Finding the Perfect Honey Substitute for Your Cup of Tea

A good cup of tea can start your day right, serving as a warm, comforting hug in a mug. Sometimes, the cup of tea is sweetened with honey instead of sugar, enhancing the taste and including antibacterial properties. Besides, honey and tea is a classic combination that has been enjoyed for centuries. However, those looking for a substitute for honey in tea or a healthier alternative have many viable options. Here are the best honey substitute(s) for tea that can uphold and even enhance your tea drinking experience.

Article HighlightsDescription
Substitutes for HoneyThe article lists 10 substitutes for honey: Maple Syrup, Applesauce, Date Paste, Coconut Nectar, Molasses, Yacon Root Syrup, Agave Nectar, Brown Rice Syrup, Barley Malt Syrup, Jaggery. Each substitute is described in detail, including its preparation, best usage, and health benefits.
Honey Substitutes for TeaSeven ideal honey substitutes for tea are suggested, including Agave Nectar, Maple Syrup, Coconut Nectar, Stevia, Barley Malt Syrup, Yacon Root Syrup, Molasses, and Brown Rice Syrup. Information about these substitutes’ flavor profiles, health benefits, and reasons for their suitability to tea is provided.
The Importance of ExperimentationThe article encourages readers to experiment and find their own preferred honey substitute depending on their flavor preferences and dietary needs.
The focus on HealthThe article notes the potential health concerns related to using honey and regular sugar and focuses on substitutes that offer unparalleled flavor and nutritional benefits.
Recommended ProductsThe article suggests products for each honey alternative, assisting the reader in sourcing high-quality substitutes.

Agave Nectar: A Natural Honey Substitute for Tea

First in line is agave nectar. Agave, derived from the cactus plant, is a vegan-friendly syrup that is slightly thinner in texture than honey. Its light, neutral, and dissolves quickly in hot beverages making it an ideal honey substitute for tea. A serving of agave nectar contributes fewer calories than honey making it a good dietary choice. However, its high fructose levels warrant caution among those with diabetes.

Maple Syrup: A Unique Honey Substitute Tea Recipe

Maple syrup, a favorite pancake topping, can also serve as a honey substitute in tea. Its earthy nuances and robust flavor complement the natural aromas of different teas, making for a unique tasting experience. It has added benefits of antioxidants and manganese that promotes energy production.

Coconut Nectar: A Tropical Honey Alternative for Tea

Coconut nectar, another honey substitute in tea, exudes a sweet, dense flavor balancing well with the bitterness of strong teas. It has a low glycemic index, suitable for those monitoring their glucose levels. Its quick dissolving nature ensures your tea doesn’t get cold while you stir in your sweetener.

Stevia: A Healthy Alternative to Honey

Stevia is a non-caloric sweetener extracted from the leaves of the Stevia Rebaudiana plant. It is a healthy alternative to honey as it does not elevate your blood sugar levels. A few drops of a high-quality liquid Stevia can substitute honey in your tea.

Barley Malt Syrup: The Nutty Honey Substitute

Barley malt syrup, created from sprouted barley, adds a nutty sweetness to your tea. Though less sweet than honey, it touts health benefits such as aiding digestion and promoting bone health, crowning it a worthy honey alternative.

Yacon Root Syrup: An Understated Honey Substitute

Yacon root syrup, extracted from yacon plants’ roots, is a less spoken about, yet amazing substitute for honey in tea. With a consistency similar to honey, it does not overpower your tea’s natural taste. It is high in prebiotics and has a low glycemic index.

Molasses: A Sweetly Robust Substitute

Molasses, although a byproduct of the sugar-making process, dons a nutrient-dense profile and is a delicious substitute for honey. It is rich in iron, making it a beneficial sweetener for those with iron deficiencies. Dark varieties of molasses balance the sweetness of your tea without masking the flavors.

Brown Rice Syrup: A Satiating Honey Substitute

If you’re seeking a thick and sticky healthy alternative to honey, consider brown rice syrup. It exhibits a satiating sweetness that holds up well in stronger teas. It is composed of complex carbohydrates that digest slowly, preventing sugar spikes and crashes.

Each of these substitutes for honey lends a distinct flavor while offering their respective health benefits. Your choice among these depends on your tea preference and dietary needs. You’ll soon find your perfect blend marking your foray into the world of honey substitute(s) for tea.

Remember, while a healthy honey alternative is essential, the key to a great cup of tea also lies in good quality tea leaves, the right water temperature, steeping time and most importantly, savoring it at leisure. After all, making tea is art as much as it is science.

Whether you are embracing a new plant-based diet, watching your sugar intake, or simply eager to try something new, these healthy alternatives to honey are worth exploring. Enjoy experimenting with these honey substitutes to embark on a delightful, guilt-free tea journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Want to know more about the different healthy substitutes of honey? Dig in!

Can I Substitute Brown Sugar For Honey?

Any form of sugar is a great substitute for honey and when it’s brown sugar, there’s the added benefit of healthiness. You can use raw brown sugar for honey when using it in baked goods such as cakes or cookies.

On the other hand, when using it for recipes where you do not need to cook, raw brown sugar might not be able to replace honey. You need to add 1 cup of water to 6 cups of brown sugar and stir them in a saucepan till they mix well.

However, even if the color of both honey and this substitute will be the same, the taste would differ a little since honey has a stronger flavor than brown sugar.

Can I Substitute Maple Syrup For Honey?

Yes! In fact, maple syrup is known to be one of the top alternatives of honey.

It is also healthier than honey and is vegan. You can just use 1 cup of maple syrup in place of honey when cooking a savory dish.

But, when baking, make sure to add sugar to maple syrup. This is because honey is sweeter than maple syrup and hence, to get the same level of sweetness, you need the extra sugar.

What Is The Healthiest Substitute For Honey?

Date paste is the healthiest substitute for honey. While every other alternative has high levels of sugar or other factors which can affect people with different diseases, date paste has no such drawbacks.

All you need to do is add water and lemon juice to your dates, and blend them well to make a great replacement for honey. It contains many micronutrients and iron which immensely help the proper regulation of your body.

What Can I Substitute For Honey In Baking?

For baking, we would recommend using sugar and water as a substitute for honey. But, sugar is not always preferable due to many health concerns. So you can use light corn syrup in place of granulated sugar.

Other than that, date paste can be a good replacement for honey while baking. It is healthy and has a caramel, sweet taste which is very similar to honey.

You can also use molasses which has a similar texture to that of honey. Although, remember to not intake molasses in a very high amount since it can cause dietary complications.

What Can I Substitute For Honey In Teriyaki Sauce?

Brown sugar is by far known to be the best substitute for honey in teriyaki sauce.

Use ½ cup brown sugar, with all your other ingredients for the sauce and it will work perfectly well with your teriyaki sauce. Click here to see a delicious teriyaki sauce recipe.

Besides, you can also use applesauce in your teriyaki sauce. You can substitute applesauce for honey in a 1:1 ratio i.e if your recipe requires 1 tbsp of honey, you can use 1 tbsp of applesauce instead.

What Can I Substitute For Honey In Bread?

You can substitute maple syrup for honey in bread. But, since maple syrup is slightly less sweeter than honey, use a tad bit more maple syrup and a little less water when using it for bread.

What Can I Substitute For Honey In Tea?

Brown rice syrup is one of the best alternatives for honey in tea or coffee. It has slightly milder taste, for that reason, it will not overpower the taste of your tea. It is also a little stickier than honey but can be used in the 1:1 ratio.

Besides, agave nectar is the healthier alternative for honey in tea. It has a low glycemic index and is less sweet than honey. This means you can add more of it without increasing calorie intake.

What Is A Vegan Substitute For Honey?

When it comes to a vegan substitute, our top choice would be maple syrup. It can be used perfectly in place of honey and is healthy as well.

You can also use brown rice syrup, yacon root syrup, date paste, barley malt syrup, and agave nectar. Honestly, there are a lot of vegan substitutes for honey and none of them would alter the taste.

Wrapping up

There are a lot of vegan-friendly and healthy alternatives for honey. While it can be difficult to replace honey since it has a very distinct flavor and texture, the aforementioned alternatives come quite close.

Always make sure to not intake too much of any of the substitutes since some of them have sugar levels which can be harmful for you.

We hope our reviews will help you with your next recipes and that they will give you the best possible results.

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Freeze Honey: How to Store & Preserve It

I can speak to the flexibility of honey in the kitchen as someone who has been using it as a natural sweetener for ages. The options with honey are infinite, from sweetening my daily cup of tea to utilising it as a vital element in baking. But one thing I’ve constantly questioned is if it can be kept in the freezer.

In this article, I’ll tell you all I know about freezing honey, including if it’s feasible, how to do it correctly, and how to keep the honey’s quality throughout storage.

Freeze Honey: How to Store & Preserve It

Can you freeze honey?

The short answer is yes, you can freeze honey, trust a honey connoisseur like myself. It’s crucial to remember, though, that freezing honey might alter its texture and consistency. The water in honey can separate from the sugar and create crystallisation if you freeze it.

When this happens, honey can become more viscous and difficult to work with in the kitchen. Honey’s colour and flavour can be altered by being frozen. To decide whether or not freezing honey is the best option for you, you should be aware of these potential modifications and measure them against your needs.

Pros and Cons of freezing honey:

how long can you freeze a honey baked ham

First of all, honey does not freeze at typical freezer temperatures (-4C or 25F), but instead it will solidify and crystallize. Honey is a viscous liquid, but its viscosity can change due to crystallization.

Freezing honey can be a great way for me to preserve it for future use and save space in my pantry or kitchen. However, as I’ve discovered, repeatedly freezing and thawing honey can further deteriorate its quality. Additionally, it’s crucial for me to keep in mind the potential changes in consistency and texture, as well as the impact on the color and flavor of the honey when making the decision to freeze it.


🍯 Honey can be frozen to extend its shelf life and maintain its quality for a longer period of time.
🍯 Freezing honey makes it more solid and less viscous, making it easier to handle and measure.
🍯 Freezing honey might make removing crystallised honey from the container easier.


🐝 When honey is frozen, it expands and may split or damage the container it is stored in.
🐝 Honey can lose part of its sweetness and scent when frozen.
🐝 When honey is frozen, its texture changes, becoming gritty and difficult to spread.
🐝 Honey can get discoloured due to freezing.

Do you need to refrigerate honey?

Do you need to refrigerate honey? The answer is no. Honey doesn’t spoil, and you may have heard about jars of honey found in the pyramids of Egypt with edible honey. So, does raw honey go bad? As long as it is covered and kept away from light, heat, or moisture, pure raw honey will be fresh and edible.

What is pure honey? Pure honey is 100% honey, with no added ingredients, like coloring, corn syrup, sugar, or water. On the other hand, raw is simply the honey collected from beehives without any chemical processing. The honey is just filtered to remove impurities.

This gives the honey a richer color and improved flavor. But how long does raw honey last? When stored right, raw honey can last up to two years, but you can definitely stretch it longer than that.

Does pure honey crystallize? All kinds of honey will crystallize, but the rate of crystallization depends on the temperature, storage method, and other factors.

How to Freeze Honey

Freeze Honey: How to Store & Preserve It 1

If you want to freeze honey, you should wait until it’s at room temperature. When honey is kept in the fridge, it can crystallise. Follow the steps is the best practices:

Step 1: Make sure the honey you’re using hasn’t been pasteurised first. You shouldn’t heat honey since it speeds up the crystallisation process.

Step 2: To strain the honey to get rid of any wax or honeycomb particles. Once frozen, these can alter the honey’s consistency and flavour.

Step 3: The moment has come to put your honey away. Put everything in a container or bag that can’t be opened easily and date it.

Step 4: Put the honey in the freezer.

Tips for storing frozen honey

🐝 Keep the honey frozen at all times. Once thawed, it will start to crystallize and spoil faster.

🐝 Avoid storing frozen honey near strong-smelling foods, as it can absorb odors.

🐝 If the honey crystallizes after being frozen, you can place the container in warm water to soften the honey and return it to its liquid state.

What to do if your honey crystallises when frozen?

You shouldn’t subject honey to frequent freezing and thawing as doing so can diminish its quality.
Having the honey at room temperature before putting it in the freezer will keep it from crystallising.
Always use a secure lid and leave some extra room for expansion to avoid freezer burn.

Thawing Frozen Honey

Honey will solidify in the freezer and become thick and solid. Why does honey get hard? The natural sugars in honey bind together and start forming little crystals, which harden the honey.

To thaw the frozen honey, take it out and leave it on the counter to warm up slowly. Do not apply direct heat to the honey, as this will destroy its nutrients and antimicrobial properties. To speed up the process, you can put the jar of honey in a bowl of warm water.

Do not refreeze thawed honey as this can also destroy all the goodness in it. It can also change the color and taste of the honey. How long can you keep honey? Thawed honey also lasts indefinitely, so you may not even need to put it back in the freezer.

Freezing Honey-Based Foods

can you freeze honey

People often wonder how this applies to foods with lots of honey in them. This can refer to honey-glazed wings, Russian honey cakes, and honey-based solid dressings.

Can you freeze honey-baked ham? And if so, how long can you freeze a honey-baked ham?

These kinds of foods can be frozen, and meats need to be wrapped in cling film or aluminum foil, and then placed in a sealable freezer bag. They will stay fresh and safe to eat for up to 6 weeks. You can learn more about honey and its substitutes here.

Still Got Questions?

Below you will find answers to questions people have about freezing honey.

How Long Does It Take for Honey to Crystallize in the Fridge?

Honey crystallizes slowly and the whole process can take anywhere from 12-48 hours. Different blends crystallize at a different rate, so there is no hard and fast rule with it.

How to Store Raw Honey?

Honey just needs to be stored in an airtight container and kept away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Why Does Honey Turn to Sugar?

The sugars in the honey bond together to form crystals at lower temperatures. This makes them look like sugar crystals.

How to Eat Comb Honey?

You can pour the honey into the comb and allow it to drain into a bowl or jar. You can also chew on the honeycomb itself to eat this honey.

Does Honey Need to Be Refrigerated after Opening?

As long as you store the honey in a clean and airtight container away from heat, direct sunlight, and moisture, there is no need to refrigerate the honey.

To Conclude

The answer to ‘can you freeze honey’ is a resounding yes, but at the end of the day, there isn’t really a need to do so. However, if you want a long-term storage solution, freezing honey is the way to go. You can buy it in bulk, and freeze it in small jars, giving a lifetime’s supply of sweet liquid gold.