The Chilling Truth: Can Olive Oil Be Refrigerated?

As someone who has been using olive oil for cooking for many years, I’ve often found myself pondering whether or not to store my trusty bottle of liquid gold in the refrigerator. Like many others, I’ve been curious about the effects of refrigeration on the quality, flavor, and shelf life of olive oil. Can olive oil be refrigerated?

The short answer is yes, but with some caveats. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of olive oil storage, drawing from my personal experiences, as well as exploring the pros and cons of refrigeration, and sharing some best practices to keep your oil fresh and flavorful.

Can Olive Oil Be Refrigerated? The Cold, Hard Facts

Can Olive Oil Be Refrigerated
olive oil

Understanding the chemical composition of olive oil

To comprehend how temperature affects olive oil, it’s essential to understand its chemical makeup:

  1. Monounsaturated fats: Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to be heart-healthy and help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
  2. Polyphenols and antioxidants: These compounds give olive oil its distinctive flavor and contribute to its numerous health benefits. They also help protect the oil from oxidative damage.

The impact of temperature on olive oil

  1. Effects of cold temperatures: When exposed to cold temperatures, olive oil can become cloudy and solidify, leading to changes in its texture. However, this process is reversible, and the oil will return to its liquid state once it reaches room temperature.
  2. Optimal storage temperature range: The ideal temperature range for storing olive oil is between 57°F (14°C) and 70°F (21°C). Maintaining this range helps preserve the oil’s flavor and extend its shelf life.

The Pros and Cons of Refrigerating Olive Oil

Potential benefits of refrigeration

  1. Prolonging shelf life: Refrigeration can slow down the oxidation process, potentially extending the oil’s shelf life.
  2. Slowing down oxidation: By keeping olive oil at cooler temperatures, you can reduce the rate of oxidation, preserving its quality and health benefits.

Possible drawbacks of refrigeration

  1. Changes in texture and appearance: As mentioned earlier, refrigeration can cause olive oil to become cloudy and solidify, altering its texture. This change is temporary and reversible.
  2. Flavor alterations: Cold temperatures can sometimes mute the flavors of olive oil, so it’s recommended to let the oil return to room temperature before using it in recipes where its flavor is crucial.

Best Practices for Storing Olive Oil

The Chilling Truth: Can Olive Oil Be Refrigerated? 1
Best Practices for Storing Olive Oil

Proper containers

Dark glass or stainless steel: Store olive oil in dark glass or stainless steel containers to protect it from light exposure, which can degrade its quality.

Avoiding plastic and clear containers: Plastic and clear glass containers can allow light to penetrate, accelerating the oil’s degradation.

Ideal storage conditions

Cool, dark places: Keep olive oil in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Avoiding heat, light, and air exposure: Minimize olive oil’s exposure to heat, light, and air, as these factors can cause it to spoil more quickly.

Recognizing and Preventing Olive Oil Spoilage

The Chilling Truth: Can Olive Oil Be Refrigerated? 2
Olive Oil Spoilage

Signs of rancidity

  1. Off odors: Rancid olive oil may have an unpleasant smell, often described as crayons, putty, or even old peanuts.
  2. Unpleasant taste: The taste of rancid olive oil may be bitter, metallic, or simply off, and it won’t have the fruity or peppery notes of fresh olive oil.

Tips for preserving freshness

  1. Buying in small quantities: Purchase olive oil in smaller quantities that you’ll use within a few months to ensure it stays fresh.
  2. Properly sealing containers: Keep the container tightly closed to minimize exposure to air, which can cause the oil to oxidize and spoil.

The Role of Freezing Olive Oil

Freezing for long-term storage

  1. Benefits and drawbacks: Freezing olive oil can extend its shelf life, but it may alter the texture and cause some loss of flavor. Check out our article on freezing olive oil for more information.
  2. Guidelines for freezing: To freeze olive oil, pour it into an airtight container, leaving some room for expansion, and store it in the freezer.

Using frozen olive oil

  1. Thawing process: To use frozen olive oil, let it thaw at room temperature or place the container in a bowl of warm water to speed up the process
  2. Cooking and drizzling applications: Once thawed, you can use olive oil for cooking, drizzling over salads, or adding flavor to your favorite dishes.

Debunked Myths About Olive Oil Storage

The impact of temperature fluctuations

While it’s true that consistent temperature is essential for preserving olive oil’s quality, occasional fluctuations in temperature (such as those experienced during shipping) are unlikely to cause significant damage to the oil.

The necessity of refrigeration for unopened bottles

Refrigeration is not necessary for unopened bottles of olive oil, as long as they are stored in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.

The role of oxygen in olive oil degradation

Oxygen plays a role in the degradation of olive oil, but its impact is less significant than heat and light exposure. Still, it’s essential to keep containers tightly sealed to minimize oxidation.


In conclusion, refrigerating olive oil can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on various factors. By considering the pros and cons, along with following proper storage guidelines, you can ensure that your olive oil stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible. And remember, when in doubt, always trust your senses: if your olive oil smells or tastes off, it’s time to replace it.


How long does olive oil last?

Olive oil typically lasts 18-24 months from the date of production if stored properly[^24^]. However, once opened, it’s best to consume the oil within 3-6 months[^25^].

Can you freeze olive oil for long-term storage?

Yes, you can freeze olive oil for long-term storage, but be aware of the potential changes in texture and flavor. See our in-depth article for more information.

How can you tell if olive oil has gone bad?

Signs of spoilage include off odors, an unpleasant taste, and a lack of fruity or peppery notes[^26^]. If you suspect your olive oil has gone bad, it’s best to discard it and purchase a fresh bottle.

Can You Freeze Olive Oil? (And Why It Might Come in Handy)

Olive oil has been used by mankind for ages.

For thousands of years, people have been using them for cooking and preserving food. Popular in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, olive oil is now popular across the globe, thanks to research that proves it is a much healthier oil compared to canola or sunflower oil.

But olive oil, especially the good kind, can be expensive. Many people take advantage of mega sales and buy extra-virgin olive oil in bulk. The issue? Your bulk stash of oil can go rancid very quickly, and just end up being a waste of money.

What can one do instead? Can you freeze olive oil? Many people think freezing oils cause them to lose flavor. But we’re here to tell whether you can preserve olive oil and the best way to do so.

A Brief History of Olive Oil

frozen olive oil
frozen olive oil

Olive oil, as the name suggests, is produced by extracting the juice from olives. Olive trees were first grown and harvested in the Mediterranean basin nearly 6000 years ago. It was first used in religious rituals as lamp fuels and as an offering to gods in this region around 2500 BC.

This gradually evolved to the oil being used for cooking purposes during the 5th-4th century BC. In more recent years, olive oil is used predominantly in Italian, Greek, and Middle Eastern cuisine.

It is also growing in popularity across North America over the past century. Olives are even grown in California and this oil is seen as healthier and more flavorful than many others. It is also a common vegetable oil substitute.

Besides cooking and baking, olive oil is used in hair, nail, and skincare by people across the world.

Producing Olive Oil

Olive oil is made by grinding olives and extracting the oil through either mechanical or chemical processes. Green olives usually produce more bitter oil, compared to black olives. On the other hand, overripe olives can produce rancid oil.

Because of this, the olives used for producing oil need to be perfectly ripe. The following processes take place to extract olive oil from the fruit:

  1. The olives are first crushed to make a paste.
  2. After grinding, the olive paste is spread across fiber disks stacked over each other in a column, then placed into the press. Pressure (or a centrifuge) is then used to separate the vegetal liquid from the paste.
  3. The paste is then stirred slowly in a special container, tiny oil drops cumulate into bigger drops, speeding up the mechanical extraction. This oil is then separated from the rest of the paste with a second round of centrifuging.

    How long does it take for olive oil to form? This depends on the exact method being used.
  4. Lastly, the extracted oil is filtered to remove debris and impurities.

Different Kinds of Olive Oil:

As you may have noticed, different kinds of brands of olive oil have different tastes. This is because the flavor depends on the region where the olives were harvested, the exact extraction process, and the kind of olives used.

Different kinds of olive oil also have different purposes. That being said, there are a few different kinds of oil being sold.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

This is the oil most often used by chefs as it is the highest quality and grade of olive oil. EVOO is extracted through purely mechanical processes, instead of chemical ones. This makes the oil purer and gives it a stronger, ‘rawer’ flavor.

It also has no more than 0.8% free acidity. All this means that EVOO has a superior taste and a beautifully complex flavor that makes it great for salads, marinades, dressings, and even as a drizzle over things like hummus and other dips.

However, different brands of extra virgin olive oil can have different flavors, colors, and quality. There are also lots of counterfeit EVOO that sell inferior oils at a very high price.

Virgin Olive Oil:

What makes this kind of oil different from EVOO? For starters, it has a 1.5% free acidity. This makes it a slightly lower-grade oil in terms of flavor and quality. However, it is still a great option for cooking and works well for sauteing and pan roasting.

Refined Olive Oil:

This is generally sold as just olive oil in most stores. It is made by refining the virgin olive oil, which removes much of the complex flavors. Because it is quite bland, it is mixed with other oils for cooking. It is also used for skin and hair care as it doesn’t have a potent smell.

Can I Freeze Olive Oil?

can you freeze olive oil
can you freeze olive oil

All this leads us to the core of the matter. Does olive oil spoil? Does olive oil expire? If it does, how can one preserve their oil to make it last longer?

Well, anyone who’s lost a bottle of olive oil in the back of their pantry will recognize the rancid smell of oil that has gone bad. Extra virgin olive generally lasts 12-18 months, while other oils have a longer shelf life (18-24 months).

Storing olive oil in refrigerators may seem like a good option, but this only works for regular refined or cold-pressed olive oil. In this case, simply put your bottle of oil in the fridge. The oil will solidify after a few hours.

But if you have extra virgin or virgin olive oil, this will cause a loss of flavor. Instead, you can freeze your olive oil. Frozen olive oil can be safely thawed and used in cooking.

Does olive oil freeze well? Yes, and there is no significant change in flavor or texture after EVOO is frozen and thawed.

The best way to freeze olive oil is to pour it into plastic jars or containers, securing them tightly with a lid, and putting them in a freezer. Leave half an inch of space in the jar to reduce the chances of freezer burn.

However, this has one issue. You will need to thaw the entire jar of oil to use just a little bit and then freeze the oil again. Does olive oil go bad after repeated thawing and freezing? Not really, but it will affect the general quality of the oil.

A better option would be to fill up a small silicone ice cube tray with olive oil and freeze them until solid. Then, transfer the oil cubes to a large freezer bag and seal the bag, pushing out all the air that you can. Next, place this bag into another freezer bag and seal it up for extra security.

This will let you pop out a couple of cubes of frozen oil as needed instead of thawing everything from scratch. It also lets you store even more oil than you would with just a bottle.

But here’s a better idea. Want your cooking to be even more flavorful? Infuse your oil with herbs and whole spices beforehand. 

  • To do so, start with a cold pan. Add the herbs of your choice. You can use a mix of dried oregano, rosemary, and thyme in Italian cooking.
  • For Asian cooking, you can work with whole black peppercorns, bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and even Indian five-spice. You can even use a knob of ginger, diced garlic, or shallots.
  • Add your olive oil and heat in on low, stirring frequently. Wait for the oil herbs and spices to infuse the oil, heating gently until you can smell the aromatics. Make sure nothing burns. Once fragrant, remove from heat.
  • Strain the oil into a large bowl. After it cools down to room temperature, fill the silicone tray with the oil and repeat the steps mentioned above. You will now have a supply of herby, spicy fragrant oil that will take your cooking to the next level.

You can even do this with regular cooking oil too! Does cooking oil freeze? Yes, and it acts similarly to olive oil once frozen.

Still Got Questions?

Here you will find answers to questions people have about freezing olive oil.

01. How Long Can I Store Olive Oil That is Unopened?

Unopened olive oil lasts for about 2 years without any change in flavor. Check your bottle for the ‘harvest’ or ‘bottling’ date and do the math from there.

02. How Can I Know If My Olive Oil Has Gone Bad?

Rancid olive oil will have a distinct smell and taste. Most people describe the oil to have a sweetish, rotten smell when it goes bad. For many, it smells like crayons or Elmer’s glue.

03. How Do I Thaw Frozen Olive Oil?

You can wait for the oil to melt on your counter. However, the better way is to add the cubes of oil to your pan and melt it over low heat.

Summing Up

Hopefully, this write-up answers the question, ‘Can you freeze olive oil?’ Once you know how to store lots of olive oil in bulk, you won’t have to panic and buy overpriced gourmet oils when you suddenly run out.

Instead, you can use your olive oil for a variety of dishes. You can use infused oils for pasta, sauces, curries, and other savory dishes. Light oils work splendidly for baked goods and desserts. Best of all, you will always have olive oil when you need some.