6 Things You Can Substitute for Rice Vinegar: Easy Options to Use Instead

Rice is the ultimate ingredient. Besides being a dietary staple in many cultures, you can turn rice into crispy chips, a smooth and creamy pudding, or delicately flavored vinegar.

Yup, that’s right. Rice can be used to make vinegar. In fact, rice vinegar has a pleasant sweetness, toned down tartness, and a great flavor profile. This makes it a popular condiment in many Asian dishes. It is used to season sushi rice, noodles, stir-fries, and dipping sauces.

But what is one to do when they don’t have or can’t find rice vinegar? Most people will go looking for a substitute for rice vinegar. And if you’re one of them, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, you will find out all about all the things you can substitute for rice vinegar. Besides talking about each replacement for rice vinegar, I will also mention my favorite product, as well as the dishes you can and cannot substitute them in.

You may also like: Best way to freeze vinegar

A Quick Glance at Rice Vinegar

substitute for rice vinegar
substitute for rice vinegar

Rice vinegar is made from fermented rice. The sugars in rice are turned to alcohol aka rice wine. Bacteria are then used in a second fermentation which turns the rice wine into vinegar.

The result is a much milder vinegar which isn’t as sour as white vinegar or anything made from fermented grapes or malt. This makes it a delicious addition to salads, noodles, fried rice, and sauteed vegetables.

It has a much subtler flavor and melds into the background. Because of this, it pairs well with soy, sake, brown sugar, and fish sauce, making it the perfect condiment for Asian and Asian-fusion cuisine.

People often get confused between rice vinegar and rice wine vinegar. However, the two are the same thing. 

But you need to know that there is a difference between rice wine and rice vinegar/rice vinegar. You can drink rice wine and it has a sweet flavor, but rice vinegar is too sour for even a sip!

Chinese rice vinegar is another variant that confuses people. These two can be interchanged, but Chinese rice vinegar is often black or red and has added aromatics and seasonings to further flavor the condiment.

Best Rice Vinegar Substitutes

The following are among the best substitutes available for rice vinegar. You might have to change the amounts mentioned in the recipe to get a similar flavor profile, but these will make for a reliable substitution for rice vinegar.

01. Apple Cider Vinegar:

[amazon box=”B07QD9BBL8″]

If your recipe calls for rice vinegar, there’s a good chance that it wants a mild, almost fruity condiment with the right kind of tartness. This is why apple cider vinegar is the most common and ideal alternative to rice vinegar.

Both apple cider vinegar and rice vinegar have a subtle flavor that won’t clash too much with other seasonings and won’t overpower the dish. Moreover, ACV is easily available everywhere and is used in many other dishes, as well as consumed for health purposes.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used to condition hair and clarify the scalp, so a big bottle will see you through multiple uses. However, bear in mind that ACV has a fruity apple flavor, which can slightly alter the taste of your pickles or sushi rice.

For most other dishes, just use an equal amount of apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar.

Best for: Marinades, sauces, ramen, dressings

Not Recommended for: Pickling and seasoning sushi rice

Amazon Product Recommendations: Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Marukan Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

02. White Wine Vinegar(not white vinegar)

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Since we’re looking for sweetness, the keywords in this substitution are ‘white wine’. Don’t use plain white vinegar instead-it will be way too tart. Instead, use white wine vinegar as it has a milder, sweeter flavor and isn’t nearly as pungent as white vinegar.

White wine vinegar is used a lot in Western cooking and is used primarily for flavoring and deglazing pans. When using it to replace rice vinegar, start by adding a small amount of white wine vinegar and add more as you go along, until you are satisfied with the flavor.

If you think the dish is missing some sweetness, add anywhere from a pinch to a quarter teaspoon of granulated sugar for every spoon of vinegar to balance out the acidity. If you must use white vinegar, use half or less than half the amount specified in the recipe.

Best for: Marinades, sauces, ramen, dressings, pan sauces, and sushi rice

Not Recommended for: Certain desserts

Amazon Product Recommendations: Solspring Biodynamic Organic White Wine Vinegar and Colavita Aged White Wine Vinegar

03. Lime/Lemon Juice:

[amazon box=”B07CT1DTHB,B089X2V5ZK”]

Even if you don’t have fancy vinegar in your pantry, there’s a good chance you have a lime or lemon in the back of your fridge. Lime juice has a natural sweetness that balances out some of the sourness, making it a great seasoned rice vinegar substitute. However, adding a touch of sugar to lemon juice also does the trick.

The brightness of citrus juices makes it a great option for salad dressings, marinades, and a topping for noodle dishes like Pad Thai. However, bear in mind that lemons and limes have a certain zesty, floral note to them which you will not find in rice vinegar.

As citrus juices are pretty mild, you may need to double the amount when using them to replace rice vinegar. As always, taste and go whenever you can to make sure your dish ends up being perfect.

Best for: Desserts, marinades, sauces, dressings

Not Recommended for: Sushi rice, pan sauces

Amazon Product Recommendation: Iberia 32-Ounce Pure Lemon Juice and Lucy’s Family Owned Lime Juice

04. Champagne Vinegar:

[amazon box=”B0050ILDRG”]

Besides apple cider vinegar, this may be the closest thing to rice vinegar in terms of flavor. This mild, floral, sweetish vinegar is made by fermenting Chardonnay. It has a very bright flavor profile, with a surprising amount of tang, but a light taste.

Because of its mild taste, cooking this vinegar for too long or at high temperatures can kill its flavor. So, it is best to use it for raw preparations like a vinaigrette or salad dressing. You can even use it to finish sauces, or drizzle over vegetables, or when making soy-stained boiled eggs.

At the same time, champagne vinegar is a good option for marinades and it tenderizes meat very well. When replacing rice vinegar with champagne vinegar, use the same amount as specified in the recipe.

Best for: Marinades, dipping sauces, dressings, vinaigrettes

Not Recommended for: Stews, soups, and slow-cooked dishes

Amazon Product Recommendation: Sparrow Lane Champagne Vinegar and Beaufor French Champagne-Ardenne Vinegar

05. Sherry Vinegar:

[amazon box=”B07FXYVXJJ”]

Anyone used to cooking will know that sherry vinegar is always a good option to keep in the kitchen. In fact, it is even known as balsamic vinegar’s even better friend. And if you are looking for a brown rice vinegar substitute, sherry vinegar is a near-perfect replacement.

Sherry vinegar is generally sourced from Cadiz in Spain and is made by fermenting wine and then aging it. The more aged the vinegar, the darker it looks, and the more complex the flavors. Aged vinegar is also quite pricey.

But relatively younger sherry vinegar is much more complex than other wine vinegar. They have a crisp, tart, acidity, which is balanced out by sweeter, caramel notes. Instead of the more floral notes, you will find layers of nuttiness and understated fruity flavors.

Because of this, sherry vinegar works really well as a salad dressing, when added to chili, thick hearty stews, marinara, and rich sauces. It also works as a great addition to soups with beans and meat, and as a drizzle over fresh vegetables.

Start by replacing half the amount of rice vinegar as mentioned in the recipe. If you think your dish needs more, add it in small splashes and try to taste as you go along.

Best for: Soups, stews, chili, stir-fries, and salad dressings

Not Recommended for: Mildly flavored dishes

Amazon Product Recommendation: Arvum Oak-Aged Sherry Vinegar and Roland Sherry Vinegar

06. Balsamic Vinegar:

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If you don’t have any of the options mentioned above, you can always substitute balsamic vinegar for rice vinegar. This tangy, slightly sweet, and salty pairs wonderfully well with various meats and vegetables.

This kind of vinegar develops a rich and complex flavor as it ages. You can drizzle it over raw and roasted vegetables, add it to marinades, make glazes, sauces, and even use it on pizzas and pastas.

The sweetness of balsamic vinegar matches that in rice vinegar, so you can substitute the same amount for almost any recipe out there. Whether you have white balsamic vinegar or the ordinary kind, it won’t make much of a difference in terms of flavor.

Best for: Baked and stir-fried meats, drizzles, sauces, and stews

Not Recommended for: Certain clear soups and noodle dishes

Amazon Product Recommendation: Colavita Aged Balsamic Vinegar and Mantova Flavored Balsamic Vinegar of Modena 4-Variety Pack

Apple Cider Vinegar vs Rice Vinegar

By now you already know apple cider vinegar is one of the closest substitutes to rice vinegar. However, the two do have a few differences. For starters, apple cider vinegar is cloudy, while rice vinegar is clear. This means that a substitution might change the appearance of the dish.

And while the sweet-to-sour ratio is rather similar, apple cider vinegar has a mild fruity apple flavor. This is absolutely missing from rice vinegar, so your dish may end up with a subtle apple note in the background.

Moreover, apple cider vinegar is much easier to find, especially when compared to rice vinegar. You will find it online, in any grocery store or supermarket. On the other hand, rice vinegar is harder to find, and you will need to order them online or go to an Asian store.

Rice Vinegar DIY

If you can’t find rice vinegar anywhere, it might be worth trying to make some yourself. Here is an easy guide that will show you how to make rice vinegar at home.

What You Will Need:

  • 2 cups of cooked rice, along with its cooking water
  • 1 L filtered water
  • 1-2 fluid ounces of rice wine or Mother of Vinegar


  1. Start by combining the rice and its cooking water, the Mother of Vinegar, and the water in a dark, airtight container.
  2. Cover the container with 2 layers of cheesecloth. Secure them in place with a rubber band.
  3. Set the mixture in a dark, warm place, like the back of a kitchen cupboard where it won’t be disturbed. You can also keep it in the basement or a pantry shelf.
  4. Check on the mixture after three weeks. The fermentation process takes anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months. The mixture should have a sour smell, and when tasted it should be tart.
  5. You may want to leave the mixture for a couple of more weeks. This will allow the fermentation to continue, and the vinegar to taste more like the store-bought stuff.
  6. Strain the vinegar mixture through the cheesecloth to remove the rice. Then cover the rice vinegar with another cheesecloth and chill it in the fridge for a few hours.
  7. Once cooled, filter again through cheesecloth and store in a clean airtight container. Your rice vinegar is ready to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions people have about rice wine vinegar and its substitutes.

01. What is the Difference between Rice Vinegar and Rice Wine Vinegar?

The two kinds of vinegar are pretty similar and can be used interchangeably.

02. Can I Use Red Wine Vinegar instead of Rice Vinegar?

Both red and white wine vinegar can be used instead of rice vinegar. However, it is much more acidic than rice vinegar so a substitution should be added sparingly.

03. What Dishes Use Rice Vinegar?

Rice vinegar can be used as a dipping sauce, in seafood, rice, noodles, and pickling vegetables.


If you are looking for a substitute for rice vinegar, this article gives you several options to use. Whether you want to use champagne vinegar, sherry vinegar, or apple cider vinegar, you will have a clear idea of how much you should use, and which dish each replacement works best for.

So the next time you want to make a couple of elaborate Asian courses, don’t worry if you can’t find any rice vinegar. These substitutes will have your back and no one will suspect there’s an ingredient missing!

What is Masago in Sushi? Learn All About It Here!

Trying to be a more adventurous eater? Or are you venturing into the cooking of foreign delicacies? Either way, Japanese cuisine offers some of the tastiest and visually appealing dishes out there. On top of that, it uses some of the most intriguing ingredients you can imagine.

One of these gorgeous ingredients happens to be masago. Commonly used in sushi rolls, it adds a great pop of color to your plate. But what is masago in sushi rolls? This article will tell you a great deal about this cooking component and all the reasons why you should give it a try!

411 on Masago

what is masago in sushi

Masago is also known as smelt roe, and put simply they are the edible eggs of the capelin fish. So, masago─ smelt roe are harvested from the silver-green capelin fish and used in the food industry.

These eggs are pale yellow and are often dyed orange, red, or yellow. This gives them a vibrant look, which in turn makes the sushi rolls they are in appear much more enticing. Moreover, masago fish eggs are pretty mild-flavored, which makes it a solid pairing for pickled ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce.

Health Benefits of Masago

Want a quick rundown on masago nutrition facts? Masago has a nutrition profile similar to its parent fish. One ounce of these masago capelin roe eggs has just 2 grams of fat. It also contains 6 grams of protein and less than one gram of fat.

Besides that, masago is rich in vitamin B2 and B12 which are great for the skin and nails. Moreover, these fish eggs contain plenty of essential minerals and nutrients like selenium, phosphorus, and folate.

These translate to some pretty awesome masago health benefits. There are very few fats and carbs in it, and you won’t have to worry about counting calories. Like other fish products, they have lots of protein and essential fatty acids, all of which are good for you.

The polyunsaturated fats in masago help reduce inflammation and keep your heart, muscles, and immune system healthy. Furthermore, the amino acids in the capelin eggs are essential for tissue repair and protein synthesis.

The Other Side of Masago

But things aren’t sunshine and rainbows with masago eggs. Some masago side effects include bloating and blood pressure as these capelin roe eggs are high in sodium. Moreover, the sushi dish is eaten with soy sauce and MSG, which makes it taste better but increases the overall sodium content.

On the other hand, those who are allergic or sensitive to seafood should avoid it altogether. But it goes beyond that─ some people get an allergic reaction from masago even though they aren’t allergic to seafood.

So if you haven’t tried masago before, have a tiny amount to gauge your body’s reaction to make sure you aren’t allergic to it. And it is best to consume masago dishes in moderation so that you don’t overdo the sodium.

Capelin fishing is also a concern for some. Sometimes other fish get caught and killed when catching capelin, and this can cause a steep decline in their population, as well as issues with overfishing.

Sourcing Your Masago Eggs

Masago Eggs
Masago Eggs

People are often at a loss when looking for capelin roe eggs. Where to buy masago that won’t burn a hole into your wallet. For starters, you can easily buy some online, but some people find that perishable ingredients go bad when bought and shipped over long distances.

Instead, you can track these eggs down in any Asian supermarket. Sure they will be pricier, but you’ll be guaranteed quality and freshness. You can also try looking for them in gourmet stores, and if you’re lucky you might even find them in your local grocery store.

Tobiko or Masago?

Tobiko vs Masago
Tobiko vs Masago

If you’re unfamiliar with sushi rolls, you may be confused by tobiko or masago. As far as the tobiko vs masago debate goes, the two aren’t all that different.

Tobiko are eggs that come from tropical fly fish. These are brightly colored and do not need to be dyed like masago. They have a mild, yet sweet-salty flavor and a pleasant crunch that contrasts well with the soft texture of sushi.

Like masago, tobiko is used to finish off sushi rolls and other dishes, and its bright red color makes it an attractive garnish for many other foods. However, tobiko has lots of cholesterol which means it should be eaten in small amounts.

Tobiko eggs are larger than masago, and in general, tobiko is supposed to be superior to masago. However, many restaurants substitute masago for tobiko to cut costs. However, masago won’t have that pleasant crunchy sweetness of tobiko.

Masago Sushi

masago in sushi
masago in sushi

We are used to seeing just the masago sushi roll, but in reality, masago can be used in all kinds of salty and umami dishes. They make a great topping for brown rice, sushi rice, and noodles, as well as Japanese curries, katsu, and even Asian-fusion meals. You can also use it to garnish salads, roast veggies, baked fish, and other savory dishes.

Because masago comes cleaned and prepared, you don’t really need to do anything to it. Just spoon some out of the jar they come from and incorporate it into your cooking. The jar will also come with instructions on how to correctly store the masago, and you can keep it in the fridge to extend its usage. 

Speaking of freezing, were you aware of the know-hows of keeping sushi in the fridge? Check that out here. 

Got More Questions?

Below you will find answers to questions people often have about masago.

01. What is Masago Gunkan Maki?

This is a sort of sushi roll, where the nori-wrapped rice is topped with masago eggs. This dish was invented by Ginza Kyubei, a famous Japanese restaurant, and is also called a Battleship Maki.

02. What is the Difference between Masago, Tobiko and Caviar?

All three are fish roe or eggs, but each comes from different kinds of fish. Because of this, they each have their own flavor, texture, and price point.

03. Is Tobiko Better Than Masago?

Tobiko is more expensive than masago and is considered to be of better quality. Tobiko also doesn’t need to be dyed and has a nice crunchy texture, but is harder to find when compared to masago.

Final Say

Well, now you know the answer to the question: what is masago in sushi? These delicate fish eggs make any plate of maki rolls much prettier and more interesting to eat. If you’re worried about the flavor, you will be relieved to know it has a very mild taste.

Whether you are trying to cook new and exciting Japanese dishes or want to order the best stuff at an Asian restaurant, you will have this particular ingredient nailed. Who knows, you might even impress your friends with an interesting fact or two about capelin roe!

How Long Does Rice Last in the Fridge? Find Out Right Here!

Cooked way too much rice? Happens to the best of us.

You might think boxing up your leftover rice and leaving it in a pantry cupboard is good enough. Think again! Cooked rice is notorious for going bad quickly and you might come back to find the rice moldy, sour, or watery.

Instead, refrigerate your rice dishes. Refrigerating rice after cooking is the easiest way to keep it edible for longer. But how long does rice last in the fridge? A week, ten days, maybe even a fortnight?

This article aims to take out the guesswork and tell you how long you can keep rice in your fridge. You won’t have to meet a spoiled rice surprise for dinner, and our storage and reheating tips will keep your meal-prep rice soft and fluffy.

How Long Does Cooked Rice Last in the Fridge?

how long does rice last in the fridge
does rice last in the fridge

Everyone knows uncooked rice has a very long shelf life. When stored correctly (aka in an airtight container, kept in a clean and dry place) rice grains can keep for up to 5 years. But cooked rice is a whole different story.

How long does cooked rice last? If you leave rice out for an hour or two, you will notice the cooked rice release water and change texture, and taste a little strange. This change can happen even faster in hotter climates.

Your best bet is to stick your cooked rice in the fridge. How long does white rice last in the fridge? Most experts say that cooked white rice, like jasmine rice, can be kept in the fridge for 5-7 days. On the other hand, cooked brown rice keeps fresh in the fridge for just 4 or 5 days.

Meanwhile, wild rice will stay fresh in your refrigerator for up to a week. On this note, how long is cooked rice good for in the freezer? Well, in most cases, most kinds of cooked rice will keep for a whopping 6-8 months when stored in the freezer.

How Long Does Cooked Brown Rice Last in the Fridge?

Cooked brown rice can be stored for a couple days in the refrigerator and will last up to 6 days.

To maximize its shelf life, refrigerate covered or resealable plastic bags of cooked grains- it’s important that you use them quickly though!

How Long Does Cooked Cauliflower Rice Last in the Fridge?

Cooled cauliflower will last for 3 to 4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

Once cooked let cool about room temperature before refrigeration but remember limit cooling period less than 2 hours because it starts turning bitter if kept too long!

How Long Can Steamed Rice Last in the Fridge?

Any type of cooked rice can last three to four days in the fridge. 

How Long Does Rice Last in the Fridge? Find Out Right Here! 1
Shelf Life Of Rice

How to Keep Your Rice in the Fridge

Believe it or not, there is a right way to store cooked rice in the fridge. Putting hot rice in the fridge is a surefire way to turn your rice into a rock-hard mess later on. Instead, cool the rice first; either leave it in an uncovered pot or spread it on a large sheet pan.

Then, transfer the rice to an airtight container like Tupperware. Cover tightly with the lid and put it in the middle of your fridge.

Reheating the Refrigerated White Rice

Rice will often lose its moisture when kept in the fridge. This is especially true if you don’t cover the storage container all the way, as it allows the water to escape. As a result, the rice becomes dry, tough, and crumbly.

But to reheat rice properly can fix these issues and make the rice seem like it was served fresh from a steaming pot. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Take out the rice from the fridge, and put it in a microwave-safe dish.
  • For every cup of rice, you want to reheat, add one or two tablespoons of water.
  • Cover the bowl and heat in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. The rice should be piping hot all throughout and should have an internal temperature of 165F.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!

You can also steam your cold leftover rice on the stovetop like this:

  • Place your rice in a saucepan or pot with 1–2 tablespoons of butter or oil.
  • For each cup of rice, add a tablespoon or two of water. Cover with a lid and bring to a simmer. Your heat should be medium-low.
  • Stir occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking or burning. Once the water has boiled off, use a probe thermometer to make sure the internal temperature is above 165°F.
  • Take off the heat and serve piping hot.

Why You Need to Store Cooked Rice

Why Does Rice Need Refrigeration
Why Does Rice Need Refrigeration

Why do you have to refrigerate cooked rice? Lots of other cooked dishes can survive being left out on the counter overnight. But rice left out overnight will definitely have a sour smell and taste off.

But why exactly does rice need to be refrigerated? Rice is moist and has high water content. Bacillus cereus is the culprit here. It thrives in damp environments and that is what rice is.

After the rice is cooked, the Bacillus cereus bacteria grows and multiplies in the moist, warm rice. Refrigeration slows down this process. And what happens if you eat bad rice? Food poisoning, which can leave you feeling terrible for days.

If your rice smells bad after cooking, it is a sign that it has already gone bad. This can happen much more quickly during the summer months, or if you live in a hotter climate. It will have a sour or musty smell, taste bad, and have a sort of crumbly texture.

In this case, it is best to throw out the rice and start from scratch. Leaving your rice warm and in a humid state will encourage bacterial growth, which will ruin it and make you ill.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions people tend to ask about storing rice in the fridge.

Does Rice Go Bad?

Rice goes bad because of microbial growth that comes from Bacillus cereus which is present in rice and other grains. The bacteria grow in damp and warm environments which makes it easy for rice to go bad quickly.

Does Uncooked Rice Go Bad?

While uncooked rice isn’t as perishable, it can go bad when stored in damp places, or if mold, insects, and pests get to them first.

How Long Can Cooked Rice Stay in the Fridge?

Cooked rice stays fresh in the fridge for up to a week for white rice. Brown cooked rice has a shorter fridge life and needs to be consumed in 5 days.

How Long Can Rice Sit Out and Be Safe to Eat?

You should not leave rice out on the counter for more than an hour or two. Anything longer than this will risk the rice going bad.

What are the Signs of Rice Gone Bad?

If your cooked rice goes bad, you will notice a sour and unpleasant smell. There may also be a change in color and texture. It will also taste-off, although you should not try tasting rice that seems to have gone bad.


Next time you cook a large batch of rice, you won’t have to ask yourself How long does rice last in the fridge? Refrigerating rice is the safest way to keep your meals safe to eat for up to a week. 

On the other hand, if you want to meal-prep for the month ahead, freezing your rice in airtight containers is the best way to go.

So, are you going to start storing your rice in the fridge from now on?

Does Soy Sauce Go Bad? Ever?

If you are a fan of fried rice or stir fry, soy sauce is something you always have in the pantry. But how long do they last? Does soy sauce ever go bad? What is the best way to store soy sauce anyway? 

Well, aren’t you at the right place as we discuss all those topics today! If you are interested to know more, keep on reading.

Does Soy Sauce Go Bad?

does soy sauce go bad
does soy sauce go bad

Soy sauce does go bad eventually but it takes a long time. Soy sauce is known to have an indefinite shelf life which means it is excellent at self-preserving. 

This happens due to the high concentration of sodium in the sauce. Sodium kills all the microbes that can spoil the soy sauce which ensures its stable shelf-life. 

How Long Does Soy Sauce Last?

Soy sauce has an indefinite shelf life which means it technically does not go bad. The only reason why it might spoil is if you store it incorrectly.

We will talk about the proper way to store soya sauce in a minute. Keep reading if you are interested. 

An unopened soy sauce bottle can last for years and years without any issue.

How Long Does Opened Soy Sauce Last?

An opened bottle can survive 2-3 years in the fridge and 6 months in the pantry.

How to Tell If it’s Bad Soy Sauce?

how long does soy sauce last
how long does soy sauce last

Soy sauce eventually goes bad but it can be tricky to tell sometimes. We have a simple guide to know whether the soy sauce has gone bad or not.


When you open the lid, the smell is the first thing that catches your attention. Soy sauce has a very distinctive smell. So when it goes bad, you would be able to tell instantly. 


To be honest, when was the last time you tasted raw soy sauce before adding it to a dish? Probably never. That’s what we all do but we shouldn’t!

The only time we taste raw soy sauce is when we are eating sushi. Soy sauce tastes very salty and slightly pungent due to the fermentation. It has a pleasant taste.

When the sauce is spoiled, it tastes very acidic and oftentimes too harsh. So make sure to taste it before adding it to any dish. 


Soy sauce comes in a wide variety from light brown to deep, almost black soy sauce. What you need to focus on is whether there is a color change. If your sauce was light brown but has turned deep brown, it has either oxidized or it’s spoiled. 

The best way to know which one it is is by tasting the soy sauce a bit. Sometimes the opposite can happen too. Dark soy sauce can turn transparent with time if you store it under direct sunlight. 


It might seem strange for soy to get molds but it happens. Soy sauce is a fermented condiment. This means it is created by adding mold and letting it ferment the soya beans for months. 

But certain molds can make the soy sauce taste or smell bad. We don’t want those to affect the quality in any way. 

Molds can occur if you forget to close the lid properly. So if you notice any anomaly, don’t consume that bottle. 


Depending on the brand, soy sauce has a medium to a light consistency. If you notice your sauce looking too thick or chunky, it’s time to throw it away in the trash! 

How to Store Soy Sauce: Our 5 Key Tips

How to Store Soy Sauce
How to Store Soy Sauce

Even though soy sauce has quite a self-sustaining shelf life, you need to store it properly to make sure it stays that way. 

Actually, out of all the kitchen condiments, soy sauce is the easiest to store as it requires very little effort. Here are our five key ways to keep your soy sauce fresh for longer:

01. Keep It Sealed:

If you want your soy sauce to last the longest, the best thing to do is not open the original packaging. Keep the soy sauce bottle as it is and store in a cool, dry place, 

If you keep the bottle sealed, it can survive 3-4 years and way past its expiry date. We like to bulk purchase a variety of soy sauces and keep them in our pantry for years. 

It might feel tempting to transfer the sauce to a fancier and nicer-looking bottle but trust us! Keeping the original packaging allows us to retain its flavor the most. 

02. Airtight Bottle/Jar 

If you have already broken the seal and used some of the soy sauce, the next best thing would be to transfer it to an airtight bottle or jar.

We like to use glass bottles as it is eco friendly and more durable. And let’s not forget how classy glass bottles look! 

Always make sure that the lid is tightly closed so no oxygen can touch the soy sauce inside. 

03. Consistent Temperature:

Unless you live in a very tropical climate, this shouldn’t be an issue. Soy sauce stays the best when the temperature is consistent and stable.

So do not keep your soy sauce bottle closer to the oven or stove. The rise and fall of temperature will actually ruin your sauce. 

If you keep your soy sauce under or around windows, regular sunlight will also damage it. Soy sauce can expire months before its past date if you store it in a hot environment. 

04. Pantry or Basement:

The best place to store soy sauce is somewhere without direct sunlight or heat. Pantry is a great place to store. If you do not have a pantry, try to store it in the basement. 

If your basement is wet and damp, this might not be the best option for you. The key thing is to store soy sauce in a cool and dry place. 

05. Refrigerator: 

One of the reasons why people store soy sauce in the refrigerator is due to the consistent temperature. When your house does not have any temperature control, storing soy sauce in the refrigerator is the smartest idea. 

Some brands specifically mention storing the sauce in the fridge after opening. Some brands advise against it. So make sure to read the labels before doing it. 

Can You Freeze Soy Sauce? 

Soy sauce can go bad if it’s not being stored properly. It can go bad due to it being shelved for years. Soy sauce usually has a shelf life of 2-3 years. After that, it starts to deteriorate and eventually goes bad. 

If the bottle is not closed properly and air can go inside, molds will develop and the soy sauce will go bad faster. 

You don’t need to freeze soy sauce as it is quite long-lasting anyway. Freezing might help with maintaining the color and taste for longer. 

Keep in mind soya sauce might not freeze at all as it contains a lot of salt. We know salt melts ice so anything with such sodium content might not freeze well. 

Honestly, just store your soy sauce in a dark, cool palace and it will stay fresh for years. Why go through the hassle of freezing anyway?

Frequently Asked Questions 

Should I Refrigerate Soy Sauce?

You should not refrigerate soy sauce after opening a bottle unless you hardly use it. If you use soy sauce regularly on your dishes, leaving it at room temperature is perfectly fine. 
But if you use soy sauce once or twice a week or month, storing it in the fridge will help to keep it tasting fresh for longer. 

Does Soy Sauce Expire?

Pure soy sauce does not expire for years if it’s stored properly. Most of the soy sauce we buy is a mixture of a few ingredients. The shelf life of store-bought soy sauce is not as long as organic ones. 

How Long is Soy Sauce Good for?

Soy sauce has an indefinite shelf life which means it lasts depending on how it’s being stored. The expiration date on soy sauce bottles is totally meaningless as it stays safe to use for years past that date. Refrigerated soy sauce lasts for 2-3 years without losing its taste and quality.

Does Soy Sauce Have Alcohol?

Soy sauce contains zero alcohol. A lot of us assume soy sauce has alcohol due to its strong taste. But this taste is acquired by a fermentation process. 
During the fermentation process, the starch in the soy sauce mixture is broken down into sugar and the sugar turns into alcohol over time. 
So the alcohol in soy sauce is not added, instead, it’s part of the formulation that turns soybeans into soy sauce.

Can Soy Sauce Make You Sick?

Just like any other ingredients, too much soy sauce can make you sick. Any food item in moderation is good for us. When we overdo it, the consequences are bad. 
Soy sauce has a high amount of sodium, amines including histamine and tyramine. These ingredients can cause toxic reactions if you consume too much. 
Some of the symptoms include sweating, itching, stomach issues, headaches, dizziness, and bloating. You might see a spike in your blood pressure due to the high sodium content. So next time when you eat sushi, be mindful of your soy dip. 

Does Soy Sauce Get Molds?

Soy sauce is created through a fermentation process where a turning mold called Aspergillus is added. This mold helps to break down the soybeans and wheat mixture. 
Soy sauce can get moldy if you keep it in an open jar. But the structure of soy sauce contains mold by nature. 
So when you store your soy sauce, you will notice it getting darker and darker over time. This oxidation process makes soy sauce stronger and more aromatic. 

What’s the Difference between Chinese and Japanese Soy Sauce?

Most of us westerners think soy sauce is soy sauce. But just like cheese, there is a wide range and variety of soy sauce. Each has its distinctive taste and usage as well. 
The two most popular are Chinese soy sauce and Japanese soy sauce. The difference between them is in the ingredients.
Chinese soy sauce is made using 100 percent soybeans. Japanese soy sauce on the other hand uses a mixture of soy and wheat.
This makes the Japanese version sweeter and less pungent. Chinese soy sauce on the other hand is strong, salty and aggressive.

Final Words

We absolutely love soy sauce and add it to all sorts of recipes. It adds such a delicious saltiness to dishes and alleviates all the other spices with it. 

Now that you know how easy it is store soy sauce, hopefully you will always have a battle in your pantry. You can keep your soy sauce fresh and high-quality for years with our tips and tricks. 

Was it helpful? Let us know in the comments!

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Can You Freeze Olive Oil? (And Why It Might Come in Handy)

Olive oil has been used by mankind for ages.

For thousands of years, people have been using them for cooking and preserving food. Popular in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, olive oil is now popular across the globe, thanks to research that proves it is a much healthier oil compared to canola or sunflower oil.

But olive oil, especially the good kind, can be expensive. Many people take advantage of mega sales and buy extra-virgin olive oil in bulk. The issue? Your bulk stash of oil can go rancid very quickly, and just end up being a waste of money.

What can one do instead? Can you freeze olive oil? Many people think freezing oils cause them to lose flavor. But we’re here to tell whether you can preserve olive oil and the best way to do so.

A Brief History of Olive Oil

frozen olive oil
frozen olive oil

Olive oil, as the name suggests, is produced by extracting the juice from olives. Olive trees were first grown and harvested in the Mediterranean basin nearly 6000 years ago. It was first used in religious rituals as lamp fuels and as an offering to gods in this region around 2500 BC.

This gradually evolved to the oil being used for cooking purposes during the 5th-4th century BC. In more recent years, olive oil is used predominantly in Italian, Greek, and Middle Eastern cuisine.

It is also growing in popularity across North America over the past century. Olives are even grown in California and this oil is seen as healthier and more flavorful than many others. It is also a common vegetable oil substitute.

Besides cooking and baking, olive oil is used in hair, nail, and skincare by people across the world.

Producing Olive Oil

Olive oil is made by grinding olives and extracting the oil through either mechanical or chemical processes. Green olives usually produce more bitter oil, compared to black olives. On the other hand, overripe olives can produce rancid oil.

Because of this, the olives used for producing oil need to be perfectly ripe. The following processes take place to extract olive oil from the fruit:

  1. The olives are first crushed to make a paste.
  2. After grinding, the olive paste is spread across fiber disks stacked over each other in a column, then placed into the press. Pressure (or a centrifuge) is then used to separate the vegetal liquid from the paste.
  3. The paste is then stirred slowly in a special container, tiny oil drops cumulate into bigger drops, speeding up the mechanical extraction. This oil is then separated from the rest of the paste with a second round of centrifuging.

    How long does it take for olive oil to form? This depends on the exact method being used.
  4. Lastly, the extracted oil is filtered to remove debris and impurities.

Different Kinds of Olive Oil:

As you may have noticed, different kinds of brands of olive oil have different tastes. This is because the flavor depends on the region where the olives were harvested, the exact extraction process, and the kind of olives used.

Different kinds of olive oil also have different purposes. That being said, there are a few different kinds of oil being sold.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

This is the oil most often used by chefs as it is the highest quality and grade of olive oil. EVOO is extracted through purely mechanical processes, instead of chemical ones. This makes the oil purer and gives it a stronger, ‘rawer’ flavor.

It also has no more than 0.8% free acidity. All this means that EVOO has a superior taste and a beautifully complex flavor that makes it great for salads, marinades, dressings, and even as a drizzle over things like hummus and other dips.

However, different brands of extra virgin olive oil can have different flavors, colors, and quality. There are also lots of counterfeit EVOO that sell inferior oils at a very high price.

Virgin Olive Oil:

What makes this kind of oil different from EVOO? For starters, it has a 1.5% free acidity. This makes it a slightly lower-grade oil in terms of flavor and quality. However, it is still a great option for cooking and works well for sauteing and pan roasting.

Refined Olive Oil:

This is generally sold as just olive oil in most stores. It is made by refining the virgin olive oil, which removes much of the complex flavors. Because it is quite bland, it is mixed with other oils for cooking. It is also used for skin and hair care as it doesn’t have a potent smell.

Can I Freeze Olive Oil?

can you freeze olive oil
can you freeze olive oil

All this leads us to the core of the matter. Does olive oil spoil? Does olive oil expire? If it does, how can one preserve their oil to make it last longer?

Well, anyone who’s lost a bottle of olive oil in the back of their pantry will recognize the rancid smell of oil that has gone bad. Extra virgin olive generally lasts 12-18 months, while other oils have a longer shelf life (18-24 months).

Storing olive oil in refrigerators may seem like a good option, but this only works for regular refined or cold-pressed olive oil. In this case, simply put your bottle of oil in the fridge. The oil will solidify after a few hours.

But if you have extra virgin or virgin olive oil, this will cause a loss of flavor. Instead, you can freeze your olive oil. Frozen olive oil can be safely thawed and used in cooking.

Does olive oil freeze well? Yes, and there is no significant change in flavor or texture after EVOO is frozen and thawed.

The best way to freeze olive oil is to pour it into plastic jars or containers, securing them tightly with a lid, and putting them in a freezer. Leave half an inch of space in the jar to reduce the chances of freezer burn.

However, this has one issue. You will need to thaw the entire jar of oil to use just a little bit and then freeze the oil again. Does olive oil go bad after repeated thawing and freezing? Not really, but it will affect the general quality of the oil.

A better option would be to fill up a small silicone ice cube tray with olive oil and freeze them until solid. Then, transfer the oil cubes to a large freezer bag and seal the bag, pushing out all the air that you can. Next, place this bag into another freezer bag and seal it up for extra security.

This will let you pop out a couple of cubes of frozen oil as needed instead of thawing everything from scratch. It also lets you store even more oil than you would with just a bottle.

But here’s a better idea. Want your cooking to be even more flavorful? Infuse your oil with herbs and whole spices beforehand. 

  • To do so, start with a cold pan. Add the herbs of your choice. You can use a mix of dried oregano, rosemary, and thyme in Italian cooking.
  • For Asian cooking, you can work with whole black peppercorns, bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and even Indian five-spice. You can even use a knob of ginger, diced garlic, or shallots.
  • Add your olive oil and heat in on low, stirring frequently. Wait for the oil herbs and spices to infuse the oil, heating gently until you can smell the aromatics. Make sure nothing burns. Once fragrant, remove from heat.
  • Strain the oil into a large bowl. After it cools down to room temperature, fill the silicone tray with the oil and repeat the steps mentioned above. You will now have a supply of herby, spicy fragrant oil that will take your cooking to the next level.

You can even do this with regular cooking oil too! Does cooking oil freeze? Yes, and it acts similarly to olive oil once frozen.

Still Got Questions?

Here you will find answers to questions people have about freezing olive oil.

01. How Long Can I Store Olive Oil That is Unopened?

Unopened olive oil lasts for about 2 years without any change in flavor. Check your bottle for the ‘harvest’ or ‘bottling’ date and do the math from there.

02. How Can I Know If My Olive Oil Has Gone Bad?

Rancid olive oil will have a distinct smell and taste. Most people describe the oil to have a sweetish, rotten smell when it goes bad. For many, it smells like crayons or Elmer’s glue.

03. How Do I Thaw Frozen Olive Oil?

You can wait for the oil to melt on your counter. However, the better way is to add the cubes of oil to your pan and melt it over low heat.

Summing Up

Hopefully, this write-up answers the question, ‘Can you freeze olive oil?’ Once you know how to store lots of olive oil in bulk, you won’t have to panic and buy overpriced gourmet oils when you suddenly run out.

Instead, you can use your olive oil for a variety of dishes. You can use infused oils for pasta, sauces, curries, and other savory dishes. Light oils work splendidly for baked goods and desserts. Best of all, you will always have olive oil when you need some.

Can You Freeze Scrambled Eggs? (Yes, and Here’s How to Do It Right!)

There’s a funny thing about eggs. I never seem to have enough when I really need them. And at other times, the pantry is overflowing with eggs!

This led me to ask myself: can you freeze scrambled eggs? With a little bit of Googling and lots of experimenting, I cracked the code to freezing scrambled eggs and they turned out perfect. But that’s not all! I also learned how to freeze all kinds of eggs with great results.

Whether you want to meal prep and freeze cooked eggs or keep your raw eggs fresh for longer, this article will show you how it’s done.

Why You Should Freeze Eggs

freeze cooked eggs
freeze cooked eggs

So why do people freeze cooked eggs? And what brings the need for freezing uncooked eggs?

Saving Space:

Eggs take up a lot of room in the fridge, especially if you have a small one. On the other hand, frozen eggs use up little space, leaving you with more room in the freezer.

Demand and Supply:

Freezing eggs, especially raw ones ensure you always have a supply of eggs. Have unexpected breakfast guests? You can thaw some eggs and whip up a quick dish.

Want to make custard tarts or flan at 2 in the morning? Freeze egg yolks in advance and you’re good to go.

Cost Efficiency:

Freezing eggs is a great way to make the most of mega sales and stock up on eggs. It also means you won’t have to throw out eggs if you’re worried about them expiring. In short, freezing eggs is a good way to save money, especially if you’re on a budget.

Time Saver:

If you hate making breakfast, freezing scrambled eggs and casseroles is a great way to save time during the morning rush. Can you meal-prep eggs?

All you need to do is take put the frozen eggs in the fridge to thaw the night before. Reheating will take less than 5 minutes!

Freezing Eggs: An All-in-One Guide

can you freeze scrambled eggs
can you freeze scrambled eggs e1624195055417

This section will look at whether you can freeze different versions of cooked and uncooked eggs. You will also learn how to freeze eggs, as well as the best way to thaw and reheat them.

Can You Freeze Raw Scrambled Eggs?

Freezing raw scrambled eggs may be the easiest way to freeze eggs. The best way to do so is to crack your eggs into a bowl and add salt or sugar to them. This will prevent the gelatinous yolks from thickening as they freeze.

If you want to freeze eggs for savory dishes, add 1/8 teaspoon per egg, or a whole teaspoon per cup of eggs. If you want to use the eggs to make cakes, pancakes, or other desserts, use the same amount of sugar.

Pour the beaten eggs into a muffin tin, cover with foil or plastic wrap and freeze. Once they solidify, take them out and place them into a large container or freezer bag. Push out all the air you can if using a bag, as this can lead to freezer burn.

Label the box or bag with the date. How long do scrambled eggs last in the freezer? When stored this way, they are safe to eat for a year, although they taste the best within six months. To thaw, refrigerate overnight or on the counter for a few hours and use as usual.

Can Scrambled Eggs Be Frozen Once Cooked?

You can also freeze scrambled eggs after they have been cooked. This is a good way to meal prep for the week and saves time during breakfast. Scrambled eggs freeze well, and taste amazing once reheated.

They also save money in the long run and last much longer than the fridge. How long do scrambled eggs last in the fridge? They are supposed to be consumed within 4-5 days. Meanwhile, frozen scrambled eggs last a whole year.

Cook your scrambled eggs, and leave them a little runny, so the eggs don’t overcook when warmed. Let them cool, and then freeze in individual portions in freezer-safe bags.

Thaw them overnight in the fridge and reheat them on low heat on the stovetop. Reheating scrambled eggs can also be done quickly with a microwave.

Can You Freeze Hard Boiled Eggs?

Hard-boiled eggs become soggy and watery once frozen because the water in the whites separates. Because of this, it is best not to freeze hard-boiled eggs. Can hard-boiled eggs be frozen at all then?

Hard-boiled yolks freeze pretty well, so you can separate the yolks from the whites and freeze them instead. Do boiled eggs go bad in the freezer? While they taste off and feel weird, frozen hard-boiled eggs are still safe to eat.

How long can you keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator? They are good for up to a week in the fridge, so it is best to use them up within this time frame.

Can You Freeze Cooked Eggs?

How long are cooked eggs good for? Omelets and cooked eggs go bad after just a few days in the fridge. Freezing is a better long-term storage solution.

You can quite easily freeze cooked eggs like omelets, quiches, and fried eggs and thaw them later without much change in taste or texture.

Can you freeze a frittata?

Yes, of course! When freezing cooked eggs, wait for them to cool, and cut them into individual portions if needed.

Then, wrap the portions in clingfilm so that they are airtight. After this, pack them into a freezer bag and put them in the freezer.

They will stay fresh for around 3 months. Thaw them overnight and reheat them in a microwave or stovetop.

Can You Freeze Egg Salad?

Egg salad has delicate ingredients like mayonnaise that go bad quickly. You can store it in airtight containers in the fridge for up to 5 days or the freezer for 3 months. However, the texture will change, making the salad more watery and less creamy.

Can You Freeze Raw Whole Eggs?

Can you freeze eggs in the shell? The water content in raw egg whites can cause the eggshell to crack, making the eggs unsafe to eat. If you want frozen eggs safe to eat, you need to do things differently.

Here’s how to freeze raw eggs the right way: crack your eggs into a lightly greased muffin tin. Once frozen, unmold them and place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, and put them back in the freezer. They will be good for a year.

You can thaw them on the counter by placing the container or bag in a bowl of room temperature water. Also, you can leave the bag overnight in the fridge. Once thawed, you can use them as you would use fresh eggs.

Can you freeze liquid egg whites? Yes, you can separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites, and freeze them. They make for great souffle, egg-white omelets, and cheesecakes!

Can You Freeze Egg Beaters?

You can freeze Egg Beaters by freezing them in their original container. You can also freeze them in large ice cube trays to freeze them in individual serving sizes. The best way to defrost them is in the fridge overnight, and then you can use them in cooking and baking.

Still Have Questions?

Below you will find answers to questions people have about storing and freezing eggs.

01. Why Do Eggs Freeze in the Refrigerator?

Eggs freeze in the fridge because they get too cold. This happens when the eggs are placed near the fan or too close to the freezer. To prevent this from happening, place your eggs in a tray on the fridge door.

02. How to Keep Eggs from Turning Green?

Eggs go green when overcooked. This can be prevented by cooking your eggs for the right amount of time, especially when cooking hard-boiled eggs.

03. How Long are Scrambled Eggs Good for in the Fridge?

You can safely eat scrambled eggs for 4-5 days when stored in the refrigerator.

04. What Happens if Eggs Freeze?

When raw eggs freeze, the liquid in the whites expands, causing the shells to crack. This can lead to cross-contamination and change the texture of the eggs.

05. If Eggs Freeze, are They Still Good?

Frozen eggs are safe to eat and remain for up to a year in the freezer.

So the Point is…

Eggs are one of the best foods to freeze, raw or cooked. This article goes beyond answering the question, ‘Can you freeze scrambled eggs?’ You’ve learned how to freeze all sorts of eggs, and how to thaw and use them afterward.

So at the next sale, stock up on all the eggs you want. There won’t be any waste in your house anymore.

Can You Freeze Corned Beef? (And Much More!)

Each year, as Saint Patrick’s Day rolls around, cooking channels and social media are flooded with recipes and pictures of corned beef dishes. Chances are, you buy some during this time, make a few sandwiches, and you’re stuck with a pound of corned beef you don’t want anymore.

Instead of pretending your corned beef doesn’t exist, why not try for a long-term solution. Can you freeze corned beef? Well, in this article, you will learn all about freezing corned beef. But that’s not all. I’m going to unravel the mysteries surrounding corned beef and even go into other things you cook with it!

Corned Beef: The Stuff No One Tells You

freezing corned beef
freezing corned beef

Corned beef has always been shrouded in a bit of ambiguity. Most people rarely eat corned beef, and so they don’t know much about it.

What is corn beef? What meat is corned beef? How long does corned beef last?

For starters, as the name suggests, it is made from beef. More specifically, corned beef is made from a tough cut of beef, like brisket. The brisket is salt-cured, sometimes in a brine solution in a long process, not unlike pickling.

The only difference between corned beef brisket vs regular brisket is that regular brisket is raw and unprepared, while corned beef is cured.

After the meat is cured, the brisket becomes soft and tender, so it is easy to slice or cut. What does corned beef taste like?

Corned beef has a rich, savory, umami flavor, with added saltiness from the brining. This flavorful taste makes it great for many different recipes.

Corned beef in Jewish preparations is often used as a sandwich filling. On the other hand, it is cut into long slices and consumed with cabbage for a more traditional Irish meal. However, there are other ways to cook corned beef.

But what about health concerns? Is corned beef bad for you? People are often wary about cured meats because of the high salt content and nitrates used in the process. While opinions about this vary, you can try using uncured versions of corned beef if you are concerned about this.

Now, let’s talk shelf life. How long is corned beef good for?

Uncooked corned beef can last for 5-7 days in the fridge when wrapped and stored correctly. Cooked corned beef is edible for 3-4 days in the fridge when kept in an airtight container.

But for long-term storage, freeze corned beef is your best bet.

Freeze Corned Beef

can you freeze corned beef
can you freeze corned beef

If your leftover corned beef is nearing its expiry date, you can freeze it to prolong its life. Can you freeze cooked corned beef? Yes, you can cook and prepare corned beef in advance, freeze it, and then use it when needed.

Here is how to tell if leftover corned beef is bad. As soon as you think your beef smells ‘off’, it is time to discard it. You may also notice areas of discoloration, as well as a general sliminess to the corned beef.

If this happens, throw out your meat instantly; don’t risk tasting it first. The idea is to freeze the corned beef before it gets to this stage. Uncooked corned beef will last up to 8 months in the freezer, while the cooked beef can be eaten within 6 months.

Freezing an Entire Block of Uncooked Corned Beef brisket:

To freeze a large uncooked chunk of corned beef, start by draining the excess liquid from the beef. The salt in the meat can draw out moisture, and moisture is the key enemy when preserving food. You can leave the meat on a colander over a bowl for an hour or so, and then pat dry with paper towels to get it dry.

💡Tips: A corned beef brisket (or piece of corned beef) should be wrapped in a double layer of plastic wrap, ensuring that no piece of the meat is exposed to the air. 

Then, wrap the block of corned beef in two layers of cling film or plastic wrap. You need to ensure that there are no exposed parts, as this can cause freezer burn.

Lastly, put the wrapped corned beef in a heavy-duty freezer bag. Push out as much air as you can, then seal and label with the date. Place the freezer bag in the coldest area of your freezer.

Freezing Slices of Uncooked Corned Beef:

Slicing corned beef in advance can save you some prep, especially if you just use it for sandwiches. This also makes defrosting easier.

After cooking a whole corned beef cut it into several smaller pieces for faster cooling or slice it. Wrap each slice of beef with cling film twice. Then, pack the slices into an airtight container or freezer bag. Label with the date and then put it in the freezer.

Freezing Cooked Corned Beef:

Freezing cooked corned beef is a little harder because the added ingredients can affect the meat’s flavor and shelf life. If you really want to prolong the shelf life of cooked corned beef, you should use a vacuum sealer.

Place your leftover corned beef in a heavy-duty, freezer-safe plastic bag and vacuum seal it. Label with the storage date then put in the freezer. If you don’t have a vacuum sealer, follow the instructions mentioned above for uncooked corned beef.

If you don’t vacuum seal cooked corned beef before freezing, your meat may change in flavor and texture when thawed and reheated.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Corned Beef

how long is corned beef good for
how long is corned beef good for

People who dislike corned beef often do so because they don’t know how to cook it right. Can you overcook corned beef? Overcooked beef tends to become rubbery and flavorless, and this can happen to cured meats as well.

On the other hand, undercooked corn beef is safe to eat as long as it reaches 145F/63C, but the meat won’t be fork tender. If you want to know how to tell when corned beef is done, cook until it is just over 145F with 3 minutes of resting time. The meat should take on a brown-grey color.

If this is the internal temp of corned beef, you can go ahead and use it in your dishes. There is no consensus as to what temperature corned beef should be for it to be cooked to perfection, so you should cook it to your preference.

How to Reheat Corned Beef:

The best way to thaw corned beef is to keep it in the fridge overnight. For faster thawing, place the plastic-wrapped meat in a bowl of cool water and let it thaw on the counter. Defrosting trays also speed up the thawing process.

After defrosting, the uncooked corned beef can be cooked or added to other dishes. Meanwhile, if you are dealing with frozen cooked corned beef, you can add it to the dish during cooking, as no defrosting or reheating is needed.

Using Up Leftover Corned Beef:

There are many ways of preparing corned beef, so you can use your creativity when cooking.

Here’s the best way on how to buy corned beef: get ready-to-cook corned beef in a vacuum-sealed pack in the meat section of a grocery store. You can also check farmer’s markets for freshly made versions, or use canned corned beef.

You can use corned beef in omelets, as a pizza topping, in soups and stews, and even as a filling in wraps and tacos. Because corned beef cooked temperature is more forgiving, you can add it to the very end of the cooking process.

Even if you aren’t celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, you can try making traditional corned beef and cabbage. Together with roasted potatoes and soda bread, it makes for a simple, yet hearty dish. Best of all, you can prep and freeze all the ingredients in advance.

Can you freeze cooked cabbage? Does cooked cabbage freeze well? The answer is yes, just place them into airtight freezer bags first. Microwave to reheat and you are good to go. In case you are wondering: Can you freeze uncooked cabbage, blanching it first is a better option.

Further Questions

If you still have queries about freezing corned beef, you’ll find answers here!

01. Why is Corned Beef Called Corned Beef?

Corned beef uses chunks of salt which resemble corn kernels. This is where the name corned beef was coined and this was done during the 17th century.

02. How Long is Cooked Beef Good in the Fridge?

Cooked beef can be safely stored in the fridge for 4-5 days when covered and kept in an airtight container.

03. Where to Buy Fresh Corned Beef?

Fresh corned beef can be found in most chain grocery stores, farmer’s markets, and even gourmet meat shops.

04. What Temperature is Corned Beef Done?

Corned beef is ready to eat as soon as it reaches a temperature of 145F.


By now, you know if you can freeze corned beef or not. With that knowledge in mind, you won’t have to force yourself to eat corned beef sandwiches each year for weeks after Saint Paddy’s Day. Instead, freeze your meat, and use it in a myriad of dishes throughout the year!

Can You Freeze Nacho Cheese? (And How You Can Do It Right)

Did someone say nachos? Nachos are a favorite snack and appetizer. They are perfect for parties, dinner dates, watch parties and games, or even when you’re alone and hungry at 3 in the morning.

But ultimately, nachos are just a way to deliver things like guac and salsa into your mouth. And for me, they are simply a vehicle for lots and lots of cheese. The trouble is large containers of nacho cheese are difficult to use up in one go, but can you freeze nacho cheese?

The good news is that you can absolutely freeze nacho cheese. The downside? There might be a slight change inconsistency. But when frozen and thawed right, you won’t notice any difference in the texture of flavor nacho cheese.

What is Nacho Cheese?

What is Nacho Cheese
What is Nacho Cheese

Before we get started on this cheese-related saga, let’s get one thing clear. Liquid nacho cheese isn’t a separate kind of cheese.

Instead, it is a sauce made from cheese. In fact, there isn’t a proper definition for nacho cheese. It is most often sold in cans or jars, but you can easily make it from scratch as well.

That being said, nacho cheese sauce is simply delightful, with a lusciously rich creamy texture, perfect for dipping chips, or as a topping for nachos. The canned version is also readily available in most grocery stores.

Where to buy nacho cheese sauce? You will be able to find it online like GFS nacho cheese, as well as stores like Costco, Target, and Walmart.

On top of that, a big can of nacho cheese can last forever, which makes dealing with leftovers rather tricky.

How long does cheese sauce last in the fridge when stored correctly? Store-bought nacho cheese has preservatives that keep it fresh in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Is nacho cheese pasteurized? In a way, yes, as it is made from pasteurized cheeses like cheddar or American cheese.

However, the homemade nacho cheese sauce can only hold up for 3-4 days when refrigerated. How long is cheese dip good for outside the fridge? I honestly don’t think you can safely eat nacho cheese dip left on the counter for over a day.

So can you freeze nacho cheese sauce? Storing cheese in the freezer is a good option to extend the life of your nacho cheese.

Freezing Your Nacho Cheese

can you freeze nacho cheese
freeze nacho cheese

When freezing nacho cheese, you first have to make sure of two things. Firstly, don’t freeze cheese sauce with broken bits of nacho chips, or pieces of salsa and guacamole. This can alter the quality of your cheese dip.

You should also avoid freezing hot or warm nacho cheese sauce. Instead, make sure it is at room temperature before freezing.

Whether you want to freeze store-bought or homemade nacho cheese sauce, the best way to do it is to spoon the cheese into individual freezer bags, preferably smaller ones. This will make it easier to thaw the exact amount you need.

Just fill the bags completely and then seal, pushing out any air to avoid freezer burn. Then, pack the bags of cheese into another container or larger freezer bag for an added layer of protection.

Nacho cheese can keep in the freezer for nearly 6 months when kept at a steady 0-degree temperature. Storing them in individual serving bags is also a good idea, as you won’t have to thaw a big bag, and then refreeze after use. This also keeps the consistency and taste the same.

To thaw the frozen cheese sauce, place the freezer bag in the fridge and allow it to defrost overnight. During the thawing process, the milk fats can clump together, turning the cheese sauce into a watery and congealed mess.

To fix this, use a whisk to incorporate the separated ingredients together. To reheat, pour the sauce into a microwave-safe bowl and blitz until warm and melty. You can also simmer the nacho cheese over low heat on the stovetop before serving.

Making Nacho Cheese Sauce at Home

If you don’t like the weird ingredients in canned nacho cheese, you can easily make some from scratch. Knowing how to make your own nacho cheese can even save you a trip to the supermarket!

There are lots of easy nacho cheese sauce recipes online, and if you don’t want to look, I’ve included one here as well.

This homemade nacho sauce will be ready in under 15 minutes and works best when served in a hot pot or fondue dish. It also reheats very well. And it’s way better than the best store-bought nacho cheese!

Ingredients Needed:

  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of AP flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup full-fat whole milk
  • 8 ounces of grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne or chili powder
  • Hot sauce (optional)


  1. Start by making a roux. Over medium heat, melt your butter in a saucepan and add the flour.
  2. Whisk the flour into the butter until it forms a blond paste. It should bubble around the edges, and the raw smell of flour should be replaced with a slightly nutty aroma.
  3. Add the salt and the cayenne/chili powder.
  4. Whisk in the milk right after seasoning the roux. When the milk is fully incorporated, increase the heat to high, and bring to a boil, whisking the whole time.
  5. Lower the heat and let the sauce simmer until it thickens a little. Don’t stop whisking, as this can lead to the milk scorching.
  6. Once thickened, take the pot off the stove and add in your shredded cheddar. Gently stir in the cheese and let it melt and further thicken the sauce.
  7. When you are pleased with the texture, add a dash of hot sauce if you want a spicier nacho cheese. When the cheese is completely melted, and the sauce is smooth, it is ready to serve. Your DIY nacho cheese is done!

However, canned or jarred nacho cheese has its uses as well. Besides using it as a dipping sauce for chips or breadsticks, recipes using canned nacho cheese sauce include enchiladas, cheesy taco casserole, Tex-Mex pizza, an alfredo sauce thickener, and even queso.

Can you Freeze Nacho Cheese Sauce?

You can freeze nacho cheese sauce. Nachos will become more diluted but it’s easy to bring back normal with these tips!

Make sure you thaw out nacho cheese sauce before using. You may have to heat it up a bit in order for the consistency of your dish or meal be restored, but this is typically an easy fix!

Can you Freeze Cheese Dip?

Yes! If you’re making your own cheese dip and want to freeze some of it, make sure that the sauce has been cooled before freezing. Once frozen solid (and Hemisphere), all preparation work needs do is defrosting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to questions people have about freezing nacho cheese.

01. Can I Freeze Nacho Cheese in Its Tin?

Freezing things in cans isn’t safe, so you should remove the cheese and put them in airtight plastic containers or freezer bags before freezing.

02. Does Nacho Cheese Freeze Properly?

Nacho cheese doesn’t freeze as well as firm and semi-firm cheeses, but you can freeze it pretty well, especially when stored correctly.

03. Can I Leave Nacho Cheese Out for a Day?

It is best not to leave nacho cheese out for more than a few hours.

04. Can I Use Nacho Cheese in Grilled Cheese Sandwiches?

Using nacho cheese in your sandwich can make it soggy, but you can dunk your grilled cheese into a bowl of nacho cheese for a next-level cheesy experience.

To Pack Up

Buying bulk nacho cheese can be a lifesaver, especially when you are planning a big party or event. Now that you can answer the question can freeze nacho cheese, you will know just how to freeze and store it in advance.

Thawing it will be easy as a dream whether you are throwing a party or indulging in a mid-morning nacho cheese craving!

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The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice

This document provides a comprehensive Gotham Steel review to help you choose between buying Gotham Steel cookware and bakeware and what to expect.

The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice
The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice

Having moved to a new city and new life just eight months back, I was in dire need of decent pots and pans.

While I was flipping through channels late one night, my eyes landed on the Gotham Steel commercial that promised non-stick, non-scratch, and easy-cleaning cookware and bakeware. 

It’s like they were almost damage-free, last-forever types of cookware made from Ti-Cerama – a combination of ceramic and titanium. 

And the promise of no-oil cooking sounded awesome and I just had to order them. 

Seven months on, it’s time I share my Gotham Steel review with you so that you know what to expect before you buy them.

About Gotham Steel

Some people like me are interested to know where products and brands come from. 

So I thought I’d give you a glimpse into the background of the Gotham Steel brand.

The Emson company, known for its As Seen on TV items, which they started marketing in the early 1980s, owns the Gotham Steel brand.

Emson imports products and sells them on the American market rather than producing its own goods. 

Emson sells Chinese-made Gotham Steel cookware, bakeware, knives, and electronics in the US. 

They are most famous for their nonstick ceramic cookware line of products.

GraniteStone is one of the popular brand names sold by Emson. 

This explains why GraniteStone and Gotham Steel’s marketing communications are identical. Both promise to add an omelet pan as a complementary gift although this offer seems to have been discontinued and some customers claimed that they didn’t get this gift as promised when they purchased a product from Gotham Steel’s online store.

A few chefs in the industry, Daniel Green being the most well-known, support Gotham Steel. 

In their late-night infomercials, he serves as the star chef and showcases the effectiveness of the cookware. 

He is a cookbook author, celebrity TV chef, and host of food shows.

Gotham Steel Product Line

Before we move on to Gotham Steel cookware reviews, let’s look at the Gotham Steel product line. 

I haven’t used all of them but I have been getting feedback from my friends and family and I’ve also looked up Gotham Steel pan reviews consumer reports on Amazon.

There are a few categories under each of which you can find various products of various sizes and purposes. 

There are even whole sets of products to suit both your cooking and baking needs. 

Buying from them would guarantee that all of your kitchen utensils match, giving your kitchen a finished appearance and consistent style.

Gotham Sets

This category includes:

  • Two 11-inch stainless steel fry pans
  • Two 12.5-inch stainless steel fry pans
  • 3- piece square set of shallow griddles
  • 5-piece cook set of one shallow pan, one 2-quart pot with lid, and one 11-inch fry pan with a lid
  • 5-piece fry set of one 8-inch fry pan, one 10.25-inch fry pan with a lid, and one 2-quart pot with a lid
  • 6-piece set of one 9.5-inch pan with lid, one 11-inch pan with lid, and one 12.5-inch pan with lid
  • 3-piece fry set of one 9.5-inch, one 11-inch, and one 12-inch Gotham Steel frying pan.
  • 3-piece set of one 11-inch pan, one 12.5-inch pan, and one 3-quart pot
  • 3-piece set of one 11-inch pan with lid, one 12.5-inch pan with lid, and one 3-quart pot with lid
  • 2-piece set of one 8.5-inch and one 9.5-inch fry pans
  • 7-piece set of one 9.5-inch fry pan with lid, one 11-inch frying pan with lid, one 3-quart pot with lid, and one double grill
  • 5-piece bake set with one cookie sheet, one round pan, one loaf pan, one square pan, and one 12-muffin pan
  • 5-piece square set with one 9.5-inch square shallow pan, one 9.5-inch square deep pan with lid, one steamer insert, and one fry basket
  • Super 7-set red consisting of one 9.5-inch fry pan, one 12.5-inch pan, one deep square basket, one fry basket, one steamer tray with lid, and one recipe book
  • 10-piece square set with one 1.5-quart saucepan with lid, one 2.5-quart saucepan with lid, one 9.5-inch deep square pan with lid, one 8-inch fry pan, one 10-inch fry pan with lid, and stainless steel steamer inserts
  • 11-piece set including square and round pans, steamer inserts, fry basket, knives, and recipe book
  • 20-piece cook set including frying pans, pots, and baking pans
  • 20-piece square set of frying pans, pots, steamer, baking pans, and spatulas

Pots And Pans

In this category, you can find

  • 9.5-inch square shallow pan
  • 11-inch square shallow pan
  • 12-inch square shallow pan
  • Gotham Steel XL 11-inch deep square pan
  • 9.5-inch and 11-inch fry pans
  • 10-inch stainless steel fry pan
  • 11.5-inch stainless steel fry pan
  • 10-inch and 11.5-inch stainless steel fry pans
  • 12-inch stainless steel fry pan
  • Set of two 5.5-inch egg pans
  • 9.5-inch pan
  • 11-inch pan with free lid
  • 12.5-inch pan with free lid
  • 9.5-inch lid
  • 3-piece set of one 11-inch pan, one 12.5-inch pan, and one 3-quart pot
  • 3-piece set with lids for one 11-inch pan, one 12.5-inch pan, and one 3-quart pot 
  • 9.5-inch fry pan with lid
  • Deep square pan with lid
  • 9.5-inch deep square pan with lid
  • 10.25-inch fry pan
  • 12.5-inch fry pan
  • 4-quart pasta pot
  • 5-quart pasta pot
  • 5-quart pot with lid


In this collection, you can find the following:

  • Gotham Steel Muffin Pan for a set of 12 muffins
  • Gotham Steel Cookie Sheet
  • Gotham Steel Pizza Pan
  • Brooklyn Brownie Pan
  • A set of two Gotham Steel Cookie Sheets
  • 9-inch round baking pan
  • 9-inch by 9-inch square baking pan
  • 9.5-inch by 5.5-inch by 2.8-inch Loaf pan
  • 5-piece bake set of a cookie sheet, round pan, loaf pan, square pan, and 12-muffin pan

On a side note, read our best muffin pan reviews if you’re ever stuck wondering which is the right one for you. 

Grills And Fryers

This is another category where you can get the below:

  • Fry basket
  • 3-piece fry pan set of one 9.5-inch, one 11-inch, and one 12-inch
  • Large crisper tray
  • Large Gotham Steel double grill
  • Extra large crisper tray
  • Two Gotham Steel double grills
  • Stove top grill
  • Set of two Gotham Steel stove top grills
  • Grill and bake mat
  • Deep square pan with lid
  • Crisper tray
  • Grill
  • Double grill
  • Smokeless grill
  • Large smokeless grill
  • Smokeless grill with griddle and Quadkabob skewer
  • Large smokeless grill with griddle 


The kitchenware category offers the following items:

  • Gotham Steel Pro Cut set of 10 knives with wooden block
  • 5-piece spatula set
  • Gotham Cookbook

What Promises Does Gotham Steel Offer?

I’ll list out all the things that Gotham Steel promises that make their pans and other cookware special so that we can look at each of them when we get to the Gotham Steel cookware review. 

  • Non-stick ceramic coating cookware where the food slides around and slides off without getting stuck at the bottom of the pan
  • Non-scratch frying pan
  • Easy clean-up with just a wipe
  • Long-lasting
  • Made from Ti-Cerama, a mix of ceramic and titanium that makes the pans stronger than steel
  • Impossible to damage
  • Metal utensils won’t damage Gotham Steel fry pans
  • No fat or oil needed
  • Eggs can be beaten right in the frying pan without leaving any scratches
  • Withstands temperatures of up to 500°F (260°FC) in the oven
  • Fish can be seared without fat or oil, retaining their natural flavors
  • Chicken, meat, and vegetables can be cooked in their own juice without oil
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • Scratch guard ring for even heat distribution and cooking
  • Easier, less time-consuming, and healthier cooking
  • Fire-proof for making flambees 
  • Extra large pan with a helper handle for easier handling
  • Retains better flavor than cast iron skillets
  • The last fry pan that you’ll ever buy
  • Cheese won’t stick
  • Stainless steel handle that doesn’t get hot
  • Free from PFOA and PTFE that can be harmful to health and the environment 

Wow, that’s a long list of promises from Gotham Steel cookware!

Before we get into Gotham pans reviews, let’s check out what are the factors we need to keep in mind before buying nonstick pans. 

Factors To Consider Before Buying Nonstick Pans: Buying Guide

Factors To Consider Before Buying Gotham Steel Pans
Factors To Consider Before Buying Gotham Steel Pans

There are several factors that you should consider before settling on any nonstick pan.

You need to keep in mind that there are some basic requirements you want from your ceramic nonstick cookware and some nice-to-have features. 

Therefore, look at both and make an informed buying decision after looking at the following factors:

Heating Ability

Thermal conductivity and heat retention are some of the most important heating properties of any cookware. 

While thermal conductivity means whether the heat is being distributed quickly and uniformly, heat retention is the ability of the pan to retain the heat. 

The pan’s thickness and the material of its base determine the heating ability of nonstick frying pans.

While aluminum is good at thermal conductivity, the quality of the aluminum determines its heat retention ability. 

If the aluminum is stamped, it means that it’s the thinnest and the cheapest type of aluminum and will not score high on heating ability. 

Cast or forged aluminum is more expensive, thicker, and thus has a better heating property. 

Quality And Durability

The materials with which the frying pan is made will decide its quality and how long it will last. 

Check what the handle is made of as well as the lid. 

If these are made of stainless steel, then they have the highest quality.

The weight of the nonstick pan will also tell you about its quality – heavier pans with thicker bottoms and sides are of better quality. 


The look of the nonstick cookware, the ergonomic, the depth, and the style of the handle will determine how user-friendly the design is.

The interior copper-colored finish and a wide range of colors for the exterior make the Gotham Steel a great choice for those who like bright and colorful cookware.

I had an aunt who always bought bright red cookware to make things cheerful in the kitchen. 

The way the handle fits in the hand and if the lid also covers the pot properly are important factors to check before you buy any nonstick cooking pans. 

In particular, the handle should not put pressure on your wrist and should be long and sturdy enough to enable you to handle the frying pan with ease. 

Look for stainless steel handles.

Some frying pans have a wide and flat cooking surface with shorter sides while others have long sides and smaller surfaces for cooking. 

Depending on what type of cooking you want to use the pan for, choose one wisely. 

If you sauté a batch of vegetables, then choose a frying pan that has a wider cooking surface. 

Otherwise, if frying eggs is what you want to buy them for, a narrower cooking surface with ceramic coating will do. 

Cooking in large amounts calls for a deeper pan while you can use a shallow pan for frying. 


The budget is a crucial aspect when you are choosing a nonstick frying pan. 

But remember that nonstick cookware doesn’t last for long and you will need to replace it after a year, despite how much money you spend on it. 

Do a cost-benefit analysis and find out if it’s value for money. 

Just divide the cost by the months you expect it to last and check the monthly cost versus how often you’re using it and for what type of cooking. 

Don’t settle for something that’s either too cheap or too expensive because it won’t be worth it.

The cheap ones will be thin and won’t be good at retaining heat.

Choose an aluminum one with medium thickness to last for a while. 

Expensive nonstick cookware won’t last long and you’ll get less value for money.

Type Of Nonstick Coating

Decide which type of nonstick coating you want to go for – PTFE or ceramic nonstick cookware. 

PTFE or its brand name Teflon has been the most common material used for nonstick coatings.

But the problem is that there have been a lot of issues relating to how safe PTFE or Teflon is, leading manufacturers to suppress the information about whether their cookware contains PTFE or not. 

For example, heating Teflon pans to 500°F (260°C) can release toxic fumes that are hazardous to health. 

On the other hand, ceramic nonstick cookware was introduced much later and proved to be a healthier and safer option to cook, even at a temperature of 500°F (260°C).

Made from sand and hardened through baking to give a non-stick surface, ceramic nonstick cookware, however, can’t compete with teflon pans in terms of non-stickiness. 

However, neither are as durable as cast iron or carbon steel skillets. 

Gotham Steel Pan Reviews

Like I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t used all the products but I have some close friends and family members who love cooking and shared some Gotham Steel frying pan reviews with me.

Let’s have a look.

Gotham Steel 9.5-Inch Frying Pan

The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice 2
713xtxnG mL. AC SX679

This is the most popular product in the nonstick cookware line and the one that’s featured in the infomercials. 

From making omelets to crepes and grilling vegetables and fish, it’s a great pan for different cooking types and is suitable for making daily meals.

And it’s the best size if you want to try out a Gotham Steel fry pan without breaking the bank. 

If you need a lid, you will have to buy a tempered glass lid separately although lids are included in some sets

When people ask are Gotham steel pans any good, well, the answer is that it’s mostly good. 

It’s safe to use for starters. 

With no PTFE or any harmful chemicals like cadmium or lead in the nonstick coating of this Gotham Steel cookware, you can have peace of mind. 

Neither does it contain Teflon (the generic name for which is PTFE), a substance used in teflon pans.

Teflon by itself is not harmful but if it contains particles of PFOA or perfluorooctanoic acid, then that’s concerning as this chemical can pose certain health risks to people. 

However, since 2015, it’s been banned to use PFOA in the manufacturing of teflon non stick pans. 

While the titanium-ceramic combination makes the 9.5-inch Gotham Steel fry pan strong, the copper interior gives it a neat, shiny look. 

The aluminum base of the pan is not suitable for induction cooking though. 

However, since the core is made of aluminum, the pan is lighter than steel or copper frying pans and this makes it a bonus point for me as I have wrist issues and I can’t handle heavy pots and pans.

But there’s a catch: the heat retention ability of the Gotham Steel pan is not great because it’s thin, resulting in cold and hot spots.

Having said that, you use high heat for good heat retention to sear fish or steaks and you don’t usually use nonstick cookware for that. 

There have been consumer reviews that claimed Gotham Steel frying pans warping because it’s too thin.

But the good part is that aluminum transfers heat to the food you are cooking so the scratch guard ring feature works as promised.

But if you add any cold food to the pan, then you shouldn’t move it around immediately as the pan needs to get the heat back up.

Moving it around before the proteins get cooked will result in bits of food sticking to the pan bottom. 

In my opinion, although the company claims that it’s a dishwasher-safe fry pan, I thought that the nonstick quality of the pan went down a bit after I put it in the dishwasher a few times. 

Inside the dishwasher, pots and pans knock against each other, and get exposed to harsh detergents, and water temperatures that go up and down. 

It’s better if you handle this pan more carefully and handwash it after every use to make it last longer. 

Plus, if you look at the infomercial, they keep showing how they clean the frying pan with a swipe of cloth, not in the dishwasher. 

The worst chore in the kitchen for me is washing up after cooking and eating. 

But with my Gotham Steel pan, I found it easier to clean up than other pans.

The long stainless steel handle can withstand heat better than plastic or aluminum ones so this is another plus on Gotham Steel frying pan. 

And it also doesn’t get discolored due to high heat or frequent use. 

But on the flip side, the handle is a bit thin and therefore not very durable. 

In a Gotham frying pan review, I’ve read that the stainless steel handle does get warm.

Maybe I cook over medium to low heat, so I didn’t face this problem.

This is probably the reason why I can’t vouch for the fact that this frying pan can withstand temperatures of up to 500°F (260°FC).

But the infomercial showing S’mores being baked by chef Daniel Green shows that the pan can be used for baking at high temps in the oven.

The company also claims that you can use metal spoons without getting any scratches on the cooking surface of the pan.

Well, those were all the good points. 

On the downside, you do get scratches if you use metal tools in the pan. 

And there have been multiple Gotham Steel cookware reviews that said that you get food stuck in the pan.

And I agree that you do need a thin film of oil to prevent sticking. 

Gotham Steel Review

All in all, I’d say that the Gotham Steel 9.5-inch fry pan is a good entry-level option if you are looking for something more affordable. 

You should avoid using metal spoons on the pan as they can scratch the surface, but you can use wooden or silicone spoons.

Try to handwash instead of putting the pan in the dishwasher.

But don’t fall for all the tall claims of exaggerated advertising. 

So, let’s get a roundup of the main pros and cons of the 9.5-inch Gotham Steel frying pan.


  • Made from a fusion of ceramic and titanium to make it strong and durable
  • Free from Teflon that other teflon pans use to make a nonstick coating on the cooking surface
  • Lightweight
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • Suitable for using metal utensils
  • Nonstick and non-scratch cooking surface
  • Aluminum base for even heating and cooking
  • Suitable for both oven and stovetop cooking
  • Easy to clean up


  • Not suitable for induction cooking
  • Not suitable for putting in the dishwasher regularly
  • Metal whisks, beaters, and utensils may lead to scratches
  • Sometimes food does get stuck on the pan bottom
  • The handle may get overheated

Gotham Steel Diamond Pan Reviews

The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice 3
71z8ZfQO4VL. AC SX679

Gotham cookware reviews won’t be complete if we talk about only the original Gotham Steel pan.

It’s important to discuss the Gotham Steel diamond reviews also so that you can decide which to choose. 

Let’s look at the features first as listed on the Amazon site

Size, Design, And Use

The 12-inch ultra-durable mineral and diamond triple-coated 100% PFOA-free skillet can be used for multiple purposes like making pancakes, searing meat, scrambling eggs, or sautéing vegetables. 

The sides slope gently and the wide cooking surface that’s flat makes the design a good one for turning vegetables or eggs easily. 

The ergonomic stainless-steel handle is made for right-handed and left-handed people and has a distinctive Y shape that allows heat to escape and keeps the handles cool to the touch.

Safe for induction cooking, cooking in the oven as well as the stovetop. 

Durable And Food-Safe

To provide the best food release, the nonstick frying surface is covered three times and strengthened with diamonds. 

No need for oil or butter results in healthy eating.

This frying pan is free of PFOA, PFOS, lead, and cadmium, making it a safe cooking option.

Thanks to the Gotham Steel coating, which is made of minerals and strengthened with diamonds, it’s tough enough to endure the usage of electric beaters as well as metal spoons, spatulas, and other kitchen tools.

Heating Ability

Made from aluminum, the Gotham Steel Diamond pan heats up quickly and evenly. 

You won’t find any hot or cold spots in the pan. 

Plus, it can withstand a high temperature of up to 500°F (260°FC).


Clean-up is easy as the nonstick coating promises no food residues stuck at the bottom of the pan. 

You can put it safely in the dishwasher to wash and clean it thoroughly. 

However, you can always learn how to clean burnt grease from the bottom of frying pans in case you don’t have a dishwasher.  

Now let’s review the product based on the experience of some of my friends and my research. 

The textured surface with diamonds did not perform differently than the original Gotham Steel Ti-Cerama coating surface. 

If anything, a smoother cooking surface is preferred to slide food off the pan easily. 

A bit of oil or butter is needed to make sure food doesn’t stick to the bottom. 

It’s not as non-sticky as claimed.

However, the textured surface partially protects the nonstick coating from scratches from metal utensils. 

A non stick coating gets spoiled by heat and that’s something you can’t avoid in any way. 

I’d still like to emphasize that you use wooden spoons or spatulas with this pan to extend the shelf life.

Another point is the price. 

There’s not much difference in price between the original Gotham Steel fry pan and the Diamond pan.

This indicates that there’s not much difference in quality either. 

As far as heating is concerned, it’s the same as the original fry pan because even though it has been upgraded for induction cooking, the thinness of the pan still has issues with heat retention.

Note: Due to their extreme lightness, some smaller pans may not function on induction cooktops. A specific amount of weight is necessary for induction cooktops to detect a pan.

The handle also heats up when using the frying pan on the stovetop on a high flame. 

With quality more or less at par with the original collection, you don’t get a higher value for money for this Gotham Steel Diamond pan. 

But, if you are thinking do Gotham Steel pans work, the answer is mixed. 

While some parts are not as indestructible as shown in the commercials and neither as non-sticky as they are made out to be, the rough diamond-infused surface does prevent scratches. 

But it’s strongly advised not to use metal utensils, electric beaters, and metal whisks to help the nonstick coating surface serve you better. 

Gotham Copper Pan Reviews

The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice 4
71CaeUKQs1L. AC SX679

Gotham Steel hammered copper collection is another popular line of cookware from this brand. 

Inspired by the chefs of Italian kitchens, this line of Gotham Steel cookware combines the beauty of hammered copper and non-stick functionality to produce unique cookware. 

Your kitchen will look beautiful and elegant with this Gotham Steel collection. 

You can buy a 15– or 20-piece set that includes both cooking pots and pans as well as bakeware. 

Or, you can invest in a 5-piece set of cookware only.

But if you want to try it out, it’s better that you get a 10-inch, 12-inch, or 14-inch frying pan with a lid with tempered glass instead of buying an entire set and not being satisfied with the performance. 

Features of the Gotham Steel Hammered Copper Pans are as follows:

  • Titanium ceramic nonstick coating reinforced with diamonds for easy food release
  • The body is made of aluminum, not copper
  • Encapsulated base to stop warping and for induction cooktops
  • Tempered glass lid with every skillet
  • Can withstand oven temperatures of up to 500°F (260°FC)
  • No oil or butter needed for healthier cooking
  • Easy to clean
  • Free from all toxic chemicals
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Compatible with metal whisks, beaters, and utensils
  • Scratch-resistant
  • Helper handle in skillets to make handling easier
  • Cool touch handle that gives a safe and firm grip
  • Wide flat bottom for comfortable stirring
  • Gently sloped sides for controlled pouring
  • 10-year warranty

Looks And Design

Aesthetically more pleasing than all the other collections from Gotham Steel cookware, the hammered copper cookware is definitely eye-catching

With 81% 5-star ratings on Amazon on its extra-large 14-inch skillet, this is also one of the few collections with ratings on the higher side. 

Unlike the original Gotham Steel pans, these are shaped better – more like a pan for sautéing. And since they are deeper, you can put inside a lot of food to cook. 

But one downside of the deeper pans from the Gotham Steel cookware is that browning food will take a longer time as evaporation won’t happen as fast as it does in a shallow pan. 

However, the slightly angled, not sloped sides make it difficult to slide out an omelet. 

Angled side of Gotham Steel hammered copper skillet
Curved side of Gotham Steel original skillet

Overall, the shape of this product line is good including that of the cool touch handles

A firm grip and better control are what you’ll get. 

The best part is that you don’t need to buy lids separately. 

The tempered glass lids come with the Gotham Steel hammered copper collection. 

But these lids catch the steam from soups and stews which pool around the rim, making it difficult to reach and clean properly. 

In this respect, stainless steel lids are much better. 


The lightweight pans are compatible with induction cooktops, regular stovetop cooking, as well as cooking in the oven. 

The aluminum body helps the pan heat up quickly, but remember that it’s a lightweight and thin pan.

Thus, there are issues with heat retention and you will find the temperature of the pan go down when you add cold food to it. 

So don’t be surprised by a few hot and cold spots. 

The hammered copper fry pans are better than the original Gotham Steel pans in terms of heat retention.

And if your hammered copper fry pan is a 9.5-inch one weighing only one and a half pounds (less than a kilo), it may not be suitable for induction cooking as the burner needs to register a pot or pan over a certain weight. 

Quality And Durability

The construction is of aluminum and despite being lightweight, my friend was pleasantly surprised that there was no warping

The rounded stainless steel handles give a better grip and your hand won’t turn around it when you’re holding a heavy skillet. 

It’s good for balancing well. 

This is surely one up over the flat handle in the original Gotham Steel cookware collection. 

The overall construction quality is not bad. 

But the pans feel very light because of their aluminum build and this raises some doubt about how long they will last.

We’re not referring to the nonstick coating durability though. 

All nonstick cookware doesn’t last for very long in any case. 

The lids with tempered glass may not be the preferred material but they are robust and durable. 

In between the glass and the rim part, steam from soup and other recipes get stuck and is hard to clean, leading to buildup that could be a hotbed for bacteria. 

The titanium ceramic nonstick from Gotham Steel cookware sounds durable, but it isn’t. 

However, if you want your nonstick ceramic coating pans to last as long as possible, avoid using metal utensils, wash them by hand, and always cook with a low- to medium-heat setting. 

The titanium reinforcement does offer some resistance to scratching. 

You might also think twice about putting the Gotham Steel cookware in an oven that is set higher than 300°F (150°C).

Value For Money

Does Gotham Steel work when it comes to value for money?

The 10-inch Gotham Steel hammered copper pan with a lid costs about $26 on Amazon. 

If we compare that with the price of the original Gotham Steel 10-inch fry pan at around $23, I’d say you get more bang for the buck from the hammered copper edition. 

After all, you need to consider the price of aesthetics too!

But seriously, this collection is better in shape, user-friendliness, and convenience than the original pan from the Gotham Steel cookware collection. 

The icing on the cake is that it comes with a sturdy lid.

Don’t hold the company against its 10-year warranty promise. 

Unless you have something defective right out of the box, that warranty won’t hold for much. 

Tips To Make Nonstick Pans Last Longer

1. Avoid using metal utensils; use silicone, wooden, or plastic ones instead.

2. Avoid cooking on high heat. 

3. Handwash instead of putting it in the dishwasher.

4. Add a thin film of butter or oil before cooking. 

The Best Gotham Steel Review To Help You Make The Right Choice 5
Tips To Make Nonstick Pans Last Longer

Gotham Steel Original Pan Performance Tests

To test how far the Gotham Steel claims are true, we carried out some tests using the original skillet.

So, when we tried to fry an egg without oil, one side of the egg got stuck to the pan’s bottom and we had to goad it out.

It did not slide off the pan as promised in the commercial.

But we had better luck with the cheese test.

We put some shredded Parmesan cheese right in the middle of the pan and waited a few minutes.

It was easy to slide around the cheese and flip it too.

It’s probably the grease from the cheese that lubricated the bottom of the pan and made it easier to slide around the cheese.

To test this further, we used one of the traditional nonstick pans to make a cheese crisp.

Surprise surprise!

It was difficult to move around the cheese and we had to use a spatula to loosen the sides and flip it.

This proves there is some truth in the non-stickiness of the Gotham Steel pans.

The last test we carried out was the baked S’mores test as shown by chef Daniel Green on the infomercial.

So, into the Gotham Steel fry pan, we added a layer of chocolate chips followed by a thick layer of sweet condensed milk.

Then we topped it up with marshmallows.

We put the pan into a preheated oven at 375°F (191°C) for about 25 minutes.

Then the time came for the acid test.

As we tipped the oven and waited for the S’mores bake to slide right off into a plate (as shown in the infomercial), the whole thing kind of melted and looked like a misshaped mish-mash.

The chocolate chips were firmly stuck to the bottom of the pan and needed much scraping and scrubbing to get them off.

So, Gotham Steel pans do work but not on all counts as claimed in their advertising.


Why Is Food Sticking To My Gotham Steel Pan?

Food might be sticking to your Gotham Steel pan if you have not applied a layer of oil or butter.
The nonstick property of Gotham Steel pans is not that good and if you have been cooking on high flame, food will get stuck on the bottom of the pan. 

Is Gotham Steel Made In China?

Yes, Gotham Steel is made in China. 

Does Gotham Steel Scratch?

If you use metal spoons and egg beaters, Gotham Steel can get scratched despite its advertising claims otherwise. 

Are Gotham Steel Pans Safe To Use?

Yes, Gotham Steel cookware is safe to use as they are free from PTFE, PFOA, cadmium, lead, or any other material that could be harmful to human health. 

Do Gotham Steel Pan Handles Get Hot?

Yes, Gotham Steel pan handles do get hot if you’re using very high heat to cook on.

How to Clean Calphalon Pans: Our Step-by-Step Guide for Hard-Anodized Pans!

If you have ever tried a Calphalon nonstick cooking pan then you know there is no going back. These pans are so premium and comfortable to use that they have become a chef’s favorite over the last few years. 

As their popularity grew with time, more people started to use it. The problem is, we don’t know how to clean them properly. With nonstick pans, the cleaning process needs to be very specific. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging the pan. 

In this article, we will explore how to clean  Calphalon pans or any hard-anodized pans for that matter. 

You will find all the best methods and tricks we love to use every day in our kitchen. But first, let’s figure out what Calphalon pans really are and what makes them different.

What is a Calphalon Pan?

What is a Calphalon Pan
What is a Calphalon Pan

In simple words, Calphalon pan belongs to the category of cookware that is specifically named for cookware owned by a larger company “Newell Rubbermaid”. 

It is famous for its non-stick surfaces, which are unique because they are made of anodized aluminum rather than Teflon, which is a much more common non-stick coating material. 

Calphalon cookware has grown in popularity, and the appeal of a nonstick frying pan is particularly appealing to those who enjoy frying.

You might hear many of this type of cookware being referred to as “hard-anodization” cookware. What “hard-anodization” means is the electrochemical process the company uses to harden the aluminum used to make this type of cookware. 

Calphalon’s aluminum becomes much tougher than ordinary aluminum thanks to the use of chemicals and electric pulses, allowing the material to be used for cooking. 

This process also makes the cookware’s surface more resistant to abrasion and corrosion. A piece of this cookware that has undergone the hard-anodization process could theoretically be one of the most robust pans you can purchase.

Regular Cleaning for Hard Anodized Calphalon Pans

how to clean calphalon pans
how to clean calphalon pans

High-performance and nonstick cookware, the Calphalon pan can be a blessing in the kitchen, but after the meal has been eaten and leftovers are dealt with, it still needs to be washed. 

Fortunately, Calphalon with its hard-anodized aluminum finish makes it a piece of cake to wipe clean even the most stubborn, stuck-on residue.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Hot water
  • Mild liquid dish soap and
  • A soft sponge
  • A soft-bristle dish brush


  • Rinse the Calphalon pan with warm water: Hold the pan under the water stream and splash water around in it. Try to remove as much stuck-on food as possible, before you start scrubbing. Coldwater may cause the pan to warp or weaken if the temperature of the cooking surface is rapidly lowered.
  • Wash the cooking surface of the pan by hand: Although some Calphalon cookware is technically safe for dishwashers, it is always preferable to wash non-stick surfaces by hand to preserve their tempered finish and luster. Hand cleaning will also allow you to spot clean the pan, giving it a more delicate treatment and increasing its durability.
  • Use gentle soaps and scrubbers: Keep in mind to use soaps that don’t contain harsh chemicals or astringent agents. A mild liquid detergent like Dawn or Palmolive would work best. Soaps like these do not cause scratches. You should scrub your Calphalon pans with a non-abrasive sponge or soft-bristled dish brush.
  • Rinse the clean pan thoroughly: After soaking and scrubbing your pan, be sure to wash away all the remains of food and soap. Otherwise, the remaining substances might dry on the cooking surface of the pan, creating an unhygienic film. Shake off the excess water and find a clean place to hang or layout the pan to start drying.
  • Allow the pan to air-dry completely: Wipe your pan dry with a clean and dry absorbent towel. You can also keep the pan upside down on a clean counter or table and leave it to air dry. Remember to keep your pan in an open, well-ventilated area while it dries to quicken the process. 

Follow these simple steps and your Calphalon pan will look brand new! 

Deep Cleaning for Burnt Calphalon Pans

clean burnt calphalon pans
clean burnt calphalon pans

If your pan is crusted and dried due to getting burnt, it might take longer to clean the Calphalon pan. Still, the process is as easy as it can be. Simple traditional tools readily available in your kitchen should do the trick.

Things You’ll Need:


Baking Soda Method:

  • Make a thin paste of baking soda and warm water.
  • Apply 2-3 layers of the paste on the Calphalon pan cooking surface.
  • Let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes up to 1 hour.
  • Scrub with a gentle-bristle dish brush.
  • Later, gently wash the pan off under the tap.

Pro Tip: If the stain is dense, let the formula be on for a maximum time and apply another layer from time to time.

White Vinegar Method:

  • Take equal proportions of white vinegar and water. Mix well.
  • Put this solution in the burnt Calphalon pan and put the pan on the stove on low flame until it starts boiling.
  • After 1-2 boiling waves, turn the flame off and let the solution rest in the pan for a couple more minutes.
  • Remove the solution and scrub the burnt residues gently with a soft-bristled brush.
  • Rinse well to clean the pan.

Salt and Lemon Method:

  • Take 2 teaspoons of salt and 1.5 teaspoons of lemon juice (increase the quantity if needed).
  • Apply the mixture to the area of burnt spots.
  • Let it be there for a maximum of 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Scrub with the soft-bristled brush without being too hard.
  • Rinse well.

Key Tips for Cleaning Calphalon Pans

  • Read the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and caring for the particular piece of cookware you have bought.
  • Protecting the temper of your nonstick cookware is key to extending its lifespan, so use gentle liquid soaps.
  • For an extra soft touch, a simple cotton washcloth will also get the job done well
  • Do not use steel wool, metallic brushes, and anything else likely to ruin the pan’s temper,
  • Don’t keep away the pan wet with the lids on them, as this could lead them to smell.
  • Store the Calphalon pan in a vertical dish rack to help it drain water while drying.
  • Avoid high flames while treating a burnt pan to keep it safe in the long run.

Care and Maintenance Tips for Hard Anodized Pans

care for calphalon nonstick cookware
care for calphalon nonstick cookware
  • Let the cooking surface cool down before washing.
  • Always use warm or hot water to clean your Calphalon cookware.
  • Whenever possible, use plastic utensils instead of metal ones to prevent scratches. Never attempt to cut ingredients while they’re inside the pan.
  • Polish pots and pans with a special cleanser. If your pan starts to look dull after repeated use, products like Bar Keepers Friend or Calphalon Cookware Cleanser can restore the temper to its original condition.

Frequently Asked Questions 

01. How Do You Get Stains Out of Calphalon Pans?

Calphalon pans are really sturdy and resistant so removing stains is not a big issue. If you happen to burn or stain the pan, using simple kitchen tricks like baking soda paste or vinegar solution can do the job.

Just take a tablespoon of baking soda and add a teaspoon of water to it. Create a paste and apply it all over the burnt, stained spots. Then leave the pan for 20 minutes. After that use a soft silicone scrubber and scrub the pan carefully. 

You will notice all the stains have come off and it looks new again. Wash the pan under warm water and it’s good to go!

02. Do Calphalon Pans Wear Out?

No, not unless you use abrasive methods and dishwashers to clean it. The harsh detergent and liquid soaps and extremely high temperatures in the dishwasher can damage the tempered hard-anodized layers and wear the non-stick surface down.

The life expectancy of Calphalon pans are very high. Some say they last forever. But just like any other nonstick pans, if you see the upper layer chipping or peeling off, stop using it to make sure you don’t get any toxicity from it. 

Calphalon however, provides a lifetime warranty for all its pots and pans. So if you don’t ruin them due to neglect. You should be able to get a replacement in case it starts to wear off. Pretty convenient, right?

03. What Can You Do With Old Calphalon Pans?

Recycling and reusing is often the best option for old Calphalon pans. Many users often go for redesigning and reusing their old pans into beautiful art pieces for the kitchen. But the recycling option is also an easy way out, as the manufacturer does it for you. 

If you buy new nonstick pots and pans from Calphalon, a cookware company with a wide range of products, you can return your old nonstick pots and pans in the same box as your new purchases.

Calphalon provides a free main-in recycling system where you can send your old pots and pans. They then make sure that the pots and pans are recycled to their abilities. We think it’s quite environmentally friendly as well.

04. When Should You Throw Away Calphalon Pans?

Even though Calphalon claims their hard-anodized pans will last you a lifetime, no non-stick pan can be used forever. Non-stick pans are metal pans with a nonstick layer on top. The non-stick layer is made using many different chemicals. 

When the tempered surface starts to chip away and appear warped, discolored, or scratched, stop using them. 

If you accidentally eat those chipped non-stick layers, it can cause you several health issues and even cancer in rare cases. So never use chipped nonstick pans. 

Usually, a high-quality non-stick pan like a Calphalon lasts around 5-6 years. Compare that to a standard non-stick pan which lasts around 10-12 months.

05. Are Calphalon Pans Worth the Money?

Calphalon was the first brand that introduced its customers to anodized aluminum cookware, which is popular because of the durability and strength of the products. 

There actually aren’t many durable nonstick cookware brands out there. Most of them last for around 2-3 years whereas a single Calphalon pan can easily surpass 5 years of regular usage. 

They feel and look premium and can retain a lot of temperatures while cooking. All these small details add up when you use a pan every single day. 

The tempering process, durability, and long lifespan are just some reasons why it is worth the money.

06. Is Calphalon Toxic?

No. All the items produced by Calphalon are non-toxic cookware, with PTFE in its surfaces. If maintained well, the pans are non-toxic throughout their usage.

To Sum It Up

As promised, the solutions to such a brilliant kitchen appliance is as easy as it can be. With simple kitchen tricks, soft touch, and care, a Calphalon pan can be your best friend in the kitchen, giving you services for years to come. 

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