How to Clean Built Up Grease on Waffle Iron

One of life’s pleasures is to bite into a golden, caramel-colored waffle with a crispy outside and soft, chewy inside. And if you add maple syrup, whipped cream, and ice cream on top with some freshly cut strawberries — heavens!

Whether you crave sweet waffle breakfast or savory waffles with spicy fried chicken, we all can agree, cleaning the waffle iron is the last thing we want to do.

In this article, we will explore how to clean built up grease on the waffle iron. You will be needing only a few household items to do it. 

How to Clean a Waffle Iron after Use

how to clean built up grease on waffle iron
clean built up grease on waffle iron

Cleaning a waffle iron is quite easy. With basic kitchen cleaning tools and a little patience, you can easily clean a waffle iron and store it without worrying about wearing it out or causing stains and rust.

Things You’ll Need:


  1. Drain the grease: After the leftover is disposed of, clean the grease. You can remove lines of cold, congealed grease from the grates with a cotton swab. Wipe any residual oil with a fresh paper towel, then fold it and run it in any especially greasy corners.
  2. Remove crusty food bits with a cotton swab: Dislodge burnt cheese and batter from the corners with a cotton swab. And if the bits are stuck too strong, a wooden chopstick can provide a bit more leverage without scratching the nonstick finish.
  3. Dust with a pastry brush: Turn your waffle maker on its side, and sweep the remaining crumbs and residue off and away from the surface.
  4. If all else fails, Steam clean it: Heat your waffle maker to medium, then wet a paper towel under water and ring it out till it is not dripping wet. Using a pair of tongs, rub it over the grates of your waffle maker. Allow the waffle maker to cool before cleaning it with cotton swabs to clean any corners and grooves (if necessary).

How to Clean a Waffle Iron with Baking Soda

easy way to clean waffle maker
easy way to clean waffle maker

Another simple method to deep-clean your precious Waffle Iron, the baking soda method is an easy kitchen trick. Used to keep several of your kitchen gadgets clean, baking soda is a nifty little cleaning partner for you.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Paper towel
  • Spray bottle
  • Plastic spatula (optional)


  1. Unplug the waffle iron.
  2. Create a paste of baking soda and water. Put a layer of the paste on a cool waffle maker.
  3. Allow the paste to sit on the waffle maker overnight for the formula to work through
  4. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle. And lightly coat the dried baking soda with the vinegar, one section at a time. Do not saturate the griddles.
  5. Use a damp cloth or paper towel to wipe away the residue properly.
  6. For any remaining residue, gently scrape at it with a plastic spatula.
  7. Wipe everything down and allow the waffle iron to dry.

How to Clean a Waffle Iron with Removable Plates

Believe it or not, waffle irons with removable plates are easier to clean. With the following basic steps, your waffle iron will be spotless in a jiffy.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Gentle dishwashing liquid soap
  • Sponge
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Dishtowel


  1. Unplug the waffle iron, allow your iron to cool, and gently remove the plates.
  2. Submerge the plates in warm water. Add non-abrasive liquid soap if needed.
  3. Gently clean the plates with a sponge or soft-bristled brush. Use a sponge that is made specifically for nonstick surfaces.
  4. Rinse the waffle grid plates in warm water, removing any remaining crumbs.
  5. Allow the plates to dry and push them in their placement. Rest them on a drying rack or on a clean cotton dishtowel on your table or counter.
  6. Clean the outside of the iron.

Maintenance Tips for Waffle Iron

Maintenance Tips for Waffle Iron
Maintenance Tips for Waffle Iron
  1. Always read and refer to your instruction manual or follow the manufacturer’s website for cleaning tips that are specific to your waffle maker.
  2. Before the first use of the day, a thin coating of cooking oil on nonstick waffle makers is recommended. Cooking oil can be used in a refillable spray bottle, such as a Misto, or brushed on with a pastry brush. Cooking sprays with aerosols will leave a gunky residue on nonstick surfaces.
  3. Never put an electric waffle maker underwater or in the dishwasher.
  4. To cut the cooked waffles or scrape off caked-on batter, avoid using sharp or metal tools. This will scratch the surface, resulting in stuck waffles in the future.
  5. If your waffles start to stick, make sure you’re using the right amount of oil to grease the grid. In addition, the butter in your batter will be crucial. The more butter you use in your recipe, the fewer stuck waffles you’ll get.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. How Do You Fix a Sticky Waffle Iron?

While it sounds counterintuitive, using oil to remove grease is probably the best method we have found. 

Greasy substances found in the kitchen like cooking spray, little amounts of cooking oil or even butter can help clean any sticky waffle iron. 

Simply use the oil to wipe the sticky surface and use a clean paper towel or dishtowel to wipe the residue clean.

Alternatively, you can use a cooking spray to apply an even layer of oil all over your waffle iron. 

02. What is the Easiest Way to Clean a Waffle Iron?

Using a damp towel and cotton swabs is the easiest way to clean a waffle iron. Just wipe down the exterior and let it dry until you are ready to make some waffles. 

The best time to clean your waffle iron would be right after you’ve done making your waffles. Turn off your waffle makers after you’ve made your food. Then wait for a few minutes.

Use a dry paper towel to wipe your waffle maker exactly where you pour the waffle mixture. The heat helps to remove any buildup grease or leftover food from it. You won’t even have to use any soap to clean it. 

03. Are You Supposed to Grease a Waffle Iron? 

Yes. Waffle irons need to be greased every time before use. It can also be greased to clean.

The grease helps to give it a nonstick feeling so when you make your waffles, it won’t stick to the surface. If you are using a cast iron waffle maker, you need to season it from time to time. 

To season your cast iron waffle maker, apply a light coating of oil and plug it in for a while. Repeat this process until the surface looks shiny and smooth. 

04. Can You Wash a Waffle Iron in the Sink?

You should never put the entire waffle iron in the sink. In case of removable plates, remove the plates and clean them in the sink. But for un-removable plates, use a towel to wipe away any excess grease.

The reason why you shouldn’t clean it under the sink is that most waffle makers are electric. So direct contact with water can damage the gadget. It’s the same reason why we don’t wash a toaster in the sink. 

As waffle iron has many grooves and valleys, use cotton swabs if necessary to remove all buildups. Use a pastry brush to apply a light coat of oil to the waffle maker. 

05. Why are My Waffles Sticking to the Waffle Iron?

There can be a few different reasons why your waffle is sticking to the iron. One of them is not applying enough oil. Even if you are using a nonstick waffle maker, you have to use a light brush of oil on it. This helps to prevent it from sticking. 

If the waffles are sticking to the waffle iron, it can also mean the waffle iron is not hot enough. And if the waffle iron is sufficiently heated but the waffles are splitting up in between, it means that it hasn’t cooked through well.

06. Is Pancake and Waffle Mix The Same?

Both waffles and pancakes have similar ingredient lists so it’s not uncommon to assume they are the same thing in different forms. 

Pancakes and waffles both use eggs, milk, and flour. The main difference between them is the batter. 

Usually, waffle batters have more sugar or fat in them than pancake batter, making the resulting waffles browner, caramelized, and crispy.

To End

Cleaning an everyday use gadget like the waffle iron perhaps never seemed simpler! Thanks to these simple tips and tricks, now your lovely waffle iron will stay clean and give more healthy breakfasts for the days to come.

Was our article helpful? Let us know! Feel free to leave a comment and share it with your fellow waffle makers.

Can You Use a Propane Heater Inside?

Propane heaters are one of the most convenient ways to heat a room. They are not only easy to install but also cost-effective. The problem is, people think propane heaters can’t be used indoors. 

Is that true? What if there is a way around it? In this article, we discuss how to use a propane heater inside. If you are interested, keep on reading!

Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor Propane Heaters

Most of the confusion around propane heaters comes from the misconception that you can’t use them indoors. But there are two different types of propane heater: indoor-safe and outdoor

Outdoor heaters are called torpedo heaters because they use kerosene or gas as fuels. As we know, kerosene heaters are not safe to use indoors. When these types of heaters are brought inside, they can eat tons of carbon monoxide gas. The risk of CO poisoning becomes very high. 

Indoor heaters on the other hand come with an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS) which turns the heater off if the average oxygen level goes below a certain degree. This means you can use these heaters safely at home. 

More expensive models have other safety features as well. Find an indoor propane heater with a thermostat as they are better. 

Can You Use a Propane Heater Inside?

can you use a propane heater inside
propane heater inside

Of course, you can. Propane heaters are extremely useful especially if you live in a very cold climate. But you can not use just any propane heaters. 

There are indoor propane heaters built specifically to be used inside of your house. Only use those otherwise you run a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

This is why spending time on research to find the correct type of propane heater is worth it in the long run. 

One of the advantages of having a propane heater indoor is how affordable they are. They heat up faster and super high without using too many fuels in the process. 

To avoid any type of risks, check the manufacturer’s guide before buying a propane heater. 

Propane Heaters Indoor Safety Guide

  • Don’t store the propane tanks indoors. The tank should be outside of the house and only a hose should connect the tank and the heater inside. This is more secure and safe.
  • Make sure that the tank is not under direct sunlight. Put a shade or a cover on it to keep it within a certain temperature. The tanks should not be too hot or too cold. 
  • Keep it away from flammable things. This means not putting it in a wooden shed or anything that can spread a fire.
  • Select the right propane heater for you based on its size and the size of your space. 
  • Don’t put anything on top of the heater. A lot of people put plants, books or decors on top of it to make it look better. But this can result in serious issues if someone knocks something over. 
  • Pay attention to the color of the flames. If the flame color is yellow instead of blue, turn off the heater and contact the manufacturers. 
  • Keep the heater at a safe distance from all your furniture and fabric items. 
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines on how to use your propane heater. 
  • Check for features like the low oxygen sensor, safety guard, and overheat protection before purchasing a heater.
  • Fill it to 80% capacity. 

How to Clean a Propane Heater 

Propane heaters accumulate a lot of dust and dirt that can be a hindrance to their overall performance. If you are struggling to light up the indoor safe propane heater, maybe it’s time to give it a proper cleaning:

  1. Turn off your propane heater and let it cool down completely.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove as much dirt and debris as possible. Don’t forget to vacuum inside the vents and grids too.
  3. Use a small dusting brush to dust away into tricky crevices. Make sure to dust away from the igniter and the flame areas too.
  4. Remove the screws of the cover panne of the heater and use a wet cloth to wipe the inside. You should use warm water. Let the newly cleaned area dry properly
  5. Vacuum inside the propane heater too. There is an oxygen sensor near the gas line tubing. Make sure to clean it too.
  6. After you have dust away all the different parts, put the cover back on and tighten the screws. 

And that’s it. Your propane heater is thoroughly cleaned. 

Propane Heater Safety Tips

Propane Heater Safety Tips
Propane Heater Safety Tips

If you want to use your propane heater carefully, certain things need to be kept in mind to avoid any possible accidents or issues. Here are some of our propane heater safety tips: 

Installing a Carbon Monoxide Detector:

If you are planning to buy or install a new propane heater at your house, put some extra effort into installing a carbon monoxide detector too. Not many people do this but it makes life extremely easy. 

What a carbon monoxide detector does is it keeps an eye on your CO levels. So if the levels are increasing or decreasing drastically, it will give you an alarm to make you aware of this. 

We like the Kidde AC Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm. This works similarly to a smoke alarm. The advantage is, you don’t have to think about it as the Carbon Monoxide detector eases your worries. 

It’s also important to buy an indoor propane heater with a thermostat.

Have Proper Ventilation:

This might seem counterproductive but try leaving the window open when you are trying to heat a room with propane heaters. We are not saying you need to open all the windows.  

A wall-mounted propane heater is a good option to avoid accidents.

What we mean is, keep a few inches of the window open in case gas leaks. The carbon monoxide will have a path to get out of the house. It’s a simple step that does not affect the heating but keeps your home safe. 

Beware of Any Smells:

With propane heaters, any type of strange smell is a matter of concern. If you can smell gas it means the tank is leaking somewhere and it can be disastrous. If you smell carbon monoxide in the air. Immediately turn off the heater and open all the windows in the house. 

Keep an eye on it!

You should never leave a propane heater unattended as anything can happen. Children and pets can easily get in touch with the heater so make sure to childproof it. It’s better to run your heart when you are inside the room. 

Safety Switches:

Not all propane heaters come with a safety switch but the premium ones do. It might cost you a few extra bucks but it will be worth it in the long run. Most propane accidents happen when the heater accidentally tips over and creates a huge fire hazard. 

Having one with safety switches ensures that it won’t be able to move even if someone knocks it over. This switch grips to the surface the heater is standing on and you can’t move it without unlocking first.  

Imagine having an unlocked propane heater right in the middle of an earthquake! Who wants to take that risk anyway. 

Check for Leaks:

If the propane tank or hose has any leaks, carbon monoxide can spread everywhere and make the house a matchstick away from burning. Don’t worry as you can easily handle this by doing regular safety checkups. Check for leaks at least once a week. 

Maintenance of the propane heater is necessary. Check for leaks, cracks, or anything that can cause the gas to come out. To check leaks easily use soap water. 

If you are unsure if a certain part of the heater is leaking or not, wipe the soap water with a cloth on that area. If it’s leaked, you will start noticing bubbles forming around it. 

Store It Properly:

Storing your heater properly is very important. Make sure to store it upright and somewhere dry. It shouldn’t be crowded with other things. The heater and propane tanks should not be around anything flammable. We also recommend storing them somewhere with proper ventilation. 

How to Choose the Right Indoor Propane Heater

How to Choose Indoor Propane Heater
How to Choose Indoor Propane Heater

Choosing the right indoor safe propane heater is the biggest task to do. Once you have done that, the rest becomes super easy. Here’s what you should look for in a good propane heater:

Heating Capacity:

Depending on where you live, checking the heating capacity is crucial. As the goal of a propane heater is to heat a room, you have to make sure it can reach high enough to do so. 

Most indoor propane heaters range between 8000 BTU to 68000TU. That’s a big jump but you have to keep in mind that not all houses are the same size nor are they in the same climate. But the great thing about that is, there is something for everybody. 


It is better to go for a compact size instead of a bulky one as the bigger pens stand out more in a room. Compact heaters can be easily blended with the room furniture so they don’t feel like an eyesore all the time. As much as we want a well-heated room, we don’t want to feel like we are cluttered with a massive device. 

The downside of smaller indoor propane heaters is that they are not that powerful. They do not heat up super high so if you live in a super cold climate, there might be no compact option for you to choose from. 

Build Quality:

Even if it costs a few extra bucks, it is ideal to invest in a sturdy and durable heater. There are certain household items that you shouldn’t compromise on. Heaters are one of them as they are directly linked to our safety. 

Reliability is a huge factor while choosing a heater. Go for renowned brands with high ratings. Make sure your heater has a solid warranty system. These things are a sign of quality and assurance. 


If you want to move your heater around the house depending on where you are, choosing a portable option becomes a priority. You might have to sacrifice the heating strength but it becomes very convenient to take the heater with you. These heaters are also good for people living in a rental and might change the house soon. 

How to Light an Indoor Propane Heater

If you don’t know how to light an indoor propane heater, here’s what to do:

  1. The supply line should be properly hooked up with your heater and well-placed to avoid any safety issues. If that’s done, we can move on to the actual steps. 
  2. Before lighting up the propane heater, always check the heater’s igniter. 
  3. Turn on the supply line and put the heater in pilot mode. Keep dressing the knob for 20-39 seconds or until the heater is ready.
  4. Then turn the knob counterclockwise to adjust to your preferred temperature level. After that, the heater will light up. 

If you’re having trouble understanding the process, check out this video to have a clear demonstration.

Learn more about Best BBQ Temperature Controllers

Frequently Asked Questions 

01. Can Kerosene Heaters be Used Indoors?

You can use a kerosene heater indoors but we don’t recommend it. Kerosene heaters need a well-ventilated room. Otherwise, the whole room feels suffocating as it becomes filled with carbon monoxide. 

Kerosene heaters also tend to create a lot of smoke which can damage the walls of the room. There is a reason why people stopped using kerosene heaters. 

Not only are they high in carbon monoxide, but they also emit a lot of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. All of these are bad for our lungs and health. 

If you have asthma or anyone in your family does, it’s not recommended to use a kerosene heater indoors. 

02. Do You Need Ventilation for a Propane Heater?

Yes, you need ventilation for a propane heater of any type of heater that uses gas or oil. 

Propane heaters can emit carbon monoxide which is not good for our health. So keeping the window a few inches open is a great way to keep the room airy and open. 

Propane heaters need oxygen to breathe. So if you close all the windows and vents, the fire will die soon. 

03. Are Propane Heaters Safe in Garages?

If your garage is not well ventilated as it has no windows, it’s not ideal to put a propane heater in there. You can install carbon monoxide detectors in the garage to make sure the CO level doesn’t go too high. 

04. Can You Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from a Propane Heater? 

Carbon monoxide poisoning is no joke as it can affect someone within a matter of minutes after being exposed. Oil, gas, and propane heaters emit a lot of CO that can cause health and breathing issues. 

The only way to not get carbon monoxide poisoning from a propane heater is by having proper ventilation inside the room. It’s ideal to keep a window open or to put the heater around air vents. 

What to Do Next?

It’s very important to pick the right heater for your home. Now that you know everything about propane heaters, hopefully, you can pick the right one for you.

Be careful and stay safe!

Best Mini Food Processors: Compact and Affordable

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Did we say ‘mini’? Yes, we did! 

A typical food processor is bulky, complex, and impossible to move around with. But who said we should lose hope there?

Did you know that you can find compact, portable, and affordable food processors these days? Isn’t that the dream of everybody wanting an exclusive food processing machine that costs half of what the regular ones do?

We are so excited to present you our reviewed list of the best mini food processors that you can find on Amazon today. But it doesn’t stop there. 

We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of the best mini food processors, the buying guideline you should strictly adhere to, and some of the basic questions that only professionals can answer.

What Do You Know about Food Processors? 

When you browse through all the cooking videos on YouTube, you realize at one point that some kitchen equipment is super essential in preparing modern dishes. Don’t you think?

Imagine trying to make peanut butter with a mortar, and having to crush the nuts slowly one by one. It’s better to buy one from the store, right? 

But what if we tell you that you can save up on your monthly grocery expense by having your own mini food processor at home, and making your own healthy nut butter? 

A food processor won’t only grind and crush peanuts, almonds, pistachios, and walnuts, but also oats, spices, hard fruits, and vegetables. It can pretty much crush and grind everything into fine dust! 

Do you want to have some cinnamon powder with your morning coffee? Crush some cinnamon right away with a food processor! 

Do you want to turn heavy cream into butter, oats into flour, make homemade mayonnaise, prepare minced meat, have a pesto Festo, and cookies into crumbs for decoration? In fact, you can go wild with all the things you can do with a food processor! 

So, why wait any longer?

Proctor Silex Food Processor

Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor & Chopper

  • Cup Size: 1.5
  • Dimensions: 7.09 x 4.72 x 5.12 Inches
  • Weight: 1.6 Pounds
  • Item Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Blades Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Black

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Cuisinart Food Processor

Cuisinart Mini Prep Plus Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 9.25 x 7 x 5 Inches
  • Weight: 3 Pounds
    Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Bowl Size: 24 Ounce
  • Wattage: 250 Watts
  • Warranty: 18 Months
  • Included: Spatula and Instruction Book

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KitchenAid Food Chopper

KitchenAid Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 5.6 x 7 x 8.7 Inches
  • Weight: 1.98 Pounds
  • Size: 3.5 Cup
  • Base Material: Polycarbonate Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Cord Length: 36 Inches

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Cuisinart Mini-Prep Processor

Cuisinart DLC-1SSFR Mini Prep Processor

  • Dimensions: 9 x 6.25 x 8 Inches
  • Weight: 2.7 Pounds
  • Size: 3 Cup
  • Body Material: Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Motor Power: 110 Watts
  • Color: Black or Silver
  • Includes: Spatula and Cleaning Brush

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MOSAIC Food Processor

MOSAIC Electric Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 9.65 x 8.86 x 7.28 Inches
  • Weight: 3.94 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 5 Cup/ 1.25 Liter
  • Material: Glass Stainless Steel or Stainless Steel
  • Blade Coating: Titanium
  • Motor Power: 400 Watts
  • Rated Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Voltage: 120 V
  • Color: Silver
  • Includes: User Manual

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Kocbelle Wireless Mini Food Processor

Kocbelle Wireless Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 4.2 x 4.2 x 8 Inches
  • Weight: 1.98 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 0.3 Liter
  • Material: BPA-Free Glass
  • Motor Base: 150 Watts
  • Battery Capacity: 1200 mAh
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Green
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Includes: Scraper, USB Charger, Lithium Batteries, and User Manual.

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La Reveuse Electric Mini Food Processor

La Reveuse Electric Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 6.1 x 4.92 x 9.84 Inches
  • Weight: 3.3 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 2 Cup/ 450 ml
  • Motor Power: 200 Watts
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Voltage: AC 120 V
  • Color: White
  • Includes: Spatula

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Toastmaster Mini Food Chopper

Toastmaster Mini Food Chopper

  • Dimensions: 10.12 x 11.93 x 7.64 Inches
  • Weight: 7.6 Pounds
  • Capacity: 1.5 Cup
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Black
  • Warranty: 1 Year

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Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor

Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 5.13 x 5.44 x 8.5 Inches
  • Weight: 1 Pound
  • Capacity: 1.5 Cup
  • Color: White

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EZBASICS Mini Food Processor

EZBASICS Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 10 x 5.6 x 5 Inches
  • Weight: 2 Pounds
  • Capacity: 2 Cups
  • Material: BPA-Free Plastic 
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Silver and Red
  • Motor: 260 Watt
  • Voltage: 110 to 120 Volt, 50 to 60 Hz
  • Power Cable Length: 40 Inches
  • Includes: Whisk Attachment and Instructions

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AYOTEE Food Processor

AYOTEE Kitchen Cordless Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 6.1 x 3.98 x 3.9 Inches
  • Weight: 12.3 Ounces
  • Capacity: 1 Cup
  • Material: BPA-Free Plastic 
  • Blade Material: 304 Stainless Steel 
  • Color: White and Pink
  • Warranty: 1 Year

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Hamilton Beach Mini Food Processor

Hamilton Beach Mini Food Processor & Vegetable Chopper

  • Dimensions: 6.3 x 5.51 x 5.51 Inches
  • Weight: 3.46 Pounds
  • Capacity: 3 Cups
  • Material: Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Black
  • Warranty: One Year

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LINKChef Mini Food Processor

LINKChef Mini Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 6.4 x 6.4 x 9.2 Inches
  • Weight: 2.74 Pounds
  • Capacity: 2 Cups
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Silver and Black
  • Motor: 250 Watt
  • Warranty: 3 Years
  • Includes: Instructions and Anti-Slip Rubber Mat

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Goodful Cuisinart Food Processor

Goodful Cuisinart Food Processor

  • Dimensions: 9 x 7.25 x 15 Inches
  • Weight: 7.63 Pounds
  • Capacity: 8 Cups
  • Material: Stainless Steel and Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: White
  • Motor: 350 Watts
  • Includes: Feed Tube and Pusher

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Our Reviews of the
Best Mini Food Processors

01. Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor & Chopper

Proctor Silex Food Processor

Proctor Silex 72507PS

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Easy to Clean Food Processor


  • Cup Size: 1.5 
  • Dimensions: 7.09 x 4.72 x 5.12 Inches
  • Weight: 1.6 Pounds
  • Item Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Blades Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Black

Why You Should Get It:

Proctor Silex mini food processor is small in size, so you can place it anywhere on the countertop without making the place look untidy, plus it is portable. How cool is it that you can actually carry a food processor to your next camping trip! 

The blades are made of durable, sharp stainless steel that will cut through all types of vegetables, nuts, and seeds. On top of that, you can customize the texture of the ingredients by adjusting the speed control. 

If you don’t feel like washing everything by hand, just separate the blades, lid, and bowl, then pop them into the dishwasher. Can life get any easier?

Finally, the mini food processor is a great replacement for giant food processors that take ten minutes just to set up and put back!


  • Purees, chops, and emulsifies.
  • Cleans easily.
  • Simple speed control.
  • Compact.


  • You have to use your hand to chop.

Check the Latest Price for Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor & Chopper

02. Cuisinart Mini Prep Plus Food Processor

Cuisinart Food Processor

Cuisinart DLC-2ABC

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Best Value Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 9.25 x 7 x 5 Inches
  • Weight: 3 Pounds
  • Material: BPA-Free Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Bowl Size: 24 Ounce
  • Wattage: 250 Watts
  • Warranty: 18 Months
  • Included: Spatula and Instruction Book

Why You Should Get It:  

First of all, the body is light enough to carry around, yet durable enough to last years. Cleaning the motor base may be a little tricky since you have to wipe it down gently. But the rest of the parts can be chucked into the dishwasher for a quick rinse. 

The blades can reverse automatically, and there is a handle on the exterior, so you are safe while chopping ingredients. The best part is the instruction book that teaches you a lot about what you can process and how you can do so using this compact food processor. 

Not only is this baby a chopping expert, but it can also puree, blend, emulsify, and grind. On the other hand, the 250-Watt motor makes sure all tasks are achieved perfectly! However, we recommend cutting ingredients into smaller pieces before putting them into the micro food processor. 

In addition, follow this rule of thumb when using this awesome mini food processor- don’t fill up the container more than ⅔ of its space. 

Wash the blades, cover, and work bowl after each use for longevity and prevention of residues.


  • 4 available colors.
  • 5 combos to choose from.
  • The parts are dishwasher-safe.
  • Easy touchpad controls.
  • Auto-reversing Smart Power blades.
  • The blades have sharp and blunt edges.


  • Not powerful enough for a fine grind.

Check the Latest Price for Cuisinart Mini Prep Plus Food Processor

03. KitchenAid Mini Food Processor

KitchenAid Food Chopper

KitchenAid KFC35160B

Check Latest Price

17 Colors to Choose from!


  • Dimensions: 5.6 x 7 x 8.7 Inches
  • Weight: 1.98 Pounds
  • Size: 3.5 Cup
  • Base Material: Polycarbonate Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Cord Length: 36 Inches

Why You Should Get It:

There is absolutely no doubt that this baby has a high-power motor despite its compact size, making it one of our favorites. This KitchenAid mini food processor review would like to highlight the fact that this machine can chop thick chunks and also create smooth results like hummus and nut butter.

Since the size is small, you may not be able to make a large batch, but don’t get disheartened there. 

The product comes in colors- white, twilight blue, tangerine, onyx black, matte gray, matte black, majestic yellow, liquid graphite, ice blue, hot sauce, green apple, guava glaze, empire red, contour silver, cocoa silver, boysenberry, and lastly, aqua sky blue. 

If you have a multi-shade kitchen, make your pick from this long list of beautiful colors! 


  • Choose from 17 colors.
  • The work bowl is BPA-free.
  • 2-speed pulse operation.
  • It has an UltraTight seal.
  • Comes with a handle, lid, and easy serving pour spout.


  • The lid is finicky.

Check the Latest Price for KitchenAid Mini Food Processor

04. Cuisinart Mini Prep Processor

Cuisinart Mini-Prep Processor

Cuisinart DLC-1SSFR

Check Latest Price

Best Affordable Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 9 x 6.25 x 8 Inches
  • Weight: 2.7 Pounds
  • Size: 3 Cup
  • Body Material: Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Motor Power: 110 Watts
  • Color: Black or Silver
  • Includes: Spatula and Cleaning Brush

Why You Should Get It:

The manufacturers of Cuisinart were very generous in making this top-rated food processor. It doesn’t just hold 3 cups of content, it can go up to 4! 

In spite of its humble size, the blades are very powerful (and sharp), so cut, chop, grind, puree, and emulsify anything you want in this bombshell! Other than that, it is easy to clean, assemble, and use. 

The motor is said to be so powerful that you need to set it in place with your hand while it works its magic in less than a minute! Also, a little extra gift from Cuisinart- every purchase includes a spatula to scrape food from the container and a brush for cleaning coffee grounds.


  • The work bowl measures 21 ounces.
  • The blades are reversible and patented.
  • Dishwasher-friendly.
  • It will last for years.
  • Easy to put together.


  • May be loud at high speeds.

Check the Latest Price for Cuisinart Mini Prep Processor

05. MOSAIC Electric Food Processor

MOSAIC Food Processor


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Most Quiet


  • Dimensions: 9.65 x 8.86 x 7.28 Inches
  • Weight: 3.94 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 5 Cup/ 1.25 Liter
  • Material: Glass Stainless Steel or Stainless Steel
  • Blade Coating: Titanium
  • Motor Power: 400 Watts
  • Rated Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Voltage: 120 V
  • Color: Silver
  • Includes: User Manual

Why You Should Get It:

So far, in our eyes, nothing stood out like the MOSAIC Electric Food Processor. Although it has a large capacity despite being called a ‘mini’ food processor, wait till you hear us out! 

The motor runs at 400 Watts, hence, you can imagine the speed the blades move in order to turn a dish into paste within seconds. We are not saying 30 seconds or so, but 8 seconds! Yes, 8 seconds for meat, and 6 seconds for vegetables! 

You don’t have to worry about getting another big food grinder if you have one of MOSAIC’s food processors at your disposal. It will save so much time during meal preps and overall rush hours.

Don’t be alarmed by its power, because the manufacturers made sure that the product is safe and easy to use and handle. The parts are easy to detach and re-assemble for cleaning. Plus, you can store its compact body anywhere, in a small space or corner.

We are just too impressed to let it get lost in the sea of food processors available in the current market. So, it gets our vote 5 out of 5 as the best 5-cup food processor in the world!


  • Rust-proof and broken-proof.
  • Low noise feature.
  • 4 blades that can be detached easily.
  • Assembly is easy.
  • Chops anything in 8 seconds.


  • Must be careful in handling it.

Check the Latest Price for MOSAIC Food Processor

06. Kocbelle Wireless Mini Food Processor

Kocbelle Wireless Mini Food Processor

Kocbelle KB05

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Best Cordless Mini Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 4.2 x 4.2 x 8 Inches
  • Weight: 1.98 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 0.3 Liter
  • Material: BPA-Free Glass
  • Motor Base: 150 Watts
  • Battery Capacity: 1200 mAh
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Green
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Includes: Scraper, USB Charger, Lithium Batteries, and User Manual.

Why You Should Get It:

First things first, you are getting a very sophisticated mini food processor at a very affordable price. The Kocbelle processor prides itself in making baby food. That’s just how safe and secure this product is. 

It uses 3 blades (upper and lower) to chop food into shreds or puree with 150 Watts power. But the real advantage is that it is cordless. You just have to charge it after or before you tend to use it. That’s it! 

Kocbelle may not be able to grind anything in less than ten seconds, but it sure can do so within 30 seconds, which is not so bad, if you think about it. 

Since the blade is so sharp and competent, mind it when you are cleaning this portable food processor. Detach the parts, and gently clean the sharp material, while chucking the bowl into the dishwasher. Then, wipe the exterior and plugs for the next use. 

Lastly, Kocbelle offers a 1-year warranty for the product, and their customer service is more than willing to help you if you ever need to get in touch with them.


  • Cordless, rechargeable, and portable.
  • Press/release the lid to chop/unchop.
  • Perfect for baby food.
  • Scratch-free, leakage-free.
  • Non-slip rubber pad underneath.


  • None so far.

Check the Latest Price for Kocbelle Mini Food Processor

07. La Reveuse Electric Mini Food Processor

La Reveuse Electric Mini Food Processor

La Reveuse LARB1814W

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Safe Mini Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 6.1 x 4.92 x 9.84 Inches
  • Weight: 3.3 Pounds
  • Bowl Capacity: 2 Cup/ 450 ml
  • Motor Power: 200 Watts
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Voltage: AC 120 V
  • Color: White
  • Includes: Spatula

Video Demonstration:

Click here.

Why You Should Get It:

Why not? 

Have you seen the video demonstration? If not, go check it out!

There are two buttons at the front- chop, and puree that make choosing easy. You can prepare anything for the family and baby using this inexpensive food processor. 

Disassembly, re-assembly, and cleaning is a piece of cake with this baby. You don’t have to wash everything by hand; just pop them in the dishwasher (but the top rack only).

Rest assured, you won’t be hurting yourself while using this product as it meets the North American Electrical Standards. Other than that, the lid has a safe-locking feature.


  • Saves space.
  • It has a built-in oil dispenser.
  • Easy assembly and cleaning.
  • A Safe-locking lid ensures safety.
  • One-touch pulse control buttons.


  • It can’t puree or crush ice.

Check the Latest Price for La Reveuse Mini Food Processor

08. Toastmaster Mini Food Chopper

Toastmaster Mini Food Chopper

Toastmaster TM-61MC

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Best Mini Chopper


  • Dimensions: 10.12 x 11.93 x 7.64 Inches
  • Weight: 7.6 Pounds
  • Capacity: 1.5 Cup
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Black
  • Warranty: 1 Year

Why You Should Get It:

Toastmaster is one of the most affordable options on our list of the best mini food processors. It’s also simpler to use and easier to clean. 

One of the biggest catches about the Toastmaster is that it can only chop fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. So, if you’re looking to make purees or pastes, you have to browse from our other products. 

However, if you are going to chop and grind, this is your best mate.


  • Safe-locking lid.
  • One-touch pulse buttons.
  • Simple to use.
  • Easier to clean.


  • Only chops.

Check the Latest Price for Toastmaster Mini Food Chopper

09. Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor

Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor

Proctor 72500RY

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Most Lightweight


  • Dimensions: 5.13 x 5.44 x 8.5 Inches
  • Weight: 1 Pound
  • Capacity: 1.5 Cup
  • Color: White

Why You Should Get It:

Proctor Silex has impressed a lot of people with its chopping skills, even if you have to cut the veggies and fruits before you put them into the machine. It is elderly-friendly since it will do all the chopping and dicing into miniature shreds that is impossible for people of certain age groups. 

As with all the mini food processors here, you won’t be able to feed an entire family with it. However, singles, this is what you have been looking for!

The plastic is sturdy and durable, but we don’t recommend you to smash it around for testing. Just make sure to care for your mini food processor.

Customers have not struggled with cleaning or maintaining this masterpiece, so shouldn’t you. In fact, they are absolutely in love with it!

It can hold up to 5 cups of water. On the other hand, it is also compact in size, and comparatively safe to use. 

If you have been loving it too much and using it too much, you might end up overheating it. If that happens, give it a rest for about 45 minutes before running it again.


  • Known to save space.
  • Blades are removable.
  • It can customize the texture of the food.
  • Purees, chops, and emulsifies food.


  • Gets really hot so you need to be careful if you are cooking for a longer period of time.

Check the Latest Price for Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor

10. EZBASICS Mini Food Processor

EZBASICS Mini Food Processor


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Simple, Yet Versatile


  • Dimensions: 10 x 5.6 x 5 Inches
  • Weight: 2 Pounds
  • Capacity: 2 Cups
  • Material: BPA-Free Plastic 
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Silver and Red
  • Motor: 260 Watt
  • Voltage: 110 to 120 Volt, 50 to 60 Hz
  • Power Cable Length: 40 Inches
  • Includes: Whisk Attachment and Instructions

Why You Should Get It:

A powerful motor that runs on 260 Watts, and sharp blades that cut through all types of ingredients, EZBASICS can do everything that you command it to do! Its usage is also easy as you just have to press the top to get the job done. 

Just make sure that before you start chopping and grinding, you have installed the cover properly. Otherwise, spillage and accidents may occur. 

Regardless of where the electric socket is, you can take this amazing mini-processor anywhere in the kitchen, since it has been blessed with a 40 inches power cable! Besides, the speed can be adjusted according to the recipe, and the internal parts are detachable for cleaning.


  • Two colors to choose from.
  • Includes two speeds- high and low.
  • The slicing blades are s-shaped.
  • The anti-slip rubber mat keeps it stable.
  • Stops automatically to prevent splashing and scratches.
  • Detachable and dish washable.


  • Difficult to blend unless the ingredients are soft.

Check the Latest Price for EZBASICS Mini Food Processor

11. AYOTEE Kitchen Cordless Food Processor

AYOTEE Food Processor


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Best Cordless Mini Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 6.1 x 3.98 x 3.9 Inches
  • Weight: 12.3 Ounces
  • Capacity: 1 Cup
  • Material: BPA-Free Plastic 
  • Blade Material: 304 Stainless Steel 
  • Color: White and Pink
  • Warranty: 1 Year

Video Demonstration:

Click here

Why You Should Get It:

Firstly, this mini food processor is wireless and can be changed later on when the battery is low. It only takes about 3 hours for it to fully charge! 

Campers will benefit from this cordless, portable food processor. For charging, you can even use your power bank or computer! 

The food processor has a child safety lock, so your babies will be safe from harm. It is also safe for the user due to the installation of magnetic suction induction. 

According to the video demonstration, AYOTEE is perfect for preparing baby food! Other than that, cleaning and storage are a piece of cake due to their compact size.


  • USB chargeable.
  • Takes only 3 hours to fully charge.
  • Waterproof IPX 6.
  • One-touch operation.
  • Includes Child Safety Lock.


  • Blades are horizontal.

Check the Latest Price for AYOTEE Food Processor

12. Hamilton Beach Stack & Press Mini 3-Cup Glass Bowl Food Processor

Hamilton Beach Mini Food Processor

Hamilton Beach 72860

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Most Easy to Use


  • Dimensions: 6.3 x 5.51 x 5.51 Inches
  • Weight: 3.46 Pounds
  • Capacity: 3 Cups
  • Material: Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color: Black
  • Warranty: One Year

Why You Should Get It:

The Hamilton beach mini food processor is the ideal choice for couples and small families because it provides more versatility and usage over 1-cup processors. And although it is small, it has the power of a large food processor.

It has a small built-in cord that removes the need for detangling a mess of cords when you need to use this appliance. The easy, one-button use also makes it a good choice for novice cooks and those who focus on functionality instead of flashy features.

Best of all, it is very useful in the kitchen: you can grind whole spices, nuts, and herbs into fine powders and pastes. You can even use it as a veggie chopper and make things like guacamole, salsa verde, dips, and sauces.

If you don’t want to clean by hand, you can just toss the bowl into your dishwasher.


  • Takes less than a minute to assemble.
  • The glass bowl is resistant to scratches and lingering odors.
  • One-button operation makes it easier to use.
  • 3 cup capacity is ideal for small families.


  • Cleaning can be a little tricky.

Check the Latest Price for Hamilton Beach Food Processor

13. LINKChef Mini Food Processor

LINKChef Mini Food Processor


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Best Small Food Processor in Stainless Steel


  • Dimensions: 6.4 x 6.4 x 9.2 Inches
  • Weight: 2.74 Pounds
  • Capacity: 2 Cups
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: Silver and Black
  • Motor: 250 Watt
  • Warranty: 3 Years
  • Includes: Instructions and Anti-Slip Rubber Mat

Why You Should Get It:

Whether you want to make spice pastes, grind coffee beans, concoct nut butter, or make salad dressings, this food processor can do it all. In spite of its budget-friendly price, this inexpensive food processor works a lot like high-end ones.

The 4 blades allow for even mincing, so there will be no oddly shaped chunks of aromatics or vegetables. The fact that it operates much more quietly is definitely a plus point for this portable food processor.

If you need to spend time away from home in a dorm, taking this one is a good bet as the stainless steel design makes it sturdy and less prone to damage. It is also easy to clean and there are no nooks or crannies for food to hide in.

This is the best affordable food processor if you have limited storage space in your kitchen. The degree of control it provides makes it great for meal prep no matter what you want to cook.


  • Handle and pouring spout make for easy use.
  • 4 dual-level blades ensure finely chopped or minced veggies.
  • Blades can lock, preventing injuries.
  • The anti-slip rubber mat prevents the device from moving when in use.
  • Pulse capability gives you total control over fineness and texture.
  • Sturdy, long-lasting, and dishwasher-safe.


  • The motor isn’t as powerful as some would like.

Check the Latest Price for LINKChef Mini Food Processor

14. Goodful Cuisinart 8-Cup Food Processor

Goodful Cuisinart Food Processor

Cuisinart FP350GF

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Easy to Assemble Food Processor


  • Dimensions: 9 x 7.25 x 15 Inches
  • Weight: 7.63 Pounds
  • Capacity: 8 Cups
  • Material: Stainless Steel and Plastic
  • Blade Material: Stainless Steel 
  • Color: White
  • Motor: 350 Watts
  • Includes: Feed Tube and Pusher

Why You Should Get It:

If you enjoy cooking, chances are a basic mini-processor won’t do the trick for you. Instead, why not get something more like a professional heavy-duty processor that’s scaled-down? That’s exactly what this best 8 cup food processor is; complete with all its fancy functionalities.

For starters, it has 3 speeds, pulse, high, and low, so you can control how finely the device cuts through things. Unlike many compact food processors, it has the ability to cut through things differently. This means you can blend things to make milkshakes/malteds, sauces, and chowders. 

At the same time, you can dice, chop, mince vegetables, and shred things like cheese, lettuce, and coleslaw. Storage is made easy because of its petite size and the cord can be tucked into the base when not in use. Cleanup is also pretty straightforward so you have nothing to worry about!


  • 3 chopping settings give you more control.
  • Great value for money.
  • Easy to detach and clean.
  • Versatile blending power.
  • Attachments for blending, slicing, chopping, and shredding.


  • Instructions aren’t very clear or detailed.

Check the Latest Price for Goodful Cuisinart Food Processor

Choosing the Best Mini Food Processor for Your Needs

With all the mini food processor reviews out there, it can be pretty confusing to choose the right one. You may be tempted solely by aesthetics or the price, but there are some major features you should factor in before making your decision.

Size and Capacity:

While no mini food processor can compare to a Cuisinart custom 14 cup food processor, the smaller ones have different dimensions, weights, and capacities. This means you can choose whichever one fits your kitchen counter, storage space, and chopping needs.

So if you want the smallest possible food processor, you need to get a one-cup mini food processor like the AYOTEE Kitchen Cordless Food Processor or Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor & Chopper (72507PS)

On the other hand, a more medium-capacity food processor that can hold 3 or 5 cup food processor is better if you have roommates or a small family. These include the Cuisinart DLC-1SSFR Mini Prep Processor or the MOSAIC Electric Food Processor

Meanwhile, the Goodful Cuisinart FP350GF 8-Cup Food Processor is a bit bigger and is best for those who need a higher capacity processor that won’t use up too much storage space.


Nobody wants a noisy food processor that raises a racket as you work. However, many people have claimed that ‘noiseless’ mini processors have a weak motor. Instead, you need a quiet food processor that balances sound and power.

Effective, yet quiet mini food processors include MOSAIC Electric Food Processor or the LINKChef Mini Food Processor.


Not all mini food processors are made the same. Some are focused on just chopping or dicing, with one speed, and single button capability. These are great for those who just want a simple processor without any fuss or frills, like the Hamilton Beach Mini Processor. On the other hand, there are models with various speeds and the ability to blend foods, crush ice, slice, and mince like the Goodful Cuisinart FP350GF 8-Cup Food Processor.

Ease of Use:

It is a good idea to get a mini-processor that is easy to assemble, use, take apart, and clean. Kitchenaid mini food processor reviews always praise this brand for having the easiest to use and most efficient appliances. 

Other easy-to-use food processors include the Proctor Silex Mini Food Processor & Chopper, the Cuisinart Mini Prep Processor, and EZBASICS Mini Food Processor.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Below, you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most about mini food processors.

01. Is a Mini Food Processor Worth Buying?

Mini food processors are a great kitchen appliance for everyone. If you live alone or have a very small kitchen, a smaller processor is a great option for saving space. On the other hand, even if you have a full-size food processor, having a smaller one as a backup or creating single portions is a good idea.

02. What are the Best Mini Food Processors?

Any Cuisinart food processor review will show that they make amazing portable food processors. Similarly, the KitchenAid Mini Processor, Breville food processor, and Sweethome food processor are all reliable and sturdy.

03. What Can I Do with a Food Processor?

Food processors are primarily aimed to dice or chop vegetables and aromatics. They can be used to make dipping sauces, guac, salsa, and even things like mayonnaise, and shakes.

04. Which Brand Has the Best Compact Food Processor?

Classic kitchen appliance brands like Molineux, KitchenAid, and Cuisinart make mini food processors that are compact, yet versatile, and powerful.

05. Can I Make Cookie Dough In a Mini Food Processor?

If you are making a small batch of cookies, you can easily use a mini food processor to combine all the ingredients to make the dough.

In a Nutshell

Whether you are moving out for the first time and want a fully stocked kitchen, or you’ve started cooking at home for the first time, the best mini food processor can make life way easier. They get rid of the need to chop vegetables, work quickly, and use up less power and space. 

Whether you choose a fancy processor with lots of capabilities or a simpler one with just one button, you won’t regret getting yourself one of these. So which one will you get for your kitchen?

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How to Clean a Pancake Griddle and Make It Shiny!

Pancakes are the best breakfast items in the world, and nothing will change my mind.

Think about it. They are soft and fluffy, and can be made as healthy or as indulgent as you want. 

There are sugarless banana pancakes you can load with fruit. You can make thick pancakes and smother them with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and maple syrup.

But to make perfect pancakes, you need a pancake griddle. And you must know how to clean a pancake griddle. These cooking tools make even-shaped, fluffy pancakes and allow you to make huge batches in one go.

They are also good for toasting sandwiches, frying eggs, making French toast, and even stir-frying (if you’re out of options).

So if you have a funky-looking pancake griddle, follow these steps to clean it right up.

What You Need to Clean Your Pancake Griddle Pan

Before we begin, you need to understand that there are two sorts of pancake griddles available. This is because stovetop pancake griddles and an electric pancake skillet function differently. 

A plug in pancake griddle should never be immersed in water or cleaned under running water.

With all that being said, these are the things you need to clean your pancake griddle.

  • Soft dishcloth/sponge
  • Paper towel
  • Mild dish detergent
  • Lukewarm water
  • Spatula
  • Heat resistant gloves

How to Clean a Pancake Griddle

how to clean a pancake griddle
clean a pancake griddle

These steps will show how to safely and effectively clean both electric and stovetop pancake griddle pans. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Heat Things Up

Heat up your pancake griddle. Before we begin cleaning, you need a hot griddle as this will make it easier to get rid of grease and burnt bits of batter.

Step 2: Get Rid of the Debris

To get rid of burnt and hardened food scraps, use a flat-headed spatula to scrape off the debris while the griddle is hot. For better cleaning, scrape back and forth gently without scratching the surface. Then sweep all the crumbs out of the griddle.

Step 3: Start Washing the Griddle

While the pan is still hot, add a little water to the surface, and a few drops of dish soap. Bring the water on the griddle to a boil─ this will loosen up grease and bits of burnt batter stuck onto the surface. You can repeat this step as needed.

Step 4: Finish Up

To get rid of any remaining water and soapy residue, fold up a paper napkin and use it to soak up all the liquid in the griddle. Use your spatula to sweep the napkin around the pan. Keep doing this until the pan is dry with no soap or water.

Step 5: Drying Your Griddle

If your pancake griddle pan is still a little damp, you can use a kitchen towel (or more paper napkins) to wipe it dry. Or, you can just let it air dry.

For the last 2 steps, make sure your griddle is off the heat. If you have a non-stick pancake griddle, try not to use a metal spatula, and use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula instead.

Cleaning Tips for Your Pancake Griddle

electric pancake skillet
electric pancake skillet

Want to prevent a buildup of grease and nastiness on your pancake griddle? These maintenance tips will show you how regular care can keep your flat pan for pancakes in better shape.

  • Wipe down your griddle after each use. A damp paper napkin is the best way to prevent grease from building up. 

    This is a great option for nonstick and ceramic pancake pan griddles, like the Oster pancake griddle. Remember to let your griddle cool down mostly first.
  • Scrape off burnt bits as soon as possible. Don’t let the bits of burnt pancakes and grease stick to your pan. Instead, use a scraper or spatula to remove debris while the pan is still hot after cooking.
  • If you have a stovetop griddle, you can also rinse it under a tap while still hot, which will loosen the caked-on residue. [This is not applicable for electric pancake griddles.]
  • If you have a cast iron griddle, season it frequently and wipe it down with a damp dish towel after every use.
  • Once your griddles have dried completely after cleaning, spritz an even layer of cooking spray to prevent bits of food from sticking to it.
  • When using your griddle to make things like hash browns or omelets, don’t cook things at very high temperatures, as this will encourage burning and build up.
  • To help cut through lots of greases and to remove caked-on food, you can also spray the griddle with white vinegar, before adding the soap and water.

Got More Questions?

Below you’ll find answers to questions we get asked the most about cleaning pancake griddles.

01. How Do I Get Rid of Burnt Food from My Pancake Griddle?

Dilute some vinegar with a little water. Heat up the griddle, add your vinegar, and allow it to boil for 10 minutes. 

Then add a tablespoon of baking soda, which will react with the vinegar and form bubbles, loosening the bits of burnt food and stains. Cream of Tartar will also work instead of baking soda.

02. How Should I Clean My Griddle for the First Time?

Before using your stovetop pancake griddle for the first time, wash it in hot, soapy water. This is the only time you should actively wash the griddle. Rinse off until there’s no soap or residue and dry completely with paper towels.

03. What is the Best Oil to Cook with on a Griddle?

Always use an oil with a high smoke point on your pancake griddle to prevent greasy buildup and burn marks. This includes vegetables, sunflower seed, and canola oil.

04. How Should I Prevent My Pancakes from Sticking to My Griddle?

  • Try to get a nonstick pancake griddle.
  • Use a paper towel to evenly grease the surface of the griddle with a little oil or clarified butter.
  • Use cooking spray to spritz a thin and even layer of grease that will act as a barrier between the cooking surface and pancake batter.

05. Can I Use Apple Cider Vinegar on My Pancake Griddle?

Apple cider vinegar gets rid of built-up grease and burned food just like white vinegar, but it has a stronger smell that may linger around in your griddle.

To Finish Off

Griddles are awesome because you can make a whole host of breakfast dishes on them besides pancakes. But just like any other super-useful kitchen tool, they tend to get dirty fast.

Knowing how to clean a pancake griddle will make sure you don’t have to go out and buy a new one every 6 months. So bust out your spatula, find yourself some dish soap and paper napkins, and get to work on your pancake griddle! 

You’ll be thanking me at breakfast.

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Can You Grind Coffee Beans in a Food Processors? Find Out How!

Have you ever rushed through a supermarket aisle, only to realize half the stuff you bought isn’t right? I once grabbed what I thought was pre-ground coffee, and then discovered it was a bag of whole coffee beans.

Turns out, this is a common mishap for many people. Some just go without coffee until their next grocery run or buy coffee every morning from their local Starbucks. But others have attempted to grind their coffee beans, using regular kitchen appliances.

I did wonder: can you grind coffee beans in a food processor? Today I am going to divulge the answer to my dilemma and tell you how you can brew a perfect cup of coffee from scratch, with basic cooking tools.

Using a Food Processor Instead of a Coffee Grinder

can you grind coffee beans in a food processor
food processor to grind coffee

Most people who grind their coffee beans at home own some kind of a coffee grinder, specially designed for grinding beans. Others use spice grinders which also work pretty well.

But what about using a food processor to grind coffee? The short answer is, yes. 

You can absolutely use a food processor for grinding coffee beans. The only difference is that it is best to grind a small batch of coffee beans at a time in a food processor.

The Difference between a Grinder and Food Processor:

Although you can use both to grind coffee beans, a coffee grinder and food processor work differently. A coffee grinder uses burrs to crush and break the beans by using a very abrasive surface.

This results in a softer and finer grind, which is a better option for things like Turkish coffee, espresso, Moka pot, and AeroPress coffee. 

Moreover, coffee grinder burrs result in a uniform grind which makes perfect extraction much easier, resulting in a bold, strong, and smooth flavor.

On the other hand, a food processor uses sharp blades to cut through food. These blades will pulverize the beans, giving you a somewhat coarser grind. Moreover, the grounds won’t be as uniform as those of the coffee mill.

However, you can still make a great cup of coffee from these grounds. The coarser grind makes it best for French presses, percolators, and Chemex brewers.

How to Grind Coffee in Food Processor Appliances:

Grind Coffee in Food Processor Appliances
Grind Coffee in Food Processor Appliances

If you haven’t used a food processor to grind coffee beans before, you might find this how-to guide useful. For the best results, you will need two tablespoons of coffee beans to brew 6-8 ounces of coffee.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Put your coffee beans into the bowl of the food processor, close the lid and plug it in.
  1. Find the On/Off buttons on your food processor or the High/Low-speed settings. Press the button five times, for about 2 seconds each time. Start at a low speed so you can keep track of how fine the coffee grinds are.
  1. Gently shake the processor so that the particles at the top of the bowl fall to the bottom by the blades. You can also tap the feet of the appliance gently on your counter.
  1. Next, hold down the High button for around 30 to 45 seconds, keeping a close eye on the texture of the beans. Any whole beans that have been pushed to the side of the should be tapped or shaken back to the center.
  1. You want the coffee grounds to be medium-fine or coarse, instead of extremely powdery.
  1. Tap or shake the processor cover to dislocate the loose grounds and lift off the cover and set it aside.
  1. Rotate and lift the worktop bowl off the processor base.
  1. Empty the ground beans and into a separate bowl or jar.
  1. For any residual ground coffee left in the processor, use a pastry brush or even a small silicone spatula to sweep them out of the bowl.
  1. Clean the bowl of the food processor with dish soap to prevent greasy buildup or lingering smells.
  1. Use your grounds to brew yourself a nice cup of coffee!

Other Methods for Grinding Coffee Beans

In case you don’t have a food processor, there are still a few other options for grinding coffee beans using household appliances.


A blender uses the same slicing mechanism to crush coffee beans like a good processor. A Ninja blender coffee grinder will work just as well as any food processor, as will a Vitamix coffee grinding as an alternative.

To get a coarse ground, use the Pulse option a couple of times for 5-6 seconds each time. For a finer grind, blitz the beans in 10-second increments. Once again, it is important to keep an eye on the beans to assess how fine the grounds are.

Mortar and Pestle:

If you are okay with going old-school and putting in some elbow grease, a mortar and pestle is a great way to grind coffee. In fact, this process releases some of the more fragrant oils from the coffee beans, which will give your coffee a stronger and richer flavor.

You need to work with a small scoop of coffee beans at a time. With one hand, hold the mortar in place, while you use your dominant hand to hold the pestle. Use the pestle to forcibly press down and crush the beans in a twisting motion.

After the beans have been crushed, use the pestle to move the coffee around the bowl, so you can see the texture. If you are satisfied with the consistency, empty the grounds into a bowl or your coffee maker.

Hammer or Rolling Pin:

The idea behind this is simple, you use something heavy like a rolling pin, dowel, or large can to crush and grind the coffee beans. Make sure the beans are in a sealed bag. The advantage of the rolling pin is that it can crush and grind at the same time, so you get a finer texture.

When you use a wooden dowel or rolling pin, you end up with a medium-fine to fine grind, which is ideal for drip coffee brewing or pour-over coffee.

A hammer or mallet simply crushes the beans, which results in a coarser grind. This makes it a good option for cold brews, Chemex, and drip coffee makers.

To learn more about different and creative ways to grind coffee beans in greater detail, check this out!

Still Got Questions?

Here you will find answers to questions people often have about grinding coffee beans in a food processor.

01. Can I Grind Whole Coffee Beans in a Food Processor?

Yes, you can grind coffee beans in a processor, but the texture and consistency won’t be as fine as they would get with a proper coffee grinder.

02. Can I Grind Coffee Beans in a Small Bullet Blender?

Small bullet blenders are perfectly okay if you want to grind enough coffee beans for a single serving of coffee, like one or two tablespoons of beans.

03. What are the Grind Consistencies for Different Brewing Methods?

Grind ConsistencyBrewing Method
CoarseCold Brew Coffee, French Press, Percolator
Medium-CoarseChemex coffee maker, Clever Dripper
MediumConical Pour-over Brewers,Flat Bottom Drip Coffee Machines
Medium-FineConical Pour-over Brewers, Aeropress
FineEspresso, Moka Pot
Extra-FineTurkish Coffee

04. Can I Grind Coffee the Day before Brewing?

For the best flavor, grind your coffee beans right before brewing them. Brewing them a day before, or even the night before will result in a weaker tasting brew with a subdued fragrance.

Final Say

A broken coffee grinder is no reason to ditch your morning cup of joe. The next time you need to crush whole coffee beans, you will know the answer to the question: can you grind coffee beans in a food processor? 

Instead, you grab your trusty processor and have a steaming cup of coffee in minutes. Best of all, you’ll never have to resort to diner coffee again!