Like every extraordinary story, the beginning of Organifi– a brand that sells in millions, was an epiphany.

A man dominating the world of finance, earning a handsome six-figure salary, stressed and overweight by 35 pounds, decided to sip on a glass of Organifi green juice.
The change this brought to his stressful afternoon was pretty dramatic. His mind cleared and he started feeling more energetic than ever.
We don’t know when this moment of happiness became the driving force behind some drastic decisions. All we know is, this man named Drew Canole left his life behind and set out to San Diego from where he started juicing and documenting his transformation on social platforms.
Soon, millions of people gathered around him to form the largest online health community, Today, one of the most talked-about offerings of Drew Canole is Organifi, the brand that already has two superfood supplements under its belt.
The first of its kind is Organifi Green Juice based on the goodness of Ashwagandha, a stress reliever occurring in nature. The second and latest product is the Organifi Red Juice. Packed with 11 treasured natural ingredients this red juice powder claims an array of health benefits.
So, does Organifi Red Juice really qualify for a spot among the best health supplements in 2020?
Let’s find out.
What is Organifi Red Juice All about?
Organifi Red Juice is the second follow up of the widely successful Organifi Green Juice. This red superfood supplement has 11 basic natural ingredients grouped under three blends-
- The Organic Antioxidant Berry Blend
- The Endurance Blend and
- The Metabolic Boosting Blend
In addition, there are 4 more ingredients that enhance the taste and quality of the product. The formulation is pro-vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, and artificial sweetener-free and offers a world of health benefits.
The manufacturer confidently claims a no-risk 100% money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the purchase.
Who Should Have Organifi Red Juice?

This juice is suitable for those who have accumulated quite a bit of free radicals and bad nutrients through years of taking the wrong kinds of food, which translates to everybody. It is the first step for them towards a healthier lifestyle.
Children and adults, whether with weak or strong immune system, can consume this super drink. However, nobody should assume that this red juice can replace a regular diet. It is advisable to get a go-ahead from the family physician or a nutritionist first.
Therefore, anybody looking towards better mental and physical health can benefit from having Organifi Red Juice. The red juice (metabolism boost) is recommended for the afternoon, while the green juice (detox) for the morning and the gold juice (sleep and rejuvenation) for the evening.
Is Organifi Red Juice Good for You?
Often superfood supplements are faced with some skeptical consumers with some basic questions like, “What is it made of?”, “Does this even work?” or “What if it’s a hoax?”
We belong to the skeptical lot. That’s why we did a stepwise probe into what Organifi actually has in store for us.
Organifi Red Juice Ingredients: Nature’s Best?
All the constituents of the blends are organic and each comes with unique properties. Here’s what we found.
The Vibrant Berry Blend:
The berry blend is the powers of 5 super berries combined. Berries are well known for their antioxidant properties. The fact that Organifi Red Juice Powder is literally stuffed with berries, makes it a powerful daily source of antioxidants.
Pomegranate: is popular for its age-defying nutrients. It is a celebrated youth enhancer. Anti-aging health supplements, therefore, cannot go wrong if they provide a serving of pomegranate to their consumers.
Cranberry: is widely prescribed by physicians to patients suffering from urinary tract ailments. Daily intake of just the right portion of cranberry can be really good for your urinary system. Moreover, it is also good for the gums and overall dental hygiene.
Raspberry: is a rich source of micronutrients such as copper, iron, folic acid, manganese, and Vitamin C. These are skin-strengthening vitamins and minerals. Raspberry has a vital role in backing Organifi’s confidence that they offer the best organic drink for the skin.
Raspberry: is also high in fiber, antioxidants, and low in calories and confers some anti-aging effects.
Blueberry: is yet another fruit brimming with the goodness of nature. It has a good share of antioxidants. Its Vitamin C and Vitamin K content help keep your cardiovascular system in great shape.
Strawberry: is mostly about collagen firming compounds, flavonoids, phenolic phytonutrients, and phenol antioxidants. Looks like Organifi is ready to combat aging skin after all!
The Mighty Endurance Blend:
Next in line is the Endurance Blend of Organifi Red Juice Powder. It is a mix of two hard-to-find mushrooms and beetroot powder.
Cordyceps: is a mushroom that belongs in the Himalayas. Imagine this as the staple food for Yetis and you’ll grasp the power Cordyceps holds. This ingredient has a solid reputation for boosting metabolism. Begin to take it on a regular basis and your body is bound to kick start!
The Reishi Mushroom is rightly known as “the King of all Mushrooms”.
“Reishi mushrooms are among several medicinal mushrooms that have been used for hundreds of years, mainly in Asian countries, for treatment of infections. More recently, they have also been used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and cancer”— an article by WebMD informs.
Beets: act as a source of folate and betaine. These two compounds together lower homocysteine in the blood. A high concentration of homocysteine is not good for the human body as it increases the risk of getting heart diseases.
The Powerful Metabolic Blend:
Siberian Ginseng: is a stress buster. People suffering from insomnia may get some relief because of its sleep-inducing properties.
Its job doesn’t end here though! It is great at giving the body’s immune system a nudge in the right direction.
Rhodiola: is also a stress reliever and works hand in hand with Siberian Ginseng. This is also a good source of energy.
So, you see, the combination of Siberian Ginseng and Rhodiola makes Organifi Red Juice one of the best immune-boosting drinks out there!
Acai has an ORAC score of 103,000. The ORAC is the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and a score equal to this means that it contains 10x more antioxidants than most fruits. It is great for muscles and improves effort tolerance.
Additional Ingredients:
The additional ingredients are there to enhance the taste and texture of the drink. Unlike many superfood supplements, the Organifi Red Juice is devoid of any artificial taste enhancers.
Some of the main ingredients are already pleasantly sweet, no issues there. On the other hand, some, such as the Reishi mushroom, are bitter. The additional ingredients prevent that bitterness from reaching your taste buds.
Organifi uses two natural zero-calorie sweeteners- the Monk Fruit Extract and Acai Berry Flavor to make the juice just the right amount of sweet- not too much, not too little.
Inulin: is a natural probiotic dietary fiber. Along with adding roughage to your diet it also helps good gut bacteria to flourish, warding off the infectious ones.
Malic acid: acts as a flavor enhancer and adds a tart taste to the juice.
It goes without saying that Organifi has brought some solid ingredients together in one glass!
Are they nature’s best?
It certainly seems so!
How Does the Organifi Red Juice Work?
The formula mainly works on three aspects:
- Anti-aging
- Cognitive enhancement
- Metabolism-boosting
It targets all these three aspects by working on the free radicals accumulated in the body. Free radicals are substances formed as a by-product of our cell metabolism. We can never live and breathe without producing them every passing moment.
Now if these were beneficial, we would never have aged at all. The sole purpose of free radicals is to damage the cell and lead to its aging.
Thankfully, there is a substance that keeps free radicals in check- antioxidants. You can imagine them as antidotes to free radicals.
Organifi targets this cellular process. The singular thing that it focuses on, is its antioxidant content. And that is precisely what sets Organifi Red Juice apart.
Organifi Red Juice is:

Good for the Mind:
It is a nootropic, this means it is good for the brain’s cognitive function. It works on improving memory and creativity. It also helps to stay positive. It promotes a good mood by reducing the level of stress hormones while elevating happy hormones such as serotonin inside your body.
We don’t really believe that this will grant you an eidetic (photographic) memory, but some studies have backed the claim that antioxidants do improve cognition.
Therefore, as far as juices are concerned, currently in the market, Organifi Red Juice is the best juice to improve your memory.
Good for the Skin:
The contribution of antioxidants to youthful skin is widely known. Regular intake of antioxidants can make you look 25 at the age of 40. Organifi Red Juice is a potent drink that firms your skin and rejuvenates the body making you young, both inside and out.
Good for the Gut:
This red juice promotes digestion. One or more of the ingredients stimulates the colony of gut-friendly bacteria. Having them occupy your gut reduces the physical space for harmful bacteria. Ergo, your gut health gets benefitted!
Good for Weight Loss:
Some people support the idea that Siberian Ginseng is related to lower body fat. Siberian Ginseng apart, most ingredients in this health juice boosts metabolism. With a metabolism at its max, give yourself a little push with a workout routine and lose weight drastically!
Also, remember the gut bacteria we were talking about?
Harmful bacteria consume a lot of sugar, adding to your cravings. Letting the Organifi Red Juice replace most of your bad microbiome with good ones, will cut down your food cravings and voila will help you lose some extra pounds!
Organifi Red Juice surely poses to be the best drink for weight loss!
Gives You Energy:
A glass of Organifi Red Juice supplies plenty of energy without caffeine. So, if you are searching for caffeine-free energy drinks, this one fits the category. Each scoop will supply 30 calories of energy!
Other Benefits:
The powerful ingredients packed in a serving of Organifi Red Juice confers some additional benefits that we haven’t highlighted above.
For instance, it is good for strengthening the immune system and good for your heart. Indeed, it is safe to say that Organifi Red Juice Supplement is one of the best immunity boosters available in a packet.
How Much Nutrition Does Organifi Red Juice Provide?
The 30 calories that come from a single scoop of Organifi Red Juice Powder mostly come from carbs. Another significant proportion of its content is roughage ( which is also carbs ).
- Proteins: 0 grams
- Fats: 0 grams
- Carbohydrates: 6 grams
A regular scoop contains 3 grams of dietary fiber, which is greater than the fiber content of the celebrated whole wheat bread per gram.
According to a study titled “Fiber Intake of the US Population,” the mean fiber intake of an average American is 16 grams, while the recommended dose for a healthy digestive system is 25-30 grams, almost double. Organifi seems to have taken note of this.
This is something the best red juice powder in the market is loaded with. We cannot calculate exactly how much micronutrients there are since we don’t know the proper dosing of the ingredients used.
Instead, let’s show you, which micronutrients are predominant in each constituent.
- Reishi Mushroom: Potassium, Phosphate, and a bit of Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin.
- Cordyceps: Calcium, Magnesium, and a bit of Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin.
- Acai Berry: Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron.
- Strawberry: Vitamin C, Manganese.
- Raspberry: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese.
- Pomegranate: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Copper, Potassium, Manganese, Phosphate.
- Beetroot: Folate, Potassium, Copper, Manganese.
The only micronutrient that you may find missing here is Vitamin D, something that is exclusively obtained from animal sources. Since Organifi Red Juice is wholly plant-based, you won’t find it here.
Is Organifi Red Juice Better than Other Energy Drinks?

We found a comparison chart on the official webpage of Organifi Red Juice. It compares Organifi Red Juice with Pom Wonderful, Gatorade, Red Bull, and Latte.
While each serving of its counterparts loads you with more than 100 calories, Red Juice only gives you 30 calories to process and burn instantly.
3 of its counterparts do not have any superfood at all. Pom Wonderful has only 1, which is meager compared to Organifi Red Juice that contains 11.
Red Bull and Latte are caffeinated drinks (duh!), whereas the others including Organifi, do not deal with caffeine.
The sugar content of Organifi Red Juice is nothing compared to the others. While the Pom Wonderful boasts 32 grams of sugar per serving, Organifi gives you only 1 gram.
In terms of cost, per serving of Organifi Red Juice is the cheapest among the lot!
So, what do we think?
We think that Organifi Red Juice may not load you with sugar, but will serve you just the right amount of energy before activities such as workouts. It does not contain much sugar and calories and has zero caffeine.
If you want to have some Organifi pre-workout, we’re not complaining.
Is Organifi Red Juice Bad for You?
Before you commit to taking a formulated juice on a regular basis, you’ll obviously want to know whether there is any harmful side to it. To make matters more hesitant, Organifi Red Juice seems too good to be true.
Doesn’t it?
Lets probe further to see if there is a darker side to this red juice.
Are There Any Side Effects to Organifi Red Juice?
Since it is an all-natural food supplement with practically zero artificial ingredients, side effects seldom occur. The product is USDA Organic Certified, meaning it’s safe to drink.
Even then, you may feel a little digestive discomfort the first time you take it since it contains so many things, some of which your stomach may not have received before.
Also, there is always a chance that you may be allergic to one or more of the constituents. So, you may want to do a check on that.
The Organifi Red Juice may turn harmful if you take more than the prescribed dose. Excess intake will lead to toxicity by its ingredients and result in specific medical issues.
For instance, acai berry toxicity may lead to an increase in bleeding tendency while excess cordyceps will slow your clotting mechanism down.
So, as we have already mentioned before, it’s best to consult your doctor before starting on Organifi Red Juice. And once you get started on it, it is best to adhere to the prescribed dosage.
Is What They Claim Really True?
Well, like all products up for purchase, the marketing claims of Organifi Red Juice can be a bit extravagant.
Don’t get blown away by languages such as “prevent aging skin” and “you’ll never forget a friend’s name.”
While it can effectively slow down the effects of aging skin, it is wise to bear in mind that it will never STOP your skin from aging.
Again, even though it has been reported to improve your brain power, assuming that you’ll never forget certain things or you’ll start enjoying an eidetic memory is unrealistic.
But, again, as far as health drinks go, you can rest assured that Organifi Red Juice is one of the best fitness supplements currently available.
Are There Any Hidden Secrets You Should Know about?
We have not been able to dig up any nasty secret behind Orgaifi.
As far as real user testimonials and online reviews go, Organifi Red Juice is legit and has successfully made a positive impact on the lives of many.
However, there is one thing that we found concerning.
Although Organifi is quite vocal about the 11 natural ingredients it uses in the red juice formula, what it doesn’t reveal is the exact proportion of each ingredient per scoop. There is no dosage listed on the label.
This can be a bit concerning, as the effects of medicinal plants largely depend on the dosage used.
Is Organifi Red Juice Tasty?
Basically Organifi Red Juice tastes like a mixed berry smoothie. This is a vast improvement to most conventional red juices that have a reputation of tasting bland.
In fact, the juice is on the delicious side. The berries make it vibrant, while the natural sweeteners such as the monk fruit extract make it refreshing without making it sickeningly sweet.
With a flavor profile of a healthy fruit punch, Organifi Red Juice qualifies as one of the tastiest health supplements. However, if you don’t like the taste and flavor of berries, you are in for a heartbreak. The Red Juice is not available in any other flavor.
When Should You Have Organifi Red Juice?
The best time to drink Organifi Red Juice is during mid-day on an empty stomach, according to the official website.
Some reviewers have got wonderful results by adding it to their morning routine before workouts. Some prefer to take it in the afternoon.
Moreover, Organifi Red Juice has acquired quite a bit of fame as one of the best energy-boosting drinks before workouts.
Is Organifi Red Juice Wallet Friendly?
Compared to other red juices in the market, this price tag stands at a mid-range.
There are more expensive juices. Whether they offer better ingredients than Organifi, is something to ponder about.
On the other hand, there are cheaper alternatives, but they may not offer you top-notch ingredients.
When it comes to comparing the price range with conventional energy drinks like Red Bull, Organifi Red Juice is cheaper per serving.
Moreover, the brand partners with Vitamin Angels towards giving at-risk children around the globe, a chance to proper nutrition. A portion of your purchase helps fund the cause.
Overall, considering the abundance of natural and hard-to-find ingredients and the lack of artificial ones, we think Organifi Red Juice is fairly priced and one of the most affordable health drinks in 2020!
Summarizing all that we have learned and poured out here in this article, here is a list of what we like and don’t like about the best anti-aging health supplement – Organifi Red Juice.
- USDA Organic Certified.
- Gluten, Soya, Dairy-Free.
- 100% Vegan.
- Keto-Friendly.
- Full of Antioxidants.
- Contains Adaptogens.
- Great source of Vitamins.
- Extremely low in sugar so suitable for diabetics.
- Available in various monthly subscriptions.
- 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee.
- No dosage listed on the label.
- Not available in physical stores.
- Result and satisfaction may vary from one individual to another.
- Requires strict adherence to the prescribed daily regime.
The Final Score
- Taste 9/10
- Mixability 9.5/10
- Price 7/10
- Ingredients 10/10
- Nutrition 9.5/10
- Uses 9/10
- Total Score: 9/10
5 Top FAQs Popping Up in Curious Minds
Here are the top 5 commonest questions people ask about Organifi Red Juice. Check out if your curious mind wants to know the same!
01. Can I Take Organifi Red Juice During Pregnancy?
However, the manufacturers highly recommend that you consult your doctor if you are planning on taking this product for the first time during pregnancy.
02. Do I Refrigerate The Tub Once I Open It?
The product is pretty dehydrated, so the nutrients remain unaltered for a long time even outside the refrigerator.
03. Why Do Some Of The Powder Spike Or Cling To The Scoop?
This does not mean that the product quality is compromised. Ergo, there’s nothing to worry about!
04. Do I Need To Worry About The Prop 65 Warning On The Label?
Prop 65 is a law of the state of California. It requires companies to issue this warning if any of their ingredients come from the ground.
The warning notifies the consumers that the product may contain, “a chemical known to the state of CA to cause cancer, birth defect, or other reproductive harm.”
So, does Organifi REALLY contain chemicals that extreme?
The company doesn’t believe so.
According to them, the notice is in place to make the consumers aware that their ingredients come from the ground. And since there is no way one can control the chemical content of the soil, the warning holds.
05. Can I Take Different Organifi Products Together?
You can add more than one Organifi product to your daily routine. One does not seem to have any harmful interaction with the other.
Stick to the prescribed regime of each product and reap the benefits!
Just When We Have Done Enough of ‘Juicing’ around…

Having taken a tremendously long and wordy ‘sip’ of Organifi Red Juice, we end with the confession that this truly is one of the best health supplements in 2020.
So, how do we end a note perfectly in a ‘juicing’ article?
Detoxifying your body and getting rid of the toxic waste products is what your liver and kidneys are there for. So, thank your organs for doing a great job and love juicing only for the right reasons.
Without further blubber,