Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies As A Substitute For Vegetable Oil?

Learn can you use olive oill for brownies as a substitute for vegetable oil and all the substitutes you can use instead of vegetable oil to bake fudgy brownies. 

Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies As A Substitute For Vegetable Oil?
Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies

Olive oil has a long history of being used in cooking – as early as the 5th to 4th-century BCE

But for baking purposes, it’s not the type of oil we usually use. 

But in a pinch, olive oil can be a great substitute for vegetable oil in brownies. 

Not only is olive oil lower in calories, but it also has a variety of health benefits

So if you want to make healthy and delicious brownies, olive oil is a great option.

But you might be thinking can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil in brownies with satisfactory results? 

Let’s find out!

What Is Olive Oil?

Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies As A Substitute For Vegetable Oil? 1
Nutritional Profile Of Olive Oil Per Tablespoon

Olive oil is produced from the fruit of olive trees, which typically grow in the Mediterranean region but are also found in California, Greece, France, Italy, and Spain. 

After harvest, the olives are crushed into a paste, which is then centrifuged to separate the oil. The finished product is then kept in stainless steel tanks that are shielded from oxygen and sunlight.

It is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which helps to keep your heart healthy.

These varieties of olive oil are available for purchase: extra virgin, virgin, fino, light, and pure. 

  • Extra Virgin:

It is the best and fruitiest olive oil because it is unrefined and extracted by cold pressing. 

It comes in three colors (crystalline champagne, greenish-golden, and bright green hues) and has a strong flavor because it is only 1% acid.

Extra virgin olive oil can be used in cooking as well as for cold or finishing dishes. 

  • Virgin:

Virgin olive oil is a first-press oil as well with a pleasant flavor but a somewhat higher acidity level of between 1% and 3%.

  • Fino:

Fino is a combination of extra virgin and virgin olive oils.

  • Light:

Light olive oil is refined oil that has far less flavor than virgin versions but is lighter in color (but not in fat or calories).

When you don’t want the distinctively peppery flavor of olive oil, you can choose light-tasting olive oil because it has a neutral flavor and can be used in baking and cooking.

Therefore, if you’re in doubt and want to know can you substitute olive oil for vegetable oil in brownies, you can.

  • Pure:

Pure is frequently a blend of refined and virgin olive oils, sometimes simply referred to as “olive oil” or regarded as “normal” olive oil. 

Its flavor is neutral and dull, and its acidity is about 3%.

What Is Vegetable Oil?

Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies As A Substitute For Vegetable Oil? 2
Vegetable Oil

The type of oil that comes from plants, fruits, seeds, and grains is called vegetable oil or vegetable fats. 

This is different from oils that come from animals, which are called animal fats. 

You’ll usually find a mix of various oils on the shelves, like canola, sunflower, palm, and others.

It is generally a popular option for cooking because it is affordable and has a neutral flavor that has no impact on the final flavor of your food. 

Vegetable oil is perfect for stir-frying foods, grilling foods, or baking goods like brownies because it has a high-medium smoke point.

You can also use substitutes for vegetable oil in case there’s none at hand.

Why Do You Use Vegetable Oil in Your Brownies?

Vegetable oil is used in brownies because of a few reasons:

  • It keeps the batter from getting lumpy.
  • It makes the brownies soft and smooth.
  • It makes the brownies extra fudgy by preventing aeration in the batter.
  • Its neutral taste allows the real flavors and taste of chocolate to dominate.

So, can olive oil be substituted for vegetable oil in brownies is a valid point to ponder given that vegetable oil has so much impact on the final taste and texture of brownies. 

Can You Use Olive Oil Instead Of Vegetable Oil In Brownies?

Can You Use Olive Oil For Brownies As A Substitute For Vegetable Oil? 3
Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Can you use olive oil instead of vegetable oil for brownies is a common question, especially for those who prefer not to use butter or vegetable oil for any reason. 

The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind. 

For starters, you won’t get the same taste if you use olive oil as a sub for vegetable oil in brownies.

Whereas vegetable oil has a neutral flavor and taste, olive oil has a distinct taste with a stronger flavor. 

In fact, olive oil can lend some bitterness to brownies and that’s alright for those who like the flavor and taste of rich, dark chocolate. 

But you can choose either a light version of olive oil instead of extra virgin olive oil to dial down the flavor.

Or, if you only have extra virgin olive oil in the pantry, try adding more cocoa powder to the brownie batter to cover the strong smell of extra virgin olive oil. 

Moreover, the health benefits are not the same.

Although brownies by definition are not the healthiest baked goods, you can make them healthy by using olive oil as vegetable oil substitutes. 

Olive oil has more monounsaturated fats than the ones found in avocados and nuts. 

These monounsaturated fats help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby keeping our hearts healthy. 

As olive oil undergoes less processing and refinement, it retains its natural vitamins and minerals, which much-processed vegetable oils don’t. 

However, you can find the maximum health benefits in extra virgin olive oil as it’s the least refined and processed. 

But then you have to trade the taste and flavor with the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil as its pungent flavor will dominate your brownies. 

Since some like their brownies gooey and fudgy while others like a more cakey texture, the amount of olive oil as a replacement for vegetable oil in brownies will vary. 

To answer can you use olive oil for brownies, you can for sure and the substitution ratio is the same since both olive oil and vegetable oil have the same viscosity and consistency. 

Therefore, use a simple 1:1 ratio. 

But if you want a drier and crumbly brownie, you need to reduce the amount of olive oil and if you like your brownies really soft and fudgy, add more. 

Before adding more olive oil to the brownie batter, don’t forget that the taste will change quite a lot as you add more of it. 

Btw, if you have been splurging on olive oil, it’s time to learn if you can freeze olive oil

Oil Substitutes For Brownies

Substitute For Vegetable Oil In BrowniesSubstitution Ratio
Olive oil1:1
Canola oil1:1
Sunflower oil1:1
Avocado oil1:1
Coconut oil1:1
Mashed bananas3/4th part of mashed banana to
one part of vegetable oil

Besides olive oil, there are other vegetable oil substitutes for brownies, some of them with many health benefits and some that suit vegans better while others may not be great for your cardiovascular health. 

Before reaching for a substitute, check if your oil has gone bad.

  1. Butter

Before butter got the bad buzz due to its impact on our health, it was the preferred oil source used in baking brownies and other sweet treats. 

Butter undoubtedly gives baked brownies a decadent flavor and can turn any humble cake or cookie into a rich and indulgent experience. 

In the case of brownies, butter can aerate the flour and result in a cakey texture rather than a fudgy one, thanks to its water content.

You won’t get this effect from vegetable oil as it’s pure fat without any water content. 

So, it’s up to you if you want to use melted butter in brownies. 

You can use one part of butter to substitute for one part of vegetable oil.

  1. Margarine

Those who don’t choose butter often reach out for the closest substitute to butter – margarine. 

Margarine has a lighter flavor and won’t give you the same extent of rich taste that you can get from butter.

It will let the full blast of cocoa and chocolate flavors of brownies shine through. 

Use equal parts of margarine to replace vegetable oil in your brownie recipe. 

  1. Canola Oil In Brownies

Can you use canola oil instead of vegetable oil for brownies?

Sure you can!

Canola oil has low amounts of saturated fat, is rich in certain vitamins and essential fatty acids, and to top it all, has a neutral taste. 

That’s why if you’re thinking can you use canola oil in brownies, you should.

With a high smoking point, canola oil is great for frying, grilling, baking, and stir-frying. 

To replace vegetable oil with canola oil in baking brownies, use it in equal parts

  1. Sunflower Oil

With a nutty undertone, sunflower oil is a great substitute for vegetable oil in brownies, especially if you’re using chopped walnuts in your brownie recipe. 

The overall nutty flavor will be enhanced by using sunflower oil. 

With a high Vitamin E content, you have one more reason to use sunflower oil in brownies as an olive oil replacement. 

Use in a 1:1 ratio.

For example, if the brownie recipe calls for a quarter cup of vegetable oil, use the same amount of sunflower oil. 

  1. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is rare and expensive and not likely to be in your pantry unless you have a particular reason to store it. 

Avocado is rich in nutrients including various vitamins and minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of our body. 

The smooth and oily texture of avocado oil transfers to brownies, making them gooey and soft in the center. 

Another plus point of avocado oil is that it has a delicate flavor and won’t spoil the natural chocolatey taste of brownies. 

To use avocado oil in brownies as a vegetable oil substitute, use it in equal parts. 

  1. Coconut Oil

Who doesn’t like the warm, nutty, natural flavor of coconut oil?

The sweet and wafting aroma of coconut oil makes it a favorite beauty product for your hair and skin, not to mention a host of health benefits you can get from eating coconut oil. 

If you use coconut oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies, the brownies come with a hint of fruity coconut flavor. 

Use refined coconut oil in equal parts when baking brownies with it to get the perfect texture – not cakey but fudgy and soft.  

  1. Shortening

Shortening is a solid fat that can be made from either animal fat or vegetable fat. 

It’s the least preferred alternative to vegetable oil for baking brownies because it gives them a cakey texture as the solid fat content allows the brownies to get aerated and rise.

Before using it in your brownie batter, melt the shortening to make sure it is in equal parts to vegetable oil. 

  1. Mashed Bananas

Believe it or not, mashed bananas can replace vegetable oil in brownies. 

The rich, creamy texture will make the brownies delicious and moist.

The light fruity and sweet aroma of bananas will make your brownies ever so slightly flavorful. 

Replace one part of vegetable oil with ¾ part of mashed bananas. 

If you want brownies to be lighter, then replace one part of vegetable oil with ½ part of mashed bananas.

  1. Yogurt

Choose plain, nonfat yogurt if you want luscious, dense brownies. 

With this substitution, the brownies’ fat content will be decreased. 

Yogurt and oil can be substituted in an equal ratio, or you can mix the two in equal parts. 

Note that every two eggs and a half cup of oil in a box recipe should be swapped out with half a cup of yogurt.

Don’t use any flavored yogurt as that will change the flavor of your brownies. 

What Is The Best Oil For Brownies?

The best oil for baking brownies is vegetable oil. 

You can also use lighter versions of olive oil as it doesn’t have a strong taste and won’t overpower the chocolate flavor in your brownies. 

For the same reason, other oil substitutes for vegetable oil in brownies include avocado oil and canola oil. 

However, if brownies with a nutty flavor are what you want to achieve, go ahead and use oils with a slightly nutty flavor like coconut oil and sunflower oil. 


Can I Use Olive Oil Instead Of Vegetable Oil For Brownies?

Yes, you can use extra light olive oil instead of vegetable oil in brownies so as not to subdue the chocolate flavor of brownies.

Can I Use Canola Oil Instead Of Vegetable Oil For Brownies?

If you want to know can you use canola oil instead of vegetable oil in brownies, the answer is yes.

Which Oil Is Better For Brownies?

Any oil that has a neutral taste is good for brownies.
Options include vegetable oil, light olive oil, canola oil, and avocado oil.

What Can I Use Instead Of Oils In Brownies?

Instead of oil in brownies, you can use applesauce, yogurt, fruit puree, cornstarch mixed with water, and mashed bananas.

The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes

Learn what to use as a substitute for dill with other herbs and spices in your dishes and pickles and make your food taste even better.

The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes
The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes

Dill is a key ingredient in pickles and other dishes but if you can’t find it or don’t have any fresh herbs on hand, there are many substitute herbs and spices you can use. 

Each substitute for dill has its own unique flavor.

Some of these dill substitutes are interchangeable, while others should be used in specific dishes. While some of the replacements have a stronger flavor than dill, they are worth trying in a pinch.

This post will look at the top substitutes for dill and how to use them in the right proportions to get a flavorful dish that doesn’t overpower the olfactory senses or your taste buds. 

What Is Dill?

The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes 4
Nutritional Facts Of Dill

Belonging to the celery and parsley family Apiaceae, dill is an annual herb native to the Eurasian region. 

Both its leaves and seeds are used as a seasoning or herb in various cuisines in Central Asia and Europe. 

A milder cousin to caraway seeds, dill has a grassy and fresh taste with undertones of citrus and licorice flavors. 

Keep in mind that during the hot weather, the dill plant flowers or bolts. 

The flavor of the leaves becomes less aromatic and bitter. 

Dillweed or dill weed refers to dill leaves and is used as a spice or seasoning in pickles. 

Both fresh and dried dill leaves are used in cooking to add flavor to food. 

The aromatic feathery fronds of the dill plant are used to add flavor to sauces made from yogurt, soups, seafood, and fish dishes, and make dill pickle. 

How To Use Dill In Cooking

The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes 5
Ways To Use Dill In Cooking

Dill is excellent to use as a garnish because of its distinct flavor, which makes a little go a long way. 

Dill leaves have a lovely feathery texture, and even a tiny sprig may give food a particular scent. 

Along with buttermilk, dill is a key element in giving homemade ranch dressing its unique taste.

It is also tasty in salads.

Dill weed should only be added just before serving because the longer it is cooked, the more flavor it loses. 

When cooked, dill seed, or the fruit of the dill plant, increases in flavor and fragrance. 

Dill seed should be roasted in a hot frying pan to release its aroma before being used in recipes as dried herbs.

Substitutes For Dill

Substitute For DillHow To Use
Dried dill as substitute for
fresh dill
1 teaspoon of dried dill for 1 tablespoon of
fresh dill
ParsleyEqual parts
CilantroOne part of dill to half part of cilantro
FennelEqual parts
Fresh TarragonEqual parts
Dried TarragonA teaspoon of dried tarragon for
one tablespoon of fresh dill weed
ThymeOne part of dill to half part of thyme
Fresh BasilEqual parts
Dried BasilHalf part dried basil to one part of fresh dill
ChervilEqual parts
SageHalf part of sage to one part of dill
RosemaryHalf part of rosemary to one part of dill
MintHalf or one-third part of mint for one part
of dill
OreganoA pinch of oregano to one part of dill
Bay LeafOne to two bay leaves to one part of dill
GarlicUse powdered garlic
Substitute For Vegetable Oil In BrowniesSubstitution Ratio
Olive oil1:1
Canola oil1:1
Sunflower oil1:1
Avocado oil1:1
Coconut oil1:1
Mashed bananas3/4th part of mashed banana to
one part of vegetable oil

Choose any suitable substitutes for dill to make up for a similar taste and flavor when you’ve run out of this herb. 

There are several options so that you won’t be left wondering what to use instead of dill in the middle of cooking. 

As dill has a distinct flavor of licorice and anise, you can use alternatives from the same family to come as close as possible to the taste and flavor. 

However, if you’re not a fan of dill and want some other flavor of herbs and seasonings to perk things up, you can always choose something else.

Here’s a list of what you can use as a dill alternative.

  1. Dried Dill

Dried dill is the most suitable dill substitute for fresh dill. 

And vice versa. 

Thus, you can use fresh and dried dill interchangeably in all types of recipes that call for dill to be used. 

Dried dill has more flavor packed in them and you should use it in smaller amounts when using this as a fresh dill alternative.

Conversely, when using fresh dill to substitute dried dill, you need to use more than the recipe calls for to make up for the flavor potency required in the dish. 

To make things easier for you, here’s a handy conversion formula. 

A teaspoon of dried dill substitute for fresh dill should be enough if your recipe calls for one tablespoon of fresh dill. 

  1. Parsley

As parsley comes from the same family, use it easily as the best dill substitute. 

As well as the green color that will give your soups, meat, fish, and vegetable dishes an appetizing look, the subtle flavor and taste of fresh parsley as a dill substitute won’t disappoint you and your guests. 

You can use parsley as a garnish too although it doesn’t resemble dill. 

Parsley has a mild flavor so you might want to start by using it in a 1:1 ratio as a substitute for dill. 

Then increase the amount of parsley if you want a bolder flavor. 

  1. Cilantro

With a stronger flavor than parsley and a lot stronger than dill, you should use cilantro as a substitute for dill with caution.

People either hate or love cilantro. 

So, if you’re cooking for guests, you may want to use some other dill alternative with a delicate flavor. 

However, cilantro does fit in many dishes with its peppery taste, especially in dips, dressings, and as salad garnishes. 

Its freshness and the crunchiness of its stalk can add a bite to an otherwise mundane salad and work perfectly as a fresh dill substitute.

You can start by replacing one portion of dill with half portion of cilantro and adjust according to taste. 

  1. Fennel

Another herb to work as a fresh dill substitute is fennel. 

Fennel fronds and dill look very similar and only an expert would be able to tell the difference by looking at them. 

The anise-licorice flavor profile of fennel matches that of dill and works as a good substitute for dill. 

Besides garnishing, you can use fennel fronds to replace dill in vegetable, meat, and fish dishes. 

Don’t throw away the stems of fennel as cooking with them will add a nice flavor and a sweet taste. 

Use fennel as a dill spice substitute in equal parts. 

  1. Tarragon

Tarragon is another dill seasoning substitute that shares a similar anise flavor. 

Use fresh tarragon in equal parts to substitute for fresh dill in your recipes. 

However, if you’re going to substitute fresh dill with dried tarragon, for every tablespoon of fresh dill weed, use a teaspoon of dried tarragon. 

Tarragon as a substitute for dill works especially well in stews, as a garnish in soups, seafood dishes, in salad dressings, or as a condiment. 

There’s just one difference you should keep in mind. 

Fresh tarragon can sustain the heat from cooking better so if you want to tone down the flavor slightly, add it in the early cooking stage. 

Due to its ability to withstand high cooking temperatures, tarragon retains its flavor in baking and roasting. 

  1. Thyme

Thyme is a popular seasoning herb and chances are you have dried thyme somewhere in the kitchen cupboard to replace dried dill weed. 

As thyme comes from the mint family, you will get a slightly sweet taste and a stronger earthy flavor and use it as a dill substitute in soup. 

It can also be used in fish and meat marinades and roasting and baking recipes. 

Thyme can withstand cooking temperatures, unlike fresh dill weed. 

To tone down its flavor, it’s better to add thyme at the beginning of the cooking process. 

For the same reason – a stronger flavor – you should use half the amount of thyme for every part of the dill. 

This same attribute of thyme makes it a good seasoning herb for roasting, stewing, grilling, and baking as it can retain its distinct flavor. 

  1. Basil

A popular culinary herb in Italian and Asian cuisines, basil leaves have a sweet taste and a fresh aroma that complements dishes made with meat, tomatoes, or red sauces.

You’ll often see it as a topping on pizzas.

It also works great in soups, stews, salads, and marinades as one of the best substitutes for fresh dill weed. 

Use in equal parts if you want to replace fresh dill with fresh basil. 

However, as the flavor profile is not the same, you may start with half part of the dried basil for every part of the fresh dill and tweak the amount to adjust to your taste. 

  1. Chervil

Another substitute for dill is the chervil. 

Akin to parsley with a mild sweet licorice flavor, you can use chervil in sauces, soups, egg dishes, and poultry recipes. 

In French cuisines, chervil is used to lend a subtle taste and aroma to soups and stews. 

You can use chervil as a fresh dill weed substitute in equal parts and make any changes according to individual taste. 

  1. Sage

Sage makes a good dill substitute for salmon with its own distinct flavor of pine and woody notes

Rub sage on salmon to give it a nice earthy and warm flavor or use this to make herb butter. 

When cooking with sage, add it toward the beginning of the cooking process to tone down its strong flavor and prevent it from giving a bitter taste. 

Use fried sage crumbles as a topping to any dish to give it a milder flavor. 

As dill and sage have different flavor profiles, try using half the amount of sage to replace one part of dill. 

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary is a popular seasoning herb for cooking meat, especially in French, Italian, and Spanish cuisines. 

Besides being used in lamb, chicken, and pork dishes, rosemary is one of the best substitutes for dill for potatoes that are baked or roasted. 

For every part of the dill, use half the amount of rosemary as it has a stronger flavor. 

In sauces and salad dressings, rosemary adds a floral hint.

  1. Mint

Popular in Mediterranean cuisines, mint makes a nice fresh dill substitute, especially in yogurt sauces and dips like tzatziki. 

Use mint in salad dressings and other cold dishes to get the most of its sweet taste and a refreshing, lingering aftertaste that cleanses the palate. 

If you’re using lemon in a marinade or a salad dressing, add just a pinch of mint to balance the sourness of the lemon with the minty flavor. 

As mint has a strong flavor, use half or one-third of it to replace one part of dill so as not to drown out other flavors in your salad. 

  1. Oregano

Oregano is a well-known herb and is used a lot in Italian cooking to season pasta, pizza, soups, and stews. 

It has a strong flavor and using too much of it can overpower the main flavors in the dish. 

As a substitute for fresh or dried dill, use oregano sparingly at first and adjust according to taste. 

It’s better to use oregano in marinades and dressings instead of dill if you don’t have it at hand. 

  1. Bay Leaf

In Indian cuisines, bay leaf is a major ingredient to add flavor to any tampering.

Used in meat and vegetable dishes, bay leaves add variety in the taste when sauteed along with other whole spices. 

As a substitute for fresh or dried dill, use one to two leaves. 

Pro Tip: To impart more flavor, tear the bay leaves in half before adding. 

  1. Garlic

I know, garlic is not exactly a substitute for either fresh or dried dill but it’s one of my favorite bulbs to add more depth and flavor to soups, vegetable and meat stews, or any comfort food. 

If you don’t have any dill but want some oomph in a one-pot meal, garlic can be the game changer. 

It’s better to use garlic powder instead of dill as an alternative but if you have none, use the best garlic press to get some fresh garlic.

Dill Seed Substitute

The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes 6
Substitutes For Dill Seeds

Dill seed is the fruit of the dill plant and it’s more of a spice than a herb, unlike the dill weed. 

The dill weed is used to refer to the leaves and stems of the dill plant.

If your recipe asks you to use dill seeds, don’t make the mistake of using fresh dill weed instead. 

Dill seeds are more potent and have a more powerful flavor, making them the perfect partner for bread, soups, and vegetable dishes.  

Here’s a list of what you can use as a dill replacement.

  • Celery seeds

Use as a dry rub for meats and in potato salads and coleslaw instead of dill seeds.

The warm, grassy, and earthy flavor of celery seeds will not disappoint you.

Use in equal parts to get the best results.  

  • Caraway seeds

Caraway seeds have a pungent flavor and should be used in equal parts to dill for cooking cabbage dishes and soups that use cream. 

  • Coriander seeds

Used as whole or half-broken seeds in Asian fritters, coriander seeds can replace dill seeds to lend an intense aroma and crunch. 

Try using half part of the coriander seeds to replace the dill seeds and adjust as per taste. 

  • Fennel seeds

The licorice flavor of fennel seeds makes a good dill seed alternative. 

Use in equal parts to get the full burst of flavor. 


What Is The Best Substitute For Fresh Dill In Pickles?

Use fresh tarragon as the best dill substitute for pickles.

What Can I Use If I Don’t Have Dill?

If you don’t have dill, you can use any other herbs like parsley, celery, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, chervil, basil, and fennel.

How Much Dried Dill Do I Substitute For Fresh Drill?

For every tablespoon of fresh dill, substitute with one teaspoon of dried dill.

How Much Is A Bunch Of Dill Equivalent To Dried Dill?

Dried dill is one-third the equivalent of a bunch of fresh dill.

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The Best Substitute For Dill In Pickles And Other Dishes
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Is Tortilla Bread? The Truth Revealed!

Is tortilla bread, how it differs from bread, how tortillas are made, and for what purposes they are used are covered in this post for better understanding.

Is Tortilla Bread? The Truth Revealed!
Is Tortilla Bread

If you’re a fan of Mexican food, you might be familiar with tortillas and wondered are tortillas considered bread.

Here’s a little trivia before we start.

Do you know when was the tortilla invented?

Back in 10,000 BC, the people of Mexico prepared tortillas made from corn, specifically in the Sierra Madre Mountains region. 

Is tortilla bread or not is a riddle to many.

There are some qualities that make tortillas bread and some that don’t.

Before we get into this debate, let’s define what tortilla is and what makes it similar to or different from bread. 

What Is Tortilla?

Is Tortilla Bread? The Truth Revealed! 7
What Is Tortilla

If you are wondering are tortillas bread, this is what you need to know.

Tortillas are a type of thin flatbread made with either a base of flour or finely ground corn. 

It’s an unleavened bread that uses some salt, flour, and water. 

Unleavened means there was no rising agent like yeast, baking powder, or baking soda used to make the dough rise.

So, if you’re wondering do tortillas have yeast, the answer is no.

What is tortilla bread made of?

Tortillas can be made from various types of flour so you can have flour tortillas, corn tortillas, and wheat tortillas, although traditionally, Mexicans used corn or maize as the main flour source.

Wheat tortillas came later into the scene when the Spanish brought this grain with them to the Americas. 

Tortilla Vs Bread: Main Differences

No leavening agentLeavening agents used
Basic ingredients are flour, water, and saltAdditional ingredients like butter, milk, sugar, and eggs are used
Usually round in shapeCan take on various shapes
Cooked in hot griddleBaked in an oven

Now that we have the basic knowledge of what a tortilla is, let’s have a closer look at what the term “bread” includes. 

There can be both leavened and unleavened bread.

Like tortillas, bread also contains some kind of flour but the main difference is that bread has other ingredients like eggs, milk, and of course, some kind of a rising agent like yeast so that we have leavened bread. 

Tortilla has no yeast and nothing else other than flour, water, and salt. 

Having said that, there are unleavened breads or flat breads like pita bread, roti, matzo, and chapati.

So in one sense, a tortilla is a kind of unleavened bread.

How is tortilla bread made and how is it different from baking bread?

To elaborate on this point, we need to examine the ingredients, preparation method, shapes and sizes, cooking method and uses.


Wheat flour is used to make flour tortillas and ground corn or maize is used for making corn tortillas. 

You can switch up various kinds of flour to make your own tortillas.

For example, for gluten-free tortillas, you can use almond flour

Tortillas are made from flour, water, and salt. 

Do flour tortillas have yeast you may ask. 

No, tortillas are flatbreads that are not leavened and hence, don’t have yeast. 

On the other hand, although basic bread may use flour and water, it doesn’t stop at just these ingredients. 

The bread loaves that we bake or buy also have other ingredients added, the main one being yeast. 

So, yes, our everyday bread like a baguette or a sandwich bread contains yeast and is, therefore, leavened. 

Besides, bread has additional ingredients like sugar, salt, eggs, oil or butter, and milk. 


For both tortillas and leavened bread, you mix the ingredients to form a dough. 

It’s fairly simple to mix corn flour or wheat flour with adequate water and salt to form a dough for tortillas. 

In the case of bread, sometimes there is a particular order in which the ingredients need to be combined. 

After the ingredients are kneaded into a dough, you need to rest them for a while so that they can rise. 

This is especially so in the case of bread. 

As there is no yeast in tortillas, you can proceed to the next step without waiting for the dough to rise.


From the dough, you can cut smaller-sized doughs and roll them out with a rolling pin to make the tortilla.

You could also use a cast iron tortilla press like this one to make a large batch in less time. 

Traditional tortillas are round in shape but you can always make a rectangular, square, or oval shape to suit your needs.

The shape of the bread depends on the type of bread being baked. 

Traditionally, baguettes have been long, thin bread. 

Although it can sometimes be found in circular shapes, sourdough often comes in enormous oval loaves with a scored top. 

Braided bread like challah is usually oval in shape whereas wreath-shaped bread like herb and Romano cheese is round.  

If you make bread at home regularly, you should know how to store homemade bread to retain maximum freshness. 


Tortillas come in various sizes, ranging from 2.4 to over 24 inches (6 to over 30 centimeters) in diameter. 

Depending on where it comes from and what it will be used for, the size may vary.

To make Mexican dishes like tacos that can be held in one hand, use tortillas that are between 6-7 inches wide (15-18 cm). 

A 10-12 inch (25-30 cm) tortilla is the ideal size for burritos since it can be filled to the brim while still folding inward.

The size of bread varies widely. 

The square sandwich bread should be large enough to put fillings inside. 

While dinner rolls are on the small side, but large enough to take a few bites. 

Cooking Process

Are tortillas leavened?

No, so they are not baked. 

In fact, you can just put the tortillas to cook on a very hot pan or griddle. 

😀Fun Fact: Indian flatbreads are cooked on an open flame and this process helps them to rise even without baking soda or any leavening agent. 

How do you know that your tortilla is cooked?

A cooked tortilla should be uniformly light in color with darker areas or spots.

If you press them and it doesn’t feel squishy, that’s another sign the tortilla has been cooked properly. 

Depending on the size of the tortilla and how hot the skillet is, it can take about 10 seconds to one minute to cook the tortilla on each side. 

There is no single method of baking bread. 

It all depends on the type of bread you are baking. 

 Although gas or electric ovens are used to bake most bread, some are also baked over an open flame, in tandoori ovens, or in traditional bread ovens (like a pizza oven).

Bread is baked in a variety of methods and at a variety of temperatures for varying lengths of time.

2 Signs Tortillas Are Cooked
2 Signs Tortillas Are Cooked

How Tortillas And Bread Are Used

Did you know that tortillas double up as a utensil?

If you’re served soup or any gravy dish, instead of using a spoon, soak up the gravy with a piece broken from a tortilla and dunk it in the soup.

Wheat and flour tortillas are more pliable and are used in quesadillas and burritos.

Tacos and enchiladas need a firmer base so corn tortillas are used for this purpose.

Btw, if you’re planning to host a taco party, learn how many pounds of ground beef per person you need.  

Tortillas can be baked or deep-fried to form crispy and crusty nachos, an easy food for party

Flatbreads like wheat or corn or flour tortillas also serve as a side to pair with soups and stews. 

Bread has different purposes as well. 

You can put filings inside two pieces of bread and make a sandwich. 

An open sandwich is one where you don’t cover the fillings with another bread. 

Potato bread and banana bread can be eaten by themselves. 

Which Is Worse: Tortilla Vs Bread

Is Tortilla Bread? The Truth Revealed! 8
Nutrition Facts Of Corn Tortilla

It’s a difficult question and an appropriate answer depends on the ingredients of the tortilla and bread, what you’re putting inside as fillings, and how large the size and servings are. 

These will directly impact the count of calories, fat, carbs, and fiber you’re consuming. 


If you’re on the path of trying to lose weight like I am, you should count your calorie intake. 

Compared to tortillas, bread has a far higher calorie content, with a 1 oz piece carrying anything from 75 to 100 calories. 

In contrast, a corn tortilla typically has between 60 and 65 calories. 

Due to the oil that is added to flour tortillas to make them softer and more pliable for easier rolling, they have more calories than corn tortillas, with a typical flour tortilla having about 90 calories.


When we’re discussing corn tortilla vs bread, the fat added (or not) is a deciding factor. 

Corn tortillas, as we have seen, are healthier than their flour counterpart.

Flour tortillas have fat content, making it easier to roll them.

So, when you’re in the store, choose whole grain options or corn tortillas that did not use any form of fat or if they did, it’s vegetable oil. 

When it comes to different kinds of bread, fat can be a little deceptive. 

Despite being viewed as healthier (and holier than thou) white bread, whole-wheat bread actually has more fat per slice.

While one slice of white bread only has about 1g of fat, one thin slice of whole wheat bread (33g) has about 2g of fat.


A 6-inch corn tortilla contains 14 grams of carbs while a flour tortilla of the same size has 15 grams. 

A piece of white bread has 14 grams of carbs while a piece of whole-grain bread has fewer carbs – 12 grams. 

So, the clear winner is whole-grain bread if you’re on a keto diet. 


Fibers have tons of benefits for us, especially if we are on the path to weight loss.

The fibers found in fruit and vegetables help us to keep fuller for longer, thereby preventing us from grabbing snacks when we’re hungry.

Moreover, fibers regulate our digestive system and keep us healthy. 

You will find almost twice as much fiber in wholewheat and corn tortillas compared to flour tortillas and white bread – 2 grams vs less than a gram.


Are Tortillas Unleavened Bread?

The answer to the question is tortilla unleavened bread is yes. 

Can Tortilla Bread Go Bad?

Yes, tortilla bread can go bad if you haven’t stored them in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. 

Can Tortilla Bread Be Frozen?

Yes, tortillas can be frozen to make them last longer.

What Is The Difference Between Flatbread And Tortilla?

Flatbread vs tortilla is a common question and while tortilla is a type of flatbread, flatbread is a wider category under which you also have pita bread, roti, etc. 

Do Corn Tortillas Have Yeast?

No, corn tortillas do not have yeast.

Does Tortilla Bread Make You Fat?

Tortilla bread made with whole wheat or corn will not make you fat.

Does Tortilla Bread Have Gluten?

Corn is naturally gluten-free and tortilla made from corn does not have gluten.

What is Tortilla Wrap?

When you wrap a tortilla around a filling, it’s called a tortilla wrap. 

What Are Wraps Made Of?

Wraps are typically made of flatbreads like tortillas, pita, and lavash.
The bread vs wrap difference lies in the use of leavening agents. 
Whereas the wrap is flat, bread is raised by a rising agent. 

What Is The Difference Between A Wrap And A Burrito?

Burrito vs wrap centers around how they are served. 
While wraps are served cold, burritos are served hot mostly although they can be served cold too. 

Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More!

Wondering if ketchup can go bad? We are, too — and we’ve found the answer. Find out what you can do stop your condiments from going bad in this article!

Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More!
Does Ketchup Go Bad And Much More

Yes, ketchup can go bad, much like any other condiment. However, there are some distinctions on how it can go bad, and how you would be able to tell if it has.

To know how to properly store ketchup, the average ketchup shelf life, and how you can use old ketchup, you can read this article.

So, how long does ketchup last? Let’s find out more below:

How Long Does Ketchup Last?

It depends!

It can last around 3-6 months if the unopened bottle of ketchup is left in the pantry.

An opened bottle of ketchup, however, will last only a month in the pantry. If you store the ketchup in the fridge, the shelf life lengthens. It can last anywhere from 6 months to a year.

How Long Does Homemade Ketchup Last?

Homemade ketchup can last for around a week in the fridge. As it’s not pasteurized compared to store-bought ketchup, it’s not safe from all the microbes possible! It only has natural preservatives.

Homemade ketchup is susceptible to spoilage easily due to such an acidic environment. Acidic conditions will let microbes grow much faster.

Consume homemade ketchup within a week. It’s advisable to do so before you end up with a lot of expired ketchup in your hands. Proper food storage with homemade ketchup should have the product in the refrigerator as much as possible.

How to Tell If Ketchup Has Gone Bad

Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 9
How to Tell If Ketchup Has Gone Bad

Can ketchup go bad? Definitely. You have to be on the watch for the signs so you can decide whether to throw out the bottle or not.

There are some common signs to see if you have bad ketchup in your hands. You can tell if ketchup has gone bad with the signs below:

  1. Mold Has Started to Form

Mold can form along the neck of the bottle. Once you see that, it’s confirmation that what you’ve got is spoiled ketchup. Throw it away and buy a new bottle!

Another way to tell is if ketchup has started to separate into watery liquid and a heavier, tomato paste-like consistency.

A bloated bottle is rare, but you might notice the neck of the ketchup bottle bloating when it’s spoiled.

  1. It Smells Sour

If you have an unopened ketchup bottle, it’s time to open it up to smell it. Anytime condiments smell sour, it’s a bad sign. A yeast-like odor may happen as well.

  1. The Taste is Different

If you want to confirm if the ketchup has really gone bad, you can also open it up to taste it. Yes, usually, ketchup already tastes sour, but you’ll know when a spoiled taste has come.

A sour, off taste will confirm if it’s time to discard ketchup bottles into the trash.

What About the Best-By Date?

The printed date on the bottle is there as a guide. However, a best-by printed date doesn’t always mean your ketchup has expired or spoiled. It only means that the best quality of your ketchup is best consumed by a certain time.

Food Storage 101: How to Store Ketchup

Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 10
How to Store Ketchup

Food storage is pretty straightforward with most condiments.

Ketchup is the same. There’s nothing out of the ordinary in storing opened and unopened ketchup. Simply put the ketchup bottle inside the pantry or the refrigerator. You may prefer the latter, as ketchup lasts longer there.

As much as possible, you should keep it in its original container and leave it in a cool place. A dark place is also preferable to keep it away from sunlight!

If you’re going to transfer it, keep it in an airtight container.

If you need ketchup to last for a long time, you can choose to freeze ketchup in an ice cube tray. Take them out when needed – just a cube or two according to your needs – and let the others sit in the tray for as long as you like!

The Shelf Life of Condiments

Don’t let ketchup expire! Here’s a guide to its shelf life, along with other condiments:


The shelf life of ketchup is around 3-6 months in the pantry. The shelf life of ketchup, however, can be extended by putting it in the fridge, which puts it at around a year.

You can take a look at the best by date on the label, but it’s not an expiration date. It’s only when it can be safely used in your meals. Knowing if it’s expired depends on how it looks, smells, and tastes.


The shelf life of mustard is longer than one might think — it’s around one to two years in the the pantry itself! However, it can be cut down to a year once opened. Remember to look at the expiration date as a guide.


Unopened, it can last at least a couple of months to three months. Opened, it’s best consumed within a month or so. Look at the printed date as a guide for when you can eat it.

Where to Use Your Ketchup

Food costs a lot these days, so you don’t want any part of your pantry to go to waste.

Want to use up your ketchup before it expires? More than a mere condiment, ketchup is also an ingredient you can use in many meals. Here are some examples to get you started, may it new or old ketchup sitting around in your pantry:

  1. Omurice
Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 11

This beloved meal comes from Japan! It’s quick and easy to make, and delicious, too. Fry up onion and chicken before adding rice and mixed vegetables. Add your ketchup and some soy sauce before mixing it all together!

Now that you have your rice, put it in another container and prepare the eggs. Make a fluffy omelette and fold it on top of a cup of rice. Drizzle some ketchup onto the egg and rice, and you’re good to go!

  1. Glazes

Ketchup can be used for glazes before its shelf life catches up to it. You can blend it with other condiments and ingredients from your pantry, including soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, and mustard. You can easily add it to your food and it will definitely enhance the taste of meals!

  1. Dips
Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 12

For dips, you can mix it with sour cream and Worcestershire sauce. Or maybe you want a deeper flavor and bright red look with teriyaki sauce and dark brown sugar.

  1. Sweet and Sour Sauce
Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 13
Sweet and Sour Sauce

Mix soy sauce, rice vinegar, brown sugar, and finally, your tomato ketchup. If you don’t have tomato ketchup, tomato sauce is also a good alternative. Just mix it all together and you’re good to go. You can use it for a variety of meals!

  1. Chicken with Ketchup
Does Ketchup Go Bad? And Much More! 14
Chicken with Ketchup

Simply take some boneless chicken thighs and fry both sides until golden brown. Then, remove it from the pan. Fry in some cayenne peppers and garlic before adding ketchup. Let it simmer to a thicker liquid before adding in the chicken and mixing them all together.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long ketchup lasts is finally answered! Now, let’s turn to your other questions:

Is it OK to eat expired ketchup?

No, it’s not OK to eat expired ketchup. You could suffer from various health issues if you do so, and there’s no telling what the adverse effects can be immediately after you consume it!

How long can you eat ketchup after expiration date?

Look for signs of spoilage first. There are times expiration dates aren’t accurate, or you could be look at the best by date on the label. Some ketchups can still be consumed after a prolonged period of time, months past the date.
If there are no signs of spoilage, you can take a gamble and use it in your meals. If it hasn’t been properly stored, and has been exposed to fresh air and direct sunlight, it might not be good to eat it.

How long is opened ketchup good for?

Ketchup should have a pretty long shelf life. It can retain quality up to a year or two.

Is it OK to eat expired ketchup?

No, it’s not OK to eat expired ketchup. You could suffer from various health issues if you do so, and there’s no telling what the adverse effects can be immediately after you consume it!

How long can you eat ketchup after expiration date?

Look for signs of spoilage first. There are times expiration dates aren’t accurate, or you could be look at the best by date on the label. Some ketchups can still be consumed after a prolonged period of time, months past the date.

If there are no signs of spoilage, you can take a gamble and use it in your meals. If it hasn’t been properly stored, and has been exposed to fresh air and direct sunlight, it might not be good to eat it.

Now, if it’s showing signs of spoilage, your ketchup is bad and you should throw it out!

How long is opened ketchup good for?

Ketchup should have a pretty long shelf life. It can retain quality up to a year in the fridge.

What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte?

What is a macchiato and how does it differ from a latte or a cappuccino? Find out the differences so that you can order or make the perfect cup of coffee.

What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte?
What Is A Macchiato Is It Different From A Latte 2

I sometimes get overwhelmed by the long list of coffee drinks – cappuccino, latte, espresso macchiato, cortado, flat white, latte macchiato, and so on at the local coffee shop. 

Coffee is coffee, right?


Although the essence of espresso drinks has coffee at their heart, the ratio of hot milk, foam, and espresso makes them unique.

Consequently, the taste, texture, and flavor of coffee can vary greatly.

On top, there are regional differences in how coffee is prepared. 

Moreover, adding flavored syrups also changes the taste of a traditional cup of coffee. 

In this post, we will look at how macchiato differs from other coffee drinks like latte and cappuccino. 

Grab your mug and off we go!

What Is A Macchiato?

What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte? 15

A macchiato is an espresso beverage prepared with steamed milk and one shot of espresso

The foamed milk is poured over the espresso. 

The Italian word macchiato, which means “stained” or “marked,” refers to the little “mark” of foamed milk in a macchiato. 

Baristas had to explain to servers the difference between an espresso shot and an espresso with some milk in it, hence the name “macchiato.” 

The precise coffee-to-milk ratio will vary depending on your neighborhood coffee shop or a particular barista. 

Regional variations also come into play; a macchiato from an Italian coffee shop would not taste the same as one from an American café.

A traditional Italian macchiato uses one shot of espresso while the American version uses two shots. 

What Is The Difference Between A Latte And A Macchiato?

Whipped cream, frothed cream, or 5 millimeters of milk foam on topNo milk foam on top
Sweeter tasteStrong taste of espresso
Mild flavorRobust flavor
1/3 espresso to 2/3 steamed milk ratio2/3 espresso and 1/3 steamed milk
11-15 ouncesSmaller serving of 1 and 1/4 ounce

Latte literally means “milk” in Italian.

😀Fun Fact: If you ask for a latte in an Italian restaurant, you’ll get a glass of milk!

Café latte or as the French like to call it café au lait is “coffee milk”. 

In Germany, it’s called “Milchkaffee‘ (milk coffee).

It’s made by adding foamed milk to a single espresso shot. 

A latte can have a thin layer of whipped cream, or frothed milk on top and if you don’t mind having more calories, you might also ask for sugars or syrups to be added. 

The taste of the standard latte is sweeter with a more mild flavor as it contains more milk and less coffee. 

There are variations in making lattes by country. 

The French version of the latte contains a double shot of espresso, while you will find the American version laced with caramel or chocolate syrup. 

In fact, in the US, you can have a latte made from non-dairy milk like almond or soy, or coconut milk. 

The bottom line: latte is ⅓ espresso and ⅔ frothed milk that’s rich and creamy. 

What makes a macchiato different from a latte is that it’s made with a higher percentage of coffee to milk – ⅔ espresso mixed with ⅓ steamed milk

The milk is steamed and then foamed and added to the coffee, which gives the macchiato its characteristic thick, white, and rich consistency.

So, the difference between macchiato and latte lies in the proportion of coffee and milk and the way they taste. 

Plus, macchiato does not have foam on top.

There’s one more difference: macchiato is a smaller serving than most other coffees as it contains 1 and ¼ ounces or 37 milliliters of coffee. 

A typical latte serving is 11 to 15 ounces. 

Macchiato is not prepared in the same way everywhere in the world. 

For example, in Australia, a macchiato will have two shots of espresso and just a splash of milk. 

Latte vs macchiato can be confusing but if you can remember that latte means milk, it’s easy to order your choice of drink.

You can find variations of both these drinks on the Starbucks keto drinks list. 

What’s A Latte Macchiato?

What’s A Latte Macchiato?
What Is A Macchiato 1
Espresso MacchiatoLatte Macchiato
Milk is added to espresso        
Espresso is added to milk
One shot of espressoOne or half shot of espresso
Robust espresso flavor        Sweeter milky flavor

You might wonder what is a latte macchiato coffee when you see it on the menu of one of your neighborhood coffee shops. 

There are two main types of macchiato coffee: espresso macchiato and latte macchiato.

The “stain” of the original macchiato is a shot of espresso that has been slightly diluted with 1-2 teaspoons of steaming milk. 

The espresso macchiato has the highest espresso to milk ratio, and because milk is used as a supplementary ingredient, the espresso still dominates the flavor profile.

On the other hand, the latte macchiato is a sweeter, layered espresso beverage

It is made by adding a shot or half a shot of espresso to a glass of warm milk, topped with a milk foam layer. 

Note that instead of milk being added to espresso, the latte macchiato has espresso added to a glass of hot milk. 

Herein lies the main difference between latte and latte macchiato. 

Unlike an espresso macchiato, served in a short glass, a latte macchiato is served in a tall glass.

The latte macchiato meaning can be remembered easily if you can recall that “latte” simply means milk. 

There are countless permutations and combinations you can make by using macchiato and latte. 

Speaking of which, let’s look at macchiato vs latte iced first. 

The difference between iced latte and macchiato is the order in which the ingredients are added.

In a glass, a shot of espresso is added, followed by milk, and finished off with ice cubes on top to make an iced latte.

Usually, low-fat milk is used to make iced latte.

The finished drink has one color and looks a lot like milky coffee.

As we have already seen, macchiato as a typical drink does not contain ice and it’s not served in a glass. 

Just like we have iced latte, we have iced macchiato.

Now, let’s take you through iced macchiato vs latte in detail.

Whole milk is poured into a glass, lots of ice is added, and two espresso shots are topped off to create an iced macchiato.

You’ll notice a visually appealing marble appearance as the coffee and milk gel when the espresso falls into the beverage.

As you have already seen, latte in its basic form does not come with ice and it’s made by adding steamed milk to an espresso shot, not the other way around. 

Iced LatteIced Macchiato
One shot of espresso, milk, and ice cubes in this orderMilk, ice, and two espresso shots in this order
Low-fat milk        Whole milk
Plain milky coffee effect        Marble effect

What Are Cappuccino, Flat White, And Cortado?

Milky coffees come in many forms and sizes and while we are on the topic of latte vs macchiato, let’s have a look at other popular milky espresso beverages like cortado, flat white, and cappuccinos. 


What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte? 16

In Italy, traditional cappuccino is a morning drink and is seldom consumed during the daytime or evening.

This Italian espresso drink is made by using equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. 

However, the certified Italian cappuccino uses 25 milliliters of espresso coffee and 100 milliliters of cold milk that should be steamed to a volume of 125 milliliters.

A visible dome shape cap of frothed milk is added to finish off the coffee drink which is then served in a white porcelain cup with a 150-160 milliliter capacity. 

When sipping a cappuccino, you’ll be greeted by a stiff and thick milky foam and then a rich and warm espresso coffee.

No wonder the drink has a smooth, rich, and creamy mouthfeel. 

But the key to a great cappuccino is the quality of the espresso as it contains less of it and more milk, making it imperative that the espresso is of top-notch quality. 

Flat White

What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte? 17
Flat White

A latte is an espresso drink that has extra milk foam on top. 

This milk foam typically has a thickness of 5 millimeters. 

A flat white, in contrast, is a latte with a thinner milk foam layer on top, typically less than 2 millimeters thick. 

It is “flat” as a result of that.


What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte? 18

One to two shots of espresso and about the same amount of steamed milk are used to make a cortado. 

The Spanish verb “cortar” means “to cut,” as in “cutting the coffee with hot milk.” 

This coffee drink has a higher milk content than a macchiato and less milk than a cappuccino

In addition, the milk is steamed rather than heavily frothed, giving the coffee drink a different texture from typical Italian coffee drinks.

Caffeine Content: Macchiato Vs Latte Vs Cappuccino: Which Is The Strongest?

Each serving of all three coffee drinks has about the same amount of caffeine.

For instance, since a shot of espresso is used to make both cappuccinos and lattes, they both have the same amount of caffeine.

The actual amount of caffeine in a medium 16-ounce (475 ml) cappuccino and latte is around 173 mg.

In contrast, a 2-ounce (60 ml) macchiato provides less than 85 mg of caffeine per serving or nearly half the amount of caffeine.

If you’re trying to cut down on caffeine intake, these Starbucks low caffeine drinks are right for you.

How To Make Caramel Macchiato At Home

If you want to know how to make caramel macchiato at home Starbucks style, here’s a step-by-step guide.

What Is A Macchiato? Is It Different From A Latte? 19
Caramel Macchiato

Things you need:

Milk steamer like this

Espresso machine


  1. Inside your coffee cup, drizzle thick caramel syrup all around by turning the cup while you squeeze out the syrup.
  2. Add half-inch thick of caramel syrup to the bottom of your cup. 
  3. For every two 1-ounce shots of espresso used in a 16-ounce beverage, steam 12 ounces of milk.
  4. Allow space at the top of the jug when adding the milk. 

The milk level shouldn’t go higher than the internal spout of the jug. 

Keeping things level will prevent overflow because milk expands as it warms. 

Your milk will reach 140° using the steaming spout on an espresso machine or a premium steaming wand in around 40 seconds.

  1. Prepare your espresso shots after the milk has steamed. 

Letting the milk settle will aid in the milk’s frothed portion floating to the top. 

Your steamed milk can achieve the ideal consistency while resting.

  1. Use freshly ground Arabica or dark espresso coffee beans to get the best flavor from your latte. 
  2. Pull the required espresso shots and add them to the coffee cups. 
  3. If you are planning to use any sweeteners or syrups, now is the time to add to the hot espresso so that they mix in well. 
  4. Gradually pour the steamed milk into the coffee cups.

You will see that the milk separates from the froth as you pour it. 

The froth will be left at the bottom of the jug.  

  1. Top the coffee with the froth.
  2. Then add whipped cream and some caramel syrup to get a nice cup of caramel macchiato.


What’s The Difference Between A Latte And A Macchiato?

A latte has 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk, has a milk foam on top, with a milder and sweeter taste, and comes in 11 to 15 ounces serving.
Macchiato has 2/3 espresso and 1/3 steamed milk, making it more robust with a stronger coffee flavor, and a traditional macchiato comes without a milk foam on top and is served in a small cup of 1 and 1/4 ounces.

What Makes A Coffee A Macchiato?

A coffee that has 2/3 parts espresso and 1/3 part steamed milk is called a macchiato.

What Is A Macchiato Vs Latte Vs Cappuccino?

Macchiato is 2/3 espresso and 1/3 steamed milk.
The latte is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk.
The cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 milk foam.

What Is The Point Of A Macchiato?

The point of a macchiato is to tweak an espresso by adding a splash of milk.
Thus, it’s not as bitter or strong as an espresso but not weak or mild like a latte.

How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way

A guide to how to preheat oven for cookies the right way so that they are cooked evenly and you get consistent results instead of dry and hard cookies.

How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way
How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way

Baking cookies in the oven is an art. But there’s also a science to it. 

You must understand how to preheat the oven and then bake your cookies correctly. This can make all the difference in the quality of your cookies. 

You may be wondering how to preheat your oven for cookies, and whether or not it’s necessary. 

Why Do You Need To Preheat Your Oven For Cookies?

How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way 20
Why Should You Preheat Oven For Cookies?

Whether you’re baking chocolate chip cookies or oats cookies, your oven must be preheated correctly.  

Cookies get their fine crumb from the expansion of trapped air or moisture in the dough.

Leavening agents such as baking soda or baking powder help the dough to rise.

But for this baking process to start, there needs to be a good amount of heat, in the beginning, to get things going. 

Preheating your oven to the correct temperature will allow the cookies to cook evenly without becoming dry or brittle. 

In a cold oven, the cookie dough will spread as it takes more time to heat the dough to the right temperature and you’ll end up with a batch of flat, dry, and hard cookies. 

How Long To Preheat Oven For Baking Cookies

The time required for preheating depends on the type of oven you have and the temperature at which you plan to bake your cookies.

You’ll bake most cookies including chocolate chip cookies at 350°F (177°C) or close to it. 

However, if some recipes call for a higher temperature, then you need to know how long to preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Even though some recent oven models feature quick preheat settings, most ovens need roughly 20 minutes to reach this temperature after being turned on.

Besides time, there is also a correct method for preheating oven.

You need to know how to preheat oven with the baking tray so that your cookies are not overbaked on direct heat. 

Make sure the oven rack is placed in the middle and you put the baking tray in the center for cooking evenly

Next, to avoid uneven cooking, don’t put more than one baking sheet of cookies at a time. 

However, if you are cooking two sheets of cookies at the same time, remember to take the baking tray out from the bottom rack and turn it 180 degrees before placing it on the top rack of the oven when you have reached halfway through. 

Do the same for the cookie tray on the top rack. 

This will ensure both the baking trays are cooked evenly. 

How To Tell If Oven Is Preheated

How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way 21
How To Tell If Oven Is Preheated

How to preheat the oven for cookies the right way depends on whether you are using an electric or gas oven.

So, how do you know when your oven has been preheated and your cookie dough should be ready to bake?

Here are four ways to check depending on the kind of oven you have:

  • Interior temperature gauge
  • Oven thermometer
  • Indicator light
  • The sound of oven turning off

Many electric ovens have an indicator light that illuminates while the oven heats up and shuts once the oven reaches the proper temperature.

A built-in interior temperature gauge in a gas oven indicates when the oven is preheated and the oven shuts off. 

You’ll hear a noise when the oven turns off.

If you’re using an oven that has neither an indicator light nor an interior temperature gauge, get an oven thermometer like this that stays inside the oven and you can read the temperature on it from the outside. 

Tips To Make Sure Your Cookies Come Out Perfect

How To Preheat Oven For Cookies The Right Way 22
Tips To Make Sure Your Cookies Come Out Perfect
  1. Whisk the dry ingredients well so that there are no lumps in the dough. 
  2. Once you mix the dry and wet ingredients, take care not to over-mix them as this will lead to tough chocolate chip cookies.
  3. The dough should be chilled for 30 minutes before baking because the butter has melted while getting mixed with the dough, making it too soft.

While the cookies bake, the butter melts to give them a uniform shape, and your cookies will be thick as well. 

  1. Before you begin assembling your ingredients and baking, turn on your oven

In this way, the preheated oven will be ready by the time your cookie dough is ready.

Otherwise, the cookie dough that has been sitting too long will give you flat cookies.

  1. Start checking your cookies 5 minutes before the recipe mentions the end of baking time. 

For example, if the recipe says your cookies will be done in 20 minutes, you should start checking them after 15 minutes have elapsed. 

  1. Try not to open the oven door to check if your cookies have turned golden. 

Instead, look through the oven door to get a glimpse. 

If there’s no choice but to open the door, close it quickly to avoid the heat from escaping.

Otherwise, your oven will have to do extra work to get the temperature back up and the dough will lose its texture. 

  1. Check the expiry date of the baking powder or baking soda to ensure your cookies rise properly. 

Two ways to check if the leavening agents are working well are by adding baking soda to vinegar and by adding baking powder to hot water. 

If you see bubbles forming, then they are working well. 

  1. Always use baking ingredients like eggs, milk, flour, and others at room temperature as they are easier to beat and combine. 

You will also get light and airy cookies as room temperature ingredients allow them to trap air inside that expands during baking. 

  1. Correct measurements using a scale and measuring the exact amounts by weight (in ounces or grams) are more effective than volume measuring using spoons or scoops. 

But sometimes it’s easier to measure by volume when the ingredients are neither dry nor liquid, for example, when you want to know how many tablespoons is a stick of butter

  1. If you prefer to use spoons, do use the standard-sized ones. 

Always flatten the top of the measuring cup with the back of a knife or spatula to accurately measure dry ingredients. 

  1. Choose a flat baking tray without sides when baking cookies to allow the heat from the oven to evenly touch all the cookies.
  2. Always use parchment paper to make it easy to clean up after baking, remove the cookies from the tray, and allow the bottom of the cookies to cook perfectly without over-browning. 
  3. Use a scoop to put the cookie dough on the baking sheet and leave some space between each so they are all the same size and shape. 
  4. Always remember to turn the baking tray halfway through cooking. 
  5. If by the looks of it, your cookies seem to be soft after the baking time is over, don’t worry as they will firm up when they cool down. 

Don’t leave them in the oven to bake anymore, as this will make them dry and hard. 

  1. Allow a standing time of 5 minutes on the baking tray before putting the cookies on a wire rack to cool completely.


Do I Need To Preheat The Oven For Cookies?

Yes, you should preheat your oven for cookies to make sure the dough rises properly and the cookies are baked evenly to give them the right texture and color. 

How Hot Should The Oven Be To Bake Cookies?

Most cookie recipes require preheating and baking in an oven with a temperature of 350°F (177°C).

How Long Do You Preheat An Oven Before Baking?

15 to 20 minutes is required to preheat an oven before baking. 
However, for pizza and bread baking, it takes an hour for the oven to preheat with a Dutch oven inside. 

Where To Put Hot Baking Pan?

Put the hot baking pan on a glass cooktop to cool down.

Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven? Tips To Cook And Store Sausages

Can you cook sausage in the oven without drying it out and losing its flavor plus tips to store and reheat them to make the best use and enjoy sausages.

Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven? Tips To Cook And Store Sausages
Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven

Italian sausage can up the flavor, texture, and taste of any dish and is one of the easiest sources of protein to add to your diet.

They are filled with beef, chicken, pork, or turkey meat; some even come in vegetarian varieties

You can either have them cooked in the oven or grilled and add them to your breakfast or chop them up and add them to steamed rice for a quick and easy meal. 

Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven?

Most of us tend to deep fry Italian sausage. But did you know that oven baked sausage is a healthier way of eating them? Read on to find out how to grill sausages in oven!

Types Of Sausages

Types Of Sausages
Types of Sausages

Sausage comes in literally thousands of different variations, each as distinctive as the location from which it originates.

Let’s look at the various varieties of sausages.


Fresh meat, or meat that has not been cooked, is used to make fresh sausage. It must be stored frozen until usage because it is fresh; otherwise, it may spoil. 

Sausage patties, Bratwurst, and Italian sausage are some favorites.

Among the Italian sausage category, you can get mild, medium, hot, and even sweet Italian sausage. 

Fresh sausage can be prepared in a few different ways, such as by grilling or steaming. Make sure to fully cook fresh Italian sausage when preparing it.

You would not like to see any pink when you’re finished cooking.


The type of sausage that is consumed the most frequently is pre-cooked. The following sausages are precooked: hot dogs, mortadella, and bologna.

These Italian sausages have a pureed filling that is encased in an outer casing. You only need to reheat these sausages because the lining and contents are already cooked.

It’s up to you how you heat your precooked sausage. Grilling will produce a lovely char if you’re going for a more natural appearance. 

You can always fry them in a skillet or broil them if you can’t cook them outside. Your only concern is heating them to an edible temperature because they are already cooked.


Because of how it is prepared, cured Italian sausage is one of the most distinctive varieties. 

The sausage is first freshly made, salted, and hung to cure for weeks at a time. 

The meat is cooked throughout the curing process as a result of the salt, exposure to air, and passage of time. 

Coppa and Cervelat are examples of popular cured Italian sausage varieties.

Try oven baked sausage with crackers or bread if you want to balance the saltiness of cured sausages. 


Naturally, smoking is how smoked sausages are made. 

They are placed in a smoker or a smokehouse, where a low-burning fire produces smoke that cooks the meat. 

Andouill and kielbasa are examples of smoked sausages.

Instead of buying smoked sausages, you can smoke sausages at home for the best taste.  

Benefits Of Cooking Sausages In The Oven

  • Oven cooked sausages is the healthiest way to eat them as you don’t need to use oil and consume unnecessary calories.
  • Moreover, there’s no mess or oil splatter with oven cooked sausages as you simply need to take them out of the packaging and bake.
  • Cooking Italian sausage in the oven takes zero prep time and is a great option for busy families.
  • How long does sausage take to cook in the oven is another benefit since it takes only 30 minutes or so.
  • You can cook a large number of sausages in the oven at the same time.
  • You can put the sausages in the oven and forget about it, making it a great hands-off method to bake sausages. 

How To Cook Sausage In The Oven

How To Cook Sausage In The Oven
How To Cook Sausage In The Oven

Follow our step-by-step easy guide to getting baked Italian sausage. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Chilled sausages 
  • Baking tray
  • Baking sheet or parchment paper
  • A pair of tongs

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Take the chilled sausages out of the packaging.
  3. Place the sausages on the baking tray in a single layer with some space in between them. 
  4. Put the baking tray on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 30 – 35 minutes at  400°F (200°C) and 350°F(180°C) fan.

That’s how long to cook sausages in oven at 200°C will take. 

  1. After 15 minutes or halfway through cooking, flip the sausages with the tongs to cook on the other side. 
  2. Take the baking tray out and let the oven baked sausages stand for 5 minutes before you dig in. 

Signs That Sausages Are Done Baking

So, how to tell if sausage is cooked in oven?

Use an instant thermometer to see if the internal temperature of the cooked sausages has reached the desired level of 160°F (71°C) at least. 

You can dial this up to 180°F (82°C) if you want but the minimum temperature is what makes it safe to eat the sausages. 

And if you’re cooking chicken sausages, these should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to remain within safe limits.

Other signs that your sausages are cooked in the oven are if the juices in the baking pan are clear and there is no pink tint in the inside ground meat. 

How To Cook Sausage In The Oven From Frozen

Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven? Tips To Cook And Store Sausages 23
How To Cook Sausage In The Oven From Frozen

You can cook frozen sausages without thawing in the oven but it will take more time compared to chilled sausages that you store in the chiller section of your fridge. 

To start, take the packet of frozen sausages out of the freezer and let them sit at the counter for 5 minutes. 

Then take them out of the packaging and run them under warm running water to loosen them up and separate them. 

Then follow the same instructions as above for cooking sausages except you need to cook frozen sausages at 375°F (190°C) for 40 minutes.

A thumb rule is to extend the baking time by 5 to 10 minutes when cooking frozen sausages in the oven.

How Long To Cook Sausages In The Oven

At 350°F(180°C)35-40 minutes
At 400°F (200°C)30 -35 minutes
Frozen sausages at 375°F (190°C)40 minutes
Italian sausages30 – 40 minutes
Chipolata sausages15-20 minutes
Cooked cocktail sausages8 minutes
Bratwurst sausages20-25 minutes
Cumberland sausages20-25 minutes

The cooking time for sausages also depends on the type of sausages and their thickness. 

Thicker sausages take a longer time to cook as it takes more time for the heat to travel to the center and cook the sausages evenly. 

At 400°F (200°C), it will take 30 minutes to cook sausages.

At a lower temperature of 350°F(180°C), it will take 35 to 40 minutes. 

To cook frozen sausages at 375°F (190°C) will take 40 minutes. 

There is an art of cooking Italian sausages in the oven and since these are usually a bit thicker, it will take 30 – 40 minutes to bake them in the oven.

Chipolata sausages are smaller in size and take 15 – 20 minutes to bake in the oven. 

Already cooked cocktail sausages will take 8 minutes. 

Bratwurst sausages take 20-25 minutes to cook in the oven.

Cumberland pork sausages also take between 20-25 minutes. 

What Should I Serve With Sausages?

Can You Cook Sausage In The Oven? Tips To Cook And Store Sausages 24
What Should I Serve With Sausages

To make a sheet pan meal, you can cook a variety of vegetables along with the sausages in the oven. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Onions 
  • Mushrooms 
  • Bell peppers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts

If you don’t want to make a sheet pan meal, you can serve sausages with toast, baked beans, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, or scrambled eggs. 

How To Store And Reheat Baked Sausages

If you have leftover baked sausages, you can store them in the fridge after cooling them and putting them away in a Ziploc bag or airtight container. 

Refrigerated and cooked sausages will last in the fridge for up to 5 days.

If you want to store them longer, freeze them after cooling them to room temperature and put them into freezer bags or airtight containers. 

Don’t forget to add a label and put the date and content name before freezing. 

Cooked and frozen sausages will last for up to 6 months

For reheating chilled or frozen cooked sausages, simply use the air fryer, oven, or microwave oven. 

All you need to do is put them in a microwave-safe dish and heat them on full power at 30-second intervals until they are warmed properly. 

If you want to use an air fryer for reheating sausages, place them in the basket or tray and heat them through for around 4 minutes at 356°F (180°C).

It will take around 5 to 8 minutes to reheat them in the oven at 356°F (180°C).

You can add leftover sausages to frittatas, pizza, sandwiches, omelets, and even soups and stews to get a meal high in protein. 

Tips To Bake Sausages In The Oven

For the best results, follow the tips below to bake sausages in the oven:

  1. Don’t fork holes in the sausage as the juice and the flavor along with it will come out and leave your baked sausages high and dry. 
  2. Line the baking tray with parchment paper or foil to make cleaning easier. 
  3. The standing time of 5 minutes at the end of baking should be done outside, not inside the oven as that would keep cooking the sausages and make them dry. 
  4. Don’t forget to flip the sausages halfway through baking to ensure even cooking. 
  5. How to stop sausages spitting in the oven? Make a tiny hole in the skin of your raw sausages to allow fat to drain and prevent splitting when cooked in the oven.
  6. If you don’t have a food thermometer, cut open the sausages and take a look at the inside to see if they are done or still pink. 
  7. Add a bit of oil to the baking tray if you want to get the sausages a bit crispy on the outside.

Or, you can preheat the baking tray when you’re preheating the oven. 

A third option to get the sausages crispy is to keep the broiler on at low for the last 5 minutes of baking sausages in the oven. 


Is It OK To Cook Sausages In The Oven?

Yes, it is OK to cook sausages in the oven as long as you are sure that the sausages have reached an internal temp of 160°F (71°C) for pork and other sausages and 165°F (74°C) for chicken sausages. 

How Long Do Sausages Take To Cook In The Oven?

Sausages take an average of 30 minutes to cook in the oven. 
The time varies a little if you’re cooking smaller sausages or frozen sausages. 

Is It Better To Cook Sausages In The Oven Or Pan?

It’s better to cook sausages in the oven as you need very little or no oil at oil, making this method a healthier way to cook sausages than in a frying pan. 
Moreover, cooking sausages in the oven results in minimum spills and requires no prep time. 
You can save time by cooking a large batch of sausages simultaneously.

What’s The Best Way To Cook Sausages In The Oven?

The best way to cook sausages in the oven is to line them up on a baking tray and bake them in a preheated oven at 400°F (200°C) for 30 minutes. 

How Long Do Sausages Take To Cook In The Oven At 200 Degrees?

At 200 degrees Celsius or 400°F, sausages will take bout 30 minutes to cook. 
Consider 5 to 10 minutes extra if you’re cooking frozen sausages in the oven. 

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance?

Decide which appliance is better with our air fryer versus toaster oven article! We list down their definitions, pros, cons, and which one can be the better pick for your situation.

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance?
Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance

Air fryers have been a huge hit since they first hit the market. But is the hype all that worth it?

Wouldn’t a toaster oven be a better choice than an air fryer?

In this article, we outline what a toaster oven and air fryer is, along with their pros, cons, similarities, and differences. Then, we decide on which is the better kitchen appliance, along with the best uses for each.

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

What is a Toaster Oven?

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 25
toaster oven

Toaster ovens operate similarly to traditional ovens.

However, they are smaller. This is because they are specifically designed for small spaces like dorm rooms or apartments with no access to a full-size kitchen.

A toaster oven is best for reheating leftovers or heating up frozen food. It can also bake, broil, toast, and defrost a small amount of food.

Toaster ovens heat up quickly so that you can pop out items faster than if you were using a traditional oven, which is especially helpful if you’re trying to make sure everyone gets served before dinner time rolls around!

✔️Toaster Oven Pros:

  1. Easy To Use

You don’t need complex instructions to operate a toaster oven. While yes, you do have to read the manufacturer’s manual, all you really need to do is pop in some food, fiddle with dials and knobs, and let the toaster oven do its magic!

  1. Easy To Clean

You don’t have to worry about clean-up! Most toaster ovens can get by with minimal maintenance. There’s usually a removable rack and pan that you wash, and the rest of the toaster oven can be wiped down.

  1. Heats Fast

Heating is always prompt with a toaster oven, and as a result, they work fast as well. Toasts, breads, and certain dinners are easier to cook.

Toaster Oven Cons:

  1. Doesn’t cook the food evenly

An air fryer’s ultimate perk is how they cook food quickly and evenly. Many toaster ovens don’t have the same advantage. Yes, they may cook the food fast, but evenly is out of the question — especially if it’s a larger quantity of food.

  1. Limited number of dishes that you can cook

You won’t be able to cram in the same amount of dishes in a regular toaster oven in comparison to actual ovens and other appliances. Due to the heating elements in the toaster oven, there are a limited number of dishes you can actually cook as well.

Toaster ovens are best for reheating and toasting in comparison to actual cooking!

What is an Air Fryer?

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 26
Air Fryer

An air fryer is a type of convection oven that uses hot air instead of steam or electricity to cook food. Like a convection oven, it cooks food by circulating hot air using a fan.

It’s designed to cook food quickly and efficiently, which makes it an ideal solution for busy people who don’t have much time in their day. All you have to do is place your food into a basket, pop the basket into the air fryer, and set your desired time for the food to be air-fried.

Air fryers use less oil and fewer calories than traditional deep-fryers do — which means you can use less oil and still get the same crispy texture and taste from your favorite food!

✔️Air Fryer Pros:

  1. Cooks food quickly and evenly

Using a convection fan or convection air currents, air fryers can cook your food without oil, butter, or grease. Cooking in an air fryer can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.

Most air fryers use their heating element in combination with the latest technology to give you an even crisp and golden finish to your food. Most of them also include automatic power shut-off, while their heating elements include temperature protection to avoid burning your food.

  1. Can be used to make healthy “fried” foods

Your usual fried food can be made healthy! French fries, chicken wings and nuggets, and potato wedges are especially what an air fryer is made for, and you won’t regret the purchase. Now you can eat your favorite fried food without the guilt!

Air Fryer Cons:

  1. Bulky design

No matter how small the air fryer you get is, it can take up a lot of counter space. The cooking basket and machine itself is bulky by design, so if you have a small kitchen or a lot of kitchen appliances, this may not be for you!

  1. Limited Cooking Capacity

If you’re part of a large family or have a lot of roommates, an air fryer might not be the best pick. While they’re still bigger than most toaster ovens, they can’t accommodate a lot of food at once.

Instead, you have to cook in small batches or cook small amounts of food altogether. This can be time-consuming and inconvenient!

  1. There Are Limits To What You Can Cook

There are some foods that you simply can’t put in air fryers. Battered food, whole roasts and large food, plus some select kinds of food (broccoli, toast, and popcorn, for instance) don’t mesh well with an air fryer oven.

It’s best to invest in an air fryer as a substitute when you already have other primary cooking methods. That is if you have the kitchen space for an air fryer in the first place!

Air Fryer VS Toaster Oven: Which is Better?

If you’re looking for a healthier, more convenient way to cook your food, an air fryer could be the right choice for you.

Air fryers use high heat to cook food while they’re in the air, so they don’t need oil.

They also use less power and are much quicker at cooking than traditional methods like stovetop cooking and baking.

Toaster ovens may have some benefits over air fryers, but there are also some drawbacks.

Toaster ovens offer more convenience than air fryers because their heating elements are located directly on top of the pan, which means less cleanup time and fewer spills when it comes to storing your food after cooking it.

They also require less space than an air fryer does—this is especially true if you’re looking for something small enough to fit on your countertop or even on top of your fridge!

However, if you want something that will cook quickly and efficiently without needing any special tools or equipment, then an air fryer might be a better option for you.

Our Top 4 Air Fryer Picks

Still confused whether to pick an air fryer, toaster oven, or just a regular oven? Needing some product picks to help you choose

01 Cosori Air Fryer – Pro Air Fryer Oven Combo

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 27
71+ 9CKmeoL. AC SX679


  • Employs fast and even-heating technology
  • Automatically adjusts temperatures
  • Comes with thirteen easy-touch cooking functions
  • Large air fryer basket at 5-quart capacity
  • Removable, dishwasher-safe, and non-stick air fryer baskets

Is It For You?

The Cosori air fryer oven does it all: it can roast, broil, bake, defrost, reheat, and air fry all kinds of food! If you’re ever lost for a dish, you can take a look at the recipe book that comes along with this outstanding toaster oven. It has 100 recipes you can try out in your cooking space!

The Cosori air fryer manufacturers employed the new and best technology to make the cooking process a breeze. It has over thirteen one-touch buttons you can use to customize your cooking, and the NTC sensor automatically adjusts the temperature of this kitchen appliance.

All of your food will be cooked evenly! The even-heating technology allows for all cooking methods to end up in near-perfect dishes.

Clean-up will also be easier than ever. Unlike other kitchen appliances and your basic oven, this air fryer has removable air fryer baskets, which are also dishwasher-safe and non-stick.

What’s more, it’s large enough to fit a whole 5-pound chicken. While the huge capacity is a plus, it’s designed to fit perfectly into corner spaces. It allows you to have more cooking space in comparison to other air fryer models and countertop convection ovens!

Check price on Amazon

02 Ninja Air Fryer

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 28
71+8uTMDRFL. AC SX679


  • Comes with a dishwasher safe rack, basket, and crisper plate
  • With a wide temperature range – from 105 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Has the capacity to dehydrate food
  • Has a four-quart capacity

Is It For You?

Air fryers are meant to be time-savers, and the Ninja Air Fryer proves to be one of the best air frying machines out there! The heating elements it employs allows you not just to air-fry food, but dehydrate it as well. The wide temperature range makes sure you have a whole lot of versatility compared to a conventional oven.

The four-quart capacity also makes sure you have room for cooking food larger than your usual frozen french fries and chicken wings. Fit more food in comparison to your regular oven!

It doesn’t just save time for the cooking process, too, but for the cleaning part as well. The Ninja Air Fryer has a dishwasher-safe rack, basket, and crisper plate — all you have to do is pop in a dirty air fryer to be cleaned.

(It’s also the cheapest air fryer we have on this list that’s functional compared to most air fryers!)

Check price on Amazon.

03 Chefman Multifunctional Air Fryer

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 29
71s8nikz44L. AC SX679


  • All-in-one function: rotisserie spit, dehydrator, air fryer, and oven in one kitchen appliance
  • Innovative touch-control display with over seventeen preset options for any cooking method you desire
  • Comes with interior lighting, air flow racks, rotisserie spits, stainless steel forks, rotating baskets, and drip tray
  • Has a 10-liter capacity for big crowds and gatherings

Is It For You?

This versatile kitchen appliance does it all: it air-fries, bakes, dehydrates, and can act as a rotisserie oven. Get that healthy air-fried taste with little to no oil for your food! The Chefman has your needs in mind, and will deliver the best possible results, too.

Aside from the multiple cooking functions you can use, you can also take advantage of the innovative touch-control display with over seventeen preset options. Customize your cooking with convenience!

Plus, the XL capacity makes sure no one in your family misses out on the best possible meals. It’s perfect for large gatherings, too.

Despite the number of accessories this air fryer has, you won’t be stressed in cleaning up. Everything is dishwasher-safe, so all you need to do is pop it into your dishwasher and call it a day.

Check price on Amazon

04 Instant Vortex Plus Air Fryer Oven

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 30
71C6o0tFcgL. AC SX679


  • Six-in-one functionality for baking, dehydrating, roasting, broiling, air frying, and reheating
  • Customizable, one-touch technology to program your cooking
  • Comes in a compact, stainless steel design
  • Has built-in safety features to prevent overheating
  • Has non-stick, dishwasher-safe air fry basket and tray

Is It For You?

The Instant Vortex Plus air fryer is a great addition to your collection of kitchen appliances. With the Instant Vortex Plus air fryer, you can prepare quick, delicious, and healthy meals.

The EvenCrisp technology uses the heating element of the air fryer to create a perfect crisp, golden finish. The heated air won’t burn your food, either — not with the Overheat Protection and automatic power off function.

The versatile temperature range goes from 95 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (35 to 204 degrees Celsius) which allows you to do just about everything with an energy-efficient air fryer!

You can reheat meals or roast everything without needing a roasting pan. All you need is the air fryer’s functionality!

Convenience also reigns supreme with this air fryer. They employ one-touch technology to make sure you can program and customize your cooking with ease and comfort. Aside from the air frying function, you can roast, broil, and bake in the InstantVortex!

Air fryers cook food, sure, but you can also clean up easily. They offer a non-stick, dishwasher-safe air fryer basket and tray to make sure your convenience will never be sacrificed.

Check price on Amazon

Our Top 4 Toaster Oven Picks

After the air fryer models we’ve discussed above, now we have the top four toaster oven models you can choose from!

We have everything: the traditional toaster oven, the cheapest toaster oven you can buy, and the best air fryer toaster oven combo you can find on the market!

01 Hamilton Beach Air Fryer Toaster Oven Combo

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 31
81EfF0rM+YL. AC SX679


  • Evenly cooks food with almost no oil in comparison to deep frying techniques
  • Easy-reach and access oven door
  • Comes with a two-rack design to accommodate a variety of food
  • Combines the functionality of an air fryer with the convenience of a conventional toaster oven
  • Comes with a 30-minute timer, auto shut-off function, ready bell, and stay-on settings

Is It For You?

If you’re looking for a regular toaster oven but are tempted by an air fryer, this Hamilton Beach model combines both of their functionalities in one innovative machine!

This toaster oven might as well be a convection oven with what it can do. The Sure-Crisp air frying technology makes sure heating elements are circulated evenly throughout the toaster oven, resulting in perfect golden-brown food.

You can save space in your countertop without having to sacrifice quality food as a result.

With two racks involved, you can cook a variety of food in no time! You can program your cooking, too — the 30-minute timer makes sure you lose no time, and the auto shut-off function keeps your food unburnt and your house safe.

If you prefer to warm your food, you can also use the stay-on setting! Whatever the case, this Hamilton Beach model is versatile and can fight for a spot among the many air fryers we listed above, too.

Check price on Amazon

02 Elite Gourmet Countertop Oven Toaster

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 32
71TyJ4JECsL. AC SY300 SX300 QL70 FMwebp


  • Compact, space-saving design perfect for small kitchens or crowded countertops
  • Comes with an adjustable 15-minute timer for warming and reheating food to your liking
  • Comes with an adjustable temperature knob to toast, reheat, and bake food
  • Comes with a non-stick baking pan and wire rack that can accommodate a variety of food
  • With a tempered glass door and cool-touch handle for convenience in handling

Is It For You?

Looking for a budget toaster oven that comes with the best quality possible? The Elite Gourmet Toaster Oven is the one for you! You can easily fit your favorite pastries to warm, broil, toast, or bake them properly.

It’s also best for small kitchens or cramped countertops — it has a compact, space-saving design that makes toasting easier.

Other perks in its design include a tempered glass door and cool-touch handle. You’ll be safe using this appliance no matter what!

You can warm, broil, toast or bake a variety of food with the flexible temperature knob and wire rack that can accommodate just about everything! It can definitely rival an air fryer or convection oven.

Check price on Amazon

03 Cosori Air Fryer Toaster Oven

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 33
81Bi0p5lXiL. AC SX679


  • Comes with the VeSync app for one-touch programming and cooking
  • Includes a wire rack, non-stick food tray, fry basket, user manual, and recipe book
  • Allows you to cook up to 30% faster compared to a traditional convection oven
  • Is easy to clean with a removable crumb tray
  • Meets family and large gatherings’ needs with its 25-liter capacity

Is It For You?

The Cosori Air Fryer Toaster Oven can rival a convection oven with its functionalities! It’s a 12-in-1 appliance with more possibilities than ever with its programmable functions. Toast, broil, bake, and save your preferred time and temperature.

The heating element comes in six options, too. It’s possible to cook much faster for large groups of people! Compared to convection baking, this air fryer and toaster oven combo can cook your food up to 30% faster.

While it cooks everything well, you may be worried about clean-up. Well, worry no more — it’s easy to clean with non-stick accessories and a removable crumb tray, too.

Check price on Amazon

04 Cuisinart Custom Classic Toaster Oven Broiler

Air Fryer vs Toaster Oven: Which One is the Better Kitchen Appliance? 34
51DiIjwkG1L. AC SX679


  • Contains 1800 wattage to power baking, broiling, and toasting functionalities
  • Is easy to clean with a stainless steel finish, cool-touch handle, non-stick interior, and easy-grip dials
  • Comes with accessories such as a baking pan, wire rack, and removable crumb tray
  • Roomy interior allows for an eleven-inch pizza

Is It For You?

Looking for something that can replace an air fryer’s functionality? Look no further than the Cuisinart Custom Classic Toaster Oven Broiler! It’s high-power, high-performance quality allows you to bake, broil, and toast with ease. You can fit up to an eleven-inch pizza inside this toaster oven, too!

Whatever you cook or bake, you can rest easy knowing everything’s easy to clean. Polish off the stainless steel front and remove crumbs with the crumb tray inside. The non-stick interior also makes it easier to wash and put away — and the cool-touch handle and easy-grip handles allows you to handle the appliance with ease.

Check price on Amazon

What to Look For in an Air Fryer or Toaster Oven

Whether you choose to look for an air fryer or toaster oven, remember to look for three things: size, functionality, and convenience.

These appliances are made to make life easier, so make sure they don’t take up too much space, can be programmed, and has the functions needed to make cooking, baking, and toasting a breeze!


Is An Air Fryer Really Just A Toaster Oven?

No, an air fryer isn’t like a toaster oven at all. They function quite differently from one another!
For instance, a toaster oven is used for reheating and toasting food. It can only bake and broil a small amount of food.
However, an air fryer can circulate hot air better and come in different sizes. They can accommodate more food and cook more as well.
There is a type of toaster oven that functions similarly to an air fryer: convection toaster ovens. A convection toaster oven is everything you expect a toaster oven to be, except a convection toaster oven comes with a built-in fan.
Convection toaster ovens, then, make food quickly, removes moisture, browns food, and does all these and more with even temperature control. There are also air fryer toaster combinations on the market you might want to check out as well!

What Should You Not Put in An Air Fryer?

While air fryers cook just about any kind of food, there are some things you should never put in air fryer ovens. These include battered food, leafy greens, whole roasts, raw grains, red meat, and popcorn.
The main reason behind most of them is that an air fryer wasn’t built to cook any of these foods evenly and properly. Instead of making them the delicious dishes you know and love, they might just be destroyed in an air fryer.

What Should You Not Put in A Toaster Oven?

Most food can go inside a toaster oven, but some materials are a big no-no. These materials include parchment paper — which you might use for baking. Styrofoam and aluminum foil are also not compatible with most toaster ovens!

Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt: Turn Every Cup From Bitter To Better

Why Keurig coffee tastes burnt unraveled so that you know all the reasons why including how to clean your Keurig and how to make Keurig coffee taste better. 

Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt: Turn Every Cup From Bitter To Better
Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt

The recent pandemic has impacted the lives of everyone everywhere forever.

With more home-office set-ups, it’s not wonder that Keurig coffee systems sales shot by 10% in 2020.

Along with that, there has been a concern that Keurig coffee tastes bad.

Let’s find out the reasons!

Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt: Turn Every Cup From Bitter To Better 35
8 Reasons Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt 1

Why Keurig Coffee Tastes Burnt?

There are a few reasons why your Keurig coffee tastes burnt.

It could be because the machine is not cleaned well, how you made your coffee, or the coffee beans you used. 

Let’s take a closer look. 

Buildup In The Keurig

Did you know that coffee beans have oils that lend them their aroma?

So if you have residual coffee from past brews, these oils build up in the machine.

When you make a fresh cup, the residue gets mixed with it and the Keurig coffee tastes bitter.  

Type Of Coffee Beans Used

Check if the coffee beans are fresh.

Stale coffee beans will not produce the best mug and you could end up wondering why Keurig coffee doesn’t taste good anymore. 

Check the expiry date on the package and don’t use expired coffee beans. 

You should always store coffee beans the right way to avoid them from getting stale. 

Water Temperature

The water temperature affects the taste of your coffee. Keurig coffee tastes burnt when you are using still-boiling water. Why? Oils, acids, and caffeine are extracted more quickly when the water is hotter. 

At higher temperatures, it is more difficult to control the pace of extraction because each of these ingredients has a different effect on the flavor of the coffee. 

This might result in over-extraction and you feel that your Keurig coffee tastes burnt.

Coffee Roasting Time

The coffee roast level and time can affect the taste of your coffee. 

In simple terms, the longer you roast your coffee, the darker the roast; hence, your Keurig tastes burnt. 

If the coffee beans have been over-roasted, your coffee will taste bitter. 

Invest in a home coffee roaster so that you can control the temperature and time to get the right flavor and taste of Keurig coffee. 

Quality Of K-Cups

There are so many different types of K-Cups you can get with various flavors and roast types. 

You can’t tell what’s inside these.

So, if there’s low-quality coffee inside the K-cups, you won’t get a pleasant taste of your coffee. 

To avoid this, always buy 100% Arabica coffee beans as Robusta beans are cheaper, are not of good quality, and produce bitter coffee. 

Water Quality

Another reason why your Keurig coffee tastes bad could be the quality of water you’re using to make coffee. 

It does influence the flavor and taste of your coffee if your tap water has an excessive amount of calcium or other minerals. Consider getting a water filter.

While bottled filter water is thought to be the finest option, tap water and filtered water are both acceptable.

Amount Of Water

The amount of water you use is crucial to getting the perfect cup of coffee. 

Suppose you don’t use enough water and too many coffee beans. 

Naturally, you’ll get a bitter coffee Keurig through no fault of the coffee maker!

Brewing Time

Brewing time is so important to make or break a cup of coffee. 

If you brew your coffee too long, there is over-extraction and the coffee will be bitter.

Brewing it not long enough will fail to extract the full flavor and aroma of the coffee, leaving you wondering why is my coffee watery from my Keurig.

How To Make Keurig Coffee Taste Better

How To Make Keurig Coffee Taste Better
How To Make Keurig Coffee Taste Better

There are several ways you can make Keurig coffee go from bitter to better. 

Starting with the water to choosing the best coffee brands, there are a host of things you can do to prevent Keurig burning coffee. 

  1. Choose Your Water Carefully

The secret to making great coffee is using fresh water. 

Better-tasting coffee is a given with a simple practice like filling the tank with fresh water each morning.

Additionally, significant factors include water hardness. 

Compared to soft water, hard water draws out more flavor. 

So, avoid tap water if the water in your area is soft water. 

You can make coffee without spending a fortune on pricey bottled water. 

Use filtered or bottled water if the quality of your tap water is poor and if it tastes or smells strong.

If bottled or filtered water is not an option, use a water filter. 

Note: Distilled water is not a good option as both this and soft water are poor at extracting coffee and will disappoint you with watery coffee Keurig. 

Another reason using soft water is discouraged is because the sensor in the Keurig machine reservoir can’t detect soft water and this leads to water leakage.

Speaking of water, avoid filling the reservoir in the Keurig all the way as too much water will leave you with a less desirable cup.  

  1. Pre-Heat Both The Keurig Coffee Maker And Your Mug

If you are constantly complaining about your Keurig coffee not being hot enough, you’re not being paranoid. 

It’s true that Keurig cannot brew coffee at a temperature higher than 192°F (89°C). Since you can’t change the temperature control, you can do two things. 

One, before making the coffee, run one brew cycle without inserting the pod to heat the machine to make the coffee a little hotter.

Two, rinse a mug in hot water before setting it down on a drip tray. 

This way, the coffee won’t cool off in a heated mug, and the temperature will remain constant and you will stop wondering why does my Keurig coffee taste bad.

  1. Use A Proper Roast And The Right Cup Size

Another frequent complaint about Keurig coffee is that the coffee isn’t strong enough or why does my Keurig coffee taste like water. 

Check your K-cups’ roast level and experiment with various cup sizes. Light, medium, and dark roasts are the three main stages of roasting. 

Dark roasts produce a robust, powerful coffee, while light roasts produce mild, flowery overtones.

Select dark roasted K-cups for Keurig coffee to make it stronger and get full-bodied coffee. Medium roasts can also be a nice option if you prefer something milder and less bitter. 

Light roasts lack flavor and are very acidic and weak.

Next, remember that using a single K-cup to brew 12 ounces of coffee is never satisfying. Pick a smaller cup size instead. 

The ideal cup size falls between 6 and 8 ounces.

Use two K-cups on the smaller cup setting if you need to create 10 or 12 ounces in a large mug.

  1. Use A Descaler To Remove Buildup

To remove the machine’s internal calcium and oil deposits, descaling is the process of running a certain type of solution or white vinegar through it.

By descaling every three to four months, you can remove the calcium and oil buildup in your machine to make Keurig coffee taste better. 

The buildup prevents the water from getting hot enough and you will get a lukewarm cup.

Plus, if the water isn’t at the right temperature, it will fail to bring out the flavor of the coffee and the result will be disastrous. 

Descaling not only removes the buildup but also improves the performance of your machine

A descaler can help you do that. 

  1. Use The Reusable K-Cup The Right Way

Reusable K-cups can’t hold two tablespoons of coffee that’s necessary for a strong 8-ounce cup of coffee. 

So, your best bet is to use a dark roast coffee and brew your coffee at a 6- or 8-oz setting.

Coffee grounds should not extend past the mesh’s top of the filter basket as you load it. 

Fill the filter with the desired amount of coffee, being careful not to fill it past the MAX fill sign if your reusable filter has a Max fill line.

To level the top, tap the filter onto your counter. Never tamp or press the coffee. 

  1. Choose The Right Coffee Grind And Roast

The perfect grind level is somewhere in the middle – not too coarse and not too fine. 

A too-coarse grind will result in watery coffee, while a too-fine grind can cause the water to take a long time to brew or easily become clogged.

So, choose a medium grind for the best results. 

Pick coffee that is described as dark or French roast for a large cup brew setting. 

Also, a good option is medium roasts.

Try to avoid breakfast blends as they are lighter roasts and when brewed at a larger cup setting, will give you watery coffee. 

  1. Clean Your Keurig 

If Keurig coffee tastes bad, it’s time to clean the machine. 

Regularly clean and maintain your Keurig coffee maker.

Every week, clean the external, detachable elements of your machine, change the used water filter cartridges every two months, and descale it every three to four months.

You may gradually improve the flavor and taste of your Keurig coffee by strictly adhering to this cleaning schedule.

How To Clean Your Keurig Thoroughly: Step-By-Step Guide

The number 1 reason Keurig coffee tastes sour is that you’ve probably made coffee for days without giving the machine a thorough clean inside-out. 

The oil and calcium deposits in the coffee maker hamper its full functionality and you keep wondering why does my coffee taste burnt from my Keurig. 

Before we go into the details of cleaning, here’s a list of what you need:

  • White vinegar or descaling solution
  • Keurig water filter refill cartridges
  • Both wet and dry soft microfiber wipes
  • Soapy water solution

So here’s step-by-step instruction on how to clean your Keurig.

  1. Unplug the machine before you take off the removable parts of the Keurig. 

You can take apart the water reservoir first, then take off the mug tray, lid, and K-cup holder.

Wash and clean these removable parts of your Keurig every week

  1. Use a soapy water solution to wash the mug tray and K-cup holder. 
  2. Wash the water reservoir and the lid with soapy water and remove all excess water with a dry and soft microfiber cleaning cloth

If you own a Keurig 2.0, then you should know how to empty the internal tank properly. 

  1. This is the perfect time to replace your old water filter cartridges with fresh ones. 

To maintain proper water processing functioning, you must change the used water filter cartridges every two months.

  1. Wash the exterior part of the Keurig machine and dry with a clean, dry, and soft microfiber cloth
  2. With white vinegar or a good quality descaling solution, descale your Keurig. 
  3. Check if coffee grounds are stuck to the needle of the machine. 

If so, you need to clean the Keurig needle to remove all deposits. 

How Often You Should Clean Your Keurig
How Often You Should Clean Your Keurig

My Keurig Coffee Tastes Bitter Even After Cleaning It

Why does my Keurig coffee taste bitter even after cleaning it properly?

Well, this could be because of the descaling solution or vinegar that’s giving you bad tasting coffee. 

To get rid of the vinegar taste in your coffee, here’s what you need to do. 

  1. Take the pod out of the machine.
  2. Completely fill the reservoir with water. 

Run the machine repeatedly until the reservoir is empty. 

Throughout this procedure, make sure there isn’t a pod in the dispenser.

This may require a total of two to three full reservoirs.

  1. Try adding 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda if you’re still having trouble getting rid of the vinegar flavor. 

It has a fairly bland flavor that balances the bitterness and is known to neutralize the vinegar.

  1. After thoroughly mixing the baking soda into the water reservoir until it dissolves, run the machine three times.
  2. Repeat if necessary.

You could come across all sorts of weird problems with your machine but Keurig troubleshooting is easy if you know how to identify the problem.


Why Does My Coffee Taste Bitter All Of A Sudden?

There could be oil and calcium build-up in the coffee maker, the water used was not the right quality or too hot, the coffee beans were stale, the brewing time was too long or the beans were roasted excessively, or you used too little water with too much coffee or used low-quality K-cups.  

How Do I Get Rid Of The Nasty Taste In My Keurig?

Descale with white vinegar or any descaling solution to get rid of the nasty taste in your Keurig. If it still persists, run the machine without the pod and only with baking soda dissolved in the water reservoir two to three times. 

Why Does My Keurig Coffee Taste Bland?

Check the roast of the coffee beans you have been using to make coffee. A breakfast blend is light and will give you watery coffee. Choose a medium roast or a dark French roast to get a cup of coffee that tastes better. 

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed

Looking for the best possible roaster oven for your kitchen? Don’t worry. We have a round-up of the best roaster ovens for you to choose from in this article!

Best Roaster Oven
Best Roaster Oven

There’s a Thanksgiving dinner coming up, but you have nowhere to roast your turkey. Or maybe you have recipes that require some roasting, but you have nowhere to do that, either!

Now you’re on the hunt for the best roaster oven, but every article you’ve found says different things. What really is the best option out there for you?

Your search ends here. We have the top ten roasters, and we’ve added a buyer’s guide for you, too. Read on to find the best roaster oven for you!

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Our Top Roaster Ovens

With all the features and roaster oven reviews we’ve encountered, here are our top three best roaster ovens:

Oster is the most versatile and easy-to-use oven out there, with a self-basting lid as another perk! It takes our spot for the best electric roaster oven, and even if you’re not considering this brand, it should be at the top of your list, too.

Hamilton Beach provides the most value for your money with its versatility, capacity, and self-basting lid. You won’t go wrong with this choice, either!

For those on a budget, the Proctor-Silex is the one to go for. It’s cheaper, but doesn’t skimp on the features that you need to make a dish worth coming back to over and over!

The Top 10 Roaster Ovens

#1 Best Overall Pick: Oster Roaster Oven with Self-Basting Lid

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 36
61m8dbeUbeL. AC SX679


  • Accommodates up to 26-lb of turkey
  • Comes with a self-basting lid
  • Removable stainless steel rack and pan
  • Bakes, slow-cooks, and roasts your favorite dishes

Is It For You?

The Oster roaster oven is quite a steal! The Oster roaster oven itself is easy to use, so you’ll have no problem starting out as a beginner cook for Thanksgiving dinner.

You can put the hand baster away, too — it’s an Oster roaster oven with self-basting lid. As a result, it recirculates moisture and leaves you with a moist, juicy turkey ripe for carving.

If a turkey roaster isn’t what you’re after, the Oster roaster oven offers so much more. You can do everything from baking to slow-cooking!

Plus, clean-up is easy with a removable rack and pan. It also comes with a high dome lid to accommodate turkeys of all sizes.

#2 Best Value: Hamilton Beach Roaster Oven with Self-Basting Lid

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 37


  • Fits up to a 28-lb turkey
  • Has a capacity of 22 quarts
  • Enameled steel interior pan allows for easy cleaning
  • Comes with a lift-out rack
  • Comes with a removable pan and domed lid

Is It For You?

The Hamilton Beach Roaster Oven with Self-Basting Lid is a good investment. If you ever find yourself needing extra oven space, the Hamilton Beach oven is the one to pick.

As a 22-quart roaster oven with self-basting lid, it can fit up to a 28-lb turkey. Large meals are no longer a problem!

This electric oven is also quite versatile with its capacity to roast, bake, cook, and serve up warm dishes.

Everything about this appliance is thoughtfully designed, from the temperature range and removable rack. You can warm up dishes and roast turkeys with their 150 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (65 to 232 degree Celsius) range! Plus, clean-up is a breeze with easy-to-lift handles and removable pan.

#3 Best Budget Pick: Proctor-Silex 24-Pound Turkey Roaster Oven

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 38
61ynKeef nL. AC SX679


  • Comes with an 18-quart capacity
  • Bakes, roasts, slow-cooks, steams, and warms up dishes
  • Can fit up to a 24-lb turkey
  • With a removable pan
  • With a lift-out rack

Is It For You?

On a budget, but need the best roaster oven for Thanksgiving dinner? Look no further than the Proctor-Silex. For only $100, you get a large, versatile roasting oven for all your delicious dishes.

You can control the temperature range of this oven with a simple knob. The 125 to 450 degree Fahrenheit range allows you to cook everything, from turkey to cheesecake.

You can slow cook, bake, and steam with this oven, as well!

The included lift-out rack makes it easy to serve large dishes, including turkey and ham. After the celebrations are done, clean-up has never been easier with the removable pan.

#4 Nesco 6-Quart Porcelain Electric Roaster Oven

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 39
71gG0QFR42L. AC SX679


  • Has a 750-watt heating element
  • Has a six-quart capacity that roasts, bakes, steams, slow-cooks, and serves
  • With side handles for safety and convenience
  • Removable roasting pan
  • Full-range temperature control at 200 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (93 to 230 degrees Celsius)

Is It For You?

Don’t need a turkey roaster? This six-quart electric roaster oven is perfect for mini-gatherings and your everyday dinners.

While it’s small, it’s enough to serve food up to six people — and it’s versatile, too! Who says you can only have versatility with a 22-quart roaster oven?

You can roast, bake, steam, slow-cook, and serve all kinds of food with the wide-range temperature control.

It’s also lightweight and portable, so you can easily transport it anywhere you’d like. The side handles also allow everything to be convenient!

No matter what happens, the Nesco Electric Roaster Oven will last long in your care. It has a durable porcelain finish that looks good and will protect it against everyday wear and tear.

If you have limited cooking space but want the best roast meat for your family still, this Nesco roaster oven is the one to pick!

#5 Sunvivi Electric Roaster Oven with Viewing Lid

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 40
61l4CC3kbuL. AC SX679


  • Design includes a convenient, visible basting lid
  • Has a warm and defrost setting
  • Comes with an easy-to-lift rack and removable roaster pan
  • Roasts, bakes, slow-cooks and serves

Is It For You?

Are you tired of opening your roaster oven lid every now and then to check on your turkey? The Sunvivi Electric Roaster Oven solves that for you with a basting lid window for easy checking on your dishes! You don’t have to be scalded anymore — or delay the cooking time by periodic checking.

Another perk? Your whole turkey doesn’t have to take days to defrost! Simply place the turkey into the Sunvivi roaster oven and turn on the defrost setting. It’s an innovative addition that makes roasting and serving easier by keeping your food warm.

Plus, if you’ve got leftovers, you can always turn on the warm function, too.

The temperature range is from 150 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (65 to 232 degree Celsius) You can easily roast, bake, slow-cook, warm, and serve up dishes better than a conventional oven.

It’s also equipped with a liftable rack and an enamel-on-steel removable roasting pan. Clean-up will be quick and convenient!

#6 14-Quart Chefman Electric Roaster Oven with a High Dome, Self-Basting Lid

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 41
61lsU+EvDlL. AC SX679


  • Comes with a high-dome, self-basting lid
  • Removable rack and inner roasting pan
  • Dishwasher-safe for convenient clean-up
  • Can heat up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius)
  • Can accommodate large meals and a 20-lb turkey

Is It For You?

The best ovens can be found at Chefman. This 14-quart electric roaster oven doubles your cooking efficiency with its high dome lid and temperature control range! Sure, electric roaster ovens are fast, but Chefman has been guaranteed to be 30% faster than your conventional oven, making meals easy to cook.

The high-dome, self-basting lid is an additional perk! Not only does the self-basting lid increase the capacity of the roaster oven, it also decreases your labor and circulates moisture and heat by itself.

After the meals and festivities, you usually worry about clean-up. That’s not the case with the Chefman roaster oven! The removable rack and inner roasting pan are all dishwasher-safe, so you can just pop it in and go about your day.

#7 EaZy BrandZ Oberdome Plus Electric Roaster Oven

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 42
71qWYO2PoLL. AC SX679


  • The heating element is encapsulated in the lid
  • Multi-functional and portable
  • Uses up to 1150 watts, with only six minutes needed to preheat
  • Comes with a removable steel rack
  • Has the capacity of a 22-quart roaster oven

Is It For You?

Innovation meets tradition with the EaZy BrandZ Oberdome Plus Electric Roaster Oven! It cooks, bakes, and roasts better than conventional ovens with the patented Oberdome. The heating element of the roaster oven is completely encapsulated in the lid, evenly heating and moisturizing your dishes.

You don’t have to wait long for this roaster oven to preheat or cook your meals, either. It has up to 1150 watts of power and is quick and convenient to use.

If you want something new and easy to use in your kitchen, the EaZy BrandZ Oberdome Plus electric roaster oven is the one to pick!

#8 HeyNemo Electric Roaster Oven with Self-Basting Lid

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 43
710RezzPe L. AC SX679


  • A 22-quart roaster oven, with 18, 20, 24, and 26-quart capacities available
  • Has a warming setting for leftovers and hot dishes
  • With transparent top-dome lid and cool-touch handle
  • Comes with 1450 wattage and full-range temperature control
  • Has a removable steel rack

Is It For You?

Looking for variety with the best roaster ovens available? HeyNemo offers that and more. While we showcase the 22-quart roaster oven here, it has 18 to 26-quart capacities available! Along with the full-control temperature functions, it also has a warming setting to keep your food warm for hours.

The top-dome lid also allows you to have more space in your oven. You can cook turkey and other large dishes! The cool-touch handle makes sure you don’t accidentally burn or scald yourself while checking in on your food.

Meanwhile, the full-range temperature control allows you to have a fully customizable experience with roasting in comparison to a traditional oven. Slow-cooking, roasting, and baking is possible!

A removable stainless steel rack is also included. Many roaster ovens are hard to clean, but HeyNemo makes sure your clean-up is easier than ever.

#9 Nesco 18-Quart Roaster Oven

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 44
711GeiiyL7L. AC SX679


  • 18-quart roaster oven with capacity for large turkeys and dishes
  • Comes with a removable enamel pan inside
  • With cool touch handles for your safety
  • Comes with an adjustable thermostat with temperature control of 200 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (93 to 230 degrees Celsius)

Is It For You?

The Nesco 18-quart roaster oven is the best roaster oven for beginners investing in the kitchen appliances for the first time! Among electric roasters, this electric turkey roaster is easy to use, easy to clean, versatile, and has all the functions you want in a regular oven and more.

Removable pans allow for easy clean-up, while the cool-touch handles make sure portability and safety isn’t a problem. The temperature range is between 200 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (93 to 232 degrees Celsius), so you have a versatile range to work with your dishes!

It also has a stainless steel finish that looks aesthetically pleasing on any kitchen counter. Go ahead, check the Nesco roaster out — and buy it today!

#10 Sunvivi 30lb and 26-Quart Electric Roaster Oven

The Search for the Best Roaster Oven: Top 10 Roaster Ovens, Reviewed 45
61K1 N3wLtL. AC SX679


  • Large roaster oven that can fit a 30lb turkey at 26-quart capacity
  • Comes with a unique, visible basting lid for easy dish-viewing
  • Warms, defrosts, and serves food
  • Allows for easy clean-up with removable racks and roasting pan
  • Comes with 1450 wattage

Is It For You?

Need a large turkey roaster oven? Look no further than this Sunvivi electric oven! It comes with a unique viewing lid that lessens check-ups on your turkey, leaving it moist and juicy. You don’t have to risk burning or scalding yourself with steam anymore, either!

Along with the convenient visible basting lid design, this electric roaster oven fights for the best roaster oven spot with multi-function settings. Not only do you get to control temperature, it goes above and beyond what a conventional oven can do by incorporating warming and defrosting functions.

Clean-up has never been easier, either. The roasting pans are all removable, along with the steel rack.

Top 3 Additional Accessories You Can Buy With Your Roaster Oven

  1. PanSaver Electric Roaster Liners

These PanSaver Electric Roaster Liners are perfect for many dishes you want to make in your roaster oven! It comes with a patented contour fit that eliminates folds in the liners.

These liners are best for various dishes, but avoid using them for your turkeys! Use foil liners instead.

  1. Elite Platinum Oven Buffet Servers

Need the best equipment to serve and entertain your guests? The Elite Platinum Oven Buffet Server keeps everything from appetizers to main dishes warm. The clear, domed lids allows you to have a view of the food while giving them enough space.

The adjustable temperature settings give you full control, too!

  1. Proctor-Silex Food Server and WarmerFor the best gatherings and dinner parties, you can use the Proctor-Silex Food Server and Warmer! With three oven-safe chafing pans, you can keep your food warm and ready to serve. Enjoy convenience with adjustable heat and clear domed lids.

What to Look For In Roaster Ovens

Looking to buy a roaster oven, but not sure where to start? Worry no more. Follow this buying guide to compare and contrast one rival roaster oven from another, and make the best decision for your kitchen today:

  1. Size

Don’t deny it: you’re looking for a roaster oven that can fit a turkey.

Or, if you aren’t, you at least want a sizable roaster oven that can accommodate a variety of dishes.

This is why size is an important factor when weighing one roaster oven for another. However, you want to look at your intention when buying a roaster oven: what would you cook in this roaster oven in the future?

Generally, a 16 to 18-quart roaster oven can fit a turkey and be used for a variety of dishes.

If you want to make sure, however, we recommend going a size up to a 22-quart electric roaster oven. A more versatile roaster oven is often bigger in size!

We do understand that not everyone has the kitchen space — so it may be better to stick to the 16-quart or 18-quart electric roaster oven.

If you need something more compact, there are those that come in six quarts. A turkey is out of the question with that size, but soups and roasted dishes aren’t!

Whatever the case, the size of your roaster oven is up to you.

  1. Material

You want your purchase to last for the long-term. That being said, you should look into the material of your roaster oven and see if it’s durable!

Ideally, the material should be top-quality. You will be faced with two options: stainless steel or enameled steel.

It’s the general consensus that stainless steel products are more durable. However, there are other elements you should consider when looking into the oven material.


This factor can vary to your needs. Stainless steel is more lightweight, while enameled steel is slightly heavier. If you want something portable – in case you rent or move around your equipment a lot – stainless steel may be the better choice.

Heat Retention and Distribution

However, heat retention and distribution is better with enameled steel in comparison to stainless steel.

If you don’t mind possible regular upkeep and the slight heaviness, then go for enameled steel roaster ovens!

  1. Power

Look into the wattage of the electric roaster oven. If you want to bake a turkey with a nice crisp to its skin, go for a higher wattage! Smaller roaster ovens can get by with around 600 to 700 watts, while bigger ones will have their wattage around the 1000s.

  1. Design and Controls

Look into the design of the roaster oven. Beyond aesthetics, it’s also essential to make sure that your chosen roaster oven lends more functionality than the others.

The lid, for example, should always be looked into when buying a roaster oven. You want a dome-like structure for the lid to accommodate large birds.

Aside from that, it’s also a perk to have a self-basting lid included in your purchase. Spikes and ridges are crafted into the inside of the lid to drip down accumulated steam. Overall, a self-basting lid removes hours off of your cooking labor and keeps you safer!

A small window for you to peek into when your dish is cooking would be a nice bonus as well.

The controls and functions are also important. You want something that allows you to customize your cooking beyond a simple on/off button. An adjustable temperature range, a defrost setting and a keep warm setting are all functions you can look for in a roaster oven.

Look for a heat indicator light as well. It’s important to be able to tell if your roaster oven has become too hot! You don’t want your dishes to burn or dry out inside it.

A digital interface may be easier for some to navigate. Compare and contrast analog and digital interfaces when you buy a classic roaster oven.

  1. Cleaning and Maintenance Material

The most versatile roaster oven should also be easy to clean. Enameled steel is usually easier to clean, so you can factor that into your decision process when picking out the roaster oven material.

As much as possible, your purchase should have a removable pan that can be easy to clean. It’s also a plus if everything is dishwasher-safe!

Tips and Tricks for Using Your Roaster Oven

01 You Can Make the Perfect Desserts

The perfect desserts are possible with electric roaster ovens. For example, a cheesecake can be baked to perfection with the best roaster ovens. Remove the rack, insert some water into the pan, and cover the pan with aluminum foil.

After you bake your cheesecake for around an hour and a half, you’ll find that it comes out perfectly! Other cakes and pastries are also possible — conventional oven not needed.

02 Steam Vegetables Within 15 Minutes

Looking to have your side dishes ready quickly? Most electric roaster ovens can steam your chosen vegetables within fifteen minutes! Just put boiling water into the roasting pan and let them steam until they’re done.

03 Warm Your Dishes Efficiently

Even if your roaster oven doesn’t come with a warming setting, it’s still possible to warm your dishes up in the roasting rack! Just use the lowest setting for heating things up and your dishes will be warm and golden for the rest of the night.

04 Prep Your Roaster Oven First

A brand-new roaster oven shouldn’t be used as soon as it’s out of the box. Instead, you should take time to prepare it first.

Wash everything that can be safely washed with water. A removable roaster pan or rack should be set aside and washed, too. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the surfaces of all the components of the roaster oven before letting it dry.

Once dry, plug the roaster oven in and let it heat up for around fifteen minutes. Roasting ovens come with a whole host of chemicals on the surface, and heating it up will allow the best roaster oven to burn it all off.

Pop a window open — a slight odor will emanate from the roaster oven!

After you’re done heating it up, it’s now ready for use. Go get that turkey or vegetables and start roasting!

05 Roasting Varies for Different Dishes

Look into how to roast different kinds of dishes to get the most out of your roaster oven. For example, any kind of meat should always be placed on the roasting rack. It allows the meat to hold onto its natural juices.

Although those fat drippings could make for a good gravy later on!

Potatoes and other vegetables, on the other hand, must be roasted on a bed of aluminum foil with a drizzle of olive oil.

What’s the Difference Between a Convection Oven, Roaster Oven, and Dutch Oven?

There are so many different kinds of ovens out there, you may be wondering how one differs from the other. Don’t worry — we’ve outlined all the differences and similarities below:

Convection Oven

A convection oven differs from a conventional oven with its exhaust system and fan, which circulates heating differently than a conventional oven. If a part of the food is nearer to an active heating element, that’s the part that gets baked or cooked first!

The dry heat comes up quickly, and you don’t need to rotate dishes as much. Cooking time is also reduced. In many ways, a convection oven dish is similar to an air fry!

Roaster Oven

A roaster oven includes a roasting chamber instead of gas or coils. It’s smaller, uses heat better, and uses less energy as well. Aside from roasting dishes, it can also act as a slow-cooker and soup-maker. Plus, you can use it to warm, defrost, and serve your dishes hot.

Dutch Oven

It isn’t what you’d think! Instead of a shiny appliance, it typically takes the form of a heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid. As a result, the heat distributed remains constant throughout the pot, and can be used for deep frying and roasting, too!

If you’re already baking and roasting, you can put your Dutch to good use and save up on oven space. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a Roaster Cook Faster Than an Oven?

Technically, it does! Roaster ovens are kitchen appliances that cook food at higher temperatures in comparison to a traditional oven. Due to this heating element, food may cook faster.

Can You Use a Roaster Oven as a Slow Cooker?

Yes, you can use a roaster oven as a slow cooker! If you notice our recommendations above, some of the roaster ovens have slow-cook settings. As a result, yes, roaster ovens can act as big slow cookers.
The wider temperature range of roaster ovens allows for multiple cooking techniques.

What is a Roaster Oven Good For?

Roaster ovens are good for more than just roasting. It’s not just a turkey roaster — roaster ovens are also good for soups, steaming, baking, and slow-cooking.
If you don’t have the baking or slow-cooking space in your household, a roaster oven then comes in handy!
If you also happen to have a roaster oven with a defrost and warm function, you can easily defrost chilled food and warm up leftovers.