How Long To Store Coffee Beans: Everything You Need To Know!

Learn how long to store coffee beans and whether they are raw or roasted and the type of storage to ensure they retain maximum freshness and shelf life.

How Long To Store Coffee Beans: Everything You Need To Know!
How Long To Store Coffee Beans Everything You Need To Know min

Coffee is one of the most beloved beverages in the world. The USA tops the list as the country that drinks the most coffee in the world. 

Did you know that coffee beans are the main ingredient in coffee? They are the seeds or berries that are used to make coffee. 

Coffee lovers prefer to grind coffee beans to make their coffee freshly. But coffee beans are expensive and difficult to store. They may lose their flavor and aroma if not kept properly after a few days.

In this article, we will provide you with an introduction to how long coffee beans last.

Factors That Affect The Shelf Life Of Coffee Beans

Factors That Affect The Shelf Life Of Coffee Beans
Factors That Affect The Shelf Life Of Coffee Beans

You’ve spent a good amount of money on buying the best coffee beans. 

But if you are not careful about how you store them, you’ll be disappointed with the results. 

So, let’s run through the factors that affect the shelf life of coffee beans. 

According to the National Coffee Association, the main factors that affect the quality and taste of coffee beans are:

  1. Heat

Coffee beans are best stored at room temperature or even in a cooler place like in a kitchen cabinet. 

Put them too close to the stove or oven, the heat will affect the beans and cause them to lose their flavor and aroma.

  1. Air

When air seeps through the packaging, oxidation occurs where oxygen reacts with the coffee beans and makes them lose their fresh aroma and taste.

That’s why invest in airtight packaging like opaque containers or resealable bags with air valves. 

These bags help keep oxygen from entering and reacting with the coffee beans while making a vent for the carbon dioxide to escape from the beans. 

  1. Moisture

Water content from the air or humidity can cause coffee beans to become stale and moldy. 

Once moisture comes in contact with coffee beans, the flavor will lose its original intensity. 

You should not only use airtight containers to store coffee beans but also keep the container in a dry place, away from any source of moisture. 

  1. Light

Direct light also affects the quality and shelf life of coffee beans by triggering photodegradation whereby molecules are broken down and the taste and aroma of the coffee beans change.

When light contacts the coffee beans, the oxidation process takes place faster and disintegrates the aroma oils from the coffee beans, resulting in a loss of flavor. 

What’s The Shelf Life Of Whole Roasted Coffee Beans?

What’s The Shelf Life Of Whole Roasted Coffee Beans
Shelf Life of Roasted Coffee Beans min

Roasted coffee beans last a long time. Because the whole roasted coffee beans are dry, there is very little chance of mold growth, unless you keep the beans in a moist place.

Freshly roasted coffee beans remain fresh for two to three weeks

If you store them in an airtight, opaque container with a one-way valve, you can extend their freshness window to one month.

That said, roasted coffee beans won’t last forever even if you store them in airtight canisters and keep them in a dark and dry space. Beyond a specific time, they will lose their flavor and aroma. 

Light vs Dark Roasted Coffee Beans

The freshest state of whole roasted coffee beans varies from bean to bean. Compared to light-roasted coffee beans, dark-roasted coffee beans stale faster. 

That’s because dark roasted beans have been roasted for a longer time, cracking them open, making them more porous, and releasing more oils to the surface that react with the oxygen in the air faster. This makes them lose their fresh aroma and taste sooner. 

Lightly roasted coffee beans last up to six weeks after the roasting date. Due to a shorter roasting time, lightly roasted coffee beans have a longer shelf life since the coffee pods are not cracked and can seal in all the aroma and flavor. 

Different Coffee Storage Methods (Impact on Coffee Flavor)

Storage MethodImpact on Coffee Flavor
Room TemperaturePoor flavor preservation, coffee can become stale and develop off-flavors
RefrigerationCan extend the shelf life of coffee, but can also lead to moisture buildup and loss of flavor
FreezingCoffee can last for several months, but the quality will deteriorate due to freezer burn and loss of aroma
Vacuum SealingEffective at preserving flavor, as it removes air and prevents moisture from entering the bag
Airtight ContainerGood for short-term storage, but can lead to buildup of moisture and gases that can alter the taste of the coffee

✍️ Note: It’s best to store coffee in a cool, dark place and to consume it within 2-3 weeks of roasting for the best flavor.

The storage method has a lot to do with retaining the freshness of roasted whole coffee beans. 

Within 12 months after the roast date, whole coffee beans will still be fresh if stored in a one-way valve nitrogen-flushed bag or a simple pouch with a valve.

Nitrogen flushing is a process by which oxygen is replaced by nitrogen from food product packaging. Since nitrogen doesn’t react with food or change its texture, flavor, or taste, they stay fresher for a longer period. 

Moreover, nitrogen is a denser gas than oxygen and surrounds the food products and protects them in transit or on the shelf. 

On the other hand, vacuum sealing simply removes the air from the packaging before it’s sealed. Nitrogen or any other gas is absent from such sealing. 

The shelf life of roasted whole beans can be extended to three to five months when they are vacuum-sealed. You can do this at home with the help of a vacuum sealer.

If properly frozen, roasted coffee can have up to three years of shelf life.

However, these should be used within a week after taking them out of the freezer.

How Long To Store Green Coffee Beans?

Green Coffee Beans
Green Coffee Beans

Green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans that come in hessian sacks to the coffee roasters. 

These unroasted coffee beans stay fresher for a longer time than roasted or ground coffee. This is why many prefer to buy green coffee beans and roast them at home

These raw coffee beans can last for up to a few years if stored inside a vacuum-sealed bag and at room temperature. 

Always store coffee in an airtight, opaque container in a place away from heat, light, air, and moisture, preferably in a kitchen cabinet. 

When green coffee beans are exposed to the elements, they lose their flavor. 

Stored properly, green coffee beans last up to two years after being opened and stored in a cotton/burlap bag in a cool, dry place. Avoid placing the beans in direct sunlight. 

If green coffee beans are frozen in vacuum-sealed bags, they will last for eternity. That’s because the beans are protected from oxidation or exposure to light or other odors – the ideal condition to keep your raw coffee beans fresh for years.

But it’s difficult to keep your freezer space occupied for so long. 

Moreover, if you keep all the green coffee beans in the same bag in the freezer, thawing them and then refreezing them will take a toll on the aroma and taste. 

Instead, divide smaller portions of the coffee per week and put them away in small freezer bags. This way, you will use them up at the right them without having to worry about the freshness of the beans. 

24 hours before you roast the raw coffee beans, take out one bag from the freezer and roast them for the whole week. 

Pro Tip: If you’re planning to buy green coffee beans for home, don’t buy more than a year’s worth of them to retain maximum freshness. 

How To Keep Ground Coffee Fresh

How To Keep Ground Coffee Fresh
How To Keep Ground Coffee Fresh

There are many people like me who don’t have a coffee burr at home and prefer to buy fresh ground coffee. 

Ground roasted coffee lasts approximately 2 to 4 months if stored in an unopened bag.

It can lose its flavor within 15 minutes when exposed to air as ground coffee has a larger surface area through which it loses its oils and aroma. 

If maintained in its original packaging after opening, ground coffee should ideally be consumed within a week.

By keeping ground coffee in an airtight container, you may extend its freshness.

You may also like: Do Coffee Grounds Go Bad? Find Out the Truth!

How Does Coffee Degassing Affect Shelf Life?

Did you know that during and right after the process of roasting coffee beans a chemical reaction takes place that releases carbon dioxide from the freshly roasted beans?

Degassing is the process where all the carbon dioxide from the roasted beans is released over a period of time. 

This not only has an impact on the taste of the brew but also on the shelf life of the coffee beans.

Coffee beans emit gases more quickly in the early days after roasting.

The newly roasted grounds release CO2 gas throughout the brewing process, creating bubbles.

These bubbles may interfere with the water’s ability to contact the ground beans, which could result in uneven extraction.

That’s why it’s advised to wait for a few days for the coffee to degas after roasting before you proceed to grinding it and making a cup of coffee. 

This time frame could range from one to five days, depending on the brewing method.

For instance, if you use a French press to brew your coffee, your coffee beans are ready for use one to two days after roasting.

Wait for five to seven days following the roasting date before using the beans for espresso.

And if you are into pour-over coffee, bubbles from the freshly roasted coffee are a sign of freshness and should be appreciated.

😀 Fun Fact: Coffee beans tend to lose their flavor slower after roasting and during degassing.

So, if you want to know if the pack of roasted coffee beans you just got is fresh enough, simply put them in a plastic Ziploc bag and press out as much air as possible. 

Seal the bag and leave it overnight. 

If you find out in the morning that the plastic bag has filled out with air, that means the coffee beans are freshly roasted and still degassing. 

With your mind at ease, it’s best to store your roasted coffee beans in a coffee bean container with a CO2 valve

Tips To Store Coffee Beans

Tips To Store Coffee Beans
Tips To Store Coffee Beans

If you want to find out how long to keep coffee beans after opening, follow the tips below.

  1. Buy fresh coffee beans from a nearby roaster that roasts in small batches. 
  2. Buy roasted whole coffee beans instead of ground coffee. 
  3. Grind coffee beans at home using a coffee grinder. This way, the coffee beans stay fresh for longer.
  4. Grind coffee only when you need them as storing ground coffee will cause it to go stale.
  5. The simplest solution is just to keep them in there if your coffee is packaged in an opaque resealable bag. Otherwise, use an opaque, airtight container to store the coffee beans to prevent exposure to light. 
  6. Avoid bulk buying coffee beans as the quality decreases over time.
  7. Avoid refrigerating coffee beans as this will affect their smell and taste. 
  8. Put coffee beans in double bags and store them in the freezer if you’re not going to use them anytime soon. This will prevent moisture from coming in contact with the coffee beans.

How To Detect Stale Coffee Beans

How To Detect Stale Coffee Beans
Stale Coffee Beans

These are the top telltale signs that your coffee beans have gone stale.

  1. Residue

Take some coffee beans in your hands. If you see residue on your hands, that’s a sure sign they have become stale. 

  1. Smell

If the coffee beans don’t give off their usual aroma, they are not fresh anymore. 

  1. Taste

A cup of coffee that leaves a bitter aftertaste and smells nothing of the caramel, toffee, or nutty flavors that you were expecting is most likely stale. 

  1. Looks

By just looking at the coffee beans, you can tell if they’re fresh or not. 

Fresh coffee beans release oil that gives them a sheen. 

If the sheen is missing, the coffee beans are not fresh anymore.

Moreover, if you notice mold on coffee beans, you need to throw them out. 

  1. Packaging

Coffee beans need to release gas after they have been roasted. So, look for air valves or holes in the packaging. 

If there are none, the coffee beans inside have indeed gone stale.

The Bottom Line

The key to keeping coffee beans fresh is to store them well. 

Even beyond the expiration date on the bag, you can safely use coffee beans if you have stored them in an airtight container. 

Remember that any contact with light, air, heat, and moisture will cause coffee beans to lose their fresh taste and even become moldy. 

Or, if you bought coffee beans in bulk, freeze them in freezer bags and they’ll be fine. 


How Do You Store Whole Coffee Beans Long Term?

You can either use a vacuum-sealed bag or store whole coffee beans long term in an airtight and opaque container. 
Vacuum-packed roasted whole coffee beans will last for three to five months.
Roasted coffee beans, if frozen properly in vacuum-sealed bags, will last for at least two to three years.

How Long Do Raw Coffee Beans Last?

Raw coffee beans in a vacuum-sealed bag will last for a few years. 
They last for up to two years after opening and storing in a burlap or cotton bag in a dry, cool place. 
Frozen raw coffee beans in vacuum-sealed bags will last forever. 

Do Coffee Whole Beans Go Bad?

No, coffee whole beans do not go bad like for example, fruit or other foods that contain moisture and will get moldy. 
Coffee beans are dry and although they might lose their sheen, aroma, and taste due to oxidation, they don’t go bad. 

Why Do Coffee Beans Last Longer Than Ground Coffee?

Coffee beans release oil and aroma when they are roasted.
When coffee beans are ground, the surface area expands, releasing more flavors and aroma. 
Because these come more in contact with the air in ground coffee, it lasts for up to a few weeks or a month. 
On the other hand, the oils and aroma are trapped inside freshly roasted coffee beans, making these last longer – up to 3 months. 

Can I Freeze Fresh Coffee?

It is not advisable to freeze coffee since it may occasionally result in a flat profile and may lessen the intensity of the fragrance, oils, and flavor.
Choose a small batch roaster that freshly hand roasts coffee daily so that your cup of coffee has the freshest taste and fragrance possible.
Store fresh coffee in an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dry place.

Calories in a coffee with cream – Calories, Nutrition Information, & Much More!

Wondering how many calories are in a coffee with cream? Read this post to know the calories and all the nutrition facts.

Calories in a coffee with cream
Calories in a coffee with cream

I personally love the after effects (higher energy level and better focusing power) of coffee. However, I couldn’t overcome one aspect of coffee in the initial days. Even after a few weeks of sticking to coffee daily, I couldn’t come to peace with the bitter taste. That is why; I began to add cream to my coffee drinks.

While it is undoubtedly an excellent way to cut out on the bitterness but before you do so, it is essential to take a look at the calories in a coffee with cream. Below I will cover those for various coffee types so you can know about the calories before switching.

You may also like : How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar? Different Types of Coffee Explained

Calories in a coffee with cream

Calories in a coffee with cream - Calories, Nutrition Information, & Much More! 1
a coffee with cream

Coffee with cream certainly means that the number of calories will be higher, which the section below highlights.

 Coffee typeSmall (cal)Medium (cal)Large (cal)Extra large (cal)
Espresso Con Panna30354045

1.  Regular coffee

Regular coffee, in this case, is simple coffee mixed with steamed or hot milk. Of course, most coffee houses allow you to add a splash of cream to such a coffee. After you add the cream, the calorie count is as follows.

2. Espresso Con Panna

Espresso shorts usually do not consist of cream. However, Espresso Con Panna in Italian means espresso with cream. If you do not like espresso’s bitterness, this one is undoubtedly a good choice.

However, cream does add calories to the usual espresso shots. That is because, on a stand-alone basis, espresso consists of just 3 to 8 cal. The extra 30 cal are for the splash of cream you are adding.

3.  Decaf coffee

Decaf coffee can help you reduce caffeine content by 90% while still consuming 1 or 2 cups of coffee daily. However, the lower quantity of caffeine doesn’t mean there isn’t a bitter aftertaste in this coffee. You can combat this with a splash of cream but be mindful of the calories it adds.

The calorie count is low because decaf coffees usually do not contain milk; therefore, they are similar to plain coffee, which has very few calories.

4. Mocha coffee

Mocha coffee usually consists of espresso, steamed milk, and bittersweet mocha sauce. Also, most coffee houses serve it with whipped cream on top.

Consequently, when you’re going for this coffee, the cream is already added to it unless you specifically ask for mocha coffee without the cream.

5. Latte

The latte consists of espresso with steamed milk and a layer of foam on top. By adding cream, you can improve the texture even more. However, it also means you are adding to the number of calories.

6. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is famous for its rich foamy texture. Once you add a bit of cream on top, the flavor and texture are enhanced. Before ordering it, look at the calories in this type of coffee.

Nutritional content in a coffee with cream

Nutritional content in a coffee with cream
Nutritional content in a coffee with cream

According to the US Department of Agriculture, cream consists of numerous other nutrients as well like:

  • Protein: 1 g
  • Vitamin A: 5.5% of DV (Daily Value)
  • Vitamin D: 1% of DV (Daily Value)
  • Vitamin E: 0.7% DV (Daily Value)

Apart from this, the cream also has many other nutrients in smaller quantities:

  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Carbs

These values are accurate when you add a splash of cream to your cup of coffee. However, the cream also consists of saturated fat. That is why the cream isn’t an ideal source to gain nutrition.

What are the benefits of cream in coffee?

What are the benefits of cream in coffee?
What are the benefits of cream in coffee

Despite the saturated fats present in the cream, there are a few benefits of adding it to your coffee. These include:

1. Adds certain nutrients

Of course, when you add cream to your coffee, you also add the nutrients I mentioned above. While most coffee houses offer quite a few additions, if you want an option that adds a few nutrients as well, the cream is a worthy addition.

2. Low trans fats

Unlike what most people believe, the cream that coffee houses use differs from the one you can buy from retail outlets or online.

The process of making cream involves extracting the uppermost layer from full-fat milk. This layer is under-processed extensively. That is why this type of cream doesn’t consist of vegetable oil or sugar on a stand-alone basis. It means that this type of cream doesn’t consist of a high amount of trans fats.

Thus, by going with cream instead of creamer, you reduce the trans fats in your coffee.

Another advantage of choosing such an alternative is reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, by reducing trans fats, you also reduce the risk of these diseases.

3. Better texture

Have you tried drinking the same type of coffee without cream?

If so, you would know the smooth texture it adds to coffee.

Fun fact: your teeth have a lot of nerves connected, which is how you know where the food you’re chewing is. The extra texture the cream provides almost feels like biting into a very soft soft-serve ice-cream.

4. Reduces bitter coffee taste

Even if you ignore the benefits, you won’t be able to ignore the bitterness of coffee without the cream.

Usually, sugar is added to mask out the bitterness. But sugar contains a lot more calories than cream, making your coffees quite unhealthy especially if you drink coffee on a daily basis. 

Risks of having coffee with cream:

Because adding cream to your coffee provides you with a few benefits doesn’t mean there are no risks.

1. More calories

Despite the vitamins and minerals, consuming dairy products or byproducts like cream adds to the calories.

More calories mean you are likely to exceed your daily calorie intake limit. If you are already following the diet for weight loss, the daily cream intake in your coffee will hamper that.

As it is, most of us are addicted to coffee and increase our coffee intake frequently. Add to that the cream content, and it is easy to understand why more calories can quickly add up and hamper your diet.

2. High saturated fat

Above, I stated that the transfats are low in cream. However, the same is not true for saturated fat.

According to American Heart Association, saturated fat intake shouldn’t exceed 6% of your daily calorie intake.

When you consume even one tablespoon of light cream, you consume 1.5 g of saturated fat. According to the American Heart Association, you should consume less than 13 g of saturated fat.

Even though a single cup of coffee won’t make you consume such a high amount of saturated fat, such fat content is also present in food items you might consume throughout the day. That is why you are adding to that list by adding cream to your coffee.

As per this report, excessive consumption of saturated fats is closely related to heart disease, including heart attacks. That is why, by regularly consuming cream, even in coffee, you also increase this risk.

Ways to reduce calories in your coffee

I know many of you might not avoid cream and coffee even after the risks associated. So, I will share a few alternate ways to reduce calories in your coffee.

Ways to reduce calories in your coffee
Ways to reduce calories in your coffee

1. Switch to ground coffee

If you brew coffee using grounded coffee beans, you can certainly reduce the number of calories in coffee. While I understand that this might not be possible when ordering from a coffee house like Starbucks.

However, home-brewed coffee should always be made using grounded coffee beans if you truly want to reduce the number of calories.

2. Go with decaf

Even if you check the table above, you will know that decaf consists of much less calories than other coffee variants, even if you add the cream. This is another way to reduce the calories you consume while sticking to your daily coffee schedule.

3. Opt for non-fat milk

The cream is not the only additive that adds calories to your coffee. The type of milk used plays a crucial role. Rather than using 2% milk, it is better to use non-fat or skim milk.

Especially when you go with the non-fat milk, the fat content is 0 g. Consequently, it becomes easier to cut down on calories as well.

4. Avoid syrups and liqueurs

Syrups and liqueurs can help you flavor the coffee the way you want. These can sweeten the coffee. However, these are mostly made from sugar and contain many calories.

Many varieties are made from corn syrup or vegetable oils. Merely by avoiding these, you can eliminate many unwanted calories.

Cream substitutes in coffee

Cream substitutes in coffee
Cream substitutes in coffee

Apart from avoiding other additives, you can also opt for cream substitutes in coffee, which will help you cut down the calories. Such additives include:

1. Skimmed milk

Skimmed milk is a good choice when looking to substitute cream. Even though it might not have the same thick texture as cream, it certainly waters down the bitter taste of coffee. Not only that, it is an excellent low-fat substitute to regular milk as well.

2. Protein powder

Simply add protein powder to your coffee to make it healthier. Sure enough, you might notice the powdery texture, but it is much better than consuming cream daily. It will make the consistency thicker and increase the protein content of your coffee.

3. Monk fruit extract

Monk fruit extract, especially in the powdered form, is an excellent alternative to sugar and cream. It will provide a texture to your coffee and sweeten it.

The ingredient which sweetens your coffee inside the monk fruit is mogroside. It is an antioxidant. It means that you’re substituting sugar and cream with something much healthier.

4. Cocoa Powder

Adding cocoa powder to your coffee can help you balance the strong caffeine flavor. It can result in a thick powdery texture that eliminates coffee’s usual watery texture.

This report states that it is also rich in antioxidants which can help you fight anti-aging effects and prevent heart disease.

5. Egg yolk

Adding egg yolk to your coffee might not sound great. However, it is popular in Korea to do so. It results in a frothy texture, eliminating the need to add cream.

Not only that, as we all know, egg yolk is rich in antioxidants and various vitamins, which means that your coffee is indeed healthier.


Before ordering your next coffee with cream, keep in mind the calories in a coffee with cream. Using my guide above, you can quickly reduce these calories and substitute cream altogether as well. It is time to opt for healthy living while still consuming your daily cup of coffee.


How many calories are in 2 cups of Coffee with Cream?

Depending on the size of coffee, the calories in 2 cups of coffee with cream can vary from 160 cal to 340 cal cumulatively.

How many calories are present in a cup of coffee with ice Cream?

There are approximately 200 cal in a cup of coffee with ice cream. That is for the smaller size. If you increase the size, there are 260 cal in medium-sized coffee, 330 cal in large-sized coffee, and around 420 cal in extra-large-sized coffee with ice cream.

Is cream in coffee fattening?

Yes, cream in coffee is certainly fattening. Even if you add a single tablespoon of cream to your coffee, you are adding to the calories, and therefore it is not advisable to do so unless you need cream to improve the flavors. It will go against your weight-loss efforts.

What is the healthiest cream to put in coffee?

Technically, no cream type is healthy. If you want to go with one with the lowest calories, you can choose whipped cream. Coconut cream, heavy cream, and other variants have even higher calories than whipped cream.
For example, a tablespoon of cream has 44 cal (still a lot), whereas coconut cream in the same quantity has 49 cal and heavy cream has 51 cal in a single tablespoon.

What is the healthiest cream to put in coffee?

Technically, no cream type is healthy. If you want to go with one with the lowest calories, you can choose whipped cream. Coconut cream, heavy cream, and other variants have even higher calories than whipped cream.
For example, a tablespoon of cream has 44 cal (still a lot), whereas coconut cream in the same quantity has 49 cal and heavy cream has 51 cal in a single tablespoon.

Does adding cream to coffee reduce health benefits?

Adding cream to your coffee increases the number of calories in it. While it might not nullify the other benefits of coffee but it certainly makes the coffee better overall.

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List 

Learn which Starbucks gluten-free food and beverages are on the menu and how to order them to enjoy every sip and bite without worrying about the consequences.

Starbucks Gluten Free Food
Starbucks Gluten Free Food

Gluten – a protein present in wheat, barley, rye, and occasionally oats – is incompatible with millions of people around the world who have celiac disease and gluten sensitivities.

In the USA alone, more than 1% of people suffer from celiac disease.

While Starbucks may not typically come to mind when considering locations to visit that are gluten-free, they are actually a rather secure option for a drink and a snack. 

As there’s no specific Starbucks gluten-free menu, in this post I will provide a list of options and how to order them.

Disclaimer From Starbucks On Allergens

The Starbucks website specifies whether there are allergens present in your favorite food or drinks.

If you look at the full nutrition and ingredients list for a plain bagel, you can see that beneath Allergens, it’s written Wheat, followed by the disclaimer:

“We cannot guarantee that any unpackaged products served in our stores are allergen-free because we use shared equipment to store, prepare, and serve them. Customers with allergies can find ingredient information for products on the labels of our packaged products or online at”

Screenshot of the plain bagel ingredients list

The same applies to the drinks menu. When you look at the full nutrition and ingredients list for Iced Caffè Americano, you can see that beneath Allergens, it’s written “Not available for this item” and underneath it, the same disclaimer as above.

Screenshot of Iced Caffe Americano ingredients list

However, be doubly sure by looking at the detailed ingredients list.  

Tips On How To Order Starbucks Gluten Free Food And Drinks

Tips On How To Order Starbucks Gluten Free Food And Drinks
Tips On How To Order Starbucks Gluten Free Food And Drinks

Follow the tips below to be sure that your food and beverages have no trace of gluten in them. 

  • Steer clear from anything that mentions barley, oats, wheat, and rye
  • Try to read the menu online before going to Starbucks. It will give you a better idea of what you can order.
  • Prior to placing your order, let the barista know that you cannot consume gluten and that you have an “allergy.”
  • All packaged food labels should be carefully examined. Depend on packaged items that are labeled gluten free.Anyone following a rigorous gluten-free diet should avoid anything made at the Starbucks manufacturing plant or heated on the premises because you can’t really guarantee no cross-contamination.
  • In case the barista made a previous drink with oat milk like this one, request that they clean the steam nozzle before making your drink.

Which Grains Are Gluten-Free?

Did you know that not all grains contain gluten

Here’s a list that should be useful if you have celiac disease. 

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Red, black, or brown rice
  • Teff
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • Corn
  • Amaranth
  • Sorghum
  • Gluten-free oats


Starbucks Gluten-Free Beverages

Many of our favorite Starbucks drinks are made with milk. If you’re wondering if dairy milk is gluten-free, yes it is! 

Malt is derived from barley, so any beverage that contains malt – for example this one – has gluten in it. 

☕️ Hot Coffees

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Caffè Americano
  • Veranda Blend
  • Caffè Misto
  • Featured Starbucks® Dark Roast Coffee
  • Featured Medium Roast – Pike Place® Roast
  • Decaf Pike Place® Roast
  • Cappuccino
  • Espresso
  • Espresso Con Panna
  • Flat White
  • Honey Almondmilk Flat White
  • Caffè Latte
  • Cinnamon Dolce Latte
  • Starbucks® Blonde Vanilla Latte
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Espresso Macchiato
  • Caffè Mocha
  • White Chocolate Mocha


For a gluten-free drink at Starbucks, you can choose any of these hot coffee beverages:

However, be careful about beverages containing syrups. Read the ingredients carefully to make sure the sauces and syrups do not contain gluten. 

One source claimed that caramel macchiato at Starbucks contained gluten from the caramel drizzle. But if you look at the ingredients, it contains caramel sauce where one of the ingredients is corn syrup, and corn is naturally gluten-free. 

🫖 Hot Teas

Among the Starbucks gluten free hot tea selection, you can choose from these options:

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Chai Tea Latte
  • Chai Tea
  • Earl Grey Tea
  • Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte
  • Royal English Breakfast Tea
  • Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte
  • Emperor’s Clouds & Mist
  • Matcha Tea Latte
  • Honey Citrus Mint Tea
  • Jade Citrus Mint® Brewed Tea
  • Mint Majesty
  • Peach Tranquility


The liquid cane sugar contained in the Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte doesn’t have gluten as cane sugars do not have it

Similarly, honey is also gluten-free. Honey is added to the honey citrus mint tea at Starbucks. 

🍵 Hot Drinks

Looking for gluten-free chocolate and other non-coffee drinks? Here’s what you can order from the hot drinks section

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Hot Chocolate
  • White Hot Chocolate
  • Caramel Apple Spice
  • Steamed Apple Juice
  • Cinnamon Dolce Crème
  • Steamed Milk
  • Vanilla Crème


The white hot chocolate contains white chocolate mocha sauce and one of the ingredients is coconut oil.

Rest assured that coconut oil does not have gluten and you can read more about it here.

Another ingredient in this sauce is cocoa butter and in its natural state, it is free from gluten.

However, beware of food products derived from cocoa butter as they may have come in contact with gluten-containing ingredients during the manufacturing process.

Frappuccino Blended Drinks

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List  2
Frappuccino Blended Drinks

The Frappuccino blended beverages selection in Starbucks has some of the most delicious gluten-free beverages available. Check these out:

  • Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino
  • Espresso Frappuccino
  • Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino
  • Caramel Frappuccino
  • Coffee Frappuccino
  • Mocha Frappuccino
  • White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino
  • Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino
  • Chai Crème Frappuccino

Although Starbucks hasn’t listed the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino as having any allergen, the list of ingredients does mention the presence of wheat flour in the chocolate cookie grind topping. 

Another drink from this selection that is out of your bounds is the Java Chip Frappuccino.

Again, no allergens are listed on the Starbucks website for this drink but read through the list of ingredients and you’ll see that the frappuccino java chips contain cookie crumbs made from wheat flour

You should be able to tell right away from the name that the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crème Frappuccino is not for celiacs.

Both the frappuccino chips and the cookie crumble contain wheat flour. A similar drink is the Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino. 

💡Pro Tip: Always read the ingredients list even if there are no allergens listed.

Don’t be alarmed if any of the drinks like the caramel frappuccino have soy lecithin listed as it’s a gluten-free ingredient.

As there is no separate blender for making these frappuccinos, there may be a cross-contamination risk. So, make your decision with caution. 

Cold Coffees

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List  3

Summertime calls for cold coffees and what could be a better way to quench your longing than by enjoying a Starbucks cold brew? 

For a gluten-free cold coffee, here are the ones you can order:

  • Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew
  • Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee
  • Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
  • Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee with Milk
  • Nitro Cold Brew
  • Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew
  • Iced Caffè Americano
  • Iced Coffee
  • Iced Coffee with Milk
  • Iced Espresso
  • Iced Shaken Espresso
  • Iced Honey Almondmilk Flat White
  • Iced Caffè Latte
  • Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte
  • Iced Starbucks® Blonde Vanilla Latte
  • Iced Caramel Macchiato
  • Iced White Chocolate Mocha
  • Iced Caffè Mocha

The Chocolate Cream Cold Brew is not for those with celiac disease as it contains chocolate malt powder, malt being a derived product of barley

Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso – another drink that you can tell by its name that it has gluten.

Oat milk is derived from oats and is, therefore, not a gluten-free option.

The same can be said for Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso.

The chocolate malt powder in the Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso makes it a drink not suitable if you have gluten allergies. 

Iced Teas

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List  4
The Complete List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks

If you’re looking for a cool and refreshing iced tea that’s gluten-free, try these:

  • Teavana® Sparkling Unsweetened Peach Nectarine Green Tea
  • Iced Black Tea
  • Iced London Fog Tea Latte
  • Iced Chai Tea Latte
  • Iced Peach Green Tea
  • Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade
  • Iced Matcha Tea Latte
  • Iced Green Tea
  • Iced Green Tea Lemonade
  • Iced Matcha Lemonade
  • Iced Passion Tango® Tea
  • Iced Passion Tango® Tea Lemonade

Cold Drinks

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List  5
cold drinks

The cold drinks section at Starbucks offers a wide variety of gluten-free drinks.

Check out the Refreshers line below for a gluten free beverage:

  • Dragon Drink
  • Mango Dragonfruit
  • Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade
  • Paradise Drink
  • Strawberry Açaí Lemonade
  • Pineapple Passionfruit
  • Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade
  • Pink Drink
  • Strawberry Açaí

Apart from the Refreshers line of drinks, you can also try:

  • Lemonade
  • Blended Strawberry Lemonade
  • SBC Milk
  • Bottled water
  • Starbucks BAYA™ Energy Mango Guava
  • Starbucks BAYA™ Energy Raspberry Lime
  • Evolution Fresh® Organic Vital Berry
  • Evolution Fresh® Organic Defense Up
  • Evolution Fresh® Orange
  • Evolution Fresh® Organic Super Fruit Greens
  • Evolution Fresh® Mighty Watermelon

One of the ingredients in Evolution Fresh® Organic Super Fruit Greens is spirulina which is completely free from gluten. 

Starbucks Gluten Free Food: A Comprehensive List  6
Spirulina Benefits for Celiacs

Starbucks Gluten-Free Food

It’s not only that we visit Starbucks for its coffees and refreshing beverages but also to enjoy the sweet and savory bites. 

🍳 Hot Breakfast

When you’re grabbing a cup of coffee at Starbucks in the morning, you might feel a little hungry and we all know how breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Although the gluten-free breakfast sandwich was discontinued in 2018 reportedly due to low sales, you can choose:

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Kale & Mushroom Egg Bites
  • Bacon & Gruyère Egg Bites
  • Egg White & Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites


The Sous Vide Egg Bites mentioned above contain whey which is gluten-free. 

Rice starch is present in the first two options but worry not as rice starch doesn’t contain gluten

Please inform your waiter or waitress that you have a severe gluten allergy and request that they warm the sous vide egg bites using clean tongs and gloves on a piece of parchment paper.

The risk of cross-contamination is considerable because the gluten free sous vide egg bites are warmed in the same toaster oven as the breakfast sandwiches that contain gluten.

🥯 Bakery, Sweets, And Snacks

There is only one thing you can pick from the Starbucks bakery section that is certified gluten-free – the Marshmallow Dream Bar.

Milk is the only allergen warning mentioned on the company website. 

Made from pillow-soft marshmallows and crispy rice, the marshmallow dream bar is one of the certified gluten-free options for celiacs. 

Everything else on the Starbucks menu is made with wheat flour and enriched flour and therefore not made for celiacs. 

Other than the Marshmallow Dream Bar, you can snack on the following gluten-free options:

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Roasted & Salted Mixed Nuts
  • Almonds, Cashews, Cranberries & Raisins
  • Kettle Lightly Salted Crisps
  • Kettle Mature Cheddar and Red Onion Crisps
  • Kettle Sweet Chili and Sour Cream Crisps
  • Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  • Goodie Girl Mint Cookies
  • HipPeas
  • Variety of potato chips and popcorn
  • Beef and turkey jerky
  • Kind bars
  • That’s It fruit bars
  • Yogurt


🥙 Lunch

The lunch menu at Starbucks is also limited for celiacs as there are not many gluten-free options.

01. Starbucks Chicken & Quinoa Protein Bowl.

There are no allergens listed on the website for this meal. 

It contains two types of quinoa, meat from chicken raised without antibiotics, a healthy serving of spring mix, black beans, tomatoes, smoked paprika, and cheese, tossed in a mild chile vinaigrette. 

Although not expressly mentioned as one of the gluten-free options, the ingredients list does indicate the absence of grains.

02. Gluten Free Ham & Cheese Panini

Smoked ham with aged Cheddar cheese, mustard, and cheese sauce is inside a gluten-free ciabatta bun. 

For lunch or a gluten-free breakfast sandwich, this will serve you quite well.

Gluten-Free Syrups And Seasonings In Starbucks

Here is a list of syrups and seasonings that are frequently used at Starbucks and are also thought to be gluten-free.

  • Classic Syrup
  • Mocha Drizzle
  • Caramel, Vanilla, Almond, Peach, Mango, Coconut, Peppermint, Cinnamon or Hazelnut Syrups
  • Caramel Drizzle
  • Sugar-Free Caramel, Vanilla, or Hazelnut Syrups
  • Strawberry Sauce
  • Vanilla Sugar
  • Nutmeg Powder
  • Chocolate Powder
  • Cinnamon Powder
  • Vanilla Bean Sugar Topping
  • Single Cream
  • Heavy Cream
  • Whipping Cream
  • Soya Dairy Alternative
  • Almond Dairy Alternative
  • Coconut Dairy Alternative
  • White Chocolate Sauce
  • Mocha Sauce

The Bottom Line

To be absolutely safe, always read the ingredients list on the menu before you order. 

Additionally, have a word with the waiter or barista to let them know you have gluten sensitivity.


Are Any Starbucks Sandwiches Gluten-Free?

No, none of the sandwiches at Starbucks are gluten-free. The only breakfast options that have no gluten are egg bites. 

Why Does Starbucks Not Have Gluten-Free Food?

Starbucks, for most people, is the preferred place to have coffee and coffee beverages.
It’s not the first preference for full-fledged meals.
However, there are a few gluten-free food options on the menu.

Is Starbucks Oat Milk Gluten-Free USA?

According to a Starbucks press release, there’s no mention of the oat milk used at their stores to be gluten-free.
However, another report claims that the oat milk used by Starbucks is gluten-free in USA only.
If you’re in a Starbucks in the USA, it’s best to ask the barista to check the label of the oat milk brand they use and confirm it’s gluten-free.

Can Celiacs Have Starbucks?

Yes, there are many beverage options free from gluten at Starbucks, making them suitable for celiacs.
Even the canned and bottled beverages are gluten-free although it’s not specifically mentioned on the label.
There are no gluten ingredients in these drinks and are safe for celiacs.
The food menu in Starbucks is limited for celiacs.

Starbucks Tall vs Grande: Which One Should I Order?

The Starbucks Tall versus Grande debate has been going on for years. But no more! In this post, I’ll define Starbucks Tall and Grande, then share how these sizes differ and which one you should order. 

Starbucks Tall vs Grande: Which One Should I Order?
Starbucks Tall vs Grande pn

History Of Starbucks Cup Sizes And Names

The Beginning

Everything began in 1982 when Howard Schultz joined Starbucks as Head of Marketing. Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker were the business’s owners at the time.

Starbucks Tall vs Grande: Which One Should I Order? 7
Source: Starbucks

In 1983, Schultz was dispatched on a business trip to Milan, where he fell in love with the Italian coffee bars and the city’s astounding 1500 coffee shops.

When he came back, he shared his plan to expand Starbucks. However, the owners were not enthusiastic about his plan to grow the chain.

The Split

Due to the disagreement between the owners and Schultz, he left the business in 1985 and opened his own coffee shop, Il Giornale, which was an immediate success.

In the meantime, the proprietors of Starbucks placed it up for sale in 1987. Schultz acquired it and Il Giornale eventually expanded and merged with the Starbucks brand.

Happily Ever After

Schultz grasped the opportunity to adopt the company structure he had observed in Milan. In the US, he wished to introduce the distinctive Italian coffee culture.

He utilized Italian names for the cup sizes, which accounts for Starbucks’ unique cup capacity. For instance, the Starbucks Venti cup can carry 20 ounces of hot coffee because the word “venti” means “twenty” in Italian.

Similar to how “Trenta” means “30” in Italian, a Starbucks Trenta beverage is 30 ounces in size.

Schultz did not stop at the Starbucks cup sizes only.

He also made sure there were distinctive names given to the drinks that sounded Italian. That’s how we have mocha, macchiato, cappuccino, a doppio or double shot espresso, and others.

Fun Fact: You can’t own a Starbucks franchise in the US and Canada.

The coffee chain has made a successful footprint in 80 countries around the world with exponential growth.

Starbucks Cups Sizes Explained

Simply refer to the below table to get the basic bearing on the Starbucks coffee sizes

Starbucks Cup nameVolume (fl oz)
Venti (hot)20
Venti (cold)24


The demi size is used to serve a solo espresso shot or a doppio espresso and sometimes as sample cups as well.

This size is not available in all Starbucks stores and you’ll most likely be served espresso in a Short (8-ounce) cup if the store does offer it. 

You don’t need to go to Starbucks every time you want to drink out of a demi cup. You can buy the official stainless-steel Christmas edition online!


The Short cup is 8 ounces and may not feature on the Starbucks menu board. This is a strategy to get you to buy one of the larger cup sizes.

But if you ask for any hot drink to be served in the Short cup, the barista will accommodate your request. It’s just that you can’t have a cold brew or any cold drinks in this size. 


At 12-ounces capacity is the Tall cup at Starbucks. The menu starts with this size, making it the smallest size you can order from a standard outlet even though the word tall may seem to mean large.

If you order hot and cold drinks in a Tall cup, you will get a shot of espresso for all drinks except flat whites, iced shaken espressos, and Americanos.

These drinks in the Tall size will contain two espresso shots. The Starbucks Tall cup is equal to two six-ounce cups of coffee


Even though Grande means large in French, it is considered Medium at Starbucks, having a size of 16 fl oz.

If you order an iced coffee or hot drinks in this cup, it will contain two shots of espresso. But in an Americano, a flat white, or an iced shaken espresso, the Grande size will have three shots of espresso. 

Fun Fact: A smoothie at Starbucks will come in the Grande size only.

The Grande cup at Starbucks is equal to 2½ cups (six-ounce cup) of coffee.


Venti hot drinks are served in a 20-ounce cup size while cold drinks like iced tea are served in a 24-ounce Venti cold size.

That’s because you need to make room for ice in the drink and Starbucks didn’t want to shortchange their customers by making them pay more for less coffee. Hence, the larger Venti size for iced beverages. 


Lastly, the Trenta can hold 30 ounces of fluid. In this cup, you can have only cold drinks with ice.

Espresso drinks are not offered in the Trenta cup. 

Starbucks Tall vs Grande: Which One Should I Order? 8
Starbucks Cup Sizes

Starbucks Tall vs Grande: What is the Difference Between Tall And Grande?

Starbucks Tall vs Grande
Starbucks Tall vs Grande

As explained above, the Starbucks Tall holds 12 fluid ounces while the Grande holds 16 fluid ounces of a beverage.

There has been some debate over the Starbucks drink sizes. Some people have even gone so far as to claiming that Starbucks has been misleading their customers by charging more for the same amount of hot and cold drinks.

One such claim was made by a singer in a TikTok video and he said that the coffee in both Tall and Grande cups is the same amount. In fact, the video shows that the Tall cup can hold more fluid than the Grande. Absurd, isn’t it?

The debate further goes on as there have been opinions on the Tall cup being wider and being able to hold more liquid than the taller albeit narrower Grande cup. 

That said, the experiment did not clearly show the bottom of the empty cups, raising eyebrows about whether the cups had something inside them already. 

Tall vs Grande Size Myths Debunked

For every experiment trying to prove that Tall and Grande are the same, other experiments have proved the opposite.

When the contents of the Tall (12 fl oz) cup are poured into the Grande cup (16 fl oz), it clearly shows that it still has exactly 4 fluid ounces of space left. Don’t believe me? Watch this video.

The experiment goes on to show the same results when the contents of the Grande cup are poured into a Venti cup and the Venti cup contents are added to the Trenta cup. 

A good number of Starbucks coffee fans from across the world have also come out with videos debunking the Tall Grande and Venti size myths. 

The Bottom Line

There are people who raise questions about the size or content of foods from different international chains. But all of the claims aren’t true all the time. 

In this day and age of social media, the quickest way to garner views and likes (and more moolah!) is to make outrageous claims.

Before jumping on the bandwagon and causing unnecessary controversy, take a moment to find out both sides of the story.

Thankfully, there are plenty of netizens with the right mind and the sense to refute false claims and prove the truth.


What Is The Difference Between Tall And Grande At Starbucks?

The Tall cup size holds 12 ounces of fluid whereas the Grande size holds 16 fl oz of any drink. 

Should I Get A Tall Or Grande At Starbucks?

It depends on your personal preference and how much caffeine intake you are getting per a Tall vs Grande cup. 
The Tall cup uses one shot of espresso except for an Americano, flat white, or iced shaken espresso where two espresso shots are used. 
In the Grande cup size, two shots of espresso are used but three shots in an Americano, flat white, or iced shaken espresso. 
As a single espresso of 0.75 fl oz contains 75mg of caffeine, you can count the caffeine in Tall and Grande sizes as per the drinks you want to have. 
So, if you’re looking for a stronger caffeine kick, the Grande is the right choice for you.

Is Grande And Tall The Same?

No, the Grande cup size holds more liquid than the Tall cup – 16 fl oz as opposed to 12 fl oz. The Grande cup size is larger.

Why Is It Called Tall At Starbucks?

At Starbucks, the original drink sizes were Short, Tall, and Grande.
But when a larger size called Venti was introduced, Short had to be taken off the menu to make room for Venti.
That’s why the menu now starts with Tall, ironically the shortest size in many Starbucks stores.
Grande has hence become the medium size while the largest size is Venti.
However, you will still find the Short size in many Starbucks outlets. And there is an extra-large size called the Trenta.

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks?

Learn how high the Starbucks Venti caffeine is as well as in all other drink sizes so that you don’t overdo the caffeine intake and cause harm to yourself.

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks?
How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks

Venti is short for “20 ounces in Italian. A Venti drink is made with double the amount of coffee, compared to a regular cup.

Whether you’re drinking a venti iced coffee or iced tea, Starbucks is a place where you can get your caffeine fix. But what makes their drinks so caffeinated, and how much caffeine is in their drinks

This post compiles all the Starbucks drinks as per the caffeine content per cup size in different categories like hot coffees, iced teas, etc.

All the information in this post was collected from the official Starbucks website.

The Magic Formula At Starbucks

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks? 9
Number of Teabags In Starbucks Cups

Before we look into the details of the caffeine amount in each Starbucks drink, let’s set the basis on which the international coffee chain serves espresso-based drinks. 

For Short and Tall coffees, one espresso shot; for Grande and Venti, two shots. This applies to almost all espresso drinks except for Americanos, flat whites, iced shaken espressos, and venti cold drinks. 

Just remember that in one shot of espresso (0.75 fl oz), there is 75 mg of caffeine

So, when you order a Starbucks coffee next time, keep a tab on the number of espresso shots to calculate the amount of caffeine in the coffee.

Here’s a table of the amount of caffeine in single or solo, double or doppio, triple, and quad shots of espresso. 

SizeServings (fl. oz)Servings (ml)ShotsCaffeine (mg)Used In
Solo0.7522175Short or Tall
Double1.25362150Grande or Venti
Triple2.25603225Served on request only
Quad3884300Served on request only

Starbucks Cup Sizes In A Nutshell

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks? 10
Starbucks Cup Sizes

Briefly, let’s look at the Starbucks cup sizes.

The Short has 8 fl oz, the Tall has 12 fl oz, the Grande has 16 fl oz, and the Venti has 20 fl in hot drinks and 24 fl oz in cold drinks.

Another size is the Trenta which has a 30 fl oz capacity.

If you’d like to know about the Starbucks Cup Sizes, read this article.

Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Hot Coffees

Starbucks Venti Caffeine Amount in Hot Coffees

From this table, we can see that among the Starbucks Hot Coffees category, Venti caffeine is highest in a Veranda Blended brewed coffee at 475 mg of caffeine per cup. This is more than 6 espresso shots per cup. 

This caffeine amount is also beyond what is recommended by Mayo Clinic – 400 mg of caffeine per day for any healthy adult. 

For the least amount of caffeine of 30mg in a Starbucks venti size, you can choose from Decaf Pike Place Roast or Decaf Espresso Roast Clover or decaf brewed coffee like Decaf Sumatra Clover or Clover Brewed Decaf Pike Place Roast. 

If you want to walk the middle path within 200mg of caffeine per Venti cup, you can choose from the following hot coffees that include Starbucks brewed coffee:

  1. Caffe Misto
  2. Cappuccino
  3. Flat White
  4. Caffe Latte
  5. Cinnamon Dolce Latte
  6. Starbucks Reserve Hazelnut Bianco Latte
  7. Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte
  8. Caramel Macchiato
  9. Caffe Mocha
  10. White Chocolate Mocha
  11. Papua New Guinea Moanti Clover® Starbucks Reserve
  12. Brazil Fazenda Catanduva Clover® Starbucks Reserve®
  13. Clover® Starbucks Reserve® Costa Rica Naranjo
  14. Perú Cajamarca Clover® Starbucks Reserve®
  15. Rwanda Hingakawa Clover® Starbucks Reserve®

If you are feeling a little more adventurous and want to try a Starbucks hot coffee within 300mg of caffeine per Venti cup, try out the following:

  1. Caffe Americano
  2. Honey Almondmilk Flat White
  3. Starbucks Reserve Latte
  4. Starbucks Reserve Dark Chocolate Mocha

For those of you who can stomach within 400mg of caffeine per Venti cup, you can try Featured Starbucks Dark Roast Coffee at 340mg of caffeine.

And for those super caffeine guzzlers out there who can gulp down anything from 400mg and above caffeine per venti cup, the following hot coffees are up your alley.

  1. Veranda Blend brewed coffee
  2. Featured Medium Roast – Pike Place Roast
  3. Clover Brewed® Pike Place® Roast
  4. Organic Yukon Blend® Clover®
  5. Clover Brewed® Gold Coast Blend®
  6. Clover Brewed® Breakfast Blend
  7. Kenya Clover®
  8. Veranda Blend® Clover®
  9. Clover Brewed® Starbucks Willow Blend
  10. Caffé Verona® Clover®
  11. Espresso Roast Clover®
  12. Ethiopia Clover®
  13. French Roast Clover®
  14. Italian Roast Clover®
  15. Komodo Dragon Clover®
  16. Sumatra Clover®

Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Hot Teas

Don’t be under the illusion that only coffee contains caffeine. 

Tea has caffeine too although a cup of coffee has double the amount of caffeine compared to a cup of black tea.

Did you know that the caffeine content in tea is affected by a few factors?

Factors That Affect Caffeine Content in Tea
  1. The type of leaf used to make the tea affects the caffeine level in your cuppa. Whole leaves release less caffeine than broken leaves in tea bags. 
  2. The brewing time also affects the caffeine content in tea. The longer tea is brewed, the more caffeine is released.
  3. How much tea is used in each cup also affects the caffeine level. If you use more tea, there will be more caffeine in each cup.
  4. Finally, the temperature of the water used to brew the tea affects the caffeine content. The hotter the water, the faster more caffeine is released into the tea.

Let’s take a look at how much caffeine is in a Starbucks venti and other cups from the hot tea selection. 

Amount of Caffeine in Starbucks Hot Teas

Things are much easier to figure out as the range of hot teas is not as wide as those of hot coffees. 

The chai tea latte is the only drink with tea that packs in the most caffeine in a venti size at 120 milligrams.

Next in the hierarchy of caffeine content comes the match tea latte with 110mg of caffeine per Venti size.

Within 40mg of caffeine per venti cup, you can choose from the following teas:

  1. Chai tea
  2. Earl Grey Tea
  3. Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte
  4. Royal English Breakfast Tea
  5. Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte
  6. Jade Citrus Mint® Brewed Tea

There are two hot tea drinks that contain only 16mg of caffeine in a venti size – Honey Citrus Mint Tea and Emperor’s Clouds & Mist®. 

For a totally caffeine-free tea, you can choose either Mint Majesty® or Peach Tranquility or both! They have refreshing and invigorating flavors that will gently soothe your senses.

What’s The Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Hot Drinks?

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks? 11
Starbucks Hot Drinks
Amount of Caffeine in Starbucks Hot Drinks

Among the Starbucks hot drinks selection, choosing a drink free from caffeine couldn’t be easier as most of the drinks on the menu are caffeine-free. The only exception is the Starbucks Venti hot chocolate which clocks in at 35mg of caffeine per serving.

As white chocolate doesn’t contain caffeine, you can have a white hot chocolate that’s completely caffeine free.

The Starbucks website doesn’t have any information on the caffeine content of cinnamon dolce crème. This drink is made by combining freshly steamed milk with cinnamon-flavored syrup, sweetened whipped cream, and a cinnamon-flavored topping. If you’re wondering if cinnamon has caffeine, the answer is no, cinnamon does not have caffeine

Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Frappuccino Blended Beverages

Amount of Caffeine in Starbucks Frappuccino Blended Beverages

In this category of frappuccino blended beverages at Starbucks, you don’t get any of the drinks in the Short or 8-ounce cup size. 

The espresso frappuccino in the venti size will give you the highest caffeine shot of 185mg.

For caffeine-free frappuccino blended beverages, take your pick from Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino or Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino, or White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino.

For a slightly higher caffeine content, try Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crème Frappuccino or Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino, each packing in 20mg of caffeine in the venti size.

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks? 12
espresso frappuccino

At 40mg of caffeine per cup, you can have a venti size of Chai Crème Frappuccino.

Starbucks Matcha Crème Frappuccino has 95mg of caffeine in the venti size.

Or, if you want to keep things within 115 to 125 mg of caffeine, opt for one of these:

  1. Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino 
  2. Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino 
  3. Caramel Frappuccino 
  4. Coffee Frappuccino 
  5. White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

At 130mg caffeine per venti serving, you can get either Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino or Mocha Frappuccino.

If you want to go higher on the caffeine ladder, there’s Java Chip Frappuccino with 145mg of caffeine.

Or if you’re looking for low caffeine options, check out our article on Starbucks low caffeine drinks.

What’s The Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Cold Coffees?

Caffeine Amount in Starbucks Cold Coffees

None of the cold coffees are available in the Starbucks Short size cup. 

While most of them are there in Tall and Grande cups, a couple are missing from the Venti cup size like nitro cold brew and vanilla sweet cream nitro cold brew. 

There are only seven cold coffee drinks you can choose from in the Trenta or 30 fl oz size at Starbucks:

  1. Chocolate Cream Cold Brew
  2. Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew
  3. Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee
  4. Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
  5. Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee with Milk
  6. Iced Coffee
  7. Iced Coffee with Milk

Among these, the highest caffeine content is in Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew and Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee with Milk at 360mg in each drink. 

The lowest caffeine at 190mg in the Trenta size is the Iced Coffee with Milk. 

Speaking of Venti caffeine content in this range of cold coffees, you can get the least amount of caffeine at only 30mg in the following drinks:

  1. Iced Decaf Sumatra Clover®
  2. Iced Clover Brewed® Decaf Pike Place® Roast
  3. Iced Clover Brewed® Decaf Espresso Roast

Surprisingly, there are six cold coffee Venti size drinks with the highest amount of caffeine at 470mg per serving. These are:

  1. Iced Espresso Roast Clover®
  2. Iced French Roast Clover®
  3. Iced Clover Brewed® Gold Coast Blend®
  4. Iced Clover Brewed® Italian Roast
  5.  Iced Komodo Dragon Clover®
  6. Iced Sumatra Clover®

There must be a good demand for these high-caffeinated cold coffees otherwise why would Starbucks offer them!

Let’s take a look at the cold coffees that have a caffeine content of less than 200mg per Venti serving. There is Iced Coffee with Milk at 170mg, Iced Flat White containing 175mg, and the following containing 195mg of caffeine each:

  1. Iced Papua New Guinea Moanti Clover® Starbucks Reserve
  2. Iced Brazil Fazenda Catanduva Clover® Starbucks Reserve
  3. Iced Clover® Starbucks Reserve® Costa Rica Naranjo
  4. Iced Perú Cajamarca Clover® Starbucks Reserve
  5. Iced Rwanda Hingakawa Clover® Starbucks Reserve

Note: In the above five drinks, you get the same amount of caffeine in Tall, Grande, and Venti sizes.

If you’re looking for a cold coffee with 200-300mg caffeine content in the Venti size, there are a lot of options.

  1. Chocolate Cream Cold Brew
  2. Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew
  3. Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
  4. Iced Caffè Americano
  5. Iced Coffee
  6. Iced Shaken Espresso
  7. Iced Honey Almondmilk Flat White
  8. Starbucks Reserve® Iced Latte
  9. Starbucks Reserve® Iced Hazelnut Bianco Latte
  10. Iced Caffè Latte
  11. Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte
  12. Iced Starbucks® Blonde Vanilla Latte
  13. Iced Caramel Macchiato
  14. Iced White Chocolate Mocha
  15. Iced Caffè Mocha
  16. Starbucks Reserve® Iced Dark Chocolate Mocha

Between 300-400mg of caffeine per Venti cup, these are some of the Starbucks cold coffees available:

  1. Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee
  2. Starbucks® Cold Brew Coffee with Milk
  3. Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso
  4. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso
  5. Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso
  6. Iced Shaken Espresso
  7. Iced Honey Almondmilk Flat White

Now, if you want something above 400mg of caffeine per Venti but less than 470mg, you can try these as each comes with a 445mg caffeine count:

  1. Iced Caffé Verona® Clover® 
  2. Iced Clover Brewed® Breakfast Blend 
  3. Iced Ethiopia Clover® 
  4. Iced Clover Brewed® Kenya 
  5. Iced Pike Place® Roast Clover® 
  6. Iced Organic Yukon Blend® Clover®

For a little lower caffeine per Venti size at 425mg of caffeine, you can choose between Iced Veranda Blend® Clover® and Iced Clover Brewed® Starbucks Willow Blend. 

Now let’s not forget that iced espressos are also part of the Cold Coffees selection at Starbucks but we deal with their caffeine count a bit differently because it depends on how many shots of espresso you want in your cup. So, here’s the lowdown on iced espresso caffeine content.

Iced Espresso Caffeine Amounts per Shot

Count The Caffeine In Starbucks Iced Teas

Caffeine Amount in Iced Teas

From the Starbucks Iced Teas selection, there are two things to note:

  1. Almost all the drinks are available in four sizes from Tall to Trenta. 
  2. The venti size for all cold drinks at Starbucks is not 20-ounce but 24-ounce. This is because Starbucks wanted to make room for ice in the Venti cold drinks without getting the customers to pay the same price for a less amount of the drink base. This also applies to all cold drinks. 

You can grab on the go a bottled iced tea that comes in a 14.5-ounce size. Teavana® Mango Black Tea has more caffeine per bottle at 55mg while Teavana® Sparkling Unsweetened Peach Nectarine Green Tea has a much less amount of caffeine at 16mg

The Iced Tea Chai Latte in the Venti cup has the highest caffeine amount at 145mg per serving

Starbucks Venti Caffeine: How Much Caffeine In Starbucks Drinks? 13
The Complete List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks

For a caffeine-free iced tea, choose either Iced Passion Tango® Tea or Iced Passion Tango® Tea Lemonade. 

Within 110mg of caffeine per Venti cup, you can try Iced Matcha Tea Latte or Iced Matcha Lemonade. 

You get quite a few options of iced tea within the 40mg caffeine range. These are:

  1. Iced Black Tea
  2. Iced Black Tea Lemonade
  3. Iced Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte
  4. Iced London Fog Tea Latte
  5. Iced Peach Green Tea
  6. Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade
  7. Iced Green Tea
  8. Iced Green Tea Lemonade

It’s interesting to note that the Trenta or 30-ounce size of Iced Matcha Lemonade has a lower caffeine amount (120mg) than the Venti size (24-ounce) of Iced Chai Tea Latte (145mg).

Caffeine Amount In Starbucks Cold Drinks

Caffeine Amount in Starbucks Cold Drinks Selection

The Cold Drinks selection at Starbucks has both canned and bottled options as well as drinks that are served in Tall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta sizes. 

All the drinks served in Starbucks cups contain the same amount of caffeine in the same size cups – 35mg in Tall, 45mg in Grande, 70mg in Venti, and 90mg in Trenta. 

SMB milk, lemonade, and blended strawberry lemonade are caffeine-free

Except for the energy drinks, the rest of the bottled drinks are free from caffeine.

Final Thoughts

The overwhelming choice of drinks at Starbucks with the different sizes and caffeine levels makes it hard to know which one to choose. 

We hope that the tables we have shared for each drink category above will help you make the right decision. 

Just remember that the daily caffeine intake in a healthy adult should not exceed 400mg. Also, there are people who have certain medical conditions for whom a low-caffeine or no-caffeine drink is the better option. 

Energy drinks like this also contain caffeine so read the label before consuming.


How Much Caffeine Is In A Venti Drink?

It depends on which drink you’re ordering in the Venti size. The Veranda Blend brewed coffee in venti comes with 475 mg of caffeine. The lowest caffeine amount at 30mg per venti in the Hot Coffees category can be found in Decaf Sumatra Clover®, Clover Brewed® Decaf Pike Place® Roast, and Decaf Espresso Roast Clover®.
In the Hot Teas category, the lowest caffeine amount in venti is 0mg in Peach Tranquility and Mint Majesty. Whereas the highest caffeine amount is in a Chai Tea Latte – 120mg. 
In a venti-size hot chocolate, you get a caffeine amount of 35mg. 
For other categories, you can refer to the tables in the post. 

How Much Caffeine Is In A Medium Starbucks Coffee?

Once again, it depends on which drink you are ordering. A medium Starbucks coffee is equivalent to the Grande size at 16 fluid ounces. You can refer to the tables for each drink category above to find out how much caffeine is in a medium Starbucks coffee.

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar? Different Types of Coffee Explained

Wondering how many calories are in your coffee? We’ve got you covered! Find out the calorie count for coffee with milk and sugar here.

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar
How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar

According to a press release by National Coffee Association, coffee consumption by Americans is at a two-decade high. Many Americans consume a cup of coffee daily. However, very few Americans know how many calories a cup of coffee contains.

The post below answers this question and states the importance of keeping track of these calories.

Why should you opt for a coffee with low calories?

Two essential reasons highlight why it is best to go with a low-calorie coffee type.

01. Avoid diet sabotage

I’m also guilty of consuming coffee daily, sometimes even 2 cups. The problem is that the calories quickly add up, and they can sabotage your daily diet. Sticking to low-calorie coffee types helps you get rid of this problem.

02. Eliminate unintended consumption of extras

Low-calorie coffee types do not consist of extras like cream (check out calories in a coffee with cream by clicking here), which further help you stick to a healthy daily diet.

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar?

A regular cup of coffee with milk and sugar consists of 30 calories. Plain coffee, on the other hand, consists of almost no calories since it does not have sugar or milk and merely consists of water with the flavor of coffee beans.

Calories in different types of coffee

Of course, plain coffee isn’t the only coffee type you can consume. Depending on the milk and sugar variants, coffee types can vary. I will cover most of them below to help you understand how many calories you consume if you go with any of these coffee types.

Types of coffeeCalories
Coffee with milk and two teaspoons sugar105
Large coffee with double milk and double sugar160
Iced coffee with skimmed milk and sugar70
Instant coffee with milk and one sugar30
Adding two teaspoons of sugar, will result in 3 extra calories taking the total to 33 cal.
Coffee with milk and sugar small32

01. Coffee with milk and two teaspoons sugar

If you go with the large coffee consisting of milk and two teaspoons of sugar, it roughly contains 105 cal.

02. Large coffee with double milk and double sugar

This coffee roughly consists of 160 cal. Added sugar also means extra calories.

03. Iced coffee with skimmed milk and sugar

Iced coffee with skim milk and sugar contains 70 cal.

04. Instant coffee with milk and one sugar

Instant coffee with milk and a single teaspoon of sugar consists of approximately 30 cal. Adding two teaspoons of sugar, will result in 3 extra calories taking the total to 33 cal.

05. Coffee with milk and sugar small

Roughly, the calories in such a coffee are around 32.

06. Cappuccino

A small cappuccino with milk and sugar consists of approximately 70 cal (Starbucks). As the size increases, the calories will increase as well.

For example, Starbucks Venti (Size) cappuccino with milk and sugar contains 200 cal.

07. Mocha

A tall glass of Mocha Coffee contains around 290 cal.

Which coffee type has the lowest calories?

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar? Different Types of Coffee Explained 14
black coffee

The type of coffee which has the lowest calories is black coffee. A cup of black coffee has around 3 cal. The reason is that it is devoid of milk and sugar.

If you want to know which milk or coffee with sugar has the lowest calories, it is instant coffee without any cream.

What is the best time in the day to consume coffee with milk and sugar?

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar? Different Types of Coffee Explained 15
consume coffee

Cortisol hormone in our body is responsible for focus and alertness. According to this study, since our cortisol level is lowest between 9:30 to 11:30 am or around 3 to 4 hours after waking up, that is when you should consume coffee. Sticking to this time frame ensures that drinking coffee maximizes your alertness.

Suppose you consume coffee when your cortisol levels are already high. In that case, your alertness or focusing power will not increase much since your body already has a high level of alertness and focus.

How many times in a day can I have coffee with milk and sugar?

As per this study, you can safely consume around 400 mg of caffeine daily. This translates into a maximum of four medium cups of coffee in a day. However, increasing consumption gradually is a good idea even if you want to drink that much coffee daily.

If you do not want to consume that much coffee, it is best to consume it during the recommended time (covered above). It will help you extract the maximum benefit from caffeine, so you will not have to drink it in larger quantities.

How to make your coffee healthy?

How many calories in a coffee with milk and sugar? Different Types of Coffee Explained 16
making coffee

After looking at the number of calories in most coffee types, you might wonder if there is a way to reduce those calories and still have the same amount of coffee. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do about this.

01. Choose a smaller serving size

The most obvious step is to go with the smaller serving size. Sure enough, the amount of caffeine might reduce but so will the calories. In most cases, our caffeine addiction fuels coffee consumption rather than needing better-focusing power or alertness. That is why you aren’t likely to notice the difference even if you choose a smaller serving size.

02. Go with skimmed milk

The best way to make your coffee healthier is to switch to skimmed milk. As per this report, an 8-ounce serving of skim milk has 83 calories, whereas whole milk has 149 calories. It means that if you’re consuming coffee with skimmed milk, you can reduce calorie consumption.

03. Avoid the extras

If you have been to Starbucks or any other coffee chain, you will know that in addition to coffee, most coffee drinks consist of ample quantities of sugar, cream, and other additives. The problem is that these additives also add extra calories to your coffee drinks.

Another effective way to make coffee drinks healthier is to avoid all the extras. As highlighted above, coffee without any cream consists of around 33 calories. That is why, if you stick to the same, you can consume coffee daily without consuming more calories. You can either stick to instant coffee or plain brewed coffee served by various coffee houses.

04. Add cinnamon to your coffee

Can adding a single ingredient to your coffee make it healthier?

The answer is yes, it can!

The ingredient is cinnamon. According to a study, cinnamon can help you lower blood sugar levels. Apart from that, it can reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood vessels. All these benefits are retained when you add a dash of cinnamon to your coffee. Surprisingly, the flavor of cinnamon goes pretty well with coffee. Because of the same, it is a good idea to add something like Ceylon cinnamon to not only get all the benefits but also enhance the flavor of your coffee.

05. Use a paper filter to brew coffee

I like to brew my coffee at home whenever possible. Over the years, I have researched ways to make coffee healthier. One tip which I found was using paper filters.

A coffee maker, which consists of a paper filter, does not let most of the cafestol pass through. Cafestol is a compound in coffee that increases cholesterol levels in your body (research report). Thus, by using a paper filter to brew your coffee, you reduce the rate of cholesterol deposition in your body, thereby making coffee healthier.

06. Replace sugar with low-calorie natural sweeteners

This one is the most obvious step you need to follow. Cut out sugar entirely. If you need a sweet flavor, substitute sugar with low-calorie natural sweeteners. I use WHOLE EARTH 100% Zero Calorie Sugar Alternative; it downright eliminates the sugar calories to 0.

When you’re at home, you can easily add such sweeteners to your coffee instead of sugar. While ordering coffee from outside, you can buy it without sugar and carry small packets of natural sweeteners to add to your coffee.

Even though there are few artificial sweeteners which have low calories as well but in the longer run they aren’t beneficial.

Another approach is to eliminate sugar (not perfect for your taste buds) altogether as calories in a coffee with milk only are much lesser.


Thus, before you head to your favorite coffee shop to enjoy coffee, it is better to remember the number of calories that coffee contains. Using my guide above, you can reduce your calorie intake by choosing the low-calorie coffee type and make your existing cup of coffee even healthier.


Is coffee with milk and sugar healthy?

In moderation, coffee with milk and sugar is healthy for you and can increase your focus power and alertness level.
However, if you simply want to go with the healthiest option, you should switch to Black coffee. Firstly, black coffee has almost no calories. Secondly, the effect of caffeine is more pronounced when it is not accompanied by milk, sugar, or any high-calorie additives. Moreover, when you switch over to Black coffee, you can consume it up to 3 times a day as long as you can handle that much caffeine.

Is coffee good for weight loss?

Yes, in the proper form, coffee is good for weight loss. That is because caffeine can increase your metabolic activity and help your body burn more fat. However, to gain these benefits, consume black coffee. 

What can I put in my coffee to lose weight?

Black coffee in its purest form can help you with weight loss. However, if you want to add something to it to make it more flavorful, a few drops of lemon juice is more than enough. Lemon juice can also help your metabolic activity, and therefore it aids the weight loss process.

Which coffee is good for a flat tummy?

It is best to stick to black coffee to lose weight or maintain your flat tummy. A single serving of black coffee consists of only 3 cal and has enhanced caffeine effects. 

What is the best time to have coffee for weight loss?

To integrate coffee into your weight loss regime, have a cup of coffee 30 minutes before the workout. That will help your metabolic activity and give you the energy to complete your workout.

Calories in coffee with milk and 2 sugars?

About 105 calories.

30+ Starbucks Keto Drinks: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Starbucks keto drinks cheat sheet will teach you how to get the best of the Starbucks drinks and food without the carbs and sugars to spoil your ketogenic diet.

0+ Starbucks Keto Drinks
0 Starbucks Keto Drinks

If you’re one of the 7% of consumers who followed a keto or high-fat, low-carb diet in the USA in 2022, then you would be interested to know how you can make your favorite Starbucks drinks keto-compliant. 

In this post, we will share more than thirty drinks at Starbucks that you can order and customize to comply with your keto regimen. 

We will also share tips to make your drinks have a low carb content without compromising too much on the taste and creaminess. 

And if you’re in the mood to nibble on something, we will tell you which keto food to order. 

What Is Keto Diet?

30+ Starbucks Keto Drinks: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet 17
Keto Diet

A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that helps your body get energy by burning fat, not sugars found in carbs like legumes, fruits, vegetables, and grains. 

After reducing carbohydrate intake – only 20 – 50g of carbs per day – the body goes into ketosis or a metabolic state where fat is burned to release energy. You lose weight as a result. 

In the liver, the fat is converted into ketones, which provide energy to the brain. 

It takes two to four days for ketosis to start after you have started this special diet. 

Possible Benefits of the Keto Diet
Possible Benefits of the Keto Diet

Keto Starbucks Drinks

Just because you’re on a keto diet doesn’t mean you have to stop visiting your local Starbucks. 

By using sugar, syrup, and milk substitutes, you can customize your hot or iced drink and make it match your low-carb diet. 

No.Drink NameNet Carbs
1Keto Frappuccino5g
2Keto Espresso Frappuccino4g
3Iced Shaken Espresso4g
4Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte4g
5Keto Iced Latte2g
6Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew0g \ 3g (with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup)
7Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew4g \ 1g (with two pumps of sugar-free syrup and heavy cream)
8Iced Coffee2g
9Double Shot On Ice1.5g
10Iced Mocha8g
11Iced Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte12g
12Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Latte7g
13Keto Gingerbread Latte7g (with half and half, sugar-free syrup, and one pump of gingerbread syrup)
14Iced Flat White4g
15Iced Toasted Oat Milk Shaken Espresso5g (with only oat milk)
16Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte6g
17Black Coffee0g
19Espresso Con Panna2g
20Americano1g (with a single espresso shot without any additions)
21Cappuccino1g (with any unsweetened non-dairy milk and no sweetener or syrup)
22Caffe Misto2g
23Café Latte2.5g (without sugar-free syrup)
24Flat White1.5g (if Short cup size is used)
25Espresso Macchiato1g
26Caramel MacchiatoAs the net carb will depend on the caramel drizzle amount, there’s no specific carb amount for the keto caramel macchiato. 
27Blonde Vanilla Latte5g
28Cinnamon Dolce Latte5g
29Keto Chai Tea Latte4.5g (with heavy cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and cinnamon)
30Keto London Fog Tea Latte0g
31Iced London Fog Tea Latte2g
32Royal English Breakfast Tea4g
33Unsweetened Iced Teas0g
34Iced Matcha Tea Latte6g (without any non-dairy milk or heavy cream)
35Iced Green Tea0g
36Starbucks Keto Pink Drink5g (with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup)

01. Keto Frappuccino

This is a twist on the regular Frappuccino as you will need to opt out of a sugary dollop of the Frappuccino base. 

Instead, ask for a double-blended Grande iced coffee with extra ice and without any classic syrup. 

Request two to three pumps of your favorite sugar-free syrup or sugar-free vanilla syrup and two to three shots of heavy cream.

You can also choose any unsweetened non-dairy milk like almond milk instead of heavy cream. 

If you’re against sugar-free syrup, go for a natural sweetener like stevia or monk fruit

The result will be a pretty creamy and sweet coffee concoction without the mountain of carbs. 

Net carb: 5g

02. Keto Espresso Frappuccino

For an extra caffeine kick to get your day started on a smooth and cool note, you can order a keto espresso Frappuccino sans the sugary base. 

Just ask your barista for a double blended Grande espresso Frappuccino with 3 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup and a splash of almond milk. Voila! You have a keto espresso Frappuccino made to order. 

Net carb: 4g

03. Iced Shaken Espresso

Just like bartenders use a cocktail shaker to serve up your favorite drink, the expert baristas at Starbucks also shake up an iced espresso to give you a glass of flavorful and cold espresso beverage. 

The most basic iced shaken espresso consists of brewed espresso, ice, milk, and classic syrup. Starbucks also offers the same drink with almond or oat milk instead of dairy milk and chocolate malt powder and brown sugar syrup. 

To make it keto-friendly, remember to ask the barista not to add the classic syrup, to replace milk with heavy cream or unsweetened almond milk, and to add two pumps of cinnamon dolce or sugar-free vanilla syrup for a bountiful dose of flavor without the carbs. 

Net carb: 4g

Net carb: 2g (without the sugar-free syrup)

04. Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte

The iced blonde vanilla latte is nothing but milk, ice, vanilla syrup, and espresso. 

The regular version is chockful of carbs from all the sugar. 

But making keto Starbucks drinks is quite simple. 

Just replace dairy milk with some heavy cream. The heavy cream will lend a rich texture to the iced blond vanilla latte. 

You can ask for an unsweetened non-dairy milk substitute like soy or almond milk instead of heavy cream or 2% milk. 

Instead of the regular vanilla syrup, ask for one or two pumps of the sugar-free version. 

Net carb: 4g

05. Keto Iced Latte

This is a keto take on the traditional iced latte. 

Order one Grande iced caffe latte with unsweetened almond milk or heavy cream. 

Use a natural sweetener like this one to add some sweetness without the carbs in your drink. 

Personally, adding heavy cream makes the iced latte creamy, just the way I like it!

Total carb: 2g

06. Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew

Plain old black coffee is rejuvenated into a frothy, dark, rich caffeine experience just by adding nitrogen!

The Starbucks nitro cold brew is a result of nitrogen passed through a cold brew that has been steeped for 20 hours

It’s served from a keg and has a foamy white top with a velvet-rich feel

If you’ve been avoiding black coffee for its thin texture, then try the nitro cold brew for a better mouthfeel. 

By itself, the drink has zero carbs. 

If you can afford up to 3 carbs, then dress it up with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup and a dash of heavy cream. 

Net carb: 0g

Net carb: 3g (with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup)

07. Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew

This is the basic cold brew topped with a silky dollop of homemade vanilla cream, mounting to 4 grams of carbs. 

If you want less carb intake, ask for a replacement for the vanilla cream with one or two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup and some heavy cream

Net carb: 4g

Net carb: 1g (with two pumps of sugar-free syrup and heavy cream).

08. Iced Coffee

One of the simplest keto Starbucks drinks at 0 carbs is a plain iced coffee minus the classic syrup. 

If you want to jazz it up a bit without straying from your keto diet, ask for two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup and a bit of unsweetened almond milk. 

Net carb: 2g

09. Double Shot On Ice

Another Starbucks keto-friendly drink with a double shot of espresso. 

Instead of the 2% dairy milk and sweetener, ask your barista to splash some almond milk. 

Carry your natural sweetener and add 2 to 4 packets to sweeten things up. 

Net carb: 1.5g 

10. Iced Mocha

A Grande iced mocha at Starbucks comes packed with 18 grams of carbs as it contains skinny mocha sauce, milk, and espresso. 

But you can order the same in either of two ways to stay on track of your keto diet instead of the low-fat, high-carb regular version. 

One, in a Grande iced Americano, ask the barista to add some heavy cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and mocha sauce. 

This will have a net carb content of 8 grams. So, if you want to slash the carbs further, cut down on the sauce and syrup pumps after talking to the barista. 

The second way to make keto iced mocha is to order a Grande skinny iced mocha.

Instead of the regular four pumps of syrup, ask for one or two. 

Don’t forget to have the regular milk replaced with a non-dairy, unsweetened alternative like soy or almond milk or just heavy cream. 

Your drink will have the full mocha flavor and a rich, creamy texture without the carbs. 

Net carb: 8g (with the first method)

11. Iced Keto Pumpkin Spice Latte

The season is not too far when the Starbucks menu will highlight its Fall favorite – iced pumpkin spice latte. 

The regular drink is made with milk, espresso, vanilla and pumpkin syrup, nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon. 

It’s served on ice with an extra large helping of whipped cream and some more pumpkin spice sprinkled on top. 

No wonder there are 47 grams of carbs in the drink! 

But, you can tone down this drink to keep the pumpkin spice flavor and a creamy mouthfeel with the bonus of much fewer carbs. 

Just order an espresso with any non-dairy milk of your choice, heavy cream, and a single pump of pumpkin syrup served with nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon. If you want to make it sweet, add a packet of a natural sweetener. 

Another way to make this drink keto-friendly is to order an iced coffee, one pump of the pumpkin sauce, three pumps of vanilla syrup (or one pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup), half and half to replace milk or non-dairy milk to cut down the carbs further, and extra pumpkin spice topping to give you the full flavor. 

Net carb: 12g (with the second version)

12. Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Latte

Although strictly not on the Starbucks keto menu, you can make a keto version of the vanilla bean coconut latte whether you prefer it hot or cold. 

The regular drink is loaded with 26 grams of carbs, thanks to the vanilla bean powder and sweetened coconut milk. 

Order your keto version by getting an Americano or a cold brew. Ask the barista to add light coconut milk, a pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup, and a scoop of vanilla bean powder. 

This drink will contain 7 grams of carbs and you can slash it down further by not adding the vanilla bean powder. But that would compromise on the vanilla flavor. 

Instead, you can still indulge in the vanilla flavor by having the vanilla bean powder and skipping the sugar-free vanilla syrup that contains sucralose

Net carb: 7g

13. Keto Gingerbread Latte

‘Tis the season for merrymaking and some indulging in Christmassy drinks. 

But if you’re on a keto diet, the standard gingerbread latte with 40 grams of carbs won’t do for you. 

Unfortunately, there’s no sugar-free version of the gingerbread syrup. 

So, you have to settle for plenty of powdered cinnamon to make up for the full gingerbread flavor from the syrup. 

You can have either a hot or an iced version of the gingerbread latte. 

Ask for an Americano with a pump of gingerbread syrup, some half and half, and two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup. 

Instead of half and half, you can choose unsweetened almond milk or heavy cream to cut down the carb content. 

Another way to have fewer carbs in your drink is to ask for a single pump of sugar-free syrup. 

Net carb: 7g (with half and half, sugar-free syrup, and one pump of gingerbread syrup).

14. Iced Flat White

The iced flat white is simply iced coffee with milk. 

So, to make it keto, just order a Grande iced flat white and replace the dairy milk with heavy cream or unsweetened almond or soy milk. 

The heavy cream will give the drink a rich taste and texture.

The non-dairy milk will still add a nutty and subtle flavor to the flat white. 

Net carb: 4g

15. Iced Toasted Oat Milk Shaken Espresso

A relatively newer addition to the Starbucks menu, the iced toasted oat milk shaken espresso is made with blonde espresso, toasted vanilla syrup, and oat milk. 

To make a keto version, choose half oat milk and half almond milk, and four pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup. This will have a carb count of 3 grams as opposed to 5 grams if you opt for oat milk only. 

Net carb: 5g (with only oat milk)

16. Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte

This drink is featured on the regular menu at Starbucks. 

Targeted at calorie-conscious coffee drinkers, the iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte is made from espresso, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, and plenty of cinnamon sprinkles, ice, and fat-free dairy milk. 

The drink packs 12 grams of carbohydrates in the Grande size, which is a bit steep if you’re on a ketogenic diet. 

Hence, you can create a keto version by swapping the dairy milk with unsweetened plant-based milk like coconut or soy, or almond milk. 

Another way to make an iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte is by ordering an iced coffee with unsweetened non-dairy milk and a couple of pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup topped with plenty of cinnamon powder. This stripped-down version will contain 6 grams of carbs. 

If you want, you can add a packet of monk fruit sweetener like this one or stevia sweetener. 

Net carb: 6g

17. Black Coffee

A Grande cup of dark roast black coffee without any additions like milk or sugar is perfect for you at 0 carbs if you’re following a keto diet. 

In my opinion, coffee is at its best when it’s unadulterated with syrups, sugars, milk, or cream.

You get the true coffee essence when you drink it by itself

Moreover, there are health benefits associated with black coffee

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • Calories: 2
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • arbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Sodium: 5 milligrams


Net carb: 0g

18. Espresso

There’s hardly any coffee aficionado out there who would not be familiar with espresso or who has never tasted it.

The classic espresso comes in a short cup of 3 ounces and contains a shot or an ounce of espresso. 

If you’re looking for more kick, order a doppio or double espresso shot to literally make you wake up and smell the coffee!

With just 1 gram of carbs, the espresso can be your regular morning partner and keep you on track with your keto diet. 

Net carb: 1g

19. Espresso Con Panna

Treat yourself to a variation of the classic espresso by adding whipped cream to two shots of espresso. 

The carb count in this drink is only 2 grams while the fat content from a spoon of whipped cream is 2.5 grams only, helping you to feel full for longer. 

The espresso con panna is also served in an espresso cup and so there’s none of the guilt feeling attached when you order a regular drink with swirls of cream. 

Net carb: 2g

20. Americano

Americano is made by adding 6 ounces of hot water to a single or double shot of espresso

That means you have 1 to 2 grams of carbs depending on the number of espresso shots. 

Sometimes we may get confused about black coffee versus Americano

Black coffee is made in a drip coffee machine whereas Americano is made with espresso shots. 

If you want to make a keto version of the Americano, choose any natural sweetener like stevia or monk fruit, heavy cream, or cinnamon. 

Net carb: 1g (with a single espresso shot without any additions)

21. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a creamy, frothy cup of coffee decadence that can be an occasional treat for keto dieters. 

Regular dairy milk has loads of carbs – 12 grams in a cup – so you will need a keto-friendly replacement.

As espresso is topped with milky foam in a cappuccino, you can tweak it to use unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk that contains just one gram of carb per cup. 

You could also have the espresso topped with heavy cream and skip the non-dairy milk altogether. 

The high-fat, low-carb heavy cream will help you stay on the keto diet and give you a smooth, creamy cappuccino. 

If you want to add a tinge of sweetness, go for a couple of pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup or two packets of stevia. But this will add carbs to your drink.

Net carb: 1g (with any unsweetened non-dairy milk and no sweetener or syrup)

22. Caffe Misto

Known as café au lait in France, Caffe Misto in Starbucks uses a 1:1 ratio of coffee to steamed milk. 

You get a subtler coffee flavor since it doesn’t use an espresso shot but brewed coffee

Instead of using 2% regular dairy milk, ask the barista to use unsweetened soy, almond, or coconut milk for a velvety, rich cup. 

Net carb: 2g

23. Café Latte

In café latte, you get a sweet balance between espresso and steamed milk with a foamy top. 

For a café latte keto style, ask the barista to use unsweetened almond or soy, or coconut milk instead of dairy milk. 

If you’re okay with some dairy addition, then ask for heavy cream instead of milk

Use natural sweeteners if you must and you’ll have a drink within 2.5 grams of carbs. 

If you add a couple of pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, the net carb count will rise to 4.5 grams. 

Net carb: 2.5g (without sugar-free syrup)

24. Flat White

As the name suggests, the flat white is flat with none of the foamy milk top you find in cappuccino. 

Made from two espresso shots and dairy milk, you can turn this into one of the easiest keto Starbucks drinks in two ways. 

First, just get almond milk to replace the whole milk

In the second way to get a keto flat white, order a Short flat white to be made with half water and half heavy cream. 

Add two packets of natural sweeteners to make it sweet. The net carb count will be 1.5 grams.

If you need more than two espresso shots in your flat white, order a Grande flat white and ask the barista to make it with ¼ heavy cream and ¾ water. 

To sweeten the Grande flat white, you’ll need four packets of any natural sweetener. 

Taken this way, the carb content will be 3 grams. 

Net carb: 1.5g (if Short cup size is used)

25. Espresso Macchiato

If you want a full blast of caffeine in the morning with a creamy texture, then espresso macchiato is your best bet. 

Steamed milk is added to two espresso shots to make this classic drink. 

But to make the keto version, all you need to do is replace the dairy milk with a splash of heavy cream. 

Want to make it sweet? Just add a couple of packs of natural sweeteners and you have a 1-gram carb Keto drink. 

Net carb: 1g

26. Caramel Macchiato

Caramel doesn’t exactly sound keto-friendly but you can reduce the drizzle amount to still get the flavor and sweetness without throwing your ketogenic diet off track. 

The regular Grande caramel macchiato has an espresso shot, oodles of steamed milk, a generous caramel drizzle, and three pumps of vanilla syrup. Small wonder it has 35 grams of carbs. 

But with a little adjustment, you can bring down the carb content by ordering a skinny caramel macchiato that uses a sugar-free vanilla syrup. 

Choose unsweetened almond milk instead of dairy milk for a nutty flavor. 

And reduce the portion of caramel drizzle to give you the flavor without going crazy on the carb count. 

As the net carb will depend on the caramel drizzle amount, there’s no specific carb amount for the keto caramel macchiato. 

27. Blonde Vanilla Latte

This is the hot version of the iced blonde vanilla latte. 

To make it keto, ask for a Grande blonde vanilla latte to be made with heavy cream or almond milk instead of the usual 2% dairy milk. 

Go for two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup

If you still miss the sweetness, add a couple of packets of stevia or monk fruit natural sweetener. 

Compared to the iced version, it has one gram more carbs. 

Net carb: 5g

28. Cinnamon Dolce Latte

One of the most favorite winter warmers, the Grande cinnamon dolce latte is made by using two shots of espresso, 2% milk steamed, milk foam, and four pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup topped with whipped cream and cinnamon dolce sprinkles. 

As you have figured out by now that the regular version is full of sugars and carbs. 

Therefore, to make it keto-friendly, ask for a Grande cinnamon dolce latte without the whipped cream and cinnamon dolce toppings. 

Instead of the 2% milk, replace it with heavy cream or almond milk. 

Add three to four pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup. 

To get the maximum cinnamon flavor, ask the drink to be topped with regular powdered cinnamon.

Pro Tip: You can make your own cinnamon sugar by adding ground cinnamon to a natural sweetener. 

Net carb: 5g

29. Keto Chai Tea Latte

The chai tea base at Starbucks clocks at 45 grams of carbs due to the honey and sugar in the chai concentrate. 

Create a keto chai tea latte by asking the barista to use two teabags and none of the chai concentrate in a Grande Teavana tea. 

If you have this version, there are zero carbs. 

But for some decadence, ask for a couple of splashes of heavy cream or almond milk, a natural sweetener, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, and a good sprinkling of cinnamon. 

The carb count with heavy cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and cinnamon comes to 4.5 grams. 

Net carb: 4.5g (with heavy cream, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and cinnamon).

30. Keto London Fog Tea Latte

Filled with hints of bergamot, lavender, and citrus flavors, this light tea latte is the perfect winter afternoon companion. 

You can have a zero-carb keto version by ordering two teabags of Early grey and hot water. 

For a richer taste and creaminess, top with heavy cream and a maximum of two pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup or a natural sweetener. 

Net carb: 0g (without sugar-free vanilla syrup or sweetener or heavy cream)

31. Iced London Fog Tea Latte

In the summers, you can make an iced London fog tea latte by ordering a Grande iced London fog tea latte with almond milk and three pumps of sugar-free vanilla sauce. 

Another of the wide range of keto Starbucks drinks that help you to indulge without derailing your diet.

Net carb: 2g

32. Royal English Breakfast Tea

Another Starbucks keto hot tea option, the Royal English Breakfast tea comes at 4g carbs if you order a Grande Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte with three pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup and almond milk. 

You can have the same drink in summer with its iced version. 

Net carb: 4g

33. Unsweetened Iced Teas

Choose from a range of iced teas like black tea, passion tango tea, and green tea to have a refreshing keto-friendly summer drink without any carbs. 

Add any natural sweetener if you want to dial things up a bit. 

Net carb: 0g

34. Iced Matcha Tea Latte

The base of this drink is the matcha tea blend which contains sugar. Milk and ice are added to the regular matcha tea latte. 

Since the Grande uses three scoops of the match tea blend, start by asking for only one scoop to make it keto-friendly. One scoop has 6 grams of carbs. 

Compensate with a green tea bag to get the full green tea flavor. 

Replace the 2% regular dairy milk with coconut or almond milk. A heavy cream is also an option. 

Net carb: 6g (without any non-dairy milk or heavy cream)

35. Iced Green Tea

There’s nothing remotely refreshing than an iced green tea at Starbucks on a hot summer day. 

With an infusion of lemongrass, mint, and lemon verbena, this is one of the zero-carb Starbucks drinks that will not only recharge your body and mind but will also give you plenty of health benefits if you have it by itself without any syrup.

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#DC1182″]

  • May help lose weight
  • May help prevent type 2 diabetes
  • May protect the brain from aging
  • Increases fat burning
  • May improve brain function
  • May prevent heart diseases and stroke
  • May lower the risk of some cancers
  • The antioxidants help prevent various diseases
  • May help to live longer
  • May help reduce bad breath


Net carb: 0g

36. Starbucks Keto Pink Drink

The original pink drink at Starbucks has 27 grams of carbs, thanks to the strawberry acai refreshers drink that’s made with coconut milk and uses freeze-dried strawberries as toppings. 

The keto pink drink has become popular although it doesn’t taste the same as the classic one. 

However, you can still taste the pink drink by ordering an iced Passion Tango tea served with a couple of heavy cream splashes and a pump of sugar-free vanilla syrup. 

In my opinion, you can skip the heavy cream and go for a splash of unsweetened coconut milk to make the drink taste as close as possible to the original one. 

Net carb: 5g (with heavy cream and sugar-free syrup)

Tips On How To Order Keto Starbucks Drinks

Always keeping track of the carb count in your food and drinks is a problem, especially if you’re in a local Starbucks where the menu board that greets you doesn’t give you any indication of being keto-friendly or not. 

The plethora of hot and cold coffee, tea, and other categories of drinks may be confusing if you don’t how to order or customize a keto drink. 

So, here are the top six tips to keep in mind when you visit Starbucks so that you’re sure you’re not adding carbs to your diet. 

Tips On How To Order Keto Starbucks Drinks
Tips On How To Order Keto Starbucks Drinks

01. Bring Your Own Natural Sweeteners

Instead of depending on the sweeteners offered at Starbucks, bring your own packets of stevia or monk fruit sweeteners. 

This will keep you from having sugars and carbs that would hamper the ketosis state in your body. 

Choose a brand like Sweet Nature All-Natural Erythritol Sweetener for a zero-carb experience. 

02. Skip The Sweeteners At Starbucks

Starbucks offers Stevia In The Raw and Splenda artificial sweeteners. The former contains dextrose (a form of sugar) or maltodextrin

Splenda contains sucralose (artificial sugar) and maltodextrin. The safety of using Splenda is still undergoing research.  

If you do use these brands, do so in moderation – two packets at max per drink. 

For more packets, it’s better to use your regular sweetener. 

03. Ditch The Whipped Cream

Whipped cream is full of fat which is okay for a ketogenic diet. However, it has sugars and therefore, carbs too. 

So it’s better to have your keto drinks without whipped cream

04. Say Yes To Almond Milk Or Heavy Cream

If you use ¼ cup of almond milk in your Starbucks keto drink, it will have 0.35 grams of carbs. 

Using two tablespoons of heavy cream will give you less than a gram of carbs. 

You can cut the carbs more by using half heavy cream and half water.

[su_label type=”info”]Nutrition Facts[/su_label] Of 2 Tablespoons Of Heavy Cream

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#1383C8″]

  • Calories: 103
  • Fat: 11.03g
  • Carbs: 0.83g
  • Protein: 0.61g


[su_label type=”info”]Nutrition Facts[/su_label] of ¼ Cup Of Almond Milk

[su_list icon=”icon: circle” icon_color=”#1383C8″]

  • Calories: 10
  • Fat: 10.9g
  • Carbs: 0.35g
  • Protein: 0.38g


05. Go Easy On The Sugar-Free Syrups

Contrary to what we think, sugar-free is not necessarily free from carbs. 

A pump of sugar-free syrup in Starbucks has 1 gram of carbs. 

So, it’s good to go easy on the pumps. Add one or two pumps of any sugar-free syrup to give your drink your desired flavor. 

06. Skinny Drinks At Starbucks Are Not Keto-Friendly

Skinny doesn’t mean low-carb! 

Starbucks skinny drinks are made with sugar-free syrups and no-fat milk. 

This means the dairy milk still has sugars in it and that means carbs!

And as mentioned earlier, sugar-free syrup does have carbs in it. 

Keto Food From Starbucks Menu

Besides a wide range of keto drinks, if you want to eat something that’s keto, here’s a list of the food you can buy.

01. Creminelli Sopressata Uncured Salami And Monterey Jack Cheese Plate

Satisfy your craving with something meaty and cheesy with this plate that has 0 carbs. 

02. Babybel Cheese Wheel

The perfect on-the-go snack that won’t come in the way of your keto diet, these cheese wheels come at 0 carbs. 

03. Cheddar Moon Cheese

Each bag of Cheddar Moon Cheese has just 5 grams of carbs, making it a great keto snack option. 

04. Starbucks String Cheese

The house brand of string cheese has only a gram of carb and is a fun snack when you’re feeling light hunger. 

05. Squirrel Brand Classic Almonds

Almonds are dry-roasted and sea salt is added to give this snack a super crunch and taste. 

One pack of these almonds contains 4 grams of carbs. 

The Bottom Line

You don’t need to deprive yourself of the range of Starbucks hot and cold drinks on the menu. 

Just ask the barista to replace the flavored syrups with sugar-free ones, the sugars with a natural sweetener, and the dairy milk with heavy cream or a non-dairy alternative like soy, almond, or coconut milk. 

Carry your preferred natural sweetener with you if you want to be absolutely sure of sticking to a keto regimen. If you are interested in Starbucks all cup sizes, check it here!

36 Keto Starbucks Drinks With Carb Count


How Do You Order A Keto-Friendly Drink At Starbucks?

To order a keto-friendly drink at Starbucks, ask for a replacement of the regular classic syrup with a sugar free vanilla or other syrup, sugars with a natural sweetener, and dairy milk with a plant-based milk like almond, coconut, or soy milk or heavy cream. 

Is Starbucks Sugar-Free Keto?

Yes, the Starbucks sugar-free syrups are keto friendly and won’t pile on the carbs in your drink.

The List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks

Here’s a complete list of caffeine-free drinks you can order at Starbucks. Some are obvious and some might surprise you.

The Complete List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks
The Complete List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks

Grabbing a drink from Starbucks has become a routine for me. It is only after I grab a drink that I’m able to commence work. However, the caffeine in such drinks wasn’t something I was comfortable with.

That led to a search for caffeine free Starbucks drinks. Before I disclose my list, it is time to understand the benefits of living caffeine-free.

What are the health benefits of living caffeine-free?

Here are some benefits of doing so for those who are still in two minds regarding switching over to a caffeine-free lifestyle.

What are the health benefits of living caffeine-free?
What are the health benefits of living caffeine free

1. Improved sleep quality:

According to a study, consuming caffeine has a disruptive effect on our sleeping function. Once you consume caffeine, your alertness will increase, and you are likely to suffer from sleep deprivation. That is why the disruption will be eliminated when you switch to a caffeine-free lifestyle.

2. Better nutrient absorption:

There are studies that conclude that consumption of caffeine hampers the absorption of nutrients in the gut. According to some estimates, the absorption of nutrients like iron decreased by 39% after the consumption of coffee. Needless to say, once you stop this consumption, the nutrient absorption in your body can improve.

3. Improved bone health:

A study proves that caffeine decreases the absorption of vitamin D in the body. This results in lower bone growth and reduced bone density. That is because there is a close association of vitamin D with calcium, according to this report by archives of medical science.

Once you stop consuming caffeine, your body will absorb vitamin D regularly, improving bone density and overall bone health.

4. Reduces anxiety:

Oftentimes, people consume caffeine-based drinks because of the burst of energy that they provide. However, this burst of energy also results in higher anxiety levels, as articulated by this journal report.

The list below makes the switch easier by highlighting 25 of my favorite caffeine free Starbucks drinks. The Starbucks official menu has been used to source the ingredient and nutrition information mentioned below, though not every drink is available at your store.

Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks Full List

1cold drinksBlended Strawberry Lemonadecold
2cold drinksLemonadecold
3cold drinksIced Guava Passionfruit Drinkcold
4ice teas Iced Passion Tango Teacold
5hot teasComfort Brewed Wellness Teahot
6herbal teasMint Majestyhot
7herbal teasPeach Tranquilityhot
8hot drinksWhite Hot Chocolatehot
9hot drinksToasted White Hot Chocolatehot
10hot drinksPeppermint White Hot Chocolatehot
11hot drinksCaramel Apple Spicehot
12hot drinksSteamed Apple Juicehot
13hot drinksCinnamon Dolce Crèmehot
14hot drinksVanilla Crèmehot
15hot drinksChestnut Praline Crèmehot
16frappuccinoCaramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino Blended Beveragecold
17frappuccinoWhite Chocolate Crème Frappuccino Blended Beveragecold
18frappuccinoStrawberry Crème Frappuccino Blended Beveragecold
19frappuccino Eggnog Crème Frappuccinocold
20frappuccinoCaramel Brulee Crème Frappuccinocold
21frappuccinoPistachio Crème Frappuccinocold
22frappuccinoPineapple Coconut Green Smoothiecold

01. Blended Strawberry Lemonade

The best thing about this lemonade is the hint of strawberry. This ensures you still get the refreshing lemonade taste but with a unique strawberry flavor. The ice-cold temperature ensures that blended strawberry lemonade is perfectly chilled. Blended strawberry lemonade’s simplicity is why it is such a great alternative.

02. Lemonade

Sometimes the simplest drinks are the best ones to have. That is why you can go with lemonade when looking for a caffeine-free drink at Starbucks.

True to its name, it’s the classic lemonade with a tangy taste; therefore, there are no surprises here.

If you’re looking for a unique lemonade taste, you can go with Strawberry Acai Lemonade. It brings quite a few flavors together, like strawberry, passion fruit, and acai.

To provide some unique texture, it also consists of freeze-dried pieces of strawberry. Needless to say, it is devoid of caffeine.

Thus, if you’re looking for something simplistic, these Starbucks lemonade variants can serve you well.

03. Iced Guava Passionfruit Drink

 The blend of guava and passionfruit juice makes iced guava passion fruit drink unique.

Apart from that, it is hand shaken. However, these aren’t the only flavors in this drink.

Along with that, you have pineapple and ginger as well. The milk used is coconut milk. That is why; the taste of the milk in itself is unique. It is hand shaken along with ice to cool it down to the right temperature.

The result is a smooth and creamy iced guava passion fruit drink that is unique in every aspect.

04. Iced Passion Tango Tea

Iced passion tango tea is an excellent option for a healthier alternative to caffeine drinks, as it consists of 0 g of sugar and 0 g of fat. As for the ingredients, you have lemongrass, hibiscus, and apple juice which is shaken along with some ice.

To top it all, iced passion tango tea is infused with a slight tinge of passion fruit color. Combining all these ingredients gives you a vibrant drink that is refreshing in taste and completely healthy for you.

05. Comfort Brewed Wellness Tea

The comfort brewed wellness tea consists of numerous ingredients which make it special. Sometimes simple drinks are the best. Especially, when you’re looking for non-caffeinated drinks.

Mint certainly brings freshness to the tea. For example, it consists of lemon, fennel, licorice root, ginger, and even mint. The advantage of these ingredients is that they have multiple health benefits.

Even if you visit any other coffee house near you, it is difficult to find the blend consisting of such ingredients.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a drink that you can have regularly, this one meets your requirement. Couple that with the fact that it consists of 0 cal, zero fat, and zero sugar, and it is easy to understand why it is such a good choice.

06. Mint Majesty

Mint Majesty is a great option when looking for a simple drink. It consists of mint and lemon added to caffeine-free herbal tea. Since it does not contain fats or sugar, it is a drink you can regularly have without guilt.

07. Peach Tranquility

Next on my list is another healthier alternative to caffeine drinks. The ingredients of peach tranquility include candied pineapple, peach, chamomile blossoms, lemon, and rose hips. Along with that, an infusion of herbal tea further enhances this drink’s taste and nutrient value.

Similar to the Iced Passion Tango Tea, Peach Tranquility consists of 0 g of sugar and 0 g of fat despite the candied pineapple pieces. Thus, if you’re looking for a hot tea-based drink as an alternative to caffeine, Peach Tranquility is the perfect choice.

08. White Hot Chocolate

Most of the alternatives highlighted up until now consist of quite a few additives, syrups, and purees. Going with white hot chocolate is one of your best choices if you’re looking for something simplistic.

Needless to say, this drink consists of white chocolate sauce along with steamed milk. On top, you get a whipped cream dollop, making it even tastier. With ingredients like these, it will certainly satisfy your taste buds and your appetite.

09. Toasted White Hot Chocolate

Does white chocolate sound boring to you?

Then, a good option is toasted White hot chocolate. While it might seem that there is little difference between the two, you will find the stark difference when you go through the ingredient list and the preparation recipe.

White chocolate syrup is caramelized and added to the steamed milk. The caramelization makes the flavor unique. Apart from that, sugar sparkles, as well as crispy white balls, are added on top. Of course, there is whipped cream on top as well. These little additions certainly make it much better than traditional white chocolate.

10. Peppermint White Hot Chocolate

 Since I’m discussing white chocolate variants, let me add another one to the list.

The difference in this one is that it consists of white chocolate mocha sauce. Along with that, there is a dash of Peppermint flavored syrup. While these might be unique ingredients, the usual ones, like steamed milk and a topping of whipped cream, are present. Additionally, the dark chocolate curls on top certainly make it unique.

Thus, even with hot chocolate, Starbucks offers you quite a few variants without worrying about the caffeine content.

11. Caramel Apple Spice

Many of us love apple juice; however, we need some addition to the pure apple juice taste. If your opinion is the same, this drink will fulfill it.

It consists of steamed apple juice with whipped cream on top. Additionally, it consists of cinnamon syrup and caramel sauce on top.

Thus there is the right number of ingredients to break the monotony of apple juice.

12. Steamed Apple Juice

How about some hot steamed Apple juice?

Most consumers do not know that most Starbucks outlets offer 100% pure apple juice. This is not in the form of a concentrate or derived from any extract. It is freshly steamed.

Consequently; the taste is quite distinct and pure.

Apple juice has a soothing taste. That is why, if you’re looking for a simple drink that can uplift your spirits and does not consist of caffeine, go with steamed apple juice.

13. Cinnamon Dolce Crème

Cinnamon Dolce Crème consists of cinnamon Dolce syrup added to steamed milk. The texture is extremely creamy. On top, you get sweetened whipped cream along with the cinnamon topping. This one makes for a great drink when looking for a special treat.

14. Vanilla Crème

Sometimes, you just crave a heavy drink at Starbucks. Heavy isn’t synonymous with high caffeine content. Vanilla Crème is the perfect example of such a drink.

The creamy vanilla flavor and the hot temperature make it taste great. Couple that with the frothy texture, and it is easy to understand why this drink is so popular with regular Starbucks customers.

15. Chestnut Praline Crème

 This drink will often satisfy your taste buds when craving a unique flavor. The caramelized chestnut in this drink is certainly refreshing. Along with that, you will find a hint of spices which certainly breaks the monotony. All this added to the steamed milk makes for a great drink.

That is why, when you’re looking for an option to experiment with, go with this one. On top, you will get praline crumbs with whipped cream. That will satisfy your appetite in addition to your tast

16. Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino

 Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino consists of caramel syrup, providing a buttery texture. To add texture, there is a sprinkle of crunchy caramel on top. You get a creamy, rich drink when you mix this up with ice and water. While it might not be the healthiest alternative Starbucks offers, it is undoubtedly one of the tastiest.

Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino tastes and looks delicious.

17. White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino

Starbucks offers many Crème based Frappuccinos. Most of them are an excellent alternative when looking for caffeine-free Starbucks drinks. The latest one to add to the list is White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino.

The drink consists of white chocolate sauce along with ice and milk. These are blended well together, along with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

While the ingredients might seem simple but the resultant drink is undoubtedly delicious. It might not be healthy, but it is certainly worth having once in a while.

18. Strawberry Crème Frappuccino

 Strawberry Crème Frappuccino is a rich blend of strawberry purée with milk and ice. On top, you get a thin layer of strawberry purée. Apart from that, the vanilla whipped cream on top certainly makes it delicious.

Of course, if you crave more strawberry flavor, you can add extra strawberry purée to the mix.

19. Eggnog Crème Frappuccino

Prefer a bit of protein in your drink?

If yes, you can go with this one. In a single serving, this drink offers you 7 g of protein. It is one of the few drinks offering you protein without caffeine. As for the texture, it has a creamy texture because of the eggnog in the drink. With subtle spices, milk, and ice mixed, this drink is full of flavors. The whipped cream on top and nutmeg powder make it a bouquet of flavors.

20. Caramel Brulee Crème Frappuccino

Caramel Brulee Crème Frappuccino offers a mix of caramel brulee sauce, milk, and ice. On top, you get whipped cream. While these ingredients provide great taste, some crunchy caramel is on top to break the monotony.

If you’re craving something delicious and do not mind extra calories, this drink is worth having.

21. Pistachio Crème Frappuccino

Pistachio Crème Frappuccino consists of sweet pistachio flavor. Of course, the base is milk and ice.

The highlight, however, is the salted brown butter topping on top. It is in great contrast with the whipped cream on top.

The smooth icy consistency and the creamy taste of this drink certainly help it stand out. Not only that, but with 360 cal, it is also immensely fulfilling.

22. Pineapple Coconut Green Smoothie

The best way to switch from caffeinated drinks is to go with entirely healthy drinks. This one consists of juicy pineapple along with kale and spinach. All these are blended together with toasted coconut. The milk used is coconut milk. Also, ice is blended to bring it to the right temperature.

If you wish to customize it, choose the milk of your choice. With multiple things blended together, you can be confident that it is one of the healthiest drinks Starbucks has on offer.

6 Amazing Facts About Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks

The List of Caffeine Free Starbucks Drinks 18
istambul turkey november 18 2021 papper cup starbucks coffee with logo

1. Decaf doesn’t mean no caffeine

While ordering non-caffeinated drinks, you shouldn’t go with decaf drinks. Decaf simply means that there is little caffeine in such drinks. It doesn’t mean that there is no caffeine in it.

For example, grande size decaf coffee consists of 25 mg of caffeine. That is certainly less than your usual brewed coffee, but it is still present.

2. Refreshers have caffeine

The usual perception is that refreshers do not consist of caffeine. However, some of them use green coffee extract. It means that caffeine is present in one form or the other. Take the example of a pink drink which consists of 35 mg of caffeine.

Rather than assuming that a particular drink doesn’t have caffeine, it is a good idea to stick to the 25 options highlighted to be doubly sure.

3. Chocolate also has caffeine

Caffeine is the base of many drinks offered by Starbucks. That is why many consumers think that after changing the base to chocolate they won’t have to worry about caffeine. However, in many cases, the chocolate used in such drinks can have caffeine as well. Sure enough, the amount of caffeine is less, but it is a good idea to double-check.

However, traditional hot chocolate drinks (click here for recipe) are an exception to this rule, and they do not contain caffeine.

4. Steamers have no caffeine

Steamers like Steamed milk, Vanilla crème are devoid of any caffeine. In fact, whichever drink you pick from this category, you won’t have to worry about caffeine.

5. Most crème frappuccinos have no caffeine

While there are frappuccinos that consist of caffeine, most of them do not. The exceptions to this tip include matcha-based frappuccinos.

6. Go with herbal teas

Most teas in Starbucks have a limited amount of caffeine. However, when herbal tea is the base of any drink, you need not worry about caffeine. The two prime examples include mint majesty and peach tranquility.


Your quest for caffeine free Starbucks drinks shouldn’t include trial and error. Simply follow my curated list above, and you shouldn’t have a problem spotting the strings on the Starbucks when pre-ordering them when heading to the store.


Can you get a refresher without caffeine?

Unfortunately not! The caffeine in the refreshers is added because of the syrup used. Since caffeine is an integral part of the refreshers, you cannot remove it. Separate coffee powder or coffee beans aren’t used.

Can you get decaf drinks at Starbucks?

Yes, you can get decaf espresso and decaf coffee at Starbucks. However, contrary to popular perception, they do consist of some amount of caffeine. The former consists of 12 mg of caffeine, and the latter consists of 25 mg of caffeine in the larger size.

Can you get Starbucks pink drink without caffeine?

While the Starbucks pink drink cannot be ordered without caffeine, a good alternative is strawberry crème Frappuccino. The core ingredient is strawberry and is the same in consistency as a milkshake. That is why it is certainly as tasty as the pink drink.

Does the Mango Dragon fruit have caffeine?

Yes, the Mango dragon fruit refresher does have some caffeine in it. As compared to your average glass of coffee, the quantity of caffeine is much less. For example, the caffeine content is 55 mg in the grande size.

How Long Should You Reheat Pizza in the Oven?

Understand why you shouldn’t reheat pizza in the microwave? How long should you reheat pizza in the oven?

How Long Should You Reheat Pizza in the Oven?
How Long Should You Reheat Pizza in the Oven pin

We all love pizza. It is a staple at my home whenever my friends come over. Often, I have some left after the gathering.

Over the years, I have reheated pizza so many times that I can safely say I know how to do it right. Ordering extra doesn’t hurt if you reheat it the right way (oven) the next day.

In fact, it is possible to make it taste as good as freshly baked pizza. Below I will share my experiences to help you reheat pizza the right way.

How Long To Reheat Pizza in Oven?

How Long Should You Reheat Pizza in the Oven

Reheating pizza in the oven doesn’t take more than 9 to 10 minutes for a thick crust pizza. The thin crust pizza takes around 5 to 7 minutes to reheat. It is time to understand what changes happen when you store pizza and what is the right way to reheat pizza.

Many people assume that the number of slices affects the time. In my experience, it actually doesn’t take any longer to reheat a whole pizza than a couple of slices, as long as you follow my steps below!

Thick crust pizzaThin crust pizza
9 – 10 mins5 – 7 mins

What happens when pizza is stored?

According to the comparison done by Diet and Fitness Today, the amount of starch in pizza can vary from 16% to 28%. A high amount of starch means that pizza undergoes retrogradation when stored for a longer time. In this process, the starch molecules crystallize by absorbing moisture resulting in dry pizza. Such pizza becomes progressively stiff with time.

How do you reheat pizza in the oven?

With the proper process, you can turn cold pizza into a hot one. I have perfected this procedure after countless such attempts.

How do you reheat pizza in the oven
How do you reheat pizza in the oven

Step 1: Prepare baking tray

Grab a baking tray and cover it with aluminum foil and place it in the oven. I’ve been using Crystalware Aluminum Foil Sheets and it works well enough for me. You can also use parchment paper or baking paper in place of aluminum foil. The job of this layer is to insulate the pizza’s crust from the hot surface of the baking tray.

Step 2: Preheat oven

Start preheating the oven up to 375°F (190°C). Do not skip this step even if you’re short on time.

Step 3: Place the leftover pizza in the oven

Wear an oven mitt and pull out the hot tray from the oven after 3 minutes to place pizza slices on it. Ensure a small gap between the slices on the hot tray and spray a light layer of water mist onto them before putting the tray back in. Never place the pizza directly on the oven rack.

Heat the leftover pizza for 5 to 7 minutes for a thin crust or 9 to 10 minutes for thick crust.

That’s it!

The pizza you will pull out from the oven would neither have soggy slices nor be excessively dry. It would be as close to a freshly baked pizza as reheating is concerned. Just wait for it to cool slightly before relishing it.

Why is the oven the best option for reheating pizza?

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Why is the oven the best option for reheating pizza

🍕 Even heating

The oven heats the pizza equally well from all directions. That is why the crystallized moisture turns back into the liquid form almost simultaneously throughout the pizza resulting in the uniform softness. However, when you reheat pizza in the oven, it seldom softens the crust. Consequently, you get melted cheese on top with crispy crust at the bottom while reheating it in the oven.

🍕 Enclosed environment

Due to the enclosed environment, even if some moisture evaporates, it is still trapped inside and can condense back on the pizza once the it cools. Especially, the cheese on top absorbs it, and that layer is re-hydrated. That is why; there is barely any moisture loss from pizza in the oven.

The story with the crust is a bit different though; Most moisture is absorbed by the toppings and not the pizza crust. Thus you get a perfectly crispy crust.

Alternative method: Reheating pizza in a skillet

Even though an oven is the best way to reheat pizza, it is not the only way. If you’re looking for an alternative, I will cover a few below. But whichever way you choose, avoid the microwave if you can!

Method 1 – Reheating pizza in a skillet

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Reheating pizza in a skillet

Using the procedure below, heating leftover pizza on a skillet requires 4 to 6 minutes.

❶ Keep the non stick skillet on medium heat.

❷ Coat it with olive oil.

After you place it on the burner, apply a light coat of olive oil to it, either with a spray or a silicon brush.

❸ Add the leftover pizza once the oil is warm.

Once the oil is warm, the temperature is just about right. That is when you add pizza to it and cover it.

It is essential to cover the skillet to trap the moisture and ensure even temperature. Since the heat is trapped inside, the skillet has uniform heating all over because of the cover.

❹ Let it cook for 6 minutes.

You have to cook the pizza for 4 to 6 minutes. The thinner the pizza crust, the lesser time you need to cook it.

Method 2 – Reheating pizza in a toaster oven

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Reheating pizza in a toaster oven

The above methods work great if you are in a full-fledged kitchen. What if you are in a dorm?

It is where a toaster oven comes into the picture. However, you should only be reheating a couple of slices with this method due to the available space.

Set the toaster to medium heat

Place the pizza inside.

The indicator in the toaster will light up on reaching the appropriate temperature. In many toaster ovens, this is also indicated by a sound. After that, place the pizza inside. In most cases, if you have the bulk of the pizza remaining, you can only heat a few slices at a time because of the limited space inside the toaster oven.

You shouldn’t try to stuff pizza inside the toaster oven, hoping to reheat it all at once.

Heat it for two cycles

It is good to heat the pizza for at least two cycles.

Even a thick crust pizza will heat up properly after a couple of cycles in the toaster oven. While using the toaster oven, there is no need to use a baking sheet. Direct heating is the best way to eliminate soggy slices using a toaster oven.

Method 3 – Reheating pizza in an air fryer

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Reheating pizza in an air fryer

Step 1: Set the temperature to 350°F (180°C).

Step 2: Place the pizza inside the air fryer basket for 3 minutes.

Step 3: Watch out for melting cheese and golden brown crust.

Step 4: Continue reheating for another minute if you don’t spot the above signs

What is the best way to store leftover pizza?

Storing leftover pizza properly will make it easier for you to reheat it. Follow the handful of tips below, and you shouldn’t have a problem with the same.

01. Refrigerate it covered

On the countertop or at room temperature, the life of leftover pizza is barely a few hours. That means it is already spoilt when you think about reheating it. The best way to store it is to refrigerate it.

Additionally, freezing the leftover pizza slices in the freezer section of the refrigerator is not a good idea. You have to place it in the refrigerator section and ensure that it is not removed from the fridge prematurely. According to this comparison by the US government’s Food Safety Program, it is best to store pizza in the fridge at a temperature below 40°F if you want it to last for 3 to 4 days. Only when you need to reheat it, think about pulling it out.

If you still want to freeze it, it is not advisable to do so with paper towels and aluminum foil. The procedure to freeze and defrost frozen pizza is entirely different.

02. Use paper towels to shield the slices

Do not simply put the entire cardboard box with pizza in the refrigerator.

A much better idea is to stack up the slices with paper towels in between. The entire assembly should be put in aluminum foil and then in the refrigerator.

Why is the microwave not suitable for reheating pizza?

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Why is the microwave not suitable for reheating pizza

You might have observed that I haven’t mentioned using a microwave for reheating the pizza. That is because it is not suitable.

To understand this, you must understand the working of a microwave. It heats food by emitting microwaves, which vibrate the water particles in food resulting in the generation of heat energy. Due to this vibration and heat energy, moisture evaporation occurs, resulting in an even drier pizza crust. Similar findings have been articulated in this study. If you have tried to microwave pizza previously, you would have got the same outcome.

If you notice carefully, in all the above methods, we have attempted to trap the moisture in the pizza. Since the microwave does the exact opposite, reheating the pizza is not suitable in it.

Is reheated pizza healthier?

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Is reheated pizza healthier

No, reheated pizza is not necessarily healthy, but how your body responds to reheated pizza reduces your appetite and, therefore, might result in consumption of lower calories which might be healthier for you.

As highlighted above, pizza consists of a significant quantity of starch (polysaccharides). On consumption, the digestive enzymes in the body convert this starch into sugar, increasing your blood glucose levels. Some of this sugar is converted to fat. To combat the rest, body releases insulin to reduce blood sugar levels.

According to this report, such a rise in blood sugar levels makes you feel hungry, resulting in higher consumption of such foodstuffs.

On the flip side, when you refrigerate pizza, the regular starch is converted to resistant starch, which is not easy to break down by the digestive enzymes. Consequently, consumption of such pizza does not lead to the same rise in blood sugar levels because the body cannot convert it to glucose. It means that the hunger caused by a rapid increase in blood sugar levels will no longer happen.

However, there are still chances that your body might absorb the fat in the pizza when you refrigerate and reheat it.

Thus, a reheated piece of pizza is undoubtedly not healthier, but it does not give rise to cravings in the same way.

Does reheating pizza alter its flavor?

If you reheat it correctly, it will not lose its flavor. If it consists of tomato sauce in ample quantity, it might taste even better due to oxidation. On reheating, the cheese also melts, resulting in the classic taste. Thus it is possible to get tasty pizza by reheating it, if you follow the right procedure.


Simply put, reheating pizza in an oven shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. Using my guide above, you know what to do. From my years of experience in reheating pizza, I can safely say that doing so in the oven using the above method is the convenient and safest option. If you do not have access to an oven, check out the alternatives above to understand what is the best way to reheat cold pizza.

If you are looking for a Outdoor Pizza Oven, check our top 10 Best Outdoor Pizza Oven Reviews.


How long do you have to reheat pizza in the oven at 350?

At the max, it will take you 10 minutes to reheat pizza at 350°F (180°C). Anything longer than that will burn the pizza or make it excessively dry.

How long do you have to reheat pizza in the oven at 400?

If you’re reheating pizza in the oven at 400°F (200°C), the pizza shouldn’t be in the oven for more than 8 minutes. You should limit the heating time to 5 minutes if the pizza has a thin crust.

How do you keep pizza moist in the oven?

The best way to keep the pizza in the oven moist while reheating is to expose it to water. Lightly spray mist through a spray bottle before placing it on the lowest rack of the oven. Do not mistake placing it in the middle rack, as you might overheat it. Always stick to 350°F (180°C) and not more while reheating it. Limit the time to 10 minutes max, and you won’t have to worry about dry pizza after reheating it.

Can you put a cardboard box in the oven?

No, you cannot put a cardboard box in the oven because it is a fire hazard. However, keep the pizza box handy to serve the pizza after extracting it from the oven.

How long can pizza sit out?

If you indeed want a delicious dinner, better to store the pizza in the fridge. At room temperature, the pizza is good enough for 4 hours. Beyond that, the bacteria growth will spoil it. Also, reheating a cold slice even after two days to make it taste great is possible.

How To Start A Fire In A Fire Pit – 6 Pro Tips

There’s nothing better than relaxing around a burning fire or simply spending time fireside with family and friends late into the evening. A backyard fire pit setup transforms a dull evening into a lively, welcoming, and enjoyable setting for making memories.

A fire pit is an excellent feature for any backyard and comes in various styles and designs, including propane [link to Outdoor Propane Fireplace – How To Choose & Set Up], wood-burning, and natural gas-fueled fire pits. Each one has its distinct way of lighting a fire, but lighting a fire in fire pits can be dangerous.

Whether you’re trying to start a fire for cooking at the campsite or require light and warmth when the night falls over your backyard, knowing how to create a fire in a fire pit safely is vital.

You can use fire-starter logs as you master starting a fire much simpler, but our six pro tips are the best way to start a wood fire in a regular fire pit. So, to impress your family and friends with your bonfire skills, here are a few pro tips to follow.

You may also like: Outdoor Propane Fireplace – How To Choose and Set-Up

Before You Begin

It is a no-brainer to always check with the local laws to ensure that you have legal permission to place a fire pit in your backyard.

If you intend to start a fire in a fire pit, you must know how to set up the fire pit correctly. If the fire pit is burning wood without a proper fire suppression system, the flames could extend to the lawn, the deck, leaves, the shed, or even the home.

Even if you don’t see embers or flames, wood fire pits can store enough heat to ignite the wood. Always follow the steps below and any special instructions that come with your fire pit to ensure that you have extinguished the flames and put out the embers. Make it a routine to keep an empty water bucket or a fire extinguisher near in case of an emergency.

An unattended fire takes around 20 minutes to extinguish completely, so don’t leave the area until you’ve had enough time to control and put out the flames adequately. It is also essential to ensure the pit and surrounding areas are free from dry leaves, dry wood, twigs, or other things to save yourself from the tedious process of putting out the fire. Again, buying and keeping an extinguisher nearby is your best bet.  

How to Start a Fire in a Fire Pit – 6 Pro Tips

Collect Your Tools & Materials

The tools and materials you’ll need to start a fire in a fire pit:

  • Bucket
  • Firewood
  • Tinder   
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Kindling
  • Long stick or poker   
  • Shovel
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Steel and flint (optional)

1. Search for small dry materials to use as the tinder.

You can’t just pile the firewood on and then expect an igniter or lighter to light it. Large logs aren’t easy to light. So, first, purchase a sparking device, tinder pile, or fuel to start the outdoor fire or search for smaller dry materials such as dry grass, leaves, shredded tree bark, wood shavings, and newspapers.

Manufactured tinder bundles and fire starters are easy to use and simple to locate. The only downside is you’re paying for something you can find in the woods or even in your backyard.

How To Start A Fire In A Fire Pit
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2. Find dried sticks or twigs for making a kindling teepee.

Tinder gets the flames going, but it burns up quickly unless you have some kindling before the larger fire logs start to ignite. You can also find kindling in pre-made bundles, which are often coated with flammable resins to facilitate the start of the fire, but look around your backyard, campsite, or the forest for dry twigs and sticks to make fuel to light your fire.

Although these materials don’t ignite like the kindling you buy from a store, they’re generally inexpensive or free. If you cannot find sticks, think about cutting a large piece of wood into a kindling using an ax.

3. Make the fire using tinder, fuelwood, and kindling.

Fire won’t light without an oxygen source. If there is no ventilation, the fire will not breathe and won’t burn or stay lit. If you don’t construct an ideal setup for the fire, the logs could collapse, decreasing the airflow and causing sparks to fly out of the fire pit.

You can build your fire in different ways:

  • Crossfire construction: Position the tinder material in the middle of the fire pit, then place the kindling over the igniter in a crisscrossing pattern. Next, add the logs for fuel in a similar crisscross design to leave space for air circulation.
  • Teepee construction: Place the tinder in the middle of the fireplace pit. Then, stack the kindling pieces vertically around it, leaving an opening at one end. Repeat the process using wood logs for fuel, leaving the same space to allow ventilation.
  • Log-cabin fire structure: Like the two other alternatives, place the tinder material in the middle of the fireplace pit. Then, stack the pieces of kindling horizontally in a teepee-like structure around the fire pit’s tinder material.

In this stage, the design should resemble a teepee. First, put two fuelwood logs on either side of the teepee. Next, place two more wood logs parallel to the first two logs on each side of the teepee. Repeat this process once or twice more to complete the log-cabin fire design.

4. Ignite the tinder to start your fire.

After setting up the fire and making sure the structure and ventilation are good, it’s time to ignite the flame. You can use matches, lighters, or even a flint and steel set for a weatherproof alternative.

Use your preferred method to light it, but be sure to ignite it from multiple angles to create an even and consistent burn. For example, if you’re using a flint and steel set, keep the steel near the tinder pile and then hit the flint with the steel to sparks to avoid any problems.  

5. Maintain and monitor your fire.

The flames grow quickly, so keep an eye on the fire to minimize spreading and prevent it from bursting. Keep the fire going with the help of a poker or long stick to move heated coals, the embers from the ashes of the tinder, and the kindling heap to boost the temperature.

Also, blow air on the coals to help move oxygen into your fire pit. Use the poker on fuel logs to cut off pieces of charred wood and expose fresh wood to the flame. You can add more fuel logs as required to keep the flame burning.

6. Put out the fire.

When you finish with your hang-out and are ready to put out the fire, start at least 20 minutes ahead of time, as it takes a slow and thorough process to settle down. If you don’t plan to use the fire pit again for a few days, slowly pour a bucket of water onto the flames to put them, coals, and any remaining heat out.

Use a stick or poker to move the coals, ashes, and embers around to look for evidence of steam or any sounds of hissing. If the fire pit remains steaming or hissing, the fire isn’t settled. Fill the bucket, then pour it onto the pit again to keep the fire quiet and calm.

If you plan to use the fire pit again soon, sprinkle water on it to cool the embers and smother the ashes. Don’t let the fire pit soak in water as long as you plan to rebuild it in the next day or so. Instead, turn over the ashes and embers using a shovel, and keep sprinkling water until there’s no heat, steam, or sound coming through the fireplace.

Alternatively, you could use dirt or sand to extinguish the flame. However, you’ll have to scrub the mud or sand out of the fire pit before you can reuse it.

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Fire Pit Safety Tips

Follow these fire safety rules for starting the fire in your pit:

  1. Setting the fire pit: Make sure that your fire pit area is on even ground. Particularly, make sure the structure of your fire pit is elevated above the ground, so it won’t tip over, spilling hazardous materials when it is lit.
  1. A safe ground material and surface: Use ground constructed of something fire-resistant. Don’t start the fire with lots of dry grass or materials around because they are potentially explosive. Instead, we advise constructing your fire pit on solid materials like brick or concrete that won’t ignite a fire.
  1. Keep a safe distance from structures: Set the outdoor fire pit 10 feet from all constructions. Also, the fire pits shouldn’t be placed under tree branches, where embers can rise and catch fire.
  1. Water source nearby: You should have the garden hose or a bucket full of water ready if you’re required to extinguish the flame in an emergency.
  1. Fire pit screens: If your fire pit has a screen, use it. It still generates sufficient heat and thrill for people to enjoy it but doesn’t allow the embers or any flammable material to escape from the pit.
  1. Be aware of your surroundings: Chairs surrounding the fire pit must be at a safe distance away so that on the off chance the chair slips accidentally, nobody is at risk of being thrown into the fire (especially during a campfire).
  1. Watch children: A fire is a thrilling and attractive activity for young children. Keep watch whenever you are near a fire and don’t let them get closer to the pit.
  1. Never let a fire go unattended: The safety hazards mentioned above are avoidable by having an adult watch the fire throughout the day. Someone must monitor the fire until your clear it out at night.


Follow your local guidelines for installing a backyard fire pit or setting a campfire during a trip. Fortunately, in most places, you can do this at home without compromising your fun.

We hope this article helps you get the perfect fire in a fireplace and take your bonfire game up a notch. Use whatever method is best suited for you; remember the fire pit safety tips as you do so. Additionally, we recommend covering the fire pit when set in a fixed location or relocating it to a protected space away from the rain and wind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cook on my fire pit?

If you have a regular wood bonfire fire pit, it can be safe to cook on! However, you need to proceed with caution. Only cook on clean fires that are free of debris and plastics, only burning untreated natural woods. If you are burning paint-covered wood or materials like plastic or cans, dangerous chemical by-products can affect your food.

Can I put a fire pit under a covering, like a gazebo?

A wood fire should never be placed under a covering like a gazebo. Even if there are open sides to the structure, there is a risk of allowing smoke and heat to build up under the roof of the structure. Having your fire covered greatly increases the risk of fire hazard accidents.

Can I put a fire pit on a wood deck?

No, you should not install a fire pit on top of a wood deck. Even if you try to create a stone base for the fire pit, it will still create a huge potential fire hazard.