Ever wondered why that friendly Mormon coworker skips the coffee pot? Here’s the surprising answer: Mormons do not drink coffee or tea due to their adherence to the Word of Wisdom, a revelation received by prophet Joseph Smith in 1833 that outlines a health code, viewing these beverages as harmful. While many religions have dietary guidelines, the Mormon stance on coffee is often a point of curiosity. Let’s explore why.
Overview of Mormon Religious Beliefs and Practices

Mormonism, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has several unique beliefs that shape their practices:
- Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and continuing revelation through modern-day prophets
- Acceptance of additional scriptures beyond the Bible, like the Book of Mormon
- Emphasis on strong families, missionary work, and service
- Participation in sacred temple ordinances
These beliefs provide important context for understanding the Word of Wisdom and its impact on Mormon life.
The Word of Wisdom and Caffeine: Understanding the Mormon Stance
The Word of Wisdom prohibits “hot drinks”, which has been interpreted to mean coffee and tea.
As the Church has clarified, “the revelation in the Word of Wisdom…does not mention the use of caffeine.” Instead, it’s about avoiding addictive substances and promoting a holistic, healthy lifestyle.
Apostle Boyd K. Packer emphasized this broader principle, stating, “The Word of Wisdom was ‘given for a principle with promise’ (D&C 89:3)…A principle is an enduring truth…The promised blessings are conditioned upon obedience to the principle.”
Why Mormons Abstain from Coffee and Tea

Mormons are in consensus about abstaining from coffee and tea drinks. For many, it’s about faithfully following religious counsel.
Beyond religious adherence, the Word of Wisdom promises health benefits and spiritual enlightenment for those who abstain. This reinforces their identity and sets them apart as a distinct religious community.
As Mormon dietician Jessica Liddell explains, “It’s not just about avoiding certain ingredients. It’s a commitment to treat our bodies, which we see as gifts from God, with respect.”
The Word of Wisdom: More Than Just Coffee

The Word of Wisdom extends beyond coffee and tea, promoting moderation, healthy eating, and avoiding addictive substances. Alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and other harmful substances are prohibited.
Meat is to be consumed sparingly, with an emphasis on grains, fruits, and vegetables.
These guidelines shape Mormon culture and social interactions. Youth activities and church events feature whole-food menus and avoid caffeine.
Family recipes are adapted to fit the health code. In this way, the Word of Wisdom creates a distinct Mormon lifestyle.
Health, Faith, and Debate: Understanding the Complexities
Potential Coffee Benefits
From a health perspective, there are potential benefits to moderate coffee consumption, such as reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. However, excessive caffeine intake can cause insomnia, anxiety, digestive issues, and other problems.
The Mormon Focus
For Mormons, the focus goes beyond these specific health effects. As Dr. James Redd, a Mormon physician, states, “The Word of Wisdom is about living a holistically healthy life, both spiritually and physically. Avoiding coffee is just one part of a larger commitment to God.”
Open Questions within the Faith
While there is some debate on the exact interpretation, such as policies around caffeinated sodas, most Mormons abide by abstaining from coffee and tea as a core tenet of their faith.
Mormon-Friendly Alternatives: Building Community

With coffee and tea off the menu, Mormons have embraced a variety of tasty substitutes. Postum, a roasted grain beverage, was once a staple in Mormon households. Other favorites include herbal tinctures, grain beverages like Pero or Ovaltine, and creamy smoothies.
These special drinks have become part of Mormon culture. Congregations often share recipes, and certain beverages are fixtures at church activities and gatherings. Sipping a steaming mug of Pero or hot cocoa brings Mormons together in fellowship.
The Takeaway
Whether or not you agree with their practices, the Mormon stance on coffee offers a fascinating look into how faith shapes everyday life. It’s not just about specific guidelines, but the purpose behind them – crafting a lifestyle that supports their spiritual goals.
For those curious to learn more, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides thoughtful resources on their beliefs and the role of the Word of Wisdom. Understanding each other’s traditions is key to building bridges in our beautifully diverse world.