Cuisinart DCC 3200 Review: Sip on Delicious Coffee Every Day!

Buy coffee or save money?

A tough decision.

For all of you coffee addicts, going to the store to get your favorite cup of coffee must be a regular.

But spending all that money?!

What if you could have your delicious coffee and still save some bucks?


Not quite.

All you have to do is invest in a good coffee maker and you no longer have to depend on someone else to make your coffee!

Amongst all the options in the market, today, we talk about the Cuisinart 3200 Coffee Maker. This one has been the talk of the town for a long time and it comes with all modern features for your cup of coffee!

This Cuisinart DCC 3200 review talks about its best features, a few aspects it falls behind on, and even more information for you to decide on this.

Without any other interruptions, let’s get started on the review!

Cuisinart DCC 3200 Coffee Maker Review

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Known to have the looks of the coffee machines you see in the coffee shops, the Cuisinart DCC 3200 coffee maker gives you the best coffee experience. It comes with several convenient features to let you brew your coffee according to your preferences!

Features to Look Out For:

Here are the features that you will find in all the Cuisinart coffee maker DCC 3200 reviews:

  • 14-cup capacity carafe
  • Pre-set programs
  • Gold-tone filter
  • Auto-off feature
  • Carafe temperature button
  • Bold button
  • Timer button
  • Cleaning button

Easy to Use:

The buttons on the coffee maker are easy to read and can be handled by anyone! It only takes a few tries to get used to it and once you do, there will be nothing easier than handling this. Scroll down to see my steps on gearing this beauty up.


There is no mistaking the fantastic flavors it gives off. After all, you are making your coffee and setting it to your desired settings. No going wrong with that!

Built to Last:

Made with high-quality stainless steel materials, the Cuisinart 14 cup coffee maker will be your best friend for the longest time. Be careful to not let it drop, and maintain it properly to continue brewing for days!

Value for Money:

At first, the price tag might set you off because it is pretty high. Nevertheless, once you start using this, it will be worth every penny you spent.

To Sum It Up

Efficient, durable, and modern. The three perfect words to describe the Cuisinart DCC 3200 Perfectemp Coffee Maker. Below are a few other aspects to summarize the entire review for our busy bees!

Product Specifications:

Dimensions 7.75 x 9 x 14 inches
Weight 8.75 pounds
Capacity 14 cups
Brewing capacity 70 ounces
Type Automatic drip
Material Plastic
Color Stainless steel
Warranty Limited to three years

Points Worth Praising:

  • Can accommodate coffee for a large number of people.
  • Makes 1 to 4 cups of coffee as well.
  • The strength of brewing can be controlled.
  • Keep the carafe warm with the carafe settings.
  • Can be set beforehand to ease some load in the morning.
  • Amount of water filled can be seen from both outside and inside.
  • Carafe made of glass.
  • Easy to clean.

Points for Improvement:

Tastes like plastic on the first use:

Even though the carafe is made of glass, the coffee gives off a slight plastic smell and taste on the first two or three cups. This was a real problem while I sipped on my first cup, but it should not be your issue since now you know this con.

What I would suggest doing is letting it completely washout for the first few tries. Brew up some filtered water with the Cuisinart 3200 and you should be fine when your lips touch the coffee for the first time!

Pouring is messy:

The 14-cup container does come with a sprout but I did not find it very convenient. It gets messy if you try to pour it at a faster speed and you will find yourself cleaning it up after that.

I recommend letting it flow at a slow rate to avoid the mess. The process might be a little slow but at least you do not have to clean up afterward.

Cuisinart Perfectemp Coffee Maker Review: My Take on it

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Being a full-on coffee freak, having a coffee maker made it easier on my wallet! My previous coffee maker did not do much for me and that is when I decided to invest in a more expensive one to see how that works out. Needless to say, the Cuisinart 14 cup coffee maker has been my favorite so far!

Here are the benefits it brought out for me:

24 Hours Programmable Feature:

Being the person who hates waking up in the morning, having a pre-set program was of utmost importance to me. You can easily use the Min button on the upper side to set your desired hour of coffee making and the Cuisinart DC3200 will get it done for you.

Moreover, this feature is great for when you want to relax or attend to other activities while your coffee is brewing. Set your preferred temperature, turn the self-programmable timer, and get all the other work done to come to a hot cup of coffee waiting for you!

Carafe Temp Button to Keep Coffee Warm:

Speaking of coming back to a hot cup of coffee, that is not what we get when we let it sit for a long time, do we? Cuisinart thought of that as well!

You will notice a carafe temp button below the LED display and that is what will save your coffee! While your coffee filled jar is still sitting on the unit, turn on the carafe heat and it will keep your beverage warm.

No, it does not alter the taste or make it watery. The coffee stays as it is!

Controlling the Brew Strength:

For someone whose coffee preferences depend on the mood, having complete control over how strong or light my coffee will be, is a godsend! If you want a light coffee, turn the maker on and get your coffee without any hassle.

You know those mornings where you just do not find any energy to go on? That is when the Bold feature comes into play. Press it down to get a kick of coffee boldness and get started on those busy Mondays!

Besides, when you are making coffee only for yourself, use the 1-4 cups button to get the ideal taste. This option adjusts the brewing accordingly and refrains the coffee from being too strong or too light.

Self-Cleaning Feature:

This was the best part for me! I hate cleaning any appliances and that is probably why a self-clean feature or a dishwasher safe machine is so important to me.

The Cuisinart perfectemp 14 cup programmable DCC-3200 was not completely dishwasher safe but it did come with a self-cleaning option. All I had to do was put in a mixture of water and detergent and let it do its magic!

Want more details? Scroll down to see the complete steps of cleaning.


All of these options are great, but how comfortable is it in terms of usage?

For starters, let me tell you that I do not like the thought of operating an overly complicated appliance. And safe to say, this one has been the easiest and most effortless to use amongst all the appliances I have owned.

The water window has a transparent reading gauge that can be read from both inside and outside. Whether you are helping someone else pour the water or doing it yourself, this one got your back!

One feature that left me impressed and got me on the bandwagon for its convenience is the Brew Pause option. If you are in a hurry and need to get the coffee out instantly, let it brew for a few seconds and pause the cycle to enjoy your hot cup of coffee!

Moreover, even if there is a power loss, it will not affect the brewing process.


The 60-second reset feature picks up on the last input and resumes the brewing as soon as the power in on! How smart is that?!  

Shut Down the Beep!

This point might not be all that important in making your choice, but it is definitely worth mentioning. Featuring a Tone button, the Cuisinart Perfectemp 14-cup Programmable Coffee Maker lets you stop the annoying beeping noise when your coffee is ready.

While it might not bother me, it surely bothered my dogs who started barking as soon as it went off! Besides, when you are getting ready for a late-night work session and the beeper goes off, your house members will not be all too happy!

How Well Does it Perform?

It is tough to impress me when it comes to appliances, and this one did an excellent job. This amazing-looking coffee maker sits on your counter like a king and brews up hot coffee in the best possible way!

With the variable options, it gives out coffee hotter than most other makers. In fact, while your barista coffee turns warm before it reaches you, this one stays hot till the very end. You get the flavor and you get the perfect temperature too!

Learning to use this machine might take a few tries, but once you get used to it, you will not go back to anything else. After all, no barista can make your coffee the way you can make it!

Buying the Cuisinart Coffee Maker DCC 3200: What You Need to Know

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Carafe Temp:

I did talk about the usefulness of the carafe temp option, but it does more than just keep your coffee warm…

It keeps the coffee warm to your desired temperature!

You can adjust the temperature from low, medium, or high. Being someone who uses a lot of milk in her coffee, I set it to high to keep it hot for a good amount of time.

If you do not add too many ingredients to your coffee, then I believe setting at a medium or low temperature should get the work done for you. Additionally, if you like sipping on coffee with a moderate amount of heat, then the lower settings work just as well!

Add Extra Water

When I use the 1-4 cups option, I always end up with coffee that is slightly bolder than what I intend it to be. That is when I realized that you need to add one cup of extra water when aiming for four cups.

What the Cuisinart 3200 does is it brews three cups of coffee when you pour in four cups of water. Ergo, it gives you a stronger brew than you expected if you do not add in an extra cup of liquid.


You might notice that the glass carafe does not exactly brew 14 cups in the standard 8-ounce cups that we use. Do not go ahead and start cursing at the company because they are right in their way.

Cuisinart uses cups that can hold 5 ounces of liquid and so their measurement is correct according to that. However, when using the 8-ounce mugs, you can get around 9 to 10 cups of coffee.

Slower Than Most:

The Cuisinart 14 cup coffee maker may be a lot of things, but it is not fast. Well, at least not as much as many others in the market.

This sturdy coffee maker takes its own sweet time to brew up your supreme cup of coffee. For me, it took somewhere between 5 to 10 minutes to brew 4 cups of coffee.

Although, if you are running on a tight schedule, this slowness will not hamper you much. Coming with the Brew Pause button, you can easily stop it after some time and grab your freshly made coffee instantly!

How to Use Cuisinart DCC 3200

Now that you have the Cuisinart perfectemp DCC-3200 sitting on your counter, how do you get it started? Here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Open the lid on top and take out the filter holder.
  2. Soak and rinse the charcoal water filter.
  3. Place the filter inside the holder and pop it back on.
  4. Put your desired amount of coffee grounds into the gold-tone filter inside.
  5. Pour in water into the water holder by looking at the window for guidance.
  6. Press down on your desired settings for coffee.
  7. Wait for a few minutes and you have your mouth watering cups of coffee!

It is best to always refer to the instruction manual in case of any confusion.

Need a more visual representation? Click here!

Friendly advice: If you want the least among of sediments in your coffee, then it is best to get yourself a paper filter. The Royal Premium 10″ Econoline Non-Woven Filter Cones are known to give the best results for the least amount of deposits!

Maintaining & Cleaning Tips for a Cuisinart Coffee Maker

The DCC-3200 Cuisinart is dishwasher safe when placed in the top rack. If you do not want to do that, you can always utilize the self-cleaning feature on it. I have already told you how easy it is to clean and here are the steps as promised.

Before we get started, the LED light does come on when the machine needs cleaning, although, you do not have to wait for that. You can trust your instinct and clean it after every two uses.

  1. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the body of the unit.
  2. Fill the carafe with water, till it is filled two-thirds of the way.
  3. Pour in white vinegar to fill the entire container.
  4. Take the filter holder out.
  5. Pour the mixture of water and vinegar into the water reservoir.
  6. Place the container back into its place.
  7. Press down on the cleaning button until it turns on the red light.
  8. Once the entire mixture is out in the carafe, empty it.
  9. Refill it with completely cold water.
  10. Place it back into its position and run another cycle of self-cleaning.
  11. Enjoy the next batch of coffee with the same taste as before!

Notice that I did not mention cleaning the gold-tone filter and that is because it is expected to stay put till your machine dies out. Even so, you can give it a rinse every one or two months to be on the safe side.

Remember that maintenance is key if you want to have the same taste of delightful coffee every time. If the interior is not squeaky clean, it will alter the taste of your beverages.

Where to Buy a Cuisinart Coffee Maker DCC 3200

The DCC 3200 might not be the most sleek looking coffee maker out there, but it is definitely an attention grabber. Having the looks of a professional coffee maker, it brews you the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Click here to get your new Cuisinart DCC-3200 Coffee Maker and start sipping on delicious, hot coffee every day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is The Difference Between DCC3200 And DCC1200?

The only aspect that is similar between the Cuisinart DCC-3200 and DCC-1200 is the somewhat same appearance of the two. Other than that, they have slight differences in every other area.

To start off, the coffee coming out of the DCC-3200 is packed with more flavors than the 1200. I believe that is because of the more advanced brewing technology that comes with the 3200. Whatever the reason is, I cannot complain!

Moreover, the 3200 Pertectemp Coffee Maker goes up to a much higher temperature than the 1200. It also accommodates 14 cups of coffee unlike the 12 cups by the Cuisinart DCC-1200 Brew Central.
With Cuisinart 1200, most people complained about the coffee grounds overflowing. It probably was because of exploiting the capacity of the filter, but either way, the 3200 has no such problem.

For me, the 3200’s controls are way easier to see and read. If you look at the Cuisinart DCC-1200, the buttons are all weirdly placed all over the front. Albeit, this is only a personal opinion from someone who loves organized buttons!

How High Is The Temperature Of The Freshly Brewed Coffee?

When the Cuisinart perfectemp coffee maker is still new in your kitchen, it keeps the coffee at a temperature of 170 degrees. Sometimes, I got mine at 180 degrees!

However, as the coffee maker gets older, say 3 years or so, it will start decreasing the temperature. But, I do believe that if you keep proper care of the machine, it will fluctuate only a little.

How Long Does It Take To Brew A Pot Of Coffee?

When brewing the maximum amount, that is 14 cups, the process takes around 8 minutes. If you put it in the bold setting along with 14 cups, it should take 10 minutes or so. For only one cup of coffee, it takes only 2 and a half minutes!

On the other hand, old age probably makes the coffee maker weaker. Ergo, after two plus years, it might take more than 15 minutes to brew 14 cups of coffee.

What Does The Bold Button Do On The Cuisinart Coffee Maker?

Those of you who love the taste of raw coffee, the bold button is for you! Clicking on this instructs the Cuisinart perfectemp 14 cup programmable DCC-3200 to make your coffee stronger than the regular ones.


Basically, what I think is that the machine reduces the speed with which water inserts itself into the coffee grounds. In this way, it gets enough time to properly soak into the grinds, enhancing the coffee flavor.

Do I Need A Paper Filter?

The Gold Tone Filter that comes with the Cuisinart DCC-3200 Programmable Coffee Maker is great for filtering out most of the coffee grounds. Nevertheless, paper filters are great for when you want extra filtration for your coffee. I would recommend using a paper filter if you want to utilize more of the coffee beans.

Wrapping Up

Real coffee lovers know that coffee is not only about getting that full burst of energy. It is about savoring every single sip that touches your taste buds. And with the Cuisinart Programmable Coffee Maker, that desire is fulfilled!

Its ability to let you control the brew strength and self-clean are two of the top features amongst all the other convenient traits.

Once you invest your money in this coffee maker, you will not regret it. So, click on the purchase link given in the Cuisinart DCC 3200 review and get delicious coffee right at home!

For any further questions or suggestions, leave a comment below.

The Nespresso Pixie Original Machine Review [2021] – Compact yet Powerful

When you hear the term “Pixie”, your thoughts would jump to those tiny, loud creatures with pointy ears in fairytales. When you add “Espresso Maker” beside it… let’s admit it, you’d be a little confused!

However, the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker has taken over the hearts of its customers, since it came out in 2011, as one of the best home espresso machines. That makes it almost a decade old!

You expect a machine with such a cute name to be something colorful, that almost works like a toy, and is loud. This beauty is anything but!

It’s got an ultra-sleek design and is unbelievably compact for a coffee machine. It’s meant for you coffee lovers to carry it with you when you’re away from home. Some people keep one in their vacation homes, others keep one in their office. They just can’t live without it!

It’s undeniably one of Nespresso’s most popular and well-loved devices to have come out. These Nespresso Pixie reviews will breakdown everything that is good or bad about the device, and all the features you should look out for!

How to Brew with Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker

The Nespresso Pixie Original Machine, though small, has multiple functionalities that allow it to be extremely versatile. Besides an espresso, it can brew a lungo, cappuccino, latte, etc. – all with the use of just two buttons!

It’s absolutely possible though, because of its clever concept and thoughtful design. Everything about this device is intentional and calculated, all the while making it look gorgeous on your counter.

But let’s start from the beginning, step by step.

First off, you’ve got to make sure that the water reservoir is full. It’s behind the device and comes off easily, so you can carry it to the water filter or sink to fill it up.

Check that your water is fresh, so you don’t infuse the flavor of coffee with any unpleasant odor.

Now, it’s time to begin the brewing process.

Start the machine by pressing one of the buttons on top of the machine – we’ll explain what each does in a second. The buttons will begin blinking, indicating that the machine is heating up.

Notice that there’s a silver handle in front of the dispenser. Pull that up to open the extraction chamber when the light stops blinking. Pop in a Nespresso capsule, then pull the handle back down to close it.

To get Nespresso Pixie with the capsules, click here.

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Next, place your cup on the cup holder underneath the spout. This cup holder is designed to support a small espresso glass, but you can fold it up to fit taller glasses if you’re looking to make a cappuccino or latte.

Now, back to the two buttons showing icons of cups on the device. The smaller one indicates an espresso shot while the larger one is for a lungo. Press the button for the coffee you desire and let the machine do its magic!

Note that though the device only has two buttons, it’s actually completely programmable. You simply have to hold down on one of the buttons when you’re brewing and release when the glass is filled to your desired amount.

This function is then saved so the next time you wish to brew a cup, you press the button and get the amount you saved, every time!

After every use, remember to run water through the machine to clean out the residual coffee left from the last run. Also, empty the extraction chamber. Pulling the handle upwards drops the used Nespresso capsule into the capsule container.

This capsule container is located right under the chamber, which makes it very convenient to dispose of. The container can carry up to 10 used capsules and is removable. It pulls out easily by tugging on the cup holder in front of it.

The machine turns off automatically after 9 minutes of inactivity, conserving energy. Nespresso Pixie also provides free postage-paid shipping bags to recycle used pods. It’s always a relief to know that a brand practices business responsibly.

How You Can Clean a Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker

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Cleaning a Nespresso Pixie may seem daunting at first. Can you put in vinegar?

How do you run water through it? Which button are you supposed to press?

Questions. Questions.

Although it does require a little bit of practice to get used to, it’s totally easy if you have the instruction manual in front of you. Moreover, you’re required to descale the machine only once a year!

There’s a descaling kit available, which is highly recommended by the Nespresso Pixie club. It comes with a special solution specifically designed for the Pixie. This is because using vinegar to clean the machine is discouraged as it may cause some damage.

Before you begin, ensure that the extraction chamber is clean by pulling the level up and then closing it. Empty the used capsule chamber and drip tray as well.

To begin the process of cleaning, add half a liter of fresh water and a full sachet of the Nespresso Descaling Solution to the water tank. Pop the reservoir back into the machine. Place a large container of a capacity of at least 0.6 liters.

Switch the machine on and make sure that the machine is heating up. After it’s done, press both the buttons down for 3 seconds, simultaneously. This is how you enter the descaling mode.

Then, press the lungo button to run the solution through the machine.

Run the used solution through the machine again, using the same process. Next, you rinse the water tank and fill it up with fresh water.

Run this clean water through the machine twice to make sure that the no residue of the descaling solution is left in the machine or the reservoir. Easy as pie!

Exit the descaling mode by holding down both the buttons for three seconds again. Rinse out the drip tray again as well so that the descaling solution doesn’t stay pooled in.

And you’re done!

This whole process only takes 15 to 20 minutes tops. Be extremely careful of the descaling solution as well; make sure it doesn’t get into your eyes or mouth because that could be dangerous.

Nespresso Citiz vs Pixie- What’s the Difference

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Both these machines are extremely well made for brewing coffee at home. They’re fast and efficient, and they both make exceptional espressos!

If you’re wondering about which one to get though, it all comes down to your preferences.

The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker is – you’ve guessed it – smaller than the Citiz by one foot. Which means it weighs less, about 2.6 pounds compared to 3.6 pounds, and has a smaller water tank.

It also requires less power than the Citiz, even though they have identical 19 bar high-pressure pumps. The Pixie also brews faster than the Citiz. That little beauty really packs a punch!

The Citiz, as it is taller, can fit a taller cup under its coffee dispenser. It’s actually got two drip trays that you can fold up or remove, while the Pixie only has one.

Other than these physical differences, they’re essentially almost the same. The Nespresso Pixie just fits in much nicer on counters, especially for people who have limited space in their kitchens!

The Nespresso Pixie Review: Is It Worth the Price?

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The Nespresso Pixie is truly a worthwhile investment as some of the best Nespresso machine reviews have stated. It is designed to be efficient, despite its size. Every feature of this device has some kind of role to play.

With a water capacity of 24 ounces, it can serve up to at least 10 espresso shots and about 8 lungo shots! It’s also great that you can customize the amount to your liking, enabling you to make some lattes or cappuccinos with it too!

Its compact size helps you save an insane amount of counter space. Given its gorgeous, sleek look, this device is certainly a looker. You really can’t help but show it off!

The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker is powered by a 19 bar high-pressure pump that allows for a brilliant blend of coffee that you only ever find at coffeehouses. Whenever you need a pick-me-up, simply grab a Nespresso capsule and pop one in!

It’s nice that there are only two buttons on top of the machine. It stops the device from being too cluttered, which would have been disastrous to use.

The machine is also super easy to clean. Since the espresso and lungo shots are made from the Nespresso capsules, all you need to do is remove the used pods from the chamber.

Nespresso also offers a recycling plan where you can return the used pods to them instead of throwing them away.

Descaling the machine is also conveniently a quick process and is only required once a year. However, you’ll still need to run water through the machine after every use to clean any residue. The device conserves electricity with its auto-off feature.

There’s more!

This box comes with an add-on, the Aeroccino Milk Frother which, when paired up with the pixie, is a brilliant device. To purchase Nespresso Pixie with the Aeroccino Milk Frother, click here.


  • It conserves energy.
  • It’s compact.
  • It’s programmable.
  • It comes with 16 Nespresso Capsules.
  • It’s made to conserve energy.
  • It’s simple to use and clean.


  • It’s expensive.
  • It requires a specific descaling kit for cleaning.
  • It requires Nespresso Capsules specifically to make coffee.

Why Can’t We Stop Talking about It?

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Nespresso Pixie is a small but pretty powerful device that brews beautifully and makes great espresso and lungo shots. It’s quite fast yet silent when it’s at work.

Portable and versatile- it’s a great choice to have at home or office, somewhere you have to spend a lot of time working.

Impressive Features of the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker

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Now we’re going to rant about the awesome features of this impressive device! Like we haven’t been.

High Quality:

The Nespresso Pixie, when paired up with the Nespresso pods, have a brilliant aroma and flavor. The pods are made of aluminum, which not only makes them recyclable but also preserved and elevates the taste of the coffee grounds.

The 19 bar high-pressure pump allows for an excellent brew which is used in coffeehouses and cafes. So you know you’re getting some high-quality espresso with the Pixie!


Despite the fact that it’s a relatively small machine, it can’t be denied that its speed is quite admirable. The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker is well known for its ability to brew coffee in seconds. Enjoy a great cup of espresso in the morning without the worry of being late!


The Pixie really lives up to its name in terms of size!

It’s slim, so it’ll fit perfectly in corners, even with the water tank. It’s small in terms of height as well. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about it bumping into cabinet tops.

Easy to Use:

This model has been upgraded so there’s no separate on/off switch. Simply press either one of the two buttons on the top to have it running.

The lights indicate different modes according to the machine’s activities, for example when it’s blinking, it means the device is heating.


Though there are only two buttons, the Nespresso Pixie is still programmable. Set your own preferences by holding down one of the buttons until it’s brewed to your desired volume.

Next time you press that button, the device will remember and brew the amount you wanted. To reset to default settings, you only need to press down on the Lungo button for 5 seconds while the device is off.


Since the device is programmable, you’re not just limited to brewing espressos and lungos. Whip up some cream and brew some cappuccinos, mochas, and lattes!

Easy to Clean:

Cleaning the pods after each use only requires you to pull the lever.

The used pod drops into the chamber below which can hold up to 11 pods. Clean it out when it’s full, which could even be a week later depending on how much coffee you have!

It’s also important to run water through the machine after every use, so no residue remains for the last brew. Descaling is only needed once a year, and you can find a helpful Descaling kit which makes the job easier and faster!

Sleek Appearance:

The Nespresso Pixie Original Machine comes in a sophisticated design that blends well in all environments, be it home or a workplace. You can choose from black, matt black, titan, red, and chrome.

Ecologically Designed:

The device is built to conserve energy. The Pixie shuts off automatically after 9 minutes of inactivity.

You can change this time to 30 mins or even completely off if you’re drinking coffee frequently, by following the instruction manual.

Nespresso also provides recycling bags in which you can send the used pods back to them through various methods. Their coffee is grown sustainably!


The Pixie comes with Nespresso Capsules to help you begin your journey with them. With an extra cost, you can also get the Aeroccino Milk Frother which froths milk for creamy hot drinks!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

We understand if you have questions regarding this product. Without the user manual, we’d be left confused too.

Is Nespresso A High-Quality Brand?

Because Nespresso, as a brand, has been around for more than 30 years, it’s not a surprise that their products are extremely popular. Their experience in the market has contributed to their expertise regarding everything related to coffee and the industry.

They are not just a B2C business. As in, they don’t only produce coffee machines for use at home. Their Aerolux line was made especially for airlines, and various other machines were specifically designed to serve businesses like hotels, restaurants, and offices.

Their pods are also distinctive in the sense that they are made of aluminum which makes the extraction more thorough. In addition to that, they’re also infinitely recyclable!

Which Pods Are Compatible With Nespresso Pixie?

Contrary to popular belief, you can use pods from competitor brands in the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker. Nespresso had taken away their labels of warning against competitor pods in 2014, meaning almost all other pods are perfectly compatible with their machines.

The Nespresso Capsules themselves come with labels and flavors specifically for the brew you want, such as espresso, lungo, and decaf. However, you can choose to use other pods if you’re worried about the cost.

Instant pods from brands like Keurig, Starbucks, Lavazza, HiLine, etc. work pretty well with the Pixie, opening up possibilities for you to experiment with your preferences.

WayCap also offers refillable pods with various lid designs that result in different brews. They are also compatible with Nespresso Original Machines and can be filled with freshly ground or pre-ground coffee at home!

How Do You Turn On A Nespresso Pixie?

The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker is powered by electricity outlets. The cable comes attached to the device. When you’re setting up the Pixie for the first time, adjust your cable so there’s no excess length on the way, making it a hazard.

Store the extra into the bottom of the machine. Next, plug it into our main outlet, and fit the cable into the cable guide, also under the machine. This will prevent the cable from getting damaged or torn.

Next, you simply need to press one of the buttons on top. The light around the rim will start blinking, to show that your espresso machine is heating up. When the light becomes steady, it’s ready to brew!

Is The Nespresso Pixie Worth It?

The Nespresso Pixie does not come cheap, but it is a great device to invest in if you’re a fan of high-quality espressos but do not have the patience to hand grind beans.

The Pixie is fast, efficient, easy to clean, and versatile.

It’s going to last a long time, serving you delicious coffee cup after cup. Its programmability comes in handy when you prefer to have customized cups as well.

So yes, we’d like to believe that the Nespresso Pixie Original Machine is definitely worth it!

How Do I Reset My Nespresso Pixie To Factory Settings?

As you know, the settings in the Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker can be programmed to your needs. However, you may choose to go back to its original settings.

With only two buttons on this device, we’d completely understand if you’re left scratching your head over the reset button.

The actual button is right in front of you!

Make sure your machine is off. Then long-press the Lungo button for 5 seconds, and you’re done!

Our Verdict

Now that you know all there is to know from this Nespresso Pixie review, what do you think?

We personally love this product, and it doesn’t hurt that the device is extremely stylish with its state-of-the-art design. It looks great on any counter and takes up as little space as possible for a coffee machine.

The Nespresso Pixie has survived 9 years in the market. It’s been remodeled with slight changes to make it more adaptable as time passed, maintaining or even upgrading its quality.

So, don’t hesitate if you’ve been thinking about getting this beauty, because it’s absolutely worth it!