.21 pounds

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American Angler Electric Fillet Knife

American Angler Electric Fillet Knife Sportsmen’s Kit

A complete set of fillet knives that comes with different blades and runs on motors so that your hands can take it easy.

  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Dimensions: 14 x 5.5 x 3.75 inches
  • Weight: 3 pounds

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DALSTRONG Fillet Knife - Shogun Series

DALSTRONG Fillet Knife – Shogun Series

The perfect knife for deboning, descaling, and trimming your favorite fishes and poultry.

  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

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Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Completing 100 steps before being made, this one has not only perfected fillet cutting but is also great for fruits and vegetables.

  • Blade length: 6 inches
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches

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ZWILLING J.A. Henckels Professional S Fillet Knife

ZWILLING J.A. Henckels Professional S Fillet Knife

Clad in stainless steel, this fillet knife provides the ultimate grip and is a breeze to clean.

  • Blade length: 8 inches
  • Dimensions: 18.5 x 3.74 x 1.06 inches
  • Weight: 0.25 Kilograms

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Global Flexible Swedish Filet Knife

Global Flexible Swedish Filet Knife

  • Dimensions: 23 x 19.5 x 16.75 inches
  • Weight: 27.4 pounds
  • Color: Silver
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Wattage: 1800 Watts

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Our Reviews:
12 of the Best Fillet Knives

01. Dalstrong Fillet Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series

Dalstrong Fillet Knife


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  • Blade length: 6 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Wood
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Reflective blade, hammerhead pattern, strong handle for improved balance

Presenting to you the ultimate good looking knife! 

Dalstrong Fillet Knife comes with a sleek, all-over black look and designs on its body that will make you want to own this knife! Fortunately, this fillet knife performs exceptionally well so the looks are the only feature you are getting! 

Hand sharpened by bladesmiths, this one has a sharp scalpel-like blade that cuts through all kinds of fish and meat! For better control and flexibility, the blade has been cooled with Nitrogen. 

With great sharpness comes a little bit of pain during cleaning. Handle the edges with caution when washing this top fillet knife, otherwise, you might cut your hand. 

The blade comes slightly angled, making it easier to remove meat from bones without wasting much of it. Even when you touch the blade’s body you will realize how smoothly polished it is! Do not touch the edges though! 

Even after all this smoothness, the handle has been made to give you a good grip on it. The G-10 handle is different from the silky blade with a slightly textured pattern for better control. 

The most reassuring part about the Dalstrong Black Series Fillet Knife is the lifetime warranty against defects. Long story short: you got nothing to lose!

Why We Recommend It: 

The Dalstrong Fillet Knife is simply a dream to have. It is not only aesthetically pleasing but its sharp blades and non-slip handle will give you effortless fillet cutting. Whether you want to get the meat out of the bones or take out fish ribs, this black beauty got your back!


  • Sharp blades provide comfortable cutting.
  • Angled design makes minimum wastage of meat and fish.
  • A textured handle allows greater control over the grip.
  • Handle does not get affected by moisture.
  • Comes in a nice design.
  • Built to last.
  • Comes with a sheath for the sharp blades.


  • Sharp blades can cause cuts during cleaning, if not careful.

Check the Latest Price for Dalstrong Fillet Knife – Shadow Black Series

02. YOUSUNLONG Fillet Knives

Yousunlong Fillet Knife


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  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Wood
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Reflective blade, hammerhead pattern, strong handle for improved balance

The Yousunlong fillet knife is a beautifully designed 10-inch knife, crafted with a 33-layer Damascus stainless steel on each side. The thickness of 2.5 mm is excellent for cutting raw food into sashimi and getting that nice cut of meat! 

For your convenience, the handle is shaped in an ergonomic way and hard enough to make operating it easy. Whether you are a righty or a lefty, the handle makes it easy on both! 

Made of hammerhead, this one reduces the chip resistance and glides through nicely. 

Not only is it superior in performance, but it is also very durable. With the integrated die casting and high-grade black and ebony coating, the Yousunlong Knife is made to last for a long time. 

What you will see the first time you look at this fillet knife is the beautiful design on it. Ergo, not only will it cut excellent fillets, but it will also give you the satisfaction of using something fancy! 

The only thing that might be a little off-putting is the fact that it is made in China. Although you might think that this affects the durability of the fillet knife, we are yet to see that.  

Why We Recommend It:

Made in China or not, the Yousunlong Fillet Knife is built to last and its thickness is perfect for getting the ideal cut you want. Whether you are cutting fish or meat, the hard stainless steel and natural wood handle give you complete control with the knife!


  • Good fillet knife for sashimi and lean meat cuts.
  • Ergonomic and strong wooden handle.
  • Reduced chip resistance.
  • Durable because of the high-grade materials.
  • Looks good.


  • Made in China.

Check the Latest Price for YOUSUNLONG Fillet Knives

03. Wusthof Classic IKON 7″ Fillet Knife w/Sheath

Wusthof Classic IKON 7 Fillet Knife

Wusthof 4626ws

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  • Blade length: 7 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Blade angle: 15 degrees

More features: Ergonomic handle allows greater control; comes with a sheath

A quick glance at the Wusthof Classic Fillet Knife will tell you that it is super sharp! And here, looks do not deceive, thanks to PEtec – WÜSTHOF’s Precision Edge Technology. Be it a beef fillet or fish, this fillet knife will get it done! 

But, that extreme sharpness means you need to be careful when handling the knife. Whether you are washing the knife or simply handling it, it is best to wear a cut-proof glove. Although, this extreme sharpness saves you the trouble of sharpening it every time. 

For improved control over your grip, the Wusthof Fillet Knife comes with an easy-to-grasp handle. We highly recommend storing it in the sheath after it has dried up from its cleaning! 

The handle on this Wusthof IKON 7 inch Fillet Knife might look slippery, but do not go for the looks! Once you get a hold of it, you will notice how easily you get the grasp of it. Besides, it is slightly bent so that your hands do not feel tired! 

Why We Recommend It :

Made from Germany, the Wusthof Classic IKON Fillet Knife is a pleasure to have around the kitchen. Its angled blade allows for precise cuts while the handle lets you have a good grip. On top of it all, it is durable and does not need sharpening very soon!

ie oven of a lot of professional chefs.


  • Cuts through all kinds of fish and meat perfectly.
  • Very sharp blades.
  • A non-slip handle allows the best grip.
  • Hands do not feel fatigued after use.
  • Comes with a sheath.
  • Built to last.


  • Sharp blades need careful handling.

Check the Latest Price for Wusthof Classic IKON 7″ Fillet Knife

04. Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

Shun DM0743

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  • Blade length: 6 inches
  • Blade material: Double bevel steel
  • Handle: Wood
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Reflective blade, hammerhead pattern, strong handle for improved balance

Shun is one such company that makes its knives go through rigorous processes before presenting it to you. Apart from the basic heating and tempering, this fillet knife is also perfected to the ultimate hardness that most other knives lack!

However, just because it is harder does not mean it is heavy! Once you grab hold of the Shun Classic Fillet Knife, you will realize how easy it is to glide through your big catch. It does not tire your hands and gives the least amount of os resistance possible. 

Coming with the sharp edges and curved angles, this one goes as close as possible to the bone to separate the meat. Additionally, because of its sharpness, strong tissues in tenderloin and roasts are no problem for this fillet knife! 

Whether you are an expert or an amateur, handling the Shun Cutlery Classic Fillet Knife is a breeze. Thanks to its D-shaped wooden handle, you can get a good hold of it while cutting the perfect fillet. 

However, if you are a first-time user of fillet knives, the blade will feel stiff to you. They say practice makes perfect and that is exactly the case with this one! 

Why We Recommend It:

The Shun fillet knife is a gem when it comes to quick cutting. You can use it for deboning fillets or for removing fats before putting the fillet into your favorite smoker! All in all, the honed, angled blade gives you fillet cutting with less resistance and wastage.


  • The angled blade gives ideal fillet cuts.
  • Provides minimum resistance while cutting.
  • A sharp tip is great for cutting fibrous tissues.
  • The D-shaped handle provides a good grip.


  • Not for first-time users.

Check the Latest Price for Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife

05. Chroma Type 301 Designed by F.A. Porsche

12 Best Fillet Knife Reviews: For the Perfect Fillet! 40

Chroma 5019311910934

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  • Blade length: 7 and ¾  inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 13.75 x 2 x 1.75 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Flat-top blade and joined handle.

Looking for the fillet knife that professionals use? Then the F.A. Porsche Chroma will definitely catch your attention! 

This hand-sharpened stainless steel knife has fantastic sharp blades to effortlessly cut through any piece of fish or meat. 

At first, the angle of the blade might seem a little weird but you will quickly realize this angle is what makes it unique! 

The handle of the F.A. Porsche Chroma Type Knife mixes up with the blade itself, giving you complete control over it. This helps in effortless cutting and your hand will not fill any fatigue, unlike with traditional knives. 

Why We Recommend It :

The Chrome Type Professional Fillet Knife is the one you should go for when you do the best cuts! Its ergonomic design makes it easy to handle and keeps your hands as rested as ever. Enjoy the sharp blades to effortlessly make Schnitzel and salmon sashimi!


  • Seamlessly cuts through any meat and fish.
  • Sharp blades.
  • The joined handle and blade provide the utmost control.
  • Does not wear out your hands.


  • The angled blade and handle might not be comfortable to everyone.

Check the Latest Price for Chroma Type 301 Designed by F.A. Porsche

06. Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

Mercer Culinary M23860

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  • Blade length: 8.5 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Santoprene and polypropylene
  • Dimensions: 13 x 4 x 1 inches
  • Weight: 4.9 ounces

More features: Safety guard on the handle, stain-resistant blade. 

Sharp and efficient knife with a minimal design. That is the perfect statement to describe the Mercer Culinary Fillet knife. 

Crafter with high-quality Japanese materials, the razor-sharp steel effortlessly cuts through fish and meat. It does not have room for any kind of resistance, giving you a smooth cutting session! 

Additionally, the handle was made keeping your convenience in mind. Not only is it angled for easier grip, but it also has textured finger points that make it slip-resistant. Moreover, just before the blade starts, there is a protective finger guard! 

We recommend hand washing this fantastic fillet knife to maintain its integrity and keep it with you for a longer time. Even though it is made to last, there is no harm in maintaining kitchen appliances! 

One thing you have to be careful about is cutting thick pieces of meat. We noticed that the blade can move easily if it goes through too much pressure. As for thin pieces, it works like a dream! 

Why We Recommend It :

The Mercer Fillet Knife is 100% one of the best filler knives out there. It will leave you impressed with its super sharp blade, almost zero-resistance cutting, and non-slip handle. The makers really put a lot of thought into its details and it shows when cutting!


  • Seamlessly cuts fillets.
  • Does not offer much resistance while cutting.
  • Has a good grip on the handle because of textured finger points.
  • Comes with a safety guard.
  • Good quality.


  • Takes a bit of work for the thick pieces of meat.
  • The handle can feel a little uncomfortable when used for prolonged hours.

Check the Latest Price for Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

07. DALSTRONG Fillet Knife – Shogun Series

DALSTRONG Fillet Knife - Shogun Series

Dalstrong Inc SS-6inch-filet

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  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Wood
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Comes with a sheath, the ergonomic hand-polished handle which is not affected by cold or moisture.

Dalstrong knives are made to impress! Be it their packaging, knife performance, or even the knife design, they got all the checkboxes ticked! 

First off, the Dalstrong Shogun Series Fillet Knife comes with an angled blade of about 8 to 12 degrees. This allows you to cut anything with complete precision and minimum wastage. Even if there are big bones, the pointy tip of this fillet knife can work around them with the least effort! 

Not only the blade but also the handle makes this knife excellent. Made by the finest craftsmen, it is both strong and agile. As a cherry on top, Dalstrong made this knife to resist moisture, heat, and cold, meaning it will never slip off and ruin your fillet! 

The reason why most customers absolutely give this a try is because of the lifetime warranty. Yes! Dalstrong gives 100% lifetime warranty against any defects on the knife and now you know you can trust it! 

The only thing you need to be careful about is the slippery nature of it. Even though the knife is strong in all aspects, when you set it on the table, it tends to spin a little. 

Generally, this is not a problem, but if the sharp blade sticks out of the counter, it could cause damage. A little carefulness never hurt anyone!  

Why We Recommend It:

The Dalstrong flexible fillet knife does not have any solid flaws with it! In fact, with its durability, strength, and convenience, it is one of the best kitchen fillet knives on the list. Grab it before it runs out of stock because the demand is high!


  • Can take on any size of fish and meat.
  • The angled blade gives minimum wastage.
  • Non-slip handle is not affected by heat, cold, or moisture.
  • Built to last.
  • Lifetime warranty.


  • Slips a little when placed on the counter.

Check the Latest Price for DALSTRONG Fillet Knife – Shogun Series

08. Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife

Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife

Bubba BB1-9TF

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  • Blade length: 9 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 15.16 x 1.3 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

More features: Curved blade, synthetic sheath, non-slip handle, and lanyard hole

The Bubba Fillet Knife is a knife you will fall in love with! Featuring a 9-inch stainless steel blade and non-slip grip handle, you will feel like a professional cutting up fillets.

The curved design of the blade along with its narrow thickness allows thin and precise cuts every time. Besides, the sharp tip gives a good boost to the initial cut through.

The angled blade is not the only convenience of this fillet knife. For your comfort, the handle has it all. It comes with both non-slip and trigger grips and also safety guards. Talk about convenience! 

The one feature which we love the most is the Bubba interchangeable blade set. Swap the flexed knife out for a more stiff one and vice versa to meet your cutting needs! 

However, be careful when sharpening or washing the knife because the coating might start coming off. 

Also, remember that this one is 9 inches, making it ideal for bigger fishes. Ergo, if you are catching small fishes, we would not recommend this since it can be a little difficult to handle. 

Why We Recommend It:

All in all, the Bubba 9 inch Fillet Knife is the best fillet knife for fish. With its non-slip handle and curved blade, it takes the hard work off your hand and makes perfect fillet for your grills!


  • Seamlessly cuts through any fish.
  • Has a good grip on the handle.
  • Has an interchangeable blade set.
  • Perfect for big fishes.


  • The coating can rust off easily.
  • Too big for small catches.

Check the Latest Price for Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife

09. American Angler PRO Professional Grade Electric Fillet Knife Sportsmen’s Kit

American Angler Electric Fillet Knife

American Angler AEK-OB-DS-008-1

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  • Blade length: 10 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Wood
  • Dimensions: 14 x 5.5 x 3.75 inches
  • Weight: 3 pounds

More features: Comes with five replacement blades and runs on electricity.

The American PRO Electric Fillet knife is one of the most heavy-duty knives you will encounter. Be it big pieces of meat or fish, this will never slow down your work! 

The most unique aspect of this knife is that it runs on a motor. Ergo, you will not have to worry about tiring your hands too much because all you have to do is turn it on and hold in properly. And with its sturdy yellow handle, there is no trouble in getting a good grasp of it. 

Now, you might be thinking that the knife will turn hot after a few minutes since it is electrical. To our surprise, nothing of that sort happened. Featuring an advanced airflow system, this large fillet knife stays cool for a long time! 

Even though it runs on a motor, the build quality on this is excellent. No matter what the tough job is, it will get it done and stay with you for many more fishing trips to come. 

You can easily replace the blade with any version of American Anglers and make it ready for different tasks. 

If you are using an electric fillet knife for the first time, then it might be a little difficult to insert the blade in. However, once you do it the first time, it will be a breeze for the coming days.

Why We Recommend It:

Overall, the American Angler Fillet Knife is more of a chef fillet knife than anything else. With its complete precision and motorized blade, you will be stunned at how perfectly it cuts through fish and meat! 

Unlike other knives, you do not have to wait long to get the fillets on your grill because it is 2 times faster than the rest!


  • Smoothly cuts big pieces of meat and fish.
  • Does not tire hands out due to the auto cutting.
  • Can be used with five different blades.
  • Does not get hot easily.
  • Easy-to-grip handle.
  • Durable.


  • Needs a power outlet to run.
  • Not much control over how the blade slices since it is automatic.

Check the Latest Price for American Angler PRO Professional Grade Electric Fillet Knife Sportsmen’s Kit

10. Shun Classic 7-in. Flexible Fillet Knife

Shun Classic 7-in. Flexible Fillet Knife

Shun DM0761

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  • Blade length: 7 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Pakkawood
  • Dimensions: 12 x 0.75 x 1.5 inches
  • Weight: 0.21 pounds

The 7 inches Shun Classic Fillet Knife is fantastic for making thin slices. With the proper flex mechanism, this knife cuts meat to the T and keeps wastage to a minimum. 

Crafted with a one of a kind Pakkawood, the handle provides maximum comfort while cutting. It is also infused with resin which gives it the capability to resist moisture. Ergo, your hands will never slip while cutting fillets! 

Not only does stainless steel make it durable, but it is also super easy to clean! One wipe at the blade gets all the dirt out of it. But of course, wash it! 

What we love the most about this knife is that it gives off a slightly contemporary look, yet has the traditional Japanese roots to it. Whether you want to remove bones from meat or trim the poultry, this one got your back! 

One aspect that we think could be improved is flexibility. It is great for some tasks, but when you just wanna clean the fish, it can be a little hard to get the ribs out. Nevertheless, the flexibility also allows you to get the greatest meat out, so you are all good! 

Why We Recommend It:

When you are using Shun Cutlery, you can be guaranteed that this one will not let you down. The company uses only high-quality materials to make its products and this one is a perfect example of that!


  • Gives smooth cuts.
  • Does not waste much food.
  • Ergonomic handle.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Built to last.


  • The flex mechanism takes a bit of time to get used to.

Check the Latest Price for Shun Classic 7-in. Flexible Fillet Knife

11. ZWILLING J.A. Henckels Professional S Fillet Knife

ZWILLING J.A. Henckels Professional S Fillet Knife

HENCKELS 31030-183

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  • Blade length: 7 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 16.5 x 2.75 x 1.5 inches
  • Weight: 7.2 ounces

More features: Angled tip

Are you looking for a fillet knife within a minimal design? Then check out the Zwilling Henckels Fillet Knife that has a slender look and feel to it. It feels super lightweight when you cut with it, so your hands will not be tired at all! 

Even though we say slim and lightweight, it does feel flimsy. Rather, with the strong wooden handle, you will get a good grip on it while cutting. 

Featuring the razor-sharp blade, the Zwilling S Fillet Knife easily glides through fishes and meat. The edge is slightly angled at 15 degrees to allow boning fishes. 

However, Zwilling J. A Fillet Knife lacks a bit of balance. Since it only comes at 7.2 ounces, we would not recommend it for big fishes or pieces of meat.

Why We Recommend It:

The Zwilling S Fillet Knife is ideal for those small fishes that you catch. Featuring a sharp blade with a 15 degrees angled tip, you can easily slice the meat of the bones with this one!


  • Great for small fishes and meat.
  • Lightweight.
  • Has a good grip.
  • Easy to store.


  • Does not have proper balance.
  • Does not come with a sheath.

Check the Latest Price for ZWILLING J.A. Henckels Professional S Fillet Knife

12. Global Flexible Swedish Filet Knife

Global Flexible Swedish Filet Knife

Global G-30

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  • Blade length: 8 inches
  • Blade material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: Stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 18.5 x 3.74 x 1.06 inches
  • Weight: 0.25 Kilograms

More features: Textured handle for improved grip, angled blade tip

The Global Swedish Fillet Knife might be new in the game, but it has already been winning hearts!

Featuring the curved edge of the blade, it gives unstoppable cutting! Additionally, the very sharp edges are great for getting smooth fillet cuts. 

The handle is made of stainless and has small patterns on it to make it non-slip. You can easily concentrate on your cutting instead of worrying about it slipping off your hands!

Albeit, this knife only made for fishes and is yet to work its wonders on meat. Given the slim design that it comes with, we would say it is for small to medium-sized fishes.

The best part about this Swedish Fillet Knife is that it is easy to clean! Since the entire knife is made from stainless steel, any grease or dirt easily comes off it. 

Why We Recommend It:

All in all, the Global Flexible Fillet Knife is a good one for basic uses. It might not be a professional-grade fillet knife, but it is perfect for household uses!


  • Ideal for fish fillets.
  • Good grip on the handle.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Durable.


  • Cannot be used for meats.
  • The imprinted logfor o on the blade might come off.

Check the Latest Price for Global Flexible Swedish Filet Knife

Top Three Features to Look Out for

Now that you have an idea on each best fillet knife, here are some general guidelines to look through before buying your fillet knife for sale! 

Size of the Blade:

When going hunting for a fillet knife, it is important to keep in mind how long or short you want the blade to be. This typically depends on the kind of fish or meat you are going to be cutting up.

For larger pieces, you will need blades that are long in length. The American Angler PElectric Fillet Knife comes with a 10-inch blade that is perfect for deboning and descaling large fishes. 

A quick at electric fillet knife reviews will tell you that this one does exceptionally well in getting clean cuts of both meat and fish fillets! 

If you intend to cut smaller pieces of meat, there is no point in having a large size blade. It will be more of an annoyance than usefulness. The Shun Cutlery Classic Boning and Fillet Knife is one such knife that has a blade of six inches and is ideal for smaller pieces of meat! 

According to experts, the ideal length of any fillet knife blade is 7 inches which the Wusthof Classic IKON 7″ Fillet Knife w/Sheath has. However, it all depends on your comfort level and what you want to cut up! 

Sharpness and Quality of Blade:

There is no surprise here! The blade is the most important feature of a fillet knife and it is essential to have it super sharp and of good quality. 

Do not go for the cheap material blades, rather go for high-quality stainless steel ones. All the knives mentioned in our best fillet knife reviews are of the best stainless steel material. 

And for us, the best one is of the Dalstrong Fillet Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series

Even in the sharpness category, all of them excel! But if we had to choose one, we would go for the Mercer Culinary Millennia Narrow Fillet Knife

Ergonomic Handle:

Cutting fillets do not have to be hard if you have the ideal fillet knife. And sharp blades are not the only aspect! 

The grip on your handle can easily make or break the way your fillet is cut. For the best control of your knives, get one with a non-slip handle and that rests nicely on your palm while you are cutting. Completely straight handles can be a big no-no since they can tire your hands pretty easily. 

The DALSTRONG Fillet Knife – Shogun Series has the most ergonomic handle out of all the ones stated. As a cherry on top, the handle is coated with a special material that makes it resistant to heat, cold, and moisture. Ergo, be sure that it will not slip off your hands no matter what! 


Similar to the handle, it is important that your chosen fillet knife has an angled blade. Deboning with a straight and rigid blade is nearly impossible. However, make sure that the flex is just right and does not feel flimsy! 

The Chroma Type 301 Designed by F.A. Porsche has the best angles for fillet cutting and is a supreme choice for professionals. 

For amateurs, we recommend the Bubba Tapered Flex Fillet Knife which is the perfect mix of rigid and flexible, giving you precision while cutting! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answered the three most asked questions about fillet knives. 

01. Can a Regular Knife be Used to Cut Fillets? 

You definitely can. 

But, it will not give the same precision as a fillet knife would. Regular kitchen knives do not have the angled tip or blade, nor do they have many details in the handle. Ergo, you will cut the fillet but it will never be as smooth! 

Nevertheless, kitchen knives are useful for every other work in the kitchen! Here are our top five:

02. Can I Use a Fillet Knife for Cutting Meat? 


Contrary to popular belief, fillet knives are not just for fishes. They are most commonly used for that because of their thin and slender shapes, but they are just as good for removing meat from the bones! 

In fact, fillet knives can even be used for cutting vegetables and fruits if you want! 

03. Fillet Knife vs Boning Knife: What is the Difference? 

The difference between a fillet knife and a boning knife is not much since fillet knives are also used for boning. 

However, boning knives tend to be shorter and stiffer so that you have the best control while deboning. On the other hand, fillet knives tend to be longer and have more flexibility so that you can descale and slice along the backbone, rather than just deboning. 

Hence, fillet knives can be used as boning knives but it does not go the other round. 

Here are our top five boning knives: 

Final Words

Getting a flawless fillet depends widely on the type of fillet knife you use. An ideal fillet knife should have a good flex on the blade, an anti-slip handle, and be comfortable to use. 

All in all, the best fillet knife depends on what you want to cut and the type with which you are most comfy. 

In our fillet knife reviews, Dalstrong Fillet Knife – 6″ – Shadow Black Series takes the number one place while YOUSUNLONG Fillet Knives comes at a close second. 

However, as we said that every person has their own preferences. Hence, make sure to check out all the reviews before choosing one for yourself. 

For any further questions, feel free to ask below!

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This is undoubtedly a basic table cutlery. However, this is one of the most versatile pieces of kitchen equipment man has so far invented!

Be it chopping, cubing, slicing, or dicing, the first thing your hands will reach out for is the cook’s knife. 

Ergo if this little thing is sharp, your food crafting skills shine bright, irrespective of whether you are a professional or a home cook. 

If the opposite is true, then we don’t know how you are coping up with the everyday kitchen chores. But we highly suggest you stop struggling and get some good old Dexter knives.

Why Dexter, you ask?

Let us tell you precisely that! 

We started this tale with the chef’s knife or the cook’s knife. So we will stick to the category today and tell you all there is to know about the Dexter Russel P94802 Basics 10″ Cooks Knife. 

So, let’s not make this chit chat too wordy. It’s time for our Dexter Knives Review.

Dexter Russel P94802 Basics 10″ Cooks Knife Reviewed! 

[amazon box=”B0015AFZ7W”]

The P94802 is a 10-inch multi-purpose kitchen knife. 

Designed to suit both the professional and the home setting, this cooking knife comes with a razor-sharp blade and an attractive white handle. 

Most of us are aware of the Dexter Russell brand assurance, but that didn’t make us go easy on this fine piece of cutlery. After all, when you put something to test, you gotta do it fair and square, right? 

Moreover, this is a lower-end Dexter Russell chef knife. So we had to make sure that the manufacturer did not compromise with the quality. 

The Specifications:

  • Length: 10 inches
  • Material: High carbon steel
  • Dimensions: 17.3 x 3.6 x 1.1 inches
  • Weight: 7.2 ounces
  • Sharpness Level: Sharp out of the box
  • Color: White
  • Brand: Dexter Russell Cutlery

The Details:

During our test run, we used the Dexter Cooks knife for practically all our cutting needs. Dicing onions and celery in bulk amounts, mincing garlic, and slicing steaks gave us clarity and insight about this item.  

Putting our experience together, here’s what we think about the 10-inch basic cooks’ knife from Dexter Russell. 


Dexter brand knives are manufactured using high carbon steel

This is a very tough material. It can withstand significant force before finally giving up and deforming. 

Hence, knives made of high carbon steel are great at retaining their shape no matter how thin their blades are. 

The Sani Safe P94802  blade is only 1.1 inches wide, allowing you to make precise cuts. And while you are at it, this cooking knife protects itself from abrasion and stands tall. 

Another advantage of this blade material is that it’s also easy to resharpen. 

Having said that, hard metal alloys are more prone to being brittle. So, make sure you don’t put your knife under too much tensile force. 

The Sani Safe handle is made of slip-resistant polypropylene. This material can also withstand high and low temperatures.

Sani Safe Dexter Russell Knives are comfortable to hold. On top of that, the non-slip material is a lifesaver. 

Hands are bound to get sweaty and slippery. The textured handle has got you covered. 

Score: 9/10

The Design:

Dexter Russel 10″ Cooks Knife is ergonomically designed for the long and demanding hours of food preparation.

Ideally, a chef’s knife or cook’s knife measures between 8-12 inches in length. 

If a knife is on the shorter end of this spectrum, it means that the user enjoys more control but a limited range of movement. As the blade length increases, the range of movement of the knife increases, sacrificing the grip or control in the process.

This Dexter knife comes with a 10 inches long blade, which means it’s neither too short nor too long. This gives you a generous range of movement without restricting your sense of control. 

Dexter Russell knives reviews also praise this kitchen gear for its perfectly curved shape. 

The nicely curved blade allows you to work with a smooth and rocking motion. While you work, the blade cuts through solid pieces effortlessly.

This unit also comes with a hollow blade edge. Knives with such edges give you precise cuts and are easier to resharpen. 

In addition to the favorable length and shape, the textured non-slip handle plays a crucial role in shaping your SaniSafe experience. This soft-grip Sani Safe handle is molded to complement your palms. 

Furthermore, the center of gravity of this knife is placed on a favorable spot, giving it a balanced shape. Making your experience even more effortless. 

All these prevent the early onset of fatigue. 

When it comes to appearance, this is one of the basic dexter kitchen knives in the market; not exquisite, but certainly essential. 

Score: 9.5/10


Dexter knives are known for their longevity. Often, they last a lifetime. 

Dexter Russell Sani Safe knives are full tang. Hence, these knives can work through considerable resistance

We already discussed the toughness of the high carbon steel blade, so that also earns a point when it comes to durability. 

The overall built of this unit is quite sturdy. We expected otherwise considering the comparatively cheap price point. Contrary to our assumptions, this knife turned out to be well made.

The only hitch is that high carbon steel blades are less flexible and more prone to chipping. Make sure you don’t apply too much pressure while working with the Dexter Chef Knives set.

With that having been taken care of, you can expect your Dexter Basic Cooks Knife to last for years.

Score: 9/10 

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance:

If you are a lazy bee like us, good news! Dexter Basics 10″ Cooks Knife is dishwashable!

However, if you wish to keep your knife in perfect condition, it’s always a good idea to keep it away from the dishwasher. Handwash your knife, it’s better.

Dexter knives are pretty sharp but with prolonged use, the microscopic teeth on the blade edge, known as feathers, tend to bend down. 

This is when you may have to resharpen your Dexter cutlery. Resharpening a Dexter knife is easy. A few strokes over the Dexter Russell knife sharpener should get your knife up and running. 

Here’s how you do it:

That’s about all the maintenance your Dexter Cooks knife needs. 

Score: 8.5/10

Pros of Dexter 10-Inch Basic Cooks Knife:

  • Premium 404 high carbon steel construction
  • Balanced weight
  • Ergonomic design
  • Comfortable slip-resistant grip
  • Allows for demanding chores without letting fatigue setting in
  • Sturdy and durable
  • Easy to resharpen
  • Great brand reputation
  • Reasonable price point

Cons of Dexter 10-Inch Basic Cooks Knife:

  • High carbon steel blade material is slightly prone to chipping

Buying the Dexter Knife: What You Need to Know

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Is Dexter a perfect match for the chef in you? 

Skimming through this section can give you a clearer insight. 

Sani Safe Dexter Russell Knife is NSF Certified: What Does This Mean?:

The NSF or National Sanitation Foundation is a non-profit entity whose job is to make sure that your foodservice product is free from harmful chemicals.

Dexter Russell Cutlery is NSF certified, meaning that all the raw materials used to manufacture your Sani Safe knife are FDA approved and free of anything that has the potential to harm public health.

Ergo, when you are shopping for a cooking knife, it’s important to look for that NSF seal if you want to keep harmful chemicals at bay. 

The Brand Reputation: “Why Dexter?”:

When it comes to investing in something, a good brand reputation counts as a big plus.

Dexter Russell is the largest American manufacturer of professional cutlery and has been serving us with quality knives since 1818.

The master crafters, Harrington Cutlery and John Russell Cutlery joined hands to become what we now know as the Dexter Russell.

All Dexter knife are produced in the USA and every piece goes through an extensive quality check before reaching your doorsteps.

“Why Dexter”, you ask? We say, “why not”? 

Where to Buy Your New Dexter Knife?

If you have made your mind about bringing the Dexter Basic 10’’ Cooks knife home, you can purchase it from Amazon, right here! 

Your very own Dexter Cooks Knife is nearer than you think. It’s just a few clicks and one delivery away! 

Got Some More Questions?: Dexter Russell and Chef’s Knife FAQs SOLVED!

Below you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most about Dexter Knife and Chef’s knives in general. 

Check to find if these are the precise queries that are bugging you right now.

01. Where are Dexter Russell Knives Made?

Dexter Russell is the largest US-based manufacturer of professional cutlery. 

All Dexter knives are made in their own facility located in Southbridge, MA. It also happens to be the oldest cutlery manufacturer in the USA.   

02. Are Dexter Russell Knives Any Good?

Dexter Russell is reputed for producing a range of heavy-duty knives. 

They offer a wide range of professional knives tailored for an array of kitchen work including butchering, boning, chopping, slicing, dicing, and whatnot. 

Dexter Russell knives are pretty highly rated. 

03. Can I Put My Dexter Knife inside the Dishwasher?

You can, but we suggest you don’t.

When you place your knife inside a dishwasher, the blade edge gets dulled due to the constant rubbing and friction. Also, caustic detergents may stain and pit the blade.

If you want longevity, it’s best to hand wash your Dexter knives. 

04. How Do I Clean My Dexter Cooks Knife?

Cleaning your Dexter Cooks Knife is easy.

Simply handwash your Dexter with mild or medium strength detergent and towel dry. Cleaning your Dexter knife this way ensures maximum longevity. 

05. What Can I Do to Protect My Knife from Rusting?

Never soak your knife if you want it to remain rust-free. 

Knives made of high carbon steel tend to rust if you leave it soaked or let drops of water remain on the surface after every wash.

Wipe your knife dry immediately after every wash to prevent rusting. 

The Final Verdict 

Overall Score: 9/10

When we sum up this dexter knife review, the 10-inch cooks’ knife does seem to be a pretty decent purchase. 

The price point is agreeable and there is little to no maintenance involved. So, rest assured, you won’t have to break the bank for a basic kitchen knife. 

The knife performs well. The balanced weight and favorable length give you good control while also allowing you a generous range of movement. The blade is thin enough to delight the food crafter in you.

The Sani Safe handle provides a comfortable grip and delays the onset of fatigue. 

This knife is sturdy and well made. The materials are food-safe and FDA approved. 

If cared for, a Dexter Russell knife could last you for a lifetime.

So our final verdict is:


We think you should totally go for it!

What do you think? How did your Sani Safe experience go? Let us know!

Till then, au revoir!

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Mercer Knives Review: Design, Quality & Performance All-in-One!

There was a time when I used to think all knives are the same; they cut and chop your veggies and that’s about it. It wasn’t until I tried a good quality knife for the first time to discover what a massive difference there is!

They say the only kitchen gadget you need is a high-quality chef’s knife. I am going to go and say, you need a quality knife set to get the freedom to experiment with any recipe.

From chopping to boning to fileting, a great knife set transforms the way you cook. So in this review, we are going to take an in-depth look at Mercer — one of the best knife brands out there. 

Mercer has many different knives set but today we are particularly going to talk about their Genesis knives set, a classic choice for cooking connoisseurs.

In this Mercer Genesis Knives set review, you will find everything there is to know about one of the culinary must-haves for any home chefs. 

But before we jump into the Mercer knives reviews, let’s take a look at the key features that distinguish Genesis set from any other ones.

A Quick Look

Top Features:

  • High carbon, precision-forged German X50 Cr Mo V15 Blade.
  • Full tang action with incredible balance
  • Ergonomic Santoprene handle 
  • Taper-ground edge with easy honing, 
  • Limited lifetime warranty

Ratings: 9.8

Mercer Culinary Genesis Knives Set Review

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What’s in the Set?

In this Mercer Genesis Knives set you will get:

  • 8” Bread Knife
  • 8” Chef Knife
  • 5” Paring Knife
  • 5” Utility Knife
  • 6” Boning Knife
  • Glass block

Key Features:


Mercer Culinary Genesis Set is made out of high carbon, precision-forged german stainless steel. The key to identifying quality knives is to see if they are precision-forged or not. 

A precision forged knife is something that is made out of a single bar of steel. The steel gets heated and then pounded into shape. The constant heating and cooling effect make the blade almost unbreakable.

The heat rearranges the molecular structure of the steel, making it stronger than any other type of knives out there. Mercer uses this method to create a solid and durable knife that can serve you decades after decades.

This knife set is made out of high carbon, German X50 V15 cutlery steel. This set resists rust, corrosion, and discoloration.


These knives set has a full tang for each individual knife. If you are not familiar with full-tang, it is said to be one of the key qualities of a well-made knife.

When your knife metal blade travels all the way to the end of the handle, between the handle material, then it is a full tang knife.

What full tang does is, it adds balance to the whole thing. Without this, the knife will always tilt towards the heavy side. 

Full tang provides added stability. So when you are chopping very fast, the knife does not move out of place. You have less of a chance of accidentally cutting yourself with a full tang knife. 

A lot of well-renowned brands do not carry full tang knives simply because they require extra effort to make. 

It is an ancient knife-making technique that still applies in today’s world. It is nice to see that Mercer celebrates authentic and effective styles for their knives. 


Mercer Genesis comes with an ergonomic Santoprene handle that offers a solid grip and comfort even if you are chopping for a long time. 

The handle is made out of this rubberized material instead of some cheap plastic. The problem with plastic or wooden handles is, they tend to slip out of your hand. This can result in serious damage especially as the blades of these knives are very sharp.

The textured grip makes it non-slippable so you do not accidentally cut yourself if your hand is wet.

If the grip is not comfortable, you will get a sore wrist very quickly. So having a classic shape in this Mercer Genesis set makes cutting and chopping a breeze.  

Taper-Ground Edge:

The knives in Mercer Culinary Genesis come with a taper-ground edge. These types of blades decrease their size from the handle to the tip and from the spine to the cutting edge. The blade is always built from a single sheet of metal just like Mercer Genesis.

The main difference between taper-ground blades and hollow ground blade si, this type is strider and sharper than any other option. 

You get a  rigid structure that can handle years and years of use without losing the integrity of the blade. It can withstand both hot and cold environments as well.

Glass See-Through Knife Block:

This set comes with five different knives, all in different shapes and sizes. So it is no wonder that Mercer provides a block to keep them secure. 

This knife block is made out of strong tempered glass so that you can see your knives even when they are inside the case. The see-through glass block is a really unique feature that everyone seems to love. 

The block is cleverly designed to keep the knives sharper for longer. If you have ever used a generic knife block before, you know how sliding them on and off leads to the knives getting dull or damaged.

The design of this block is sort of like magnetic ones. So instead of siding the knives into slots, the knives slip into a tempered glass block. 

If you are worried that a glass block can easily tip over and ruin your precious knives, Mercer has thought this through!

Their knife block does not tip over or even wobble as the glass used for this is quite heavy. Mercer Culinary also offers a wooden framed option with a tempered glass casing. You can choose either one. 

NSF Certified:

The Mercer Culinary Genesis set is NSF certified and proven to be a great standard for safety, caliber, and performance all in one! The knives have been rigorously tested to see if they have any harmful elements or materials in them. They have been proven to be of high-quality.

Our Ratings:

Ease of Use – 9.8:

The handles of this set are designed to perfectly fit between your palm. so you feel as though the knife is an extension of your body and not a separate object. This is important because you cannot use a knife properly if it does not feel comfortable.

This set is very easy to use due to the well-balanced blade and ergonomically shaped handle. The handle has a slight texture that makes you feel secure and stable while using it.

Sharpness – 9.9:

This is one of those knives set that you need to be extra careful with. Otherwise, you will lose a finger. The blades of these knives are incredibly sharp and thin. This means you do not have to sharpen them on a daily abscess to get a good cut. 

They hold their shape and retain the edge very well even after using them for years! No wonder people love it so much. 

Durability – 9.8:

This set is famous for being incredibly durable and resistant to heat. The durability is ensured due to its full tang and forged German steel blades. With this Mercer knife set, you will never face any rusting issue, scratches, or discolor. 

The blade is extremely resistant to any outside damage. So even after using them for years, they will look brand new and shiny. 

Versatility – 9.6:

You get a bread knife, a chef knife, a paring knife, a boning knife, and a utility knife. This pretty much sums up everything you’ll need to run a perfect kitchen. 

You do not need 20 different knives options for home cooking. Between these five knives, you can pretty much chop, cut, slice, debone, and carve. 

The boning knife in this set is a great addition which a lot of top knives brands do not provide with their sets. 

This knife is ideal for prepping any meat or fish. You can use it to debone an entire chicken or salmon. So this set is incredibly versatile and basically all you need.

Value for Money – 9.9:

This is probably one of the most affordable kitchen knives set out there. Made with high-quality materials by a renowned brand that has honed their craft through the years, getting this set within this price feels like an unbelievable deal.

Mercer always tries to provide its customers with the best products within a reasonable budget. They feel if everyone can not get access to use them, their efforts are in vain. 

This set is a great investment for any kitchen and a great value for money.


  • Very sturdy and well-gripped handles.
  • Modern and sleek to look at with the glass block.
  • Rust-resistant.
  • Very easy to clean and maintain.
  • Durable and sturdy construction.


  • The knife block makes it hard to remove the knives without tilting it. So you can not put them in a cupboard. 

Buying the Mercer Knives: What You Need to Know

Before you purchase your Mercer Knives set, there are a few key things you need to look into. In this part of the review, we try to give you a brief look into those parts.

Types of Mercer Knives:

German vs Japanese Steel:

Mercer uses two different types of steel for their knives. Both are really good and both have unique features that make them stand out. One is their famous German Steel like and the other is the Japanese Stainless line. 

The German steel blade is thicker and heavier. They are great for everyday cooking due to their all-purpose design. Being extremely resistant to what and temperature change, these knives tend to last a long time.

The Japanese steel, on the other hand, is ideal for finer, more delicate slicing works. The Japanese steel is thinner and sharper which means you can do precise work with them. 

Japanese steel has a higher carbon content than German steels. This allows them to be really thin without breaking. They are more flexible. 

The difference between Japanese steel and German steel is not based on quality as both are excellent for that. The difference occurs in terms of functionality and usage. 

So it is totally up to you to pick which one suits your needs the most. 

Genesis vs Renaissance:

Mercer has two really popular knives set: Renaissance and Genesis. We have already talked about Genesis Culinary in this review. So let’s talk about the Renaissance set.  

The main difference between these two lines would be the handle construction. The Renaissance has a classic hard handle with a recessed bolster. This makes this set really easy to sharpen. 

If you are used to the traditional handle and how it feels, going for the Renaissance line is probably the best idea. 

The Genesis uses a contemporary synthetic material that has a better grip but feels strange at first. Apart from this, the rest of the construction is pretty much the same.

Knife Sharpening:

To take care of your Mercer Genesis Culinary set, you need to properly sharpen them every once in a while. There are many ways to sharpen your knives. From modern technologies to old-school stones, here are our top methods for efficient sharpening:

Pull-Through Sharpener:

If you are looking for a very simple solution, the best one to pick would be using a pull-through sharpener also known as, v-shaped sharpener. 

To use a pull-through sharpener, you do not need any extra skills or effort. This type of sharpener comes with one or two small grinding wheels. You gently pull the knife through to sharpen it. 

The advantage of a pull-through knife sharpener is; it’s fast, efficient, easy, and takes little to no effort.

The problem with this type of sharpener, however, is, the edge becomes jagged and uneven if you only use this to sharpen your knives. 

This is a great momentary solution but you can not use pull-through sharpeners as a replacement for proper sharpening. 

If you are in a rush and need a functional knife, it’s very easy to give your knife a boost with one of these. A good choice would be Smith’s Adjustable Manual Knife Sharpener.


Sharpening stones are probably what we think of when we hear professional knife sharpening. Every chef has one of these in their kitchen or even multiple depending on their knife collection. 

They are small and rectangular in size and come in various levels of coarseness. The grit size of these stones is what affects the blade. 

The finer the grit, the better the result. Usually, you have to start from coarse to fine. 

The grit size is defined by numbers. So an extra coarse whetstone can be numbered from 0 to 200. The finest one is probably the 1400-1500 ones. 

If you want to purchase a good regular whetstone for your kitchen, going for something in between like 1000-2500 is good.  

KnifePlanet Knife Sharpening Stone Set is a great set to have if you have never used them before. You get all the selected grit numbers that are necessary for a fine sharpness. 

Electric Sharpener:

An electric knife sharpener is just like the pull-through sharpener except for the fact that it’s electric. So instead of having grit wheels, it buffs the blade with rotating steels every time you drag your knife through it. 

Electric sharpeners are fast, effective, and very easy to use, they always have pre-set angles and come with few different slots for different knives. 

They are more expensive and durable than manual sharpeners. 

The downside of electric sharpeners is, they wear off your knives faster. So you don’t get to enjoy your favorite knives for years. 

But just like the pull-through one, these types of sharpeners are good if you plan to use them sparsely. We like Chef’sChoice Professional Electric Knife Sharpener for that reason. 

Honing Steel:

You have probably seen Gordon Ramsay using one of these before any of his cooking demonstrations. That’s because professional chefs use honing steels every time they use their knives.

People often assume honing steels are sharpening steels, but that’s just not the case. Honing steels don’t exactly sharpen your knives. What they do is, maintain the edges of an already happened knife. 

The edge is the most important part of any knives. When you are sharpening the blade, the edge can bend at weird angles which normally we don’t notice. A honing steel pulls it back to the center thus retaining the balance of the knife. 

Without good honing steel, you can not maintain the quality of your knives in the long run.

We really like Shun Classic Combination Honing Steel because of its authentic shape and high-quality craftsmanship straight from Japan.

Cleaning & Maintenance:

As we have mentioned, always use a honing steel before using any of your knives. Another crucial part is cleaning them.

Even though most knife brands say their knives are dishwasher safe, you should always clean them in the sink. This is to make sure they are always in top condition. 

The best way to clean your mercer Genesis would be with some warm soapy water. Gently wash them with dishwashing liquid and dry using a kitchen napkin.

For old knives that have gotten stains and rust, try using Krud Kutter for squeaky clean surfaces.

Where to Buy Your New Mercer Knives

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If you don’t want to go to your local Home Depot or Walmart, picking your set form online is a really good idea. 

While buying knives online, it is important to check the reviews to make sure you are getting an authentic product and not a replica.

You can buy your Mercer Genesis Knives set from amazon. It is the best place to find all the pros and cons of hundreds of customer reviews. So you know exactly what you are getting. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. What is the Difference between Sharpening and Honing?

When you sharpen your knife, you basically remove a thin layer of metal from the edges of the blade. This is what gives your knives a new start. 

To sharpen your knife, you need to rub it against something grainy like a whetstone or a V-shaped sharpener. There are actually many other methods of sharpening your knife depending on your knife type and shape. 

Honing, on the other hand, is not sharpening at all. In fact, you can only use honing steel when your knife is pre-sharpened already. 

What honing does is, keeps the edge of the blade straight. It keeps the edge intact and thus maintains the overall balance of the knife. 

If you only use a sharpening tool but don’t hone your knife later, the cutting would be uneven and your knives won’t last as long as you had intended them to do. 

02. Where are Mercer Knives Made?

Mercer knives are actually made in Taiwan. People often assume they are a Chinese brand due to the affordable and lower price range. But that’s simply not the case.

Mercer is made in Taiwan using forged German steel. If you have ever used any authentically German Knives brands like Wüsthof, you would be able to notice how strikingly similar or basically the same they feel to Mercer.

You get the same quality, design, and performance without having to spend a huge amount of money. It’s a win-win!

03. Are Mercer Knives Any Good?

Mercer is one of the top well-respected knife brands that are famous for their quality materials and skilled craftsmanship. Needless to say, they are industry favorites for many many chefs. 

The key difference between Mercer Cutlery and other brands would be the price range. Mercer tries to make affordable options that anyone can buy. They believe quality products do not have to be inaccessible for the majority. 

While Mercer is definitely not the best, they know what they are doing and respect their customers to provide the best within budget.

Mercer is particularly popular among young culinary students as their knives feel and perform like professional-grade kitchen knives. 

04. Are Mercer Knives Dishwasher Safe?

Mercer knives are not recommended to wash in a dishwasher. In fact, you should never wash any of your knives in the dishwasher even if the brands claim it’s safe to do!

This is because good quality knives are high maintenance. You are not buying a good knife, you are investing in it. You take care of your knife properly and in return, it will serve you a lifetime. 

Simply wash your Mercer knives with regular dishwashing liquids and rinse them under running water. Then use a soft cotton towel to dry them thoroughly. 

Never put your Mercer knives in the block before they have dried completely. This is to ensure your knives are not going to rust. 

05. Mercer vs Victorinox – Which One is Better?

Both Mercer and Victorinox make really good and durable knives that can last you a lifetime. Mercer knives however have a better feel to them.

Victorinox is famous for its stamped blades. Mercer is famous for its heavy and weighed knives with a traditional German style. They are extremely sharp and retain the edge well. 

Victorinox might feel sharper at first compared to Mercer. But this is because Victorinox uses thinner blades that do not hold their shape over time. 

Compared to that, Mercer provides a thick, heavy blade that can survive any amount of sharpening. They don’t break or bend. 


Mercer knives are a really good choice for anyone who is looking for a quality set within an affordable budget. Who says you need to spend hundreds of dollars on good knives?

Mercer Culinary Genesis Set comes with a limited lifetime warranty as well! Cheap, reliable, razor-sharp; they are basically a foolproof choice for any professional or home chef!

In this Mercer knives review, we tried to focus on the key points to help you make the right decision.

If you are someone who has never bought a knife set before, this is a great starting point. Owning a good knife set is necessary if you are passionate about your cooking. 

This set is comfortable to hold, with easy-grip handles and a solidly built blade that can cut through paper. Overall, you won’t be disappointed in any way!

Have further questions? 

Comment down below to let us know!

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