Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking

Discovering the perfect Kashmiri Chili Powder Substitute can be a game-changer when you’re in the midst of creating a flavorful dish that calls for this vibrant, mildly spicy ingredient. Kashmiri chili powder is prized for its rich red color and relatively mild heat, which makes it an essential component of many Indian recipes.

However, finding a suitable substitute can be challenging, especially when you want to maintain the unique flavor and visual appeal of your dish. In this article, we will explore the world of Kashmiri chili powder substitutes, guiding you through various alternatives that closely mimic the taste, heat, and color of the original ingredient.

So, let’s embark on this culinary journey and find the perfect Kashmiri chili powder substitute for your next culinary masterpiece!

Kashmiri Chili Powder Substitute
Kashmiri Chili Powder Substitute

History of Kashmiri chili

Kashmiri chili is predominantly grown in the Kashmir region of India today but was originally introduced by the explorer Vasco da Gama in 1497. It was grown in Goa for years until it was introduced to northern India. Since the conditions were conducive for growing it in Kashmir, production in Kashmir increased significantly.

What does Kashmiri chili powder taste like?

Kashmiri chili has a mildly spicy flavor and a mildly sweet taste-note. Its dark red color and mild flavor have made it famous. According to Wikipedia, its heat level is between 1000 to 2000 SHU. The demand for this chili is so high that, at times, it becomes difficult to procure it, and this is where substitutes come into the picture.

Why You May Need a Substitute

Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking 1
Kashmiri chili powder taste like

There are a couple of reasons you might need a substitute for Kashmiri chili powder:

Availability Issues

Depending on where you live, Kashmiri chili powder might be hard to find at your local grocery store or specialty market. In such cases, you’ll need an alternative that can provide a similar flavor profile and color.

Heat Preferences

Kashmiri chili powder is known for its mild heat, but some people might prefer a spicier alternative. In this case, you’ll want a substitute that can provide the desired level of heat without compromising the dish’s overall flavor.

Kashmiri chili powder substitute

Chili VarietyHeat Level (Scoville Units)Flavor ProfileCommon Uses as a Substitute
Byadgi Chili5,0000-100,000Mild, fruity, sweetCurries, chutneys, spice blends, tandoori dishes
Deggi Mirch1,000-2,000Vibrant, slightly smokyCurries, spice blends, tandoori dishes
Ancho Chili Powder1,000-2,000Mild, sweet, fruityCurries, stews, sauces, marinades
Paprika and Cayenne Mix500-50,000Varies, sweet to hotCurries, spice blends, rubs, marinades
Guajillo Chili2,500-5,000Mild, tangy, sweetCurries, sauces, stews, spice blends
Red Chili Powder30,000-70,000Hot, pungentCurries, spice blends, tandoori dishes
Rogan500-100,000Mild, aromatic, earthyCurries, stews, sauces, marinades
Hot Sauces1,500 – several millionVaries widelyCurries, spice blends, sauces, marinades
Chipotle Powder2,500-8,000Smoky, earthy, spicyCurries, stews, sauces, marinades
Chile Pasilla1,000-2,500Mild, fruity, earthyCurries, stews, sauces, spice blends

1. Byadgi chili

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Byadgi chili is a great substitute that comes from India as well. A similar color profile certainly makes it easy to use. However, the hotness level is much higher at 50,000- 100,000 SHU. Due to the same, limit it to 1/4th of the quantity of Kashmiri chili.

The color of this chili is so distinct that it is used in products like dyes, nail polish, and even lipsticks. Nevertheless, it is a food-grade ingredient entirely safe for consumption.

2. Deggi Mirch

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With a heat level of 1000-2000 SHU, Deggi Mirch corresponds closely to the heat level of Kashmiri chili. In terms of composition, Deggi mirch is a spice blend consisting of Kashmiri chili and other spices. Since Kashmiri chili is present, the color is the same, and you get a similar mild taste with a little sweet flavor. However, since it also consists of other chili types, use it in half the quantity of Kashmiri chili.

3. Ancho Chili Powder

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Ancho Chili is native to Mexico. However, in many traits, it is similar to Kashmiri chili. For example, its heat level is between 1000 to 2000 SHU. The core ingredient of this powder is Poblano peppers. They have a hint of smoky flavor along with a slightly sweet taste.

While it is not used widely in Indian cuisine, it is very popular globally. The only difference is in color; therefore, you will miss out on that classic red color. Use it in half the quantity of Kashmiri to get the flavor right.

4. Paprika and Cayenne mix

Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking 5

Sometimes you need to improvise to create a substitute. By improvising, I mean creating a mixture of Smoked paprika and cayenne. The good news is both are common in home pantries in most parts of the world.

You might think, why does this mix work?

Paprika has a smoky and little sweet taste similar to Kashmiri chili. Cayenne adds heat and earthy flavors to the mixture. Both of them together offer excellent taste notes.

The only downside is the heat level of 50,000 SHU which makes it much hotter than other substitutes on the list. So, use it in 1/5th of the quantity of Kashmiri chili.

5. Guajillo Chili

Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking 6

Need a chili that is slightly hotter than Kashmiri chili?

If yes, go with Guajillo chili, which has a heat level of 2500 to 5000 SHU. This is another chili native to Mexico. Usually, it’s used in the dried form or in powdered form. These chilies are characterized by reddish-brown color. Since it is a notch spicier and hotter than Kashmiri chili, use it in half the proportion. Apart from being slightly spicier, it also has a slight sweet punch in its taste. However, there is not much change in color due to the reddish brown color. You can use it in salsas, meats, soups, etc.

6. Red chili powder

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Sometimes simple solutions are the best. An example is using red chili powder in place of Kashmiri chili. Red chili powder is made from Gochugaru chilies. Such powder is widely used in kimchi, soups, and pickled vegetables. With a color similar to Kashmiri chili, no additional coloring agent is needed. 

Such chili powder is used in both Indian and Korean cuisine. Numerous variants of such powder are available, ranging from a heat level of 30,000 to 70,000 SHU; accordingly, you have to reduce the quantity of this powder.

7. Rogan

Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking 8

I do not blame you if you do not know what Rogan is. It is common in commercial establishments rather than among home cooks. Rogan is nothing but oil mixed with chili to make any curry or delicacy hot and spicy. It is native to India and used in curries for ages.

The heat level of Rogan actually depends on the type of chili used to make it, ranging from very mild to very hot. In general, the SHU could range widely from as low as 500 to as high as 100,000.

Since it is a layer of oil, it can be applied as a garnish in any recipe. The heat level depends on the chili powder that is used along with the oil. Use a milder one, and you can add oil to the delicacy in ample amounts. The versatility of Rogan is what propelled me to include this substitute in this list.

8. Hot sauces

Not all Kashmiri chili substitutes are fresh. Many hot sauces are available online and in your nearest supermarkets with different types of chilies in the ingredient list.

Best of all, the shelf life of such sauces can range from a couple of months to even one year, which means you can store such sauces for a long time.

9. Chipotle powder

Beyond Kashmiri Chili: Top Substitutes for Indian Cooking 9
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Most Kashmiri chili substitutes in this list are of Indian or Asian origin.

What if you need something that is native to western cuisines?

If so, go with chipotle powder. The core ingredient of chipotle powder are jalapeno peppers that are smoked and then dried. Smoky flavor adds another taste note to your recipe.

Depending on the concentration of peppers in the powder, its heat level can vary from 2500 to 8,000 SHU. As for the taste notes, the powder offers pungent, mildly spicy, and earthy notes. None of these will overpower your recipe. The dark orange color of this powder makes it very similar to Kashmiri chili. Couple all this with its wide availability, and it is one of the best substitutes.

10. Chile pasilla

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Chile pasilla is dried chilaca pepper known for its classic dark brown color. The heat level is low, with a heat level between 1000 to 2500. Smoky, earthy notes certainly help it impart excellent taste to any recipe. However, there is a surprise fruity note (very subtle) to it. The color imparted might be a bit darker than red chilies, but this is an excellent choice if you are looking for a milder alternative.

Solution for getting the right color

A couple of substitutes in the list above do not impart a red color to the delicacy. When using such substitutes, impart the right color using the ingredients below:

  • Food color

Go with any natural food colors available online to get that deep red color.

  • Beetroot

Beetroots (solid form or juice form) can impart that deep red color to any delicacy. Using it in conjunction with the substitutes above ensures the color of the delicacy remains the same.

Homemade Kashmiri Chili Powder Substitute

If you can’t find any of the pre-made substitutes mentioned earlier or prefer to make your own custom blend, you can create a homemade Kashmiri chili powder substitute. This DIY recipe combines different chili powders to mimic the mild heat and fruity flavor of Kashmiri chili powder.

DIY Kashmiri Chili Powder Recipe


  • 2 tablespoons paprika
  • 1 tablespoon ancho chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon guajillo chili powder (optional, for a slightly hotter blend)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional, for a spicier blend)


  1. In a small bowl, mix the paprika and ancho chili powder together. This blend should provide a mild heat and fruity flavor similar to Kashmiri chili powder.
  2. If you prefer a slightly hotter substitute, add the guajillo chili powder and mix well.
  3. For a spicier blend, add the cayenne pepper to the mixture. Remember to use cayenne sparingly, as it can significantly increase the heat level.
  4. Once you’ve achieved your desired heat level and flavor profile, store your homemade Kashmiri chili powder substitute in an airtight container, away from heat and light sources.

This DIY recipe allows you to adjust the heat and flavor to your preferences, making it a versatile and convenient substitute for Kashmiri chili powder. You can use it in any recipe that calls for Kashmiri chili powder, ensuring you get the desired taste and color in your dishes.


What is the main difference between Kashmiri chili powder and regular chili powder?

The main difference between Kashmiri chili powder and regular chili powder is the heat level and flavor profile. Kashmiri chili powder has a milder heat and a slightly sweet, fruity flavor, while regular chili powder can vary in heat and flavor depending on the blend of chilies used.

Can I use regular chili powder as a substitute for Kashmiri chili powder?

You can use regular chili powder as a substitute for Kashmiri chili powder, but be aware that it may have a different heat level and flavor profile. To achieve a closer match to Kashmiri chili powder, consider mixing regular chili powder with paprika or another mild chili powder.

Are there any other substitutes for Kashmiri chili powder besides the ones mentioned in this article?

Yes, there may be other suitable substitutes depending on your preferences and the ingredients available in your region. Some examples include New Mexico chili powder, Aleppo pepper, and even a blend of smoked paprika and sweet paprika. Feel free to experiment with different chili powders to find the one that works best for you and your recipe.

How can I adjust the heat level of a substitute for Kashmiri chili powder?

To adjust the heat level of a substitute, you can mix different chili powders together or use them sparingly. For example, if you want a milder heat, mix a hotter chili powder like cayenne pepper with a milder one like paprika. If you prefer a hotter blend, increase the amount of a spicier chili powder in your substitute.

How should I store my homemade Kashmiri chili powder substitute?

Store your homemade Kashmiri chili powder substitute in an airtight container, away from heat, light, and moisture. Keeping it in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cupboard, will help preserve its flavor and potency for an extended period.


  1. Byadgi Chili: source
  2. Deggi Mirch: source
  3. Ancho Chili Powder: source
  4. Paprika: source
  5. Cayenne: source
  6. Guajillo Chili: source
  7. Red chili powder (Gochugaru): source
  8. Rogan: Heat level depends on the chilies used in the oil, e.g., Ancho or Cayenne (link as above)
  9. Hot Sauces: Varies widely based on peppers used: source
  10. Chipotle Powder: source
  11. Chile Pasilla: source

Does Pepper Expire? Unveiling the Shelf Life and Tips to Keep Pepper Fresh

We’ve all had that moment: standing in front of the spice cabinet, a recipe in hand, wondering if the pepper lurking in the back is still good to use. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Does pepper expire?” – you’re not alone. Like many other spices, pepper is an essential ingredient in numerous dishes, and understanding its shelf life and proper storage methods can have a significant impact on our culinary experiences.

In this article, we’ll provide comprehensive information on various aspects of pepper expiration, including its shelf life, signs of spoilage, and even how to make the most of expired pepper through some clever repurposing. Our goal is to help you maintain the flavor and freshness of pepper in your cooking adventures and ensure the best results in your culinary creations.

does pepper expire
Does Pepper

Understanding Pepper Expiration

The concept of pepper expiration is often misunderstood, leading to premature disposal of this valuable spice or, conversely, using it when it is no longer at its best. Several factors contribute to the expiration process, including oxidation and moisture, which can compromise the taste and potency of pepper. While pepper doesn’t necessarily “expire” in the way that perishable foods do, it does lose its flavor and aroma over time, affecting its performance in recipes.

One crucial distinction to keep in mind is the difference between the shelf life of whole pepper and ground pepper. Whole peppercorns retain their flavor and aroma for much longer than ground pepper due to their protective outer shell. Once ground, pepper is far more susceptible to oxidation and contamination from moisture. In general, whole peppercorns can last up to 4 years if properly stored, while ground pepper’s shelf life is typically around 1 to 2 years.

Signs of Spoiled Pepper

To determine if your pepper is still good to use, it’s essential to understand the visual, olfactory, and taste indicators of spoiled or rancid pepper. While a proper sensory evaluation can be subjective, we’ll provide you with some general guidelines to follow.


Mold in pepper indicates it has come into contact with moisture, rendering it unsuitable for consumption. In some cases, the mold may not be easily seen, so paying attention to other signs of spoilage is crucial.

Off-Putting Odors

A strong, pungent, or musty smell can signal that your pepper has gone bad. Fresh pepper should have a sharp, earthy aroma that adds to the overall flavor profile of dishes. Rancid pepper may possess smells reminiscent of mildew, chemicals, or other unpleasant scents that would be unwelcome in your culinary creations.

Loss of Flavor

The primary purpose of pepper in recipes is to add flavor and heat; a lack of these attributes could be a sign of expired pepper. To determine if your pepper still has flavor, you can taste a small amount. If it’s bland or lacks its characteristic spiciness, it’s time to replace it.

Proper Storage to Extend Shelf Life

Does Pepper Expire? Unveiling the Shelf Life and Tips to Keep Pepper Fresh 11

Maintaining your pepper’s freshness largely depends on how you store it. To prolong its shelf life and ensure it stays as flavorful as possible, keep these tips in mind:

Airtight Containers

Exposure to air can accelerate the oxidation process and deteriorate the taste and aroma of your pepper. To prevent this, store your pepper in airtight containers, which help preserve its freshness. If you have bulk pepper or have recently opened a new container, transfer the remaining pepper to a smaller container to minimize air exposure further.

Protect Pepper from Light and Moisture

Storing pepper in a dark, cool, and dry place will help stave off the harmful effects of light and moisture. Exposure to direct sunlight or damp environments can quickly compromise the quality of your pepper and lead to spoiled pepper. Cupboards, pantries, or even specialized spice racks with doors can be ideal storage locations for preventing light and moisture damage.

Labeling Pepper Containers

Keeping track of your pepper’s age is essential to ensuring your using it while it’s still fresh. Labeling your pepper containers with the date of purchase or the pepper expiration date (if available) can be an invaluable reminder to replace your pepper before it goes bad. This simple practice may save your culinary creations and your taste buds from disappointment.

Making the Most of Expired Pepper

Does Pepper Expire? Unveiling the Shelf Life and Tips to Keep Pepper Fresh 12
pepper powder

While using expired pepper in your favorite recipes may not produce the desired results, it doesn’t mean it’s entirely useless. Before we dive into alternative uses for expired pepper, it’s essential to address any safety concerns.

In general, using expired pepper is not harmful to your health, as it is a dry spice with antimicrobial properties. However, the diminished flavor and aroma can affect the quality and enjoyment of your dishes. With that in mind, here are some alternative uses for slightly expired pepper:

Repurposing in Spice Blends

By mixing expired pepper with other spices, you can create unique spice blends that help mask the loss of flavor and give new life to your pepper. For example, a blend with smoked paprika, cumin, and coriander could be an exciting addition to roasted vegetables, grilled meats, or marinades.

DIY Household Solutions

Slightly expired pepper can also serve various useful purposes around your home. For instance, pepper can be used as a natural pest repellent against ants and other insects. Sprinkling expired ground pepper along doorways, window sills, or other entry points helps deter bugs without exposing you or your family members to harmful chemicals.

The fun part of cooking is the experimentation, embrace it! I once used expired pepper in a homemade potpourri where I combined it with dried flowers, cinnamon, and clove. The result was a pleasantly fragrant mixture that I displayed around my home, giving those old peppercorns a second life.

Adjusting Recipes

When working with expired pepper, making adjustments to your recipes can help compensate for the loss of flavor. By using larger quantities of pepper or incorporating additional spices to bolster the taste profile, you might be able to achieve satisfactory results. Be cautious with your experimentation, though – overloading a dish with pepper could lead to a heavy-handed flavor and an unpalatable dish.


Can pepper go bad and make you sick?

Pepper, like other dry spices, has a very low risk of making you sick, thanks to its antimicrobial properties. However, the quality and flavor of pepper can decline over time, making it a less-than-ideal addition to your dishes.

Can you use pepper after the expiration date?

It is generally safe to use pepper past its expiration date; however, its flavor and aroma might be significantly diminished. In such cases, consider alternative uses for expired pepper, such as repurposing it in spice blends or using it in other non-culinary applications.

Does expired pepper lose its spiciness?

Yes, over time, the volatile compounds responsible for pepper’s spiciness will degrade and evaporate, causing the spice to become less potent.

How should I store pepper for long-lasting freshness?

Storing pepper in an airtight container, away from light and moisture is crucial for maintaining its freshness. Cupboards, pantries, or specialized spice racks with doors can provide suitable storage environments for your pepper.

Can I still use pepper if it has a slightly off smell?

If your pepper has an off-putting smell, it could signal a decline in quality or even contamination. It’s best to exercise caution and consider replacing your pepper in such instances.

Can I freeze pepper to extend its shelf life?

While freezing is an effective method for preserving many foods, its impact on the taste and quality of pepper is debatable. While freezing might help slow down oxidation and maintain the freshness of pepper, it could also cause the spice to clump and lose some of its flavor and aroma. We recommend sticking with proper pepper storage methods like airtight containers and avoiding the freezer.

Does ground pepper have a shorter shelf life than whole pepper?

Yes, ground pepper generally has a shorter shelf life than whole peppercorns due to its increased surface area and susceptibility to oxidation and moisture.


Understanding the ins and outs of pepper expiration is crucial to maintaining the quality and enjoyment of your dishes. By properly storing your pepper, paying attention to signs of spoilage, and making informed decisions on using expired pepper, you can ensure a consistently flavorful culinary experience.

Remember to label your containers, store them away from light and moisture, and check them periodically for freshness. When in doubt, rely on your senses to determine the quality of your pepper. And, when it comes time to replace your pepper, embrace your creativity when repurposing those expired peppercorns for household uses or experimenting with different spice blends.

With these insights, we hope you’re better equipped to make the most of your pepper and enjoy the rewards of a tasty and aromatic kitchen.


  1. American Spice Trade Association (2019). Food Safety Education – Shelf-Stable Foods.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Antimicrobial Properties of Spices.
  3. Clemson Cooperative Extension (2012). How to Store Your Pantry Staples.
  4. Department of Agriculture. (2020). Improving pantry storage.
  5. FoodKeeper App by the USDA USDA FoodKeeper

Does Ground Pepper Go Bad? Your Complete Guide to Shelf Life, Quality, and Storage

Are you aware that ground pepper, an essential kitchen staple, can lose its potency and develop off-flavors over time? Have you ever found yourself asking, “Does ground pepper go bad?” If so, you’ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn all about the shelf life, quality, and proper storage of ground pepper, ensuring that you always have fresh, flavorful spices on hand for your culinary creations.

does ground pepper go bad
does ground pepper go bad

Understanding Ground Pepper Shelf Life

Ground pepper, particularly ground black pepper, is derived from the berries of the Piper nigrum plant, commonly known as peppercorns. These berries can be processed in different ways to create various types of pepper, such as ground black pepper, ground white pepper, and many more. The composition of ground pepper is primarily determined by the processing method and the type of peppercorn used.

Various factors affect the shelf life of ground pepper, which generally ranges from six months to three years, depending on the form. Whole peppercorns can retain their flavor for a longer period, up to about four years if stored properly. However, the shelf life of pre-ground pepper is significantly shorter, as grinding exposes the volatile oils and flavor compounds within the pepper, which are prone to degradation over time.

As ground pepper ages, it may not necessarily spoil in the conventional sense of rotting or developing mold. Instead, it can lose its potency and develop off-flavors, diminishing the quality of your culinary creations.

Signs of Spoiled Ground Pepper

Identifying spoiled ground pepper is essential for avoiding potential health risks and maintaining the taste and aroma of your dishes. Common signs of ground pepper going bad include:

  • Loss of aroma: Fresh ground pepper should have a strong, pungent smell. If the aroma is weak or absent, it’s a sign that the ground pepper has lost its potency.
  • Off-flavors: Spoiled or rancid ground pepper may develop a bitter or otherwise unpleasant taste that can negatively affect your recipes. This can be easily detected by dabbing a small amount of ground pepper on your finger and tasting it.
  • Discoloration: Fresh ground pepper should have a vibrant, dark color, whereas spoiled pepper may appear dull or lighter in color.

While consuming expired ground pepper usually doesn’t pose severe health risks, it can lead to gastrointestinal issues or mild allergic reactions in some cases. Hence, it’s best to discard any ground pepper that exhibits signs of spoilage.

Factors Affecting Ground Pepper Quality

Does Ground Pepper Go Bad? Your Complete Guide to Shelf Life, Quality, and Storage 13
Ground Pepper

Ensuring the quality of your ground pepper involves taking care of various factors that can contribute to its degradation. The most common factors that impact ground pepper quality are:

  1. Moisture: Excess moisture can cause ground pepper to clump and develop mold or mildew. It’s crucial to store ground pepper in a dry environment and avoid using wet utensils.
  2. Light: Prolonged exposure to light can break down the flavor compounds in ground pepper, leading to flavor loss. It’s best to store your ground pepper in a cool, dark place.
  3. Heat: High temperatures can also contribute to the degradation of ground pepper’s flavor. Store it away from heat sources, such as ovens or stovetops.
  4. Air: Exposure to air can lead to the oxidation of volatile oils and flavor compounds in ground pepper, causing a reduction in its potency. Use airtight containers to minimize air exposure.

Following proper storage techniques will not only help maintain the optimal quality and flavor of your ground pepper but also extend its shelf life.

Extending the Shelf Life of Ground Pepper

To maximize the freshness and longevity of your ground pepper, consider these best practices:

  • Purchase smaller quantities: Buying smaller amounts of ground pepper ensures that you use it up before it loses its potency. This also minimizes waste and promotes fresher flavors in your recipes.
  • Store in cool, dark, and dry conditions: As discussed earlier, the storage environment plays a significant role in preserving ground pepper quality. Keep your ground pepper in a pantry or cabinet away from sources of heat, light, and moisture.
  • Use airtight containers: Select high-quality, airtight containers to store your ground pepper. This will protect it from moisture, air, and light exposure, all of which can degrade the quality of your pepper.


How long does ground pepper last?

Ground pepper’s shelf life can range from six months to three years, depending on factors such as storage conditions, the quality of pepper, and whether it’s whole or pre-ground. Under optimal storage conditions, you can typically expect pre-ground pepper to retain its flavor for about a year, while whole peppercorns can last up to four years.

Can you use ground pepper past its expiration date?

Using ground pepper past its expiration date is generally safe, as long as it doesn’t exhibit any signs of spoilage such as mold, off-flavors, or foul smells. However, be aware that ground pepper’s potency and flavor will diminish over time. To ensure the best possible taste in your dishes, try to use ground pepper within its recommended shelf life, and discard any pepper that has lost its aroma or developed off-flavors.

How should I store ground pepper to prolong its shelf life?

Follow these steps to properly store ground pepper and extend its shelf life:
01 Choose an airtight container: Select a high-quality, airtight container made from materials such as glass or ceramic that can block light and air exposure.
02 Label your container: Clearly label the container with the date of purchase and type of ground pepper. This will help you keep track of the pepper’s age and avoid mixing different types of pepper accidentally.
03 Store away from heat, light, and moisture: Keep your ground pepper in a cool, dark, and dry place like a pantry or cupboard. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and store it away from heat sources like stovetops or ovens.
04 Avoid cross-contamination: Do not use wet or contaminated utensils to scoop out ground pepper, as this can introduce moisture and bacteria, which could lead to spoilage. Always use clean, dry utensils for scooping.


Understanding the shelf life and quality of ground pepper is crucial for maximizing its flavor potential in your cooking. Despite its impressive versatility and resistance to spoilage, ground pepper can still lose its potency and develop off-flavors over time due to factors such as moisture, light, heat, and air exposure. By following proper storage practices and knowing when it’s time to replace your ground pepper, you can continue enjoying its rich, aromatic, and slightly spicy taste in your dishes.

Always remember: Fresh ground pepper is an essential ingredient for creating delicious, memorable meals. Stay mindful of your ground pepper’s condition, and don’t hesitate to replace it when necessary – your tastebuds will undoubtedly thank you!

Reference Links:

  1. McCormick: How to Properly Store Spices
  2. WebMD: Pepper: Health Benefits and Risks
  3. Food52: How Long Do Spices Really Last?
  4. SFGate: How to Know If Pepper Has Gone Bad
  5. The Spruce Eats: How to Store Pepper

Top 10 Spices You Can Substitute for Cumin: All the Things You Can Use Instead

Cumin is a pretty potent spice that is found in many different kinds of cooking. However, if you don’t make curries or chili very often, you may not always have cumin in your spice rack. Cumin is one spice that you can’t skip, as your dish will clearly taste like something crucial is missing.

But you can’t grab the nearest spice on hand and use it instead of cumin. After all, using ground sesame or oregano won’t give the flavor you are looking for. So, what is a good substitute for cumin?

Have no fear, however─ this article has rounded up several seasonings and spices that you can substitute for cumin. Whether you are making an Indian curry or trying out Tex-Mex recipes at home, these spices will have you covered.

If you want to learn more about cumin substitutes and upgrade your cooking game, keep reading and find out more!

Find out substitute for potato flour here!

What is Cumin?

What is Cumin
What is Cumin

Cumin is a spice made from the dried seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant. This plant is from the parsley family, although cumin tastes quite different from both fresh and dried cumin. The spice is used extensively in Indian, East-Asian, Middle Eastern, North African, and Latin American cooking.

It is an old spice and has been used in Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, and other early civilizations. The Egyptians used it both for cooking, and even as a preserving agent during the mummifying process! Cumin is also mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.

Cooking with cumin generally involves using whole seeds or crushing them into a fine powder. The most commonly sold variety of cumin looks yellow-brown. However, you may also find green or white cumin, as well as black cumin (also known as Shahi Jeera in Indian cooking).

Cumin has a warm, earthy flavor that adds a lot of depth and complexity to your dishes. It also gives curries and other dishes a rich, dark color. The powder also has a tangy, musky scent that infuses well into a variety of foods.

The spice works well in stews, curries, marinades, as well as in salad dressings, as a topping or garnish, and even in dips like hummus. Cumin is also a primary spice in many spice blends across various cuisines like garam masala and adobo seasoning mixes.

To amplify the flavor of cumin, the whole seeds are dry roasted in a dry pan over low heat until fragrant. You can then use the seeds as is, or grind them to a powder using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle.

Top 10 Spices You Can Use as a Cumin Substitute

substitute for cumin
Cumin Substitute

Now, let’s get to the point of this article. If you are looking for a cumin replacement, these alternatives will give your dishes a similar flavor profile. 

However, each substitute works best for different kinds of cooking, so I will outline which dishes they are most suited for.

Substitute SpiceFlavor ProfileAvailabilityUsageTips for Using
CorianderCitrusy, slightly sweet, with hints of sageWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in many cuisines, including Indian, Middle Eastern, and EuropeanUse 1 teaspoon of coriander as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Fennel SeedsSweet, licorice-like, with a hint of bitternessWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in European, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisinesUse ¾ teaspoon of ground fennel seeds as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Curry PowderEarthy, slightly spicy, with a hint of sweetnessWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of curry powder as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Garam MasalaWarm, earthy, with a hint of sweetnessWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of garam masala as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Chili PowderSpicy, earthyWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Mexican and Southwestern cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of chili powder as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
PaprikaSlightly sweet, smokyWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in European, Middle Eastern, and American cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of paprika as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Smoked PaprikaSmoky, slightly sweetWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in European and Spanish cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
AllspiceWarm, slightly sweet, with hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clovesWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Caribbean and Middle Eastern cuisinesUse ½ teaspoon of ground allspice as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Taco SeasoningSpicy, earthyWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisinesUse 1 teaspoon of taco seasoning as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Fenugreek SeedsSlightly bitter, nutty, with a hint of maple syrupWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Indian, Middle Eastern, and African cuisinesUse ¾ teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
Indian Five-Spice MixWarm, slightly sweetWidely available in grocery stores and onlineUsed in Indian cuisineUse 1 teaspoon of Indian five-spice mix as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin

01. Coriander:

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A very common substitute for cumin powder is coriander. It is a pretty versatile spice and is made from the seeds of the coriander plant. Like cumin, coriander is related to the parsley family. 

As a result, the spice shares the same warmth and earthy flavor of cumin, as well as its rich, dark color. You can use the spice in either its whole form or powder as an alternative for cumin.

Although the flavor of coriander is quite similar to cumin, it lacks a lot of heat and spiciness. You can make up for this by adding a little more of other seasonings like cayenne or turmeric or even red chili flakes. 

However, coriander has a mild warmth and a lemony-earthiness that matches the flavor profile well, especially if the whole seeds are toasted.

If you want to use coriander as a substitute in a curry, use the same amount as mentioned for cumin in the recipe. Taste for seasoning, and if you find that you want more heat, add a pinch or two of cayenne.

Best for: Indian and other Asian curries and marinades, Middle-Eastern dishes

Not Recommended for: Tex-Mex and Latin American recipes

Flavor Profile: Slightly citrusy, sweet, nutty

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Coriander is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use ¾ teaspoon of ground coriander as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: McCormick Culinary Ground Coriander and Anthony’s Organic Coriander Seeds

02. Caraway Seeds:

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Caraway is another close cousin of cumin, just like coriander. Carraway is also a member of the parsley family and the seeds look very similar to those of cumin. These factors make it a good replacement for cumin.

Like cumin, caraway seeds have an earthy, slightly warm flavor. These seeds also have a slight hint of anise to them. They work particularly well in dishes like curry that use a small number of whole cumin seeds to temper hot oil. 

However, you can also powder caraway seeds and use them in recipes that use ground cumin.

Caraway seeds are typically used in things like potato salads and rye bread. You may also find them in some Indian or Middle-Eastern spice blends. 

Like coriander, it is milder than cumin. So you might have to add cayenne or pepper flakes to make up for the heat and spice.

As a rule of thumb, use whole caraway seeds to replace cumin seeds. Similarly, use the powdered version instead of ground cumin.

Best for: Indian and Middle-Eastern cooking, in salads and dips

Not Recommended for: Marinades and Latin American recipes

Flavor Profile: Warm, slightly sweet, with a hint of anise

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Caraway seeds are commonly used in European, Middle Eastern, and African cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use ¾ teaspoon of ground caraway seeds as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: The Spice Way Caraway Seeds Whole and Marshalls Creek Spices Ground Caraway

03. Curry Powder:

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Curry powder is used in a lot of Western versions of Indian dishes. It is a spice blend containing things like turmeric, ground coriander, cayenne, and things like cinnamon, and mustard. Almost all curry powders contain cumin as well, so you can use it as a replacement.

Different curry powders contain different ratios of spices and many also include spices and herbs like ground fennel, black pepper, and even ginger. This means that your dish will have a more balanced and complex flavor, as well as sweet and earthy notes.

However, curry powder will make the end product as the turmeric can make it more of a yellow than a brown. Because there is a whole mix of potent spices in curry powder, you should use half the amount of cumin mentioned in the recipe, and add more later if needed.

If the dish in question is meant to have a simple one-note earthy flavor instead of something spicier and more complex, avoid spice blends and stick to the single spices mentioned here.

Best for: Indian and East-Asian recipes, curries, and marinades

Not Recommended for: Middle Eastern and Latin American dishes.

Flavor Profile: Earthy, slightly spicy, with a hint of sweetness

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Curry powder is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of curry powder as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: Simply Organic Curry Powder and McCormick Curry Powder

04. Garam Masala:

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While curry powder is more commonly used in the West, garam masala is a staple in South Asian dishes. Added to yogurt to make a flavorful marinade, or sautéed with aromatics in curries, it is a spice blend that adds oodles of depth and warmth to meat and vegetable dishes.

Garam masala contains a mix of ground cumin, black pepper, bay leaves, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamon. It has a color similar to cumin and has a rich and earthy flavor. Some blends even add things like nutmeg, mace, and star anise; all of which impart sweet, citrusy notes.

In many curries, garam masala is added at the end of cooking, along with a little butter (regular or clarified), to give the dish a fresh and warm aroma. Like curry powder, garam masala might be a little too potent, so start by adding the amount of cumin called for in the recipe, and more later.

Pro-Tip: If your recipe mentions some of the other ingredients included in curry powder or garam masala, avoid adding them, as this can double the total spices used and throw off the taste.

Best for: Indian and some South African dishes

Not Recommended for: East-Asian, Latin American, and most Middle Eastern recipes

Flavor Profile: Warm, earthy, with a hint of sweetness

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Garam masala is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of garam masala as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: Morton & Bassett Garam Masala and McCormick Gourmet Garam Masala Blend

05. Taco Seasoning:

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Cumin is a primary component of this spice blend. If you thought that taco seasoning could only be used in making tacos, think twice. 

You can use it to make fajitas, add it to ground beef, and even in marinades, and use it in chili. That’s not all, you can even experiment with it by adding it to chicken to make a sort of fusion shawarma!

Along with cumin, taco seasoning also has paprika, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder, crushed chili flakes, as well as salt and pepper. Because of this, you might have to decrease or even omit the salt mentioned in the recipe. Taste for seasoning, and add more if required.

As a rule of thumb, avoid using taco seasoning in Indian cooking, as well as North-African and East-Asian dishes. These flavors will also clash with most Middle-Eastern cuisines as well.

It will also give your finished product a reddish color, thanks to the paprika and crushed red pepper flakes. This spice works great with marinades, as a dry rub on meats for grilling or roasting, as well as pan-fried chicken, shrimp, and mixed vegetables.

Best for: Tex-Mex and Latin American dishes

Not Recommended for: Asian, Middle-Eastern, and African cuisines

Flavor Profile: Spicy, earthy

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Taco seasoning is commonly used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of taco seasoning as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: McCormick Premium Taco Seasoning and Old El Paso Taco Mild Seasoning Mix

Top 10 Spices You Can Substitute for Cumin

06. Paprika:

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Paprika is a major component in taco seasoning and has a warm, spicy, and earthy flavor. It has less heat than ground cumin but has a smokiness that comes close to the depth and complexity of the spice.

The vibrant red will color your food, but most people don’t have a problem with this, as the red makes it more appealing. Paprika lacks the citrusy angle that cumin brings so I’d suggest adding a bit of lemon zest while cooking. You can also add a bit of ground coriander to round things up, flavor-wise.

If you are looking for substitutes for ground cumin that is super versatile and goes with almost anything, this is your best bet. Paprika works well in marinades, dry rubs, salad dressings, dips, as well as stews and curries.

Another advantage of this spice is that there’s a good chance that you already have it. Almost every household will have a bottle of paprika somewhere on their spice rack, so you can easily use it as a cumin alternative.

Best for: Indian, Middle-Eastern, North-African, and Latin American cooking

Not Recommended for: East Asian and West-African recipes

Flavor Profile: Smoky, slightly sweet

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Smoked paprika is commonly used in European and Spanish cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: Simply Organic Ground Paprika and McCormick Gourmet Paprika

07. Fennel Seeds:

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Another cumin alternative spice that is pretty unconventional is fennel seeds. However, fennel seeds are related to parsley, just like cumin, cumin, and caraway seeds. If you are really desperate and need to replace cumin seeds, you can use fennel seeds instead.

Fennel seeds aren’t as earthy or spicy as cumin. Moreover, they also have a certain anise undertone and licorice flavor that cumin lacks. 

As a result, your dish will be a little different from what you expect. The lack of warmth can also be made up for by adding crushed pepper.

They are best used in recipes that call for whole cumin seeds. Fennel seeds are very fragrant and add a certain crunch to many dishes. You can also dry roast fennel seeds in a dry pan to boost their flavor and then grind them to replace ground cumin.

Fenugreek is best used in recipes that use a small or moderate amount of cumin. You can use them in curries, dry rubs, or as a topping in many dishes.

Best for: Indian, Middle-Eastern, and some African cuisines

Not Recommended for: Latin American and East Asian recipes

Flavor Profile: Sweet, licorice-like, with a hint of bitterness

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Fennel seeds are commonly used in European, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use ¾ teaspoon of ground fennel seeds as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: The Spice Way Fennel Seed and Pride of India Organic Ground Fennel Seed

08. Chili Powder:

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Wondering what you can use in place of cumin that will barely change the flavor of what you are cooking? The answer is almost always some kind of spice blend or mix. Chili powder is one of many spice blends that contain a good proportion of cumin.

It is similar to taco seasoning but contains a larger amount of paprika, ground pepper, and cayenne pepper, with varying amounts of oregano and onion, and garlic powder. This means you can use them in tacos, burritos, refried beans, chili, carne asada, and fajitas.

Because of all the cayenne and paprika, your finished dish will turn out more red than the nutty brown of cumin, but that isn’t generally a problem.

You can also use chili powder in certain marinades as well, as long as they are added in small amounts. Also, if your recipe includes cayenne, chili flakes, and other ingredients that add lots of heat or spice, skip them. Your dish may turn out too spicy, and you can always add more afterward.

Best for: South-Western and Latin American cooking

Not Recommended for: Indian and Middle-Eastern dishes

Flavor Profile: Spicy, earthy

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Chili powder is commonly used in Mexican and Southwestern cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of chili powder as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: McCormick Gourmet Collection Chili Powder and Simply Organic Chili Powder

09. Fenugreek Seeds:

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If you just don’t like the earthy, slightly bitter taste of cumin, a spice with a very different flavor profile might come in handy. Not sure what to use instead of cumin to add extra depth? Give fenugreek seeds a try.

Fenugreek is an extremely aromatic spice, and adding it in whole or powdered form adds a lot of fragrance to curries and roasted veggies. They are also rich in nutritional value and reduce cholesterol and boost digestive health. It is also great for hair and scalp care!

These seeds are bright yellow and add a sweetish, slightly mustardy flavor to your dishes. For best results, add something like cayenne or paprika for some heat.

Start off by adding half the amount of fenugreek, compared to the amount of cumin as mentioned in the recipe. Taste for seasoning and add more when required. While it works best when added in whole, you can also dry roast and powder them for use in marinades and dressings.

Best for: Indian and some Middle-Eastern dishes

Not Recommended for: Tex-Mex, Latin American, and East-Asian recipes

Flavor Profile: Slightly bitter, nutty, with a hint of maple syrup

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Fenugreek seeds are commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and African cuisines.

Tips for Using: Use ¾ teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: Anthony’s Organic Fenugreek Seeds and Rani Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds Whole

10. Indian Five-Spice Mix:

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This miraculous spice blend is well-loved in Indian and Bengali cuisine and adds an instant kick of flavor to curries and lentils. While you won’t get the same flavor as cumin, it will still give your dish rich flavor and depth, as well as a wonderful complexity.

Also known as panch phoron aka five spices, this blend contains fenugreek seeds, cumin, nigella or black cumin, fennel, and celery seeds. Although this is harder to find than cumin, buying some in bulk will make sure you always have a flavor booster at hand.

Adding a pinch of this will add incredible flavor to daals, curries, and even roasted vegetables. You can use this blend in whole or ground form and take your dish to the next level. 

It is earthy, but also contains sweet and aromatic notes, so you may need to add cayenne or red chili flakes for spice.

Best for: South Asian dishes

Not Recommended for: Latin American, Middle-Eastern, and African cuisine

Flavor Profile: Warm, slightly sweet

Availability: Widely available in grocery stores and online.

Usage: Indian five-spice mix is commonly used in Indian cuisine.

Tips for Using: Use 1 teaspoon of Indian five-spice mix as a substitute for 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.

Product Recommendations: TAJ Premium Panch Puran (5 Spice Blend) and Deep Spices Panch Puran

How to use these substitutes for cumin

When using a substitute for cumin, start with a smaller amount and adjust the seasoning to your taste. For example, if the recipe calls for one teaspoon of cumin, start with ½ teaspoon of the substitute spice and add more if needed. Keep in mind that some of these substitute spices may have a stronger flavor than cumin, so use them sparingly.

Health Benefits of Cumin

Cumin doesn’t just add lots of flavor to your cooking, it also has lots of health benefits. Most of these advantages involve aiding in digestion, boosting immunity, and improving circulation. 

Let’s take a closer look at the great things cumin does for the body.

Contains Antioxidants:

Cumin seeds contain substances known as apigenin and luteolin that function as antioxidants. These substances prevent free radicals from damaging healthy cells in the body. 

Antioxidants keep your body in good shape and allow you to feel energetic and healthy. They also keep your skin looking youthful and elastic.

Manages Blood Sugar:

Some research suggests cumin can help control blood sugar. Cumin oil is also accepted to be a hypoglycemic agent, so it can help people with high blood sugar. Consuming cumin will help bring blood sugar under control.

Fights Inflammation:

The active ingredients present in cumin seeds have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. A regular diet of cumin can reduce inflammation and the issues that come along with it.

And it isn’t just essential cumin oil that has these properties. Whole cumin seeds can also help manage pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Aids in Digestion:

Cumin helps soothe an upset stomach and manage the symptoms of IBS. Cumin extract is seen as a good herbal remedy for diarrhea and other stomach issues. Researchers have also found that cumin helps treat the cramps, nausea, and bloating that comes with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Cumin vs. Coriander

There may be a chance that you’ve often confused ground coriander with ground cumin. The two look alike and can even smell similar as well. 

Besides, they are frequently used together in curries and marinades. So how do they differ?

They taste rather different. Both cumin and coriander have a fragrant earthy flavor. However, this is where the similarity ends. 

Coriander has a slightly sweet flavor with very little warmth. On the other hand, cumin has a bitter flavor and is much warmer and spicy.

Coriander is mellow and has a brighter flavor. Meanwhile, cumin is acrid and is much darker and deeper in flavor.

Cumin and coriander also have different nutritional values and health benefits. While coriander has some health benefits, cumin is far ahead in this aspect and is rich in antioxidants and minerals. Because of this ground cumin is used in many drinks and is even used to cool down on hot days!

The whole seeds also look pretty different from each other. Cumin seeds are elongated and flat, dark brown in color with ridges. On the other hand, coriander seeds are round and smooth with lines and are light greenish-brown.

The two spices are complementary and bring out the most of each other’s flavors. They can also be substituted for each other. However, when substituting coriander for cumin, you may need to add a little cayenne or paprika to add warmth and a darker color.

Still Have Questions?

Below you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most about substitutes for cumin.

01. Can I Substitute Turmeric for Cumin?

Although turmeric has the same warmth and earthy flavor as cumin, it is much more bitter and has a bright yellow color. Instead, it is best to add a pinch of turmeric to other cumin substitutes like coriander or paprika.

02. Is Cumin the Same as Turmeric?

Turmeric comes from a different plant than cumin and is made from dried and powdered roots, so the two are pretty different.

03. Are Cumin and Coriander the Same?

Cumin and coriander are very similar, but they aren’t the same. Cumin is darker and spicier than coriander, which has a pretty mellow flavor.

04. What Does Cumin Taste Like?

Cumin has a warm and earthy flavor, with a bitter aftertaste. There are notes of wood and citrus as well, all of which make it a great ingredient for meat and roasted vegetables.

05. Can I Substitute Ground Cumin for Cumin Seeds?

Ground cumin can be used as a substitute for whole cumin seeds, but you need to use half the amount mentioned in the recipe.

06. What is Turmeric and Cumin Good for?

Cumin and turmeric are used heavily in curries, marinades, stew, some soups, and even dressings and dips. Many beverages like golden milk and minted yogurt also contain these spices.

07. Which is Better for Me, Turmeric or Cumin?

Between the two, turmeric is a healthier option with antioxidants, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric also boosts the immune system and keeps the body in great shape. It is also used in many skincare products.

08. Is Cumin a Natural Anti-Inflammatory Agent? 

The active ingredients in cumin have anti-inflammatory effects and can treat main and swelling.

09. Is cumin the only spice that can be used in Indian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern cuisines?

No, while cumin is a popular spice in these cuisines, there are many other spices that can be used to add flavor to your dishes. Some of these spices are mentioned in this article as substitutes for cumin.

10. Can I use any of these substitute spices in a meat rub?

Yes, many of these substitute spices work well in meat rubs. You can experiment with different combinations of spices to create your own unique meat rub.

11. Can I use any of these substitute spices in a salad dressing?

Yes, some of these substitute spices can be used in salad dressings to add flavor. Paprika and smoked paprika are good options for this purpose.

12. Are all of these substitute spices easily available in grocery stores?

Most of these substitute spices are widely available in grocery stores and online. However, availability may vary depending on your location.

13. Can I use more than one substitute spice in a dish?

Yes, you can combine different substitute spices to create a unique flavor profile in your dish. Just remember to start with a smaller amount and adjust the seasoning to your taste.

To End

Whether you are making Asian, Tex-Mex, Middle-Eastern, or African dishes, chances are your recipe calls for a little cumin. Knowing what you can substitute for cumin will help make sure your dish tastes the same, without needing you to make an impromptu trip to the grocery store. 

After looking at all these cumin alternatives, which one are you planning on using?

Best Spice Grinders Reviews: Top 10 Models for Every Budget!

Choosing the best spice grinder is a must-have for your kitchen. Whether you are a skilled home cook or a newbie in the field, there is nothing like the flavor and aroma of freshly crushed spices and herbs!

The power of spice is undeniable in any cuisines. Aromatic, flavorful spices can make an average bowl of rice into scrumptious Italian risotto or savory Spanish paella. 

It’s all in the spices. They can make or break your dish. 

If you know how to use your home-ground seasonings correctly, it can be a game-changer for all your culinary adventures. 

The problem is, there are so many different choices and options to pick from. It can be quite overwhelming and tiring. 

To make matters easy for you, our team of experts has spent hours and hours on research to find and compare all the top-selling grinders in the market. 

We have finally come down to 14 best spice grinders for your kitchen regardless of your budget. From premium commercial options to student-budget ones, we have everything you need to buy your desired grinder!

RRH Coffee Grinder

RRH 500G Electric Spice Nut and Coffee Grinder

  • Made of food-grade 304 stainless steel
  • Voltage overload protector
  • Overload air valve

Additional Features: Sealed snaps-on lid, raised lid design, copper core, One-button recovery, metal motor blade.

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CGOLDENWALL Electric Grain Grinder

CGOLDENWALL Stainless Steel Powder Grinder Machine

  • Commercial ultra-high-speed fine motor and high-grade bearings.
  • Professional leak-proof design.
  • Stainless Steel One Stretch.

Additional Features: Upgraded air overload protection, thickened sealing strips, combined timer power switch, swing type in small size.

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Best Spice Grinders Reviews: Top 10 Models for Every Budget! 14

BI-DTOOL 3000g Stainless Steel Commercial Spice Grinder

  • Safety button control.
  • Superfine food pulverizer.
  • Suitable for various materials.

Additional Features: Three-layer blade: crushing blade, rotary blade, and powder removal blade, carbon brushes and caps, 2 sweeping blades.

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SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder

SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder & Spice Grinder

  • High-quality stainless steel blades
  • 200-watt powerful motor
  • Visible grinding process

Additional features: Lid activated switch, removable bowl, larger 70g capacity, multi-functional grinder, ETL approved.

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Marada Electric Mill Grinder

Marada LED Electric Mill Grinder

  • Stainless steel copper motor, tough and durable.
  • The buckle structure, good sealing, high security.
  • LED display screen and touch button.

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SHARDOR Coffee & Spice Grinders

SHARDOR Electric Coffee & Spice Grinders

  • 2 Removable Stainless Steel Bowls
  • For Dry and Wet Grinding
  • Fine or Coarse as You Like

Additional Features: Sharp stainless steel blade, easy and safe locking, removable bowl with large capacity, nice seal ring, multi-functional grinder.

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NEWTRY 700g Electric Grain Grinder

NEWTRY 700g Electric Grain Grinder Spice Mill

  • High-Quality Commutator
  • High-Temperature Resistant Coiled
  • Silicon Steel Sheet
    Metal Motor Blade

Additional Features: Five-minutes timing, pure copper motor, overload protection, swing-type.

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CGOLDENWALL 300g Electric Grain Grinder

CGOLDENWALL Stainless Steel Electric Herb Grinder

  • Electric Grain Mill with Upgraded Safety Lid
  • Hand-held in Small Size
  • Various Materials Applicable

Additional Features: Upgraded air overload protection, thickened sealing strip and commercial motor, timed power switch, slot mouth with even size, with better sealing

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Brentwood CG-158B 4oz Coffee and Spice Grinder

Brentwood CG-158B 4oz Coffee and Spice Grinder

  • One-Touch operation
  • Convenient clear view top
  • Durable stainless steel blades

Additional Features: Safety Lock System, Large 4oz capacity, Slip-Resistant Rubber Feet

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Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

  • Heavy-duty motor and stainless steel blades.
  • Dishwasher-safe lid and bowl.
  • Push-top on/off control for simple operation.

Additional Features: Built-in safety interlocks, removable bowls, storage lids with non-slip rubber feet, recipe book, and limited 180months warranty.

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Secura Electric Coffee Grinder

Secura Electric Coffee Grinder and Spice Grinder

  • Built-in smart overheat protection.
  • Stainless steel blades and exterior.
  • Two-in-one grinder and chopper.

Additional Features: Two removable stainless steel bowls, Safety-lock lid, On/Off switch, Cord wrap base.

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Waring Commercial Electric Spice Grinder

Waring Commercial Medium-Duty Electric Spice Grinder

  • Medium-duty brushed stainless steel housing
  • Safety interlock lid
  • Pulse actuation

Additional Features : 3 removable and dishwasher safe stainless steel grinding bowls with storage lids, cETLus, and NSF approved.

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Mueller Austria Spice Coffee Grinder

Mueller Austria HyperGrind Precision Electric Spice/Coffee Grinder

  • Modern Eurocentric styling
  • Consistency & precision control
  • Traditional German precision machinery

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Kitchen Highline Wet and Dry Coffee/Spice/Chutney Grinder

Kitchen Highline Wet and Dry Coffee/Spice/Chutney Grinder

  • Wet ‘n Dry Grinder & Chutney Maker
  • Safety Lock System
  • Rust-free Removable Grinder Bowls 

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Our Reviews of the
14 Best Spice Grinders of 2021

01. RRH 500G Electric Spice Nut and Coffee Grinder

RRH Coffee Grinder

RRH 500G

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Durable, Sturdy Flour Maker


  • Voltage: 110V
  • Capacity: 17 Cups 500g/1.1lb
  • Grinding Fineness: 50-300 mesh
  • Material: 304 stainless steel
  • Motor Power: 2300W
  • Speed: 25000(r/min)

If you are looking for a commercial electric mill with the price tag of a home grinder, this is a good middle option. 

You can use it at home in your kitchen or for pharmacies, farms, food processing plants or powder processing. This little grinder is a versatile piece of equipment designed to add functionality in your life. 

If you like to make homemade flours, you know the struggle of finding a grinder that can grind larger batches of grains. This RRH electric spice nut and coffee grinder can solve that problem for you.

You can make homemade spice mix, gluten-free flour, crushed dry foods like coffee, beans, nuts, sesame, licorice, and so on. 

Designed with a top lid, this modern spice grinder can be shaken in between grinding to get rid of clumps and unevenness. 

The inside of this grinder is smooth and has a cylinder-like shape. This makes it easy to pour out ground powder. The cleanup is really simple due to the smooth texture. 

To make things safe, it has a voltage overload protector, an overload air valve, and a one-button recovery system. 

Why I Recommend This:

This is a good option if you are looking for a durable motor with high power grinding ability. It is particularly ideal for making at-home flours, grinding coffee beans, and peppers. 


  • Wear-resistant
  • Stable and durable construction.
  • Copper wired motor provided efficient grinding.
  • Metal lid and sealed cap.
  • Overflow protection.
  • Swing feature for an easy pour.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.


  • Parts are not replaceable so if something stops working, you have to buy a new grinder.

Check the Latest Price for RRH 500G Electric Spice Nut and Coffee Grinder

02. CGOLDENWALL 300g Stainless Steel Powder Grinder Machine

CGOLDENWALL Electric Grain Grinder


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Commercial Quality


  • Voltage: 110V
  • Capacity: 300g
  • Grinding Fineness: 70-300 mesh
  • Working time: 0-5min
  • Interval time: 5-10min
  • Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Crushed Level: Superfine mill
  • Speed: 28000rpm

This grinder is a swing type which means you don’t have to lift up the whole grinder to empty the bowls. Just hold the handle to swing the machine body to pour the powder out. 

Swinging the body 2-3 times during the grinding also helps to make the powder more uniform and fine. So it is very practical and mess-free.

CGOLDENWALL grinder comes with stainless steel triple blades that reach up to 28000 rpm in speed. It grinds dried materials into a fine powder of 70-300 mesh within a minute.

You can use this appliance for milling work of dried items such as soy, black rice, corn, barley, rye, mung beans, coffee beans, star anise, fennel, pepper, rosemary, ginseng, zhimu, lucidum and so many more. It’s super versatile.

The open-over-stop safety design stops the machine automatically when the lid is off. The overload protection function pops up and stops the grinding process if you have accidentally put more than it can handle. 

All these small features make a huge difference in terms of ease of use and functionality.

The upgraded air overload protection is another useful feature. If the machine accidentally stops working, all you have to do is clean up the blades or re-install the carbon brush. Then press the overload protector button and it is good to go.

Why I Recommend This:

This grinder can handle a variety of spices, pulverize them into a fine, even powder without creating a lot of heat on the process. It is also quite affordable.


  • Sturdy and durable
  • Easy to operate and clean.
  • Pulverizes cinnamon, nutmeg, fennel seeds, and other hard spices within a minute.
  • Grinds at low heat.
  • Swivel mode for way emptying.


  • The edges on the inside of the lid are not beveled.
  • Quite loud.

Check the Latest Price for CGOLDENWALL Powder Grinder Machine

03. BI-DTOOL Stainless Steel Commercial Spice Grinder

Best Spice Grinders Reviews: Top 10 Models for Every Budget! 14

BI-DTOOL 3000g

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Best Capacity


  • Capacity: 3000G / 6.6 lbs
  • Voltage: 110V-60HZ
  • Power: 550w
  • Motor Speed: 25000(r/min)
  • Working time: 1-3 mins
  • Interval Time: 10mins
  • Degree of Grinding: 50-300 Mesh
  • Crushed Level : Superfine mill

If you are tired of the typical low-power spice grinder, check out the BI-DTOOL electric corn grinder for an effortless experience. 

This fine grinder only takes 30 seconds to grind any types of spices or herbs. The ultra-high-speed motor can quickly smash anything dehydrated from rice, corn, seasonings to medicines like Ganoderma, tian, qi, and pearl. 

This stainless steel multi-functional grinder is basically a super-fine food pulverizer. It is suitable for various materials, even coffee. 

The design of this grinder is like a miniature version of the commercial ones. It is light, highly-efficient, and easy to operate. 

The three-layer blade of this fine grinder has a crushing blade, a rotary blade, and a powder removal blade. The combination of these makes an effortless process of grinding any type of grain you want.

The BI-DTOOL electric grinder comes with:

  • 1 Brush, 1 Sieve, 1 Box Wrench
  • 2 Horn Blades, 2 Crushing blades, 2 Powder removal Blades, 2 Washers
  • 2 Carbon Brushes, 2 Carbon brush caps are used for replaced, no more worried about after-sale replacement

Why I Recommend This:

If you want to make homemade flours, this is a really good choice. You get fine, smooth flours from any type of grains. It’s highly efficient and saves up a lot of energy.


  • Safety button control.
  • Intelligent control.
  • Highly-efficient
  • Food-grade stainless steel.
  • Non-slip lock.
  • Humanized design with easy to use functions.
  • Powerful grinding system.


  • No LCD screen control.
  • Heats up very fast if you do larger batches.
  • Not very compact in size.

Check the Latest Price for BI-DTOOL Commercial Spice Grinder

04. SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder & Spice Grinder

SHARDOR Electric Coffee Bean Grinder


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  • Capacity: 70g
  • Material: Stainless steel, Plastic
  • Power: 200-watt
  • Warranty: 1-year

This electric coffee bean and spice grinder by SHARDOR is an all-time favorite among the cooking community due to its superb grinding power within an affordable budget. 

Just like other SHARDOOR grinders, you have to press the lid at different times for a custom grind setting.  For example, 5 seconds of grinding will give you coarse powder and another 10 seconds will give you fine mill grind. 

This herb grinder comes with high-quality stainless steel housing and blades. The motor is 200w and provides continuous grinding while maintaining the rich aroma of coffee or spices. 

With its nice sealing ring on the lid, there is no worry of getting any leakage. The bowl is removable and has the capacity of holding around 70g. 

This durable electric grinder has ETL approval that ensures safety and quality. You get a 2-in-1 spoon with a brush and one bowl for dry grinding. With all, if it’s added benefits this grinder also has a year-long warranty from the manufacturer. 

Why I Recommend This:

Based on the price, this is the strongest grinder you can find. It has several grinding options for a variety of different items.


  • Removable bowl dishwasher safe.
  • Transparent lid to check the process.
  • Good value for money.
  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • Fine grinding of herbs and spices.
  • Ideal for both coffee beans and other dry items.


  • Gets warm quickly especially if you do continuous batches.

Check the Latest Price for SHARDOR Coffee Bean Grinder & Spice Grinder

05.Marada LED Electric Mill Grinder

Marada Electric Mill Grinder

Marada 500g

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Functional Design


  • Voltage: 110V
  • Capacity: 1.1 lbs (500 g)
  • Working time: 5 mins
  • Interval time: 10 mins
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Power: 2300w
  • Crushed Level: superfine mill
  • Speed: 25000(r/min)

Marada 500g electric mill comes with durable stainless steel construction. The motor has copper wiring, the combination of stainless steel with the copper makes it a sturdy construction that will serve you for years. 

Stainless steel surfaces are generally smooth and slippery, for kitchen appliances this can be a

hazardous feature to have. This seasoning grinder, however, does not slip and the flange structure also ensures proper sealing. 

It’s not necessary that practical gadgets have to look bulky and unappealing. This Marada 500g electric grinder is beautifully designed with an LCD screen.

The LCD screen gives this home grinder a modern touch with intelligent controls. It is light and portable thus perfect for carrying around. 

The copper motor of this electric grinding mill makes it highly efficient and saves a lot of energy. 

Marada also provides 2 extra sets of blades for convenience. In case something happens to the original ones, you always have a spare lying around. 

Did we mention you can grind basically anything in this mill? From light herbs to tough spices, it is perfect for all purposes. You can even grind coffee beans in this. How convenient! 

Why I Recommend This:

This grinder is suitable for dispensary, medicine processing factory, pharmacy, powder processing, beauty salon, lab, and of course home and professional kitchen.


  • Non-slip lock with high wear resistance.
  • Metal motor blades.
  • Humanized design with gentle lock buttons.
  • Highly-efficient.
  • Four-point stability settings
  • Stainless steel body.


  • Heats up quickly if you overflow it.

Check the Latest Price for Marada LED Electric Mill Grinder

06. SHARDOR Electric Coffee & Spice Grinders

SHARDOR Coffee & Spice Grinders


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  • Dimensions: 3.7 x 3.7 x 8 inches
  • Number of Blades: 4
  • Capacity: 70g
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Power: 220w
  • Warranty: 2 -year

Whether you want to grind coarse coffee beans for your morning espresso or fine seasoning mix for the next Mexican dinner, this multifunctional grinder is a really good choice.

To grind your desired items, all you have to do is press the id for different seconds to get a coarse or fine blend. This is very intuitive and fun to experiment with. 

SHARDOR electric grinder comes with 2 grinding cups. The two-blade cup can be used for coffee beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. The 4-blade one is best for different herbs like basil, oregano, garlic, and other spices. 

As the cups are stainless steel and easy to remove, you can put them in the dishwasher or wash them in the sink. 

The motor of SHARDOR coffee and spice grinder is 200w which provides continuous and even grinding. As it is very fast, the aroma and fragrance of the spices and coffee beans stay intact and preserved. 

This model from SHARDOR is specifically designed for smaller kitchens. With each purchase, you get a coffee grinder, a 2-blade cup, a 4-blade cup, a 2-in-1 spoon with a brush, and a user manual. You also get a 2-year long warranty from the manufacturer.  

Why I Recommend This:

This is probably the most affordable grinder with uncompromising performance. It is versatile, small, and lightweight. A must-have for every kitchen.


  • Four-blade stainless steel structure.
  • Quiet and consistent grinding.
  • Ideal for both wet and dry grinding.
  • Functional and versatile.
  • Easy to use and clean.
  • Very affordable.


  • The lid leaks and gets messy.

Check the Latest Price for SHARDOR Electric Coffee & Spice Grinders

07. NEWTRY 700g Electric Grain Grinder Spice Mill

NEWTRY 700g Electric Grain Grinder


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Triple Layered Stainless Steel


  • Voltage: 110V 
  • Capacity: 700g
  • Grinding Fineness: 70-300 mesh
  • Material: Copper coil, stainless steel blades
  • Power: 2400W
  • Speed: 28000 r/min

The best thing about the Newtry electric grinder is its stainless steel construction. Is it made out of three layers of stainless steel quenching blades that provide three-dimensional circulation.

The material is strong and durable while being easy to clean and maintain. The blades do not get rusty or stained. So you can grind turmeric without worrying about the bowls. 

The delicate and precise blending can reach up to 70-1000 mesh of fineness. It comes with a bold copper-wire 2400w motor. The coil is thicker and heavier than standard options. It also runs faster, 28000r/min. 

You can set a time on this advanced electric grinder. The five-minutes time saves a lot of time and effort especially if you’re running a busy household. 

To keep you safe and secure, the automatic grinder comes with an overload switch. It turns itself off if you accidentally overload it with grains and herbs. This means your motor does not get stressed or burned. 

The grain mill can grind various types of dry materials, such as medicinal materials, spice, grain, very suitable for home and business.

The swing type design is very convenient and user-friendly. This grinder has it all, high-power cores thicker coils, and faster speed!

Why I Recommend This:

This is a reliable and durable option for those who want simple yet effective kitchen appliances. It does exactly what it says. The quality of this grinder is apparent.


  • Very durable and sturdy.
  • Easy to use.
  • Triple-layer stainless steel blade.
  • Faster and strong motor.
  • Finely grind powder after each use.


  • Quite loud.
  • The cleaning process is a bit difficult.

Check the Latest Price for NEWTRY Grain Grinder Spice Mill

08. CGOLDENWALL Stainless Steel Electric Herb Grinder

CGOLDENWALL 300g Electric Grain Grinder


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Powerful, Unbeatable Motor


  • Voltage: 110v
  • Capacity: 300g
  • Grinding Fineness: 30-300 mesh
  • Working time: No more than 3 minutes
  • Interval time: 5-10minutes
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Power Source: Electric-powered
  • Crushed Level : Superfine mill
  • Speed: 30000r/min
  • Warranty: 1 year

This ultra-speed fine motor herb grinder comes with high-grade bearings to make it as strong as possible. 

CGOLDENWALL stainless steel grinder uses an electric grind mill with an upgraded safety lid. If the lid is open during the grinding, it automatically turns itself off. This feature protects you from getting injured.

This grinder can reach up to 28000 rpm which produces super-fine powder for all of your dried materials. It takes only a minute thus saves a lot of energy as well.

You can grind soybeans, black rice, and any type of whole grains in it. 

It’s so strong that you can crush a handful of pearls to bits. So you can imagine how powerful the motor of this thing is.

The beauty of this grinder is, you can carry it around anywhere as it’s handheld and lightweight.

If you are worried about leakage, know that this electric grinder comes with thickened sealing strips to prevent that from happening. 

The grinding noise is very low due to the commercial motor system. If you happen to find it noisy after a few usages, simply clean the blade.

Why I Recommend This:

It can grind basically anything. You can grind Ganoderma, licorice, pearl, and even stone on this electric grind mill pulverizer.


  • Stainless steel construction.
  • Commercial-ultra-speed fine motor.
  • Slot mouth with better sealing.
  • Leak-proof design.


  • Does not work well for small quantities of food.
  • Need to be used with proper caution.

Check the Latest Price for CGOLDENWALL Stainless Steel Electric Herb Grinder

09. Brentwood 4oz Coffee and Spice Grinder

Brentwood CG-158B 4oz Coffee and Spice Grinder

Brentwood CG-158B

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Student-Budget Pick!


  • Dimensions: 13 x 9.6 x 9.6 inches
  • Item Weight: 11.2 pounds
  • Manufacturer: BRENTWOOD
  • Capacity: 4 ounce
  • Material: Plastic
  • Power: 150 watt

Can there be anything else more affordable than this one right here? Probably not. This is a grinder that comes at an unbelievable price with some pretty good features. 

First things first, this is not a stainless steel grinder. Stainless steel is an expensive material so it’s not possible to find it within this budget range.

But if somebody tells you, you can’t have good things under budget, show them this product!

Obviously it is not as strong as the big branded commercial options. But for everyday usage, it’s pretty impressive. 

You can make any type of nut flour with this. It specifically works really well on chia seeds, flaxseeds, and almonds. You will be able to make finely ground powder within a matter of minutes. 

The Brentwood spice grinder comes with a generous 4 ounces of cup. This means you can work on larger batches. 

The blades, however, are made out of stainless steel to provide the maximum strength. The blades are sharp and thin which makes them really good with different herbs and pepper. 

The clear top of the grinder provides a full view of the grinding process. This is great because you can control when to stop and when you should keep going.

Why I Recommend This:

This is not for commercial usage. The best functionality of this grinder is it’s easy to use and effective performance all within budget. You get your money’s worth with this!


  • Easy to use.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Sharp stainless steel blades.
  • Fine, smooth grinding.
  • Multifunctional and quick.
  • Very affordable.


  • Not durable due to the plastic outer shell.

Check the Latest Price for Brentwood CG-158B 4oz Coffee and Spice Grinder

10. Cuisinart Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

Cuisinart SG-10

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  • Dimensions: 5 x 6 x 9 inches
  • Capacity: 90g
  • Item Weight: 1 pounds
  • Manufacturer: Cuisinart
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Power: 200 watts
  • Warranty: 18-months

Cuisinart always provides reliable, advanced kitchen appliances at an affordable price which has made them a household name in the US. 

This SG10 spice and nut blender from Cuisinart comes with a simple yet effective design that sets you to make freshly ground spices in no time. 

The blades are made out of specially designed stainless steel that can grind tough spices like cinnamon and star anise while being sharp enough to mesh nuts and seeds. 

The 200-watt motor works seamlessly to provide superior grinding. The stainless steel bowls are very simple to clean and also dishwasher safe. You can use this masala grinder for a long time.

The bowl comes with a storage lid. This makes it handy to keep extra spices in the grinding bowl for later usage. 

You get a fun recipe book and an instruction manual to make everything easier for you. It also has push-top on/off control for convenience. The unit is so compact that you can store it in any kitchen cabinets regardless of the size.

Why I Recommend This:

If you like baking and grind a lot of walnuts and almonds, this is a really handy kitchen gadget for you. It makes fine powder within a matter of seconds.


  • Quiet and smooth.
  • Powerful motor function.
  • Modern and sleek design.
  • Affordable.
  • Easy to clean.


  • The blade assembly is not sealed, so the spices leak between the cup and the base.

Check the Latest Price for Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder

11. Secura Electric Coffee Grinder and Spice Grinder

Secura Electric Coffee Grinder

Secura CG7412-2Y

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Most Low-Maintenance


  • Voltage: 120V
  • Working time: 2 Minutes
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Warranty: 2 Years

For those of us who are looking for easy and effortless grinding options, this Secura electric coffee and spice grinder is a great choice. 

This handled grinder comes with two removable stainless steel bowls. One of them is for grinding and another is for chopping. 

That’s right, this grinder can not only make fine powder, it can also chop onions and other veggies for you. Imagine how functional this can be in your kitchen. 

Who wants to chop garlic and then smell like it all day? You can now make fine onion, garlic, and ginger paste on these two in one grinder and chopper.

Secura coffee grinder comes with built-in smart overheat protection that shuts the unit off if the temperature gets too high. 

This feature not only saves unnecessary hazards but also expands your motor life. You can use it with ease. 

The blades of this grinder are made out of stainless steel material. The bowls are stainless steel as well. This means you can easily clean them up without any scrubbing or manual labor. You can even put them in the dishwasher for added convenience. 

The safety lock lids ensure that you get no leakage from this. You also get a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty. Overall this is a good electric grinder to pick within budget. 

Why I Recommend This:

This is a small grinder that helps with everyday purpose. It is ideal for grinding everyday spices in smaller portions. Ideal for fennel seeds, mustard, caraway, allspice, cumin, coriander, garlic, and ginger.


  • Easy to use and clean.
  • Affordable and giftable.
  • Small and lightweight.
  • Quick grinding within a few seconds.
  • Stainless steel bowls and blades.
  • Both grinder and chopper all-in-one.


  • Coarse grinds tough spices; does not make a fine powder.
  • Quite loud.

Check the Latest Price for Secura Electric Coffee Grinder and Spice Grinder

12. Waring Commercial Medium-Duty Electric Spice Grinder

Waring Commercial Electric Spice Grinder

Waring WSG30

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3 Removable Bowls and Lids


  • Voltage: 120 V
  • Dimensions: 8.4 x 7.9 x 5.9 inches
  • Item Weight: 3.64 pounds
  • Manufacturer: Waring Commercial Inc.
  • Material: Double stainless steel
  • Power: 200 watts
  • Speed: 19,000 rpm/hr
  • Warranty: 1-year

Waring WSG30 is a commercial medium-duty electric spice grinder that comes with a 19,000 rpm motor. 

The motor is not only high-performance but also super fast at grinding whole seeds and spices. 

The housing or body of this grinder is made out of brushed stainless steel. This gives the grinder a modern, sleek look while being scratch and heat resistant. 

Stainless steel is known to be durable and sturdy. The pulse actuation technology along with the safety interlocks provides an even grind consistency. 

You can grind hard spices like nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, peppercorns and so much more within seconds. 

The blades are also made out of stainless steel. This means they stay sharp and shiny for years without much maintenance. The thin blades also maximize motor efficiency. 

Why I Recommend This:

This is ideal for daily spice grinding. If you like to grind smaller amounts at a time, this one is a good choice.


  • 3 removable and dishwasher safe grinding bowls with storage lids.
  • Pulse actuation for even grind consistency.
  • Commercial-grade motor.
  • Stainless steel blade and body.


  • It tends to overheat after prolonged usage.

Check the Latest Price forWaring Commercial Spice Grinder

13. Mueller Austria HyperGrind Precision Electric Spice/Coffee Grinder

Mueller Austria Spice Coffee Grinder

Mueller Austria

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  • Package Dimensions: 7.87 x 4.33 x 4.29 inches
  • Item Weight: 1.4 pounds
  • Manufacturer: Mueller Austria
  • Material: Plastic, stainless steel
  • Crushed Level: HyperGrind

Muller Austria HyperGrind Precision is a unique grinder that gives you full control over the grinding size and texture. 

This grinder is a tiny workhorse with perfect consistency and precision blending power. If you are a coffee lover, this is really versatile as it can grind your coffee beans in no time

It can prepare the ground for your pour-over, drip, Chemex, cold brew, french press, Turkish, espresso and so much more.

The blades are made out of long-lasting and scratch-proof stainless-steel. They are strong enough for you to grind coarse, rough way to fine and efficient blend with minimal noise.

Due to the fine and sharp blades, you can make a smooth powder of different spices and herbs.

The design of this kitchen grinder takes very minimal space. It is compact and stylish with minimalist construction. You can store it easily in any kitchen drawers or cabinets.

The construction of this spice and herb grinder is inspired by precision machinery, a traditional part of German engineering. 

This Muller HyperGrind Precision Grinder has been tested through three professional grade inspectors to provide you the assurance of the best and safest performance. 

Why I Recommend This:

This little grinder is a very affordable and versatile kitchen appliance that can grind your coffee very nicely. It also makes smooth powder out of any rough spices like cinnamon sticks.


  • Easy to use.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Efficient and simple.
  • Larger capacity for the size.
  • Versatile use.
  • Very affordable.


  • As it’s made out of plastic, it’s not durable.

Check the Latest Price for Mueller Austria Electric Spice/Coffee Grinder

14. Kitchen Highline Wet and Dry Coffee/Spice/Chutney Grinder

Kitchen Highline Wet and Dry Coffee/Spice/Chutney Grinder

Kitchen Highline B079J7QJNX

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  • Voltage: 220-240 volts
  • Dimensions: 6.5 x 3.5 x 5 inches
  • Item Weight: 3 pounds
  • Manufacturer: Kitchen Highline
  • Material: Stainless Steel, plastic
  • Power: 200 watts

This Kitchen highline wet and dry coffee and spice grinder is a simple design that does exactly what it says. You can make both wet and dry elements in this high-speed grinder. 

One of the issues with wet grinders is, they tend to leak from the lid or the bottom. This one, however, comes with a safety lock system that ensures protection while creating a perfect seal for the spices inside. 

If you love the sweet and savory taste of different chutneys, you will enjoy this handy gadget. It can instantly make any type of chutney you want whether it’s tangy tomatoes or spicy jalapenos.

The 200-watt grinder is really good for grinding nuts, spices, and other juicy items. It comes with an extra cup so you can easily store your spice mix or chutney in it. 

Why I Recommend This: 

It’s a handy tool especially if you are a fan of Mexican and Indian cuisine. You can experiment with many different recipes with this lightweight gadget.


  • Affordable.
  • Versatile usage.
  • Dual container for dry and wet grinding.
  • Powerful grinder to make a smooth powder.
  • Ideal for chutney and pesto.


  • Not strong enough for whole grains or tough spices.

Check the Latest Price for Kitchen Highline Wet and Dry Coffee/Spice/Chutney Grinder

Buying Guide

Now that you have a clear idea about all the best options of spice grinders, it’s time to understand the basics. There are a few key things you need to focus on before you go and buy a spice grinder you like. 

If you want to pick the best spice grinder, there are some essential factors that you need to consider.


This is the most important thing in any spice grinders. Choosing a grinder with high motor power will ensure finer grinds with ease and less time. 

For an electric grinder, look for the ones that range from 200-watt to 500-watt and up to 750-watt  of power. 

Keep in mind you need a grinder that is strong enough to make a fine powder out of hard spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. Look for something like  BI-DTOOL 3000g Stainless Steel Commercial Spice Grinder

If you like to pre-grind your spices, buying something with higher power capacity will ensure that. 


In terms of the materials of your spice grinder, stainless steel will always stay on top of the list. Although they are more expensive, they provide higher durability than anything else. 

The blade of the grinder should be made out of a solid, sturdy material. This is important as most spices are quite hard to break. Like for ceramic or stainless steel blades for that. 

The body is often made out of heat resistant plastic or steel. The plastic body options tend to not hold their shape in a few years. Stainless steel is something that lasts for years. 

Look for steel that does not rust or gets discolored. RRH 500G Electric Spice Nut and Coffee Grinder is a good choice in that regard. 


There are two types of spice grinders: electric and hand. For ease of use, electric grinders are the best option. All you have to do is press the button and it grinds the spices for you. 

Electric grinders are designed to save your time and energy by doing the hard work for you. Hand grinders on the other hand, require you to turn or twist a knob or the body to grind the spices. It’s kind of like a larger version of a pepper grinder. 

Hand grinders are hard to use especially if you are not a very physically active person. But they come with the added advantage of using anywhere you want.

Zassenhaus Cast Iron Spice Grinding Set is a durable option. You can carry it with you while traveling, camping or tailgating with your friends.

Ease of Use:

Even though using a spice grinder is relatively easy, there are some options that take a while to get accustomed to. 

Look for grinders that have a simple layout and functional to use. 

If the grinder is hard to assemble, chances are you will end up not using it on a daily basis. So simple design with functional structure is the priority. 


Standard spice grinders usually come in 2.5-4 ounces of capacity. There are bigger options available but they are not very common. 

BI-DTOOL 3000g Stainless Steel Commercial Spice Grinder is a popular higher capacity choice. 

Most grinders come with two jars or bowls. Some even come with 4 different options but that’s very uncommon for household grinders. 

If you buy a higher capacity spice grinder, keep in mind it will be larger and heavier in size. This can be a problem if you have storage issues. 


Depending on your kitchen, you can either go for the largest size or for a compact, travel-friendly option. For a smaller kitchen it is better to buy handheld options. 

Pictures can be deceiving so it is important to check the dimensions of each product. We have found Mueller Austria HyperGrind Precision Electric Spice Grinder to be the most storage-friendly choice. 

Additional Features

There are some additional features that help tremendously. They make life simple and efficient.

  • Removable Cup
  • Exchangeable Blades
  • Magnetic Lid
  • Cable Length

How to Clean & Maintain Your Spice Grinder

Spice grinders are not very cheap. They are a long term investment for your kitchen. Thus taking the best care of them is a must. 

The best way to clean your grinder is: 

  • Put half a cup of rice in your grinder bowl.
  • Grind the rice for a minute or until it becomes powder. 
  • This will remove all the oils and grimes from deep within the blades.
  • Dump the rice into the bin. 
  • Wipe out the excess rice flour. 
  • Repeat this weekly to keep your spice grinder clean. 

To maintain your spice grinder: 

  • Always check the cables and hoses before starting the grinder. Replace any damaged cables.
  • Keep your spice grinder clean. After each use, disconnect from the power and store it in the cabinets. 
  • Every week, give your spice grinder a thorough cleaning. Use a soft brush to remove any stuck-on grime and dirt. Don’t use high-pressure water as they can damage the surface. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

01. Is it better to grind your own spices?

Grinding your own spices is mandatory for any delicious dishes. Ask any good cook and they will tell you what a difference it makes. 

Pre-grounded herbs and spices lack flavor and taste bland. You can’t tell the difference if you have always been using only store-bought seasoning mix for your recipes. 

When you grind something, the fragrance starts to go mellow with each passing minute. Spices are most potent directly after grinding. So using your own mix of homemade spice is much better than anything you can find at the store.  

Good spices add depth and dimension to your food. So it’s always better to grind your own spices.

02. Is a coffee grinder the same as a spice grinder?

A coffee grinder is not the same as a spice grinder. 

Coffee grinders are also known as burr grinders. They use two ceramic or stainless steel burrs to force the coffee beans. There is a slight gap between the burrs to determine the ground size according to your choice. 

You can probably guess what the issue here is. Due to that gap, you can never get a fine grind of hard spices like cinnamon or star anise. 

Using such hard spices on a coffee grinder can potentially damage the burrs. So you will end up with a broken machine. 

So, it might work for a one-time solution but you should never use a coffee grinder for spices on a regular basis unless the grinder is designed for both coffee and spices. 

03. Can you toast ground spices?

Toasting the spices is an ancient cooking method to intensify the flavor. You can toast your spices on a dry frying pan. 

It is, however, better to toast before grinding. Whole spices are harder to burn and they only add light charr to the outside shell. I

If you toast ground spices, they might turn bitter and darker within seconds. So it’s hard to control the temperature. 

Put the spices in a heavy frying pan, it is ideal to use a cast-iron one and then heat up the flame to medium. Keep stirring until you get an even golden color and gorgeous roasted fragrance. 

Let them cool down completely before you put them in your spice grinder. 

You can store toasted spices longer than untoasted ones. In India, they use a special toasted seasoning mix called ‘garam masala’ to add depth to the recipes. 

04. What can you grind on a spice grinder?

Spie grinders are really storing and versatile kitchen gadgets that can do more than you think. 

Spice grinders can be used for a wide range of items such as different types of seeds. Most seeds have high nutritional content so adding them to your diet is really beneficial.

Seeds like flaxseed, chia seeds, hep seeds, pumpkin seeds, are filled with fiber and omega 3 fats. You can grind dried ginger or garlic for easy homemade garlic powder. 

If you are running out of powdered sugar, make them easily on your spice grinder by using regular granulated sugar. 

If you don’t have breadcrumbs at home, grind some cornflakes into thin powder to use as a coating for your cutlets and fried foods. 

On that note, you can basically grind any seeds or herbs as long as they are bone dry and thin. 

05. Can a blender grind spices?

Standard blenders we all have at home are designed to be used with water. They do not work well with dry items. 

Spice grinders exist for a reason. There is nothing that can grind your spices better than a good quality grinder.

Normal blenders miss a lot of areas and you end up with half-broken, uneven spices. Most blenders don’t even start if you are grinding hard spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, star anise, etc. 

If you use your blenders regularly for these kinds of items, the motor of the blender might wear off pretty soon.   

To Sum Up

Spice grinders are one of those kitchen appliances that transform the way we cook. Once you try one of our listed spice grinders, you will realize there is no going back. 

In medieval times, they used to use mortars and pestles for all their spices and seasoning. Lucky for us, technology has made it so easy to instantly make it at home.

Hopefully, with our top 14 best spice grinders review, you have found something that helps your cooking experience. 

Just keep in mind, there is no ultimate all-in-one spice grinder as we all have different needs.  But there are plenty of options to help you create scrumptious and delicious meals every day.

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