How Many ML in a Medium Tim Hortons Coffee?

Having a cup of Tim Hortons Coffee is quintessential for many Canadians and globally loved by the coffee enthusiasts. Ever found yourself pondering over, “How many ML in a medium Tim Hortons coffee?“. If yes, then you’re in the right place, as this guide will go into detail about not just the sizes available at Tim Hortons, but also compare them with other popular coffee brands.

how many ml in a medium tim hortons coffee
How Many ML in a Medium Tim Hortons Coffee?

Diving into Tim Hortons Coffee Sizes

Since its beginning in 1964, Tim Hortons has made its unique spot in the hearts of coffee lovers. The comprehensive range of coffee sizes, from a small cup to the massive extra-large cup, not only match your coffee requirements but also add fun to your coffee tasting journey! With our focus primarily on the medium size, you’re about to discover why it has remained the top choice of people over time.

The Exact Volume of Medium Tim Hortons Coffee Cup

So, the big question – how much liquid can our beloved medium-sized coffee cup hold? The answer is, a medium Tim Hortons coffee contains approximately 414 milliliters (14 ounces).

Impressed? Don’t be surprised as this volume is strategically selected to match your coffee cravings without making you overly jittery. Whether you’re a fan of the Tim Hortons regular coffee or the iced variants, the medium size ensures you can satisfy your cravings with this precisely measured 414 ml beverage.

Exploring Other Coffee Sizes at Tim Hortons

Coffee HouseSizeVolumeApproximate Caffeine Content
Tim HortonsSmall286 ml (10 oz)140 mg
Tim HortonsMedium414 ml (14 oz)205 mg
Tim HortonsLarge562 ml (20 oz)N/A*
StarbucksGrande (Medium)473 ml (16 oz)N/A*
McDonald’sMedium443 ml (16 oz)N/A*
Dunkin’ DonutsMedium414 ml (14 oz)N/A*

Now, let’s shed light on the other coffee sizes that Tim Hortons offers. Understanding their coffee cup capacity will give you a better perspective about the brand’s strategy in addressing diverse coffee preferences.

Differentiating Between Small and Medium Sizes at Tim Hortons

When it comes to comparing, there’s a remarkable difference between the small and medium sizes at Tim Hortons. A small cup at Tim Hortons contains around 286 ml (10 oz) of coffee, while as mentioned, a medium cup possesses 414 ml (14 oz). So there’s a significant 128 ml difference in size!

However, it’s not just the size – you will find a difference in the caffeine content too. A cup of small coffee has approximately 140 mg of caffeine, and the medium one takes this up a notch to around 205 mg.

Now considering the price difference, it’s not a steep climb despite the noticeable increment in both volume and caffeine content in a medium Tim Hortons coffee. Therefore, if you’re ever ambivalent about your order, remember, size can make a difference, even when it comes to coffee!

All About The Large Size

And now, let’s unveil the largest in the line-up – the large size. This colossal cup encases a whopping 562 ml (20 oz) of your favorite coffee, catering to those who swear by their coffee love. The large size undoubtedly stands distinct from the rest and is truly a value for money offering considering the volume.

Comparing Tim Hortons With Other Brands: The Size Showdown

Let’s admit it; Tim Hortons is not the lone player in the game. There are several other prominent brands that vie fiercely for the title of the “Best Coffee House.” Let’s examine the ML in a medium Tim Hortons coffee against some other noteworthy coffee brands.

Starbucks Vs Tim Hortons: Which Cup Holds More?

Tim HortonsMedium414 ml (14 oz)
StarbucksGrande (Medium)473 ml (16 oz)
McDonald’sMedium443 ml (16 oz)
Dunkin’ DonutsMedium414 ml (14 oz)

Starbucks, another magnate in the coffee industry, promises an engaging comparison. A medium cup at Starbucks, also known as Grande, holds about 473 ml (16 oz). It’s somewhat larger than the medium-sized coffee at Tim Hortons.

Starbucks might lead the pack when it comes to serving volume, but when it comes to overall offerings, price, and unique taste, Tim Hortons stands untouched.

To conclude the Starbucks vs Tim Hortons showdown, remember, cup size is not the only decisive factor while choosing your favorite coffee haunt. The flavor of the brew, pricing, and personal preferences all play a significant role.

“As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?”

– Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes

Beyond Coffee Houses: Fast Food Coffee Sizes Compared

Fast food outlets like McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts now offer coffee options apart from their regular food items. They have stepped into the coffee realm with determination to impress the world’s coffee lovers.

At McDonald’s, their medium-sized coffee is around 443 ml (16 oz), making it fairly close to Tim Horton’s 414 ml. Dunkin’ Donuts, on the other hand, serves their medium-sized coffee at 414 ml (14 oz), matching exactly the volume of a medium Tim Hortons coffee!

These comparisons unfurl intriguing brand strategies that aim to conquer the global taste buds.

Let’s take a deeper plunge into the intriguing world of coffee volumes. Now we’ll delve into the effects of coffee sizes on your health. You’ll learn about the caffeine content, calories, and general health implications of the size of your coffee cup.

Health Implications of Coffee Sizes

How Many ML in a Medium Tim Hortons Coffee? 1
holding coffee

When it comes to coffee, the size really does matter! The impact of your coffee size does not limit itself to the coffee cup capacity or the ounces in your Tim Horton’s cup, it has health repercussions too. The ML you consume in a medium Tim Hortons coffee not only satisfies your taste buds but also brings caffeine and calories into your system.

Studies reveal that caffeine content, while invigorating focus, enhancing sports performance, and heightening alertness, can also lead to insomnia, digestive issues, and an elevated heart rate when consumed excessively.

That’s why it’s crucial to monitor the caffeine content in your coffee. So, whether you’re enjoying your Tim Hortons iced coffee or hot brew, remember to evaluate the health implications of your coffee intake.

Conclusion: How Many ML in a Medium Tim Hortons Coffee?

This article has brought us not only to understand the exact size of a medium Tim Hortons coffee but also an understanding of coffee sizes in general. We’ve learned that a medium Tim Hortons coffee contains 414 ml or 14oz of liquid, a figure arrived at by clinically balancing volume, caffeine content, and price.

Remember, a cup of coffee is not just a beverage – it’s an experience. Both medium and large volumes provide opportunities to indulge in your coffee love, each time, ensuring you have calculated the health implications.

Whether you prefer the perfectly measured volume of a medium cup or the caffeine kick that comes with a large cup, there’s undoubtedly an ideally brewed coffee waiting for you at your nearest Tim Hortons.

Now, you’re equipped to explore more coffee-related content on the internet. Continue on your journey discovering fascinating worlds of coffee sizes, brands, and tastes. Remember, you can always get to learn more about coffee over a delicious, hot cup at Tim Hortons!


How many milliliters are there in a Tim Horton’s medium coffee?

There are approximately 414 milliliters or 14 ounces in a medium Tim Hortons coffee.

How does Tim Hortons medium coffee size compare to that of other brands?

A Starbucks Grande or medium coffee has 473 ml, a medium-size coffee at McDonald’s holds 443 ml, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Tim Hortons serve their medium coffees at exactly 414 ml.

Does the size of the cup impact the caffeine content?

Absolutely. The size of the cup directly affects the caffeine content. The larger the size, the higher is the caffeine content.

What does a Tim Hortons medium size coffee contain in terms of caffeine?

A medium Tim Hortons coffee contains approximately 205 mg of caffeine.


  1. Tim Hortons Menu
  2. Tim Hortons on Wikipedia
  3. Caffeine Content in Coffee Brands

Author: John Bird, coffee aficionado, experienced barista, and well-versed in all things related to coffee.